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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Mind-Left-Body
    Big Claim

    I don't know KF, Veneta's awfully good ya know! To be honest I have not listened to Berkeley since it came out. I will have to run it back.

  • carlo13

    We all should bet on when the first neg. Is placed.

  • Gratefulhan
    July 78 Thanks!

    On the heels of the official DaP 31 announcement and the anticipation of the new box set reveal I went a little nutty in a good way. I came across a Road Trips Vol. 1 # 3 Summer 71 with the bonus disc at a decent price on good ol' eBay. I put an on offer on it which was accepted so I managed to add it to my collection. There are some really nice jams on that release and the 7/31/71 Dark Star surprised me.

    However many of you on this thread recently talked and raved about the July 78 box again. That is one i did not have and after the latest rounds of discussions I decided I needed to get it I almost bought it several times in the past but I let pass by each time I considered it. With less than 500 left I felt like i could not pass on it any longer. Plus I consider all of you who comment regularly on these threads/pages to be Jedi masters when it come to all things Grateful Dead - dare I say this is Grateful Dead's Jedi council? The bottom line is all of you know what you are talking about so I couldn't pass up a recommendation on that box any longer.

    So between July 78, my recent Road Trips acquisition, and Dave's 31 I will be busy. Plus MUATM is on the horizon too. All I need is a Dead and Company fall tour and I will be set. Good times!

  • stoltzfus
    whatever the new Dave's is…

    whatever the new Dave's is...



  • KeithFan2112
    DaP 24 Playing in the Band

    Almost as good as Veneta. Put it on my gravestone.

    As I mentioned earlier, it only took a simple digital playback adjustment for me to all but mute the effect of the bass add-on that Norman did; so with all of the different playback options, equipment types, and audio configurations we all have, I understand better why some people never heard the extra bass, or at least didn't hear enough that it bothered them.

    But as for the performance itself, the show kicks complete ass.

  • carlo13

    You are right. I would not have thought it was enhanced if no one said so.

  • carlo13
    Smokey and the bandit

    Dap 25 bass enhance is kinda like what they did to smokey and the bandit 25th anniversary dvd when they replaced the bandits car revving engine sound with a different computerized sound for the new age kids watching it. Look it up. It's so weird that they replaced a real motor sound of the actual car to a digitized sound that does not match up with the real deal. Dap 25 was nothing like what they did to the dvd. It was more subtle but still there. No biggie for Norm.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: Extra octave

    He said he boosted the bass because it was low in the mix (an oddity in itself as Owsley made the recording, and he's notorious for bass heavy mixes), and in quieter passages the sound of the bass sounds like an octaver effect, like a MuTron Octave Divider, which Jerry added a few years later along with the MuTron Envelope Filter. I've tried decreasing the bass on my stereo, and on the EQ in the car, but I still hear it. Mr. Norman said he did it on DaP 25 as well, though it is far less noticeable; in fact, had he not said anything, I wouldn't have known. On the Berkeley show, though, it's overwhelming to my ears. It works in the throes of The Other One's feedback jam following Phil's not quite Philo Stomp, but in those quieter songs it distracts me...

    To Carlo, I just may find it more distracting because that's usually the main focus of my listening to most music, not just the Dead. I'm similarly irritated by songs where I literally have to strain to hear the bass clearly. I find that an exhausting exercise. It's worse when I'm playing and can't hear it.

  • carlo13

    I also whipped out Dap 25 and found the bass problem minor imho. It is still stellar and that He's gone is just sweet. I try to go back and replay some of the past Dap's to get another fresh listen and find that some days it's dependent on my mood. No clue for Dap 31.

  • wissinomingdeadhead
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    Next Tuesday the 16th let the guessing game begin!!!!!
    I say it's from '79.

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6 years 3 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

6 years 7 months

Its intense so far and a great sound upgrade

KF - I couldn't understand why you were being so smug to me. I re-read my post and realized why. I came off kind of harsh on you. Was not my intention but it just didn't translate well. I'm sorry man. No hard feelings. I like you you're one of the ones who entertains us. If yours doesn't come today let me know I'll get you a copy of mine. Because I know you are a subscriber.

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10 years 10 months

In reply to by Dark-Star


#14,290 has landed.
Ripping to iTunes as I type.
The weekend already looks better!

