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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Charlie3
    To Be Fair...

    The bank that Rip broke into looked a lot like a regular house.

  • carlo13

    I heard about the bank incident. Funny as hell.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: RIP Rip

    Damn, hadn't heard that til I saw Carlo's post. Guy was hilarious on the Larry Sanders Show. Another reason he's a legend is a drunken binge he went on several years ago had him outdoing Lee Marvin. Marvin was a notorious drunk, and one night, plastered, as usual, he drove himself home and found his keys wouldn't open the door, so he broke in, only to find out he had moved several years before, and the current owner was pretty pissed. Well, how does Rip top that? By doing the same thing, only he had stopped at a bank, and broken into the bank in the middle of the night thinking it was his house. Also, he was armed at the time, because, of course he was. How he got just probation is a sad tale for the American legal system, but I hope the old Salty Dog rests in peace.


    Also, my favorite Artie line from Larry Sanders may be from what became the first episode, The Garden Weasel when he says to a new female network executive, "Don't take this as a threat, but I killed a man like you in Korea. Hand to hand."

  • carlo13

    Did I make it first . Could use it. Thanks let me know.

  • Mind-Left-Body
    All Yours Butch

    Need your address

  • Butch
    Check PM MLB!!

    Just sent!

  • Mind-Left-Body
    Giving Away Burned Copy of Fillmore West Complete

    A "burned"copy of Fillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings + Bonus. I made it for someone who no longer needs it. First to PM me. I have an extra book for it as well.

  • CaseyJanes
    Tales from The Gorge, Part 2: Shakedown

    As mentioned in Part 1 of the story, BIL (Brother In Law), and I had just gotten off the bus which had dropped us off all the way at the back of the lot. This was approximately ¼ - ½ mile from the entrance to the venue, which wasn’t so bad except for we were carrying a 12 pack (minus the 2 beers we drank on the bus) in a large bucket filled with ice. The lot looked to be almost completely full at this point with more cars cramming in. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of the tailgates we have here in KC at Arrowhead, except for folks were decked out in Dead gear, Tie Dye, and other various costumes & hippie wear. We trudged along, checking out the scene while I tried to call a friend of mine named Chuck who I had met the past year on Dead.net. Chuck is a KC native who has spent the last few decades living in the Seattle area and started sporadically touring with the band last year. Chuck and his crew of 7 tour buds were camping in the main public camping area at the Gorge which was visible to BIL and I from where we stood, but way up on a hill and very far away. I’m not sure how far it was, but it looked like a mile or more, up-hill, and with the heavy bucket weighing us down, we didn’t think it was worth the walk as by the time we got up there and found Chuck , we would have to start walking back or risk not getting into the show on time, which would have been entirely unacceptable. So, we opted not to take this particular trip. This turned out to be a catch 22 as we later found out that the camping area is where Shakedown was located at The Gorge which would mean no Shakedown for us this weekend, and also the logistics made it so I wasn’t ever able to meet up with Chuck  (next time my friend)……..but we ended up being correct about getting into the show on time, as many folks were still in line and missed some of the first set even after arriving at the entrance at least an hour before start time.

    When we arrive near the entrance, the place was a zoo. There were long lines already formed at will call and at the VIP/media entrance. We already had our tickets so this was not a problem for us. We did not have VIP entrance passes or wristbands for the VIP drink area inside, and being that Shakedown was no where in site, we decided to post up and take a seat on these large boulders that separate the parking from the entrance to the venue. As it turns out, this was a very fortuitous decision. There was already an old Deadhead biker dude who had done the same, so we cracked some beers and started shooting the shit with him. Turns out he was at Woodstock and saw the entire show including the Dead and the closing Jimmy Hendrix act. Wow, this was the first person I had ever met who could make this claim! About this time, another dude came around selling Stealie stickers for $1, so we checked those out, but nah we don’t want one, and as the dude walked off I said….”hold on a second wait! Would you be interested in trading one of your stickers for one of my buttons?” After checking out the buttons he was quick to agree, and so my button adventure had officially begun!!! I turned to Woodstock biker guy and said would you like one too? “Yeah, I’ll take one” he said with a big smile, and pinned it to his jacket. Holy shit….that was cool! I felt really good at that moment and started looking for others whom I could give away a button!

