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  • Oroborous

    I think in many cases it’s not so much folks don’t like some songs as we’re burned out on some.
    Though I know there’s plenty of folks that have aversions to some.
    I like big Lovelights but have to really be in the mood. And like AJS, Lovelight in later years was at least not yet another Stones/NFA…so it had that going for it.
    Me & My Uncle is my biggest skipper mostly cause I played it in bands too much. The Vinnie songs are still tough, but not as bad as BITD where every song that wasn’t Dark Star etc was one less chance that night to hear it/them. Not up on all of Phil’s 90s stuff, but recall some being underwhelming?
    I get folks aversion to Row Jimmy and LLR. At first they might nudge the grumpy (like some of these picks) but once I get into them they often are fully enjoyed, though I agree about the 80s LLR are preferable to the earlier ones..
    But like DR said, often big difference live versus years later on tape etc…
    I love Victim and most of Bobs stuff up until some of the 90s stuff, though those have softened a bit probably as it’s something different then the same songs he played to death? I guess biggest complaint some could kinda plod on.
    But hey, what other band beyond description has some many songs to be picky about ; )

    Still reelin from that game Monday.,please keep Damar in your thoughts.
    Real curious how the leagues gonna handle the incomplete game?

    Let there be songs to Phil the air!

    EDIT: Pets, love em but Pedro don’t do poop, so between our unreliable schedule, the outrageous costs (I can’t even afford my own HI), and all the rest, at this stage of life I love em enough to know I can’t love properly.
    Perhaps someday if we ever get some land that’ll change…
    Luckily we have 2 beautiful crazy Husky pups next door so we can enjoy them without the responsibility lol

  • JimInMD
    Bribing your wife

    Everyone knows the best way to bribe your wife besides jewelry is with a cat or a dog, which means our good friend Proudfoot is how do we say it ...SOL.

    I'm on the road to less pets also for the same reasons. The ones I have were the result of relationships past and I was the only one to feed, clean up and $$$. Plus, they are gone and the pets remain.

    But they do provide lots of stress-relieving affection. I'm a softy.

    Jake Sherman does have a training wheels version of a Jerry Beard, more like a Jerry Beard in diapers. More Dead makes for a more better world.

  • stillwaters

    Did realize there were people who didn't like Grateful Dead songs. This is a new experience for me.
    Hmmm . . . .

  • proudfoot
    as much as I love my critters

    my mantra for the future is


    fuzzy loveable money pit$

    anchor$ to home

    NO MORE PETS for me.

    now I just have to convince my beloved

    wish me luck, y'all

  • 1stshow70878
    Cats Disrespecting

    Years ago we took a vacation and the "smart" cat peed on the computer, which luckily was covered with a vinyl cover BITD. She certainly let her feelings be known about being left alone. Never had that issue again or since with many other cats. Did clean the house thoroughly to get rid of the smells of the previous girl cat before getting our two new boys and no stray pees so far, knock on wooden head.
    The dog was always good indoors but she would get so excited about going somewhere in the truck bed that a poop was inevitable by the time we got anywhere. Had to carry poop bags in the truck as it was almost guaranteed even if she was pre-pooped. Could excite her easily with either, "Go to the park?" or "Squirrel!". Border Collies are way too smart for their own good.
    DaP 42 bonus disc (2-22-74) on deck. I get to crank it up today while the wife is at her craft group at the library. It's got that Slipknot jam in the PITB. Noice!
    Edit: Love Jake Sherman's reporting even more now that I know he's on the bus. Sen. Pat Leahy of VT still the highest ranking Deadhead in congressional history.

  • proudfoot
    I always liked Row Jimmy

    it could be a little slow at times, but whatevs



  • proudfoot
    wearing that MAGratefulAgain shirt

    hopefully he won't meet up with the loon Vguy met at the sooperdooper market

  • bluecrow
    and a belated

    Happy New Years to everyone! Here's to 2023 being a year with much happiness, health, and prosperity for all of you and your loved ones, including all the fuzzy, furry 4-leggeds out there. Prosperity for the doggies? Why an extra meatball treat on a regular basis. Let there be songs to fill the air.