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Member for

16 years 7 months

Followed by a new shipping notice of the Warfield CD's end of day Wednesday.... Which means by Monday everyone will be guessing what Dave's 31 will be, and more clues from Bolo on the box.... I decided to ease the wait with 10/19/73 Oklahoma city show. Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy the new release... Bob t

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Member for

8 years 2 months

...I’m just going to start things off by saying the second Disc opener, ‘Dire Wolf’ is just beautiful, both musically and audio quality wise! That’s the good ol Grateful Dead that I’m talking about! Lol love it. Primo 😉❤️🙏😎
...I LOVE Tom in this mix! And Pigpens vocals shines and sounds amazing!!! ✌️🤠

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Member for

9 years 10 months

I've just finished the ripping to WAV, file tagging, cheap art-working, and phone uploading of DaP 30. Takes f@#king forever. Now I shall listen - but first - here is preliminary album art. I say preliminary because these are cheapies that I sourced from a very close up camera-phone picture, followed by some MS Paint cropping. I have no scanner. If you just can't wait for the premium scans from our good friend Agent Smith, try these on for size. I know I will be replacing these as soon as I have "the real deal" from you-know-who.



P.S. - if I've accidentally shared out my entire drive - somebody send me a PM or email (AFTER you file my taxes for me :D )

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10 years 5 months

In reply to by Trainwrecked


Most of his list has now been released either through Dave's Picks or 30 Trips, and of course Sunshine Daydream, but I'll still choose 11/17/71 over 12/14. He may have known 11/17, may not, but 12/14 and 12/15 are certainly more famous shows. I had heard both multiple times prior to DaP 26, preferring 12/15 for its Dark Star (just listened to it again, and that was a quick 20 min). I admit being a SBD snob, so I had overlooked 11/17. But I'd have to say since a year ago, it has been the most played Pick of the last 4 years for me. That Other One with its several different thematic jams is unbelievable and the NFA> GDTRFB> NFA is my favorite of that combo. It's better than the 11/15 Austin one from the Road Trips series, IMO. But either way, Mr. Paumgarten should be happy because he got that show minus Ramble on Rose (interestingly the 11/17 on Archive has Ramble on Rose listed as the encore, but it's tracked as the Set 2 opener on DaP 26, hadn't noticed that before). Though I do wonder whether he would revise that opinion and say that 11/17 was better. I don't recall listening to his 1970 Pick 6/24, but the later run at the Capitol with 11/8/70 only available in AUD is a stunner, and I would bet on that 6/24 being awfully good as well. Something about that theater.

Nick should do a follow up on how 7 years later most of those shows are released, and how he thinks the vault releases have been managed. There's been stuff put out that nobody really had like 7/1/78 (that I actually prefer to the Red Rocks shows), the complete 8/25/72, 2/2/70, Thelma 12/10-11/69, and he ignores 1967-68, which means he misses 11/10/67. It's been a great 8 years of releases! Wonder what he would think of DaP 30... And what do those who have received it think? Fingers crossed it's here tomorrow.

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10 years 2 months

In reply to by Lovemygirl


Great to have my DAP 30 so soon, I agree Tom is very prominent in the mix and the shows are well mixed, I am not upset about the track running orders, as I feel we are lucky to get the 2 shows over 4 discs, this arrival today meant however that I didn't get my anniversary listening of the Olympia show, we are spoilt bunch really.

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Member for

14 years 7 months

Been training for the International Ostrich Races coming up this fall in Virginia City. My bird, August West, stopped short and flung me into a giant pile of ostrich poop.

I think I broke my infundibulum.

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17 years

Anybody else get a shipping notice with a dead tracking number? I called yesterday after trying to track and the girl said it wouldn't be active until today because May 3rd was the release date. Today my tracking number just says unrecognized.

edit: another day and still nothing. Anyone know what 237 carrier is for a shipper? Mine doesn't say USPS or UPS like the last shipments have.

Ostrich. 18 Minute Las Vegas Bird Song from 91? Virginia City is not in Virginia.

I think I am going to have to run this through Googles Quantum Computer or I will be up all night again....

....but usually I can just click the tracking number link on my email and it takes me right to the mailing site. No link this time. Need to copy and paste. No luck on either UPS or USPS sites. Says invalid tracking number. Wierd. And the Hurricanes sweep the Islanders to go to the final four. Amazing....
....and yes. Virginia City is just south of Reno. That was a Bird Song with Carlos Santana sitting in. Please don't tease me. And Vegas does get flaming hot....

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17 years

In reply to by Vguy72


.....An infundibulum (Latin for funnel; plural, infundibula) is a funnel-shaped cavity or organ.
Tourists funnel their $$$ into slot machines hoping for 777's.
The ostriches name is August West. Vegas is in the West.

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Member for

6 years 4 months

I was listening today. First several are hotter than I remembered. Also prefer 11/17. That 12/15 Dark Star is a nice freebie. As in sounds great freebie. 11/17 to me is in the same class as Road Trips 3.2 11/15/71. The 11/14 Bonus is in the same class. Exceptional run.