    As the song says, Once in a while you can get shown the light….and while the reason that I came was most certainly the music, followed by the communion with 20,000+ like-minded folks & freaks, giving away the buttons was without question my strangest of places if you look at it right. I made a few trades with them; a little bar of homemade soap shaped like a dancing bear, and a couple of stickers, but mostly I just gave them away. I only had 100 per night, so I was somewhat selective in who I gave them to. I chose people who had on Grate outfits, really cool Tie Dyes, or who showed a lot of spirit through good dancing, good deeds or just general happy nature and good vibe that I could feel. This was so much fun, and felt so good, I can’t even begin to describe it. Tears me up a little right now just thinking back to some of the moments. The smiles after giving these buttons were big, full and truly grateful for such a tiny trinket. I can’t tell you the number of people that would hold it up to their hearts, smile huge and then look me in the eye and thank me with all sincerity, after which some of them would give me a big hug like we were long lost friends or family and had known each other for years. Word was getting out a little, and some folks were starting to come up to me and either offer me trades and or ask outright if they could have a button. I didn’t once turn anyone down who asked for either. One filthy looking hippie dude came up to me and asked me if I would like to trade him for a used tube of CBD infused chap-stick, and I answered yes after hearing the word trade! “What, wait hold on a second…..no way man, I said laughing, after realizing what I had just agreed to. Keep your chap-stick and just take a button for free dude”! He then took the button, smiled that big smile I was getting used to, then like a true head, dead pan asked, “Do you want to hit my joint”?, as he held up a half-smoked fired up spliff. “Fuck yeah”, I say, taking the joint for a couple of puffs while we all laugh our asses off at the hilarity of the moment. Only at a Dead show, ha, ha….laughing now just thinking about it!

    Much has already been said about the line at The Gorge, and I have to agree the situation at the gate was in true Dead fashion, a complete clusterfuck. As early as 3 hours before (but probably significantly longer), the official start time of the show, we noticed that lines to the normal entrance were already started to form. We were not far from the entrance sitting on our boulders and it just so happened that the line formed almost directly into our spot, so without even having to move from our little party spot, we found ourselves already in line and maybe only a half of a city block from the entrance. Aside from tiny movements in the line we basically were able to stay in this spot until they started letting people in, which was maybe 1.5 hours before show time. BIL and I made friends with some of the folks around us in line, drank on our IPA’s, smoked a few joints along with our oil pipes, and I gave away buttons. Before we knew it, the line started to slowly move forward, and our party moved with it.

    As we inched our way slowly toward the entrance, I started to get the munchies, so I figured now was just as good time as any to have the first serving of veggies. I pulled out the Wild Willie’s Reserve Joint tube where I had stored them and split them up equal, 2 parts for me and 1 part for BIL. I ate mine and then handed BIL his share which he happily gobbled down. I had asked some folks in line earlier about security, and specifically marijuana being that it is legal in Washington. Due to legality, no one seemed to think it would be an issue and so I took no security precautions whatsoever as we approached security, and left all of my pre-rolled joints (3 or 4 left at this point) in the plastic tubes that they came in. Boy were they wrong, and was I stupid!!! We were getting really close now and I still had a few unopened beers in the bucket (BIL is not much of a beer drinker). I gave away a couple of “miracle” beers, popped a top and guzzled one myself, paying little attention to what was going on in front of me at security. When we finally got to the metal detectors, my idiot plan was just to openly put all of my shit into the tubs they offer to pass around the metal detectors and so that’s exactly what I did. My lighter, plastic tubes full of pre-rolled joints, tube of veggies, wallet, phone, basically everything went into that fucking plastic tub. The next thing I know the dude is rifling through my shit in the plastic tub while stating “you can’t take this in”. One by one he reads each tube and says sorry this isn’t allowed, and then he yells “BLACK BAG, BLACK BAG”…..this chick then walks up with an already full trash bag and the dude drops all of my shit while she calmly smiles at me….”No, you can’t…..but that’s my….” I start to say, but it was too late. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
    BIL has a similar experience, as did a lot of other folks in line. They were going through everything; blankets, bags, jackets etc….even dumping out full boxes of cigarettes to find the hidden joints inside. The one thing they were not doing is full pat downs, so everything left in the pockets was fine. Luckily, I had forgotten to put my oil pen in the plastic tub and BIL had purposefully omitted his so those got through. Since the tube with the last helping of veggies was not sealed, the guy slid the tube open, I guess he must of looked at the empty side or just didn’t notice because he politely handed that tube back to me. Tragedy narrowly averted there.

