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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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  • geomeister
    @ Like-to-hike and her kitties
    I knew there was something special about you Holly... Never met a cat lady I didn't like, and that goes triple for you! Bumble sounds like a trollop tho...tsk tsk tsk.
  • geomeister
    @ Hearts and Mining and Cats
    Great story Rich! Maine Coons are the bestest...Gracie was mine... I can see you standing there w Oscar in all his glory....back safe in his masters arms... future tenants out the door and oughta there ...and you saying, Good Kitty. I miss Gracie, you miss Oscar, and we all miss Jerry....
  • liketohike
    @ I'm gettin old...
    Great story! I love kitties! I have three right now and one is a Maine Coon! His name is Xander. He is large as well, bigger than a small dog. His dad is a show cat named Wilson Pickett. His momma is named Mustang Sally. His daddy's head is the size of a cantelope...He has a Turkish Van pattern which is rare in a Coon so he is all white with black ears and tail and one black spot. He looks like a cat cow. About 16 lbs... My newest kitty is Hawkeye and he came from the woods. He grew up outdoors and lost a claw on his front paw somehow. He is the sweetest little boy ever! He is red and white, well more of a rust color. And Stoli, my 12 year old kitty who was born to my other cat Bumble in my closet in one of the hottest summers in STL. Bumble clawed her way out of the bathroom screen to get out while she was in heat. She was gone for 3 days and I didn't think I'd ever see her again. She came home filthy with 4 alley cats chasing her... needless to say she had gotten knocked up...Bumble went with my ex and Stoli still remains... Kitty Stories.
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    @been a miner for a Heart of Gold....
    Had a cat in my first apartment illegally, kept litter box in bath tub.....name was Oscar....a fine looking Maine Coon.....well when it was time to find a house.....I let my landlord Mr. Lang know and he said he would show place on a few minutes notice to rent it out after I left, sure enough on this hot August Saturday afternoon he said he'd be over in a minute....scrambling I moved the litter box, put it under my bed and threw Oscar out the bathroom window ( first floor) so he landed on his feet and Mr. Lang was with his potential tenants at the front door, the only door..... Well he starts showing the place, btw it was flea infested....used to walk around in white knee high athletic socks, not for fashion but to avoid getting bitten and pick them off my socks and drown them....one flea at a time. So this couple comes in, in flip flops.....second they hit the carpet they are getting eaten alive, they start scratching.....and mortified as they turn to leave, Oscar, claws and all jumps on the living room screen....six feet up and is clinging on for dear life and meowing up a storm, as he scrambles he begins to rip the screen from his weight...he was a big boy as the screen shreds he, jumps through it into the room, sits at my feet and jumps up into my arms. Chagrined I look at my landlord, he throws me $5, said go buy yourself a flea bomb, and the screen repair is coming out of your security deposit....then turns to leave looks at me and winks, says nice cat.....next time just let the cat stay, less chaos. I miss Oscar.....
  • geomeister
    @ da intermodal yada yada yada
    bunt note...and the rest of the story... Brother had found a higher power than drugs (not hard) called Jesus, got busted right afterwards for transgressions, was paroled to a Christian outreach called Teen Challenge... got his head on right, cleaned up his life, became an international missionary then evangelist, preached to millions, including the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola from 1995 - 2000 (look it up) and started a church in DFW, which is why I moved here... look up stevehill ministries dot com if you wanna read about an awesome life. RIP, Steve...we lost him last year after a 5 year battle with cancer....and the last years I was blessed to be by his side. Thanks for the memories, and the car, Steve. You rocked it big time. Now, about that rock and roll band and page two...and all that Jazz...can I fly with you guys?
  • liketohike
    @ Fly Robin, Fly...
    The NY people are originally from here...and moving back in a month or so...and hey now, I have nice condo! its just 109 years old... As far as SpyroGyra goes...you know people love that fusion. Traditional is saved for the old heads and old souls...
  • geomeister
    @ the "Intermodal Interface Station"
    ...doen't have that bluesy feel to it...much prefer bus station...and oh those fumes...yum yum. Tried to smuggle my jet black cat named Casper on a Grayhound bus, in Albuquerque back in '75 or so, after abandoning my pickup truck forty miles west of that fine town, broke down with a torn off u-joint in an enclosed drive line. When that happens going 65 miles an hour, it turns the rear-end brass gears into mush... Sold the truck for 50 bucks, put all my stuff by the side of the road, middle of the desert, three days before Christmas, going home to 'bama to visit my brother who was in jail...kitty cat under my arm, thumb stuck out...and a miracle occurred. Got a ride from a nice couple right to the station. Bought a one-way ticket on ba dus for 45 bucks, tried to board, Casper meowed hi to the briver and he said..."What's that?" I said my cat, he said not on my bus. I said ok, turned, and there is the elderly couple standing there. They said, we'll take you to a kennel. They did, and took me back, I baorded, off we went, got to 'Bama, visited said brother and he said need a car? Take mnine, I wonm't need it. Two weeks later I pick up my cat in the kennel and away I go to the safety of the mnountains in CA and the GD... Always liked dus stations....and elderly couples with hearts of gold....that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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    @Learning to Fly....
    yes indeed, I do hope those poor suckers from NY, ahem educated consumers ;-) buy your condo....tough being in limbo..... I agree, good jazz can not be beat....this festival is a 2 day ordeal in Lewiston NY right on the water, vendors, bring folding chairs and set up in front of any of 5 stages.....a guy I haven't seen 10 years plays piano in a jazz trio with his girlfriend on vocals....really want to see him play.....he grew up in da Buff with his contemporaries at the time SpyroGyra...they went separate directions, he more traditional and be bop ragtime and SpyroGyra became millionaires....oh well..... Whether you fly by the seat of your pants or skin of your teeth.....be sure to flap them wings.... Into the air, junior Birdman/woman.....
  • liketohike
    @ Sittin downtown at a railway station...
    I got my bus pass in hand... I love jazz fests...I love Jazz! I even named one of my kitties Jazz.... a long time ago... Not sure what the weekend has in store...gonna fly by the seat of my pants. Fingers crossed that a couple from NY wants to buy my condo!!!
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    Hey now Miami....gearing up for a great weekend. have a local jazz fest tomorrow and Grass is Dead in a bar on Sunday night..... Just sitting in a bus station, waiting for the next one to come along.....will flag you down after a quick test drive.....
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17 years 9 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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Member for

