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  • Eric Abrahamson
    9 years 2 months ago
    Eric Abrahamson At my age, it's already predetermined that I'm not going to go to all that trouble unless I like it. The glass is either half-full or half-empty. Nobody twisted my arm, put me in a headlock, and made me listen to it-I think it's cool. I asked my brother for money to go, and he gave me 2 tickets. My friend Billy "Buzzboy" Rose, "Wavy Gravy's adopted son", used to be a Grateful Dead roadie, he got me backstage at the first show I went to after I met him, so I think they're good to me. My other friend, Richie Shirley, from the Hog Farm, was in the backstage Crew, traveled around the country with them and sold official T-shirts, and his wife, Andrea, "Mom", the cook at Camp Winnarainbow, used to work in their office in San Rafael and they had an apartment there. I met Richie and Billy at Woodstock where the Hog Farm was the Security and the Please Force, so you kids who pan them, fuck you and your worthless idiot opinions. You've never even been there yet, if you ever get there, at this rate. I think they were the best rock and roll band that ever was, and the Rolling Stones was #2, and I've seen them both. Compared to what, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? The technology is pretty good for playing in a stadium as big, new, and modern as that. They can hear everything you say and see everything you do, and my brother bought me a ticket way up in the back. In between songs this kid 10 rows down says, "Shoot him!" and I go, "I have a gun!" and immediately they started into "Loser", "If I had a gun/For every ace I have drawn/I could arm a town/The size of Abilene!" I don't like it when they get that personal, ad hominem, but I'm still a fan, because even if they ever had a bad day, they recorded plenty of *good* days, which can always happen, always *do* happen at least a little bit, and silicon is immortal. Great light show. The only problem is with the critics and nay-sayers, who have pre-judged it all instead of, "Judge not!"--like "prejudiced". They already don't like it, they were prepared not to like it--there is nothing the band could have done or could do that they would have liked or would like. It's against their religion. It couldn't be worse if they sang traditional Moslem hymns to Allah in Arabic. They probably know how. There was a day when *everybody* liked it, even my parents. They were the #2 top-grossing entertainment act for 2 years in a row; #1 was Bill Cosby, by concerts, not by record sales, by word-of-mouth, household names, I remember. Nobody listened to that thing about rock-and-roll being "the Devil's music", and if you play it backwards it says, "Hail, Satan!" In my opinion, the Church rejects dancing, "worldly", as opposed to gospel or spiritual music, commercial music, art, literature, drama, culture, one of the reasons, because it's linked in their mind with pagan religion, which certainly applies to the Grateful Dead. However, I would argue that when the Christians converted the Roman Empire and tore down the Pagan temples, later they incorporated some of the features of the pagan religions into their own, from what I've heard. For example, do they say that the gods and goddesses of the polytheistic pantheons of the ancient cultures like Greece, Italy, Egypt, Babylonia are really One, the Lord God of the Old Testament? Or it says on Wikipedia that the Lord God of the Old Testament was the war god of the Phoenicians, like Mars Hill, though I don't see why not the head god Jupiter, Zeus, Ra, or Aten, where Moses got it. Then the Christians say Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is One, with Jesus Christ being the Son, a bow to pagan polytheism, but just 3. But they also have the Virgin Mary, who some say is Mother Earth, lots of saints and angels, etc. They say the 30,000 Roman and Greek gods were angels and demons, it's confusing, but some of them were like the Christian God in some ways. For example, Zeus sounds like "deus", which means "God". Jupiter, the Roman for Zeus, has also the name "Jove", which sounds like "Jehovah", which is translated "LORD" in the Old Testament. I read that the Christians used features from the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter, the Earth Mother in the Mass, the table, I think, maybe cups, candles, etc. to attract pagans. Some of the saints represent pagan deities from other cultures, and now they become Christian. The Greeks and Romans also had animal sacrifices like the Jews in the Tabernacle and Temple. Lots of their gods had wings like the Jewish angels, like Cupid, Victory, and Iris, the Rainbow. Maybe Moses got the snake on the pole from Mercury's Caduceus, and Asculepius the healer. The Elysian Fields is similar to the Christian Heaven, and Hades to the Christian Hell. Of course, there are just as many differences as similarities. Online I saw a book by the Church Father St. Clement where he uses Ulysses tied to the mast not to hear the Sirens' Song in Homer's "Odyssey" as an example of successfully resisting temptation, "Epistle to the Greeks". Of course, the Pope and the Vatican have always been in Rome. The Father represents Odin from Norse Germanic neo-Paganism, and Thor Jesus in a way. The word "Holle", "hell", isn't in the Bible, it's in the Norse "Eddas". *Valhalla* was their "Heaven". They mixed it with the Jewish Old Testament, the Greek and Roman paganism, etc. They included some of the old Jewish Mosaic prohibitions. Religion has art, music, literature, architecture, and Greek religion was somewhat based on plays. The Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple had a lot of art, sculpture, music, and architecture, and the Bible itself really is man-made literature. They just want a monopoly and no competition, and to control the State. A lot of art, music, literature, architecture, and sculpture got it's start in religion and then some Christians object for those artisans to become commercial, to use it for money, because they want to control the money, which is also man-made. It belongs to the person whose picture is on the money, who owns the metal mines, the mints, and who coins the money. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." There *is* no picture of God. Some of the Caesars, Roman Emperors, made the people worship them as gods. Constantine himself was Apollo the Sun-God before he was a Christian. Go figure. Another reason the Church may prohibit "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll, drinking, smoking, and cussing", besides Scripture, as well as art, music, literature, theatre, and culture, science, technology, medicine, "the works of men's hands", the prohibition on idolatry, "make no graven image","bow down to no graven image", well that's another one. *Another* one, "God has made everything sufficient, but they have sought out many inventions." But the Church wants the money that people spend on entertainment, art, music, literature, plays, to go to them. Maybe they *did* think they were all being guided by *God* when they were on LSD and they were deceived by the Devil, "caught in the Devil's bargain", "Satan Himself appears as an Angel of Light to deceive if He can the very Elect," but they were experimenting and they thought they were right. Maybe if you got psychedelic by fasting 40 days in the desert those are true, not Satanic, visions. I think they came true for some of them; potentially could have come true for a lot more. Ram Dass called them "entheogens, 'theo', Greek for 'God', 'God-manifesting', you see God, become One with God, become God". "I am That I am." "I and the Father are One." "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." "I said ye are gods; nevertheless you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." "We are as gods, and we might as well get good at it." The only psychedelic church I ever heard of was the Native American Church in New Mexico, who had a cross on the altar. They converted all the American Indians to Christianity, but they can still do some traditional Indian things they all (or at least some of them) like to do, just to preserve the culture for posterity. People are always interested in what happened in the past; it's valuable information. The price of Indian jewelry has gone up at least 100x in my lifetime, as it becomes more scarce, as they become lost arts, and they were better before the Wasichus came. There's that Jesse Colin Young song, "Before You Came", how great the Indians had it. A lot of pagan spirituality is a lot higher than a lot of Western spirituality; it's the same thing. If you call the Virgin Mary the Earth Mother, or Father God, Mother Earth, or the Yin-Yang, that's Paganism, or different forms of it, generally speaking. Freud in "Moses and Monotheism", says the Egyptian polytheism was better than the Egyptian monotheism, because when Iknaton switched them to Aten, the One God form of the Sun God Ra, he made Pharoah Iknaton at the top of the "pyramid", with all the ranks of nobles, courtiers, priests, and common people. With the polytheistic system, Isis, Osiris, all that, even though it's true what the Christians say, they worshipped animals, crocodiles, cattle, ibises, hawks, birds, elephants, lions, etc., as the Christians say, "brute beasts", power was more diffuse throughout society, less centered in the king. And he says they were more prosperous, too, with polytheism, that their society declined with monotheism, they overthrew Iknaton, called him a heretic, and restored polytheism. That was why one of the reasons Moses had to get out, to preserve the monotheistic concept somewhere else by founding a new religion. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter. There are traces of the Egyptian roots in Moses' writings; he uses the Hebrew word "Elohim", "gods", plural, for "LORD God", and "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," admitting they exist, but fighting them, and "Who is like unto Thee, among the gods?" "You're the best!" I don't know; I'm not a theologian. I just had a year of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Yale, and graduated from Mountain Heights neo-Pentecostal Bible College in 1974. I saw the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo tonight, the same as the Star of Bethlehem. It was out for about an hour. Astrology is from paganism, too, and probably the Dead used an astrologer when they set up the stadium dates as a Christian joke, although who knows how forgiving the Christians can be about that. The Bible accuses those who "worship the host of heaven upon the housetops" and they said that meant the pagan Babylonian astrologers. But the Christians reject a lot of other things the Jews said, like the rule against pork. Maybe that verse condemns the Roman astrologers, too. I read that not only were the Romans, and Greeks, into that, but they had augurs, or prophecies by things like the flight of birds, which might signify things like victory or defeat in war, or they'd read the entrails of animals they sacrificed, like tea leaves, or "sibyls" at the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi would prophecy the future in poetry, Socrates had a "inner god" that told him what to do. The Christians say "abandon all that" and then years later when you're "mature in the Lord" it wasn't so bad, and won't really hurt you, "all things are pure to him who is pure", "nothing is unclean of itself", etc. This issue is "if __________ makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no ____________," "Blessed is the man who is not condemned by the thing he alloweth," and something about the "commandments of men". I'm going to write more on another post so it isn't too long.
  • deaded2
    9 years 2 months ago
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was
    Hehe gardenamesX2 :) I was thinking just the opposite... direwulf isinmyhead I hope they play it next week!!! Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase don't murder me
  • Default Avatar
    9 years 2 months ago
    couldn't have said it better
    isinmyhead & direwulf
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<? // pull in news from "50th Anniversary" feature type taxonomy $news = views_embed_view('story_lists', 'block_50news'); echo $news; ?>

