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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Charlie3
    To Be Fair...

    The bank that Rip broke into looked a lot like a regular house.

  • carlo13

    I heard about the bank incident. Funny as hell.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: RIP Rip

    Damn, hadn't heard that til I saw Carlo's post. Guy was hilarious on the Larry Sanders Show. Another reason he's a legend is a drunken binge he went on several years ago had him outdoing Lee Marvin. Marvin was a notorious drunk, and one night, plastered, as usual, he drove himself home and found his keys wouldn't open the door, so he broke in, only to find out he had moved several years before, and the current owner was pretty pissed. Well, how does Rip top that? By doing the same thing, only he had stopped at a bank, and broken into the bank in the middle of the night thinking it was his house. Also, he was armed at the time, because, of course he was. How he got just probation is a sad tale for the American legal system, but I hope the old Salty Dog rests in peace.


    Also, my favorite Artie line from Larry Sanders may be from what became the first episode, The Garden Weasel when he says to a new female network executive, "Don't take this as a threat, but I killed a man like you in Korea. Hand to hand."

  • carlo13

    Did I make it first . Could use it. Thanks let me know.

  • Mind-Left-Body
    All Yours Butch

    Need your address

  • Butch
    Check PM MLB!!

    Just sent!

  • Mind-Left-Body
    Giving Away Burned Copy of Fillmore West Complete

    A "burned"copy of Fillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings + Bonus. I made it for someone who no longer needs it. First to PM me. I have an extra book for it as well.

  • CaseyJanes
    Tales from The Gorge, Part 2: Shakedown

    As mentioned in Part 1 of the story, BIL (Brother In Law), and I had just gotten off the bus which had dropped us off all the way at the back of the lot. This was approximately ¼ - ½ mile from the entrance to the venue, which wasn’t so bad except for we were carrying a 12 pack (minus the 2 beers we drank on the bus) in a large bucket filled with ice. The lot looked to be almost completely full at this point with more cars cramming in. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of the tailgates we have here in KC at Arrowhead, except for folks were decked out in Dead gear, Tie Dye, and other various costumes & hippie wear. We trudged along, checking out the scene while I tried to call a friend of mine named Chuck who I had met the past year on Dead.net. Chuck is a KC native who has spent the last few decades living in the Seattle area and started sporadically touring with the band last year. Chuck and his crew of 7 tour buds were camping in the main public camping area at the Gorge which was visible to BIL and I from where we stood, but way up on a hill and very far away. I’m not sure how far it was, but it looked like a mile or more, up-hill, and with the heavy bucket weighing us down, we didn’t think it was worth the walk as by the time we got up there and found Chuck , we would have to start walking back or risk not getting into the show on time, which would have been entirely unacceptable. So, we opted not to take this particular trip. This turned out to be a catch 22 as we later found out that the camping area is where Shakedown was located at The Gorge which would mean no Shakedown for us this weekend, and also the logistics made it so I wasn’t ever able to meet up with Chuck  (next time my friend)……..but we ended up being correct about getting into the show on time, as many folks were still in line and missed some of the first set even after arriving at the entrance at least an hour before start time.

    When we arrive near the entrance, the place was a zoo. There were long lines already formed at will call and at the VIP/media entrance. We already had our tickets so this was not a problem for us. We did not have VIP entrance passes or wristbands for the VIP drink area inside, and being that Shakedown was no where in site, we decided to post up and take a seat on these large boulders that separate the parking from the entrance to the venue. As it turns out, this was a very fortuitous decision. There was already an old Deadhead biker dude who had done the same, so we cracked some beers and started shooting the shit with him. Turns out he was at Woodstock and saw the entire show including the Dead and the closing Jimmy Hendrix act. Wow, this was the first person I had ever met who could make this claim! About this time, another dude came around selling Stealie stickers for $1, so we checked those out, but nah we don’t want one, and as the dude walked off I said….”hold on a second wait! Would you be interested in trading one of your stickers for one of my buttons?” After checking out the buttons he was quick to agree, and so my button adventure had officially begun!!! I turned to Woodstock biker guy and said would you like one too? “Yeah, I’ll take one” he said with a big smile, and pinned it to his jacket. Holy shit….that was cool! I felt really good at that moment and started looking for others whom I could give away a button!

