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    Hold on to your hat, we're coming in strong with one from the Windy City that'll have you movin' and shakin' from start to finish. DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 31: UPTOWN THEATRE, CHICAGO, IL 12/3/79 signals a true rebirth of the Grateful Dead, reimagining classics and foreshadowing their 80s sound. This is as much in part due to freshly-minted member Brent Mydland bringing the organ back in as it is to Jerry finding new vivacity with his custom Wolf guitar. New guy, new guitar - it all makes for a heck of a good time!

    Set One rolls like never-ending thunder with one standout after another - truly epic versions of "Brown-Eyed Women," "Ramble On Rose," "It's All Over Now," "Althea," and "The Music Never Stopped." Set Two hits with a crack of not-so-lazy lightning, barreling through an outrageous 28-minute "Scarlet>Fire" to a unique “Lost Sailor>Saint of Circumstance” and wrapping with a "blow the roof off the place" version of "Truckin'" and a rippin' "Johnny B. Goode." Ready for some quiet after the storm? You'll have to wait a just a little bit longer - we've filled in the gap on Disc 3 with a sprinkle of 12/4/79 - "Estimated>Franklin's Tower>" and an incredibly improvised “Jam.”

    Limited to 20,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 31: UPTOWN THEATRE, CHICAGO, IL 12/3/79 has been mastered from Dan Healy's cassette recordings to HDCD specs by David Glasser at Airshow Mastering.



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  • stoltzfus
    a completely different subject


    saw Rocketman in theater
    loved it

    we happened to start up the recent "A Star is Born" with Lady Gaga on cable last night

    we stuck it out, but what a bland, slow, overly-long cliched flick. You couldn't understand a word the lead guy and Sam Shepard were saying. Low Talkers (Seinfeld reference) and gravelly. "uuhhhh muhh muhhhhhh..." "I want to sing my songs!" says Lady Gaga. "huhhhhyhuhhh...duuuhhhhhhuhhhuhhhh..."


    On the bright side, you do get a few fleeting glimpses of LG in the altogether...no complaints on THAT.

  • stoltzfus

    thought i was cool
    tried chewing tobacco in 9th grade

    tried smoking it

    tried clove cigarettes

    tried pot

    I can assure you
    having smoked cannabis pretty regularly since I was 18
    it is not addictive (lol)

    whoever created reCAPTCHA needs a punch in the throat

  • unkle sam
    smoke em if you got em

    when I was in the military, cigarettes cost .25 cents a pack, 2.50 a carton with no tax. When I first started smoking they were 35 cents a pack in the machines, that anyone could access, including 12 year old kids like me. The term smoke 'em if you got em' I think originated in the military, at least that's where I first heard it. In basic training "boot camp" you were not allowed to smoke, at all, so you went cold turkey. Then, after about 6 weeks, they would light the smoking lamp, and we would get to smoke. The first time I heard that term was then, Drill sergeant says, "smoke em if you got em, the smoking lamp is lit". I had no idea what a "smoking lamp" was but I soon found out it meant time to light up and it was a mad dash for the door to find one and get one lit. They were nasty and mean about it, gave you about 3 minutes to get a cig, run outside, light it and try and get a hit before they ran you back inside again. That was the first time I ever got a "buzz" from cigarettes. We hot boxed those things, due to withdrawal and desire and actually got off, dizzy more than anything, so running back into the barracks was not as easy as it sounds, a lot of staggering and falling down for some, or hands on knees with head down until the dizzies went away. If you were late, you got to run off that cigarette on the drill field for about an hour or so. I should have quit then, but I didn't want to, if you don't want to quit them, you never will, you must have the will to say no more, and mean it. Or you can wait till you can't breath anymore, that is also a good deterrent to smoking. Yes, disgusting, filthy, stinking unacceptable now days habit, and yet, they are legal to purchase at any convenience store. Weed is much better for you but it isn't very good for your lungs either, but who smokes 2 or 3 packs of joints a day? not even Tommy Chong I bet. (I could be wrong about that :) )

  • Oroborous
    Worse thing EVER!