Grateful Dead Original Members Add Two Dates To Final Concerts

April 10, 2015

The original members of Grateful Dead have announced two additional shows at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on June 27th and 28th, as part of their “Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of Grateful Dead” run. Along with the three shows at Chicago's Soldier Field on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the run will mark the original members' last-ever performances toget

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Member for

9 years 7 months

If its true, and they do the same TM method, we don't stand much of a chance to get tickets. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use a different method of selling tickets. Will call with ID required the morning of at the box office, something...anything, get these scalpers out of the picture! The efforts to stop scalpers for FTW Chicago did not work!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

GDTS staged walk out and threaten to slice little bunnies to death with a 1,000 paper cuts with one last box on unreturned money orders just found in trunk of car. Bill Walton is on scene negotiating Ticketmaster deal with GDST Too staff in exchange for bunnies. One long timer GDTS women quoted as sayin "I'm gonna slice that little f#@$ing bunny's balls off!"
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Member for

9 years 7 months

...that dead.net members (current list before any scalpers join) get PMs with a code for a pre-sale BEFORE PSL and niners ticketholders get to snatch them up and start the scalping frenzy. Shapiro, you listening? Pretty Please??????
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16 years 11 months

Breathe my friend. We have strategy on our side this time. We got your back.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

I think GDTSTOO is quite done.... look for TM and wait for the wheel is turning and it can't slow down, can't go back and you can't stand still if the thunder don't get you then Shapiro will! Good luck Left Coast Heads....
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Agreed Totem... Plus, Klang, the mighty brother and sisterhood of the SD'ers !! Dude, this is nothing but GOOD NEWS re soldier FTW ticket prices...let the price degradation begin !!
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Member for

9 years 7 months

What strategy? What control or influence could we possibly have that can affect the outcome this time around? Asking, pleading, begging? Hasn't got me a ticket yet and TM won't f#ckin transfer a single ticket... Is GDTS TOO keeping our reject list and gonna take care of us? I just don't see that happening...
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Member for

9 years 7 months

...I hope the daydreamers are right and I am wrong. I have no way of knowing one way or another. I will be the first one to admit he was wrong if anyone can prove me wrong, or if the supposed "miracle" happens. Pessimism is winning over optimism in this battle. Looking for something to tip the scales. Have yet to see anything that has tipped anything in our favor. Just because we are planning a get together does not increase our chances to get tickets into the shows, without succumbing to the scalpers. Sorry, but that's just how I feel. Nothing has changed since Feb. At this point, I am finding myself only daydreaming of getting a reasonably priced ticket for ANY of these shows.
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Member for

11 years 4 months

So unless someone out there has found or created a reasonable TM bot, we will lose as we did before. This is a fact of life. You cannot compete with a computer that checks the millisecond they go on sale AND doesn't have to fill out those annoying anti-bot codes that are never easy to fill out (see this site). Not to rain on the parade, the only way those of us locked out of FTW stand a chance is to work together and try to get as many tix as we can and share them here. The whole go for what you need appears to be a joke. This does pose the risk though of buying more than you need - though this also means possibly setting an example and selling on Ebay of Stubhub at cost (plus shipping and associated fees of course - there is no point in taking a loss!) my $0.02 (though in Canada we no longer have the penny so I suppose that is my $0.05) Again, cautiously optimistic
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Another debacle in the making!
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9 years 6 months

July 10, 11, 12.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

In August. 15 shows in the making, just firming up venues.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

May be an option after all....
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9 years 6 months

