• 65 replies
    This was Frankly's idea and I'm gonna let him explain it! I think it's a good one of course.


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  • marye
    Someone was just asking
    if we had a topic like this, so, yes, we do...
  • rodent
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    worried about lost friend jim jarboe
    my name is clint bush I am worried about my friend jim jarboe.I heard he passed away. if anyone has any info PLEASE let me know. he had a wife named heather he owned the dog in the touch of grey video (jed) he had black hair around 50 yrs old he has lived in denver, washington, and chico, calif. (at least) I live in paradise calif pn num 5x3x0 8x7x7 5x5x1x2 remove the x's thanks, rodent, (clint)
  • IrLoserBoy
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    hello grateful dead family. My brother's name is Beandip. He is in jail. I don't know much about this world or the gdf. Beandip says and does a lot of crazy and stupid things. I don't know how to separate the fact from fiction. Here's what I do know. He's been traveling the country with many different people for the past year. Now he is locked up in Florida with a $100,000 bail. my mother doesn't give a shit. My father is just as worried as me. But neither of us has anything close to the amount of money that is needed to help Beandip. He has been warned many times that this would happen but he thought he was invincible. it wasn't all his decisions that got him in this. There were many other people in the family that helped do this to him. I need to find the people that he's been with so they can help me pay for a lawyer. Honestly, I don't give a shit about anyone else in the world right now besides my brother. If nobody will help me willingly I will be forced to use leverage in many different ways. please, if you know Beandip, or if you don't, call me. send money. please help me save my brother, i love him. eric 770-378-9417 145 flat creek ct fayetteville, ga 30214
  • hkhollis@gmail.com
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    I dont know where to begin, but alas I will begin with what is first and foremost on my mind. I have maintained that lady liberty, the symbol of fair and equal justice with the scales and blindfolded, is not blindfolded to weigh the evidence our Constitution insures for every American as being fair and balanced, but to shield her eyes from the true injustice and corruptness that is the American judicial system. There is a convention in Las Vegas annually to show off and sell the latest in correctional technology and its offspring, where people and companies sell thier wares in the area of "corrections" or best put incarceration. I find this appalling, unabashidly shameful as a reflection of our society. The business of incarceration is sickening. Lets go a step further. In an industry, there is a need for raw materials. In this business, this is fresh souls to enter the correctional system. In our area, rural South Carolina, I watched with disgust as counties fought over providing the best package for a new state prison. I actually believe our community leaders stood in a picture with silver shovels breaking ground, all smiles, proud of thier accomplishment for bringing the new prison industry to our area. An institution of intolerable pain and hell, covered by the media's portrayal of how much the prison will contribute to the local economy. I watch as those who are without economic means represented by public defense, in a backlogged system, plea to charges once given the ultimatum of taking a plea versus a trial. Would I want to stand in front of a jury in a courtroom if I were innocent and risk the ultimatum of prison time or my freedom with restrictions regardless of my innocence or guilt? This segues to the affluent or those with financial resources who can afford the better legal representation. One of our elected officials was caught (Ravenel, Charleston SC) a few years ago with I cant remember but some ungodly amount of cocaine. Lets say it was over a kilogram, Im not sure but it was in the federal trafficking tier. His story was he was addicted to cocaine, never sold any, but gave it away (!) for years before getting caught. He served eight months in prison and was disbarred. Anyone else would be looking at 20-30 years. This story is just one of many, one that each one of us can dwelve into our mindbank and recall such injustice that has happened to close friends or perhaps ourselves. The corrections system is looking for fresh souls, for it is a business. An industry. The judicial system and its process can be manipulated by money, tilting the scales in one's favor. There is no equal justice in this land. Never has been, never will be. This is the cold, hard truth. Once our area secured the state prison, the Federal Bureau of Prisons decided they would want to build a federal prison in our area. I know the owner who had 400 acres of farmland and was reluctant to sell to the governement for he was farming the land. He asked for $2500.00 an acre for $600.00 farmland and they counteroffered at $2000.00 an acre. He, being fortunate as being financially