    As the song says, Once in a while you can get shown the light….and while the reason that I came was most certainly the music, followed by the communion with 20,000+ like-minded folks & freaks, giving away the buttons was without question my strangest of places if you look at it right. I made a few trades with them; a little bar of homemade soap shaped like a dancing bear, and a couple of stickers, but mostly I just gave them away. I only had 100 per night, so I was somewhat selective in who I gave them to. I chose people who had on Grate outfits, really cool Tie Dyes, or who showed a lot of spirit through good dancing, good deeds or just general happy nature and good vibe that I could feel. This was so much fun, and felt so good, I can’t even begin to describe it. Tears me up a little right now just thinking back to some of the moments. The smiles after giving these buttons were big, full and truly grateful for such a tiny trinket. I can’t tell you the number of people that would hold it up to their hearts, smile huge and then look me in the eye and thank me with all sincerity, after which some of them would give me a big hug like we were long lost friends or family and had known each other for years. Word was getting out a little, and some folks were starting to come up to me and either offer me trades and or ask outright if they could have a button. I didn’t once turn anyone down who asked for either. One filthy looking hippie dude came up to me and asked me if I would like to trade him for a used tube of CBD infused chap-stick, and I answered yes after hearing the word trade! “What, wait hold on a second…..no way man, I said laughing, after realizing what I had just agreed to. Keep your chap-stick and just take a button for free dude”! He then took the button, smiled that big smile I was getting used to, then like a true head, dead pan asked, “Do you want to hit my joint”?, as he held up a half-smoked fired up spliff. “Fuck yeah”, I say, taking the joint for a couple of puffs while we all laugh our asses off at the hilarity of the moment. Only at a Dead show, ha, ha….laughing now just thinking about it!

    Much has already been said about the line at The Gorge, and I have to agree the situation at the gate was in true Dead fashion, a complete clusterfuck. As early as 3 hours before (but probably significantly longer), the official start time of the show, we noticed that lines to the normal entrance were already started to form. We were not far from the entrance sitting on our boulders and it just so happened that the line formed almost directly into our spot, so without even having to move from our little party spot, we found ourselves already in line and maybe only a half of a city block from the entrance. Aside from tiny movements in the line we basically were able to stay in this spot until they started letting people in, which was maybe 1.5 hours before show time. BIL and I made friends with some of the folks around us in line, drank on our IPA’s, smoked a few joints along with our oil pipes, and I gave away buttons. Before we knew it, the line started to slowly move forward, and our party moved with it.

    As we inched our way slowly toward the entrance, I started to get the munchies, so I figured now was just as good time as any to have the first serving of veggies. I pulled out the Wild Willie’s Reserve Joint tube where I had stored them and split them up equal, 2 parts for me and 1 part for BIL. I ate mine and then handed BIL his share which he happily gobbled down. I had asked some folks in line earlier about security, and specifically marijuana being that it is legal in Washington. Due to legality, no one seemed to think it would be an issue and so I took no security precautions whatsoever as we approached security, and left all of my pre-rolled joints (3 or 4 left at this point) in the plastic tubes that they came in. Boy were they wrong, and was I stupid!!! We were getting really close now and I still had a few unopened beers in the bucket (BIL is not much of a beer drinker). I gave away a couple of “miracle” beers, popped a top and guzzled one myself, paying little attention to what was going on in front of me at security. When we finally got to the metal detectors, my idiot plan was just to openly put all of my shit into the tubs they offer to pass around the metal detectors and so that’s exactly what I did. My lighter, plastic tubes full of pre-rolled joints, tube of veggies, wallet, phone, basically everything went into that fucking plastic tub. The next thing I know the dude is rifling through my shit in the plastic tub while stating “you can’t take this in”. One by one he reads each tube and says sorry this isn’t allowed, and then he yells “BLACK BAG, BLACK BAG”…..this chick then walks up with an already full trash bag and the dude drops all of my shit while she calmly smiles at me….”No, you can’t…..but that’s my….” I start to say, but it was too late. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
    BIL has a similar experience, as did a lot of other folks in line. They were going through everything; blankets, bags, jackets etc….even dumping out full boxes of cigarettes to find the hidden joints inside. The one thing they were not doing is full pat downs, so everything left in the pockets was fine. Luckily, I had forgotten to put my oil pen in the plastic tub and BIL had purposefully omitted his so those got through. Since the tube with the last helping of veggies was not sealed, the guy slid the tube open, I guess he must of looked at the empty side or just didn’t notice because he politely handed that tube back to me. Tragedy narrowly averted there.

