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  • ripple70
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    opened the door
    and couldnt work out why bertha the van was hangin from the yurt fastened by braided dental floss.The flood had passed and the yurt was perched dangeriously atop the eiffel tower no more sandstorm either thought ripple if we can braid more floss we can tie it to thease monkeys and they can fly us to safety ripple thought.Now being drunk and flying a yurt was a criminal offence in france,out of nowhere appeared a one eyed sailor with a cheshire grin....
  • ripple70
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    i know gratefaldean
    think this the 2nd time we posted at the same time its fine though continuity was out the window a long time ago brother!
  • johnman
    tho I dunno what good the yurt would be
    lessen ya stuck alla the Rangers inside...wif the beer and fermented mare's milk..
  • johnman
    wal, hail...
    we kin askum....
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    BUT will flying monkeys & yurts...
    help the SF Giants win the next few games???
  • johnman
    Hippy's eyes slammed open..
    and he awoke with a start....huddled in a fetal position on the floor of the yurt, surrounded by passed out drunken flying monkeys, empty beer bottles and a half full skin of fermented mare's milk. " Oh my......what did I do THIS time" Hippy mumbled while holding his head in his hands. "Ripple TOLD me not to let these guys in..." Nauseated by the breath of drunken flying monkeys , he stumbled to the door of the yurt....
  • johnman
    atop the eiffel tower...
    Hippy was scratching his head and thinking he forgot something....."the van!!...the VAN!!...We forgot Bertha!!" Hippy exclaimed...Ripple thought for a moment, and coming up with an idea, he reached in his pocket for the dental floss he always carried and started to weave a rope, one strong enough to pull a van up the eiffel tower. Enlisting the help of one of the more sober flying monkeys, he instructed it to find Yurtilicious, for he knew that's where Bertha would be. "Tie the rope to the bumper" he said...........
  • gratefaldean
    Sorry, Ripple
    I think we posted at about the same time. Continuity once more out the window!
  • gratefaldean
    Back at the yurt
    Hippy, practically feverish with worry, was pacing and pacing, hoping to come up with a strategy to end this conflict with a minimum of mayhem. Bertha (his van) was parked just outside the door. Over the years, after countless paint jobs in countless painting styles, Bertha had always retained two elements in her design. The first was always found, upon close examination, in the strangest of places: a pair of luminous blue eyes which, if you looked at them long enough and looked at them just right, would seemingly pierce right through your soul. The second, which could be found hidden in plain sight all over the van: the name, "Bertha." If questioned about who/what "Bertha" was, Hippy would typically and variously claim that Bertha was his family dog when he was a kid; a bullfrog that he had for a couple of weeks when he was 6; a cat that had lived to the incredible age of 25; even an iguana that he kept in his college dorm room his freshman year. But if you got enough beer in him, and steered him into a sentimental mood, you just might prise this story from him: About 2.8 million miles back in Bertha the hippie van's history, Hippy shared an apartment on Haight St in SF with his good buddy and best pal, Rob Trapper (note: name changed to protect the living). Rob was an aspiring poet, and he and Hippy had clicked from the start. As was common in those days, the apartment also hosted a revolving cast of various and sundry other like-minded folk and its share of very short-term transients. It was here, in fact, that Hippy had first encountered Too-Late Tony and his none-too-bright sidekick, Longhaired Bob. Tony was in the midst of his first and only rebellion against his family and his brother, and Bob was as always along for the ride. Though he tried to fit in with the peace-and-love crowd, his "15 minute" rages turned everyone off (except Bob, who seemed to find comfort in them), and he was soon sent packing. (Tony wasn't stupid, though, and learned something about the drug trade during his West Coast tenure, and tried to use that to ingratiate himself with this Family upon his return. It worked to the extent that it could, but Guido was still Guido and would always be Guido; Tony was Tony and would always be 15 mintues too late). Hippy and Rob spent relatively little time at the apartment, preferring instead to roam around in (as yet unnamed) Bertha. You'd find them at the docks, in the park, in the mountains. They'd take long roadtrips to the desert, where Hippy would paint away on the van and Rob would scribble endlessly in his notebook. Their very frequent companion was a striking, golden-haired young woman named Bertha. Bertha had luminous blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through to your soul, and a smile that would melt a bit of your heart each time she turned it your way. She was a fiercely intelligent young woman, wise beyond her years, and was kind enough to suffer fools with humor and grace. She was also unrepentently