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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Charlie3
    To Be Fair...

    The bank that Rip broke into looked a lot like a regular house.

  • carlo13

    I heard about the bank incident. Funny as hell.

  • alvarhanso
    Re: RIP Rip

    Damn, hadn't heard that til I saw Carlo's post. Guy was hilarious on the Larry Sanders Show. Another reason he's a legend is a drunken binge he went on several years ago had him outdoing Lee Marvin. Marvin was a notorious drunk, and one night, plastered, as usual, he drove himself home and found his keys wouldn't open the door, so he broke in, only to find out he had moved several years before, and the current owner was pretty pissed. Well, how does Rip top that? By doing the same thing, only he had stopped at a bank, and broken into the bank in the middle of the night thinking it was his house. Also, he was armed at the time, because, of course he was. How he got just probation is a sad tale for the American legal system, but I hope the old Salty Dog rests in peace.


    Also, my favorite Artie line from Larry Sanders may be from what became the first episode, The Garden Weasel when he says to a new female network executive, "Don't take this as a threat, but I killed a man like you in Korea. Hand to hand."

  • carlo13

    Did I make it first . Could use it. Thanks let me know.

  • Mind-Left-Body
    All Yours Butch

    Need your address

  • Butch
    Check PM MLB!!

    Just sent!

  • Mind-Left-Body
    Giving Away Burned Copy of Fillmore West Complete

    A "burned"copy of Fillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings + Bonus. I made it for someone who no longer needs it. First to PM me. I have an extra book for it as well.

  • CaseyJanes
    Tales from The Gorge, Part 2: Shakedown

    As mentioned in Part 1 of the story, BIL (Brother In Law), and I had just gotten off the bus which had dropped us off all the way at the back of the lot. This was approximately ¼ - ½ mile from the entrance to the venue, which wasn’t so bad except for we were carrying a 12 pack (minus the 2 beers we drank on the bus) in a large bucket filled with ice. The lot looked to be almost completely full at this point with more cars cramming in. The atmosphere reminded me a lot of the tailgates we have here in KC at Arrowhead, except for folks were decked out in Dead gear, Tie Dye, and other various costumes & hippie wear. We trudged along, checking out the scene while I tried to call a friend of mine named Chuck who I had met the past year on Dead.net. Chuck is a KC native who has spent the last few decades living in the Seattle area and started sporadically touring with the band last year. Chuck and his crew of 7 tour buds were camping in the main public camping area at the Gorge which was visible to BIL and I from where we stood, but way up on a hill and very far away. I’m not sure how far it was, but it looked like a mile or more, up-hill, and with the heavy bucket weighing us down, we didn’t think it was worth the walk as by the time we got up there and found Chuck , we would have to start walking back or risk not getting into the show on time, which would have been entirely unacceptable. So, we opted not to take this particular trip. This turned out to be a catch 22 as we later found out that the camping area is where Shakedown was located at The Gorge which would mean no Shakedown for us this weekend, and also the logistics made it so I wasn’t ever able to meet up with Chuck  (next time my friend)……..but we ended up being correct about getting into the show on time, as many folks were still in line and missed some of the first set even after arriving at the entrance at least an hour before start time.

    When we arrive near the entrance, the place was a zoo. There were long lines already formed at will call and at the VIP/media entrance. We already had our tickets so this was not a problem for us. We did not have VIP entrance passes or wristbands for the VIP drink area inside, and being that Shakedown was no where in site, we decided to post up and take a seat on these large boulders that separate the parking from the entrance to the venue. As it turns out, this was a very fortuitous decision. There was already an old Deadhead biker dude who had done the same, so we cracked some beers and started shooting the shit with him. Turns out he was at Woodstock and saw the entire show including the Dead and the closing Jimmy Hendrix act. Wow, this was the first person I had ever met who could make this claim! About this time, another dude came around selling Stealie stickers for $1, so we checked those out, but nah we don’t want one, and as the dude walked off I said….”hold on a second wait! Would you be interested in trading one of your stickers for one of my buttons?” After checking out the buttons he was quick to agree, and so my button adventure had officially begun!!! I turned to Woodstock biker guy and said would you like one too? “Yeah, I’ll take one” he said with a big smile, and pinned it to his jacket. Holy shit….that was cool! I felt really good at that moment and started looking for others whom I could give away a button!

