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    "The Grateful Dead picked up their instruments and hit the first note with perfection. They never missed a note for the next three and one-half hours. People followed the flow of the tunes. Down on the floor in front of the stage was a sea of heads keeping time with the music. No one sat still. No one, except the youngsters behind us sat still. They were still and stunned." - The Power County Press

    And what a stunner it was, that show at the Boise State University Pavilion in Boise, ID on September 2, 1983. Dave's Picks Volume 27 contains every stitch of music from this mid-80s show (our first in this series), one that's as good as any other in Grateful Dead history. When the Dead were on, they were ON! Straight out the gate with a definitive take on the old standard "Wang Dang Doodle," the band swiftly switches back to a setlist of yore, firing off 70s staples like "Jack Straw" and "Brown-Eyed Women" and wrapping things up with a terrific trio of "Big Railroad Blues"/"Looks Like Rain"/"Deal" (don't you let that epic guitar solo go down without you). Primed for the second set, they tackle the complexities of "Help>Slipknot!>Franklin's" with heart and ease. It's clear there will be no stopping their flow - Bobby and Brent hanging in for a fantastic pre-Drums "Jam" and Jerry and Bobby in the zone on a not-to-be-missed melodic "Space." Not a skipper in the whole lot!

    Dave's Picks Volume 27 has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman and it is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • unkle sam
    Just had a listen to this show yesterday. I like the way Wang Dang Doodle starts and slowly builds to start off the show, makes you think something really cool is about to happen. A lack luster first set except for the opener and that great Deal at the end. Second set not so hot either, the pre drums is kinda muddy, the drums is short and goes no where, the space is nice, but really doesn't build to anything either, the post drums with a "new song" delivered like a single, Throwing Stones gets so much better in the late 80's and into the 90's. All in all, I give this show a C average and certainly not the "stunner" it is advertised as. Sure hope the next pick is better than this one. I don't know if any of you were around in the 40's, I wasn't. But I think you can trace Rock and Roll all the way back to then, or even the 30's, or maybe the roaring 20's, hard to say. Of course, back then it was "Heathen" music, "Black" music and a thing that you kept your young children away from, "no son/daughter of mine is going to listen to some muggle smoking darkie music". Segregation was in full swing back then and Rock and Roll was a thing to be feared. It was, after all, youthful rebellion which happens in every generation, that put rock and roll on the map, back then, if our parents hated it, we loved it. There were a lot of us in the 60's and music meant something back then, it was our call to arms, our mantra, we actually thought that music and love could change the world. I'm not a historian nor do I know exactly when rock and roll got it "birth". Glad it did tho, sure was an uptight world full of lies and hate back then, wow, I just got a feeling like I've been here before. I think someone said that they had been following history for X years or some thing like that, gee, they should know ;) But can you believe them? Most that were around then are gone or are so old that they just can't remember, and I can relate to that, memories are very subjective and history books can be distorted, or rewritten. I have had a conversation or two with my 93 year old mother-in-law who was a music teacher all thru the late 50's, 60's and 70's. When she is able to, she remembers rock and roll as a bad thing, one that was openly discouraged and frowned upon, until that "nice gospel singing hill billy" came around. He was "so nice, and good looking too". But that was rock just finally being accepted, not the birth of.
  • daverock
    Mr Heartbreak
    Thanks for the film clip of Bruce Cockburn. Some beautiful guitar playing-in fact the whole band is good. I've never heard Bob Dylan play like that!
  • garciaddicted
    Rock 'N' Roll
    "I’ve stolen every lick he ever played", Keith Richards on Chuck Berry "The Shakespeare of rock 'n' roll", Bob Dylan on Chuck Berry "No group, be it Beatles, Dylan or Stones, have ever improved on 'Whole Lotta Shakin'' for my money.” John Lennon
  • frosted
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    Everybody knows who created rock and roll
    Hey hey with the Monkees! What I find odd though is that I cut my teeth on R&R in the late 60s and into the 70s. Back then, we called the 50s the oldies. Elvis, Jerry Lee, Fats Domino, Bill Haley, Buddy Holley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Eddie Cochrane, all those guys seemed ancient to us. Thinking about 30s and 40s music back then? Fuggettaboutit. What was that even? Musicians wearing suits with skinny ties, and huge brass bands with our grandparents swirling around the dance floors all dressed up? What gets me is that now the 60s and 70s are more than twice as long ago for today's kids as the 50s were for me, and that seemed pretty far back at the time. So the circle squares, and now I listen to more jazz from the 30s-60s than I do rock and roll from any era, the GOGD being one of the few exceptions. Get off of my lawn!