Are salivating! More cash in their pockets.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Great option. Only a mile from the show and price not bad. Book it Dano! Extended Stay America - San Jose - Santa Clara 2131 Gold St., Alviso, CA 95002 Tel: (408) 262-0401 | Fax: (408) 262-0402 Email: sca@extendedstay.com
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Member for

16 years 11 months

.I'm thinking Chicago and Lockn might make more sense for me. At least the fam might not notice if I stretch out the time between shows. :) My best strategy would be to sign off dead.net until the shows are sold out. Otherwise that temptress might call me to me.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

What a blast! Fond memories. The Flora Dora Saloon and the teepee in the middle of town. Fun weekend
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15 years 8 months

i reserved a room 12 days ago at the Santa Clara Courtyard by Marriott for $109 a night plus tax. Wishful thinking but I'll be optimistic. I have nothing for Chicago.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

"buying more than you need"? Really? If that was are biggest problem.... (It seems like our tune sounds very much alike you and me) Working together sounds good, sooner than later is better for me but I will try to be patient (not my strong suit). I will probably keep trying to get 1 overpriced ticket to ease my mind so I can book a flight with confidence. Trying to hold out from paying too much.
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16 years 11 months

Klang, now remember, when your avatar changes tomorrow,so will your luck! Synchronicity with the new show announcement and falling ticket prices. Either that or your skin will turn blue. One or the other.
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Member for

11 years 4 months

I was basically saying that for the 10 of us trying, 1 will get through and that 1 buys all they can...instead of our current, buy what you need and the rest are where we are - we had no community at first
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Oh, you mean for Santa Clara. OK I get it now, that makes sense. My mind is still on Chicago, thought that was what you were referring to. There will most likely be no mail order so if you mean buy 4 instead of 1 via TM I am on board with that. For sure there will no problem getting rid of them if you end up with "extras". There obviously is no such thing as extra anymore.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Yeah, you might have something there! It is ironic that I decided to change my avatar to something SF BEFORE I heard of a semi-official announcement that the dead are for sure, I mean sort of, maybe not all the members coming to, the bay area in June (most likely). Now, if my avatar changes at the exact same time as the "official" announcement (if there is one), then that would be quit the coincidence, or not... ...and then I might have some hope for the changing to good luck.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Hey Klangstone, just a suggestion for when you do get your airline tix, Spirit air flies from Oakland to Chicago O for a decent price. And Southwest flies from San Jose, and I think San Francisco to CHicago Midway for an even better price, and while their cheap Wanna Get Away tix aren't refundable, they can be "returned" up to the day of travel for a full credit for a future ticket.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Howdy all. Getting way ahead of myself here, no show yet to apply this to, but if a head gets through on ticketmaster sale and doesn't buy max tix, I think they do a disservice to the community. Reality dictates a hoarde then share approach. Its the only way to counter scalpers. Those with the tickets set the price, better to have allies holding them. No? I'm commisioning my hacker son and his cronies to work on this bot tool as well. Why should the enemy have all the best tools.
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Member for

11 years 11 months

If Phil ends up being part of this then I would be in. Without him I couldn't justify spending the $$$ to head out there. Chicago will remain my goal, though this would be a nice thing to do on my birthday :/ Maybe it will come out that it's the entire FTW lineup...then I'd be willing to splurge for a birthday trip. Otherwise, good luck everybody should this be a reality! Hope you can get tickets before the scalpers :)
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Thanks y'all! @properlejdi, that statement you see is from the same original source. it has been cut and pasted on every other website including the mainstream reputable ones. But they all quote the same guy I mentioned earlier.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

It's all from the same to do...sorry nothing official yet except from the online sports websites and Bill Walton's word. NO DETAILS! bummer, gotta wait
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Member for

9 years 10 months

It's a beautiful day and were ever closer to the sounds and the sweet uiniversal tether that binds us all. Do a service to the music and yourself and let that lovelight shine!!!!
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Member for

9 years 8 months

So taking anything he says seriously might be a problem. That FaceBook link with the Levi shows in small print does not seem to be the slam dunk we are looking for. Anyone have any other credible source for these shows happening?
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Bill can neither confirm nor deny what Billy told him about the shows in Santa Clara. The tweet was a twit and I guess we all just have to wait until the media relations people are ready to launch the news. Maybe ticket details are still being negotiated and the announcement is not ready. Like Tom Petty sings, "the waiting is the hardest part." I think Bill Walton's silence is telling.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

the boys/Shapiro sticking to their guns; this is the only set of shows, ever.well,ok no tour, but we'll just do a few shows here and there.. good for us, ticket prices/demand will drop damn I'm glad I lost with my $10,000 bid...
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9 years 6 months