    As the song says, Once in a while you can get shown the light….and while the reason that I came was most certainly the music, followed by the communion with 20,000+ like-minded folks & freaks, giving away the buttons was without question my strangest of places if you look at it right. I made a few trades with them; a little bar of homemade soap shaped like a dancing bear, and a couple of stickers, but mostly I just gave them away. I only had 100 per night, so I was somewhat selective in who I gave them to. I chose people who had on Grate outfits, really cool Tie Dyes, or who showed a lot of spirit through good dancing, good deeds or just general happy nature and good vibe that I could feel. This was so much fun, and felt so good, I can’t even begin to describe it. Tears me up a little right now just thinking back to some of the moments. The smiles after giving these buttons were big, full and truly grateful for such a tiny trinket. I can’t tell you the number of people that would hold it up to their hearts, smile huge and then look me in the eye and thank me with all sincerity, after which some of them would give me a big hug like we were long lost friends or family and had known each other for years. Word was getting out a little, and some folks were starting to come up to me and either offer me trades and or ask outright if they could have a button. I didn’t once turn anyone down who asked for either. One filthy looking hippie dude came up to me and asked me if I would like to trade him for a used tube of CBD infused chap-stick, and I answered yes after hearing the word trade! “What, wait hold on a second…..no way man, I said laughing, after realizing what I had just agreed to. Keep your chap-stick and just take a button for free dude”! He then took the button, smiled that big smile I was getting used to, then like a true head, dead pan asked, “Do you want to hit my joint”?, as he held up a half-smoked fired up spliff. “Fuck yeah”, I say, taking the joint for a couple of puffs while we all laugh our asses off at the hilarity of the moment. Only at a Dead show, ha, ha….laughing now just thinking about it!

    Much has already been said about the line at The Gorge, and I have to agree the situation at the gate was in true Dead fashion, a complete clusterfuck. As early as 3 hours before (but probably significantly longer), the official start time of the show, we noticed that lines to the normal entrance were already started to form. We were not far from the entrance sitting on our boulders and it just so happened that the line formed almost directly into our spot, so without even having to move from our little party spot, we found ourselves already in line and maybe only a half of a city block from the entrance. Aside from tiny movements in the line we basically were able to stay in this spot until they started letting people in, which was maybe 1.5 hours before show time. BIL and I made friends with some of the folks around us in line, drank on our IPA’s, smoked a few joints along with our oil pipes, and I gave away buttons. Before we knew it, the line started to slowly move forward, and our party moved with it.

    As we inched our way slowly toward the entrance, I started to get the munchies, so I figured now was just as good time as any to have the first serving of veggies. I pulled out the Wild Willie’s Reserve Joint tube where I had stored them and split them up equal, 2 parts for me and 1 part for BIL. I ate mine and then handed BIL his share which he happily gobbled down. I had asked some folks in line earlier about security, and specifically marijuana being that it is legal in Washington. Due to legality, no one seemed to think it would be an issue and so I took no security precautions whatsoever as we approached security, and left all of my pre-rolled joints (3 or 4 left at this point) in the plastic tubes that they came in. Boy were they wrong, and was I stupid!!! We were getting really close now and I still had a few unopened beers in the bucket (BIL is not much of a beer drinker). I gave away a couple of “miracle” beers, popped a top and guzzled one myself, paying little attention to what was going on in front of me at security. When we finally got to the metal detectors, my idiot plan was just to openly put all of my shit into the tubs they offer to pass around the metal detectors and so that’s exactly what I did. My lighter, plastic tubes full of pre-rolled joints, tube of veggies, wallet, phone, basically everything went into that fucking plastic tub. The next thing I know the dude is rifling through my shit in the plastic tub while stating “you can’t take this in”. One by one he reads each tube and says sorry this isn’t allowed, and then he yells “BLACK BAG, BLACK BAG”…..this chick then walks up with an already full trash bag and the dude drops all of my shit while she calmly smiles at me….”No, you can’t…..but that’s my….” I start to say, but it was too late. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
    BIL has a similar experience, as did a lot of other folks in line. They were going through everything; blankets, bags, jackets etc….even dumping out full boxes of cigarettes to find the hidden joints inside. The one thing they were not doing is full pat downs, so everything left in the pockets was fine. Luckily, I had forgotten to put my oil pen in the plastic tub and BIL had purposefully omitted his so those got through. Since the tube with the last helping of veggies was not sealed, the guy slid the tube open, I guess he must of looked at the empty side or just didn’t notice because he politely handed that tube back to me. Tragedy narrowly averted there.

    Now being robbed of our goods we regrouped, quickly took inventory of what we had left which was very little and congratulated each other on not being arrested. As my good friend Jeff would say who designed the buttons, Onward!!!

  • icecrmcnkd
    2-28-69 vinyl in the house

    $90 out the door including tax from a local brick and mortar.

    Morning Dew sounds great so far. Going to spin side 1, then go outside for a while with the dog. Once the sun has set I’ll be back on the couch to spin the rest of the show and watch TDF on mute.

    Let’s stick with the 80’s as the third release and go with 3-9-81. We know there are good sounding recordings of that show.

  • carlo13

    I just read the Earthquake article in the New York times and these foreshocks as they say could be a warning. You live in this area? What is it like in the public? Are people still on eggshells? What are you thoughts. Be safe.

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6 years 11 months

Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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7 years 10 months

It's all in fun. I would not push the limit. Your right it could come back.

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7 years 10 months

Trying to hold my tongue is so hard. Like Ted nugent. In a "Stranglehold baby".

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15 years 1 month

In reply to by carlo13



never mind that only female dogs go into heat

but anyway

interesting (?) random share

when i hear the name nugent
i think of nougat
that stuff in 3 musketeers


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15 years 1 month

In reply to by stoltzfus


box setting announcement won't be until August 1

just got GD bulletin

no box announcement

they are going to make us wait

"they're never early
they're always late
first thing you learn is
you always gotta wait"

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Member for

7 years 10 months

" I need an overdose of rock and roll, yeaaah"

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Member for

8 years

Yes it's true, David Gilmour has finally launched his long-awaited Dave Clark Five tribute project.

Okay, maybe not. However, there's a news item out there that over one hundred of David Gilmour's guitars went up for auction earlier today in New York. Monies raised amounted to over 21 million dollars... that famous black Strat alone went for nearly 4 million.

He's donating all the proceeds to a charity comprised of lawyers and environmentalist types, hoping to combat climate change on the front lines. Still an idealist, after all these years. My hat is off to him.

In that spirit, his was the most recent listen of my past five:

David Gilmour - Rattle That Lock

Traffic - John Barleycorn Must Die

Grateful Dead - 5/17/77, Tuscaloosa AL

KISS - Alive II

Paris Combo - 5


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13 years 8 months

In reply to by LedDed


Gilmore tribute to the Dave Clark Five. You had me man.. albeit you had me in disbelief, but what do I know anyway.

Great head fake and I did google it just to be sure.

Big Gilmour fan, I don't hide that. Really pissed I missed the auction for the Black Strat.. oh well. Glad to see such a generous donation for such an important cause.

Saw Dave the last time he came to the states.. a meltdown performance for sure, but a bit bittersweet as Richard Wright was not able to attend and I believe this means we will probably not see any surviving members of the Floyd play Meddle again. At least that was my take.. I could be wrong.

Go David, Go. I'm with you man.. a tribute album to the Dave Clark Five, or a take on the Dave Brubeck Quartet or perhaps The Captain and Tennille and friends do the Floyd.. It could very well be we don't see too much work from Mr. Gilmour, whatever he gives us I will at least pay attention to.

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7 years 1 month

In reply to by Trainwrecked


Pretty sure Dave's 5 didn't come with a bonus disc, LMG. Not that I can recall at least. Granted, I'm not the sharp tack that I once were. But if a bonus disc was riding shotgun with the UCLA show (one of my faves), I'd love to hear it.

Traffic lights, crosswalks, "vehicles", crosswalks again, store fronts, traffic lights again, buses...

It's like running the gauntlet.

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Member for

16 years 5 months

lol funny, you actually said it twice, like you want someone to say something, ok, I'll bite. It's base will never ratify legal weed, they hate anything that gives you a buzz, the religious zealots will not allow it, the staunch repubs will not allow it and the ignorant will not allow it, so that's off the table, but it's funny that you would think that. It will have to think up something else to fool the public with this time, we have all heard it's "dirty stories" and none of them are real. Just more lies from the master of lies. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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Member for

7 years 1 month

Shoulda worn a size thoyteen!

Now where were we? The box set. My personal hope is 1972, and big big big. But if it's not 1972, I would be floored with either the Port Chester or Fillmore East shows from '71.

Peace all, have a Grateful Day

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Member for

12 years 4 months

Got the launch codes from my buddy last night to watch Dead & Company in Jersey. I can say I ALMOST NEVER watch video of bands. But there was nothing but shit on and I was curious about making this shit work on my TV. After futzing for quite a while I got it to work thru the X-Box.