secure, decided he did not want to sell the land. The government then in a meeting advised him that he should consider the $2000 an acre as generous as the government has the power to seize land for projects under the right of eminent domain, a provision where a fair market value is determined by the government and the land is seized and used for purposes of "progress". When confronted with $1000 or less an acre, he was forced to sell, stating he could not nor was willing to fight the government. Thus, another new prison was established. The shovels came out again, and another "industry" came to our area. Not much is said about what goes on behind those walls, except through the highly trained PR bunch that meets regularly with local leaders and tells of all the "good things" the prison and inmates are doing for the community and themselves. On the other hand, inmates who are released tell of horrors I dare not repeat. Smoke and mirrors, courtesy of our government. I am scared of our government. I am not ashamed to admit it. One day, perhaps in our lifetime, maybe in another generation, those of us who have been through the system for non violent crimes as defined by law will have our names cleared and be martyrs for the cause of personal freedom. The marijuana movement is struggling to find its identity in 13 states as of this writing, which is a good step forward. I have a friend who has a simple possession from 1986 and this keeps him still from obtaining employment that he is so capable of. Something 25 years ago, another person ago, one who is a model citizen by many standards, only to have his life and ability to do so much defined by the possession of a quarter ounce of grass 25 years ago. One day it will all change. I pray it will. Too many good people, so many people, first time offenders whose lives are ruined over these draconian laws. These laws create jobs, and the X is on our head as to who is next. There is a price for our freedom, unfortunately the price and punishment far outweigh the seriousness of the crime in so many cases. Its big business, folks. Deadheads represent true Americans, ones that follow thier heart and are not afraid to venture outside the self contained societal box, to live life as one truly believes and values the freedom of ones actions, while cautiously dancing with the excessive price that some of our actions may restrict those freedoms we endure so bravely.
  • ripple70
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    i just discovered this thread and its grate.We had this twenty plus years ago when spiral light a uk dead newsletter was about i am happy to take part in this.......who can i write to?
  • luvstardreambaby
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    Help Really Needed
    ATTENTION ALL FAMILY: A great kid needs your help! I'm Mindy, my fiance Chris from Conneticut, one of the kindest realiest kids was popped on some old warrants on the way into Moe DOWN, Chris has had some very bad luck in his life. He has spent the past 2 years in the hospital, he has had 2 open heart surgerys, a heart attack and a stroke at 27, all caused by an abbcessed tooth. I thought because of his medical conditions they wouldn't keep him in jail, but they came down from a 9 month sentence or 5k fine to 90 days or 1k fine, but he isn't getting the medical attention he needs, I have to get him out. Fortunately for me some great family, Woodstock Ron from Utica took me in. but we haven't been able to come up with the bail money. I need to get him out as soon as possible and was hoping that if any of you kind dead folks here could help out with donations it would be gratefully appreciated. Any amount will help and would be payed forward. You can send donations to Mindy Riffle at 1610 Sunset ave. Utica Ny. 13502. I hope that we can get Chris out, get him to his many doctors,get him some rest and then see you all on November tour. Forever Grateful, Mindy
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Hey Now!
    Write a letter for Rudd Walker. He probably put a smile on your face at one show or another.(Check out J's Shamanic Harmonics post toward the top of this page for the story)
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Thanks J, two letters mailed!
    Rudd Walker, May the Light & Love of the universe shine on you! May medical care be quickly received! May your sentence either be changed or you be pardoned by the governor of your state or the current president. 2 people given life for this? My God! What a barbarian society we live in. All medicine has it's drawbacks, but didn't we take care of our own? What happened to Rudd is just plain mean and stupid. I don't know how old he is but say he spends 20 years in jail. The guvmt. is saying, trial included, that this person was such a menace society needed to spend a million dollars to deprive him of his freedom. Please, please, please -- whoever reads this send two letters as suggested by J today for this person! Just think of what you learned and the fun you had...
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Thanks J, two letters mailed!
