• 7,961 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • Oroborous
    Cover just a little more ground

    LOL, when I opened my device first thing I saw was “7 inches in October” and I thought somehow I went to the wrong site! Yeah, too early for all that!

    PARK CITY: nice show, only heard on iPad but good for working.

    12/5/81: cool, always wanted to check out this whole show. I know the 1st rocks so it will be good for working. JG was obviously diggin’ BRRB in those days. Believe that 5/17 one really rips...

    SPELLING: you can call me anything, just not late for supper....but OB is fine, or Senator in a formal setting 😉

    C.C. RIDER: long time so my memory etc, but I seem to recall the dbl time shift was a thing for a while, but it almost sounds like they all weren’t ready for it here? research project for GOGD....when was the first and for how long etc

    5/17: I told ya that one just rips! I was just starting to move outta the local circle cause there weren’t enough shows and I was old enough that the rents weren’t gonna try and stop me. I didn’t have a car yet so I decided to take the bus after doing so for Utica in March. So off I go to Syracuse and see if I could score a ticket and go. Remember it was a Beautiful Spring day, not necessarily the norm in upstate. So I get there and it’s the usual scene in those days, very laid back, no shakedowns yet per say. Just a small number of friendly freaks lounging round the ole Aud. Awesome day but nobody had tix....somehow I find out that they’ll sell whatever few remaining from promos, promoter etc. so I manage to get a good spot in line and end up with a ticket!
    Not sure where it was located cause I went right for the floor and low and behold just as security is about to come question me, I see an empty seat third row, Garcia side about five people in, boom I slide in and start asking if anyone’s sitting there etc and acting like this is where I belong etc and security backed right off. As I said, things were often pretty loose in those days. So the show soon starts and straight away it’s apparent that JG is ready and ripping.
    Now they were still using the big Clare Brothers PA boxes and for whatever reason they didn’t hang them so they were on the ground and thus me being being more to the side they were almost right in front of me. So being that close it was ridiculously loud and believe me in those days I knew loud and this was probably the loudest Dead show I saw. To add to it, JG was trying out the new at the time McIntosh MC 2500 power amp instead of the usual MC 2300. Probably grabbed a few from MAC in nearby Bingo town? So the combination of these factors with JG just ripping was awesome, but I had my first collage final exam the next day and my ears were ringing so bad I couldn’t hear a word the prof said lol. Later, when I got the show on tape it reinforced what a hot show this was and it’s always been my favorite 81 show.

    9/26 I don’t recall as much. It was a posse of us up in the side seats about halfway back which was kinda of a weird bummer for me as up until that show I’d always been up front with like 10th row at 11/9/79 being the farthest back I’d been. So up in the seats in a more social setting I’d sorta taken this one for granted. Remember On the Road again, but not too much else music wise? Finally heard it in just the last few years since my cousin said Dave kept playing it etc, so checked it out and it’s another good show, though I still like 5/17 better.
    3/13/81: This was the first time I took the bus and went to a show myself. Nasty cold drizzly upstate late winter day. Friday the 13th to boot!
    Ran into my peeps from one of the bands I roadied for and though I had hardly any money they talk me into going for dinner since it was so shitty out. So I spend a bunch of money and eat too much, and then grab a bottle of Seagrams as 7/7 was the R&R drink of choice then, at least in the other main band I crewed for. Now I had a pretty good tolerance in those days, but was too green to know that most Deadheads don’t really drink like that, at least not before shows. So I’m stuck in line for hours basically drinking most of it myself, which would of probably been ok except for all the joints....
    So the gate opens, which is at the other end from the stage and we run in and not through the normal entrance but run down this isle and try to jump the boards but being toasty, trip and fall several feet to the floor lol. Luckily bumbles bounce so I’m up and running and end up in front of JG. As I say all would of probably been good except now you have the often long wait for the show to start so we sit and start smoking non stop joints. Well like Fat Freddy says getting drunk and then getting high is like pissing in the wind! So of course the whole building starts spinning etc but there’s no way in hell im giving up my spot on the rail. Dumb yute that I was I probably could’ve gone to the rest room and they would of held my spot, but instead I end up standing, more like slumping on the fence and sorta pass out, until, ooopppsss, barfed over the rail onto that little area between the fence and the stage where photogs and security etc would hang. Well some of the folks next to me got uptight even though I followed the number one rule of parting: no shootin’ without a cooler....meaning if you have to, just make sure it’s in a appropriate place. Not on or near people, or in the car or whatnot. So that’s what I did, it wasn’t pretty, but no one got violated. The security guys were grumbling a little but they put some cardboard down and eventually everyone chilled out. So now I’m basically sleeping standing up with the fence holding me up. But the dudes next to me kept trying to get Security to remove me, which wasn’t going to happen lol. Funny thing they were all trippin and got too high and during the second set a couple of them had to be pulled over the fence and carried out. Ha! Rookies! Lol.
    So I distinctly remember feeling/sensing, since I was out, the lights going down and of course then the big roar and just as i open my eyes JG comes round the corner of his gear and we lock eyes for a moment and he didn’t look much better than me, or so I thought? He had on a blue or black long sleeve work short with a big burn in the. pocket like he put a half lit J or something in there! Anyway, I used to think this show sucked but after finally hearing it, again because I heard Dave had been playing it, it was yet another nice surprise. So there ya go, those are my 81 stories, and a testimony to how awesome it is to be able to hear these shows all these years later.