    Now being robbed of our goods we regrouped, quickly took inventory of what we had left which was very little and congratulated each other on not being arrested. As my good friend Jeff would say who designed the buttons, Onward!!!

  • icecrmcnkd
    2-28-69 vinyl in the house

    $90 out the door including tax from a local brick and mortar.

    Morning Dew sounds great so far. Going to spin side 1, then go outside for a while with the dog. Once the sun has set I’ll be back on the couch to spin the rest of the show and watch TDF on mute.

    Let’s stick with the 80’s as the third release and go with 3-9-81. We know there are good sounding recordings of that show.

  • carlo13

    I just read the Earthquake article in the New York times and these foreshocks as they say could be a warning. You live in this area? What is it like in the public? Are people still on eggshells? What are you thoughts. Be safe.

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6 years 11 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

The clues have dried up and we are already at the end of May. The PNW box is still available for those that do not have it yet.
I was looking through the liner notes of the Dead Set reissue. For disc 2, they have songs from the Warfield dates and Radio City, which would lead me to believe they would have had the full shows when they completed that reissue. Maybe this year is the year we get that fantastic run! I need more Shakedown Streets.
If not 1980, my guess would be a late 80's Shoreline run.
Hopefully next week is the week??

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9 years 10 months

I just saw that real gone music is releasing road trips vol 3 no 3 June 14th.

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by mustin321


when I hear the opening notes I go "uhh".

never was a fan.

oh, I've listened to plenty of them, and still do, but..."not Lovelight _again_!!!"

"I get action from my piggly wiggly woman..."


then the band jams hard on it which is good

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...a grateful day to everyone!
the dead.net store is sold out/out of stock as of right now. Wow! That’s a grateful positive sign for the band and the fans! Excited for this release... take care everyone, god bless.

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...I’m listening to the Grateful Dead’s ‘Road Trips Vol.1 No.2’ Bonus Disc as I write this post.
Recordings included on the donus Disc come from 10/7/77, 10/11/77, 10/14/77 & 10/16/77.
Sweet Set-list...’Scarlet Begonias>>Fire On The Mountain , Estimated Prophet, Loser, Sunrise, Iko Iko>>The Wheel>>Wharf Rat>>Sugar Magnolia’ !!! PRIMO lol 🙏❤️😎
PS. I posted this before but Incase anyone missed it, Dead.net store has the Road Trips Vol.1 No.2 ‘October 77’ available to purchase and for $20 you can’t go wrong. The few copies available from dead.net also includes the Bonus Disc ! I mentioned above the contents of the set-list. So for $20 you recieve 3 CDs of primo Grateful Dead music from one of their greatest tours durning the Dead’s history. It still makes me smile that started from the 2008 release date!
Rock on my brothers & sisters, peace be with you all! 🙏❤️😎

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Lovemygirl


....H>S>F and a Scarlet>Fire in the same show. A very nice Picasso Moon. A lilting Attics and Steve Miller sat in from Spoonful to the end of the show. I took my younger sister to this one and dosed her. I remember her & I sitting in our car after the show people watching until they made us leave. She bought a grilled cheese in the lot, proceeded to open and close the slices of bread, amazed at how the cheese stretched then would reform it its original form when she closed the bread slices back together. I don't think she ever ate it. She's a good looking woman and I had to keep fending off my friends from hitting on her. Good times....

...in case anyone was looking for it (I was), Dead & Co just dropped webcast info for Summer tour. They waited til like the last possible second considering it starts tonight....just sayin'.