    Now being robbed of our goods we regrouped, quickly took inventory of what we had left which was very little and congratulated each other on not being arrested. As my good friend Jeff would say who designed the buttons, Onward!!!

  • icecrmcnkd
    2-28-69 vinyl in the house

    $90 out the door including tax from a local brick and mortar.

    Morning Dew sounds great so far. Going to spin side 1, then go outside for a while with the dog. Once the sun has set I’ll be back on the couch to spin the rest of the show and watch TDF on mute.

    Let’s stick with the 80’s as the third release and go with 3-9-81. We know there are good sounding recordings of that show.

  • carlo13

    I just read the Earthquake article in the New York times and these foreshocks as they say could be a warning. You live in this area? What is it like in the public? Are people still on eggshells? What are you thoughts. Be safe.

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6 years 11 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by Lovemygirl


.. while we are waiting on the box set announcement (like we don't already know exactly what that's gonna be).

They have been playing the hell out of the studio version of this song on SiriusXM Deep Tracks the last six months or so, and it piqued my curiosity.. A traditional song handed down from the writers grandfather and called the Peyote Healing Chant. No wonder it caught my interest.. don't be scared off by the vocal intro, the gem is in the instrumental pieces in the middle. The studio version might be better, but we are a live audience, right?


Hypnotic and has that mescaline vibe..

What does this have to do with the GD? Jim Pepper was a jazz sax player and Billy Cobham played on his 1971 album Pepper's Pow Wow and also with Bobby and Midnights. Oh.. and it's pretty psychedelic. Great sax player and a good song when you are really, really stoned (or at least I have been told).

I hope this isn't too much a diversion..

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Member for

7 years 10 months

I can't believe that they would charge $800.00 for the Woodstock box which has about $25 worth of cds including paper and other stuff. I know that the music has value but to make that kind of profit is crazy. But that's my view. You could get 7 or 8 years Dap subscriptions for that price. Sorry to offend anyone.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by carlo13


....if I was there, yes. Shit Carlos, if they put out a Vegas box featuring every show they played here (including the ones in the 80's, which I did not attend), I would pony up $800. Alas....
VegasStrong. Born and raised.
It's a niche audience that they're attracting.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Right!! If we were there,yes. The baby boomers have more clams,cabbage, coin,bananas. Like Tony soprano would say. Forgettaboutit.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by carlo13


I have no interest in it. It's simply too expensive compared to what you get, especially for me right now.

I honestly do not know what the royalties and contractual obligations might be, so to call it greedy might not be 100% accurate. ..like what if a particular estate held out and said no, unless we get $XX's + XX%, etc. no deal, and without that artist the entire concept was a nogo.. But for me it's just not a great value and I have absolutely no interest in it. (well, I guess if a particular artist or estate holds out for excess cash, that is greed.. but its hard to say who and why).

I'd much rather get the Old Years Pink Floyd Box, but I passed on that for price too. ...but I was and still am oh so tempted. Speaking of box sets.... could tomorrow be the day?

Now, back to your regularly scheduled drums and space....

