• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • stuman
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    don`t feel bad man
    You explained your intent from the very start of your shn/flac vine series .crap it saves a TON of money on postage ! I had to step away from the NNWL vine because someone converted it , Luckily our freind Andy sent me the dvd`s for that one . And I have been walked through Traders little helper and I have walked others through it too . And I am more then happy to help even more understand it and how it works . Just shoot me a PM I`m more then happy to help anyone ..
  • marye
    I think...
    the Grateful Dead has never been a one-size-fits-all experience, and neither is the Vineyard!
  • dstache
    WAV folks
    I feel a little bad now. As everyone probably knows, I am not trying to exclude anyone. I guess that sometimes once you finally give in and do something, you get to thinking that everyone else has already done it. So when I finally decided to start doing lossless, I figured everyone else did it (or could do it). If you don't have a DVD reader, you can't do it, and if you don't have a burner (a la Hippy) it makes it difficult as you have to burn onto CDs, which hold a lot less. But if you do have a DVD burner, let me tell all you luddites (technophobes) it is SO EASY. People use different software, but I highly recommend Trader's Little Helper. One download. Free. All you need. I don't even have an IPod. I don't have a flat screen. I have a mini stereo system (which ONE DAY will be massively upgraded). I am not into technology. And I did it. Many of the 73 shows I have in my lossless vines have already been vined, either by me in my early Cream Filling vine (11/14, 11/17, 11/20), by Bob in his 73 Eurovine (4 Sept shows), or by others (3/28, 3/31, 5/26). But I am willing to start a few WAV vines containing 3 shows each. WAVers should post here the shows they want vined and I will do that. As for 1977, I am going to let someone else do that. Again, much of 1977 has been vined in WAV (Stache Rides 77, most of the May shows, Winterland 77, Fall 77 Parts 1 and 2). I do feel the need to tell you that from MY EXPERIENCE, it will behoove you to make the switch. I wish I had converted to lossless earlier as I am now slowly trying to replace the WAV shows that I have. The number of people who trade WAV is rapidly shrinking, just as cassette traders have in the past. If you just want to have a small collection, WAV is probably fine. If you want a lot of shows, you definitely should do lossless.
  • stuman
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    I`m with dstache & JackstrawfromCo...
    I have no interest for much of anything in wav format , however i will be adding to a vine here soon that will be in wav format . I don`t have a dvd burner at this time . But yes if someone wants to convert from a large dvd vine , and make a seprate vine out of it thats cool . Maybe just use part of the name of the dvd vine in the name of the wav vine . like 3-18-xx wav from shn/flac #x or something like that . that might help clear some confusion on the folks signing up for the same shows twice thing . I dunno , just a thought .. But yes we can`t exclude the flacless folks here . I beleive dstache has mentioned that once before ..
  • JackstrawfromC…
    I was going to wait a bit for the smoke to clear from the last new vine installments but am ready to start a May 1981 sbd vine here really soon. "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Marye - That's a tough one
    I have noticed that the larger vines usually contain shows that have already been vined as smaller versions. The only problem with that I see is that you end up signing up for and receiving the smaller vines without realizing that you already have or will have it from the larger vine - so it's kind of a waste in that sense - waste of postage, time etc. That's why I have created my own spreadsheet to keep track of all the shows I have to avoid repeats. I personally enjoy and look for flac/shn vines. I don't really care how big they are as long as it is flac. But for the folks without flac capabilty (and really it is the folks without DVD-roms because it is so simple to convert flacs, that should not be the problem, it's not being able to read the DVD's that's the problem), I understand that they should be able to enjoy these vines too. So I think the only way around that is like Marye suggests (and dstache has mentioned this too) for someone to take the flacs and convert them into smaller (separate) audio CD vines. Problems I see: 1.How would we know someone wants a particular show converted to wav? How would we know to start a new, separate wav vine? Which shows do you convert? 2. You could have a bunch of small vines come off of one large vine - that seems like it could get chaotic, like someone would need to manage that.. 3. There's really no feasible way to convert an entire flac vine into wavs - going from a couple of DVDs to a stack of CDs, that would be an insurmountable amount of work and postage. If I could find a full time job that would pay me to do that ... hmmmm :-) "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
  • dstache
    I am all for someone taking a vine, selecting the best shows, converting them to WAV, and vining them. I have asked that my recent vines be lossless ONLY so that the vines will be less cumbersome and expensive to post. But by all means, please convert these vines to WAV and start a NEW vine. If someone does SHN/FLAC, but can't handle a 4 disc vine, I suggest PMing someone who did sign up and offering to trade. I have lost interest in WAV trading but I am always up for lossless trading. I am especially looking for Fall 79, early 80's and Brent 1990 shows.
  • marye
    alternative versions
    Folks, I'm sure I speak for all of us in giving amazed thanks to dstache and his merry crew for the lossless mega-vines they're putting together. Community, collaboration, and love for the music at its best. Way to go! Some folks have privately expressed concern that these huge vines will stifle the growth of smaller ones and we'll lose folks who aren't set up to handle the big ones--maybe they can only handle CDs, maybe they only want a show or two, and the shows will only be available in the huge collections. I'm not telling anybody what to do here, but it seems to me the fix for that is fairly obvious--someone gets the big vine, excerpts it, and vines that. I'm pretty sure no one here is interested in keeping fellow Vineyard folks from vining in the format of their choice. I mention the issue because it's come up once or twice in the background lately. What you guys want to do about it is up to you! Thanks! ME
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    I will be away.
    After checking, I do not believe I am up soon on any vines. I will be out of town 7/31-8/15 and 8/22-8/30. If I lag (more so then usual!) that is why. "And I love the life I live And I'm gonna live the life I love"
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Vine status
    I looked over my list (this is the smallest its been in months - 26!) and came across vines that are totally dead, trust me, and need to be re-seeded in order for them to continue: 1) 3 from 82 and a 78 too (dead only 3 into the list, sad) I did pm gdhead77 about a re-seed 2) Augusta 10/12/84 3) Buffalo Springfield 4) Santa Fe 83 Then the ones held up by gratefulmikes: 1) Summer 82 2) Greek 84 3) Jimi HendriXmas I spoke with him about a month ago and he was back from being on the road and was going to send out the pile of vines in his possession. Now its a month later and still no movement/communication. Come on gratefulmikes help us out bro! This is just the ones on my list. The overall list is ridiculous. I think dstache has one but I'd also like to consider non-Grateful Dead vines too. Can anybody help re-seed the first 4 on my list?? Please, I'd really appreciate it! I'm always willing to re-seed any lost vines, I just don't have a copy of these yet :( Thanks for your help!! "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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Member for