independent: she belonged to no one but herself, and never would. It's no surprise then, that nearly anyone who spent time with her would fall in love with Bertha. One evening Hippy and Rob were off to a big party at a nearby dancehall. Bertha had other plans, so she dropped them at the hall and they arranged for a time when she'd pick them up. The party was a great success, everyone danced all night. During breaks, Rob spent a lot of time chatting up the lead guitarist of the house band, another of his buddies, while Hippy shook the hand of each and every person in the hall. At the end of the evening, they stumbled out into the dark and into the awaiting van, and Bertha began to pilot them home. The night was uncharacteristically clear, with a big old full moon dipping toward the horizon. Hippy got a notion and stuck his head out the window and began howling at the moon, and Rob soon followed suit. Their timing was poor, as a bored police officer parked in a alley heard the ruckus and pulled them over. Bertha managed to shush her friends and banned them to the back of the van. When the officer approached, she turned the full force of her smile on him, and he felt his knees buckle just a little as part of this heart melted. Cops are inquisitive by nature, so despite his smile-induced decision not to hassle these folks, and to soak in more of that smile, he decided a few questions were in order. "What's wrong with your friends?" he asked. Bertha laughed, and said, "Oh they're fine. They just got done with a test and are blowing off a little steam. I'm taking them straight home, you bet!" "Test, what kind of test?" "Well, kind of a chemical test." "A chemistry test?" "Not exactly, a chemical test." "I don't understand. What kind of chemical?" "Acid mostly, I think." In the back of the van, Hippy had gotten quite mesmerized by the strobing red light of the cops cherry-topped car. Rob, though, overhearing the conversation, started muttering something over and over, not quite loud enough to be heard. The cop shone his flashlight into the back of the van right at Rob, and said, "What are you saying, boy?" Rob bellowed out, "I'm saying TEST ME, TEST ME, YOU MORON, WHY DON'T YOU ARREST ME???!!" Thus Hippy and Rob found themselves in a holding cell with a bunch of drunks for the rest of the night. As they were semi-lucid by morning, the cops cut them loose without charges, dropping the idea of holding them for psychiatric evaluation. Hippy was some peeved at Rob for his night in the hoosegow, and shuddered that they came just this close to ending up in the loony bin. The incident caused the tiniest crack in the bond between Hippy and Rob, but nothing that a little time and maybe a roadtrip wouldn't have fixed. But real trouble was brewing: Hippy was in love with Bertha, and so was Rob. This is never a good situation and seldom ends well. As Bertha would never be tied to one man, Hippy eventually was filled with despair and longing, and jumped into his van solo, the start of his life of wandering, looking for Bertha around every corner. Rob hooked up with a band, but that's another story entirely. Bertha managed to have three daughters but no husbands, and the daughters all resembled their Mom in a striking way. The daughters too each had three daughters, following Bertha's lead, sans husbands or any longterm romantic entanglements. (To Hippy's everlasting regret, he could call none of those lovely daughters, nor any three of of the grandkids, his own. And with some bitterness, he suspected that Rob could. He was wrong about that, but he held that against Rob for much, much too long). Bertha supported here brood by writing fantasy novels and children's books (under a pseudonym, of course) and did a bit of wandering herself. When she finally settled, it was on a thousand acres of farmland in the heart of the country, where her heart seemed to beat as one with the rhythm of the land. The farm was in Kansas. Now while the rainbow that connects Kansas to Oz tends to move here and there and can be particularly tough at times to track down, its Kansas home base happened to be smack in the middle of Bertha's wheat field. Some say that Bertha was drawn to the rainbow, but most believe that the rainbow was drawn to Bertha. Back at the yurt, Hippy's reverie ended, and he knew what he had to do. He locked the yurt door against the sandstorm, jumped into Bertha the van, and drove west.
  • ripple70
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    ripples hippy became hipper,beer was brewed,mimers mined,yaks yaked and flying monkeys flew,long haired bobs hair grew short and llamas did what ever llamas did.Yurtilicious started to become visible and guido got 5 to 10 for possesion of chinese opium.And then came the great flood ripple thought what now but tony had an idea he turned the yurt upside down in the hope it would float,and guess what it did.The mimers were thrown overboard for balast reasons and found there way safely to france where they perched there selves safely on top of the eiffel tower.Ripple and his hippy were tired and longed to return to there quiet and humble life when out of nowhere......
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17 years 4 months
a tale in progress, by request
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16 years 9 months