10 years 9 months

What an amazing, transcendent summer celebration. "Thank You!" to the entire band for getting out there once again and making the magic! And thanks to everyone who was there along the way (or streaming from afar) for sharing the vibe and spreading the kindness with all of us. Maybe another tour after the dust settles? . . . Hope so! Onward! . . . still miss Jerry.
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14 years

It was two years ago today that we all met up in Chicago for the FTW pic a nic, a lot has transpired since then. I would like to wish all th Daydreamers a Happy Independence Day and to once again thank Tony for brainstorming the idea. Without his hard work and vision it never would have been possible. I have made a number of good friends from that experience who have proven invaluable to me. We have toured together, vacationed together and grow together. Thanks to all who have contributed here, made me think, made me laugh and helped me change as a person. You know who you are. Life goes by oh so quickly, let's not waste a minute of it. Carpe Diem... https://youtu.be/_Mnw9uiYggU
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10 years 1 month

"Here's to You, and You, and You"! Happy 2nd birthday. more inna bit, stay tuned. geoit's theterribletwosyaaaymeister
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Amazing how the time does fly, huh?? And actually, it's even longer than that given all the pre-FTW planning, logistics, ticket heartburn and spreadsheets we went through. Spreadsheets? OMG, what was I thinking...lol. I could never find the time now to do that over again - seems to be the planets and orbits aligned just right, forming that time vacancy to execute on a plan - and that we did SD'ers!! I have zero intel to confirm this, but I have a really good gut feeling that D&C are not done. I think the music will continue for at least one more tour - who knows, maybe more. Maybe they'll even play in this little state called FLORIDA one day...lol. My only regret, with three consecutive summers of the music, is not taking either of my kids to a show. Many of you have shared the experience with your kids - that is so, so awesome and without question, the #1 item on my bucket-list. Peace, love and HAPPY 4th to all!!
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Happy Independence Day to all the lovely Daydreamers everywhere! Glad to have met you all at the Pic a Nic a whole two years ago...and what a fine day it was...the sun was shining and the breeze was blowin', smiling faces all around. I don't think any of us could have imagined that day what a tight band would come out of the remaining crew of Dead members after FTW. I am Grateful Indeed. Here's to many more years of friendship and fun times with fine tunes...
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14 years

Heard an interview with Bob from backstage after 7/1/17, he was quite pleased with the tour and proud of the bands maturity. With that said, he does not want this to become stale, Oteil has a gig he's getting ready to embark on, Chimenti is going on tour with Kimock, Bob is going back to the range and play Cowboy for a few months, Lil John is getting his inner rock idol dream fulfilled and Mickey has a new LP and band with a fall tour. I am sure this Mayer n Sons gig is not over, but we have to be patient and thankful for the musical gifts they have brought us. Regarding kids, back in the day I took both of my girls to Dead shows, got Scotty on board with Ratdog in 2010 and he and his girl have been in search of the grail ever since. Dead shows are very inclusive and family friendly always have been. Take your boys Tony if you can, the bond that this music brings to us can not be broken. Have a blessed fourth and may Gob be with us all ;-)
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Member for

