• https://www.dead.net/features/tapers-section/august-20-august-26-2007
    August 20 - August 26, 2007

    As we move toward the symbolic end of summer (Labour Day, of course), we have some great music to play spanning about 21 years of Grateful Dead music, from 1968 to 1989, two fine years with which to bookend this week’s offerings.

    Our first entry this week is the encore from 8/21/68 at the Fillmore West in San Francisco, a nice, juicy Midnight Hour. Although not quite as prevalent at shows in 1968 as it had been in 1966, the Grateful Dead continued to play monster versions of this Pigpen vehicle.

    Next we’ll stop into 1972, to the opening night of the rightfully famous Europe 72 tour, to 4/7/72 in London. From the middle of that night’s first set is a typically hot 1972 rendition of China Cat Sunflower>I Know You Rider.

    In 1976, at the end of their very successful summer of comeback shows, the Grateful Dead entered the studio and recorded a couple of the songs they’d been playing that summer. From one of those sessions on 8/29/76 is this bare-bones Dancing In The Street with only Donna on vocals. While we’re in mid-1970s mode, we also have this terrific Samson and Delilah from 5/12/77 in Chicago. Despite the frequency that song was played in 1976-1977, they never seem to get tired of it, always offering up an inspired rendition.

    Finally from the 1970s, on 4/22/78 in Nashville to be precise, we are pleased to bring you a couple of tracks from the second set, starting with the second set opening Lazy Lightning>Supplication and the pre-Drums Estimated Prophet>Eyes of the World, both very nicely performed songs on this night.

    Our last stop this week is in New Jersey on 7/10/89, a show that took place in and out of a massive thunderstorm. By request, we have the first set closer, The Music Never Stopped, and from the start of the second set, a great 1989 combination of Foolish Heart, Just a Little Light, Playing In The Band>Uncle John’s Band. What a great tour.

    Be sure to check in next week, as we’ll be exploring some intriguing material from 1969 and 1980, and other material between those years, and likely after. We try to surprise even ourselves. Feel free to write with questions or comments.

    Please note that beginning today all Taper’s Section audio streams are served via a new media player in both Windows Media Audio and QuickTime Audio formats.

    David Lemieux
    vault [at] dead.net

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    17 years 1 month ago
    As if on cue...
    My dear cat Hugo horked up a hairball in the bedroom just before dawn this morning. That'll teach me to use that word. GD Hour blog Station list
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    17 years 1 month ago
    I am Glad people are supporting David
    As i said earlier David has done more anyone, including DL, to our ears. It was hard in England to Get anything but the stuff from GDH got through eventually, otherwise 28th March 81 would have been all i could listen to. Thanks again David Bob W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
  • Hal R
    17 years 1 month ago
    thanks David Gans
    David Gans has done so much to get the music out through his show and much more. He just helped raise an incredible amount of money in a short time for Mark Karan to help him with his cancer fight. Do you think he does this out of greed? Come on people. David is the only with with a connection with Rhino who has responded at length here and he gets attacked on a personal level, not just for what he says. Talk about killing the messenger. He is caught in a place like someone in middle management, trying to find common ground. You ever been there? It's tough, let me tell you. Rhino is a big corporation and I am dissappointed in them, however they have brought me lots of great music through the years (non-Dead), so I would like to hope for the best. Right now there is a war in Iraq, global warming, loss of wild nature, disparity of income in the U. S. is growing etc., etc. Those are things to be really pissed off about and do something about. Put this in perspective, please. I think I am starting to get a hairball now, so I will stop. Peace now! Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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As we move toward the symbolic end of summer (Labour Day, of course), we have some great music to play spanning about 21 years of Grateful Dead music, from 1968 to 1989, two fine years with which to bookend this week’s offerings.

Our first entry this week is the encore from 8/21/68 at the Fillmore West in San Francisco, a nice, juicy Midnight Hour. Although not quite as prevalent at shows in 1968 as it had been in 1966, the Grateful Dead continued to play monster versions of this Pigpen vehicle.