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Member for

7 years 10 months

I still have some tapes and cds of old that still sound great. It's not worth it for me to get the remasters. If you're used to it without hearing the remasters it doesn't really matter. I'm cool with old school.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

JiminMD, right there with you and Carlo on the Woodstock box, the price is pretty off-putting right out of the gate, and my interest level is not even close to enough to justify the purchase. Nope, I think I am going with the "tarted up" version of the original so that I can get the Dark Star without paying an arm and a leg for a lot of stuff I'm not really keen on. By the way, for whatever reason, the phrase "tarted up" really amused me, thanks Perithecat for the phrase and the recommendation on the cheap route to pick up the Dark Star.

I passed on the Early Years Pink Floyd box also, it just seemed like it was nowhere near as good a deal as the 30 Trips box. I did however pick up the compilation disc and the individual box sets for 1969 (Dramatis/ation) and 1972 (Obfuscation), both of which contained stuff that I really wanted and both of which were a reasonable price for the contents. I think I did the math and you could actually get all of the individual boxes for each year cheaper than getting the entire Early Years box set. Not sure how that makes any sense, but it worked for me. The 1972 box has the Live at Pompeii disc which was the draw for that one, and the 1969 box has a bunch of great live stuff that makes it really worthwhile. Both are less than $40 on amazon now.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

I'll check that 69' box for 40 bucks. Now that's a good price. P.S. I think the word tart in England is slang for loose woman. Or just woman. I hear it a lot on Monty python. Now they are the funniest crew in comedy.

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by carlo13


Jim, sounds like you may know what the box for this year will be. Please share.

I think we will have an announcement next Thursday June 13. This of course is not based on inside information, just based on last year's release date.

I know I was totally surprised by the PNW box.

Let us know you insiders.

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7 years 1 month

The PNW box? Not in love with it yet, as much as I want to be. May take a while to peak for me, though I do dig the shows for the most part. All good things.

On the flip side, the Charlie Miller SBD of 4/23/77 has been dominating my speakers lately. Another favorite show that I'd throw money at if it was officially released (that can be read as both a statement and an indirect request).

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...finished today with the complete 7/21/72, Seattle performance that was released by the Grateful Dead. The second set is primo,
Casey Jones
Me & My Uncle
Jack Straw
He’s Gone
The Other One
Sugar Magnolia
Ramble On Rose

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by Charlie3


Box sets, that is. If any of my friends knew I bought things like this they'd think I'd taken leave of my senses. But they do draw me in. The German company, Bear Records release particularly sumptuous and exhaustive sets, complete with hard back books. You can get the same music-I have Sun Records boxes by them, - for much, much less money-but the presentation and the sound on the discs from Bear Records is immaculate.

The biggest draw back with Floyds Early Years box was the duplication of music-including the same content on both dvd and blu ray. Seemed a bit unnecessary. There is even more duplication in King Crimson boxes-the same show in different formats with different mixes. They are about a third less than the Floyd box, but they cover shorter timespans.

The biggest problem with Dead boxes for me is the size of the damn things. Last years 73/74 box was a bit too much-the duty and tax to get it in England was extortionate. It would have to be something that I specifically wanted, for me to buy this years box-I wouldn't automatically order one, as I have done with Dead releases over much of the last 40 odd years.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey Now, I just scored an interview for a job I'd really like to have. The interview is this coming Wednesday morning!

Wish me luck folks! :-)

P.S. I love cargo pants!

P.S.S. A fire hydrant!