    Rudd Walker, May the Light & Love of the universe shine on you! May medical care be quickly received! May your sentence either be changed or you be pardoned by the governor of your state or the current president. 2 people given life for this? My God! What a barbarian society we live in. All medicine has it's drawbacks, but didn't we take care of our own? What happened to Rudd is just plain mean and stupid. I don't know how old he is but say he spends 20 years in jail. The guvmt. is saying, trial included, that this person was such a menace society needed to spend a million dollars to deprive him of his freedom. Please, please, please -- whoever reads this send two letters as suggested by J today for this person! Just think of what you learned and the fun you had...
  • Shamanic_Harmonics
    Tour Kid Get LIFE in prison for LSD Conspiracy
    Hi Everyone!I posted this on another board and we are really trying to get the word out on this. I am going to try to buy a web domain and hosting next month when I get paid so that we can post up pics, documents and info on his case. Rudd is one of us and if you knew him - and I'm sure lots of us did, you may not even realize what happened - here is what was posted - PLEASE - If you have time, write to the brother - you can even do it online and someone will mail a physical letter for you (web address for that below); lots in this thread;http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/12509855 My friend Rudd got caught up in an LSD conspiracy charge a few years back and the US Gov't gave him a life sentence. He was never actually caught with any LSD and was convicted based on the testimony of 11 witnesses (some federal agents). The case is really a truly sad one - that they would lock anyone up for life for LSD is unthinkable, and I believe only one other person was given this harsh a sentence, William Leonard Pickard. There used to be a copy of his appeal online, now I can only find a synopsis here; (lots of details) http://ca10.washburnlaw.edu/cases/2006/05/05-5127.htm I'm posting this to spread awareness of his case. He's a good guy, but has lost everything. If anyone reading this has time to write him a letter, share some words of kindness or whatever, here is his info - Roderick Walker #13615-055 USP Hazelton PO Box 2000 Bruceton Mills WV 26525-2000 http://prisoninmates.com/inmates_detail.php?inmat_id=891 http://friends4lifers.org/inmates/roderickwalker13615055.htm Voice For Inmates converts all of messages sent, confidentially into a printed format and sends them out regular mail. You can send inmate Roderick J. Walker # 13615-055 a message FREE! no stamps needed. VFI (Voice For Inmates) will be happy to mail it out for you. We send all messages out at the end of the week. RUDD IS ALSO IN DIRE NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION - HOW YOU CAN HELP Of course we would love for you to write to Rudd directly, shine a little light on him - he needs it! A more pressing concern is that he is not being given any treatment for severe medical needs - this is inexcusable as he is in custody and has no options other than what the systems gives him, please read below and help if you can - thanks!!!! Who you can write to regarding Rudd's medical issues: H. Boyles, Health Services Manager USP HAZELTON U.S. PENITENTIARY P.O. BOX 450 BRUCETON MILLS, WV 26525 email: HAZ/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV Ike Eichenlaud, Director of Health Services Federal BOP Mid Atlantic Regional Office 302 Sentinel Drive, Suite 200 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 phone: 301-317-3100 RADM Newton E. Kendy, MD, Director of Health Services Federal BOP Central Office 320 First Street NW Washington DC, 20534 phone: 202-307-3198 here is the letter i wrote, feel free to change it: To Whom It May Concern: 5/28/2010 It has come to my attention that Inmate # 13615055, Roderick Walker, is in dire need of medical attention, but is not receiving care at USP Hazleton. I am writing to inquire as to why he is not receiving medical care. It is my understanding that he was injured in an altercation with a Prison Guard which re-fractured his lumbar spine, and since he has not received medical care for this; a blood clot has formed which is affecting his heart, that he is confined to a wheel chair and not receiving any treatment for either condition, which cause him to suffer in pain constantly. On your website it states: “The Bureau provides essential medical, dental, and mental health (psychiatric) services by professional staff in a manner consistent with accepted community standards for a correctional environment.” I would think it is “consistent with accepted community standards for a correctional environment” to provide an inmate medical services for injuries sustained while in your correctional environment. To not do so appears to be inhumane abuse on the part of you and your staff. Please advise on this matter, and understand that I will be following up on Mr. Walkers medical issues, as long as he is in your custody. Respectfully, Light and Love, J Shamanic Harmonics Psychedelic Art & Jewelry Laboratory www.shamanicharmonics.com
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Member for