Couple of things -

Guess I got it working between sets and they were showing an interview with Jerry. Where I came in he was talking about Neal. I was enjoying this when it just ended and switched back to the concert. Anyone know what or where this interview can be had?

Second - Though I did not watch the whole thing I watch Ship of Fools. I thought they did a marvelous job on it. Oteil vocals were VERY nice.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by dreading


Dear Sammy,
First, let me apologize for repeating myself. I come here just to relax and goof and hopefully feel a sense of community. Something that I’m severely lacking in these days. So I do so very informally. Sorta like a jam session, especially since I have no outlets to play music anymore. I also have read too much Cassidy, Kerouac, Kesey etc, so I tend to stream of consciousness too much. That problem caused me grief during my educational years. Finally, I’m old and forget a lot. So again, I apologize to you and everyone for this fault.
Secondly, things have been slow around here so sometimes I’m just trying to throw things out there that maybe will jump start some conversation. It’s amazing how many different, fun, and interesting things we can learn here, Deadheads have always been an interesting bunch, from Jerry on down.
Lastly, to your comment, your probably right, except he seems to be able to do what ever he wants and the base doesn’t care; pussy grabbing, infidelity, constant lying etc...they love em anyway. More importantly, it’s all about money....like Weir Says “the whole goddamn government is bought and sold” So if for example, the Koch brothers decided that their missing out on a multi-billions, yes with a B, and decide they want in, I believe the PTB will find a way to spin it so it works for them/him to hold unto power, while making bank at the same time...
Maybe they’ll take the “let’s help the poor epileptic children” tack and come in the back door with medical like most states have?
This stuff is usually never about the base it’s about getting the opposition, to steal votes, or gain the fence sitters. So that and making the power elite (see C. Wright Mills) the one percent etc filthy rich is why I think this way. Trump himself has changed his stance slightly, didn’t he even tell lil Jeff to back off a bit? The man is a chameleon, and one of the things he’ll always change for is money!
In closing, let me say I don’t support this administration, but I basically think all the government, no matter what party...their all a bunch of slimy, greedy, crooks, that’ll do anything for money and/or power.
Sorry, don’t mean to get political here folks......
Hopefully now back to drums and space.....

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...anyone attending the Dead & Company concert this Sunday at Citi Field, June 23rd 2019???...🙏❤️💀

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Member for

16 years 5 months

but you do remember that it mentioned legalization before and the evangelists lost it and sent him a multi signed letter or something to that effect saying that they would not support such a thing. I think the world would be a better place if marijuana was legal, but unfortunately, there is still more money in incarceration than legalization. I have been waiting my entire adult life for legalization, or at least decriminalization, and when it comes, I hope that they forgive all past convictions and release all offenders from incarceration and wipe all offenses from the people's record that have been prosecuted.
I also like and welcome your posts, it just seemed that you wanted to talk about the situation and I assumed that is why you mentioned it twice, forgive me if I was wrong, just the fact that you even mentioned it on this site is brave and I salute you for that, unfortunately, if you talk about anything now days that matters, it seems that you have to include what he might do.
By the by, you can call me Unkle, or you can call me Sam, but please, not Sammy. lol

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Member for

8 years 10 months

...been enjoying the Grateful Dead Movie soundtrack 5CD release. CD#2 knocked my socks off earlyier and CD 3 is working it’s magic as I write this...I wasn’t always a huge fan of the mix back in 1994 I believe, because the mix had a lot of added bass or reverb something of that effect but I’m love’n it now.

I have been away for a while, and just seen your post-no you did not cause any bad feelings at all. And I liked that poem you printed out by Hartley Coleridge. I know of him as STC's son, but I didn't know he was also a poet in his own right.

Just got back from London seeing King Crimson and a Van Gogh exhibition - incredible. I did expect the box announcement when I came on here, though. I think this is because I feel as though I have been away longer in terms of experience than I have in actual measurable time.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Just seen your post saying that it seems unlikely that any surviving members of Floyd would play any of Meddle again. I don't know if they play in the States, but Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets band played Fearless when I saw them a few months ago-maybe One of These Days, too-but I'm not so sure about that one. I don't think any of them will ever play Echoes again, though. But definitely worth seeing if they do pitch up in your neck of the woods.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

King crimson was also a character in the Stephen king dark tower series if I remember correctly. All hail the crimson king.