...ciao’, my fellow Dead fans, hope everyone is well and on their way to having a grateful day!
“I’ve gone mad for Boxsets!” Ever since they began. Like Daverock mention, over the years I collected musical Boxsets for all types of music. I fell in love with the artwork, production and themes of all my Boxsets. Some more than others, lol, like Daverock also mentioned there’s a lot of different Boxset releases with diffferent artwork, mix’s and so on...but like all things in life, it came to an end. Well, sorta, lol ha ha, Now I’m only interested in Grateful Dead Boxsets. 😁
2-3% of my purchases are non-Dead. Especially over the last few years with 40th anniversary’s & now with the 50th anniversary’s arriving throughout the rest of the year for many other bands. Some examples being...
‘White Album’ 50th Anniversary - the Beatles
‘Electric Ladyland’50th Anniversary- Jimi Hendrix
‘The Doors’- first three albums,50th Anniversary
‘Grateful Dead’ - first 3 albums, 50th Anniversary
RSD Vinyl/CD Releases
...I’m open to any design, size,shape, form and themes the Grateful Dead Company can come up with. Keeping an open mind is a very positive attitude and state of consciousness to live in/by.
That’s only my thoughts & opinion.
I can also see that it’s a burden for other fans who can’t afford to purchase an item or/and if one lives outside the USA are subject to high taxes and import fees...if it was up to me , we would have,“Grateful Dead embassy’s” all around the world offering the same product at the same cost,lol ha ha, I know I’m a Dreamer!!!
I listening to and love’n the New Live tracks included in the 50th Anniversary edition of ‘AOXOMOXOA’ , Long Live the Grateful Dead ! This Album is Still packing a punch 50 years after being recorded in the studio, that’s Divine music my brothers & sisters! Have a grateful day.
*my new favorite ‘Clementine’ performance to date! 😉
PS/ Good Luck with your Job Interview, God bless my brother! Sending positive vibes your way.🙏... just be your ‘Best’ self.

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Member for

12 years 4 months

I have found a second income stream helps a lot to buy large, overpriced box sets. I remember when the Europe Box came out, I waited until my wife left for work, rummaged thru her jewelry box and found her engagement ring. Resold for enough coin for that box. (it hasn't fit her in years!)

The 30 trips box? It will be a few years before my kid needs his college fund.

Luckily my latest income stream will be able replace that money. I started a cam channel on pornhub. I call it "showers with my wife". VERY popular. I think I can finance a new wall of sound system, but has been more than enough to keep me in Dave's, GarciaLive, Pink Floyd and other such things!

I'm just never sure if I should inform her of the channel, she'd want her cut if she knew.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Scarlet Fire and Estimated Eyes
The music's Dead but never dies.

Some rocked out to Who and Stones,
But we all danced and shaked our bones.

We heard of Jed from Tennessee,
and outlaw bandit Stagger Lee.

Emisarries from our past,
The dream was much too good to last.

Cowboy hat, pony tail, beard, bandana,
They lived and breathed Americana.

Help on the Way and Morning Dew
for Wilfred T's next interview!

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


No.. I haven't a clue what the box set is. That was just a benevolent dig on the Bolo posts (clues?) that were made about a month ago. I made some initial comments about how easy the clues were this time and everyone should know what the box set is by now.

I have no idea.. If I were to guess, I would guess old (like 69 Ark or 71 Portchester) or newer and returned, something where they have much better sound than what circulates (fall 72 or some surprise from 79, 80 or beyond).

Honestly.. I haven't even come close to solving a single one of his clues. ..but they're fun and well intended so it's all good. They are just impossibly difficult, which I guess is the whole point.

Wilfred.. sending some positive vibes your way.. which begs a question, what is the most happy go lucky song in the GD canon? Sugar Magnolia, Scarlet Begonias, Me and My Uncle? Certainly not Jack Straw, Masons Children or New Speedway Boogie..

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...Keithfan, Primo Poem, I gig it my friend, bravo! ✌️

Dead and Co. at the Gorge

a Christmas gift from my wife (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (she's NOT a Deadhead)

Perhaps my grumpy POV about D&C will change

sing on, brother
play on, drummer

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


Lucky dog. I really wanted to make it there.. If it was in August, I would have... but too busy now. I really want to hit the PNW this year or next.. a beautiful piece of the planet.

KCJanes will be there too.. apparently he will be the one wearing the tie die drinking a beer with a legal pocket full of vegemite. You can't miss him!

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Member for

15 years 5 months

Getting ready for 6/7 and 6/8/80 anniversaries. State of the art 80s Dead, Jerry on fire for both shows. Add the 3 Alaska shows, and you would have a superb box set.