Next we’ll stop into 1972, to the opening night of the rightfully famous Europe 72 tour, to 4/7/72 in London. From the middle of that night’s first set is a typically hot 1972 rendition of China Cat Sunflower>I Know You Rider.

In 1976, at the end of their very successful summer of comeback shows, the Grateful Dead entered the studio and recorded a couple of the songs they’d been playing that summer. From one of those sessions on 8/29/76 is this bare-bones Dancing In The Street with only Donna on vocals. While we’re in mid-1970s mode, we also have this terrific Samson and Delilah from 5/12/77 in Chicago. Despite the frequency that song was played in 1976-1977, they never seem to get tired of it, always offering up an inspired rendition.

Finally from the 1970s, on 4/22/78 in Nashville to be precise, we are pleased to bring you a couple of tracks from the second set, starting with the second set opening Lazy Lightning>Supplication and the pre-Drums Estimated Prophet>Eyes of the World, both very nicely performed songs on this night.

Our last stop this week is in New Jersey on 7/10/89, a show that took place in and out of a massive thunderstorm. By request, we have the first set closer, The Music Never Stopped, and from the start of the second set, a great 1989 combination of Foolish Heart, Just a Little Light, Playing In The Band>Uncle John’s Band. What a great tour.

Be sure to check in next week, as we’ll be exploring some intriguing material from 1969 and 1980, and other material between those years, and likely after. We try to surprise even ourselves. Feel free to write with questions or comments.

Please note that beginning today all Taper’s Section audio streams are served via a new media player in both Windows Media Audio and QuickTime Audio formats.

David Lemieux
vault [at] dead.net

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17 years 3 months

the new format SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 1 month

Dear David, I have so enjoyed your Tapers Section in the revamped Dead.net, the music, the choices and your enlightened commentary on them. Thank you. I am really hoping that the new appearance of no-downloading in Tapers Section is just a technical glitch and not a new policy. If it turns out to be a policy, then I would feel violated by the bait and switch. And just when I was starting to feel that my passionate dead-headism lived over the years, miles, shows and endless changes might be able to have some meaningful connection with the commercial entity today associating themselves with the name "The Grateful Dead". After all "we all gotta eat" and you guys are performing services which are most valuable to us. I have allowed myself to be a fan of your work. To some degree I got over the "no soundboard downloading" policy on the Live Music Archive, and allowed myself to purchase Downloads and Dick'sPicks and others. I have enjoyed the "gifts" but have also been a good customer for "The Grateful Dead". I downloaded Taper Section and then eagerly bought "3 From the Vault". But because I remember the sharp, icy feeling of pavement on my cheek, waking on the sidewalk outside the Providence Civic Center, my sleeping bag sugared with fresh snow, sleeping in line to buy tickets for the Dead's next appearance in my town, because of the miles and hours and risks and breakdowns and near-misses and dollars and years of devotion and communion, because I took seriously when Jer said "after we're done with the notes they're yours", and felt that, despite the necessary exchange of dollars we all had a compact and a code, a trust that despite all other appearances it was ultimately about the music and the shared opening of hearts, I know that the music is, in large part, ours. So don't abuse our trust by making this stuff - these loss leaders - free for 8 months and then, with no discussion or warning, take them away. That would feel truly cold, and I personally would get out of line for good. Nothing you do will change my feelings about the music, the experience, the joy I get from the recordings. But to me it is still an open and evolving question whether or not today's "Grateful Dead, Inc." has anything at all to do with the band I knew and loved. We'll see. Peace, Dr. Funky
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17 years 1 month

This stinks. I can not listen to it the way I want to when I want to?? What gives?? Please bring back the old format.
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17 years 3 months

The Quicktime player and windows media player options don't even work...why screw around with something that was working great...unbelievable!!this sucks...can anyone else get them to work? Peace, Zott
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17 years 3 months