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Member for

7 years

Watching JimInMD's King Crimson video. Never gave these guys a fair chance. Probably the only big prog band of the 70s I ignored. That music is so complex and weirdly timed that they can't even play without watching each other. Funny. Doesn't look like much fun. I like Mr. Clean Tony Levin. He toured with Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe in '89. I didn't realize Bruford was on the electronic drum kit as early as '82. It would have been nice to hear Bruford with Yes throughout the '70s, but he would have walked out during Topographic Oceans sessions if he hadn't already walked out after Close to the Edge. Or I guess he may have brought some balance to the record. But to leave before the Close to the Edge Tour was sheer madness. Or perfectly good musical reasons (rabullshitahemahem).

So come on and let the good times roll....even if it takes allll night long!

KIETHFAN; where art though? Hopefully your not turning blue in some nitrous haze?
Perhaps you’ve gone deep into the quintessential comparative analysis of quadlibit for the tenderfoot, or comparing guitar intonation of all the cautions? Be careful amigo and remember to always ware your seatbelt 😁

DAVEROCK: welcome back, sounds like an awesome London trip! Haven’t been to a London yet, bet it’s amazing?
Alas, like brother vguy I have not seen any of the Floyd gang, sigh, but as you say, I hear Nick Masons new gig is great!
If they come somewhere close etc, will try and catch them.

JIMMD; I don’t care what anyone says, your alright!

UNCLE; I don’t disagree with you and can see it play out either way. It’s so true that unfortunately there is still so much fear and loathing about the devils weed! Idiots! Its so ironic that often the folks who are so scared of it are angry drunk types. I especially agree with your mention of the whole Crimal Justice system for profit as a major pathology in our supposed free society. Also, thanks for the kind words. As far as “going through all these things twice” perhaps subliminally I did repeat it it intentionally lol. .....or I mighta forgot 😉
Oh, but can we call you uncle Sammy!

CHARLIE; aaa, I forget but there was something from the last day or too, oops.
Oh, also, I believe you live near old Tom from Mountain men? If so, my wife wants to know if he’s “as sweet in real life as on tv”.....that is if you even know him? That sure is puuurty country up,there!

CASEYJANE; ??? Starting to get worried....you haven’t made us laugh in a while....believe last we heard you were prepping for the gorge?

WILFRED, how you holding up?

Ok, it’s strawberry beer time!
Rock on mi amigos and have a wonderful WE!

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Buffalo, war memorial 5/9/77 tape is broken. I still listen to my tape player.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

The package store next to my house just received a beer and wine license, so fresh beer when needed. Just what the Doctor ordered!!!

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Member for

7 years 10 months

What? It sounds strange and doable. Who makes it?

Funny.. I was thinking Echo's and wrote Meddle. Sorry, about that.. and you skillfully meandered around my mistake in a most polite way. You are a kind soul Daverock.. thanks for always pushing the conversations forward.

But yes.. Echo's. Maybe Nick or Roger will perform it again, but I don't think they currently are (then again haven't been tracking that close). David Gilmour has already indicated he likely won't play it again. Something about the timing and his finger work just won't convey with someone on Keys.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

Never heard of the mountain man show till your post, but when I looked it up it appears that Tom lives in the Yaak which is way more remote than where I am which is about a 1/2 hour south of Missoula. The Yaak is way up in the Northwest corner of the state. I moved from New York to Montana in '97 and I love Montana. Nice low population density and spectacular scenery, people are generally nice, great place. But don't get any ideas, we're full;)

DaveRock, the Van Gogh exhibit must have been awesome, some of his stuff really does it for me. I am not really educated as far as painting and art, but I know what I like and Van Gogh is on the list. Also really dig Edward Hopper and a number of Japanese Wood Block artists, particularly Hiroshige and Kawase Hasui. Something about some of those woodblocks just clicks for me, especially some of the Kawase Hasui. I believe that Van Gogh was also a Hiroshige fan. I think both Hopper and Hasui looked at the 20th century transition from rural and pastoral to modern and urban, with Hopper doing a great job capturing the sense of modern social isolation. Good stuff. As far as the Hartley Coleridge poem, I dig some of those romantic poets, especially William Wordsworth, and some of the American transcendentalists. So much stuff to dig, so little time...

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....they are everywhere. Tonight I bought a sixer of Dragons & YumYums by Dogfish Head in collaboration with The Flaming Lips. Excuse me while I break out the bifocals. Ingredients. Pale Ale brewed with Dragonfruit, Yumberry, Passion Fruit, Pear and Black Carrot juice.
....and it's pretty Yumberryish. Yum.