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Member for

14 years 3 months

Yes, "Golden Road"! I also thought of "Might as Well". Definitely NOT "Touch of Grey". I was watching that Barton Hills choir version recently and remembered how ambiguous that song is: "clocks are running late" "draw the curtains I don't care" "say your piece and get out". I noticed the Barton choir conveniently skipped some lyrics: "kid can't read at seventeen"....etc. Of course, the ambiguity is what makes the song truly great. Good ole Hunter.

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Member for

11 years

This horse ain't quite dead yet, so I'll keep beating it.

1968 shows are too rare and short for a box.
A '69 box would seem date-appropriate, but you know, Aoxomoxoa w/live '69 disc is due in my mailbox tomorrow.
1970 shows are too few and Workingman's and American Beauty need live material to accompany their re-release next year.
Spring '71 is always a candidate (esp. Portchester run), but ultimately (perhaps) not as widely popular as the following year.
Last year's box was '73/'74 and the years before (and endless DaPs) were returned tapes from '77 and '78.
I would welcome some '79, but......
The surefire sales would focus on fall '72 -- lots to choose from, uniformly hot performances, a pivotal time for the band without Pigpen on board, lots of shows left over for future releases.

I'm putting down my lavish two cents on five (5) shows from fall '72, including my first show (9-19-72).

No bias here, and I've never been wrong before....

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6 years 6 months

Yup, that's the 1983 Boise show.
When I got this back in the tape trading days, I was disappointed. Lousy sound, sloppy playing. Listened to it twice and then shelved it. Now it's packed with my other tapes somewhere in the basement.

When it was announced as a Dave's pick, I was flabbergasted. I listened to it and thought it was not as bad as I remembered. Then I shelved it.

Last weekend I was driving across Idaho and decided to give it another go. Man, I really enjoyed it. Even Wang Dang Doodle, which usually annoys me. There is a general intensity to this show that I never picked up on - especially disc 2.

Just goes to show that you never know when a show will hit you the right way.

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Member for

15 years 1 month

In reply to by loudmouth


I disliked 8/13/87 for ages

then gave it oooonnnneeeeeeee more chance

it was a lot of fun

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Member for

8 years 7 months

If Bolo's recent jabbering was meant as a clue of any sort . . .
They seemed to suggest a box of shows from the same place but across different years.
That would be cool, if that's what it is.

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by Roguedeadguy


Please oh please


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Member for

9 years 5 months

That post was just what I needed after a long, aggressively hostile and adversarial work situation this morning. I got back in and read through these posts and your box set financing shenanigans cracked me up.

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Member for

5 years 10 months

I don't listen to soundboards too much, so Port Chester Feb '71 would be very welcome. I listen to Three from the Vault plenty. 1972 would be even better.

KeithFan2112 that was very thoughtful of you and entertaining. We still have to listen to records some time ;-)

Not much more to say about this Dave's Picks 30 that hasn't already. 1970 is not my favorite year, but I listen to this a lot.

Be good boys.

It would be magic if the next box was Fall 1972-I'd buy that even if it was packaged in something the size of a small car-but my money is on 1971 or 1976. We have had, or soon will have, lives sets from 1969 and 1970 this year, and there have been boxes from 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977 and 1978 already. We haven't, as far as can remember, had ones for 71 or 76 yet.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by daverock


....as would pretty much anything else. See? Easy Peasy when one isn't too picky. I would welcome a Bruce/Vince box with open arms.
AOXOMOXOA tomorrow.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

I think Bolo's comments are generally more of a tease than a clue, they're just too ambiguous to be a clue. I think RogueDeadguy has the right idea with a number of shows over a period of years with a common venue for the shows. But that would still leave the question of what years and what venue.

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13 years 3 months

In reply to by Roguedeadguy


Several people over the years have suggested a box like you mentioned: multiple shows/same venue…a look on Reddit revealed most shows at the same venue and possible candidates for a box theme like that:

1. Oakland Coliseum - Oakland, CA 66
2. Fillmore West/Carousel Ballroom - S.F., CA: 59 (TIE)
3. Winterland - S.F., CA: 59 (TIE)
4. Henry J. Kaiser/Oakland Aud. - Oakland, CA: 58
5. Phila. Spectrum - Phila., PA 53
6. Madison Sq. Garden - NYC 52

I'd say Phila. is out of the running since 1972 (DP36) and 1982 (RT V4 #4) have been released. The 1974 shows occurred at the Phila. Convention Center.