falling from the sky, landing with a bounce and narrowly missing her was a vintage split window VW microbus, painted in an odd pattern, of many different colors and trailing what looked like a rope woven floss??? "Oh shit........" was her first reaction,.followed by "Why is my name on the license plate?" The rear doors opened with a pop.....and a very loud belch. A voice from inside was heard to mutter " Farg!!...I don't think we're in Mongolia anymore, Rip...nor France......"
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17 years 3 months

Great detail Johnman!
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17 years 3 months

while we're trying to figure out exactly where we are," Hippie pondered while stepping out of the split-windowed VW microbus, "why don't we all try singing a bar or two of Alice's Restaurant, while we haul these shovels and rakes and implements of destruction outta da bus, cuz it looks like we're going to have to dig a giant landing pad for the drunken flying monkeys to touch down on.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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16 years 9 months

now we need rider and her group W bench!!
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17 years 3 months

Looked at the implements of destruction in horror, and shouted to the group, "W - What'you think you're doing to my wheatfield, you BOZOs?" Ripple looked up to see a woman with oddly familiar- looking luminous blue eyes and an expression on her face that suggested it wasn't going to be smiling anytime soon. "The monkeys," he said, "We need a place to land them." "Take those THINGS, and stuff them back up the butt of that BUS," she shouted. "The monkeys know what to do!" Bertha (the van)'s passengers weren't exactly observant after they'd fallen out of the sky -- who would be after an experience like that? Scattered around Bertha's field were T-shaped posts that rose above wheat. Sure enough, the lead monkey swooped down and landed on the tallest of the perches, and his crew soon followed suit. To be sure there were a couple of shaky landings, and at least one monkey missed his perch altogether and plowed into the ground with a thud. For his part, Hippy actually knew exactly where he was, and he'd stood frozen, eyes downcast, with his back to the rest of the group. He finally mustered up enough gumption to turn just a little, looked up into Bertha (the woman)'s eyes and felt them pierce straight into his soul. Bertha smiled, and his knees buckled as a little bit of his heart melted once again. He manage a crooked smile back, and barely able to speak, he mumbled, "Hey Bertha, long time..." Bertha was a sophisticated woman in her way, had been all around this world and seen many amazing things, but she too was practically speechless. "Hippy?? OMIGOD, Hippy, is that, like really YOU?? OMIGOD!!" (Bertha was a San Fernando Valley girl, born and raised, and was fluent in Val-speak long before Zappa, the movies, and TV popularized the dialect. When practically speechless, she tend to slip back into her native tongue, much to her chagrin). She walked right up to Hippy who was expecting a big welcome hug. Instead, she smacked him square in the jaw, hard. THEN she hugged him, a hug for the ages -- a pretty embarrassing hug for the rest of the crew to watch, truth be told. When they finally broke out of their clinch, Hippy stepped back a little and rubbed his jaw. "Dang, Bertha, what was THAT for?"
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16 years 9 months

wif that dang bus, you longhaired, walleyed, tie-dyed, yurt smellin', mare's milk slurpin', monkey lovin', goofy-ass FREAK!!......and you KNOW why I slugged ya!!!" Bertha exclaimed.. "Just wait'll I get a hold of RIPPLE, and THEN you'll see some.......some......dammit, Hippy...where have you been?"
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17 years 3 months

your version of "native tongue" made me spew my tea all over my computer screen from laughing!!!!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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16 years 9 months