  • simonrob
    This is not the place
    for intellectual discussions between non-intellectuals.
  • kyleharmon
    you all need more Unicorn
    you all need more Unicorn Jesus in your lives and less of this Devil rock music.
  • Angry Jack Straw
    Good Lord
    Such nonsense. My cat can cut and paste. Stop it. Dave. You disappoint. No knowledge of Bruce? I posted about him during the worthless doors/who tripe.
  • Angry Jack Straw
    Good Lord
    Such nonsense. My cat can cut and paste. Stop it. Dave. You disappoint. No knowledge of Bruce? I posted about him during the worthless doors/who tripe.
  • Oroborous
    Dear Butch, DS and Keithfan
    Sorry, I thought we were having a intellectual discussion about opposing theories, not trying to insult one another. So since I now feel insulted. I also feel I have to defend my self..... Please find Butch’s comments in quotes.... “Nobody even said the Beatles invented Rock n roll or coined the term, only that they brought it to life in front of the world. “ So the millions of folks for all the years before the Beatles did not enjoy RR, because it hadn’t yet been brought to life? Even though they did have some success; album sales, performances and quite a bit of airplay, RELETIVELY speaking? Because your statements could be interpreted that RR was such an underground, insignificant thing that not until the Beatles did it become well known? or “given birth” To me that’s an insult to all the men and women who actually made RR, long before the Beatles came along.... “The bottom line is that our generation DID witness the birth of rock and roll, and yes you can use the concept of birth, it's an appropriate form of symbolic language called personification. It's laughable that THAT part of the dicussion even came into question.” As I’ve politely stated, I agree with most of KF’s fine, articulate essay, just not this part. I’m imho, based on reading dozens of RR biographies, the only thing wrong with this is you could say all the same things about Chuck, only on a smaller scale...due to technological and cultural circumstances he had no control over. i understand your point just fine. You don’t need to insult me. Sorry to all you folks if this seems like I’m being snarky etc. Not trying to be, actually having a bit of fun participating in a verbal chess match, mental gymnastics, intellectual discourse etc. Used to stay up and party hard and do this sort of thing about authors, music, movies etc when I went back to collage in my thirties..... “The biggest reasons the Beatles gave birth to it, is 1)they were original,” And Chuck wasn’t? “2)they brought their brand to way more more people, WAY more people,(70 million people, come on now)” Never debated that, if you actually read my post, I ponder whether album sales and/or popularity alone is really a true distinction of what makes one relevant or not. I don’t believe album sales alone is. And comparing album sales from completely different technological and cultural times is like comparing apples to oranges....I’m sorry i obviously did not articulate my point well.. I don’t think that’s a fair, objective measure. “3)they influenced most of the bands that followed after (as well as the popular culture at large).” I have openly agreed with this statement throughout....? “Nobody else went on Ed Sullivan 1st and ushered in a movement in rock pop music. None of their predecessors did that.” Unfortunately I don’t know that much about the show, but I don’t believe in the fifties, a black man, with subversive lyrics was going to get a fair shot at a show of that prominence? I do think I recall reading that they did not want RR, but they felt they needed to make the show more current, to generate ratings, and because RR was already so prevalent in society, they needed to get with the times.....but please don’t quote me on that.....my memory is deteriorating rapidly... I also believe part of the reason Chuck received the airplay he did get, was many didn’t know he was black by his “sound” Another way for the suits to take “race music” and make it popuar with whites, so they could cash in. “They took what was out there, made it their own and in doing so TRANSFORMED rock and popular music. The bands that came after helped continue the movement,” Again, I’ve only supported this sentiment. But I also believe you could say the same, in a different way, about Berry et el... “but there's no question the Beatles brand came first.” This is where we disagree. Again, it’s an insult to all those who were oppressed and struggled through the early years of RR, so that eventually it was legitimized enough so the Beatles could explode and change the world! Kinda like the big brother or sister who breaks in the parents, so the younger siblings have an easier time.... “Millions of people latched on to to the Beatles, not Haley or Berry. “ So again, numbers are your criteria? Apples to Oranges.... “It was their mold that came first and endured” Not unless they had a time machine....sorry, that was snarky. I apologize! “Chuck Berry still hugely important and I love him to death, but he didn't do what the Beatles did” Never said he did. I repeatedly acknowledge that the Beatles were perhaps the greatest band of all time, influentially at least, if not more.... “that wasn't his role. His role may have been even better in the history of rock and roll as he influenced so many. That's not what this discussion was ever about. This discussion was about whether or not our generation was here to witness the birth of rock and roll.” Again, I understand perfectly what this is about. I’m sorry that because we disagree you feel I don’t understand your point, so much so that you have to insult my intelligence.... “The one excellent point I agree with is that Bob Dylan brought a brand that was equally important, but I don't think you could credit him with heralding in the rock movement.” No, not in and of itself, but one could argue that his innovations also had a unmeasurable influence on RR. Perhaps one of the few that came close to the Beatles level of influence? “Oborious, yes Chuck Berry was important and influenced many, but same thing, he wasn't the Beatles” Never said he was, only that he is constantly not given the credit myself, and more importantly, most of the RR elite all state in their books that he deserves, of which being credited as the true Father of RR is one. I believe Rolling Stone said something similar in their tribute to him? I’m sorry, but most of my personal belongings, including my RR library are currently in storage or I would stay up and provide references. . “You seem to be personally offended by all of this,” Not at all. I truly apologize to you, as well as everyone if that’s how this is coming across. I just think your making a generalized statement that ignores a huge block of actual history, which insults those who made it. By doing so, I don't think your theory is logical. “as you are making statements like what if Chuck has been white or what if Elvis wasn't in the right place at the right time. The discussion is about what is not what might have been or could have been. If the queen had balls she'd be king.” How can you not consider what America was like racially in the fifties, and how that would effect the success or failure of a black person? And to compare what a Fearless Black man did, during that repulsive time in our history; actually “give birth to”, basically a whole new cultural scene, and making it popular (sounds familiar?), with a group that did all the great things they did, in part, because of the foundation people like Mr Berry laid for them to build upon, only by comparing popularity or numbers? That’s like saying Miles Davis gave birth to Jazz with Kind of Blue, while all his predecessors, from decades before, did not? “I think where people are getting stuck in this dialogue is that they're feeling like the birth of rock and roll on the world scale should go to (pick your name) instead of the Beatles. There is no single person or band who invented rock and roll, but the Beatles did give birth to it in the larger world, and that was the only point that was being made along with the fact that we were here to witness it.” Sorry, agree with everything except the term birth. I have never disputed the rest. birth bərTH/Submit noun 1. the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. 1. give birth to (a baby or other young). "she had carried him and birthed him" “A physically SEPARATE being....” Your argument presupposes that the Beatles would be the parent, that gives birth to a new being... Mine presupposes that Chuck was the father that gave birth to the new being. The Beatles were that being when it fully matured, and became an adult force of nature....that went on to conquer the world, in part because of the DNA of the father.....now I may not be right, but I don’t think that’s so hard to follow is it? “V guy you're absolutely right the sensitivity scale is just beyond words. But one thing that is clear if you read through this discussion thread is that words our being misinterpreted even after clarifications are made. It's like there's no effort being made.” Touché my friend, no need to insult. Just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean I don’t understand, and that you need to insult me. You say “potAto”, I say “potaahto” And finally (I promise no more outta me anyway, hopefully I’ve made my point. Not looking to be “right” just properly understood. I don’t think you can fairly critique ones argument if you don’t properly understand it) So finally, I'd just like to state I’m sorry if I’ve bummed folks out. That was never my intent. Especially no bad vibes toward Keithfan. I thoroughly enjoy his articulate posts, and usually agree with like 98% of what he says. Think maybe I’ll just go away for a bit......”you know this space is getting hot” Peace!
  • snafu
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    Mr. Ones and FZ
    We can now shut down this site Mr Ones you have sumed up everyone here no matter what our other disagreements " Music is the Best"
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7 years 11 months

