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  • Angry Jack Straw

    Seems to be a recurring topic, given the time of year.

    Man that 12/31/81 was quite a show. Check out Garcia’s guitar work during the opening Shakedown on the youtube.

  • Oroborous
    Pigeons on a limb

    Gary, lol, imagining being electric and a dove landing next to me…of course with my luck it would have pooped on me, which in that state of being really would of strangled up my mind ; )

  • Charlie3
    Star Wars - Han Shot First!

    Still have my "May The Force Be With You" pin that they were handing out at the theater in Paramus, NJ on opening weekend. Opening weekend, no lines, a week later there were lines around the building when we went to see it again. Now if I could just track down the original trilogy on disc, the versions before they made all of the subsequent changes to subsequent versions released on VHS and disc. I think the originals were included as bonus content on a DVD release of the first trilogy, but I haven't tracked them down. Han shot first!

  • Sixtus_
    GFAR & That Undertaking

    I tip my hat to you, Sir, in your endeavor to consume all 9 of the Star Wars movies in a row. I'm curious if this means you're revisiting them from the past, or if this will be your cherry popping experience?

    This catches my eye as I once wrote a mock protocol/study in grad school that outlined the different potential ways to watch the movies (i.e. what order in which to view them) in an effort to try to determine the most robust viewing experience. This was prior to the newest trilogy and prior to Rouge One, but it was a fun exercise nonetheless as different viewing orders can either enhance or give away major plot spoilers. Regardless of your exposure, it's still a feat in dedication rooted in deep lore that is always an enjoyable ride for me at least.

    May The Force Be With You

  • Vguy72
    College football was never my thing....

    .... example #1 below. Even current NFL frustrates me. I miss the '80's in more way than one.

  • proudfoot


    "Championship 'game'"


  • Gary Farseer
    12/31/87 Off Topic

    As we just passed the 35th anniversary I wanted to post a couple of things.

    Mason Williams played a nice set between set 1 and 2, if memory serves. They had a small stage set-up on the side where he, and I think a cellist, played. His guitar was a little out of tune, but was nice and mello between sets. But also, there was a 15 minute rendition of "Beautiful River" or later called "Shall We Gather at the River" by Robert Lowry. This was performed by Ken Kesey on the main stage and it was wild. Then not on the dvd I think, as the countdown to New Years happened, the Dead had a quadrphonic sound blast of swirling music. At one point it went to Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" - "I saw a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac, and the voice inside my head said 'God damn well I declare, have you seen the like.'" And another opening by the Neville Brothers and also the Looters.

    Man wish they would put all of that out, especially Kesey and the 5 minute intro to New Years. And also the other songs performed by the boys and the Neville's together. "Do ya wanna dance", and "Day-O" etc. Was a fun night, although when they released the doves at the start of Uncle John's Band, it flipped me out when a dove came and landed right beside me, and my head was so big I freaked out a little. haha

  • Gary Farseer
    PF & OB

    PF: That is all I could think about when Glen Miller is mentioned.

    OB - Thanks for the kind words. Hope to write some more on stereo stuff this week. I am trying to watch all 9 Star Wars in the next few weeks. Watched "The Phantom Menace" and man does that sound fantastic. Just real depth across all frequencies. I did buy a db meter last year and as many commented, I am usually around 95db on most stuff. Someone posted last year that you "can play it loud as long as it is clean." there have been some supper clean Dead stuff that I creep into the 105-110db range, and one that peaked around 115 db. Know I have to be careful about that though.


  • proudfoot
    "Boy the way Glenn Miller played"

    (screechin' ahead)


  • daverock

    Dennis - you sound as though you have a great record collection. Your post reminded me of a collector who I saw a film about some years ago called Joe Bussard. He apparently collected thousands of 78's in his lifetime - all pre war jazz, country and blues from what I can remember. Hated rock n' roll.