Hey David, Many, many thanks for getting this part of the site going and for all the lovelies you've passed our way in the last 8 months. Thanks, especially, for getting through all of 05/05/1978 before the format change ... I'll echo the guy before me who said he's always bought the downloads as a sort of karmic balance to the Taper's section: I've bought more than 90% of Dick's Pick's, Vault releases, and the download series: mostly because of the quality, true, but also because I've gotten so much great free stuff over the years it seems only right to pay something. This feels like a decision made by some suit-headed suit: "we can't give them things for free or they'll never buy!" In other words, someone who really doesn't know the Grateful Dead market very well. Every time they do this kind of thing, they cut another of the special "family" ties that holds this whole big crazy thing together. More and more of us will feel loyalty only to the music, not to the corporation that places itself as gatekeeper. It's called killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Peace out!
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17 years 3 months

The downloadable files made my backpacking trips so much more fun........I guess it's all over now......
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17 years 3 months

Well, it seems that this is pretty serious, all the previous weeks of the mp3's have been converted as well. Truly a pathetic decision. When the sale/lease of the vault happened I would have gladly paid a flat per MB rate for access to the vault to download in the format of my choice from the show of my choice and the songs of my choice. If that had been made available I could have spent a thousand dollars in a matter of days, especially if I could have aquired lossless files. But I am not sure that I would even be able to do that anymore. My spirit is broken, my energy is drained, and I find myself thinking that I just don't want to give anymore of my money to these people. I have a pile of SHNS and FLACS that I picked up over the years, perhaps a hundred or a hundred and fifty shows, mostly boards from trading and downloading via etree. I have not even listened to perhaps half of them. I think I am just going to spend time picking through those, editing and mastering them down into sets that work for me, and be done with it. So I guess in a way I have to say thankyou, the kind of bitter thankyou that a addict gives to the dealer of his last dose. You have finally put a bitter enough pill in my mouth, I just don't want to ride this bus any longer. David, this is not addressed to you, unless you thought this was a good idea, it is targeted at whoever it was that decided that somehow these mp3's represented some kind of financial risk. As for Rhino Records, they will never see another penny of my money. This was only the last straw with them, they have a long history of releasing inferior masters, short versions where long versions should be, and generally weak products.
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17 years 2 months

Yep, I agree, the new format stinks. I can't listen at work, either.
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17 years 1 month

1. Quicktime player doesn't work on my Mac2. Even if it did I can't listen at work (whereas I used to be able to listen to the downloaded file on my iPod) 3. No explanation for the change 4. Are Deadheads that evil - you think we'll download the files and sell CD's of them? When times are good, you know it's bound to change.
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17 years 3 months

UrsusDear Mr. Lemieux. First I want to thank you for all the music, you have presented so far. It has been delightful and enriching to hear all these different tracks. I have especially enjoyed listening to the only dead-show I ever saw live - in Århus, Denmank on the 16. of april 1972. The new format, you have chosen, doesn't work for me however. I don't normally have the time to listen to it on the computer, but as MP3-files - e.g. in the bus on my way to work. And even if I did want to listen to it on the computer, I can't make the new format work - I just don't get to hear a thing. I don't know what your problems were with the Mp3-files, so who am I to judge, but I'm going to miss them. Yours Poul Berg
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17 years 3 months

I've been sitting here trying to put my thoughts into words without just screaming and tearing my hair out. I think fenario80 said it pretty well.Despite corporate efforts to kill it, the Dead vibe will live on. I refuse to believe that profiteering and extortion have any rightful place in the Grateful Dead legacy. I guess I'll go underground. Peace, Richard
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17 years 2 months

I was talking to my wife this weekend about the Taper's section and my excitement each week for the great 'downloadable' music. She was extremely surprised that it was offered free and I told her it was probably the result of kindness and a desire to give something back to us. How ironic. D
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17 years 2 months

thought i'd join the line of upset folks. if this new non-downloadable policy isn't reversed, it looks as though the ride is over for me. i've bought every damn gd release offered (sometimes re-bought), and now i feel screwed and depressed. won't be buying anything gd anymore. and NOTHING from any rhino artist ... at all ... anymore. slammed the door in our faces. hope a new one will open. i know this isn't your fault, david, but perhaps you should start sending out resumes. you still enjoying working for this organization?
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17 years 1 month