  • The Good Ole G…
    Double Time CC Rider

    VGUY - No, that's normal bro.. Psyche!
    Yeah, nobody says that anymore, excepting maybe us.
    I'm thinking that's a one off, I saw it in my notes that this was the Double Time CC Rider and I'm pretty sure it's the one and only.

    Looking forward to checking this show out, glad you all are along for the ride.
    I'm working my way through 5/17/81, the Jim Wise Set 1 is sweet, I was also missing the Satisfaction encore, so once again glad that came up today. Favorite thing is discovering Dead I don't have on my drive.

    Speaking of, stumbled on JGB Studio Sessions from Run For The Roses yesterday dated 12/7/81, you all heard that?
    That's some killer stuff! Check it out fo sure if not.

    I'll tell you what I'm doing..
    Lay It On Me
    I'm stalling...

    Was hoping the Thursday Deadcast episode would drop so I could take it out on my walk.
    Really enjoy walking to Podcasts, anybody else?
    Something about that!

    Alright, gonna head back to the home page and refresh and if it's still not there, I guess I'll have to get resourceful.

    1981 is Fun!
    Be Well All.

  • Vguy72
    Market Square Arena 12.5.81....

    ....it's got a Cumberland, so I'm going to pass. Psyche!!! (do people still say that?).
    EDIT. This CC Rider is unlike any version I've heard before. Caught me off guard at the 3:30 mark. Whaaaaat?? Was that an '81 thing?

  • The Good Ole G…
    7 inches in October

    That made me LOL. Damn!

    DV - Hang in there man, can't go anywhere anyhow, might as well hunker down with the GOGD and revisit 12/5/81 ;)

    And maybe flip on 5/17/81 later, I've heard this band a few times, and this is sounding like one of them there shows...
    Ouroboros is hungry!
    (I might learn to spell that word yet!)

  • DeadVikes

    12/5/81 you say GOGD. I am in on this one. Thanks for the pick!

    Have a good day all.

    Winter came early here in MN. 7 plus inches of snow on Tuesday. Man, 2020 just sucks. ☹️

  • The Good Ole G…
    It All Rolls Into One

    Finishing up Park City with my Morning Coffee.
    Stella Blue sounding nice.

    Good show!
    Funny how often times BITD we'd have one Set or the other of a show and never have heard the other Set. (ie Had Set 2 of that show for years! I used to love the Set 1 Tape of that Show!)
    Now, so much has changed in that regard. Makes me smile thinking about that.

    BlueCrow finally got to check out Set 1? I really like that Set 1, it's got a real '87 GD feel to it and they sound pumped to be playing and like they're having fun.
    (PS was just joshing about digging out the Vault, no need with the Archive, I don't even have a quality tape deck anymore, haven't for years)

    And A Ho 1981! Keep those show stories coming. You all got me hankering to hear 12/5/81 and maybe revisit all of March '81 :)

    12/5 is looking appealing today and it's been awhile S1 closes with Cumberland > El Paso, Ramble On, Passenger, Bird Song > Let It Grow! And that's after 4 songs already! Man.. what a band.
    And yeah, the aforementioned BRRB in Set 2 along with Shakedown, PITB > D> S> Wheel> PITB sandwich.

    I think it's calling us you all.
    1981 spirit is in the air, I been saying it.
    What's it gonna be?

