• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • 00
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    over lapping sitars and every thing else
    One of the most sensational songs every recorded. The Beatles have some much sound that is not really known. Of the begining (big band) Thanks for sharing this.
  • Mr. Pid
    7 Apr 85, show opener, per deadbase. Personally, I thought the most impressive Beatles cover was Tomorrow Never Knows. Even The Beatles never tried to perform that live. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • Hal R
    Hey Jude
    breakout was 2/11/69. 3/1/69 is on Fillmore 69 box set and is well just pretty awful, so bad it is almost funny, especially after such an amazing show. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Ami
    not Twist and shout but...
    Picnic PMed me to remind me of an old spectrum show with an awesome Why don't we do it in the road into Mississippi 1/2 step... someone refresh my memory which waning after this crazy work week- when were the boys breaking out Hey Jude? I have old tapes somewhere with it and I loved it, just don't remember when, where... is help on the way??? Ami
  • GratefulGigi
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    Sweet :)
    what a ride we had yesterday, 3 hours on the harley I love my hubby for taking a day off!!
  • buddy plant
    Not entirely unfair...
    I think it's a reasonable question, and I too have some thoughts on what you have asked. This is certainly not heresy, you haven't hammered at the foundation of the band, you've just posed some questions to the folks to whom the band has sold some or all of their merchandising rights. I think that if the revenue stream of Dead.net were affected by the same technical issues as the chat feature, it would have been resolved within hours. And yes, the chat room is subsidized by sales, it's a business thing I guess. Having said that, I also feel that the owners of Dead.net don't actually owe it's users a chat feature. It's like the buffet in the casino, it's just something to attract customers. I hope that your questions and suppositions were not taken by the folks who run this site as hurtful or offensive, I see your remarks as a request. Perhaps I would have said something like : "Yo Deadnet, Let's get it in gear and fix the friggin' chat room fer Chrissakes! What are ya waitin' on? The second coming???" But that may be a bit too heretical, YMMV Now after having said all that stuff, I think I'm gonna go roll up a little something. And I think that I should get back on topic, by posing a question of my own: Wouldn't it have been grate if the GD covered "Twist and Shout"?
  • Central Statio…
    I have an unfair question...
    At the risk of sounding like a heretic, I was wondering...If the Store portion of this web site had issues which disrupted the the use of it, would it have taken this long to resolve them? I can't be the only one for whom question this has come to mind. And yes, this is an unfair question for at least two reasons: 1. I don't believe that the Store uses online chat representatives to assist customers, so it's an "apples and oranges" kind of thing. 2. It's very possible that some of the proceeds from the Store are used to subsidize this Chat Room. I may be biting the hand that feed me here, but hey, if my cat can do it.... Any comments?--assuming this even gets posted ;-) Bobbin' and weavin' Steven
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    Go Pig
    now playing "Good LOvin" 11 4 72 Newcastle upon Tyne Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • GratefulGigi
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    TGIF........ more cowbell!!
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    Good Afternoon Folks
    Sunny and warm here today Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

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16 years 10 months

Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed did bent mylimb play and stickey start and bom constantly. Heard they played a few times?
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15 years

When's your mom throwin out those old unwanted dead tapes?
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15 years 6 months

Johnman, you fergot Krill Hoistman 'n' Crowbar Grunter....
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17 years 2 months

I guess I did....and Macky Hort.....
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16 years 10 months

Blessings and Prayers.To the Soldiers The Warriors PeaceMakers Not The Governments that put them there the Men/Women And there Families far to many have been effected on all sides. No war Is worth the Damage to humans everywhere And Blessings to All Lost In This Silly Drug War Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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15 years 5 months

Well i guess the folks who operate this site don't want the chatroom anymore.I am very disappointed as i met some great friends in there and visited this site almost everyday to see them.I am going to try and continue on without it,but as a disabled and fairly homebound deadhead,i just want everyone i met there to know my life was better with you all in it.The time i spent there everyday was a blessing to me and i love all of you very much.Thank you for all you did to bring me happiness and joy while we had the chance to be together.The place will be sorely missed by this deadhead.I wish you all the peace,love happiness and prosperity that life can offer.Now i will fly up into the sky and disappear into a hole in the smog like the lorax.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

while I can't say what's ultimately on the minds of the higher-ups, I think it's fairly obvious that the finite technical resources have been rather consumed with the 30 Days of Dead and that's likely to continue for the next couple of weeks. When I have anything more specific to report I will.
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17 years 8 months

your post has me a wee bit worried.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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17 years 9 months

and the absence of the chat room should not mean that people don't find another way to stay in touch. In my old age I've seen a lot of online gathering places come and go, and it's just a practical reality to have a disaster plan--I mean, if Gagalive could vanish with no warning in a heartbeat... Being on the Internet is like living in earthquake country. You need a disaster plan. All of which is not to say that we're unaware or unappreciative of the issue, or that we're not planning to address it, but people need to figure out ways to stay in touch with each other also!
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Member for

16 years 5 months

http://www.savagetek.com/dnet/ <<< sweethearted savge has made a dead chat 4 us during this time os the deadnetchat darkages :P chat ppl go there. more at nite than day. so show up and say hey to eacher like we use to. PEACE (~);-)
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Member for