I have regstered just now so I could post my protest over the removal of the downloadble mp3s. These treats have been a pleasure to listen to on my ipod while exercising, in the car, or relaxing at home. These releases will be useless to me if I can only listen while online. All of us have been saddened by the fact that live releases from the archive for purchase or not have come to an almost standstill - that goes for the pure jerry stuff as well. Please don't bury these treasures - I'll die before I get to listen to some of these sweet hidden jems from the archive! And to do this during August when we reflect on Jerrys life is just horrible. Jerry we need you now more then ever!! Yours truly - a sad deadhead - please give us something!!
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17 years 3 months

A month or so ago I posted on this site urging Rhino to take some action against bootleg Grateful Dead Videos being sold by Amazon in Europe in the guise of new material. In fact these DVDs are hacked together compilations from existing releases. I blew the whistle on this because I was pissed off that someone was trying to callously rip off Deadheads desperate for new material. I also felt positive about this site because they did get their act together over the online store and because of the gift of tapers section. Guess what folks ...I even got a special message that the Rhino legal department was grateful for the information and was investigating. What a good boy!! And now this is the payback for all that good faith ...should have seen it coming really..what a naive idiot ..... Sorry everyone! Lost one round but the price wasn't anything A knife in the back and more of the same
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I have regstered just now so I could post my protest over the removal of the downloadble mp3s. These treats have beena pleasure to listen to on my ipod while exercising, in the car, or relaxing at home. These releases will be useless to me if I can only listen while online. All of us have been saddened by the fact that live releases from the archive for purchase have come to an almost standstill - that goes for the pure jerry stuff as well. Please don't bury these treasures - I'll die before I get to listen to some of these sweet hidden jems from the archive! And to do this during August when we reflect on Jerrys life is just horrible. Jerry we need you now more then ever!! Yours truly - a sad deadhead - please give us something!!
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17 years 3 months

Appreciate all the fine tunes, but not being able to download them is just plain lame. What a bummer of a way to start off the week. -Brion
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17 years 3 months

I originally saw this section of the new site as a great way to make amends for the Archive.org fiasco, but now are you kidding me? Who thought this was a good idea? I am really disappointed. Thanks David. It was fun while it lasted.
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17 years 3 months

David and the Grateful Dead family, a most sincere thank you for bringing this wonderful music into my life. It continues to be a blessing. Rhino, I thought you had figured it out, but I guess not. You see, by making these gems available in a format that is shareable I could turn my friends on and they would buy music from you...which they have in great quantity! Sharing = Sales for you. That is the equation you need to embrace. Just ask the GD family...they will tell you how it really works.....how it's always worked.
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17 years 1 month

Seriously, I don't want to sound whiny and greedy, but pulling away the downloading capacity like that (ESPECIALLY WITHOUT AT LEAST AN EXPLANATION) is just plain cheap, cheesy, cruel, nasty, and sucky. There are plenty of lousy corporations in America these days.....do you folks at Rhino really feel like joining the list?
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17 years 3 months

You are not cannibalizing your sales by posting the mp3's. You are keeping folks like me with money in my pocket coming back once a week to: 1) Check out some new music; 2) See if you clowns have gotten a clue as to how to release new material. So far since you took over the vault, we've seen nothing other than something that was already ready to go (the packaging sucked, btw). The Mp3s added value to me as a customer. Now that they are gone, you will see the hits here take a nosedive. That will mean less sales in the store. You would be wise to learn how music today adds value as well. They got $800 for my disposible income last year. GDP released about 10-12 releases in 2005? You guys, .5. I can get plenty of free GD music. You guys are doing a horrible job.
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17 years 3 months

tj crowley and all previous weeks have been converted????? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! retaliate! strike! move away! buy no more!! wave the freak flag(s) and let all know..that in the land of the nite the ship of the sun is drawn by RHINO....nnnnooooo!!!!!
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17 years 1 month

