• 259 replies
    TigerLilly suggested this one after GypsySoul thought she deserved an Iron Bladder Award, or some such, for superhuman endurance as reported in the Bathroom Break topic. So nominate your pals for silly awards here. Silly but kind awards...


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  • TigerLilly
    Not to mention
    refreshments of her choice-she deserves that too! Agree 120% with c.b., rider, and 73.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • grdaed73
    110% agree
    but CB i think you forgot the hotel suite and ground transportation!go easy on the Whoo Hoo's today... considering the collapse. and good gosh rider, there you go swearing up and down the posts again, might have to nominate you for sumpin' ; ) peace
  • iknowurider
    Here, Here, Badger ~
    I agree 100%! Diffusing us all when this space is getting hot. Using class & humor no less. The never ending whining & questions ...yet still not repling with a warranted "Shut The Hell Up"!! Thanks for everything Marye ~ PEACE I vote for Miracle her a ticket! Whoo Hoo
  • cosmicbadger
    Special award
    I would like to suggest a very special award for our very special moderator Marye. In the past few weeks she has: • Promptly processed an avalanche of new vines in the vineyard. • Handled several ludicrous blunders (not of her making) over the announcement and delivery of new releases • Followed up (and in many cases got fixed) a host of problems to do with lost orders, faulty discs etc • Dealt with the whole flood of activity related to the Obama show • Endured the usual litany of whinges and gripes (including mine) • Promptly replied to PMs and questions in the forums and passed on info and requests to TPTB. Also passed information back the other way if it is provided • Survived the server change, system crashes, the chat room crashes and other technical meltdowns • Broken up some quite nasty on line punch ups, mostly over politics and religion, and headed off many several others All that she has done with a sure touch and without ever (to my knowledge and despite what she may privately think) bad mouthing either site users or TPTB (GDP, Rhino Warner Brothers etc) and has also found time to drop in occasional pearls of wisdom and cool stories of her own. That’s the nomination. As a prize I think that TPTB should show their recognition and 1. Fly her to PA 2. Miracle her a ticket for the show (she can put her fingers in her ears for the political bits) 3. Find someone trustworthy to look after her dogs while she is away Or provide a cash alternative! So if you are reading this Bob, Phil, Bill, Mickey, Barack, Rhino, Warner Bros and GDP folks please oblige. Thank you.
  • shadygrove
    Lifetime Achievement Award
    2008 Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Albert Hofmann, discoverer of LSD Rest in Peace, Dr. Hofmann! groovin' the light fantastic at http://www.popeshady.com and http://people.tribe.net/shadygrove
  • marye
    I am so relieved! Heroic achievement awards to you and Martin!
  • TigerLilly
    while am giving praise and awards to people this morning, wanna award my daughter a "Blind Faith" award. After our first seconds of happy reunion in Poland, my daughter told me that she knew in her heart, and all along that I would find her. She told me she was "calling me with her mind and it worked". She truly believes that.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • TigerLilly
    Wonderful indeed! Thanks to a wonderful guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Still might be sitting here wondering where my kids are, if Martin did not come up with the idea of going through the trash. If everybody on the planet had a friend like that, people would be alot better off, I think. He has stuck to me through many (mis)adventures over the almost 20 years I have known him. Think very strongly that we were supposed to meet, and was to be. Coincidence was too great-we were born exactly 4 days apart, but on different continents. Met him professionally at first, though he knew Matthias and some other guys I knew when I first moved to Germany, as he had been part of the Mannheim role-playing scene for years. Knew him only casually for about 2 years, but came a point where I had a position to fill at work, and I wanted him. Knew he was unemployed at the time, and had more or less "disappeared" out of bad luck/bad times (he used to do that from time to time). I put out the word amongst mutual aquaintances that was looking for him, and kept the information circulating, and then about 4 months later (just about when was about to give up and hire someone else) he called me. Hired him on the phone, and we started working together, and our friendship just grew. He is a "difficult" and temperamentful guy, but we got along like peas in a pod. A few years later, when my kids were tiny, he had no where to live, so he and his cat moved in with us for about 2 years, and then when the opportunity arose, he moved into an apartment next door for another couple of years-as by this time he was definately one of the family. Kids and he loved each other as if they were really family, and was the same for me. Is a hilariously sweet video of my daughter's 2nd birthday party of her following him around chattering "Martin, Martin" at him, and then later sitting cosily on his lap with her thumb in her mouth, looking sleepy and content, with chocolate cake all over her hands and face. She has always been a very choosy young lady, and would not go to just anyone, so HER adoration of him helped cement the decision that he was the best candidate for info coming up 2 sentences later. He had no family anymore, as his parents died when he was a teenager, and I had none in Europe, so worked out perfectly for both of us. Trust him so much with the kids that we have signed legal documents giving him custody of my children, in the case that both Matthias and I should both (heaven forbid) die before the kids are adults. He also just recently stuck to our friendship, after an ultimatum from his girlfriend, who could never stand me, because I have the nerve to be his best friend and female. She could never forgive the fact that he spoke to me once about his family, and has never to her (is a taboo topic-and he only spoke about it once, late at night, when we were alone and drunk) We have both spoken to her until we are blue in the face that I am no threat to her, but never worked. We have told her a romantic relationship is as impossible between us as if would happen between true siblings, AND if it were to be different, would have been looong before he fell in love with her. We gritted our teeth and endured each other, for his sake for a while. Then just last month she gave him an ultimatum of chosing her or me, and sent me a very nasty e mal in Spain (I am sooo threatening from there, you know). She should know that does not work at all with this guy-and he spent a week working out a compromise to keep us both in his life, but she almost lost him over that, and hope she can keep the compromise of herself ignoring my existance, as he is certainly worth keeping around, and he truly loves her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But enough singing his praises this morning, I am just feeling sooo incredibly thankful to know such a guy-and wanted to share-and am sure that here is a good place for it. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • Hozomeen
    Yeah Martin, good one
    It is so wonderful that you tracked them down, and wow, what a story, I'm with iknowyourider, you have some strength......
  • iknowurider
    Right On Martin!! ~
    I'm so happy for you TL :-) You sound like one strong Lady! That song is perfect Gigi. Couldn't of said it better myself. PEACE
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17 years 9 months
TigerLilly suggested this one after GypsySoul thought she deserved an Iron Bladder Award, or some such, for superhuman endurance as reported in the Bathroom Break topic. So nominate your pals for silly awards here. Silly but kind awards...
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17 years 9 months

