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  • daverock
    live show and live recording

    To me there is very little that connects seeing the band live to sitting at home listening to a live recording. To recap I saw them 5 times in 1981 and 1990. Loved all 5 shows, and they didn't play any songs that I didn't like. Some songs, that I hadn't been so keen on -Row Jimmy comes to mind - made much more sense in real time than it did on live recordings, or on Wake of the Flood. Drums and Space in 1990 blew my head off. It doesn't do that now, unfortunately. More interesting than mind blowing
    On 10/30/90 I thought it was great when they broke into "Lovelight" - an actual song off "Live Dead". Sadly, I don't have this response now - in fact I have no interest whatsoever in hearing a Bob sung Lovelight now. Or a show from 1990, for that matter. But that doesn't mean for a second that it wasn't great at the time, being there.

    Like everyone on here, I guess, there are some songs I have heard way to often, simply because they are played at shows which are brilliant overall. To skip them feels a bit like skipping a dull chapter in a novel - you want to, but it makes you feel a bit guilty if you do.

  • JimInMD
    Is it true

    Can one train a dog to poop on the floor (or sofa) each morning at exactly 3am?

    I thought it was just me that got borderline PTSD when a show ended with Throwing Stones>NFA encore: US Blues. Miracle and Mexicali are on my list with many of the late era new songs mentioned.

    Fortunately, there are so many great songs they either wrote or covered that really made it difficult to have a bad time at a Dead show. There was almost always something special. So time your bathroom breaks with skip tunes, stay away from the brown acid and let the good times roll.

    Before shows some of the folks I would travel with would voice out what they thought we were going to hear mixed with dream setlists and the occasional song that they best not play that night or else (in the spirit of that Sideways quote, "I am NOT drinking any f***king Merlot"). We are a spirited bunch aren't we?

  • proudfoot
    Sorry for your mishap vguy

    But I cant stop laughing.

    Dog poop at 3 am

    Isnt that a simon and garfunkel album title?

    One search later:
    Wednesday Morning 3 a.m. is the album title

    Your mishap happened at...wednesday morning 3 a.m.

    Too funny

  • Angry Jack Straw
    Skippable songs

    Lovelight. Not my favorite, but I’ll take it over the typical throwing stones>not fade to end the show if for nothing more than a change of pace. I never really got into the 30 minute versions either.

    I can tolerate LLR. I’ll admit I have a soft spot because my inaugural show ended the first set with that right into a China>Rider. It grew on me over the years and I much prefer the latter day, more amped up versions. The early iterations sound like something Engelbert Humperdinck should be singing.

    Definitely skippable are most, OK all, of Vince. Corrina, Victim, Easy Answers, Eternity. . . You see the pattern here.

    I actually liked a lot of Brent songs when I saw them live. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’ve aged well. In fairness I probably haven’t either.

    Passenger and Miracle are two older songs I never enjoyed.

    As others have said, 12/30/1986 was an awesome show. Easily in the top five of all the shows I ever saw. Yes, they did have speakers outside for those who were not fortunate enough to get tickets. I thought it was a West Coast thing, but evidently not.

  • Vguy72
    I stepped in dog poop this morning at 3 AM....

    ....while I was getting a glass of water.
    My bad. I forgot to let them out before I went to bed.
    Rain is welcome in Cali, but what the southwest REALLY needs is snowpack on the western slopes of the Colorado rockies. For several winters in a row.

  • JimInMD
    Re: I also apply a Slide Filter whenever necessary

    That and Charlie's description of responsible cat ownership cracked me up.

    Thanks for that.

    I, too, reserve the right to Slide Filter whenever necessary.

    I generally do not have problem with the cat, and living in a 120 year old rodent-free Victorian, I have a few things to be thankful for. I keep the litter fresh and clean and they keep the mice (and river rats) away.

    I'm really in the mood for 1/2/1970. What a great and often overlooked release.

  • Gary Farseer

    So weekend was Friday watching 12/30/86. Saturday was listening to MaryE's first show which I enjoyed immensely, and then later in the evening I watched 12/31/85 which was a national tv broadcast that started at midnight Oakland time and 2am here locally when it was on. I still really enjoy that video, wish they would release that whole show video, "I'd buy that for a dollar." Then Sunday the 1st, I watched "Ticket to New Years," which I also attended that 4 day run. Then Monday, I watched most of "The Closing of Winterland." So lots of Dead watching, and I enjoyed all of it. I also went thru a couple of shows from the MSG box, nice!


  • Gary Farseer
    BTK & Others

    Happy New Year again!!!

    BTK yall be safe now ya hear. This storm is a beast. I know rain is needed but not that much that quick. All in California and the desert areas prepare. It cost so little to have a manual can opener and $20 of canned goods to make it a few days.

    Any way, have to go back and read last couple of days to catch up, but here are some quick answers.

    DeadVikes thanks for the warm return. It is appreciated greatly. Unfortunately, my own health which is pretty good, is clashing with folks health which is not so good. Won't get into details, but I refer to them as my progenitors, as the love has always been cold as ice. Yet now I have to eat up my own time watching after them (although with a lot of others help also). I will try to post more often.

    Question of why 12/30/86 and 7/16/88 are important to me. AJS had the correct answer, because of the guest drummers during drumz. But it was the whom, in who were the guests. On 12/30/86 it was Hamza El-Din (&Jose Lorenzo) and on 7/16/88 it was Baba Olatunji. Both such huge influences bringing depth to Billy and Mickey's poly-rythmic structures during drumz.

    So roughly here was weekend schedule. On 12/30/22 I watched 12/30/86 on the me-tube. Very nice video (probably band created) and soundboard synced up. I had watched once previously but this time it really hit me. That one show, along with 12/27/86 represents one of those closures and new beginnings. Both of those shows have the more heroin induced jams of the late Keith/Donna era shows. I did not get into 12/28/86 as we were shut-out. Maybe someone here, like BTK, can remember when they put the speakers outside for any stragglers and the Shakedown Street crew, which was small. The 12/31/86 sounds like more of the changing sound coming in 1987. Intense upgrades in computers and technology, less in the slow methodical heroin induced jam (I love both). But this time watching 12/30/86 was way more meaningful, to really see and focus on Hamza, and tie him back to Egypt and the tar and talking drum. I do love from "From Egypt with Love" and Ollin Arageed, that rhythm is intense and right up my alley as a former want-to-be drummer. So for me to realize 25 years later that I saw both Hamza and Baba creates a warm feeling all over. I do recommend if you have not seen the 12/30/86 on me tube it is worth a watch, although I think in is labeled 12/31/86, which it is not.

    BTK - thanks for the kind words of friendship and comradery, they do mean much.

    I have several days worth of reading to catch up. I just wanted to make sure I remember to finish previous thoughts, as that is getting harder and harder to do.

    Ok, will post and read to edit. I know I need an editor, kind of like young reporters today whose story telling/reporting is not good.


  • Charlie3
    Top Reasons to Have a Cat

    You don’t have enough urine or fecal material in your house and you want more.

    You really dig randomly finding cat puke all over the house in a variety of unusual and unexpected places.

    You don’t like to sleep through the night and want something to wake you up every couple of hours, but you don’t want to have a baby.

    You feel like it would be cool to have a greater potential exposure to Toxoplasma gondii, because it sounds like such an interesting parasite, and Toxoplasmosis sounds so fascinating. (See e.g., the wolves of Yellowstone and toxoplasmosis, google it, you’ll find the articles and it is interesting).

    You enjoy finding the back half of mice outside your door on a regular basis. They always eat the head, never the back end, go figure.

    You enjoy watching them slowly destroy a wooden post on your stairway railing by using it as a scratching post. It’s a long-term project for them, but you can see the steady progress, just another way to measure the passage of time.

    Your wife and children left you out of the decision and you’re not quite enough of a cold-hearted bastard to get rid of them. The cats that is, not the family members, none of them have peed all over the house.

    We have two cats. They are indoors and outdoors cats, and in theory they are using the great outdoors as a latrine, but that is not always the case, especially if it is too far below freezing outside. One cat peed on the living room couch on 4th of July a couple of years ago late in the night. Everyone else was asleep so I took the opportunity to take the giant couch outside for disposal. It was a large couch, and I am not large, but I picked up that cat pee contaminated couch and got it down the stairs and through the front door, barely, and outside without waking anyone up. Wife woke up in the morning like, wtf, where’d the couch go? The couch did not come back inside. Now I try to keep the cats in a travel carrier or outside on 4th of July to avoid a repeat.

    Edit: Don't get me wrong, I like the cats, but they don't make it easy sometimes.

  • Cousins Of The…
    Stir It Up

    Songs I skip: Corrina, Easy Answers, Looks Like Rain(though sometimes I do fast fwd to Jerry's solo), Easy To Love You.
    I also apply a Slide Filter whenever necessary.

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In reply to by JimInMD


It's a good thing there is a new thread to comment on. I was not going to let that disrespect of the Second Set of Augusta slide. Tragedy narrowly averted.

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In reply to by JimInMD


The lights are supposed to be out in this room.

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In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I spent the last week and a half with my parents.. at one point I had to pull out a Garcia quote from, I think, Harpur College, 1970..

"Now, now kids, don't fight." It worked perfectly until one of them asked for their allowance.

Once they turn out lights and everybody leaves.. it's so much easier to fire up a fattie. Just saying.

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In reply to by JimInMD


Don’t make me come down there!

Once while home with pops before he went into assisted living…usually after I’d get him his dinner/meds etc, and he’d go to bed early. That was my time to make a fire in the basement family room, put on some dead, spark up, and finally be able let it all go and relax.
Well one day just as I’m getting ready to fire up, I hear this huge crash and then hear all this yelling and banging etc. Turns out he got up for some reason and the rug slipped out off the hardwood floor and he fell and split the top of his head open. Needless to say we called 911, which sucked, but would have been a whole lot worse if I’d just fired up and had tunes playing lol.
Besides making him wait in ER all night, he just needed a few stitches and he was fine. The upshot was that it lead him to decide to go to assisted living. He Being a safety consultant, I’d been trying to work the whole “it’s not safe being alone anymore” and “what if I hadn’t been here” angle on him. This unfortunate incident finally, literally, knocked some sense into him ; )

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In reply to by Oroborous


Reminds me of childhood vacations

The rents and four kids in an old station wagon on a cross country trip...

We never made it out of the neighborhood before somebody would fart, then immediately got punched in the arm.. Mayhem would always ensue and with either end with a parent reaching his/her arm to be back seat and smacking the crap out of someone or god forbid pull over. .... and that's how it would usually begin....

Let's not even get into the tunes... FM radio at it's finest.

I was around for the poorer part of family life and never went on vacations.

My younger brother and sister went every year. (at some point mom said they were going away every year no matter what!,,,, I was 16 and working so I didn't go.

Years later my sister was singing along to some of the Polish Prince (Bobby Vinton), and I was like how you know this shit. Turned out the old man made a 6 or so 8 track tapes with a recorder I bought him. On these road trips they would listen to those tapes over and over and over. Sorry NO FM radio!!!

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9 years 9 months

The smell of a freshly lit Parliament cigarette is good.
Not so much after the parents exhaled that first puff.
AM radio only in our cars then, and it was never on.
Same trip every year. Always on or near July 4. Virtually all fireworks were legal then, even M-80s. St. Louis to the Ozarks, then to Van Buren, MO where the other G-pa lived. Big Spring State Park was cool. And floating on the Current River (now part of the Mark Twain Nat'l. Riverway), very clear water and you could see to the bottom. Now all you can see is beer cans down there.

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8 years 9 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Ha,1stShow, I canoed the Current and the Buffalo several times ca. early '70s with my scout troop out of the Chicago suburbs. What gorgeous water. Like you say, so incredibly clear. For the record, you could see a whole lot of beer cans on the bottom back then! It's a strong memory. Like good scouts we were wondering if any them were full! And then all the cool caves, including one you could canoe into.
A blue Ford Country Squire wagon was the family vehicle in the late 60s into early 70s. Some raucous cross country trips with the siblings in the back of that beast.. No memory of the radio though.

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9 years 9 months

My cousin is renovating the farm. Can't be sold except to the N.S.R.
G-pa's Rexall store was right on the river in Van Buren. (pop. 723)
Bob the black lab sat in a rocker on the porch "counting cars".
The side of the family that had bootleggers. I'm so proud!

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