GD Newsletter #21, July 1975. With \'Blues for Allah\' Promotion
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Great pic/Great Album/Great year!
lol...i was born this year. I love thisalbum, it's so creative and different, plus
great to see the gang takin a break before
they blew us over in the next 20 yrs!!!
"And if you go no one may follow,
That path is for your steps alone..."
No Arguement Here
This album was one of my favorites...and I graduated from high school when this album came out. Yes, album! Made from that vinyl material, XD
think I may
think I may still have some of these stickers........GC
if you have a spare GD
if you have a spare GD sticker, or even better- multiple extra dead stckers, i would love to buy them from you. this is to anyone who reads this. but yea, this album is amazing. i can relate to crazy fingers w/ an experience that was really similar. a good time and story the same, but not for this moment. be good fam!
blues 4 frisko
frisko-mobb shop tattoo aurora,co 16868 E. Iliff 3033695446if u want to see a blues for allah sticker, stuck on my chest 4 life go to my site friskotatt2
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