10 years 1 month

...you can't un-see it. It's called the light. and it focused on a small patch of green in the Windy City 2 years ago. Two years, seems like only one fifth of a decade, a tenth score; only yesterday. Sometimes that light is all shining on you, sometimes you can hardly see. Sometimes that light's a bolt, sometimes it's at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it's a house, sometimes an inquisition. Sometimes it's a bulb that goes off. Sometimes it's just not heavy. May that light which helped us all get together 2 years ago continue to shine on you, light your path and chase away the darkness. May it provide warmth when you are cold, and direction when you are lost. And may it clearly mark the intersection whence our paths cross once again. Cause i ain't never had so much fun couch touring, jumping on ba dus, enjoying donuts, no duts and snot duds, reminiscing, sharing stories, enjoying Oteil, marveling at Checkers, nodding knowingly at Bobby, dancin' at drums, gasping at Jeff, planning adventures, being surprised and feeling like i belonged to something priceless practically never like this since we first left home. Who are the grateful daydreamers and why do they keep following me/us? Thanks Daydreamers. Happy Birthday indeed! Love and hugs from the Hills of North Texas and Happy Birthday to all of us, you, your family and the horse, camel, terrapin, pup, cat and/or psychedelic squirrel you rode in on or with.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Well said, as usual, Geo. Got the post-tour blues these last couple of days. But still so very grateful for the bond we've formed - and for this music and band. Two years has gone by SO FAST!! What an amazing time it was - and the last two summers, too! Thanks, rrrrrGrrrrr for the shares... Onward for sure! I know our paths are destined to cross again.
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Looks like the game is afoot... https://www.deadandcompany.com/ which, for those who are click on link disadvantaged, is Feb 15-18, 2018 four shows in scenic Riviera Maya, Mexico. Which begs the question, why cant you starve at da beach?...because of all the sand-which-is-there.
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14 years

I will pass, 5 days, 4 grand per person? Excluding airfare...from here, for 2 people that's 10 grand.... Best wishes to all with lax work schedules and deep pockets... Plus consider Montezumas revenge...deal breaker....
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Member for

12 years 10 months

It seems a shame, but I am best to sit this one out.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

went to riv. maya years ago on vacation...beautiful place even without D&C, but gotta pass
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Al knows how the song goes, So, grab that lyrical bag of gold, and hightail it down to Mexico.... Cause it'll take a boatload of coin to pull off this one, friends. Note: No Uncles were hurt in the posting of this message.
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17 years 9 months

I don't want to cause this thread to lose momentum, but it is now over 4K posts long, which is a bit unwieldy. I can start a new one, just give me a name for it... Thanks!
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Member for

14 years

Adiós mis amigos..... We will get by, we will survive, just gotta give the old bus a new name.... Sarge, c'mon we gotta go..... Stay tuned....
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Member for

10 years 1 month

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Please name the new thread, "Sunshine Daydreamers Keep on Truckin'" If you can include the last 3999 posts, that'd be swellll...just kidding, of course. But if you could include the last 17 (make that 20, see the above 3 hangers-on and ne'er do-wells) or so of the posts from #1, first above written going back to and including July 4th the Happy Anniversary one, that should give one and all some context, as that was the day 2 years ago, when we first met each other for real, where we broke bread and watermelons at the finest pizza pic-a-nic this side of the Rockies, and whence we collectively enjoyed a grand and magnificent band celebrating all good things. Thank Yew veddy much, Oh Kind One.
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14 years

you can call me Al for all I care...just don't call me late for dinner. What geomeister says is just fine by me. Sorry Al.... say high to your horse.... :-)
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Member for

16 years 11 months

We're very intrigued by the Playing in the Sand gig come February and will most likely pony-up. Spoke to a dude at CID today in Philly who's been at all the gigs there (D&C, DMB, etc...) and he said is simply knockout gorgeous and as intimate a live beach concert setting as you can imagine. Multiply that by three shows and "all-inclusive" amenities and the the money grab rolls-on... Anyone else contemplating?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Certainly does sound intriguing...just a bit too pricey for me. Thanks, Marye, for the admin cleanup!
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17 years 8 months

For a real good site
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Member for

5 years 2 months

49 never married, optimistic, honest, and lighthearted female. No kids, std-free, pretty cute, I like to cook and eat. Never hard drugs, pescatarian, and animal lover. Toured 87 - 95 then, reggae fests, then bluegrass, then college. Currently interested in hiking wilderness areas or long trails, camping, biking, anything outdoors. No drainbows or drama. Also just looking for one great companion, I don’t believe in romance hooey. All good things in all good time.