17 years 9 months
This was Frankly's idea and I'm gonna let him explain it! I think it's a good one of course.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

ain't never seen anybody rob, cheat and steal over a little cid, and it doesn't eat your soul.
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This thread is a good one and really belongs here. Why? Because it is a worthy topic in and of itself but also because the deadheads were basically a counter and outlaw culture. Outlaws eventually go to jail. So we have brothers and sisters who are deadheads in jail, usually for things that are now becoming legalized or should be legalized, in most deadheads opinion. Being on the outside we should support those nonviolent friends on the inside, not endlessly debating whether they belong there. The Grateful Dead performed at least 2 concerts near or inside a prison. It was the subject material of several songs. If you can write to a deadhead in jail or provide transitional housing and/or employment upon release then you are doing a wonderful thing and lessening the chances of somebody making a repeat trip and THAT is a KIND thing to do. ~ Let my guitar-palyin' friend sing my request ~
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Member for

17 years 2 months

my apologies, i shouldn't have taken the bait, which it so obviously was. i need to learn that i don't always need to defend my position, but should on point.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Hi Everyone!I posted this on another board and we are really trying to get the word out on this. I am going to try to buy a web domain and hosting next month when I get paid so that we can post up pics, documents and info on his case. Rudd is one of us and if you knew him - and I'm sure lots of us did, you may not even realize what happened - here is what was posted - PLEASE - If you have time, write to the brother - you can even do it online and someone will mail a physical letter for you (web address for that below); lots in this thread;http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/12509855 My friend Rudd got caught up in an LSD conspiracy charge a few years back and the US Gov't gave him a life sentence. He was never actually caught with any LSD and was convicted based on the testimony of 11 witnesses (some federal agents). The case is really a truly sad one - that they would lock anyone up for life for LSD is unthinkable, and I believe only one other person was given this harsh a sentence, William Leonard Pickard. There used to be a copy of his appeal online, now I can only find a synopsis here; (lots of details) http://ca10.washburnlaw.edu/cases/2006/05/05-5127.htm I'm posting this to spread awareness of his case. He's a good guy, but has lost everything. If anyone reading this has time to write him a letter, share some words of kindness or whatever, here is his info - Roderick Walker #13615-055 USP Hazelton PO Box 2000 Bruceton Mills WV 26525-2000 http://prisoninmates.com/inmates_detail.php?inmat_id=891 http://friends4lifers.org/inmates/roderickwalker13615055.htm Voice For Inmates converts all of messages sent, confidentially into a printed format and sends them out regular mail. You can send inmate Roderick J. Walker # 13615-055 a message FREE! no stamps needed. VFI (Voice For Inmates) will be happy to mail it out for you. We send all messages out at the end of the week. RUDD IS ALSO IN DIRE NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION - HOW YOU CAN HELP Of course we would love for you to write to Rudd directly, shine a little light on him - he needs it! A more pressing concern is that he is not being given any treatment for severe medical needs - this is inexcusable as he is in custody and has no options other than what the systems gives him, please read below and help if you can - thanks!!!! Who you can write to regarding Rudd's medical issues: H. Boyles, Health Services Manager USP HAZELTON U.S. PENITENTIARY P.O. BOX 450 BRUCETON MILLS, WV 26525 email: HAZ/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV Ike Eichenlaud, Director of Health Services Federal BOP Mid Atlantic Regional Office 302 Sentinel Drive, Suite 200 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 phone: 301-317-3100 RADM Newton E. Kendy, MD, Director of Health Services Federal BOP Central Office 320 First Street NW Washington DC, 20534 phone: 202-307-3198 here is the letter i wrote, feel free to change it: To Whom It May Concern: 5/28/2010 It has come to my attention that Inmate # 13615055, Roderick Walker, is in dire need of medical attention, but is not receiving care at USP Hazleton. I am writing to inquire as to why he is not receiving medical care. It is my understanding that he was injured in an altercation with a Prison Guard which re-fractured his lumbar spine, and since he has not received medical care for this; a blood clot has formed which is affecting his heart, that he is confined to a wheel chair and not receiving any treatment for either condition, which cause him to suffer in pain constantly. On your website it states: “The Bureau provides essential medical, dental, and mental health (psychiatric) services by professional staff in a manner consistent with accepted community standards for a correctional environment.” I would think it is “consistent with accepted community standards for a correctional environment” to provide an inmate medical services for injuries sustained while in your correctional environment. To not do so appears to be inhumane abuse on the part of you and your staff. Please advise on this matter, and understand that I will be following up on Mr. Walkers medical issues, as long as he is in your custody. Respectfully, Light and Love, J Shamanic Harmonics Psychedelic Art & Jewelry Laboratory www.shamanicharmonics.com
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Rudd Walker, May the Light & Love of the universe shine on you! May medical care be quickly received! May your sentence either be changed or you be pardoned by the governor of your state or the current president. 2 people given life for this? My God! What a barbarian society we live in. All medicine has it's drawbacks, but didn't we take care of our own? What happened to Rudd is just plain mean and stupid. I don't know how old he is but say he spends 20 years in jail. The guvmt. is saying, trial included, that this person was such a menace society needed to spend a million dollars to deprive him of his freedom. Please, please, please -- whoever reads this send two letters as suggested by J today for this person! Just think of what you learned and the fun you had...
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Rudd Walker, May the Light & Love of the universe shine on you! May medical care be quickly received! May your sentence either be changed or you be pardoned by the governor of your state or the current president. 2 people given life for this? My God! What a barbarian society we live in. All medicine has it's drawbacks, but didn't we take care of our own? What happened to Rudd is just plain mean and stupid. I don't know how old he is but say he spends 20 years in jail. The guvmt. is saying, trial included, that this person was such a menace society needed to spend a million dollars to deprive him of his freedom. Please, please, please -- whoever reads this send two letters as suggested by J today for this person! Just think of what you learned and the fun you had...
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Write a letter for Rudd Walker. He probably put a smile on your face at one show or another.(Check out J's Shamanic Harmonics post toward the top of this page for the story)
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Member for