"The Grateful Dead picked up their instruments and hit the first note with perfection. They never missed a note for the next three and one-half hours. People followed the flow of the tunes. Down on the floor in front of the stage was a sea of heads keeping time with the music. No one sat still. No one, except the youngsters behind us sat still. They were still and stunned." - The Power County Press

And what a stunner it was, that show at the Boise State University Pavilion in Boise, ID on September 2, 1983. Dave's Picks Volume 27 contains every stitch of music from this mid-80s show (our first in this series), one that's as good as any other in Grateful Dead history. When the Dead were on, they were ON! Straight out the gate with a definitive take on the old standard "Wang Dang Doodle," the band swiftly switches back to a setlist of yore, firing off 70s staples like "Jack Straw" and "Brown-Eyed Women" and wrapping things up with a terrific trio of "Big Railroad Blues"/"Looks Like Rain"/"Deal" (don't you let that epic guitar solo go down without you). Primed for the second set, they tackle the complexities of "Help>Slipknot!>Franklin's" with heart and ease. It's clear there will be no stopping their flow - Bobby and Brent hanging in for a fantastic pre-Drums "Jam" and Jerry and Bobby in the zone on a not-to-be-missed melodic "Space." Not a skipper in the whole lot!

Dave's Picks Volume 27 has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman and it is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

6 years 10 months

My best guess is Las Vegas Ice Palace, March 29th, 1969.......not sure how that fits with the USA clue, but seems to fit OK with the other 2 clues? Santana opened for the GOGD along with a local Vegas band called The Free Circus....Batdorf and Rodney formed in Vegas shortly after thisand would have played this venue many times. Seems they opened for many bands in the 70's but could not find any reference of them opening for the Grateful Dead. We will know soon! KCJ
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6 years 10 months

My best guess is Las Vegas Ice Palace, March 29th, 1969.......not sure how that fits with the USA clue, but seems to fit OK with the other 2 clues? Santana opened for the GOGD along with a local Vegas band called The Free Circus....Batdorf and Rodney formed in Vegas shortly after thisand would have played this venue many times. Seems they opened for many bands in the 70's but could not find any reference of them opening for the Grateful Dead. We will know soon! KCJ
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7 years 6 months

10/02/76- River Front Coliseum - Cincinnati, OH
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6 years 8 months

Another '76 show from the Boston Music Hall would be nice. I mean, since we're speculating. But I'm open to whatever comes my way.
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17 years 3 months

"DP 28 Guess10/02/76- River Front Coliseum - Cincinnati, OH" I believe this show was part of the 30 Trips box set. I would not mind getting the night previous, 10/1/1976, Market Square Arena, Indianapolis. It would be two releases in a row centered on Help>Slip>Franklin's, but I don't have a problem with that! If you want a Cincy show, how about 4/8/89? That's a fun one.
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17 years 3 months

"DP 28 Guess10/02/76- River Front Coliseum - Cincinnati, OH" I believe this show was part of the 30 Trips box set. I would not mind getting the night previous, 10/1/1976, Market Square Arena, Indianapolis. It would be two releases in a row centered on Help>Slip>Franklin's, but I don't have a problem with that! If you want a Cincy show, how about 4/8/89? That's a fun one.
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17 years 3 months

"DP 28 Guess10/02/76- River Front Coliseum - Cincinnati, OH" I believe this show was part of the 30 Trips box set. I would not mind getting the night previous, 10/1/1976, Market Square Arena, Indianapolis. It would be two releases in a row centered on Help>Slip>Franklin's, but I don't have a problem with that! If you want a Cincy show, how about 4/8/89? That's a fun one.
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17 years 3 months

"DP 28 Guess10/02/76- River Front Coliseum - Cincinnati, OH" I believe this show was part of the 30 Trips box set. I would not mind getting the night previous, 10/1/1976, Market Square Arena, Indianapolis. It would be two releases in a row centered on Help>Slip>Franklin's, but I don't have a problem with that! If you want a Cincy show, how about 4/8/89? That's a fun one.
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Member for

6 years 8 months

Cobo Arena, Detroit, 10/3/76 was included in the 30 Trips box. Though either 10/1 or 10/2 would definitely be a welcome addition (for me at least). That 10/1 Market Square is a sweet ride for sure.
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6 years 10 months

sorry about duplicates, not sure what happened
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6 years 10 months

If we're speculating, listing our wish-list, and talking 76 and h/s/f, give us 8/4! Otherwise, I can't imagine another 77 for this year, but that Dekalb 77 call would be amazing. Both are pretty well-circulated boards already, I've got some XLIIs of them somewhere or other, so perhaps unnecessary or not in line with the DP mission...anyway, soon!
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8 years 8 months

First and only Silver LP was released in 1976. Has to be. I'd almost put money on it now. 8-4-76 would be massive.
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Member for