    Coincidentally, I watched the first episode of The Ken Burns documentary called, "Jazz" last night, and I decided to seek out various artists as I go through it. Trouble is, the best way of collecting-the most economic anyway - is to get cds - and there is just so much of it out there. The best Jelly Roll Morton set seems to be a 5 cd box on JSP - that's a heck of a lot of Jelly Roll Morton! It apparently sounds better, and is less expensive the single cd sets. Less is more, as they say.

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In reply to by JimInMD


It's a good thing there is a new thread to comment on. I was not going to let that disrespect of the Second Set of Augusta slide. Tragedy narrowly averted.

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In reply to by JimInMD


The lights are supposed to be out in this room.

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In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I spent the last week and a half with my parents.. at one point I had to pull out a Garcia quote from, I think, Harpur College, 1970..

"Now, now kids, don't fight." It worked perfectly until one of them asked for their allowance.

Once they turn out lights and everybody leaves.. it's so much easier to fire up a fattie. Just saying.

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In reply to by JimInMD


Don’t make me come down there!

Once while home with pops before he went into assisted living…usually after I’d get him his dinner/meds etc, and he’d go to bed early. That was my time to make a fire in the basement family room, put on some dead, spark up, and finally be able let it all go and relax.
Well one day just as I’m getting ready to fire up, I hear this huge crash and then hear all this yelling and banging etc. Turns out he got up for some reason and the rug slipped out off the hardwood floor and he fell and split the top of his head open. Needless to say we called 911, which sucked, but would have been a whole lot worse if I’d just fired up and had tunes playing lol.
Besides making him wait in ER all night, he just needed a few stitches and he was fine. The upshot was that it lead him to decide to go to assisted living. He Being a safety consultant, I’d been trying to work the whole “it’s not safe being alone anymore” and “what if I hadn’t been here” angle on him. This unfortunate incident finally, literally, knocked some sense into him ; )

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12 years 11 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Reminds me of childhood vacations

The rents and four kids in an old station wagon on a cross country trip...

We never made it out of the neighborhood before somebody would fart, then immediately got punched in the arm.. Mayhem would always ensue and with either end with a parent reaching his/her arm to be back seat and smacking the crap out of someone or god forbid pull over. .... and that's how it would usually begin....

Let's not even get into the tunes... FM radio at it's finest.

I was around for the poorer part of family life and never went on vacations.

My younger brother and sister went every year. (at some point mom said they were going away every year no matter what!,,,, I was 16 and working so I didn't go.

Years later my sister was singing along to some of the Polish Prince (Bobby Vinton), and I was like how you know this shit. Turned out the old man made a 6 or so 8 track tapes with a recorder I bought him. On these road trips they would listen to those tapes over and over and over. Sorry NO FM radio!!!

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9 years 9 months

The smell of a freshly lit Parliament cigarette is good.
Not so much after the parents exhaled that first puff.
AM radio only in our cars then, and it was never on.
Same trip every year. Always on or near July 4. Virtually all fireworks were legal then, even M-80s. St. Louis to the Ozarks, then to Van Buren, MO where the other G-pa lived. Big Spring State Park was cool. And floating on the Current River (now part of the Mark Twain Nat'l. Riverway), very clear water and you could see to the bottom. Now all you can see is beer cans down there.

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8 years 9 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Ha,1stShow, I canoed the Current and the Buffalo several times ca. early '70s with my scout troop out of the Chicago suburbs. What gorgeous water. Like you say, so incredibly clear. For the record, you could see a whole lot of beer cans on the bottom back then! It's a strong memory. Like good scouts we were wondering if any them were full! And then all the cool caves, including one you could canoe into.
A blue Ford Country Squire wagon was the family vehicle in the late 60s into early 70s. Some raucous cross country trips with the siblings in the back of that beast.. No memory of the radio though.

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9 years 9 months

My cousin is renovating the farm. Can't be sold except to the N.S.R.
G-pa's Rexall store was right on the river in Van Buren. (pop. 723)
Bob the black lab sat in a rocker on the porch "counting cars".
The side of the family that had bootleggers. I'm so proud!

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