16 years 5 months

the abcents of deadnet chat does mean alot to ppl. its been there for how long?? only true site where we can and have met. hope u guys figure it out cause alot miss it :)
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I know before you used to be able to make a chat room.With some Hosts/Servers. What about a ICQ. And how much could it cost?? Be proactive make your own. When did us freaks of society wait to be told where to go and when :)? Too much knowledge in this venue not to come up with a answer, Peace and Blessings to all. Smiley dave Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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16 years 10 months

Just did a search for cost of a chat room on web.Many free and cheap choices. The dyslexia is rampant this am so ill leave the reading to others. Peas Smiley D Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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16 years 10 months

Ok i basically found out that all ya need is a web site.And then post the chat link. Ok everyone say no shit sherlock. hey news to me. We can get a go go daddy or other cheap hoster. Host Gator is A good one for 90 a year. Now can we get a link on deadnet to point them to the Chat room.?? I will even volunteer i now have a dictation thing for mac so my typing and data processing much quicker. I figure a basic DEAD CHAT ENTER and away it goes even if 100 people only want to do it 5 bucks should cover it for 3 yrs. Unless i do not understand which happens with Just being dense.. Good one and Blessings to all Smiley Dave. Ill buy a box and run it for everyone(box a computer just for chat and downloading music was planning on it any ways since. im not moving as soon as id like. might as swell. Some one contemplate this tell me my errors and what corrections. Please correct my ignorance, Smiley Dave Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

But thank God for the chatroom. Hope someday it comes back, I tend to agree that the tech side will be taken up with 30 days of the dead and then Christmas time orders...we prob won't see one till after January. And we do have the savage chatroom bail out that mona mentioned. Although, sometimes it's not populated. I miss you all a bunch, but I know I can always pick up a phone too. Love yas, and mwas. ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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14 years 6 months

are you ?
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17 years 2 months

johnman thought it was a spammer.....bur with an actual name, and picture....ahhh, probably spam....
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Member for

17 years 8 months

must be-considering she's been a member for only 8 hours, and the chatroom has been down for longer than that. ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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17 years 9 months

off to the bit bucket she goes...
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I feel like I may have won on the 23rd, but it's now going on 8:00 PM and it still says they haven't selected a winner. I'm just wondering if this is normal because I've never paid much attention to it until today, and to be honest I really would like to know who won.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

The intrepid Darren has set up a chat room for us. Please be aware that we're expecting it to be a bit buggy, so go ahead and put it through its paces and report any issues. Thank you Darren!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Thanks Marye and intrepid Darren seems to work for me, but I am all alone so far!
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17 years 9 months

it may take a while to get back the momentum!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Wohoooo chatroom♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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17 years 2 months

oh boy!!...I'm gonna try it right now....!!!
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Member for

17 years 6 months

a nice Christmas present from yall......thanks!
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16 years 5 months

marye anbd Darren. :)) hope your holidaze r bountiful with love! u sure have made mine! MWA!!!
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14 years 6 months

it sure is workin no one in though but probably early in the good old us of a !!!!!!!!!!
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16 years 10 months

Blessings and prayers to you and yours.Have a Great Holidaze. Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Yes, there is a login to the chat room. However, you don't need to create a separate account, just use the same ID and password that you use to log in here. We had some problems with the old chat that people who were not logged in here and probably not members were getting in the chat room and causing trouble, so this is meant to solve that issue. And, with regard to another issue from the old chat, this new chat room comes with the ability to ignore people who annoy you. So if someone's acting up, just select their name in the list in the right column (who's in the chat room), click for the pulldown menu, and select Ignore. This should put an end to the playground squabbles as there is no need to engage with a squabbler. Thanks and chat on!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

remove the offending party from your view, while still allowing others to see their posts?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

No "censorship," but no audience either if everyone does this. Bad actors are attention junkies, and rendering them the proverbial tree falling in the forest when nobody hears it deprives them of the audience they crave. Freedom of speech does not mean anyone has to listen to you.
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17 years 2 months

just was curious on minor technical aspects, however, it does seem to leave open a few things...thanx marye!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

if you're the kind of person who googles yourself to see what people are saying about you, this approach may have its failings. But in general few things shut bad actors up faster than the realization they're talking to a void.
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Member for

16 years

just tried to log in- to the chat room, using my screenname acount from here, and I guess My name is too long ? I could not log in, using my name and password from herer ? what to do ? oo ?? Happy Holidaze everybody ! Beth ( Liz ) Kempf Hey Now OO play on- KEEP LISTENING
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I have no idea. Let me know if the problem persists.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

into "The Lounge" once or twice, when had a second-but was lounging alone. Wrong time or wrong place, not sure which :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

17 years 9 months

probably wrong time...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

it's pretty slow here during the holidays...at least till the shows start!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

The route 420 sign is pictured through out the Dead scenario.Can someone tell me what it signifies other than the obvious? (U.S. Highway)?
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Member for

16 years 5 months

it is really getting to be an issue to be able to get on chat. been slow anough since the new one but hard when u invite ppl who really want to come on and its just a hassle so they give up. have to give weird unstructions like go and back and forth between to white page and the not found page to get the blue page. then if u get the whole blue page it wont post what u r typing. i know savage offered his services in helping to get a free chat that work very well. so i do hope u look into it. we DO like are chat and would love others to come and share the love. TY :)
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Member for

17 years 8 months

it thinks we have dirty minds :) Totall innocent words that we type, such as glasses or documentary get automatically changed into weird things.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I will pass this along. I know the tech guys have one or two other things on their plates these days.