10 years 8 months

Please and thank you on the idea of 8/4/76! Whether it's Dave's 28, I don't know, but it should be released. If it was the 29th, that would entice a lot of subscribers. I'm hoping for 1968-70 for this one. I don't think all of the Houseboat Tapes have been put out, but based on the liner notes to DaP 6, don't know whether there's even enough material for another full show release. I would imagine that consisted of mainly late '69-early '70 material, since it yielded material from 12/11-12, 20, 21/69, and 2/2/70 (DaP 19 doesn't mention being from that batch, but fits the bill otherwise). So far, IMO, DaP 26 has been the peak in this year, and I'd like to see another show like that, fairly unknown, an uncirculated sbd, and a glorious performance. DaP 25 was an underwhelming Pick to me. It has a legendary status, but I thought the fire went out after Jack Straw and only really rekindled with Truckin'. Also, the last Dark Star in the series was DaP 19, so we're due another one. We shall soon find out what it will be, and in the meantime, hopefully everyone in the path of Michael stays safe. It should be here tomorrow, and apparently they're warning of tornadoes as the bigger danger to us. Luckily we escaped Matthew and Florence relatively unscathed, hoping for that trend to continue.
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8 years 11 months

I'm going with 7/4/69 at the Electric Theater in Chicago. Only pre-80's July 4th show to my knowledge (which is what I'm guessing the United States of America clue is referring to). A short show, so probably will be combined with another show, perhaps the 7/5/69 show at same venue.
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6 years 10 months

Since we’re all speculating on the clues, here’s my (admittedly self serving guess). According to the clues and Wikipedia, all Brent signs point to a pre-1971 show. A lot happened in the United States between ‘65 and ‘70, perhaps more than any 5 year period in modern history, but not one event objectively screams USA more than the next. So, I’m presuming this reference is music related. So here’s my take. jimmy Hendrix played (arguably) the most epic Star Spangled Banner ever at Woodstock. Jimmy passed away on 9/18/70. That same night, the Grateful Dead played a pretty epic show that, at least in my opinion, contains one of the best dancin’ in the streets ever. And with that, I look forward to being pleasantly disappointed because I have no doubt that I’m wrong. But it sure is fun to guess. Look forward to the release, whatever it may be.
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12 years 9 months

Here's another possibility;Any of the shows from June '76 at the Tower Theatre in Philly it covers BOTH the Bicentennial year & birthplace of the USA in the Bicentennial year. Any show from this 4 show run would make a great release although I tend to lean toward 6/23 the 2nd set is one long JAMfest, 6/23 also features an odd pairing of Crazy Fingers>Comes A Time in the 1st set. I'd like to see any one of these shows get Normanized.
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8 years 8 months

10/15/76Shrine Auditorium - Los Angeles, CA Last show of the year and Fall tour. Dave has a knack for releasing those type shows. That Set 2 looks just dreamy! Philly in June '76 works for me too. Totally. Philly ALWAYS seemed to get the best outta Bertha & the Boys!!
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Needless to say, most shows were played in the USA. I used the too generic USA as a clue because using "Mississippi/Ohio/Missouri Rivers" would be too easy. The word "clue" is a clue itself, as the revealing date email itself. It's very good to know geography and to read maps. Can you read the alpha/numeric answer now?
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16 years 1 month

I just wished I could give a clue on the year or the month or date of the show, but I was not allowed to do so.Again, this installment of the Dave's Picks Series will delight many, and many others will complain that another show close to this date is more worthy of release than this show that was selected.
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Member for

9 years 3 months

2/7/69 early and late. https://archive.org/details/gd1969-02-07.137392.sbd.wise.sirmick.sbeok… Set 1 Early show: Dark Star> St. Stephen> The Eleven> Turn On Your Love Light Set 2 Late show: Cryptical Envelopment> Drums> The Other One> Cryptical Envelopment> Death Don't Have No Mercy, Alligator> Drums> Drummers' Chant> Jam> China Cat Jam> Jam> Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)> Feedback> And We Bid You Good Night Other artist(s): The Velvet Underground; The Fugs and its a cassette master.
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7 years 6 months

6/xx/76 Auditorium Theater - Chicago, IL
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Member for

11 years 4 months

Is there a Sitting On Top Of The World in this show? Or is it 12/12/73? Or is it 10/12/68? Or is it 12/31/69? Boston Tea Party. Email announcement states last Daves of 2018. This is the last show of 1969. Boston Tea Party-USA. Some People might like 12/30/69 better. Pre-Brent era. Slewfoot lyrics about frozen river.
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6 years 10 months