17 years 1 month
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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17 years 1 month

My comment was not intended in any way to criticize your making the show available. I wanted to make sure that we didn't ruffle any feathers. As to my disappointment at the time, it was more that we were expecting SPECTACULAR and only got amazing. As I said, I was incredibly and foolishly spoiled back then. A tape of this show and night is well worth having, both for the music and for the history. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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17 years 1 month

I'm having the same deja vu as other folks here, but will look into this a bit. Thanks!
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17 years 1 month

no feather ruffling intended here. This is a grate spot to share and I wouldn't want to see that happen. BTW-This show is freely traded (which of course is how I acquired it ) and available on other sites, so this will sort itself out, without a doubt. marye is on it, anyway, so we will know soon. Truthfully, I had forgotten that Dead Ahead was culled from the 8 show run of Radio City Music Hall shows. I highly recommend that for anyone who hasn't got it, classic acoustic & electric Dead along with some trippy visuals. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I had a problem with a show or two and found some even more interesting stuff. There was an east coast taper named Dan Lampinski who taped a bunch of shows in the mid to late 70's, and there shows have just started to become widely circulated in the last year. I listened to a Styx show (11/4/77, date ring any bells?) over the weekend that was just unbelievable. And I have a Bruce Springsteen show I'm listening to now. I'm getting a few more of Lampinski's shows, hopefully a Heart, Rush and Yes. Google the name and you'll find out some interesting info about him. So, the vine will be "Dan Lampinski-Taped Shows." Stuman is sending me some Floyd shows to include in the vine. It should be a big one, 2 or 3 DVDs perhaps. Too big for WAV. The best of spring 89 vine will have WAV CD's along with SHN/FLAC files.
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16 years 7 months

of the era dstache had requested .But I have a lot more Floyd of diferent era`s for later vines . Happy to contribute . Vine on !! *** Clean***Sober***Proud***
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17 years

I picked this up last year - 4 DVDs and it is truly a wonderful snapshot in time of the boys. Jerry and Bobby outtakes trying to get a fundraiser commercial spot down. Al Franken is classic. And of course the music...no words to describe. This show was 2 months after I jumped on the bus with my first live show. I think back and wish so much that I could have jumped aboard in '77. Anyway...I hope you are able to vine it for those that haven't seen it yet... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 1 month