VGuy, I concur - that is a pretty good show from this end...


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10 years 6 months

I'm not a love light fan either, generally speaking...but 5/24/72 was basically the only version I knew for years, as it was a bonus track on Rockin' The Rhein. It's 12 minutes with no rapping and some of the most unique jamming theses guys did. To each his own, but I'd hate for you to miss out on something special. But I could be too late. The half hour piggly wiggly pocket ball versions may have ruined it for life. I shit you not, if I had only 3 Pigpen tunes to take to my desert island, the 5/24/72 Lovelight would be one of them. Good luck.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


....sweet! What's also sweet, is that nugs is offering a free stream tonight of the Unlimited Devotion Rex Foundation Benefit. They're also streaming the JRAD show in Eugene tonight. Let's see....TV, PC & Tablet. I'm all set! Dead & Co is only in HD? No SD?

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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hi All,
I am slightly late to ABB discussion. However recently over on the Grateful Dead Guide blogspot, the author posted a great and thorough comparison of The Dead and ABB. Now I am fairly certain the point of this was more to showcase the times each band shared the bill and/or collaborated on stage together. Still the author does go into detail about what ABB members thought of the Grateful Dead and such. I am not going to review all of this but rather I am sharing the link below so all of you can check it out if you feel like it:


For me personally I love the ABB. I saw them twice with their version of the Core Four in the line up: Greg, Dickey, Butch and Jaimoe. I also saw the line up several times that included Warren, Oteil, and Derek. I always had a good time at their shows and I felt they really went after it when they jammed. Interestingly, the last time I saw the ABB was in 2008 when they played in State College, PA. Also on that bill that night was The Dead…

I loved Roguedeadguy’s description of each band; that was spot on. I will say when it comes down to it for me though The Grateful Dead always were able to hit me on an emotional level that ABB couldn’t. As a matter of fact, The Grateful Dead are really the only band that has the ability to take my heart, mind, and soul on journeys. Besides this The Grateful Dead did have many innovative ideas that they pursued which I also think have made them second to none. For the ABB though, that early period of 69-73 is tremendous. I have not heard any shows from 74-76, and I know they started to unravel in those years as band turmoil took over. Yet with the band losing two of it’s main members in succession and still being able to produce great music and jams is quite amazing if you ask me. My only issue with the ABB is that since they did not have the innovations that the Grateful Dead had there is a lack of live material from them. Of course there is a lot from 1971 and that is important as not only did they have both Duane and Berry then but that was a peak year the band as well. However from what I have heard form 72 and 73 those years are pretty good too. Outside of a few radio broadcast bootleg CDs and one release from 72 and two from 73 there is not much material from those years out there.

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by KeithFan2112


I still will listen to Lovelight, but my initial reaction is always...uhh.

I listen for the jams

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...CD back in stock at Dead.net store! Ha that was quick lol 🙏❤️😎

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Member for

8 years 10 months

... I’m playing ‘ Ladies & Gentlemen’ The Grateful Dead - Fillmore East NY April 1971!
Love this release , CD 1 ‘Good Lovin’ is primo Pigpen version, excelent add lib and the band is on fire! 🙏❤️🤠

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12 years 4 months

In reply to by Lovemygirl


I'd bet a dollar a doughnut (there's a phrase that needs updating, time to raise pinky to lip), but I JUST got confirmation of the cancellation of my mistaken second order. So the "system" worked for me, but maybe this means if you order two of something by mistake (or otherwise), you can cancel your order and it will be returned to the 'general' pool of availability, vs if you offered to the boards first. This would limit a limited thing to maybe(?) a group of people who wait everyday for such a thing. Or not, obviously more 'heads' out there, then there are here and they deserve an equal shot at the returned item.

sorry for the interruption

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Member for

9 years 5 months

Beatles for Sale - Beatles
Vancouver 6/22/73 - Grateful Dead
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Genesis, been too long since my last listen, cool album.
Pet Sounds (mono) - Beach Boys, a classic album from start to finish, but Caroline No really does it for me.

Currently revisiting Electric Larryland by the Butthole Surfers, an album with some weird and cool stuff, especially Pepper at high volumes.

I don't mind the sun sometimes
The images it shows
I can taste you on my lips
And smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary
And softly spoken lies
You never know just how to look
Through other peoples eyes

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by Charlie3


some goooooood psychedelia

Locust Abortion Technician

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Why would a sold out aoxo. cd be a positive sign for the Dead and the fans?

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by carlo13


being sold out means that 50 years after its release, this ol' band's material still has legs.

long live the GD!

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Makes sense. Also, Crosby,stills and nash still sell over a million albums a year. Now that's staying power! P.S not including newer albums.

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Member for

16 years 4 months

I don't know. Oh! 4/8/72.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by fourwindsblow


The last one listened too.. of course. 11/8/69, Fillmore Auditorium.

Dark Star
The Other One
Dark Star
Uncle John's Band Jam
Dark Star
St. Stephen
The Eleven
Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)
And We Bid You Goodnight

Holy Cow.. I was exhausted just from the totality of what transpired during my morning bike ride.. Not to mention what happened in the afternoon.

While listening to it.. I wondered... when was the first time they went into The Other One without the Cryptical.. without doing That's It For The Other One? If nobody knows it offhand I might have to figure it out.

Going into The Other One, especially Dark Star > The Other One makes a powerful statement. Powerful indeed.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Driving home from work. Spent the whole day working on a dispute letter, 12 pages, to avoid paying for services I didn't order. These motherfuckers have been chasing me down for 4 years, from one collection agency to the next. Fuck them fuck them fuck them.

Jimbo I'm going to go with the Academy Music run in March of 72. I'm almost positive they didn't play it on any of the other ones there, I know they played it late into December '71on Dave's Picks 22 and 26 right?

And now I'm going back to May 24th 1972, me and my uncle. I need to turn it up to 35 and Listen to Jerry rip the shit out of this solo again. Let's just hope my EZPass works. Shity fucking day.

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Member for

7 years 5 months

"My friends call me Keithfan you can call me John?" What the hell does that mean? Lol. Sounds like Abbott and Costello or something.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


To state the obvious, if you have one this may be good news-if you don't-then maybe less so. Not referring to Aoxomoxoa, specifically-just things in general.

My last two have been 4/17/72 followed by 4/21/72, after a gap of a month from E72 shows. Excellent in every respect-and possibly the best recorded sound of a Stratocaster not being played by Jimi Hendrix. Or Jeff Beck.

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Member for

8 years 7 months

Furthering our discussion on this monumentally important topic . . . and kind of related to MD Jim's question . . . are there any instances where they went into TOO cold . . . as in they concluded the prior song, stopped playing, and then "BA-DOO-BA-DOO-BA-DOO-DOO-BA-DOO-BAAAAAAAA" straight into a ripping TOO?

They would do that with Dark Stars, and with the full Cryptical - TOO Suite, I just can't think of one where The Other One didn't spawn from another song.

Anyway I love Other Ones, often times more than Dark Stars. Dark Stars really call for a careful, focused listening which isn't always practical. Other Ones I can just rock out to anytime anywhere.

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Member for

10 years 3 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


1. Dave's picks 25- Binghamton
2. Bruce Springsteen - The River
3. Allman Brothers - 6-24-1996 SPAC
4.Daves 27 - Boise
5. Pure Jerry volume 7 - Hampton 1991

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by KeithFan2112


Fuck them 1000x

Everybody comes after a persons money

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Member for

9 years 5 months

Saw that Rocky Erickson of the 13th Floor Elevators died. I always dug the Elevators, served as regular background music during a sustained period of psychedelic wandering.

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by Charlie3



Thank you for the music, my man.

I know whats on todays playlist.

A raise of the glass the three eyed man

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


Really sorry to read of the death of Roky Erickson. "Psychedelic Sounds Of.." and "Easter Everywhere" have been on my regular playlist since I first heard them in 1978. The Elevators have gone down in history, with The Dead, a being pioneers of psychedelic rock-but Roky was a great vocalist in his own right, irrespective of the era that has come to define him. But he was also truly mythic. I only saw him once, in 2007. He mainly played songs from his first solo album, "Five Symbols" with only "You're Gonna Miss Me" cropping up from the Elevators song book. But it was a great gig - all the abuse he suffered-but that voice remained-pure as ever.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Nothing scary about this, wtf. A few minutes in and everything's sunshine and butterflies.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! That sun should have gone down hours ago!

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12 years 1 month

In reply to by KeithFan2112


As I live and breathe...a Billy Saluga reference here...never would of imagined it...thank Dennis

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Member for

13 years 9 months

... listening to this gem of a show now. Man, I think this would make a great release. Dave, hello? Dave? What about Gainesville? Dave?

Anyone else agree? ;)


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Member for

7 years 10 months

But Bruce string bean sucks. Sorry

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Member for

13 years 9 months

Ya know, scrolling through my Music Bee, looking at these shows, the FLA 80 run (11/26,28,29) are overall really good and unique shows. Would make a cool 3-show box, if the tapes are usable.

If you haven't checked these shows out, they are all strong. Also, electric versions of a lot of the acoustic tunes from Reckoning... electric Deep Elem? Yep, it's awesome. The Sportatorium show has a Cold Rain 2nd set opener, the Lakeland has a Stranger, To Lay Me Down 2nd set opening combo,... and then, there is Gainesville....

Anyway, these are some really great fall of 80 shows, worthy of recognition. Let's just hope the tapes are good. If not, there are good to better than decent AUDs of all 3.

Rock on, and happy weekend, DeadLand!


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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by Thats_Otis


It’s in the 30 Trips Box

But yeah, what about Gainesville?

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Otis my man! I don't often venture past Dead set and the Grateful Dead go to Nassau... But 1980 is a little bit of a sweet spot so I'm going to check out the Florida shows you recommend, thanks buddy.

Not for the light-hearted, as it is an audience recording, but put on some headphones and don't let anybody interrupt you for a half hour or so, and here's some of that magic similar to the Dick's Picks 16 medley that Jim was talking about yesterday. This is really really really good stuff, it is a tragedy that it's not in the vault. I'm sure this is not news to a lot of you, but I've had the 69/70 bug lately and this one really carried me off. It's definitely one you want to sit down and get in the right mood for if you know what I mean.


Dark Star =>
Attics Of My Life =>
Dark Star, Pt. 2 =>
Sugar Magnolia =>
Dark Star, Pt. 3 =>
St. Stephen

And there's no crime in staying tuned for the China Rider and Uncle John's Band that follows.


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Member for

10 years 6 months

It sounds like you're our authority on The Other One. I like how you're thinking - maybe come out for the second set to a completely dark stage and then just go wild with those rumbling opening bass notes; then crank on some lights when everybody else jumps in. For the Dark Stars it sounds like you need to be in the right frame of mind eh? I've kind of gotten hooked on them myself. I have a playlist that's all Dark Stars. Then I started integrating '72 / '73 Bird Songs and '73 / '74 China Cat Sun Riders. But there's nothing more satisfying in music these days for me than listening to Jerry noodle through Dark Star at high volume. The louder the better. I guess that goes without saying. You must really love DP 18' s The Other One from Feb '78. I'll bet you have a devastating top 10 list.

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In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Don't forget 11/26/80 Sportatorium - Pembroke Pines, Fl...the same site as DP3 5/22/77. 11/30/80 was DaP8.

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Damn Google Translator - you should see some of the shit this thing comes up with that I do catch and edit. Thanks

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In reply to by KeithFan2112


You're welcome…I edited as well. I had to laugh out loud since I had just taken 2 (Dr. prescribed).

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In reply to by DaveStrang


If 11/26/80 & 11/29/80 are in the vault they could be combined with 12/12-14/80 if they're in the vault for a tasty 5 show box…

I think we may see some 4/78 shows as DaPs…when either DaP7 4/24/78 or DaP15 4/22/78 were released I seem to recall DL saying these were ear-marked for a '78 box…I think that box became the July '78 Box Set.

Any thoughts on either?

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