14 years 5 months

ATTENTION ALL FAMILY: A great kid needs your help! I'm Mindy, my fiance Chris from Conneticut, one of the kindest realiest kids was popped on some old warrants on the way into Moe DOWN, Chris has had some very bad luck in his life. He has spent the past 2 years in the hospital, he has had 2 open heart surgerys, a heart attack and a stroke at 27, all caused by an abbcessed tooth. I thought because of his medical conditions they wouldn't keep him in jail, but they came down from a 9 month sentence or 5k fine to 90 days or 1k fine, but he isn't getting the medical attention he needs, I have to get him out. Fortunately for me some great family, Woodstock Ron from Utica took me in. but we haven't been able to come up with the bail money. I need to get him out as soon as possible and was hoping that if any of you kind dead folks here could help out with donations it would be gratefully appreciated. Any amount will help and would be payed forward. You can send donations to Mindy Riffle at 1610 Sunset ave. Utica Ny. 13502. I hope that we can get Chris out, get him to his many doctors,get him some rest and then see you all on November tour. Forever Grateful, Mindy
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Member for

14 years 6 months

i just discovered this thread and its grate.We had this twenty plus years ago when spiral light a uk dead newsletter was about i am happy to take part in this.......who can i write to?
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Member for

14 years 5 months

I dont know where to begin, but alas I will begin with what is first and foremost on my mind. I have maintained that lady liberty, the symbol of fair and equal justice with the scales and blindfolded, is not blindfolded to weigh the evidence our Constitution insures for every American as being fair and balanced, but to shield her eyes from the true injustice and corruptness that is the American judicial system. There is a convention in Las Vegas annually to show off and sell the latest in correctional technology and its offspring, where people and companies sell thier wares in the area of "corrections" or best put incarceration. I find this appalling, unabashidly shameful as a reflection of our society. The business of incarceration is sickening. Lets go a step further. In an industry, there is a need for raw materials. In this business, this is fresh souls to enter the correctional system. In our area, rural South Carolina, I watched with disgust as counties fought over providing the best package for a new state prison. I actually believe our community leaders stood in a picture with silver shovels breaking ground, all smiles, proud of thier accomplishment for bringing the new prison industry to our area. An institution of intolerable pain and hell, covered by the media's portrayal of how much the prison will contribute to the local economy. I watch as those who are without economic means represented by public defense, in a backlogged system, plea to charges once given the ultimatum of taking a plea versus a trial. Would I want to stand in front of a jury in a courtroom if I were innocent and risk the ultimatum of prison time or my freedom with restrictions regardless of my innocence or guilt? This segues to the affluent or those with financial resources who can afford the better legal representation. One of our elected officials was caught (Ravenel, Charleston SC) a few years ago with I cant remember but some ungodly amount of cocaine. Lets say it was over a kilogram, Im not sure but it was in the federal trafficking tier. His story was he was addicted to cocaine, never sold any, but gave it away (!) for years before getting caught. He served eight months in prison and was disbarred. Anyone else would be looking at 20-30 years. This story is just one of many, one that each one of us can dwelve into our mindbank and recall such injustice that has happened to close friends or perhaps ourselves. The corrections system is looking for fresh souls, for it is a business. An industry. The judicial system and its process can be manipulated by money, tilting the scales in one's favor. There is no equal justice in this land. Never has been, never will be. This is the cold, hard truth. Once our area secured the state prison, the Federal Bureau of Prisons decided they would want to build a federal prison in our area. I know the owner who