The Dead Family in custody at the Hall of Justice, San Francisco, CA. Photograph from: San Francisco Chronicle. (Left to Right) Bob Weir, Bob Matthews, Rock Scully, Sue Swanson, Pigpen, Veronica Grant, Antoinette Kaufman, Dan Rifkin.
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why is this in bob hunter's photo profile?
I didn't notice bob hunter in this photo, why is this in his photo profile, did he take it. And by the way ,I will say it's conveinent to have your lawyer get busted with you, assuming Rifkin got busted. I believe he was the GD's lawyer. I do know he handled the press conference, and Pig Pen got the whole "guilty by association" because according to various accounts Pig never did any illegal drugs, this was said at the press convference as well. Phil explains this in his book, and Garcia was never involved in the band busts ironcially, but Jerry had his own run ins with the law too down the line. "the law come get you when you don't walk RIGHT" notice how they line doesn't make mentioning to walking left! Bob's a genius with words and context!
I wish that for just one time, You could stand inside my shoes, and for just that one moment, I could be you - Bob Dylan, Positively 4th St.
could never forget it
could never forget this-seems as I remember it- the headlines said "GD Busted" & my grandmother slamming the newspaper down in front of me saying "here, here's the G.D. you like so much"....... in my teenaged daze.........just nothing left to do, but smile, smile, smile (which is what I did)......Gypsy Cowgirl
I'm with Gypsy
I couldn't believe the front page either. My Mom & Dad, well they probably could, oh boy. I remember thinking "Just what I need'. I still get the stupid Chronicle.
For Real Docks...
but Ursa Minor, I'm pretty sure Danny Rifkin was not ever their lawyer (although I could be wrong).. Wish I had saved the paper though.......xoxxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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