Does any of their live stuff circulate? Also, I was just curious--any relationship or stories between them and the Dead? "That path is for, your steps alone."
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16 years 1 month

I recently got 3 YES shows from the 1974 Tales from Topographic Oceans Tour. They are audience recordings B+/B quality..not the best but ok. I got the commercial Dead Ahead DVD a few years ago, and it now comes with a bonus DVD with extra songs--Heaven Help the Fool, He's Gone, and some others I can't remember.
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16 years 10 months

Yeah, from what I can tell, AUDs of other bands from the 70's are generally not that great, with 2 exceptions, the recordings of Mike Millard and Dan Lampinski. The former taped shows in LA, especially Led Zeppelin but also others, and the latter taped shows all over New England. Lampinski taped the 12/11/74 Yes show in Boston. Is that one of the three that you have?
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17 years 1 month

Well, John Phillips DID write Me and My Uncle, as I recall. I really did love their music at the time, especially the first couple of albums.
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16 years 1 month

dstache-- The dates I have are 2/18, 2/26, and 2/28 1974. 2/26 is a Boston show, and the 2/18 show seems to be a partial show.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Ok, haven't seen those ones. A B/B+ AUD isn't what I'm looking for (and I suspect not what you were hoping for either). I'm hoping that these Lampinski AUDs are A/A-. I know that the Styx '77 show is. I've listened to it twice already and love it. The 3 Yes shows Lampinski recorded that I can find are 12/11/74, 8/15/77 and 6/19/79. Mike Millard also recorded 2 Yes shows, 6/23/75 and 9/23/77. Then, there are a few others that I have found that look to be good, 6/27/79, 4/18/79 and 6/17/76. Finally, although I can't find it, there is supposed to be Wembley '78 show that is just great. I'm going to try and get what I can.
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17 years

I've got another Mike Millard from 9/26/77 from Long Beach Arena. Very nice quality AUD - A/A- for sure. I'd be happy to send it along to you dstache. I have more Yes, just haven't had a chance to root through it - some of it is not worth circulating except for historical reference. I've got about 35 shows in all, mostly from the 70's. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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Member for

17 years

I forgot - I have the '78 Wembley show if you'd like. 10/28/78 - SBD. There's also a 6/9/79 SBD at International Theater in Chicago I could throw in. Chicago show is really nice and crisp. Actually, now that I look, I think the Yes 10/28/78, Genesis 7/2/77 and Rush 5/28/79 were part of a vine from out here! "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I haven't seen one from 9/26/77. I have his recording from a few days earlier at the Forum, 9/23, but just got it today and haven't listened to it yet. I think he recorded Yes on 6/23/75 as well. He also recorded a Kansas show from 77 I believe (have to check on it, haven't gotten it yet, I remember the setlist has a mix of prog rock and the hits (Dust, Wayward), which is what I want). And then of course he recorded a ton of Led Zeppelin. I'm still trying to get his recording of 6/21/77, which was supposed to be included on my last Led Zeppelin vine but there were errors. Yeah, if you don't mind sending it to me, I'd love to have it, and I'll start a Mike Millard AUD vine. I know what you mean re: some Yes shows not being of a good enough sound quality to circulate. I've got a couple others that I got a while back and I'm not circulating those. BTW, I said that they played a great show at Wembley in 78 that I couldn't find, but then I noticed I already had it. I think Lopezz may have vined it at some point (Prog Rock vine?).
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15 years 6 months

I love Yes!! I love Rush too.. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Rush is kicking off their Moving Pictures Tour next month, and they are coming out your way--jackstraw They are missing NC on this leg of the tour. I have seen them 3 times, and the last Snakes & Arrows Tour was fantastic!!!! http://www.rush.com/
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15 years 6 months

Yep at Red Rocks. We will be there! They are my wife's favorite band so yeah we can't miss that one :-) She even busted out her tour shirts from '78 and '82. Too bad she can't still fit in them ... hahaha. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 1 month

I hope, for your sake, your wife doesn't read that post!!!! "That path is for, your steps alone."
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Member for

15 years 6 months

I better see if mary can nuke my comment! hahahaha "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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16 years 1 month

Jackstraw--We all have your address. We'll just write a nice letter to your wife with a set of detailed directions how to access this page (just kiddin). Enjoy the show. Dang I wish they were commin' here.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

I've been blackmailed!! Ok what do I need to pay you guys to keep quiet?? Can I pay you with shn/flac files :-) "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