had 400 acres of farmland and was reluctant to sell to the governement for he was farming the land. He asked for $2500.00 an acre for $600.00 farmland and they counteroffered at $2000.00 an acre. He, being fortunate as being financially secure, decided he did not want to sell the land. The government then in a meeting advised him that he should consider the $2000 an acre as generous as the government has the power to seize land for projects under the right of eminent domain, a provision where a fair market value is determined by the government and the land is seized and used for purposes of "progress". When confronted with $1000 or less an acre, he was forced to sell, stating he could not nor was willing to fight the government. Thus, another new prison was established. The shovels came out again, and another "industry" came to our area. Not much is said about what goes on behind those walls, except through the highly trained PR bunch that meets regularly with local leaders and tells of all the "good things" the prison and inmates are doing for the community and themselves. On the other hand, inmates who are released tell of horrors I dare not repeat. Smoke and mirrors, courtesy of our government. I am scared of our government. I am not ashamed to admit it. One day, perhaps in our lifetime, maybe in another generation, those of us who have been through the system for non violent crimes as defined by law will have our names cleared and be martyrs for the cause of personal freedom. The marijuana movement is struggling to find its identity in 13 states as of this writing, which is a good step forward. I have a friend who has a simple possession from 1986 and this keeps him still from obtaining employment that he is so capable of. Something 25 years ago, another person ago, one who is a model citizen by many standards, only to have his life and ability to do so much defined by the possession of a quarter ounce of grass 25 years ago. One day it will all change. I pray it will. Too many good people, so many people, first time offenders whose lives are ruined over these draconian laws. These laws create jobs, and the X is on our head as to who is next. There is a price for our freedom, unfortunately the price and punishment far outweigh the seriousness of the crime in so many cases. Its big business, folks. Deadheads represent true Americans, ones that follow thier heart and are not afraid to venture outside the self contained societal box, to live life as one truly believes and values the freedom of ones actions, while cautiously dancing with the excessive price that some of our actions may restrict those freedoms we endure so bravely.
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Member for

13 years 3 months

hello grateful dead family. My brother's name is Beandip. He is in jail. I don't know much about this world or the gdf. Beandip says and does a lot of crazy and stupid things. I don't know how to separate the fact from fiction. Here's what I do know. He's been traveling the country with many different people for the past year. Now he is locked up in Florida with a $100,000 bail. my mother doesn't give a shit. My father is just as worried as me. But neither of us has anything close to the amount of money that is needed to help Beandip. He has been warned many times that this would happen but he thought he was invincible. it wasn't all his decisions that got him in this. There were many other people in the family that helped do this to him. I need to find the people that he's been with so they can help me pay for a lawyer. Honestly, I don't give a shit about anyone else in the world right now besides my brother. If nobody will help me willingly I will be forced to use leverage in many different ways. please, if you know Beandip, or if you don't, call me. send money. please help me save my brother, i love him. eric 770-378-9417 145 flat creek ct fayetteville, ga 30214
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Member for

14 years 2 months

my name is clint bush I am worried about my friend jim jarboe.I heard he passed away. if anyone has any info PLEASE let me know. he had a wife named heather he owned the dog in the touch of grey video (jed) he had black hair around 50 yrs old he has lived in denver, washington, and chico, calif. (at least) I live in paradise calif pn num 5x3x0 8x7x7 5x5x1x2 remove the x's thanks, rodent, (clint)