    PS - OB 5/17/81 is a SMOKER!
    Ironically, I was looking it over after your mention, and noticed I only had Set 2 :)
    No Set 1 SBD, but a fairly new Jim Wise Audience recording Clugston Transfer from 2018 that sounds really good.
    Jerry just starts shredding at the end of Promised Land.
    And this my friends is why I like it here!
    Thanks for the mention bro.

  • DeadVikes
    Bluecrow, Oroborous

    Great show Bluecrow, Park City Utah! Yes, summer 87 was a blast. So many good memories.

    And you have an 81 show in your bank. Pretty cool, would love to hear more about that.

    Would to love to hear more about your 81 shows Oroborous, you lucky guy.

    So, we are a little over a week to two new shows from 87! Can't wait.

    And then early November Dave's 2021 subscriptions.....

    Where's that box??

  • bluecrow
    Park City!!

    gonna toot the horn again on this one. finally heard Set I and on my 3rd spin or so through Set II in past several days - what a fun listen and fun show!! pretty sure my cassette was the Ultramatrix. who knew? it kicks ass. everything I remembered. though I didn't see this show, it really captures that great '87 summer vibe. FOB I listened to earlier was also excellent.
    only '81 show I saw was 12/6 at Rosemont. Some solid moments including sweet Jack a Roe, China > Rider Set I closer, and a Set II To Lay Me Down. Just a few weeks earlier saw the Jerry Band at the final show at the Uptown - move to Rosemont sadly was end of an era. there were rumors that Dead were thinking of booking a final Uptown run but no. Oro mentioned 1st set from previous night in Indy. I haven't checked sources but the Set II from that night was smoking from what I heard at time - opens with a fat Shakedown and its freaking got a pre-drumz Big Railroad!!

  • Oroborous
    81 and Healy vs Betty

    81, yaaasssss another fine overlooked year! Love 5/6, definitely better than Dave’s 20. Can also vouch for 3/13, 5/17, and 9/26 as I was there and Dave and XM have played these often over the years. Always thought 5/17 was a top show and better than 5/16 from boxilla. Remember having first sets from Indianapolis 12/5?, and St Louis, and a hot 2nd set from KC. Had more back in the day but don’t recall. Probably not great recordings etc so didn’t get the same love as the others?
    IMO I don’t think Healy should of gotten fired, or at least not until he did. Perhaps sent off to rehab....
    He didn’t get canned because he couldn’t mix, but because of his personal problems, differences of opinion and being insubordinate. I think the collaboration between he and the Ultra-Sound crew/equipment provided the greatest live reinforcement ever!
    Also, some mixers are good at live versus studio etc. I’m sure Betty had good enough ears to mix live, but that doesn’t mean she could have as there’s more to it than that. And conversely, if Healy only did recordings using the same rig as Beatty, I’m sure he’d do fine.
    I’ve never felt the GD or any of the after groups has ever sounded as good. I love Cutlers studio stuff but wasn’t a fan live. Too clean and not loud enough for my taste. By clean I mean in the sterile digital sense versus that nice tube or tape saturation. For example, listen to E72 when they were still mostly using only Fender power on the instruments. You can clearly hear the tube overdrive on occasion. To some folks it sounds more like R&R than the ultra clean sound that evolved. It’s one of those fine artistic lines, not unlike a great chef.

  • bluecrow
    Park City '87

    so funny thing is I only had Set II so this is first time for Set I. Didn't even know the set list. Nice to see the Big Boss Man opener - they broke that out 3rd night at Red Rocks.
    not going to dig through the avalanche right now. listening to the Ultramatrix and that may have been my original source. it sounds real good to my ears, much better than others I've heard from earlier in the year. I had no clue back then that Healy was experimenting with those so I would have thought my source was a sweet FOB pull. I'll figure it out some day.
    enjoy this show and the day folks!!
    edit - deep state coming for you senator! careful!

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Member for

17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Hopefully we will all have our boxes by the end of this week or sooner.

As we continue to wait, how does 7/21/72 sound to you all? This was download series #10.

I recently checked that show out and it snuck up on me how good it was! I think I actually went back and spun it a couple more times on account of that. A definite sleeper pick in my opinion.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by wilfredtjones


It seems to be showing up most places sorta on time, and trust me, it’s worth the wait.
Oh, and GO VIKES!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to prep for a date with a garden hose mañana...