Believe it when I see it. At this point, it would be kinda a kick in the pants for those west coasters who are neck deep in chicago. If it happens, I won't go. Chicago and I'm done.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Locin, Peach,Bonnaroo, the only thing left is west coast shows
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9 years 6 months

I am so darn grumpy before my coffee on the lighter side, prices on e-bay are dropping and a lot of no bid auctions out there
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Member for

9 years 6 months

I just watched time run out for 2 3 day passes, high bid was 1,625.01, no sale, looked like he wanted 1900 we must resist the urge to buy at these prices, face yes, scalp hell no
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9 years 7 months

CID has the ability to approve or deny travel package and VIP ticket transfers. I encourage anyone who sees a CID package for resell on Ebay notify CID and ask them to block the transfer. Check websites for contact information. Also the illinois scalper law seems to restrict ebay auction sales payment to PayPal because it offers the consumer some protection, and stubhub and the other ticket sites because they offer the same. So yet another tactic perhaps to go after these sellers. Not like you are going to get the attorney general to support a case against them, but perhaps an email to them or ebay asking if they are in compliance with the Illinois scalper law. Craigslist tickets probably violate the scalper law unless they are referring to tickets offered for sale on the above mentioned sites. Illinois almost had a tough scalper law, then they let the online websites push a big loophole right through the middle of it. Sad.. Lets do our best to make noise about this and make it hard to scalp like this.
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Member for

12 years 8 months

I had taper section tix for the run of shows at The Greek in Berkeley '85 '20 years So Far" run. I was also gifted tickets for a seat right behind the SBD from a friend who couldn't make the run, so once I started the deck I headed on down the hill to look over Healy's shoulders & see what was going on. (And yes, somebody else got in with it too, but I hung on to the stub... ;) ) About 10 minutes into first set, here comes a 7' tall wide-as-a-door fella in a custom tie-dye, & an all-access laminate, who -of course- has the seat right in front of my 5'6" tall ass. We looked at each other for a second or two, laughed & then swapped ticket stubs & seats, and bought each other beers for the rest of the weekend.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Very cool story dude...very cool. Meanwhile, he retracted his tweet re Santa Clara shows so all is silent... Anyone wanting to trade Chicago GDTS TOO tix for three nights at the Hilton (parking lot of Levi Stadium) if these shows happen, shoot me a PM. Cheers.
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Don't know if I oughta keep the kicker on the story on the down low, but maybe the statute of limitations has expired by now... What the hell... Easier to get forgiveness than permission. ;) Bill got upset about the 'outrageous!' prices for beer at concessions ($3 whole dollars?!!!?) & drafted me to help him swipe a couple cases of Heinekins from backstage catering. It wasn't exactly a deep stealth operation, what with the clanking and sloshing of two stoned -and- already drunk foolz carrying a full cooler and giggling, and the catering crew was kinda upset about where that cooler had gone off to... We did put it back after the show. Lolllz
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Member for

9 years 8 months

...that's where that cooler got off too...always wondered...
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Member for

9 years 7 months

...the organization should respond to Bill's statement. Is everyone asleep in GD Productions land? Shapiro? You still alive? It seems no one is thinking about the fans at all. Don't they have a clue what this is doing to all of us? Can we please have an announcement? Geez, it's not rocket science people. Get on the PC and type a few words. It's not that hard. If you need help, come to this forum and we can help you learn how to communicate. Hello? We are all out here still hanging.... THROW US A BONE OR SOMETHING!
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Not going to happen or since how FTW went down, everybody has come out of the woodwork looking for a piece of the action. Like long lost relatives who heard you hit powerball. I do have to say, if it happens, it would be a bit of a knife in the back of those people who bought no view seats.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

As Jerry said... Lost one round, but the price wasn't anything Knife in the back and more of the same.... If it comes to pass its, TM...no more GDTSTOO they're too old for this shit.... He's Gone.....like a steam locomotive rolling down the track, he's gone! FWIW....I miss Jerry.....
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Maybe you go volunteer in a food kitchen or something, or go on a walk in the woods. Turn all the negative energy into good. Only then will things turnaround. p.s. if you had only seen what the first post looked like. lol.. this one is far more positive. lol
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I will see Bob, Phil, Mickey and Billy at the 8/13 Giants game. Grateful Dead tribute night at ATT Park. Go Giants!!