Wasn't MY version....blame DEAN...but I did think it was funny as hell...oh....OK....I get it...fer SURE...TOTally
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and waving away several monkeys attempting to land on his shoulders, kept as quiet as possible....knowing full well that the slug Hippy received was NOTHING compared to what Bertha was going to subject HIM to. "RIPPLE!!!!!" Bertha screamed, "come HERE, right NOW, you BASTARD!! I'm Gonna GAG you wif this DAMNED bus!!.....TOTALLY!!.......fer SHUR!!!!!"
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17 years 3 months

gratefuldean and johnman-the comedic duo!! :) wonderful guys!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Spoonful started wafting from Bertha(the van)'s speakers, Ripple tried to imagine gagging on the microbus of many colors, quickly realizing he'd much rather gag on a microdot of many colors, spoon or no. As the sky began to melt into a rather strange blend of hues, he paused to consider short person behavior in pedal-depressed, pan-chromatic resonances and other highly ambient domains. Just before he could manage an "Arf..." Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 3 months

I think that my job here is to be the straightman for Johnman's punch lines. Or yours, Ripple's, and Mr Pid's, for that matter. Hey, I did manage to sneak in a mention of "Group W"... lettuce segue into the weekend with big-ass smiles on our faces!
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17 years 3 months

That the sky colors were looking a bit more coherent than his prior microdot (or microbus, for that matter) experiences would lead him to expect. They appeared, in fact and despite the otherwise crystal-clear blue sky, to be coalescing into a rainbow that ended smack-dab in the middle of Bertha (the woman)'s field. "Oz..."
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16 years 9 months

Bertha slapped him in the back of the head "pay attention, dangit"
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17 years 3 months

Knew that he wanted nothing more than to put Bertha (the van) up on blocks and spend the rest of his days hanging with Bertha (the woman) on her thousand acres in Kansas. But the appearance of the rainbow, and Ripple's "Oz" brought him back to the reality of their mission. He turned to Bertha (the woman) and asked, "You haven't by chance seen Too-late Tony and Longhair Bob lurking in the area, have you?"...knowing full well that Tony had gotten a head start in this direction. Between the Eiffel Tower flood and windstorm, and their terrifying Atlantic crossing supported only by dental floss and drunken flying monkeys, they'd lost the Tony's trail and had no idea if Tony was ahead of them, or behind, in the race to Oz. "Too-late Tony? That 15-minute screaming idiot who crashed with you and Trapper in the Haight? What do you want with that doofus?"
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14 years 2 months

too late tony he had become attached to the bus and dragged through floods,sandstorms and all other kinds of craziness he looked up at hippy and said omg are we in kansas.
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16 years 9 months

I thought it was Guido
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17 years 3 months

Last time we saw Tony and Bob, they had jumped in the car and were driving through the sandstorm. Guido was still at the yurt. And then the yurt ended up on Eiffel Tower, presumably with all hands still on board. If one of the two (or three, including Bob) is under the van, seems like it should be Guido.
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16 years 9 months

It was Bob and Beer Ball who jumped into the car to try to catch a MATS flight to Oz. And catch it they did! Armed only with a very old number and an unquenchable desire for some really swell kool-aide, they had managed to make their way to the single gauge railway ride up to Kuranda and luckily secured a batch of Bear's private reserve. Look, there they are now, sliding down the rainbow! "Whoa, man," was all Bob could muster as a greeting. Ripple and Hippy took one look at their old pal Beer Ball and said, synchronously, "Sweet dye, man! Where did you get it, and how do you make it move?" Beer Ball said "All I have to do is move and it moves. Haven't you ever seen tie dye kool-aide before? Here. Come and taste the rainbow!" Beer Ball commenced to tap out some cups for all when Bertha(the van) lurched slightly and switched to CD one from Europe 72 (you know, the Rhino re-release with the groovy bonus tracks) in celebration. Bertha(the woman) said, "Now wait a minute..." Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 3 months

am still distraughtDangerous MindSSSSSSSS ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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14 years 2 months

i just chesked it out it is blue in hue and has a very angry face,pricey too lol
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17 years 3 months