A few of us on the boards are stagehands....try running a follow spot at a show (rock, opera, theater etc...) and hope and pray you don't have to take a leak. Especially if you're running a truss spot right above the stage!! .....not to brag but we at least have lucky bladders if not iron....
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17 years 8 months

Sunshine Daydream, for a "Magic Fingers" award, for his talent in making sure that we can't miss his posts!
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17 years 8 months

C.C. Joe, for a "Gift of the Gab" award.
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17 years 9 months

Jackass of the century. or Best effort to cut off your nose to spite your face. Way to go Dudes!
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17 years 8 months

for JurassicBlueberry for that awesomely blue recipe. Put it in "sat down to my supper" thread too perhaps?
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17 years 9 months

see if i can prove you right Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

Rhino would appear to be nominated for few Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 8 months

to Seattlep for coming back from Iraq, and refinding the Dead. Had to say that, even though I seem to be dominating here thus far. Will be quiet for a while now:-)
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17 years 9 months

on the download controversity Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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on the download controversity Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 8 months

Spanish Bob!But you did that here on purpose, right? Just to show anyone who's confused what your award is for?:-)
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17 years 8 months

You want a typo award now too, or what? Not to be controversitous or anything!
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17 years 9 months

I nuked the duplicate, though. Bob, you seem to have a lot of experience with the double-posting bug!
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17 years 9 months

Tiger Lilly gets my nomination for __________________________ (please fill in the blank) love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

is still there too much of Morroco's finest Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

is still there too much of Morroco's finest Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 8 months

am just waiting for the right witty title to come to me, which it will...OR perhaps someone else will beat me to it, which would be great! But can say right now that you and izzie get the Deadicated Mod High Award of Honor, and that's for sure!
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17 years 8 months

TigerLilly gets my nomination for "Most Beautiful Name On The Site". The orange flower that grows wild in the midwest. When I see the name I think of the flower in nature and am transported away from computer world. TigerLilly also gets the "Good Vibes Award!" Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 8 months

Thanks alot Hal R. :-)TigerLilly is what my dad called me as a kid, 'cuz Lilly is our last name. Still does sometimes. Am partial to that flower too. While I'm at it, posting here and all, GRTUD definately gets the Hot Tuna award for excellence in culinary journalism. for those who are confused, see the "sat down to my supper" thread.
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17 years 9 months

I would like to nominate grateful34 for exemplary good manners and cool in the churning madness that is the Tapers Section Forum right now ------------------------------------------------- On August 23rd, 2007 grateful34 said: I just want to make a correction and apology for misspelling's David Lemieux's name in my previous post ---------------- An fine example of an unsolicited and thoughtful apology .....need I say more.....eeerm..no!
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17 years 8 months

Artichoke award goes to Cosmicbadger, for making at least some of us laugh in a time of crisis.
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17 years 9 months

"the sword of righteousness is made of irony"
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17 years 8 months

Have been restraining myself from using that word in the forum, even though is one of my favorites lately.;-) Is it allowed? Can we be crass as long as we aren't insulting anybody directly? Perhaps so, as have seen c.c. joe use it once or twice, I think.
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17 years 9 months

The Scientific Transative Astronomical Research Award is hereby presented to along with a Doctorate in General Space Research to our esteemed colleague here at Dead.net - Dr. Golden Road. He has uncovered and reported on many very cool things from the Bonnaroo Music festival to the following story that has literally blown galaxie's and minds to the outer limits of perception. It also kicked in a pretty cool flashback just reading it!*! (not sure why it was posted under "turn on channel 6 but i guess it doesn't matter anyway.) We have the report here. Thanks "Doc" Golden Road for the devotion and visions. Dilated Pupil? By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer 1 hour, 59 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Astronomers have stumbled upon a tremendous hole in the universe. That's got them scratching their heads about what's just not there. The cosmic blank spot has no stray stars, no galaxies, no sucking black holes, not even mysterious dark matter. It is 1 billion light years across of nothing. That's an expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of emptiness, a University of Minnesota team announced Thursday. Astronomers have known for many years that there are patches in the universe where nobody's home. In fact, one such place is practically a neighbor, a mere 2 million light years away. But what the Minnesota team discovered, using two different types of astronomical observations, is a void that's far bigger than scientists ever imagined. "This is 1,000 times the volume of what we sort of expected to see in terms of a typical void," said Minnesota astronomy professor Lawrence Rudnick, author of the paper that will be published in Astrophysical Journal. "It's not clear that we have the right word yet ... This is too much of a surprise." Rudnick was examining a sky survey from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which essentially takes radio pictures of a broad expanse of the universe. But one area of the universe had radio pictures indicating there was up to 45 percent less matter in that region, Rudnick said. The rest of the matter in the radio pictures can be explained as stars and other cosmic structures between here and the void, which is about 5 to 10 billion light years away. Rudnick then checked observations of cosmic microwave background radiation and found a cold spot. The only explanation, Rudnick said, is it's empty of matter. It could also be a statistical freak of nature, but that's probably less likely than a giant void, said James Condon, an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. He wasn't part of Rudnick's team but is following up on the research. "It looks like something to be taken seriously," said Brent Tully, a University of Hawaii astronomer who wasn't part of this research but studies the void closer to Earth. Tully said astronomers may eventually find a few cosmic structures in the void, but it would still be nearly empty. Holes in the universe probably occur when the gravity from areas with bigger mass pull matter from less dense areas, Tully said. After 13 billion years "they are losing out in the battle to where there are larger concentrations of matter," he said. Retired NASA astronomer Steve Maran said of the discovery: "This is incredibly important for something where there is nothing to it." "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him." "Everybody's dancing in a ring around the sun"
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17 years 9 months

