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    "Cause it's always like that with the Dead, you know - it's always the whole thing." - News Journal

    As we close out the 2019 Dave Pick's series, we deliver on our promise to give you the "whole thing" with the complete performance from The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA 3/24/73 and what a show it was! An upstanding "musical eulogy" to the recently departed Pigpen, the Grateful Dead conducted a potent study in contrasts on this bittersweet night. They found easy balance between tidy jams like "They Love Each Other," "Wave That Flag," "Playing In The Band," and introspective moments on "Stella Blue," "Sing Me Back Home," and a poignant "He's Gone." It was all laid down with a discipline and a polish unheard of in any of the truly exceptional shows that had come before it. Yes, you might say, they cleaned up nice to carry on the legacy as Pig would have wanted.

    Limited to 20,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 32: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA 3/24/73 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the 7" and 10" reels by Jeffrey Norman.


    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • KeithFan2112
    This is unreal Sixtus

    I just had an opportunity to listen to part of that 10/12/68 show at the Avalon you mentioned the other day. You have to understand, I've been on the hunt for years, searching for an Eleven that comes even close to Two From The Vault. A lot of people on the message boards and that Heady Version site say the previous night at the Shrine is top dog (i.e. 8/23/68), but I don't hear it. I picked that one up a couple of years ago, and while it's good, it's not, IMHO, in the same ballpark as TFTV. This guy's close.

    I'm also reminded how impactful a mix can be. I think a lot of what we consider the good the bad and the ugly is rooted in the recording itself. In this case, I hear the power coming not just from the band as a whole, which of course it largely is - they just smoke; but Billy and Mickey are also way up in the mix - maybe louder than I've ever heard them. That's always going to give a show some cowbell. Oh hey, I made the cowbell joke and we're actually talking about drummers, one of whom uses a lot of cowbell. How bout that. See what happens when you don't get enough sleep? Babble city.

    Now what should I name this sucker? October At The Avalon? Avalon Electric? Primal Dead '68? Exceeds Expectations? (wait, wait, no, that one's taken already :D The Dead Strike Eleven? Powerful Show Was This....Powerful Show....

    Great recommendation, thanks Sixtus.

  • Butch
    @Love My Girl

    Yeah that's a great question. How long did they actually make the Dark Star and how long do they make the Jam?

  • carlo13
    Dp # 1

    I found Dp 1 online for $25 it's got a pic. Of the liner notes and it showed 198? Or 1990. It was hard to read but was wondering what price it would go for if it is real? It's probably a copy with orig. Liner notes mabey.

  • Erikandjenn
    Your opinion


  • carlo13
    Dap 32

    Sure, right.

  • dreading
    Love My Girl

    Can you please tell me how many minutes and seconds the Jam and the Dark Star are? I'm curious where they divided it up, since they run into each other.

  • Lovemygirl
    Daves 32 Release 💀🌹

    I recieved two copies today. Opened one and powered up my amps nice and warm and pushed play on my personal system. Oh my! pRIMO isn’t even close to explaining this new mix, just gratefuly beautiful , well worth the 41 years of waiting for this release! I’m all ears my Grateful Dead Fans, I’m pretty sure everyone is going to agree the sound of Daves Pick 32 is top-notch my brothers & sisters! Peace be with you all, have a grateful week and an even an equally gratefully where’s Bruce Lenny when you need him ...🤡holoween 2019 🙏❤️😎💀🌹💀🌹

  • Charlie3
    PNW Box

    I'm currently spinning that 6/26/73 Vancouver show from the PNW box after reading the references on this thread. I haven't listened in a while and wanted to see if the sound issues and deficiencies noted here proved to be distracting to my enjoyment. Thing is, I keep losing track and enjoying the music, so apparently I don't find the sound issue too distracting. It may help that I am a fiend for just about everything from the dead or Jerry from '73, so there's that.

  • Dave Sweeting
    Default Avatar
    Please!!! Ship my Giants Box…

    Please!!! Ship my Giants Box set I bought 2 months ago!! Please

  • stoltzfus

    My incredible clairvoyant abilities sez:

    no one will have any problems with DaP32. None.

    No shipping blues.

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"Cause it's always like that with the Dead, you know - it's always the whole thing." - News Journal

As we close out the 2019 Dave Pick's series, we deliver on our promise to give you the "whole thing" with the complete performance from The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA 3/24/73 and what a show it was! An upstanding "musical eulogy" to the recently departed Pigpen, the Grateful Dead conducted a potent study in contrasts on this bittersweet night. They found easy balance between tidy jams like "They Love Each Other," "Wave That Flag," "Playing In The Band," and introspective moments on "Stella Blue," "Sing Me Back Home," and a poignant "He's Gone." It was all laid down with a discipline and a polish unheard of in any of the truly exceptional shows that had come before it. Yes, you might say, they cleaned up nice to carry on the legacy as Pig would have wanted.

Limited to 20,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 32: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA 3/24/73 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the 7" and 10" reels by Jeffrey Norman.


*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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16 years 4 months

In reply to by samspade


I got sent a 2nd copy of 32 in error
I am happy to pass on provided you assure me you won't be selling it on ebay
pm me if interested

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Member for

13 years 4 months

Hi All,

As of yesterday a replacement copy of Dave's Picks Volume 32 arrived and was in mint condition. It took 3 months and a few contacts to customer support and Marye, but I've finally got it and that may mean there is some hope for others that may be waiting on an initial or replacement copy of this installment.

One thing to mention. It is a numbered copy and a low one at that -- #544. Seems kind of odd that this Volume 32 sold out and I'm getting one that is numbered. This is not a complaint, but just saying...

A BIG THANKS to Marye for her help on my issue because I am sure it was her inquires to The Doc that made this eventually happen.

Good luck to all that are still waiting for a Volume 32. Hopefully, Help Is On The Way!

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