Scarier than my Wizard of Oz nightmares...
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14 years 2 months

back in god knows where....
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Bertha (the woman) started looking back and forth between Guido and Tony. "There's TWO of them?!!" Bertha had met Tony, of course, more than 30 years ago, but had no idea that he was a twin -- something Tony famously avoided telling anyone who didn't already know. Here in the flesh, though the years had resulted in some appearance differences (mostly, Tony looked permanently disheveled, while Guido was always well-groomed and neat as a pin...though looking not quite himself after the ordeal of the sandstorm, flood, and big wind), were two lookalikes who looked too much like old versions of one of Bertha's least-favorite acquaintances. "Hippy, what's going on here?" she asked, suddenly very apprehensive.
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17 years 3 months

We posted at the same time again...we need to stop meeting like this!
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Into Hippy's ear (a very delightful sensation). "So that's one's Tony. Who's the OTHER ONE?"
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14 years 2 months

guido thats who and hippys ear was all wet and sloppy a sensation he was not at all familiar with Bertha demanded an explanation hippy gave his usual dumb puupy eyed look and sighed....
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14 years 2 months

if hippys bob then who is bob is bob hippy and i thought bob was dead or was that tony youve all got 15 minutes to answer and where are the flying monkeys ? are we looking for oz is hippy to settle down with bertha or does she tell him dont come around here anymore or vice versa we need help guys we need direction................meanwhile back in kansas....
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17 years 3 months

Fifteen minutes had passed, and Hippy still owed Bertha (the woman) an answer, so he sat her down on Bertha (the van)'s front bumper and went digging around inside the back of the van. When he came out, he was holding a stack of 8X10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each, and proceeded to use them to illustrate his tale. He told Berth (the woman) of the yurt and Yurticulus; the trapped (but since freed) Chilean mimers; the vicious swan bloody massacree; the beer ball, sandstorm, flood, Eiffel tower, and dental floss; the one-eyed-Chesire-grinned sailor, the baguette melee, their harrowing Atlantic crossing, but most especially, he talked about the Three Wiseguys and the flying monkeys. Meanwhile, Guido had found a guitar, and he and Tony and Bob were singing the chorus or "Alice's Restaraunt Massacree" in surprisingly sweet 3-part harmony, over and over and over. Hippy, annoyed at anything the wiseguy trio might do, growled, "Cut out that racket! This Kansas, not the friggin Berkshires!" Guido turned his most menacing look on Hippy, and said, "I don't care where we are, it's almost Thanksgiving and this is what we DO. If you don't like it, take your stupid story over there to the Group W bench!" "Group Dubya bench?" Hippy was confused until Guido jerked his head back toward the north end of the wheat field. Sure enough, back at the edge of the field was a bench. The bench was occupied mostly by flying monkeys too drunk to stay atop their perches. There was a scruffy young fellow who could have been a father raper or a litterer, tough to tell at that distance. Oddest of all, there was a familiar-seeming guy dressed in a blue suit with a stack of books under one arm. He was trying to sell the books to the Group W Bench denizens, regaling them with stories of deception and war. The monkeys were too drunk to care, but when the guy started talking about waterboarding, well, they all perked right up. Flying monkeys are known snowboarding enthusiasts, and they were all right interested in learning about waterboarding...that is until it dawned on them that what the book salesmen was talking about had nothing to do with motor boats, tow ropes, and skimming the waves. Even Group W folks have their standards, so two of the monkeys grabbed the salesman by his shoulders and flew him and his books away out over the northern horizon...and came back without him. Hippy was relating Guido's flying monkey contract with the hag in Oz, that certain girl and her dog still on the loose and making trouble for the hag. Hearing this, Bertha (the woman)'s eyes widened. She fixed her piercing stare at Guido, who immediately stopped playing the guitar, then turned back to Hippy. "This is about Oz and that witch?" she asked. "Do you have any idea what's going on in Oz? Oh Hippy, things are not good at all..."
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17 years 3 months

been reading along, but not feeling at all creative lately. :(********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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17 years 3 months