Alpine must have made the list somewhere. So many great venues, so little time.

Never heard of this pornhub thing before. Dennis, that's your wife? My man!

Edit: I feel dirty.. it won't wash off. Oh my, what have I done?

Crap.. Dr. John and Roky Erickson within a week.. Heaven just got a double dose of psychedelic funky boogie woogie goodness

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I can see the saliva is flowing for SOMETHING BIG in the upcoming box set. I admit it, I love stirring up the gang here. Guess we'll know soon. I'm digging the Electric on the Eel, which features Jer band in 87, 89 and 91 at the same venue and it's killer. It seems clear to me that he'd have rather chucked the GD and just do his band but he still had a job and hungry mouths to feed. Just my view of Jer's situation almost 30 years ago, not dissing the latter-day Dead. Hell, I caught two shows in 1992 (my last in a 20-year run, 72-92) outside my patch in Colorado when I was cultivating in Vermont's backcountry. We drove to Knickerbocker Arena for two shows in June '92. One show was a bit light, the other pretty credible. My buddy and I were dressed normally -- t-shirt, jeans, sneakers -- and asked around the parking lot for shrooms. Some kid in his early 20s -- hell, I was only 35 then, but had cut my hair after a Colorado bust in '85 -- who wasn't born when I first caught the GD is dirty and sunburned into looking a wee bit ethnic when he was just another white boy from the suburbs and he jumps up and starts yelling "Everybody be careful, cops are here!" He meant us. I said F you. Then a young girl selling shirts said, "You guys look like you could use some tie-dye." And I said: "I don't wear uniforms." The scene had always been be who you are, come as you are, and feel free to freak. Twenty years later I dropped out of the scene because appearances and behavior seemed a little prescribed, if you will. But I digress.

Back to box talk. I don't think they'll do a same venue/many years box because that consistency shows up most often in the '80s touring years. Although the Greek does come to mind, as does Red Rocks. As for 1976, I caught a few hot shows early in '76, but the tapes all these years later are kind of a snooze for me. Plus, they released a number of '76 shows under the ABCD Enterprises deal via Dave's Picks in the past two years. Lastly, I did hear Dave on one of his seaside chats say that fall '72 would definitely be on the agenda at some point and that was 3-4 years ago, I believe.

As I said, no bias here, nor have I ever been wrong!!!!! (Must I add: yeeeehhhhiiiii!!!!!!) But first, the live disc from Aoxomoxoa from Jan '69, loud and with refreshments! Good luck to all in getting what you want out of the box to come.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by hendrixfreak


no dots needed for this one Front and center!!! I am prepped and ready

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16 years 10 months

In reply to by hendrixfreak


I HEAR YOU. Everyone has their favorites sometimes for show quality, but many times sentimentality. I have so many good memories from the Greek shows in totality I'm constantly thinking about the whole hog box. Hell a cardboard replica from before they built that damn building and you could stand on top of the hill audience left with a beautiful view. Unfortunately from what I've heard a lot of the shows they have on ice aren't really better by much than what's available now. I know it would be expensive but priorities priorities. They could put out a music only later. After all as the angry ones keep telling me it's all about the music. Of course if it was they wouldn't be upset they could only aford the music
As for uniforms be careful as FZ wisely put it God knows at what show how long ago. " don't kid yourself everyone here is wearing a uniform ". Peace and here's to the Greek with The Frost on the side

Lol that's why they call me the old man at work. I work a blue collar job and most of the guys on my crew are 35 years younger than me
By the way I have the gas are you ready for an Aoxomoxoa session

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10 years 1 month

Finally listen to the 46 minute version from the box set. Imagine being there for that!

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14 years 3 months

Loved this man's contribution to the musical universe. merci

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