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  • nycgreenwich
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    Most Life Changing and My Fav Show
    Most life changing had to be my first - The Spectrum, Philly - Easter Weekend 1984 - I will never forget walking in and hearing Jerry's voice, which was really gruff, and he said "hi ya, hi ya, hi kids, can you hear me?" and they opened with The Beatles "Glass Onion." I was hooked forever... So many memorable shows since then - Dead at Soldier Field, Rich Stadium, Foxboro Stadium, MSG, Boston Garden, Oxford Speedway up in Maine on July 4th.... But my fav had to be the Jerry Garcia Band at the Warfield in SF in Aug 1990. I was out on biz staying in the penthouse at the Griffon Hotel. met up with my bud from HS who lives in Marin and college roomate. didnt know abt the show until we read it in the paper, and walked right up to the box office the day of the show and bought tix. one bud had orthoscopic knee surgery on both knees and when we got in the usher asked us if we wanted handcap seats, so we ended up sitting at a table right on the isle in the first row above the floor directly in line with jerry. we ate burgers and induldged and what an amazing show!! After the show we all went up to my friends house in the Presideo and stayed up late making such a long mix tape that we ended up taping over some of it.... haha... The overall experience was just the greatest time... Peace out y'all... DRL
  • grateful-dave
    06-14-91 Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, Washington, D.C.
    It wasn't my first show... but it was the most life changing show for me... Second set: Help> Slipknot> Franklin's, Estimated> Dark Star> Drumz> Stella Blue> Lovelight E: Baby Blue Sometime during "Help> Slipknot>" The beginning of the Second set felt like the stadium was going to take off.,.. It felt like a giant flying saucer... I had this notion that I needed to get the the lawn.. so that was my mission... I did finally make it... my buddy and I jumped on to the law.. the lady security guard gave me the 'come here' gesture... (my friend melted into the crowd, like i should have) I went.. and she walked me to the rear exit behind the stage. After getting back into the parking lot.. I wandered around a bit.. walked under the bridge overpass and was watching the bridge breathe.... just then three motorcycles from each direction flew past me... it was such an amazing feeling... A guy walked past me and said "hey look that way," as he pointed towards the bridge's arched legs going across the Anacostia river. It was a long reflective tunnel.. shimmering.. breathing as the traffic passed on the bridge above. During Franklin's Tower.. Well, I just had to go that way.. so off I trod... into the water. I must preface this by saying...I cant swim... and that people have been pissing in this river ALL day. As I get a bout waist deep.. i find that my shoes were hindering me... off they go.... hey whats this in my pocket.. oh my wallet... its hindering me.. who needs that?.. and the glasses... who needs them? By this point.. I'm in over my head.. treading water... I start to get tired.. had to rest... I had just seen Backdraft.. and remember the scene when Cage was floating in the bottom of the shaft... he just floated with his mouth out of the water.... that's what i did.. after i regained my endurance .. I looked around my immediate area... and found a discarded tire of some sort... a life ring! That tire saved my life that night. During Estimated Prophet.. So I continue to float in the Anacostia River outside the concert.. a large log comes floating by... being in my condition.. i think its an alligator... so i hop on and take it for a ride! We kept floating... out from under the overpass... and i can hear the concert.. this Estimated was SMOKING! Bobby was on fire that night. Don't worry ... nah nah... nah nah.... NA!! NA NA!!! I made a very important decision that night, at that moment... I decided to marry my girlfriend who was carrying my child. We have been married 18 years now and have 3 children together. There's a lot more before AND after that segment of rambling text... peace! dave
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    It all Rolls Into One
    I guess it had to be the Carrier Dome, Syracuse in 1984. The liquid had come in a few weeks before and we all had orange juice cocktails. The energy for the show was building as I hitchiked my way up the NY Thruway with a freak couple from Jersey. It seemed to me there was a big 'Steal Your Face' beacon in the sky beckoning us closer & closer to the venue. Back then you could actually get tickets w/o having your shit together (Thank God!), so I got mine and went into the show. I guess I peaked during ~Space~ saw evolution from monkies to human beings on the back of my eyelids and I went to the highest place in the Dome for the post-drum sequence of Wheel>Other One>Black Peter>Lovelight, Revolution. You meet the highest people in the highest places! Once in a while you can show'em the light & the strangest of faces, if you look at them right! If you're a Deadhead, you know Bear was on the mixing board for that tour and doing freaky things with the echo. The Dome had those big ventilation vents that opened and closed with a big Whoooosh! Lordy, lordy, Bear have mercy! My friends went to Hartford without me and I guess they had some kind of epiphany also with the '7drop juice', they had to stop their car on Rt 6, half between Providence & Harshford, turn on the wipers and wash the bats off the windshield!
  • melloslo
    Toga '85
    This show was a week after I graduated high school and I went up to Saratoga with a bunch of friends. It was an amazing experience which solidified me as a life long dead head. See the show posts for a taste of what this one was all about. Every show was magic in its own way. Going to shows and hanging with my fellow heads in high school, college and grad school gave us all a special bond which could never be understood by non-heads. It was a sense of peace, love and fun that can never be recaptured. Even today when I reunite with a head friend from the old days - or meet somebody who unexpectedly turns out to be a heas - the bond is still. But at the end of the day, it is the music that lives on in my mind and heart. The tunes are the soundtrack of my life - each note bringing back a memory of a place or person that I knew when life was more simple. The lyrics still give me strength when I hear them for the thousandth time, such as "Sometime you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." You may be feeling low, then you hear Jerry say, "If you get confused, Just listen to the music play" - and life is a little bit sweeter.
  • hard_to_handle
    Greatful Fans!
    I had a great experience at the Gorge in 2004. It was right around the 4th of July and I decided to catch the last show on the west coast. I had seen them two days prior at the local show and I decided I couldn't miss the last one. The Dead came out and played Shakedown St in such a way it put a whole new meaning to the song for me. While this wasn't my first Dead show it was meaningful mostly because before the show we got some caps prior to the show starting. I traveled to the show solo so I met people once I showed up. Once the show started they had came out fashionably (in true dead fashion) late and Robert Hunter came out and apologized. To hear that first song was like heaven to my ears I didn't even have to get through that first song (Shakedown) to know that made the whole trip worth it. I was with another guy that helped me get a ticket because I didn't have one when I arrived. We were just above the the bottom level on the far left at the Gorge where they have those high sides above the stage. We were movin and groovin for some time and the other guy mentioned that he was really cold so I let him know to just keep moving and you'll be ok. The next thing I knew the guy was on the ground shaking uncontrollably so I thought 'man hes having a bad trip'. I asked him if he was ok and he said he was. I looked for the medic tent but to no avail. I didn't want to have a bad trip as I was just getting started and this guy was there with other people. I never did catch up with him or the people he was with after that. I went back the next day where the car that he came in was at the day before and it was gone so I never did find out if the person was ok or not. It was truly life changing though Im sure I'll never forget that experience. I felt bad about how horribly wrong it went for someone else and in hindsight I should've done more. I guess those caps were alot more potent than we thought.
  • edgeman
    Once in A While You Get Shown the Light 5/13/77
    Now by the age of 15, I was already a seasoned concert goer. I was fortunant enough to have grown up in the suburbs of Chicago. Was also lucky to be the youngest in my family,my brother and sister being 5 and 11 years older then I. Lucky enough to have experience my adolecense during the 1970's when music in all respects and forms was readily available for me to be discovered and influenced by. I've been to probably around 500 or so concerts in my life.This musical journey began in 1968, when when I was 6yrs old. My sister and her best friend brought me along to see my first concert at Chicago's version of the Fillmore, a venue called The Electric Theater, where I was treated to my first of many to come awe inspiring musical milestones which began with sets by, The Lovin' Spoonful, The Grass Roots, and The Kinks. My Mom also made sure us kids got to see the Chicago Symphony once or twice a year along with the likes of Count Basey, Duke Elington, ArtieShaw, and Sarah Vauhn. My best friend's Dad was a radio announcer for WGN Radio, and from the summer of '74 on through the next 5 summer's, was treated to just about every band that came through Chicago. By May of 1977, having been spoiled and probably even a little jaded by my rapidly growing milestone notches in my concert going experiences (Led Zepplin having been just a month before). Was utterly and completely caught off guard by the the one band that up until that point had somehow eluded my friend Kyle Leonard and I. The Venue was a familiar one but oddly intreging because of its shall we say stature of being the home of the Chicago Symphony. The Chicago Auditorium Theater is a beautiful and elegant room where I had been accostomed to wearing my sunday best and hearing Chikolfsky, Moetsart and Betoven. The Chicago Auditorium has perfect accoustics with five balconies, red velvet seats rising perfectly from a low stage and not a bad seat in the house. However had never been priveledged enough till then to find myself seated in the 7th row on the main left 6 seats in from the main isle. Before the band came on stage, Was approched by a woman with long brown hair wearing a leopardskin leotard holding a silver tray with fresh strawberries and very discriminately passing them out randomly to those who's eye she caught, and both Kyle and I were transfixed by her deeply penetrating gaze as she approached and stood before us and offered us each the