I'm guessing that you have enough on your mind right now. Not feeling especially creative myself, but lately about 1 night a week I can't sleep, and then the next morning I've got a long passage to (unsuccessful, I might add) substitute for counting sheep.
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14 years 2 months

how you feel tl hope your back writing soon oh and al when i cant sleep i concentrate solely on my breathing as searching for enlightment try it
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14 years 2 months

was washed down with the burnt coffee and bertha started to fill the guys in on what was happening in oz,it was not good news at all the great wizard had lost the plot completely usually high on the strips outta benzedrine inhalers he was totally lost and did not no what was going on,he had melted the man of tin in a blind rage,set the straw man (jack) on fire and was keeping the lion hostage.the town of oz was also outta control bertha explained some one needs to head over there and sort this shit out and with a tilt of her head she stared straight into ripples eyes.....
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17 years 3 months

She said, "is that the hand stirring this big, vile pot is that old hag in the West. Except that she's not so old-looking anymore. She's cast a spell that has all around her in her thrall, and part of that spell makes her look, well, pretty hot. She's been traveling around Oz holding rallies and tea parties, claiming that she's one of the 'little people,' and people believe her even though she's taller than I am. Her minions are sowing seeds of discontent and strife, have pitted brother against brother, husband against wife, neighbor against neighbor. There's not a lot of smiling going on in Oz anymore, if you can believe THAT!" Hippy had no idea about any of this, of course, and he was taken aback -- no smiling in Oz? Why even in the worst of times you could count on smiling faces in Oz. "What can we do about that?" he asked. Bertha had been thinking. "I have to believe that if the witch has contracted with THOSE morons," -- she pointed at Larry, Curly and Tony, Bob and Vito -- "to monkey-snatch that wandering girl and her dog, then that the girl must pose a threat to witch's plans. You have to SAVE them!"
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14 years 2 months

said ripple "ok we need a plan" he searched his friends faces for a plan and even searched his monkeys snatch "no plan there" he announced, Bertha lookes up her eyes shining brightly "by george ive got it,listen up guys...
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17 years 3 months

I wrote "Vito" instead of "Guido"....I'm not introducing a new character!
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14 years 2 months

spoke of a bunch of musicians she new from out west she called them the band with two drummers and she said they could put a smile on anyones face.She said there entourage also included a man called mr keys,a prankster of a man with a brightly coloured bus,a driver called Neal and a bunch of happy people.The sign on the front of the bus said Further.Ripple decided to deploy his flying monkeys in search of the band with the two drummers to see if they would help out oz with there orange sunshine, music,lights and madness.....
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14 years 2 months

with solem faces,they told of there travels they were not able to locate the band with two drummers.Ripple decided the time for action was now,they loaded up the bus and headed to oz.......
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17 years 3 months

I don't know if you see the newspaper comic Dilbert, but suddenly there's a flying monkey in the strip. I'm not sure what to make of this development...
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16 years 9 months

have been involved with involvement
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14 years 2 months

no did not see it but dear me what have we created flying monkey pinatas,dilbert what next.
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17 years 3 months

As a "winged" monkey or something like that...sure looks like our little critters, though. Like Johnman, I about fell off my chair the first time I saw it. OK, we need to get the bus over the rainbow to Oz.
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17 years 3 months

that part's easy, Dean-cuz it's a magic bus that can drive right over the arc of the rainbow, and into Oz-escorted by a squadron of flying monkeys blowing vuvuzelas to announce the grand arrival.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde