So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...
Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving.
No, man.....she's right
you're freakin' bonkers....dang that's funny....need more shows.....don't we all...heeheeee!!
so the truth
is out about my hippy who controls the flying monkeys and yes they are brewing beer as we taught them its wrong to steal unless its faces.Next week we are teaching them to bake cookies
Donald draper can kiss my flying hippy monkey brewing biscuit baking ........
monkey wings!
:)just finishing your sentence for you ripple!
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
and we'll have
fun fun fun, in the time that our chatroom's away
whoops wrong thread! shouldda put that bittle in the parody thread
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
we could write
a book about these monkeys you know the thing someone writes a sentence/paragraph/chapter someone follows we see where it goes anyone up for it ?
I am SO up for that! you start ripple!**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
Cosmic Charlie (our dog) heard Electric Hot Tuna! plp around us were shocked he was just so mellow, relaxing (fortunately he missed the guy w/ the cat) We were on the side near the road, could see the band & it wasn't real crowded there. Took the dog home after that. Heard a bit of Earl Scruggs. Husband heard more, since he stayed longer-all in all, it was fun times & missed getting a parking ticket by luck.....:)))) went back 4 my bike after that
Ahoy Ye Matee' ..ah.. uh.. you've done it AGAIN ..... !
JM LOL ! Ahoy ye Ole" Lazy-Boy buccaneer ... Man your brilliant ! " Freak-in Bonkers" is a GREAT name for my new black goth speed metal band with a rapper. JM Matee' Your a marketing genius.
I can se it now .... our name in lights !.. and neon and plastic .
TONIGHT ONLY " FREAKING BONKERS" SOLD OUT or "FREAKIN BONKERS featuring the rapper "Scrap Iron"........
Its gonna be a smash hit.. It can't miss ! Can you feel the Excitement...? ..? Oh Boy ! Would you look at that ..... Gee Wiz swell .....
Uh ....? Hmmm, Now what wuz it we wuz ..... ah ..... uh...... Talkin about...? I been known to drift alittle off the subject, being ...... uh .... hmmm ....ah... OK everything is A -OK .... where were we ..?
on a barge
off the coast of Luzon.....ingested too much Mojo....heeheeee!!
Great idea ripple!
can't wait! I think it will be a really fun game! :)**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
Popping in to say...
Hi! I miss you all!Sending Peace ☮ & Love ♥
just found out that the guys
just found out that the guys are coming to st louis as further, and iaam going to mess it.
Cheetoes and cold DrPepper ... ah .... the simple thangs
A fresh bag of baked Cheetoes ......... A ice cold Dr Pepper .....
and a couple of paper towels damp with warm water ........ to wipe off my hands and mouth .. and a new tooth pick .. to take on the Cheetoes .. that refuses to let geaux .... peacefully ...
................. ah .... The simple thangs .....
I love the GD yak room... yeasss ... However ... give a choice ..
I will take the Cheetoes & DrPepper
Garlic popcorn and an ice cold Coke....or beer, of course. Spanish peanuts fried with whole cloves of garlic, chili peppers, and coarse ground sea salt.....and beer...
You can find several on line, but basically it's just raw Spanish peanuts and whole cloves. Crush the garlic, leave the skin on. Heat the oil (vegetable or peanut) at about medium (trial and error, too high and the garlic burns before the nuts are crunchy, too low and too much oil is absorbed) add nuts and garlic and whole chili's (the small ones, dried seem to be the best) fry until the nuts are crunchy, more or less depending on your taste, and the garlic should just be turning translucent and still a bit chewy, add the salt, eat. Real good with beer. When I was in the Philippines I would purchase a bag of these from the same street vendor on my way home from work every evening, or to the bar.They seemed to have a much larger peanut then the Spanish ones we get here, but I think any raw peanuts will work quite well. You can also use garlic salt (coarse ground) instead of the sea salt. They use the chili's more in the northern region. In Subic Bay, where I was stationed they used them occasionally, but farther north in the resort city of Baguio, they use more.
Think I forgot to mention....
This seems to work best in a large wok...
What's wrong with Chat ??
I've been trying to get into the chatroom for days.What's going on ????
chatroom's down friend
maybe for a while, maybe for good? I guess only Jerry knows the answer to that.*********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
personally glad the chat is down hope it stays that way.