17 years

OK, I'll send the Yes 9-26-77 Long Beach - That is how it is labeled - compare set lists and see if it isn't the same show as your 9-23-77. I'll also send the 6-9-79 Chicago show which isn't a Millard but should be thrown in as a bonus due to it's quality. I also have the 6-21-77 Millard Led Zep show. It is a little odd because it is 3 large FLAC files which fit on 3 CDs. It really ought to be cut down to the track level if someone has time to do the job. And, then I can throw in a Rush Pre-FM SBD from 8-26-74 called the "Fifth Order of Angels" show. This is their first tour and the sound is raw and crisp! Jack Straw's wife should love this one! "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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16 years 10 months

Sweet, thanks unclejon! And folks, I didn't mean to step on any shoes. Someone posted a couple months ago about starting a Yes vine and with the Lampinski Part 1 vine (and perhaps a Part 2 if people want it) and the upcoming Millard vine, I'm vining a bunch of Yes shows.
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16 years 7 months

I posted starting a Yes vine a few months ago . Then some vines that I started had went into MIA status for a bit so I never did start that Yes vine . I did just send EDAD a flac disc of Yes shows that he requested months ago if he wants to send you a copy for your vine thats fine with me . But hey you did not step on my shoes . And Derek let me know what other vines you start and I will be more then happy to contribute . Peace , vine on !! *** Clean***Sober***Proud***
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15 years 6 months

To give my honey some live Rush! That would make up for my comment ;-) "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Thanks Stuman! I'm most impressed that 'straw's wife likes Rush. My wife doesn't. I'd say that most rock bands garner a mostly male fan base. I would have guessed that Rush's fan base was almost exclusively male.
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17 years

I just found a Copenhagen YES show from 11-13-77 that is exquisite - I don't believe it is a soundboard - but rather a very high quality AUD - I give it a solid A - instrumentation and vocals are all clear and up front - no annoying buzz - a small amount of hiss - no big deal though. I'm sending that along too. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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16 years 1 month

My wife hates Rush (and all the music I like). Some people are just not into music. I made a huge mistake of taking her to the 2002 Vapor Trails show. She complained about Geddy's squeaky voice and "was ready to go home" during the middle of the 2nd set. I had to hear "Working Man," from the parking lot going to our car. :-( She was left at home in 2007 at the Snakes & Arrows show. :-)
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Member for

14 years 5 months

Not that I don't love Pink Floyd, Yes, Jethro Tull, Genesis and the like, but I find all this convo about prog rock vines to be slightly odd. On a related note, have no Dylan vines ever been offered here? My search pulls up a big blank.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

This is the meta data thread so if it's gonna be discussed, here is probably the best place I guess. There are quite a few "off-topic" vines already in circulation if you go through each vine page and see. I can't answer your question about Dylan. I would pass on it if it were vined. I would like to see some Kingfish. Not to poke too much fun at you but once you have been here for awhile, you tend to get a little crazy or shall I say, "odd." I am just plain nuts.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

You can take the Dylan Manchester '65 vine off my hands. When I get home tonight I'll post all the vines that have no homes and are sitting on my desk. The Dylan show is one of them. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

15 years 6 months

My wife .. I lucked out that she likes the music I like. It did take awhile for me to convert her into a dead head but my persistence finally paid off! "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

16 years 10 months

We've vined more than a 1/3 of the Dead's catalogue, including most of the shows from what may be considered the "better" years. Sure, there are some holes that could be filled in, such as the second half of 1969, a little bit of Europe or Fall 72, and definitely the early 80's, but there can't be any denying that the essentials have already been vined. There isn't much Dead left for me to acquire. And at least for me, there is some interest in live music from other bands. And, as someone here quoted Homer Simpson [from the Simpsons and not Day of the Locust] as saying, rock music peaked in 1975, a sentiment I agree with, and so I'm interested in "classic rock" bands at their performing peak. Finally, the Dan Lampinski recordings we are talking about have only recently been unearthed. They weren't really circulated until the last couple of years. And compared to many AUDs from the 70's, these sound very good. Mike Millard's Led Zeppelin recordings have been out there for a while, but his other stuff (Yes, Kansas) hasn't.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

Keep (all) the music coming! And thanks to everyone for their efforts. Finding GD shows is pretty easy. Finding recent performances from any band is also pretty easy. But old school live shows from the cream of the crop of the 70's bands - those are hard to get a hold of. So I thank you all. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Fellow viners, if you get MSG Network, tune in tonight at 9pm. They are showing stuff from Radio City 1980 and from the RFK 89 dvds. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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Member for