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Member for

13 years 1 month

I never got the Download Series releases, which based on this show, I should remedy soon! Whew! Great stuff! The Playin' is particularly strong, though everything I heard (almost all of set 1) is stellar.

I believe that big online box-store has all of the DL series to stream for "free" if you pay for their Primeum service... at least that is how I was listening to it, though I see now that there is a Charlie Miller on the Archive - it is just not the source that pops up simply by searching the date. Anyway, great pick! I plan on enjoying set two when I get home this evening.

Tracking tells me I should have a box arriving tomorrow by 7. Fingers crossed! I am really looking forward to this :)


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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Are they working again?

Ha.. holy hell, my label just got created for this most excellent box set. No delivery time mentioned. Dead.net why do you mock me so...

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Well, I think I sent one. I guess we will see.

Glad you got a label created email Jim.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


I've waiting this long, what's another couple weeks... :D

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


Bonus disc...
Well the bastids didn’t kill me this time.
Man that propofol is good sheet man!
I asked the gas passer if I could get some to go and he laughed.
So since I was still enjoying the ride when I got home I figured that awesome 12/6/73 Dark Star was in order!

I might try and start in on round 2 of the box shows with stuff from that list for extra credit...

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7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Appear to be working Jim. I sent one yesterday and received one back today.

Oroborous, are you thinking the bonus disc for RT4. 3?

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Check your PM.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


You're right about that.. I had a procedure done this spring and woke up feeling (excuse the cliché) groovy. Whatever they used to use decades ago had all kinds of not so pleasant side effects (sodium pentothal?).

So did the anesthesia upgrade get phased in at about the same time as crisp digital soundboards began to replace our sometimes hissy and/or audience tapes?

Cool. PM's are working again.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


This release, I agree with others is fantastic. I remember the first time I heard it I was thinking if someone put this show on and you didn't know when it was from, you might have a hard time coming up with July 72. The playing is top notch and the sound quality is A+. Great versions of Sugaree, BTW, China-Rider, Stella Blue. Second set brings it home, the Other One stands out. The bonus tracks from 7/22/72 are also worth a listen.

Okay, moving on to 73 bonus disc.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Saw the last Phil show of the three night run at Port Chester last night.
Mofos can still bring it!
My suggestion for POTD (if yer not suffering from new box coma lol) is to stream it on Fans, it’s worth the 20 bucks.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


Sodium pentathol lol, isn’t that what they use on death row?
What the hell kinda medicine do they practice in those woods ; )

But seriously I’ve known folks who have an awful time with anesthesia, fortunately, I haven’t met a drug yet that I didn’t like lol.

Hey, did you get yer box yet?

Congrats to DV, I see you got yers,, enjoy amigo, we’ll see ya on the other side!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


Moonshine works.. Bite on the branch of a beech tree if they have to set a bone.

What ever they were using 30+ years ago was the brown acid cousin of the stuff they put you under with today. Now that we've got that settled.... it's got a Cumberland.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Hey Oroborous, yes, it showed up yesterday. Decided to go with the first 72 show today. Spectacular! Man, we continue to be a lucky bunch they recorded all these shows. Unreal.

Still up for picks if you guys are?

Must have been fun to see Phil out there in CO. Lucky guy.

And we get a Dave's Picks #40 announcement tomorrow. Any thoughts?

Will Dave give us two 80 releases in a row like last year? Hard to know. I think we have a chance for 1980.
I do think we will see 10/2/77 released for Dave's Picks #41.

You can never tell…
Didn’t see that coming lol,
Technically a 90s, but really another 80s.
Bet that’ll whip up some whining! Lol

JIM, Sorry, hopefully I didn’t sound critical, I thought you were being humorous and trying to put one past us!
Music maybe the best as Mr Ones would say, but laughter needs to be right up there with it!!
PS, it’ll be worth the wait, I think you especially are gonna love the Box.

DV: I’m still gorging on Fox. Working fuel for building a bed. Put our big log bed in guest room so have been sleeping on a “temporary” plywood pallet for almost 3 years…my other half said if I didn’t get this done by thanksgiving I’d be sleeping in the garage!
Well it snowed, and its winter here already, and it’s cold in that garage, so I better get to it, hup, hup!

Gonna jump on the Doc 71 train again next week, but starting back to work so not sure what my listening situation will be. I really need to get a personal set up. Not only to dig more/better dead, but to drown out the construction racket. Man I hate construction jobs. Give me a nice big empty mansion with some whole house audio system any day!

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Snow already out there! It didn't make out to us yet, which is okay. You don't want to end up in the garage.
Been super busy the last couple of days with work and family, hoping to continue to listen to the new box. Loving it.
Surprised Dave's 40 hasn't sold out yet. What a great way to end October.
So, what are the two other big things that are going to happen in 2021??
I hope it wasn't the garden club stuff.

Stay well out there.

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Member for

15 years 9 months

the only time I ever had triple vision. I see why they call it "truth serum" I had no problem telling everyone and anyone what I thought about anything, including them, unfortunately, being a sodium pentothal a hole only brought the cops who did not act kindly when I told them what I though about them... but that's another story.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


The 2 things remaining for 2021 are:
1) 2022 subscription
2) 30 Days of Dead

Unless Dave surprises us with a stealth release. Which would be awesome.

I didn’t see any GD on the Black Friday RSD release list. But there is still enough time to add something.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Need a change of peace before I go back to the new box.

Billy the Kid mentioned this show that he was at and it sounded like one we should check out. 10/20/78. This one is for you Billy. Must have been a blast.

Conekid, I think Dave said in addition to the Dave's Picks? But who knows, I think we are done with any other music release this year after we get Dave's #40, which I am excited about.

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Member for

11 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


don't forget 31 days of december and the last 2 45's are coming in November

and like the DaP glasses I have all the 45's!!!!

The 45's make a great bragging point when I go to the local biker bar. Some guy will rave about his 52 pan head, or I got a 64 knuckle head. I always come back with, yeah, but I got all of the grateful dead's 45's,,,, so there!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Dennis


Missed the last two glasses. Oh well..

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by Dennis


The bikers respond, “you don’t have a turntable”.

I also didn’t have a turntable.
But then 2-27-69 came out on vinyl and I was able to get a copy. So then I had to get a turntable.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


This is a fantastic show. Five dancing bears! Definitely worth a listen for those that have not heard it. Two song encore. I won't ruin it for you, but I can't remember too many shows that ended like this one. The Dead always maintained the mantra of not being a greatest hits band, that is for sure.

Billy the Kid, great time to be at these shows!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Starting the second set of 12/10/71 now. Incredible music on these CDs... can't wait for the rest.

I will hit 10/20/78 when I come up for air.

First world problems, I know.. too much great music to occupy my time. Thanks for keeping it all going you guys (and gals???). It's been a really weird week here.. call it spooktober, I don't know.. but the planets seem slightly misaligned and life is tossing curveballs. Such is life, at least we've got this newly delivered sonic nectar from the gods.

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Member for

11 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


.... just when I thought that was it for the end of the year,,,,, the Garcia album drops!!

BTW - when the biker mentioned the lack of a turntable, I cut em three ways, wide, deep and repeatedly. (old richard pryor line!)

I have been keeping up on the really good LP's.. but no space to set up my turntable.

Perhaps this thread will pick up again after we get our first listen in for #40. We are busy preparing and digesting the harvest.. and what a harvest it is.

I might need to order Light Into Ashes.
That sequence sounds so awesome on CD.
But, the thought of it being broken up into 4 album sides has made me a little hesitant.

Got my DaP 40 shipping notice today.

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Member for

9 years 9 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


...just for the sound! So much smoother and more powerful, especially the bass. There seems to be better staging, a more open sound too. If I had a super high quality CD player it might be different, but I always prefer the sound of good vinyl. Crappy vinyl, I'm probably better off with a CD as I have proven to myself replacing some old chestnuts with new CDs. But to your point the disruptions between album side flips is annoying and there is even a start-over on one flip of a couple of minutes of material. That one felt weird for sure. I should have gotten the 5 LP whole show on vinyl is my current regret. Cheers

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Vinyl ordered.

Wonder how long it will take to arrive.

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Member for

9 years 10 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I'm very glad I got it. I haven't compared the sound to that on the cd, but it sounds exceptional to me. I like the fact that the jam has been seperated off, and been presented in this way. The whole show is great- but the sections on this L.P. collection are unique in their own right. Pity it's nor available to Joe Public.

I haven't bought the vinyl 12/10/71, though. The sound of those cds exceed my expectations, and I can't honestly see how the vinyl could improve on it. Maybe if it drops substantially in price I will get it. Or if I happen to log on in the early hours of the morning when rational thought has gone to sleep for a while.