All the Hate and Fighting is and was a joke. Need to move a bit Further in life.(PUN INTENDED)I find it much better using the Dead net with so much to offer besides .
School yard games. And Clicks we are all one till it comes to being different than your not cool,
Like us. Get over it.
Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
well dave..
Alot of us called the chatroom home, and it's the same as any place else...if ya don't like it, ya stay away. Everything else that deadnet has to offer is still here, with or without the chatroom...and please understand, I'm not trying to be an ass, so I hope my comments are not being taken that way..
when there was
a chatroom it was there, it was an option if you dont like it dont click it alot of good folks miss that place and much love to ya all hopes ya get it back soon.
Here's My Take on the Chatroom
Gagalive went Kapoooey with no warning....alot of us that called this place home really miss it, and it was really a great way to meet friends. There was ALOT of drama no two ways about it there, some people just can't stand attention grabbing is my idea. But at the same time ALOT of good kind people with great conversations were there too.
That being said, ChiBear and I were talking about this over the weekend, I also think that alot of the he said/she said, name calling, whining, I'll show you, I'm writing admin must have been something really hard for our Marye. To get those childish emails, while working hard to keep this site going, must have been tough.
Basically, it is a wonderful tool for connecting and sharing with friends. A few were using as a way to lash out, and get attention. I personally miss it alot, but looking @ it from the point of view of the site operators, I think I'd be hesitant to bring it back too.
Anyway, just my 2 cents...carry on.
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the problem with the chat is technical rite?? compared to oither chats deadnet is wonderful.! never seen so many come together and spread such joy :) seen the ppl who didnt exactly get along at least kept trying to.and johnman u NEVER can sound mean! MWA! ~dont it always seem to go u dont know what u got till its gone~
i would be
deeply upset if i witnessed anything but kindness within this family,but maybe i am just naive of course people will disagree that is healthy we have our own veiws etc Its really important for us euro deadheads to connect with our stateside brothers and sisters that is where it all statrted and this is the only way we can be part of it and really feel like family.For those who are moaning complaining being negative about the chat its simple just dont go there.
peace and love to you all including the moaners.
Love always finds a way.
Thus, We as a Group will always be able to express ourselves. Send your love messages out into the Universe, and it will reach the intended People. We, are unique. We love and accept each other for the greatness and the flaws like any stone. we are solid. We share like minded thoughts that always brought us back to the music, and love for each other. Luv Boston Jo.
For sure Jo
It's all about the energy lol... You choose your own destiny. I miss all you guys...and without the chat I wouldn't know not a one of ya, and I hope it comes back for whatever reason it's gone.Take care now friends!
Some for reasons known but to them
Rise, climb, fall, to get to Terrapin
I guess im a bit misunderstood.
I mentioned keep the room closed. I visited it as much as any.My only point was that some made it very hard to enjoy anything at that point.
You would have to leave not se a whole page of one person going on with 15 in room.
Everyone knows im very blunt i guess being PC i could have said if people are not going to act like adults keep it closed. i just feel to many made it a mockery of what People say we are about nice people. Basically all are but ya know what i mean that room has had a few moments to put it mildly. If i could find my post from yesterday Johman could verify I believe in self regulation. I just felt violated when in there tying to be comfortable and some one starts a ridiculous scene. Yes easy to say do not look i do not and after a while ya just turn it off. I hate all kinds of bickering yet im good at it.
Was raised that way Probably why i hate it and try not to participate .
forgive me if i upset anyone.
Oh Lord please don't let me be miss understood.
Smiley Dave
Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
It's all good, dave
afterall, we're family here, even the lost souls that tend to start stuff in the chat, and the people that seem to require too much attention. We're all here cuz of that dang band, and their ridiculous music.....longhaired freaks, anyway. What was that fella's name? Jory Garneesha?OK....OOOOOK.....I'm jokin'
For sure... for sure
Some for reasons known but to them
Rise, climb, fall, to get to Terrapin
brother dave
i understand exactly what you mean its the same in life man there will always be thease factions within this family after all this aint the 60s have a grate day brother.
San fran wins
Wahoo San Fran Wins Yippeee
Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
Daughter Shannan Turns 24@2:30 EDT Cant wait for todays Gems
At least i can hit click and hear one Gem.
Will it post 4am after hawaii ??
Just a thought sitting pondering lint in naval
and my purpose in life
Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
navel lint
can be used as tinder to start a fire....but it will stink