  • bluecrow
    Make America Grateful (Again)

    At the Capital building this morning, a leading moderate Republican Congressman, David Joyce (OH-14), was seen entering McCarthy's office wearing a "make America grateful" shirt with a Stealie (per Jake Sherman, Punchbowl News). Pushing back against the demands of the clown show crazy caucus it would appear. Turns out Jake's a deadhead and really dug it.

  • Vguy72
    Simon & Garfunkel.... jove. You are correct sir! 🤯

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In reply to by JimInMD


It's a good thing there is a new thread to comment on. I was not going to let that disrespect of the Second Set of Augusta slide. Tragedy narrowly averted.

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


The lights are supposed to be out in this room.

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In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I spent the last week and a half with my parents.. at one point I had to pull out a Garcia quote from, I think, Harpur College, 1970..

"Now, now kids, don't fight." It worked perfectly until one of them asked for their allowance.

Once they turn out lights and everybody leaves.. it's so much easier to fire up a fattie. Just saying.

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In reply to by JimInMD


Don’t make me come down there!

Once while home with pops before he went into assisted living…usually after I’d get him his dinner/meds etc, and he’d go to bed early. That was my time to make a fire in the basement family room, put on some dead, spark up, and finally be able let it all go and relax.
Well one day just as I’m getting ready to fire up, I hear this huge crash and then hear all this yelling and banging etc. Turns out he got up for some reason and the rug slipped out off the hardwood floor and he fell and split the top of his head open. Needless to say we called 911, which sucked, but would have been a whole lot worse if I’d just fired up and had tunes playing lol.
Besides making him wait in ER all night, he just needed a few stitches and he was fine. The upshot was that it lead him to decide to go to assisted living. He Being a safety consultant, I’d been trying to work the whole “it’s not safe being alone anymore” and “what if I hadn’t been here” angle on him. This unfortunate incident finally, literally, knocked some sense into him ; )

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In reply to by Oroborous


Reminds me of childhood vacations

The rents and four kids in an old station wagon on a cross country trip...

We never made it out of the neighborhood before somebody would fart, then immediately got punched in the arm.. Mayhem would always ensue and with either end with a parent reaching his/her arm to be back seat and smacking the crap out of someone or god forbid pull over. .... and that's how it would usually begin....

Let's not even get into the tunes... FM radio at it's finest.

I was around for the poorer part of family life and never went on vacations.

My younger brother and sister went every year. (at some point mom said they were going away every year no matter what!,,,, I was 16 and working so I didn't go.

Years later my sister was singing along to some of the Polish Prince (Bobby Vinton), and I was like how you know this shit. Turned out the old man made a 6 or so 8 track tapes with a recorder I bought him. On these road trips they would listen to those tapes over and over and over. Sorry NO FM radio!!!

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Member for

9 years 9 months

The smell of a freshly lit Parliament cigarette is good.
Not so much after the parents exhaled that first puff.
AM radio only in our cars then, and it was never on.
Same trip every year. Always on or near July 4. Virtually all fireworks were legal then, even M-80s. St. Louis to the Ozarks, then to Van Buren, MO where the other G-pa lived. Big Spring State Park was cool. And floating on the Current River (now part of the Mark Twain Nat'l. Riverway), very clear water and you could see to the bottom. Now all you can see is beer cans down there.

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8 years 9 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Ha,1stShow, I canoed the Current and the Buffalo several times ca. early '70s with my scout troop out of the Chicago suburbs. What gorgeous water. Like you say, so incredibly clear. For the record, you could see a whole lot of beer cans on the bottom back then! It's a strong memory. Like good scouts we were wondering if any them were full! And then all the cool caves, including one you could canoe into.
A blue Ford Country Squire wagon was the family vehicle in the late 60s into early 70s. Some raucous cross country trips with the siblings in the back of that beast.. No memory of the radio though.

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9 years 9 months

My cousin is renovating the farm. Can't be sold except to the N.S.R.
G-pa's Rexall store was right on the river in Van Buren. (pop. 723)
Bob the black lab sat in a rocker on the porch "counting cars".
The side of the family that had bootleggers. I'm so proud!

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