Thanks Marshun! Always a treat to know there's someone "out there" reading. I knew that diploma from the Unversity of Space I got in Red Rocks, back in '79 would come in handy for something, even if nothing at all.... "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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17 years 9 months

I am so glad you enjoyed the recipe! Thanks again and just want you to know that I'm working on a new one that I hope will be as good with more common and interchangeable items. Bon appetit!Congratulations to my nemesis (Dr.) Golden Road. We've known each other so long I feel as though he's become my alter ego. Oh and I'm glad you're over the Lyme's disease, Marshun. That's a terrible affliction and not always easy to get properly diagnosed. You guys are all fantastic and the bright part of my day.... The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

For putting up with all the insanity in the Tapers Section..... I wonder what would have happened at the old dead.net with no mods??!!!!! The Tapers Section was the only thing we had there.....And with Free-Form topics, it would have been a train wreck...Ahhh, the Wild West... Kudos Ladies.... Dead to the Core www.myspace.com/bongwizard
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17 years 9 months

to help Tigerlilly in her dilemma I can reveal the following The owners of this website have assumed complete control over the f word (and its derivatives) on this site and for unexplained and frankly suspicious reasons have delegated its exclusive use to izzie They are however amenable to non commercial trading, so if you are desperate to use the naughty expletive you have to persuade izzie to leave it out of one of her posts! Fortunately the lawyers who designed this arrangement inadvertently overlooked the popular Irish term 'Feck' which is entirely free for use whenever and wherever you like, and, according to Wikipedia ' is syntactically interchangeable with fuck, though it has no sexual connotations' oooops PS
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17 years 8 months

thus "feck" is a good suggestion, cosmicbadger. Can it be used JUST like the other word, ie:fecking, etc?
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17 years 9 months

Indeed, the terms ‘feckin’’, ‘fecked’ and ‘fecker’ are all in use and can be used as an alternative to that other word, except there is not really a sexual connotation. The terms are quite commonly heard in Ireland and as they are a degree less offensive than the word with the ‘u’ instead of the ‘e’ For a real education in the use of feck, try to see the wonderful comedy show ‘Father Ted’, featuring three bizarre Irish priests ministering to the population of the remote Craggy Island. It showed in Channel 4 in the UK and I start laughing just thinking about it...the network seemed unconcerned about the amount of feckin' in the show.... but I do not know if it was exported Any Irish correspondents out there to provide further illumination? sorry for the diversion from the awards ....but hey..what the feck!
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17 years 9 months

Don't forget shite. Ahh... Father Ted.
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17 years 9 months

off to see if Netflix has that movie. If it's as funny as you say, my entire Irish Catholic family will be all over it. grey, thanks for the kind words. And thanks, in general, to all youse guys.
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17 years 8 months

Goes to Golden Road, for his masterpiece about his encounter with a creature of the night in the movie thread. Am totally in suspense about how this man vs. nature mini-drama will end. Hats off for great storytelling!!!!!!!!!!!!
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is/was a tv series not a film Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

I accept that award, thank you very much. I couldn't get my brain around why folks were upset that Gans had edited the word Fuck out of his post! My choices were to give them many many fucks to contend with, or perhaps to start editing their posts for them, to include Fuck. this fuck provided by: izzie
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17 years 9 months

izzie now you have also just walked away with the effing acceptance speech award too. I'm still laughing............. (this fuck provided by: izzie)
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17 years 8 months

I think using a ph gives it a tad more class. So Congradu-phucking-lations! See rolls of the toungue the same, but adds an extra bit of fucking class when reading. What the phuck do ya'll think? ( this fuck brought to you by the letters "P" and "H")
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17 years 9 months

Nomination goes to MaddieDigital for his wonderful accounts of watching the Dead in England in the ‘70s and 80’s Go see at www.myspace.com/fadinghorses some readers might now start to understand how it is impossible for UK Deadheads to take themselves too seriously ;-)
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17 years 8 months

I nominate marye for the Zippy the Pinhead award for starting a topic "Who Is Lily Allen?" on this site. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 8 months