best strawberry I had ever had before or since. This was going to be a very special evening I thought, and the excitement and anticipation I felt inside was like nothing I had encountered before, and really had no clue as to why. but it was that feeling of "Toto. we're not in Kansas anymore" I had never had the chance to experience LSD yet. And knew when the Leopard Lady chose me, that I was finally going to know. When the house lights dimmed for the last time(They always quickly dimmed the lights three times at the Chicago Auditorium to let everyone know to take their seats), and the stage lite up and the Grateful Dead walked out on stage, the whole room thundered with the anticipation of what was to come. And Kyle and I had absolutely no idea this band was in the middle of what was already being come to be known by deadheads as the Grateful Dead's finest tour and run of magical shows in their already lengthy and mythical history. Kyle and I really knew nothing about this band(I maybe heard Truckin' or Sugar Magnolia on the radio once or twice). And suddenly there we were, in one of the finest acoustic and beautiful auditoriums in the world, 7th row, beggining to feel the delightfully exciting impessions of my first psycodelic experience and realizing as the band began warming up all playing their instruments not in song but as an orchestra might before the conductors raise of the baton reaching that final creshendo, that sudden moment of silence and with Phil's slide down the neck of his base the band seagued into The Music Never Stopped, Ramble on Rose followed by Cassidy, Brown Eyed Women, New Minglewood Blues, Friend of the Devil, El Paso, Jack-A-Roe(the 1st performance of), Looks Like Rain, and ending the set with Scarlet Begonias>Fire on the Mountain(Still the best Scarlet>Fire I ever heard them play). And I (and Kyle both) were astonished and truely transformed by the end of that first set. I think it happened to me during the jam in Cassidy when bobby's break of "flight of the seabirds" to bring the song to its beautiful end. I was thought provoked all through Brown Eyed Women(the LSD was really growing inside my head) but was engaged by Jerry's sensitivity and his way of being able to convey imagery with his lyric was like that of no other I had ever seen or heard before. I could rattle off a list of legendary bands and concerts I had been to up to this point. And had experienced some really incredible performances by the Eagles , Pink Floyd, Peter Frampton, Traffic and even Bob Dylan. But, That was the moment I truely realized something more then just a concert was happening before me. It was the first time in my life I realized that I wasn't just listening and watching a musician play a song. But instead, had personally been transported and consciously brought into experience the song by the musician. And I felt deeply and personally moved and priviledged for being taken there. It happened again, only this time with Bobby's invitation into Looks Like Rain, where I found both the music's depth and lyric's vulerability and the dynamics of the interaction between all the musicians had me holding back tears as if I were the one who sang those love songs written in the letters of your name... I learned how to truely dance with joy for the first time in my life during the sets closing Scarlet>Fire. In which I for the first time became aquainted with everyone else in the room, that I wasn't just me with my ticket, my seat, my experience, my coat, my ride home. I was home... That was when I became a DeadHead. Was during that 22 minutes, that I was embraced not just by the band by the audience that wasn't just an audience, that this was tribe, not just friends, but acceptence not unlike family( like I had finally been introduced to all tha cousins I'd never met yet), A happy and loving family reunion without drama, and narrow pigheaded indifferences or petty unforgivings. True unconditional acceptance to just be embaced back. That is the story of the second set. In which Where the Grateful Dead had graced and had given the collective of the university's gym at Cornell University just five days prior. Those of us in the Chicago Auditorium Theater that night were given and graced( in my opinion and in retrospect) with what I feel to be maybe the band's most beautiul and quite possibly most moving and awe inspiring journey into that rhelm of what lies beyond us and just out of reach in our conscious lives. It started out fun and tight and just that feeling of cathartic release of collective yahoo. Beginnig with Sampson and Delilah, Bertha and then deliberately, but gentley being brought into the rhelm of having to focus attentively and retrospectively by the band to deliver Chicago's first reading of Estimated Prophet which we all listened to finding that it demanded a sort of feeling of reverance, like we were in church. Bobby Weir the firey minister with a sermon both filled with fear of the unknown and reassurance of it's being alright "Don't worry about it" this led to Billy and Micky transporting us all and delivering us into the place where none of us (including the band) had ever been or experienced before. This became one of those very rare indeed moments(one of only maybe three I experienced in over the 274 shows I attended over the next 17yrs). The accoustics of the venue became itself an instrument of the band's to play with. But, everyone knew that this was a moment where the music was actually playing the band. It was like a portal opened up and for the next 17minutes, Jerry, Bobby, Keith, and Phil and everyone for five