17 years

Thanks pomo1 for the heads up.The DVR has been set remotely and set to record. Peace Rick Reach out your hand if your cup be empty If your cup is full may it be again
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Member for

15 years 6 months

Hey now,I was bored so I started organizing my hard drives and found some shows that are not in the vinedex. Plus I have been downloading. I am thinking of starting some vines over the next couple of weeks to kick-start summer: 1) I could do a May/June 1978 2) Depending on how d/l goes for the last couple shows I want to vine - maybe a 2-part 1986 vine from Feb,Mar,Apr 3) Continue on with JGB 1981, I'll pick a handful of the best ones. There are a couple of shows in between GD and JGB tours where John Kahn fills in for Phil .. kind of interesting. 4) Maybe a Random Jerry Part 3 5) Furthur "Lazy lightning you say you never strike the same place. I want a double dose in any case ... You got to hear my supplication. Got to hear me now. A little bolt of inspiration"
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Member for

15 years 9 months

Sorry if this has been beaten to death, but I only recently became aware of the Mouth of the Beast group. What do people think of these? I only have a couple shows, I most recently acquired the JGB from 3/6/1976 and it sounds really good. I found that on Dime. Peace DMTT
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16 years 10 months

MOTB generally do a really nice job. Assuming you will be posting SHN/FLAC (and if you want to do WAV also I'm sure others will appreciate), I am interested.
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17 years

Is producing some very nice sounding shows. I have a personal affinity for their work as I worked to help Derek McCabe transfer about 1.5 terrabytes of music to HD. Derek is also responsible for editing down a show or two for some of our brethren here in the vineyard who actually taped those shows. The MOTB edits are preserving the original ambience of the shows just as though you were there. I personally like some of the MTXs best. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 1 month

Going to see Dark Star Orchestra for the first time tonight. What should I expect? "That path is for, your steps alone."
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16 years 1 month

I downloaded Rush's 2 new tracks--Caravan and BU2B. Some good stuff.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

Without JK that's a really good question. "Lazy lightning you say you never strike the same place. I want a double dose in any case ... You got to hear my supplication. Got to hear me now. A little bolt of inspiration"
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17 years 1 month

Overall, I enjoyed the night. I definitely danced way more than I thought I would. They really reproduced the sound I was used to from my era (1977-1983). They played the show from Duke 9-23-76 and at times it felt like I was back in time. Of course, it is not the real thing and after awhile the novelty kind of wore off. Overall, I was glad I went. These guys clearly love the music as much we do. The best part was that fake Donna was on key and more enjoyable than real Donna used to be. As far as the guitar player who replaced JK, I thought he was excellent. He really reproduced the sound of JG's guitar from the late 70s and sang Wharf Rat and Morning Dew ( I know they played both!) with real feeling. I dont know his name, but he is built like Jerry and has been doing this since he was in Volunteers from the 70s. Ironically, I saw Volunteers at a dump in Freeport Long Island called the Right Track Inn back in the 70s or early 80s. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Has the Duke 9-23-76 show been vined? If not, I would love to get hold of it. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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Member for

17 years 1 month

have been better, when I sent my master audience recordings of Dead shows from Omaha & Red Rocks 1978, back east to the MOTB crew to 'master & transfer'. Adam and Derek took great care of those tapes and coaxed every bit of that evenings magic out of them. And now those shows can be shared with everyone who was there, along with those that wished they had been. A taste of the Dead in 1978. MOTB is absolutely state of the art. Check them out. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Pink Floyd P2 is ready to go but I am waiting for marye to give the Millard vine a home before I post. It will consist of BOTH SHN/FLAC files and WAV CDs. Everything is burned. The shows will be : 11/16/74, 11/17/74, 6/18/75, 5/9/77 and 8/6/80. 3 versions of Dark Side, 2 Animals/WYWH previews, 1 full Animals and WYWH and 1 Wall. The latter 3 shows are some of the best AUDs you will ever hear. 11/16/74 is a SBD and perhaps the definitive Dark Side. 11/17/74 is an A- AUD at worst and is very good. 6/18/75 is a great Dan Lampinsky recording. 5/9/77 is considered to be one of if not the best Animals/WYWH show and recording. And 8/6/80 is a phenomenal recording of a top notch Wall performance. .
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17 years

dstache, not sure where this show fits in - but I just pulled down this JT show and it truly rocks! Lampinski clearly had excellent seats for this show as the sound is excellent for a 70's AUD. With a little EQ and really good headphones it is like I'm sittin' in the audience! Maybe a Lamoinski part 2 is in order as we get a few more of these... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"