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17 years

In reply to by Trainwrecked


5 Stars.... Dont want to ruin it for anyone, but (spoiler alert) Your gonna Love this (these) release(s)!
It's just classic...not just the timing (Workingman's) but the recording captures great banter that really puts you front row, or stageside, for two hot NYC shows.
Thanks Bear!...per the booklet write up (the Foundation)... Bear, you will never be forgotten or not appreciated. I look fwd to all of your precious recordings from every artist that allows them to be released.
Thanks to you too Dave & Co for this (these!) gems!

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10 years 10 months

In reply to by iGrateful


Been giving 30 a listen while watching S.F. come waaaay back from a 8-0 start.
...and they got it in 11

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17 years

In reply to by jrf68@hotmail.com


.... hardly a Giants fan, but that's impressive. Music on the ears. Sports on the eyes. Doing that right now with Seattle '73 and Stars/Blues. It works.

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17 years

My shipping mail had a (clickable) link. UPS states "Clearance in progress" at 03:58 EST this morning. Presumably it is about to wing it's way across the pond.

Edit: Now it turns out that the clearance referred to is prior to departure from Cologne, Germany so it has already crossed the pond and it may well be delivered to me in the Netherlands on Monday. Certainly is quicker than expected.

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6 years 1 month

Here’s my own ( limited brain power ) thoughts - looking back at previous record day store releases ( with the exception of wake up to find out - which had already been put on cd for one of the spring 90 boxes ) they have only ever been released on vinyl with no further output later in the year as a box . However the Warfield release has been given an immediate mass produced CD release along the same lines as Cornell ( pre get shown the light ) & believe it if you need it ( pre PNW ) elementary my dear Watson .
Of course I could be barking up a tree that’s in a different forest altogether . 😺😼😺😼

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7 years 11 months

It was late, I hadn't ripped them yet, and I knew I was probably only going to get through one disc before I fell asleep.

Its good.

The track ordering is weird tho. Alligator - Drums - Alligator- Feedback sequence is tracks 2-5. You can hear Jerry say "Goodnite folks, thank you" at the end of it but then there's still half the disc left. If they're gonna mix up the order anyway why not put that at the end so it at least *feels* like it was one continuous set.

Nitpicks tho.

Did anyone else order the T shirt? Any word on that arriving ?

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16 years 7 months

I'm bad at these but could it be Alpine Valley??? Fiery Cheetos=Cheese State is Wisconsin... August West=First Alpine show August 23, 1980.... Virginia City=Madison VA and Capitol of WI.... Liberace=born in West Allis WI... ostrich poo= I think Alpine ski hill was a garbage dump...... Bolos decade= first show 1980 last show 1989.... bob t

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Member for

5 years 2 months

I won't speak lubricious about it but will just say this Disc 3 is great great great. God bless the Alchemist. I like the picture of the crowd at the Fillmore East. If you look closely you can see one guy holding his head with both hands. I am sure he is tripping to disc 3 in that pic. Have a great weekend to all. Enjoy your 5 hours of 1970. Does anyone know if these were in the recovered batch of tapes? If not, how did they keep this one from us so long!

bobt - I like that line of reasoning!! I think you're on it! Great shows at Alpine from start to finish. Sort of my home stomping ground, with many fond memories. The 8/7/82 China -> Rider is the best post-hiatus version - change my mind ; )

I missed the 89 shows but if I remember correctly from the account of a friend there was epic rain nights 2 and 3 and people were body sliding in the mud down the ski slope by the 3rd night? (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.)

That 4th night of '88 that UJ61 referenced a few days ago was a wild one. A gift lost recovered. Lots of memories, though hard to say at this remove if they are all "accurate." I was about 6 rows out directly in front of Jerry. The Believe it of Not was tears-in-your-eyes emotional after the problems of the previous night. Couldn't have been a truer, more heartfelt, moment for its debut. And the Morning Dew was Over. The. Top. Pure expansive beauty. I remember 2 folks jumping on stage during the closing jam. First a guy just stood motionless right in front of Jerry, like he was watching the hand of god. A roadie walked him off and then this girl climbs up on stage and sits right down in front of Jerry - once again transfixed and enchanted. Jerry doesn't flinch, he's just tearing it up, playing for them and into them and everybody. Everything, everywhere, all at once. Sent home on the gentle waves of Blackbird and Brokedown. Wrote about all this a few years ago (gdhr 555).

Really looking forward to DaP 30 - arriving here next week I guess.

Enjoy the weekend everybody!!