CARLO: yaaassss strawberry beer. Normally don’t go for that kinda stuff, but in this case it’s usaully done well, meaning not overdone. For best results it must be ice cold and on a hot day.....unfortunately it’s supposed to snow here tonight ; ) It is made only once a year at the Gleenwood Springs Brewpub. It’s a good half hour to forty minute ride and we have arrived to find them already temporarily sold out, but the drive through Glenwwod canyon alone is worth it.
It’s only available while supplies last, which is usually through the weekend, occasionally it might last a week or so...
Becareful of that new neighbor, as familiarity can bread contempt 😉

CHARLIE; perhaps I’m thinking of old Character (retired) Rich Lewis from the Ruby valley, or his young replacement Jake Hedak from the Tabacoo Root mountains?, or the bitterroot valley sounds familiar? Sorry I’m getting mixed up?
Knew old Tom was way up yonder, but somehow thought you were up there too. Wherever, I’m sure it’s awesome,
Only drove though there from Portland to Bozeman to do merch at a Band show at the High School Auditorium back in 96 I think it was, and then on to Boulder.....some wild, amazing drives! I’ll always remember from Spokane through the panhandle and across Montana to Bozeman....one of the best drives ever! Remember back then hitting the tana border and this giant sign declaring the speed limit as “reasonable and prudent”? With like 70 after dark....so I asked the cop at the show the next night what the hell that means, it’s pretty ambiguous? So he says it depends on what your driving and what the conditions are, and yes just like Jay Leno used to say, we pull you over and basically give you like a ten dollar fine lol....
Know what your saying about no more room at the inn, hear tana’s catching up to Colorado, but it’s starting to be friggin Cali here, hell half of Cali is moving here, and of course half of Texas comes every summer! But c’est la vie!
Ok, enough ramblin, time to go fire up the two channel and PLAY DEAD!

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Thanks for the fruit beer tutorial guys.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

Yeah, that was the speed limit when I moved out here and it was EXCELLENT. Can't complain too much though, daytime limit on the interstate is still 80 mph and 70 mph on the other highways.

Looking at the post below this one, its surprising to see a v.d clinic advertising on here. Anyway...

Orobouros-London is great and terrible at the same time. I am very lucky, swanning about to art galleries and concerts. King Crimson played at The Royal Albert Hall, one of the most luxurious venues in town. But...there are abandoned bodies just lying on the street. Outside my hotel coming back from the gig there was a young man kneeling on the sidewalk next to a girl, pleading with her to wake up. And there are building works every where. Little nooks and crannies are being ironed out and replaced with glass and steel buildings owned by corporations. So...its a city.

Charlie-you seem to haver similar taste to art and poetry as me. I know nothing about art either, but I do like going to galleries-and there was a brilliant Edward Hopper one here about 10 years ago. The Van Gogh paintings were incredible to actually see, as opposed to looking at the reproductions. The paintings seem to be almost alive-bursting with colour and energy. I couldn't believe my eyes. I have never taken time to look at Japanese art-as you suggest-so much to love-so little time.
I also like the romantic poets-Coleridge-the other one- and William Blake are the ones I keep returning too. I love the illustrated copies of Blakes poetry. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, with its instructional Proverbs of Hell could appeal to any curious Deadhead.

As for the music of King Crimson-Trainwrecked-I would look away now. There are an ever increasing quantity of expensive box sets being released, and once you tip your toe in the water-splash! If you are foolish enough to risk it, the essential ones are the first, "In The Court of the Crimson King", and the final 70s one, "Red".

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In reply to by daverock


Woke up this morning a little after 7 to a crisp low humidity 52 degrees, brewed a fresh pot of some fine Ethiopian coffee I roasted yesterday.. and decided to hit the front porch to watch the hummingbirds and check out TIGDH on SiriusXM (6/22/85 Alpine Valley).

I forgot.. they do this big road bike race called the Gran Fondo in the county where I live… so multitudes of road bikers zoom past the house all day long. Very cool.. I got to hell Get of my Grass, Hippies to hundreds of people.. There's a 1,000 foot downhill section that ends just as you pass my house, then they cross the river and climb....

It's a multi-tiered race attracting 1,000.. the hardest race is the Diabolical Double.. 126 miles with over 16,500 feet of climbing. There's some sick, twisted people out there.. There are easier races. Anyway.. most enjoyable to tell 1,000 people to stay off my grass.

Sorry for the diversion, back to your regularly scheduled Day Job Encore.

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