    Like Led said, pretty much did everything but only regret the cancer sticks.....funny thing is, I didn’t really start until I was 28, Living with that 20 year old I told ya about....she did.....sure I used to have one out at a bar once in a great while but I was not a cough, cough, “tabacoo” user until then. Started part time, would buy the roll your own, you know occasionally rolling one up, then when I went back to college, since you had to now go outside, I didn’t have time to walk out there, spin one up, smoke, and then make to next class etc......so I start buying generic, like buck a pack thinking “yea, the way I occasionally smoke a pack will last me forever......cue the dark, evil, insidious music!
    So of course once you have em in your pocket and all ya have to do is spark one up.........add to that everyone around me then smoked so of course I became addicted. The thing is, I could quit pretty easy, luckily, I was fortunate to be able to do this with a lot of things.....once I made up my mind I’d just ween myself off and make sure I wouldn’t be around “whatever” and the people and most importantly the triggers etc....Tabacoo was always the hardest, but I was never a heavy smoker unless up parting all night, usually less than a pack a day. Loved the Camel wides, but got into all the boutique shit when I moved to CO where they have those smoke shops....
    Anyways would go back and forth quitting, and getting readdicted over and over thinking I could “part time” it.
    Then I started to smoke a pipe for a while because I thought that way I wouldn’t smoke as much, you know, part time.....then tried same with cigars etc, tried it all, but always would end up fully addicted. Finally after about 15 years while I was playing music for a living I got the notion that I’d just bye the Banjo player a pack now and then and just have him feed me a few during gigs, and not have any at home or around me etc. That’s the thing about playing; there’s often a lot of anxious waiting around to play etc, so smoking really helped that. Well of course that “part time” trick didn’t work either. So finally, about fifteen years ago I finally realized, just like twelve step “I’m an addict”, I’m addicted to nicotine and it’s either all or nothing, there is no part time! Once I fully realized that, it was the end of the season at work, so I knew I’d not be around anyone for a month or so, plus I was getting a respitory bug so I knew I wouldn’t want to for a few days anyway, so that cave me the perfect opportunity to quit yet again. This time though, armed with my new found realization there was no way I was going to tell myself I can part time it, you know “I can control this”........no, your an addict, so no you can’t etc.......that was how I finally gave the nasty shit up and have never ever wanted one again. Luckily, once enough time goes by your body starts to change and triggers like smelling it where you used to get enticed, eventually you realize just how nasty the shit smells, and it becomes a turn off etc and you feel so much better. Interesting, in 1984 when I gave up meat the same thing happened; instead of getting all salivating and hungry when someone was cooking meat, it started to smell like nasty searing flesh. This doesn’t bother me so much now, perhaps because I do eat the dirty bird now, but years ago I’d have to leave the room....
    Supposedly your lungs can heal a bit, but I’m worried that between the years I did smoke, and all the second hand exsposure, and all the shitty work environments I’ve been in, I’m going to be fucked....my old man smoked around us, not all over the house but down in his workshop, all the bars, and places I lived, hell people smoked on planes back in the day, everywhere! Ridiculous! The biggest tell is when you visit friends who still smoke in thier houses and as soon as you walk in it’s overwhelming. You feel so bad because it’s awful, but it’s your peeps so what do you do? I try to make it so we have to go out somewhere to meet up just so I don’t have to deal with that. Now I’m not some reformed nazi, I’m from the ilk that you do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt others, like “jumping off that balcony” ,you want to drive with no seat belt, or not wear a helmet, or smoke, that’s your choice.
    It’s just personally I can’t take it anymore, it makes me ill......plus you have to go through theconstant waiting around factor like Led said and it’s just a drag.....listen to this for a humorous take on all that....


    The worst is these kids that are getting addicted by all this vape shit. It’s such a shame after so many years of dramatic Tabacoo decline that the numbers are going back up among kids. Please, don’t mean to preach, but don’t do it chilrens!! Just ask my old man; started when basically a child, finally quit in his sixties, but ended up with Lung Cancer about four years ago. Luckily he has always gotten a yearly chest ex ray since he worked in a steel plant for forty years, so they caught it early. Thought they got it with radiation, but unfortunately a year later it had spread to hip and Adrenal gland......got the hip with radiation, but the adrenal tumor is never going away. The only reason he’s still alive is because of some new drug that works with his immune system to “maintain” the tumor. At his age they won’t remove the gland, and chemo, at the small doses he could take, wasn’t going to do it, so he was fortunate that he qualified for this drug which has worked miracles.
    Please, if your even thinking about smoking, or need some help quitting, just go sit in the lobby of the chemo ward at your local cancer center for just an hour or two, if that doesn’t do the trick......trust me, it’s eye opening!!
    Sorry to go on, but it’s something pretty heavy that we deal with everyday so if I can get even one person to quit, or more importantly, never start,.....well, sorry, thanks for letting me vent.......
    Now please back to our collective “waiting on a miracle”........dammit Dave, it’s a good thing I don’t smoke anymore or this anticipation stress would make me a human chimney!

