Album Cover, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grateful Dead. Fillmore East, NY 4/xx/1971
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Paul NazzaroI have to say
Paul Nazzaro
I have to say that this was possibly the best concert I ever attended. The Dead played three sets that night and Pigpen was still great, it was right before he got sick. The atmosphere and fun I had from that night made me a Dead fan forever, it also spoiled me in some ways. The concert started at 8 PM with the new Riders playing until about 9:30, then the Dead started about 10 PM, we didn't get out that night until 4 AM! What a night! It ended with "We Bid you Goodnight". Which was preceeded by Pigpen's rendition of :The Midnight Hour". It was a fitting ending to a night i still have never forgotten after over 37 years!
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