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9 years 7 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Nice little surprise, I had no advance warning. No email shipping notice...was getting worried. Just spinning disc 1, Mighty fine, love how it starts

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10 years 5 months

In reply to by perithecat


The Warfield vinyl was 10,000 and the cd 6,000 I believe. They did a limited (unnumbered) cd for 11/18/72 AFTER it was released for Black Friday RSD. Those Hofheinz cds were on sale here for a good long while before they finally sold out, now they go for around 100 bucks. So, grab the 2 cd set of the Warfield for 20 bucks while you can!

They played an early and late show each night at the Fillmore East for this run, hence the goodnight being after Feedback for that set. There was an encore following that sequence, too. But Bill Graham had bands do an early and evening set at the Fillmore East. The ABB put out a complete box set of their early and late shows that produced their classic Live at Fillmore East a few years ago, they mainly repeated their sets with little changes, but they had a much smaller repertoire. Thankfully, the Dead changed up the sets completely. Hopefully people bought tickets for both shows.

The tapes are from Bear's collection/Owsley Stanley Foundation. My first assumption had been they were more from the Houseboat Tape collection, since most of the tapes given to the Godchauxs were Bear recordings from this general period, but the credit in Dave's video and the liners is the Foundation. Which is good news, because it represents another source for tapes that may be missing from the Vault, and in an exciting period.

I got an email from UPS to say that it was being delivered on Friday. Being away I changed the date but they delivered it anyway according to my neighbour who checks while I’m away! Only trouble is I have two subscriptions (one I get for a friend) and only one has turned up!

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Member for

17 years

Can someone PM me or post the actual sequence for 1/3/70 ? I like to file so when I replay, I hear the show as it was originally played. Thanks, iG

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Member for

14 years 5 months

Setlist for 1/3/70 is refer you to the archive.

I dont have my compendium anymore.


Early show
Morning Dew, Me & My Uncle, Hard To Handle, Cumberland 😔, Cold Rain & Snow, Alligator -> Drumz -> Alligator -> Feedback E: Uncle John's Band
Late Show
Casey Jones, Mama Tried, Big Boss Man, China -> Rider, Mason's Children, Cryptical -> Drumz -> TOO -> Cryptical -> Cosmic Charlie, Uncle John's Band -> Black Peter, Dire Wolf, Good Lovin', Dancin' E: St. Stephen -> Midnight Hour
via DeadBase
....the mailmans eta is in approx 1 hr. Tracking info still not helping. Spinning Hawaii in the meantime.
My mailbox does have a slight glow to it however. Optimism vs Pessimism. A battle as old as time.

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7 years 3 months

Just listened to Dave's Picks Volume 30

Disc 3 has one of the grooviest, cooliest ,spaciest, "Dark Star" I ever heard!

Really a superb edition of Dave's Picks!

Thank You!

The UPS driver was there at my front door when getting home from work yesterday. What could be cooler than that? Well, the artwork for the bonus disc for one! To share a few thoughts that popped up last night with an initial listen of January 2:

--love the way Jerry digs and twists the melody around in his Cumberland solos

-- very nice TOO > Cosmic Charlie segue

--I never really thought of DIre Wolf as a 'folk song', but I hear now how those roots are there (I still didn't sing along though)

--Me & My Uncle has a slight spaghetti western quality to it, kinda goofy, but in a good way

--Dark Star......from deep space found myself roused into a Tighten Up samba jam which sounded like it had hints of what later would become Eyes, and much, much later, Foolish Heart, which was easily the highlight for me. Always great to make those connections that span decades!

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14 years 7 months

Is it just my copy or are all the vocals coming from the right speaker. Very soft on front left side. Is it just my copy or is this throughout? do I need to get in a Bear state of mind to listen to this. Shit drives me crazy.

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Member for

11 years 5 months

...it was in my P.O. Box this morning...drove back to work very very slowly...the "St. Stephen > The Eleven..." scared off all of the wildlife...

.... definitely underrated. Mailman is late. Maybe he busted it open already!
Nappy Rags. The Dead also control how my foot is applied to the gas pedal. Good to know I'm not the only one.
Fivebranch called out a nice Cumberland. Cool.
Hey Nappy!! You live in the Grand Canyon area, right? If you get on your pony and ride, you could make the Phil show. I have a spare room.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

Mine DP 30 arrived today. Uploading now.

Soon, I will have an aged single malt in hand, a cool spring breeze, and the Dead playing over my yard.

As it should be.

....I wonder if he got a re-entry stamp on his wrist in the Mos Eisley cantina? The fur may pose an issue.
Apologies. I multitask....

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11 years 5 months

In reply to by Vguy72


...She caught the Katy and left me a mule to ride...but thanks for the offer

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