Have been concentrating on keeping my place on the Doc 71 train.
I’m a bit burnt on the dead right now, at least early 70s.
Been listening to a lot of jazz to mix it up.
Looking forward to 40 for something completely different.
Soon I’ll check out some of those picks that Bluecrow and others suggested…

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Member for

9 years 10 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Maybe someone should set up a Deadheads Anonymous Group for people who have become addicted ! He thought he could handle it...
Just fooling - no disrespect to A.A., N.A or any of the other 12 step programmes out there.

Looking at RT 4. 4 for tomorrow. 4/6/82 and portions of 4/5/82. I see Glasser mastered this one. Time to get back at it.
Oroborous, were you at this one?

I always liked this show.. had part of it on tape and was happy to replace it when the Road Trips was released.

Had 82 on the brain for some reason?
Nope DV, missed it by that much…saw the 8th and 9th.
Definitely do that up first chance I get!

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I have not listened to this release in maybe 4 years. Sound quality is fantastic. Great show and great bonus material. There are several great shows and parts of shows released through this series. Need to polk around in 82 a little more. I know we hit up Jim's show in Maryland with that crazy raven space that scared my family including the dog.

Doesn't look like #40 will be here this weekend.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

10/27 presents a lot of choices for shows from this day, but I'm feeling 10/27/91 in light of the fact I have to visit Bill Graham Civic Auditorium today. It's a different sound from '82 but the show contains a great setlist, greater guests, even better playing. Hope this show doesn't disappoint :)

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JoshByTheBay


Hey Josh, thanks for the pick. I am going to check this out.

Jim, the Baltimore 77 show is getting released. Congrats. Didn't we hit this one up here recently?

More 77!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


For 10/27, I think I like the Miller. This one seems to have Hornsby in, right?

I think we hit Baltimore '77 early in the process.. it might have been me that suggested it. Not normally a hungry for more '77 but I always respected this show. It's funny.. I had put it in the same mental box as the Richmond show that become Dave's Picks vol. 1 and Dave must have looked at these two closely together also. They have the same vibe and same great sound quality. The recordings are absolutely pristine, top pocket finds.

Anyway.. it's a good show, a great recording and it was destined to be a Dave's Picks, and so now it is.

Good pick on 4/6/82. I caught the highlights but couldn't digest the whole thing. I love the energy of the short but dense TOO > a wonderful '82 Morning Dew. For me, that's the meat of this show and Jerry still had that delicate voice in '82.. it had not gotten course and haggard yet. Onward.

Just finished this show up this morning. Thanks for the pick Josh. Nice sounding recording. Standouts for me were the Iko Iko, the Mona was interesting. You can really here Santana in those two songs. Nice Althea and China Rider. Bill Graham to die in the crash at 60, too young.

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17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


now who’s behind lol.
Work situation has ment no tunes, well, there’s plenty of Mexican accordion music on site lol.

Well, at least caught 10/27/91 back when I was on a tear. Good show! Enjoyed that whole run. Would love to see 10/31 out someday. Think ole Conekid suggested these.

I did manage10/26/71 and into 10/27/71 today trying to catch up to the Doc train.
Haven’t hit 4.4 YET, but will soon!
Haven’t had that one very long and thus only a few listens. Feel like some 82 is needed!
Keep the mother rolling DV and company!

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13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


We all do what we can. I am taking a small palate diversion by catching some Phil at the Capitol at home on my couch. Which isn't helping me catch up.. I am hitting the highlights though, Great Althea from 10/91 and an interesting second set.

What a weird world we live in..
It's raining so much here I thought it wise to build an ark. Speaking of Ark.. have we hit any of these here recently?

Ark Ark.

Nicki Bluhm is belting out Easy Wind as I write this. It's a hard life.

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7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Thinking of keeping going on the 82 train. No Dave's #40 for me yet.

5/23/82 the last night at the Greek Theatre. Let me know what you all are thinking.

Stay well.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Steve Miller 8-3-77, good show and good sound.
Get it if you’re a Steve Miller fan.

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13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


I'm in. Both Millers are good.. the sbd and the Dr. Bob audience. I am going with the Soundboard but the Seamons matrix is appealing.

A Shakedown opener, a fast Eyes and a long second set. A nice 1982.