Bring back the downloadable options for mp3 files, streaming doesn't work, isn't useful. If we can't do that we should rename the website, Tapers wouldn't approve of this, it's not a Taper's section with restrictions like this. I can stream from archive.org, use to be able to download there too. bittorrent and trading will continue, as will usenet, go to alt.binaries.gdead groups, keep the music free, the Grateful Dead are done with it, it's our's (deadheads) to enjoy,
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17 years 1 month

I'm an old time Deadhead, having started going to concerts back in about 1970.For the longest time, besides trading tapes of shows, I bought EVERY commercial release. Then I got laid off from work and couldn't afford to spend the money. I had bought lots of shows that I already had on tape to support the musicians. Got a job and so I started to put together a list of what CDs I wanted to fill out my collection, and the total was about $400 worth. I haven't bought many CDs lately because the "Big Business" record companies have just pissed me off by going after their customers, and now RHINO has joined that set. Dead CDs were the exception and now they are getting as bad as all the rest. RHINO can simply kiss any future sales goodbye. Record companies whine and cry about losing sales but cannot understand that the historical actions of bands like the Dead were exactly why they were so popular.
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17 years 3 months

Man, what a major bummer. Sure I can capture them as I stream them. But as said by others , many work places are stopped all streaming media. Come on, I'm pretty sure the bandwidth is costly. But we all have spent alot of money on the Dead and will most likely do it again, but this makes me a bit reluctant.
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17 years 1 month

I have purchased more new material in the past 12 months since the tapers section opened up than I had ever purchased in the past 30 years combined. Ii really, really enjoyed getting a small dose of free Dead samples each week and it kept me coming back for more. More Dick's Pick's, more Vaults, more downloads, more DVD's - hell even books, tee-shirts and mouse pads. I know that this new policy will have a negative impact. I have absolutely no good reason to visit this site 5 times per week (at least). Bad form guys. Keep the suits away from this site.
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17 years 3 months

Well, it's asking for a password. And it's not the one I use for the site. LAME!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Desperately disappointing news about the dropping of the mp3s. What's even more disappointing is the 'oh by the way, we are now streaming only' communication (or lack of it). A sad step backwards.
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17 years 3 months

Keep in mind that Rhino part of the Warner Music Group: Lyor Cohen Chairman and CEO, U.S. Recorded Music, Warner Music Group 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019
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17 years 3 months

.....Every one has to eat. However, I'm with you in that I'm suffering severe disappointment and total lack of respect for Rhino, not something new, something they have been working at for a while. They don't seem to have a focus on their customer base and their current action suggests they want no customers at all. Sad day.
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17 years 3 months

I can't wait to see if the Dead Hour downloads are passe' as well. Brian Michaelson
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17 years 4 months

Thanks for the music, David Lemieux! Streaming is no fun compared with mp3's...bring 'em back if you can...if you can't, thanks for the music. Listen to the Music Stream... frank
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17 years 3 months

Well, it was nice while it lasted. This means that I have to listen to the music in real time, not when I want to. I used to download the music to a folder and then arbitrarily chose songs to listen to. No more. This is a bad decision, and breaks faith with Dead Heads, and forum users. I am not at all pleased!
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17 years 4 months

First of all, thanks for all the music. I listen to the Dead every day, and the Taper's Section simply increased my insatiable desire for GD music. I can see where this decision might have originated, and I have to accept it. It's the Dead's music, and it's how they make a living. It's their perogative to do this, and I certainly have plenty of music to get by with. However, I couldn't wait to get on the 'Net each Monday morning to get the new tunes. As I said earlier, I listen to the Dead daily, and I couldn't get enough of the new tunes. This got me buying merch, whether it be music, threads, or stickers, and generally thinking about the Dead quite often. The streaming function is not practical for me, as my iPod is my central music device (made playlists for each "era" of Dead music, each to my own personal tastes). I do hope that the brains behind this decision reconsider, but if they don't, I still love the Dead and will get by. Thanks to David for his work. Keep the vault downloads coming.
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17 years 3 months

Heres "Just a little light"! Thank ya kindly! Now lets see if my computer can handle all these files, or will I have to delete a few of my "Me and my uncle"s and my "Loser"s...? Man, wait till late in the day on monday and there five pages of comments! This is the kindest thing on earth, thanks so much.
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17 years 3 months