What or who is "Zippy the Pinhead". Have googled Lily Allen this morning, and is some great stuff to be found. As a matter of fact, think I will nominate her right now for: Miss Personality New and Upcoming Celebrity who has already managed to be banned from performing in the U.S. In my limited browsing, seems like this young lady just might be 'bout as clever as Brittany Spears. Come on cosmicbadger, you are the resident Lily Allen expert, number one fan. Help us learn MORE about this fascinating young woman.
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17 years 8 months

Are We Having Fun Yet? TigerLilly, here is part of the description from Wikepedia. But to really understand just google and get on the Zippy website. You have to see him to understand and to understand one must be slightly and happily deranged. marye gets the award because putting Lilly Allen on this site is the kind of thing that Zippy would do. Here you go, but do look at the strip on the Zippy site. "Zippy made his first appearance in Real Pulp Comix #1 in March 1971. The comic strip began in The Berkeley Barb in 1976 and was syndicated nationally soon after, originally as a weekly strip; it has been a daily feature since 1985, distributed by King Features. The Zippy comic strip has a cult following of devoted readers; however, there are those who find the strip incomprehensible. This antagonism and confusion is so common that the official Zippy website contains a tutorial on understanding the comic strip [1]. The original home of the strip was the San Francisco Examiner, where it was first published daily in 1985. It was picked up for worldwide syndication by King Features in 1986. When the San Francisco Chronicle canceled Zippy briefly in 2002, the Chronicle received thousands of letters of protest, including one from Robert Crumb, who called Zippy "by far the very best daily comic strip that exists in America". The Chronicle quickly restored the strip, but dropped it again in 2004, leading to more protests as well as grateful letters from non-fans. The strip continues to be syndicated in many other papers, but often ranks at or near the bottom of reader polls[2]. The strip is unique among syndicated multi-panel dailies for its near-absence of either straightforward gags or continuous narrative, and for its unusually intricate artwork, which is reminiscent of the style of Griffith's 1970s underground comics. [edit] Characters and content Zippy's original appearance was partly inspired by the microcephalic Schlitze, from the film Freaks (which was enjoying something of a cult revival at the time), and P.T. Barnum's sideshow performer, Zip the Pinhead (who was not a microcephalic, but was nevertheless billed as one)[3]. (Coincidentally, Zip the What-Is-It's real name was William Henry Jackson or Johnson (according to various sources); Griffith's full name is William Henry Jackson Griffith, after his great-grandfather, the noted photographer.) However, Zippy is distinctive not so much for his skull shape, or for any identifiable form of brain damage, but for his enthusiasm for philosophical non sequiturs, verbal free association, and the pursuit of pop culture ephemera. His wholehearted devotion to random artifacts satirizes the excesses of consumerism. Zippy's unpredictable behavior sometimes causes severe difficulty for others, but never for himself. Zippy almost[4] always wears a yellow muumuu with large red polka dots, and puffy, white clown shoes. He is married to a nearly identical pinhead named Zerbina, and has two children, Fuel-Rod and Meltdown. He has three close friends: Claude Funston, a hapless working man, Griffy, a stand-in for Bill Griffith who often appears in the strip to complain about various aspects of modern life and Shelf-Life, a fast-talking schemer always looking for "the next big thing". A humanoid toad, Mr. Toad (less commonly Mr. the Toad) who embodies blind greed and selfishness, appears occasionally, as does Zippy's angst-ridden brother, Lippy. The Toadettes, a group of mindless and interchangeable amphibians, also pop up here and there. In his daily-strip incarnation, Zippy spends much of his time traveling and commenting on interesting places; recent strips focus on his fascination with roadside icons featuring giant beings; Zippy also frequently participates in his long-running conversation with the giant fiberglass doggie mascot of San Francisco's "Doggie Diner" chain (later, the Carousel diner near the San Francisco Zoo). The website encourages people to send photos of interesting places for Zippy to visit in the strip. His most famous quote is "Are we having fun yet?," which has become a catch phrase. It appears in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. Zippy's signature expression of surprise is "Yow!"" Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 8 months

Have been mising something indeed. Am very fond of "slightly and happily deranged", so will explore Zippy the Pinhead with great pleasure, I suspect.