balconies above us were given a glimpse of Mana. Jerry, Phil and Bobby, on stage, Then suddenly just Jerry left alone with Bobby and Phil at the side of the stage watching and intently gazing at Jerry as he played an enthrallingly beautiful and "other worldly" solo for the next five minutes by himself on stage. The rest of us standing there in disbelief, silent open mouthed some with their hands covering their mouths and shaking their heads in complete and total amazement as Jerry almost seemed like he was literally physically phase in and out of physical reality caught somewhere between here and there...Then demanding Boby's presence then Keith's , Phil and then Micky and Billy. Seaging into the Other One with the thunder of a Saturn Rocket breaking gravity, but for only one verse. This complicated array of time signatures and dinamically tonal textures broke down into its simple and construct components and opened the door and inviting us into the living room of Stella Blue.Possibly to this day the most moving compelling and vulnerably heart breaking reading of it I've ever seen played. There wasn't a dry eye in the house and with mouths once again covered eyes wide open, and even with tears in Jerry's eyes and on his cheeks we mourned for Stella Blue, as if he was able to seen a glimpse of the future and somehow knew this was where he would last ever see her again some 18 years later.. you could hear a pin drop. This WAS now indeed Church. Just then Phil had the ability to pull us all back into ourselves and we were Goin' Down the Road. And Bobby happily reminded us that this was indeed Saturday Night(Not sunday morning). U.S. Blues made for a feeling of the evening having just been nothing at all except for maybe a little ironic. All I know is that you only need ask anybody that attended this show on May 13th 1977, was transformed... Even seasoned Deadheads were reborn that evening and none of us walked out as we had come in... If you have the opportunity to listen to this show you will experience something special indeed happened. Moment for moment, this show to me was "THE" show of that wonderful spring '77 tour It changed my life forever leading me down roads I never would have traveled and known to be the experiences of my life. THANKS GUYS! THANK YOU KYLE LEONARD, I miss you!
  • friskotatt2
    orange'sunshine' juice
    frisko-mobb shop tattoo aurora,co 16868 E. Iliff 3033695446 snack sunday kezar stadium someone passed me a carton of o.j. and jerry n friends came out ripping thru blues 4 allah album allinstramental iwas 13 yrs old at the time and blown away. definetly been stuck ever since now i am 46 and listen every day all dead all day if inhad it my way. just found a picture of me in 76 wearing a blues 4 allah shirt i got at mervins with my moms
  • harry blotter
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    there are two: 7/18/82 and
    there are two: 7/18/82 and 7/13/84.
  • cosmic craig
    My Only Show (sorta)
    Willie Nelson"s Fourth of July Picnic 2003. Sat in traffic from Austin for a few hours longer than expected. I was prepared for everything. Food, gas, beer, sleeping bag, etc. Met my best buds and in we go. Much celebration!! Walking down the hill, beers in hand, I notice a rainbow in the sky as the band plays "leavin Texas, fourth day of July." An indescribable feeling grabbed at my soul, and never let go. Like lightning hitting me. I felt like all the problems in the universe just VANISHED!! Many noodle dances later it was time for my friends to leave and me to return to my Jeep to eat, sleep, hangout,etc. Wait...I've lost my keys! Can't find 'em, don't have 'em, lost 'em. Now what? There they are, on the ground, RIGHT NEXT, to my jeep. I turned around to all the people and just said "THANKS!!" I opened up the jeep and shared. Couldn't sleep there though, Had to drive a few miles to a rest stop, where i saw a VW van with a tie-dyed sheet over the back window. Something told me, this was the place. Woke up the next morning and headed back to the festival for day two with my friends and Niel Young. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!! While Jerry was only there in spirit, the joy I got seeing " the DEAD" will live with me forever. "Without love in the dream it'll never come true"
  • redsox
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    hey now, deadheads everywhere:)my life-changing show HAD to be july 16,1972; Dillion Stadium, Hartford, ct. I didn't have to travel far. I was born in hartford. i remember it was incredibly hot and humid, at least 95 degrees, with a dewpoint around 70 degrees.around the middle of the last set that day, i started seeing people with Allman Bros t-shirts. rumors started to spread that,some members of the allmans would jam with the the Dead, for an extra encore. as it turned out, dickey betts and jerry, among others jamed...this is what i wrote on the back of my ticket stub for that show..."no b.s-allman bros jammed with the dead.'" i believe they did "johnny b. goode", and "goin' down the road feelin' bad." also, as it turned out, members of the dead and the allman bros started talking about playing together, somewhere. that somewhere turne out to be Watkins Glen, N.Y.-july 28, 1973..we all rember that as the "summer jam. I was there, along with over 600,000 others" "truckin-up to Watkins Glen;"-y'all know the rest of the story peace:)
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17 years 9 months
Which would it have been? Most life-changing, for whatever reason.
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5 years 5 months

It was December of 1990, and my buddy called me and said - "Hey Flip, you want to catch the Dead at the Oakland Colosseum for New Year's Eve?" I said - "Tim, you're nuts. Nobody gets tickets to that show at this late date without paying scalpers." He said - "Are you sitting down?"

Well, we flew out to California and checked in at the 85 year old Claremont Hotel in Berkeley. We were given two fat envelopes that contained full laminate passes for the 12/30 and 12/31 shows and a notice that the band had paid our hotel bill in advance. How do this "deal go down?"

Tim and were both in the ski industry, and we were there to sign a contract to use the official Grateful Dead graphics on K2 skis and snowboards. We got to the venue mid-afternoon, wandered around the stage looking at the gear, and met with Kidd, Phil's tech and the person in charge of merch. We signed the deal, ate dinner with the crew, and then walked out to hear the show. Babatunde Olatungi and Bela Fleck were the opening acts.

I like the 12/30 show better than the 12/31, but it was such a treat to be able to feel like we were part of the inner circle for two days. The skis and snowboards were produced, and are now collector's items. This was one of the high points in my twenty-three years of Dead concerts - from Cleveland in October of 1972 (right after the Europe tour, and damn they were hot) to the my final sad show at Highgate in 1995 where I said to a friend as we walked back to our car: "One of these days Jerry's body is going to give out on him."

I play in a GD cover band, keeping the legacy going, and while there were many shows that I remember well, those two nights in Oakland will always be special.

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11 years 3 months

Hampton 89 Dark Star return!!!!!! I was transported to another time and place... I still think about it frequently..

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5 years 5 months

My first show was at Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands of New Jersey, just outside NYC. It was my sophomore year at The University of New Hampshire and my buddy Peter and I drove down in a lil' Volkswagen Fox for an overnight stay and an incredible concert outdoors. It was quite an experience and I wish I could go back to do a few things different. I would have bought a few more t-shirts in the parking lot and experienced the scene a little more. The show seemed to last forever in a good way - we were on the 20-yard line and the stage was in the end zone. Not bad.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

I had 4 older brothers and a sister who were all heads, never was I going to be a head, I was 20 feet from Jerry & Melvin for the whole show, blew my mind, the vegetables did not hurt. Soon come my first Dead show and the rest as they say was History. She takes the dark out of the night time and you know she paints the daytime black.........

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16 years 4 months

1st show was Jerry, on the evening news, talking about how the planets were going to align. I think I was seven or eight. Something about that name Grateful Dead caught my attention, not the news, as playing outside was more important at the time. I though Jerry was kind of a cosmic person. It's been unfolding like a road map melting into a dream with a waterfall over my back ever since that broadcast of that small T.V. on the back of the Mars Hotel Album.

The first musical show was in 91. I noticed an opening at one of the gates at the Coliseum as the gaurd had to attend to some person tripping out. So, like a lead goose I grabbed a bunch of people to my right and left and in a V formation lead us up the stairs to an opening into the venue. I expected to see a bunch of people in the stands. Instead there were deadheads with mile long streamers running on the track. While the field was filled with dancing and daisy chains of people passing glass and all sorts of things around to see into the future. This was cooler than the 84 Olympics.
We were the only people in the stands! Last Row. To the point where I thought the boys were pointing to us at the back row.... nah it couldn't be, as it was just "One More Saturday Night" for everybody. Well Thank God for the for the 15 or twenty minutes of an unexpected venture into the cosmos. It was a fun night.

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17 years 4 months

My first show was 10-1-76 at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis. Several shows during this wonderful timeframe have been released, but I believe 10-1-76 merits its own release. Another show worthy of Dave's Picks consideration is the last night of a 3-night run at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago shortly before In the Dark was released (sorry I can't give you the date-I'm at work). They played a good part of the album that night, plus a Bo Diddly beat permeated the show, earning it the nickname "The Bo Diddly Show". It was awesome!

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3 years 11 months

For me somehow form and formlessness became SEAMLESS at Hampton Roads 1984. During Playing in the Band. Tho altogether 84 was not a great year. The Other One at KC 85 was just a raw power moment. Being right in the orchestra pit didn't hurt the cause.

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17 years 3 months

Summer Jam at Watkins Glen. 12 hour ride from Rhode Island in a breaking down 65 Ford on acid. Closing down the NY State Thruway both ways. The overrun town with all the cool citizens. The Dead set on Friday night. The magic amphibious bus. The wells for water. The resultant mud from the wells. Watching the dancers in the mud. An unfortunate parachutist. Trading a pack of Marlboro's for 10 Black Beauty's. Beautiful people. Did I mention the Frog acid? The Band and the Allman Brothers. Those were the days......

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3 years 11 months

I had been to a few shows and listened to more than a handful of tapes, but when a local radio station (in Richmond VA) announced that a band called "Formerly the Warlocks" would be at the Hampton Coliseum (not much over an hour from Richmond) for 2 nights next month, I hesitated but finally decided to get tickets. The first night (10/8/89) was far and away the best concert that I had ever attended in my life (and I was 37 YO at the time). The second night was better. I was on the bus to stay from then on, regretting that it had taken me so long to reserve a seat.

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Member for

10 years 3 months

Dead & Dylan at the Metro Dome in Minneapolis,
Drove up with a few friends, wreaked my car before the show, hitched a ride back to Alpine. Sat in the back of a 69 ford pickup with 8 other people & a cat and couldn't have been a better introduction to the Dead, music and livelihood. I been chasing the music and everything Dead related since. Was at Jerry's wake at the Polo field, and still live in the same frame of mind as being lucky enough to walk into the Hardrock Hotel, Riviera Mayan, while on vacation with my wife and see the Further performance without even knowing that they were in town. (La Bamba)The magic has been amazing and I'm excited to see what happens next. So many stories about the the band, my life and how no matter where I am we are always ready for the music.

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15 years 5 months

April, 1978. Milwaukee. 4th Row. Schroomin'. $0.25 Pabst Blue Ribbon; $0.75 Heineken. The band was tight, the night was right and we all got what we came for. Oh what a night!

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16 years 2 months

My first live Dead show, and it was FREE! It took place literally across the street from my best friend Bob's house. We had just finished our senior year at Temple's Tyler School of Art, but had not had our graduation ceremony yet. The day of the concert we walked over to check it out. We didn't have tickets; they were really expensive for the time: $6.50, and they were not being sold at the gate. So, while we checking out the scene, who turns up but the maintainence men from Tyler School of Art to unclog the Temple Stadium toilets. Since they knew us, we ask them if they can get us in, and they hand us each a toilet plunger and they lead us in. There were several groups: Hendrix, The Dead, Steve Miller Band, Cactus, and I think maybe Country Joe and the Fish. The three piece Steve Miller Band was great, The Dead played a one hour set with abbreviated versions of Casey Jones, Mama Tried, Hard to Handle, China/Rider, New Speedway Boogie, New Minglewood Blues, and ended with a standout Turn on Your Lovelight with Pigpen. As the day went on, it turned gray and started to rain. Philly's fascist police chief at the time, Frank Rizzo, hated "hippies" and had an 11PM curfew in effect. Hendrix was about an hour late coming on stage, and we were all worried that they would shut down the show before he could play. He eventually got on and played a full set. So, I guess I owe The Dead $6.50 plus interest?

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3 years 11 months

My first show was October 11th, 1983 at Madison Square Garden. I was 12 years old and supposed to go with my friend and his older brother, but at the last minute their mom decided they couldn't go due to misconceptions of the band (mostly the name I imagine). Instead I went with my mom and uncle. I loved it and despite my musical tastes taking lots of twists and turns over the years, I've remained a huge Dead fan ever since.

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17 years 9 months

My first was 11-8-79, followed by 5-4-80, followed by THIS ONE. I was a freshman at Syracuse University and was supposed to be at Freshman Orientation, but I blew that off and hitchhiked alone to Rochester without a ticket. The one and only Brad Simmons picked me up in a U-Haul truck with all his furniture in the back. He was a Junior and was supposed to move into his apartment that day, but that could wait. It was a hot day; I remember cold beer.

We drove to the show as fast as the limiter on the engine would allow: a sedate yet maddening 50 mph. When we got to the show and pulled into the parking lot, I remember a few cops watching us drive in and following us to where we parked. They must have been thinking "Everyone else is hiding it in their socks, but these guys had to rent a U-Haul?!" After a quick look at Brad's futon, couch and laundry, we were released.

I got a ticket, went in, and immediately lost Brad. No worries. I gave myself up to the moment and just wandered, danced and experienced a spectacular show: monster versions of Sugaree and China>Rider, Estimated > Terrapin > Playing > Jam > Drums > Space > Iko > Dew > Sugar Magnolia and an Alabama encore. I remember being about 30 feet in front of Jerry when he dropped into Morning Dew. Everyone, all packed ass to elbow, lost it.

During the drive back to Syracuse in the U-Haul, I asked Brad "All they always that good?" His response was immediate and sure: "No!" And this was from a guy who had caught the entire first half of the East Coast '77 tour, but took a much-needed break on 5-8-77, even though he had a ticket. Ouch!

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16 years 1 month

my first was dec 26th 1969. got acoustic Jer and Bob, acoustic Dead and then a smokin" electric set. from Monkey and the Engineer to Lovelight with lots in between. didn't realize how lucky I was at the time. wish I could see that show again! luckily I can listen and relivve it in my mind.

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10 years 9 months

Most memorable concert. Celebrated my 22 birthday with friends from SUNY at Albany. Eighth row center.....great show!!!

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7 years 3 months

First Show: Barton Hall @ Cornell University Ithaca NY 5.8.77. Yup--FIRST show. Didn't really dig the Dead until then. Was knee deep in Zappa, Yes, ELP etc, but always open to new music. Went to school with a bunch of Heads who had already been to 100 shows, and if you "don't have two copies of every Dead album then you don't have a record collection." So went with them and opened up a whole new world. Especially when they were saying, "I can't believe they're playing this--oh they rarely play that!
Awesome psychemusic experience made me a fan for life!

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4 years 11 months

In reply to by memphis mike


Watkins Glen was a great 3 band concert experience indeed. However, the Dead started the show in the early afternoon which just didn't seem normal nor proper. The set was shorter than other shows because "The Band" and " The Allman Brothers" needed their time. What seems to have circulated most widely is the recording of the soundcheck. At that time the boys were loose and having fun as compared to the actual afternoon concert.

Still have my ticket stub from '73 although my Summer Jam T-shirt long ago fell apart into the rag heap. So it goes.

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14 years 4 months

It was a beautiful early summer’s eve, it was the delightful outdoors setting of the Hollywood Bowl, and it was the Dead, a band I’d grown to love through the recordings, but as everyone knew, it was playing live where they shone.

And it was the end of high school for me, forever.

The concert was fabulous, though the windowpane might have been an influence. We were back from the main stage a fair distance, a couple of tiers from the floor level. The Dead played many of their classics, they wound up the crowd, pulled them in, pushed them away, pulled them back at higher volume.

Except for my brother, who didn’t drop acid (since he was driving, thank the stars), we were all soaring, particularly one of my friends, who was swaying so much to the music I thought he was sure to fall over the small wall he was standing on, dividing us from a lower level.

One of the great contrasts in that concert was that I was in ecstasy over the music, yet rabid over some security goons who punched a couple of people from our level who’d dropped over the wall to get closer to the scene. The goons were apparently college football players who’d been hired for security and they popped a few people pretty good directly below us, and those confrontations happened a few times. So, when we weren’t flying to the music, we were yelling at the security to back off.

Those guys had armbands that said “Peace Power,” but peaceful it wasn’t.

The concert marked the last performance of Pigpen before his early death. He didn’t sing at all, and just played some listless notes, never going into the big blues persona he carried so well. Thus began the curse of prematurely dead Dead keyboard players over the succeeding years.

We, however, lived, and returned to my friend's house, where his parents were gone for the night. We had bought an entire case of Peanut Butter Cups, one of my favorite candies, and we ate them all. Sweet.

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17 years 8 months

Sat Nov 18, 1978 Uptown Theater Chicago
A great friend and I heard the GD were coming to town. We were just 16 and way out in the burbs. But we plotted and planned. We went the first night on Thur the 16th. It was kind of strange and fun. But it peaked our interest. So we independently decided to go again. And on the weekend we called each other and blammo we got into my ‘68 square back VW and headed into the city. My friend had scored 4 hits of some green dragon. We ate it as we drove. It kicked in as we pulled into the parking lot. And right away a head there had some Mr Natural tabs. I got two more just in case. We got out onto the street ticketless. Started asking for tix. Another head was selling hits in line and got busted by undercover cops right in front of us! What a freak out! We were having a hard time finding tix. It was getting dark out and cold! We were really feeling the green dragons. Then all of a sudden this disco Dan type guy in line with his dancing debutant date got out of line. He had two tix from radio station WXRT and sold us those 7th row center seats. We were “Jerry saves” kids now. We got inside. My buddy went to the bathroom. He Bought two Rising Phoenix tabs just in case while in there. I mean the Uptown was 1940’s shiek adorned out with the coolest accents and red velvet walls. Then we saw a good friend alone with balcony seats. Told him we can get him down to 7th row. We did. We waited an eternity for the band to come out. They did. Holy shmit. That first set put us on a serious edge. Or was it the extra hits we ate? Either way four hits in our mouths. And the set break nearly broke us. But we persevered. And they played scarlet/fire. They played a late ‘78 miracle. And that other one into a meltdown was way crazy. It was for sure the moment in Scarlet/fire that I was telepathically communicating with Jerry. I mean he was comforting me and sending me into a psychedelic spiral. They did a Olin Arrenge Jam out of drums that I was not even aware of. Not for decades did I learn that.
Yah, that show was it. If the GD were within 500 miles of me I saw them. Didn’t care what was going on. Sometimes I’d get bored and a friend would say hay, the Dead are playing in Philly or Berkeley and I’d find myself in a car or a plane heading to a show sans tix and no longer bored. And yes, on the plane I’d meet heads that had extras, why? Who cares that’s the way it went on the road to find out the next show. For certain a trip to the Greek theater in berzerkeley 1982 had a playing/uncle John’s into drums that was one of the best things I’d ever heard the band play.
Oh, outside the Uptown a homeless woman was sitting on the curb. 9 months pregnant with a sign on saying anybody want a baby with an arrow pointing at her tummy. With my suburban life I was like completely shocked. What kind of a band attracts people like that? It just added to the pageantry of wonders surrounding the Grateful Dead. But, it was the area. Not the band. She was not in a good way at all. It was a challenge after the show trying to drive home. But we did. And it helped me have the confidence in life to get through the strange. 101 GD shows under my belt. More various band member related shows. Donna to Jerry Bob Bill and more. The bus just keeps moving further. Happy trails campers. And avoid the opiates kids!

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17 years 8 months

Free concert Central Park Bandshell, May 1970. No rhyme or reason . Just was, for the obvious.

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5 years 7 months

Best time I've ever had. Met all the right people. Showed up as a kid on tour, left as family.

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16 years 8 months

Providence June 26, 1974

First show was Boston Music Hall December 1 1973, but we were relatively clueless and I didn't get it yet. At Providence, it finally kicked in. THAT'S the night I got on the bus. First life changing Grateful Dead experience.....

Second was Augusta October 12, 1984. Minds boggled and restored our faith in the Dead, for ten years after that we were chasing Augusta..............

Rock on,


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17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


At the Des Moines Fairground with the 'wall of sound' set up in the middle of the horse racetrack, facing the grandstands.

A three set show which left me speechless (for you who know me realize that was a feat in and of itself) and blissful.

"Chance favors the prepared mind." - Phil Lesh

Special mention to the Shakedown opener on 6.30

My first show was 10.14.84 (Hartford) ... Everyone was of course raving about Augusta, which the tapes - once I got them - confirmed the special atmosphere and performance for that gig. I liked 10.14, especially the Let it Grow late in set 1. But Jerry was all bloated and seemed (and mostly was at that point) quite a different person than all that I had seen/heard of him in the few years before and after 1980 ... Anyway, it was a pretty decent introduction and the crowd + sound was overwhelming in the good way - enough for me to try to get tickets for spring '85.
I scored two for Providence 4.03 & 4.04. But given hassles & limitations surrounding my friend Bill's Mom's insistence on chaperoning/driving us (she went to a movie or something, while we went to the 04.03 show) I ended up selling the Sunday tickets and Saturday's show was just OK (I think Doc, and perhaps others can confirm that).
Rinse and repeat for the summer tour, as far as still being somewhat of a noob to the ticket process and tour 'flow'. But, having just graduated HS and bought my first beater car, I was emboldened - wanted SPAC but did not get them ... and announced to my parents that I was going to Maryland (for 6.30 and 7.01).
At least for me, the feel of these shows was way different than the first two I saw, and the awesome 6.30 Shakedown gave me that total 'liftoff' sensation and pure joy factor of all around that I'd heard/still hear with goosebumps on the 10.12.84 Augusta Stranger.
So 6.30 Shakedown is probably the singular moment. Though the next night is the one forever etched into my circuits - being 2/3 the way or so up the pavilion on the right - with Dupree's (!) and what I thought was a fine My Brother Esau-Stagger Lee-Let it Grow sequence (less the Day Job closer +/-). Shrooms kicked in fully around there ... And Scarlet - Fire blew me away. (I love where on the sound board you can hear one of the boys say 'Wow. I wish we could do it like that every time). That's to say nothing of the sort of fugue-like organ that permeates Playing, Uncle John's (more pure joy all around), the exploding toy shop space into Dear Mr. Fantasy + GDtRFB - Good Lovin. Satisfaction was a little weird for me (I did not know how relatively rare/special it was at the time). But the Baby Blue that followed is 100% archetypal and seared into me. I vaguely recall the cool lights on the paths (bridges?) in the trees (??) as I walked up and out.
I saw about 30-35 more shows, some were late 85, '86 - 87 & 2 in mid '88 Maine on the East Coast, before moving to CA. Then fully on board as much as possible through August 1991.
Also grateful for the good fortune/timing to catch a similar number of JGB shows (35 ish) - starting at the Orpheum in late 88 or early '89 + virtually every Warfield show from then through1990-91 + Electric on the Eel & the Greek Theater with Jimmy Cliff, which was really a great night for a variety of reasons.
As I said somewhere else a couple of hours ago, I'm feelin' it and soakin' it in ... So, Peace and Love to you All - And Cheers to all the good times we (surely rubbed elbows at and) experienced together at these shows !!

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3 years 7 months

Branford Marsalis. The birdsong - eyes of the world. Magical night of many.

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16 years 8 months

Hey rockers!

First life changing show-Providence 1974. That's when we got on the bus.

Second life changing show---Augusta October 12 1984. We spent several years afterwards chasing Augusta. Never found it again..............

All this really requires no explanations............

I'm a big believer that life changes as much as you want it to.......

Rock on,

Everyone needs reminders that the fact of their being on this earth is important and that each life changes everything.........

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16 years 8 months

Uncle Tripel..............

Thanks for what?

I give thanks everyday that I've been able to take my craziness and make it work for me......

Rock on!!

For me, I want to make sure every single day I wake up and give thanks for everything that I've been given in life......

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16 years 8 months

Hey rockers!!!

Yes, we were at the two 1985 Providence shows. They were "just OK", which means very enjoyable. I believe second night they brought back She Belongs To Me, being a huge Dylan fan I recognized it immediately and that was a very big thrill for me. One of many......

My friends, slowly edging back into it.............

Revolutionary Hamstrung Blues!!!

Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart......

Rock on!!!

I don't make a particular distinction between 'high art' and 'low art', music is there for everybody, it's a river we can all put our cups into and drink it and be sustained by it.....

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