I knew it was too good to last, but hats off to ya bra! Rhino you suck! We will buy them anyway but this is a huge blow to all us traders and tapeheads, but had to say I saw it coming. It was sooooo special to get new treats every week and now it's gone. I feel like I got kicked in the balls. I can't even get the thing to stream. Shame on you Rhino. Again, thank you David for such great nuggets. Might and Glory!!!!
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17 years 3 months

I posted that comment before seeing the 9 PAGES! Good god. I'd just like to say that the files download fine for me.
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17 years 3 months

Now I stick out like a sore thumb.
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17 years 3 months

AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRrrrrrGGGGHHHH!!! No, this not about the downloadability of Taper's Section which I formally protested on "Feedback." My grumble is with the folks who still believe that Jerry Garcia's "They can have the music..we are done with it" statement refers to anything but the audience recorded tapes.. He is answering an interviewer about allowing folks in the audience bringing in their own equipment and taping performances. Look it up. He most certainly isn't referring to the Owsley/Betty/Kidd/Healy/Cutler etc soundboards, or making hundreds of duplicates of official releases etc. Also Jer was one of many in the GD band and family. He did not and could not issue commands etched in stone that could be used to end every debate forever. Btw, he did not allow official audience taping at JGB gigs. Stop relying on out of context quotes for your supposed entitlements.
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17 years 1 month

It was free, it was a present from Rhino with no promisses for the future.Now they changed their policy. Disappointing, but maybe justified. Not everybody bought everything - and they need revenue. Is there a way to record streams in Vista? Would that be acceptable for Rhino? candy58man
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17 years 3 months

OK, NOW I get what this is all about! The so dearly anticipated file I downloaded WILL NOT PLAY! Thanks a lot! I know it aint David's fault, but what exactly is the point of posting music that we can't hear? Please reverse this, or I'll have to start listening to all thos CDs I already burned.... No seriously, this isn't right. The music is supposed to never stop.
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17 years 1 month

Wow, really disappointing - nothing like taking away a cool feature that drove site traffic. Hopefully, as site traffic goes down, so will sales in the online store...sorry p.s. - as best as I can tell, this new feature does not work on a Mac. I downloaded one of the files and it will not open in iTunes or QT.
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17 years 3 months

I just cannot listen to this music on these computer speakers. Oh well, I guess I have better things to do, anyway. Thanks for what we've been given, but my i-pod is hungry. Think I'll download the new Bruce Springsteen Live in Dublin cd on it. I'll be checking in occasionally for new music releases. Rhino needs to get up to speed on their releases. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

Not everyone has nothing to do but sit at their computer and listen to music. I've never had speakers connected to my computer. It's used only for work. Where are the MP3 downloads so we can listen on our MP3 players?
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17 years 3 months

I've seen LOTS of complaints, whining and down-right hostility.What is really going on? Is this an experiment that went wrong? Is this something Rhino is actually doing to limit our access or what? I've read plenty of assumptions and degredations but I've haven't seen anything that explains this. We all would like to think we have the right to the music, but this is not the case. So many people believe that America is the Land of Entitlement, which it is not; it's the Land of Opportunity. No guarentees, other than a somewhat fair chance. Sure would be nice to see more gratitude and less whining babies, but I guess that is life. Before I decide what is happening, I think I'll wait for someone who knows to tell me. Otherwise, keep up the great work!! All The Children Learning From Books They Were Burning
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Member for

17 years 4 months

They want money from us, but we get no releases (or far and few between)...They kill DP's.... They kill the digital download section.... THEY KILL THE TAPER'S SECTION..... What next, take Phil's bass away from him..... This sucks..... RHINO IS THE STUPIDEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! Jerry would be ashamed of all of this..... Dead to the Core Hope Lemiuex enjoy's all the hate mail he will keep getting from this point..... And the funny thing is , it's ALL DIRECTED TOWARDS RHINO!!!!! www.myspace.com/bongwizard