  • Cousins Of The…
    More on Fillmore West

    As mentioned here before, it is now a Honda dealership; if you go in there and shop for a car(or pretend to), ask to be taken upstairs to where the ballroom was, you can check all the ghosts...

  • Cousins Of The…

    Thanks for the Moore/Perkins recommendation...listening to their 1954 recording, great stuff!
    Now we need a Cats & the Fiddle w/Tiny Grimes box...

  • Dennis

    Filthy fucking habit.

    My father smoked, he was a non filtered camel fan. He complained about cost and said when the got to .50 cent a pack he was done, just wasn't going to pay that for a pack of butts. They hit 50 and he quit, period!

    Fast forward and during a divorce I started smoking at 23. Smoked into my 50's. On and off at the end. Everytime I quit I used patches. I'd wear the big one for maybe 30 days and be smoking at first while wearing it. I started paring them down until I quit. Everytime I went back it was a stupid decision. Thought I'd have one,,,,wrong. Been off the nicotine about 7 years, maybe 8. Lungs may not get better, but at least I don't have the expense or cough up black shit while in the shower! Now I know I can NEVER have one,,, I won't even do wraps from tobacco products, too afraid I'll start again.

    Worst habit EVER!

  • Dennis
    Cousin & the Nat Box

    Thanks for the heads up. I real big fan of Nat. Guess I'll get this in November. It was nice to see the page talk about his piano playing. I heard someone years ago on a Jazz station talking about King and he was saying about how everyone raves about the singer, but forget he was voted (downbeat?) piano player of the year 3 or 4 years in a row.

    To anyone interested, pick up his "after midnight sessions" album, very, very, very nice! (do 3 very's make it primo? :-) )

    Really great album, let me know and I'll get you a copy.

  • fourwindsblow
    Box announcement

    If the Meet Up Movie 6/17/91 is in the box they can't announce the box before movie night or a lot of people would skip the movies and wait to watch it at home.

    Traffic lights,Buses,Taxis,Crosswalks,Fire hydrants, Oh My!

  • daverock
    Up in smoke

    I smoked dope before I smoked cigarettes. During my teens I would eat it, or smoke it in a pipe, but the culture in England at that time-mid 1970s - was to smoke cannabis with tobacco in a joint. Inevitably, this was what I started doing, and after a year or so, by the age of about 23, I graduated to the hard stuff...pre rolled, non enhanced packets of 20 cigarettes. I didn't stop until I was 51-I am now 62.
    The daftest thing I ever did was pour water on the remaining few in a packet...and then wake up in the night and try to dry them out in the cooker so I could have one last smoke. Smoking with a nicotine patch on my arm wasn't too clever, either!

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6 years 6 months

Hold on to your hat, we're coming in strong with one from the Windy City that'll have you movin' and shakin' from start to finish. DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 31: UPTOWN THEATRE, CHICAGO, IL 12/3/79 signals a true rebirth of the Grateful Dead, reimagining classics and foreshadowing their 80s sound. This is as much in part due to freshly-minted member Brent Mydland bringing the organ back in as it is to Jerry finding new vivacity with his custom Wolf guitar. New guy, new guitar - it all makes for a heck of a good time!

Set One rolls like never-ending thunder with one standout after another - truly epic versions of "Brown-Eyed Women," "Ramble On Rose," "It's All Over Now," "Althea," and "The Music Never Stopped." Set Two hits with a crack of not-so-lazy lightning, barreling through an outrageous 28-minute "Scarlet>Fire" to a unique “Lost Sailor>Saint of Circumstance” and wrapping with a "blow the roof off the place" version of "Truckin'" and a rippin' "Johnny B. Goode." Ready for some quiet after the storm? You'll have to wait a just a little bit longer - we've filled in the gap on Disc 3 with a sprinkle of 12/4/79 - "Estimated>Franklin's Tower>" and an incredibly improvised “Jam.”

Limited to 20,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 31: UPTOWN THEATRE, CHICAGO, IL 12/3/79 has been mastered from Dan Healy's cassette recordings to HDCD specs by David Glasser at Airshow Mastering.


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15 years

In reply to by Colin Gould


First my condolences for our friends across the pond. Increasingly sounds fubar.
That being said this years picks have been pretty good. #29 Swing is great. #30 is great except the vocals are all isolated far right but this is still a great release. #31 is listenable. Not bad for an archival release series in its 10th year. I am going to buy in again no doubt.
An unrelated question...Does the location of the instruments in the mix ever bother you? Or is it just me? I've noticed in a lot of 73 recordings (Winterland 73 being a perfect example) Bob's guitar is isolated hard left, a place he never was in 73. Am I too anal?

I find placement weird sometimes and there's nothing wrong being anal :-) In the end the recording is the recording and unless you're Charlie Miller it's pretty damn hard to change.

My kid sent me this one and I thought about our polite friends across the water and DaP31


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10 years

In reply to by Colin Gould


The Mind Body Spirit Festival sounds like the perfect environment to listen to this music. As I understand it, Rainbow Dome Music was a foundational influence for The Orb and the chill out/ambient music of the late 1980s-early 1990s. Steve Hillage and his excellent bands/recordings were effortlessly ahead of the curve. His music, from 1969 up to the first System 7 album in 1991 is beautifully chronicled in the Searching for the Spark box set.

I have just had a look online to see about the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival-I have never been to one, although I vaguely knew of them. Apparently it is still going.

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13 years 10 months

In reply to by simonrob


OK so UPS turned up today with my CD's wanting £73.92, which I refused to pay. They took the cd's away. I have spent almost an hour on the phone to UPS, and the charge is not for duty or taxes as indicated on UPS Tracker Comments but for shipping said UPS Person 3, but apparently applied by Customs and not UPS (said Person 4) ). I was told that £73.92 was to correct charge by UPS Person 3 and I should have checked the calculator.

I see from one retailer web site they offer 3cd's using UPS Worldwide Express/Saver for $59.99 (aproc 30% cheaper that the current invoice). So Rhino have signed up for a studidly expensive postage service?

A lot of hassle and no futher forward except i now have "the receiver does not want the product and refused the delivery" on my UPS tracker - which is not quite true - I want the package but as I have already paid postage to Rhino I shouldn't have have paid any more for the delvery as the charge is for shipping and not Duty or Taxes.

**** **** ****

Are things finally being sorted out?? My tracking has just changed from "Your package will be held at a warehouse until it is released by the clearance agency" to "This package is being held for a future delivery date / Delivery will be rescheduled". Still asking for the fee to be paid though.

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5 years 1 month

Dave’s Picks 31 NOT sorted in the UK. I refused to pay the £73, and emailed UPS to explain that Rhino should pay. UPS say they know nothing about this, and they will only hold DP31 for 10 days.
I have also emailed Dr Rhino 2+ days ago, and have not had any reply. A complete fiasco so far.

Thru UPS

UPS used to have (maybe still do) a slogan

"What can Brown do for you?"

Many possible snarkys

Ups color theme is brown

A connection to Woodstock's brown acid is easy to see

"UPS: the brown acid of the shipping business"

Ultimately UPS is the culprit
Whoever thinks charging 90$ in shipping fees FOR A PACK OF 3 CD'S is acceptable, needs...something.

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Member for

14 years 9 months

DP31 has just been delivered to my buddy in Northumberland, UK, by Royal Mail & without additional charges. I have still heard nothing from either UPS or Dr Rhino. At this point it would just be nice to get some honest answers as I feel the silence from Rhino is deafening!

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17 years 3 months

is working hard on slaying the relevant dragons here and getting things fixed. In the meantime, the official advice is to refuse the shipment. So sorry for all this. One way or another...
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16 years 7 months

thanks you marye,
hope everything will be some kind of exactly perfect over here in europe with the delivery of this pick.
perhaps next week?

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Member for

14 years 9 months

Yes, Thanks Marye, there will no doubt be an awful lot of people who have their fingers crossed that a small(ish) packet
arrives in their letter box in the next few days or so.

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Member for

10 years 8 months

Having sent back my CD to UPS warehouse, I emailed Dr Rhino. Today, UPS guy came back with my precious parcel, with POSTAGE PAID scrawled on it in blue felt tip. Thanks Dr Rhino for sorting this out.