Hmm, seem to be coalescing around 69, 70, 76. 12/31/69 sounds like good call, wharfrat. Bicentennial 76, rtcampbel, also sounds good, and I love that su76 Chicago run. Though doesn’t seem to jive with the other clues (pre-71). 6/26/76 US Blues encore. Great, great show. 76 is mixed year for heads. I love that mellower, looser sound. Not everyone does. Also, I think 6/29 is better (the wheel from so many roads) and of course many have discussed 8/4.
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9 years 3 months

so perfect filler would be this 80 minute show from the night before it from St Louis. https://archive.org/details/gd1969-02-06.137394.sbd.wise.sirmick.sbeok… Morning Dew, Dark Star > St. Stephen > The Eleven > Turn On Your Love Light > Drums > Turn On Your Love Light, Cryptical Envelopment > Drums > The Other One > Cryptical Envelopment > Feedback > And We Bid You Good Night
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6 years 10 months

Alpha/numeric answer?!
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9 years 11 months

Of selling this stuff when you try to buy it the minute it goes on sale and it's SOLD OUT? Make more you idiots or stop the obvious corruption.
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6 years 10 months

46th Street Rock Palace? Though I thought there were only poorly circulated AUDs. Who knows! (Also, just a few days after the Cap 70 shows.)
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11 years 4 months

"Check me if I'm wrong Sandy" but we don't know what exactly was in the returned tapes from a few years back and it's been awhile since anything else has been released from said returns.
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12 years

I think you are right Kayak Guy. Three Rivers Stadium (Pitt) Pittsburgh was my first guess for city with the rivers clue, but then my mind had my wandering around St. Louis and Southern Illinois. Also, when you click on the art link there is a picture of a skeleton promoting Field and Stream ( headquarters located near Pitt). If so, love the choice. Sam T
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12 years

That has crossed my mind on several occasions. If so, well done chap.
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7 years 6 months

Bolo puzzles take a good bit of time to put together, chairman duties at Federal Reserve sometimes conflict with release schedules.. not that he ever asked for that godforsaken job. Work gets in the way of all that is good.
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Member for

8 years

I agree that there are many high quality shows in the summer and fall of 1972 that are ripe for release. Here's to hoping for 8/12/1972. Of course 7/18/72 and 9/10/72 would be quite fine selections as well.
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Member for

10 years 8 months

Would be a FANTASTIC Pick! Listening to the late show now, and checked out the 2/6 show, too. That would be a dream release with the early, late, and previous show of some super hot, primal Dead.
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Member for

10 years 8 months

Would be a FANTASTIC Pick! Listening to the late show now, and checked out the 2/6 show, too. That would be a dream release with the early, late, and previous show of some super hot, primal Dead.
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Member for

14 years 10 months

Sorry, just broke out of the Saudi embassy in Istanbul. My Clues: > No Brent > Hi-ho Silver! > USA! USA! > Something about rivers > Alpha-numeric stuff Obvious, I know. Didn't have time for my usual unexcogitable offerings.
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12 years 9 months

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Member for

11 years 4 months

Sticking with 12/31/69. The Eleven. Alpha Numeric. But not really. Silver Threads and Golden Needles. Hi Ho Silver. Boston Tea Party. USA. Mystic and Charles Rivers. Something about rivers. No Brent. No Brent.
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11 years 10 months

it will be an 80's show!
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11 years 8 months

...It's the suspense that gets me...
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12 years 10 months

Wouldn't be surprised if it's not quite as expected...and we get a 1991 show ; ) ...I mean I get it, it will more than likely be 1976, that's the year that is due in Lemues perfect comfort zone of 1970-1978. Don't think it will be a 1960s show, those are be covered in the album reissue 2nd CD deluxe editions....and there just ain't enough of a 1968-69 show to warrant a full dave pick
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11 years 8 months

after work today I need to drive 80 miles into town to get some shopping done...don't want to go anywhere this weekend with the rain and wind forecasts that we have...anywho, I will be listening to 4-26-72 on my drive in across the peaks (The road tops off at 8,000 ft)...I love that show...when 100 Year Hall came out I thought wowie zowie this is it...then someone on a bt site put the complete show in the correct running order and I thought, No, Wow this is it...needless to say when the Europe '72 box came out I was speechless...so what ever comes our way today I'm good with it cuz they all look pretty on the shelf all in a row...Happy DP Day y'all!!
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13 years 10 months

In my mind, the clues point to 10/18/1972. But I guess we will see soon enough.
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Member for

13 years 10 months

In my mind, the clues point to 10/18/1972. But I guess we will see soon enough.
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Member for

13 years 10 months

In my mind, the clues point to 10/18/1972. But I guess we will see soon enough.
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