Terrapin Station - Grateful Dead - Album front Released by: Artsta Records Cover Art: Kelley/Mouse Studios
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This album was produced by
This album was produced by Fleetwood Mac producer Keith Olsson. He wanted to make the band sound "commercial." Well, commercial as far as what the mid 1970s standards were. It all sounds so dated today, even if it were commerical back then.
Too bad the Dead didn't choose Phil Spector to produce the album. Phil Spector's Wall of Sound plus the Dead's Wall of Sound would have made one grand LP album.
Artwork used on the cover
I have an old kid's coloring book from the 60's that has the dancing turtle (sans instruments) on the inside cover. It's literally the exact same picture. Does anyone know any history behind the artwork? I've tried searching but have yet to find anything.
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