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15 years

I’ve just ordered the Hillage and Gong box sets. I resisted the Hillage for some time because we have all the studio albums on vinyl and cd and some of the live cds as well. I looked at it again and the book and other live cds made me buy. The flying teapot trilogy albums by Gong are amongst our 1000 or so top ten albums ( who can have 10)

I don't think you will be disappointed with Searching For The Spark. Its actually got two books-one a very well produced hard back. If you order from the planetgong website-you also get a poster signed by Steve and Miquette.
There is the little matter of postage, of course, buying off them.
I have also ordered the Gong box set off planetgong, which includes a massive poster of the picture on the back of "You", also seen to the left of this post. This may have been a bit rash-it cost £20.00 in postage, and I am not sure what I will do with the massive poster. Still.
Yes, those three Flying Teapot albums are the ones. But I would also include "Camembert Electrique" as being indispensable too. And their contribution to the live Glastonbury Fayre album from 1971 has to be one of the maddest recordings ever made. It is, or was, available as a stand alone release a while back.

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12 years 11 months

Been through it once and most of it twice. Enough to comment.

Perfectly fine show. Not fantastic, but not awful either. As a fan of Althea & Scarlet, the lyrical disaster on both songs is disappointing. But hardly some anomoly in GD shows. Heck, they had to stop doing St. Stephen & Help because Jerry couldn't keep the lyrics straight & those songs need the verses in the right order.

I do like the fact that Dave was willing to go for a cassette master. Sound quality, even with the patches, was not an issue for me. I am sure that opens up more shows for selection. Though those types of issues are easier to swallow with an exceptional show. Which this is not in my view. Still, there are high points (Music!).

But I get where Dave is coming from. Variety, for me, means more than just the year of the release. It means the type of release. Every release cannot be a show that is widely acclaimed & widely circulated. If that was the case, anyone could pick them. Part of the fun has to be to pick a show that is not as widely acclaimed/circulated, that you think rocks, & turn people on to it. Hey, give THIS a listen.

In my view, then 12/4 stuff is not appreciably better. Or worse. Same ballpark.

FWIW, 12/3 got 3 votes for Fav show of '79 in DB50. Which put it in a tie for 22nd-30th. They did 75 shows that year. Second quartile show. Now, perhaps it rated lower if it is not as widely distributed as others. Or perhaps other nights would be ahead of it. YMMV.

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16 years 4 months

The problems with the unfortunate issues European heads are having may not be all Rhino/ WB's fault. For 70 years the world has been slowly and in fits and starts moving toward free trade. As I'm sure most know the basic idea is to remove blocks, jams bureaucracy interfering with trade between countries. The improvement for the world economy and the people has been for the most part phenomenally good. 1 extreme benefit is the fact that in 1950 70% of the world didn't have enough calories to eat to even hope for a chance at a semi heathy life. Now that number is 5%. Asia has been fully removed from the list the only area left is Africa. The point of my long-winded post is we still have a long way to go before trade and distribution look like the EU let alone between the various states. Tarrifs, distribution rules, bureaucratic rules, union rules still mess things up thus the mistakes or even the way things are currently designed ie. supposed to work are what's responsible for the issues our European brothers and sisters are frustratingly dealing with. Unfortunately in the past several years we have been speeding backwards on trade

Could be, but my guess is someone screwed the pooch and paperwork wasn't filled out correctly. Then again, we are all speculating.

Free trade or not.. they were charging $89 US Dollars for 'shipping' for a $25 product that was purchased, shipping included. I believe this has little to do with trade policy and more to do with a clerical error.

Speaking of which.. my UPS guy tracked me down in my back yard today working my table saw to make me sign for a rhino delivery. It was a "small", pink JLo It's my party 2019 tour T Shirt with a wacky 4 page packing list and WMG Container List sheet that I think says it was supposed to be Grateful Dead / Terrapins Greek. Whatever that means.

I think these good folks, for whatever reason, make mistakes from time to time.

Both these issues sound like a snafus no matter how you look at them (no pun intended). Somebody f'd up.. sending me a small, pink, JLo T-Shirt.. Ha.

As for free trade and tariffs, I'm happy to go on for pages and hours, but another time another place perhaps.

Happy days all, may we all get our music tariff and UPS duty free. As it should be.

I finally finished my first listen, but all this talk about economics has warn me thin, perhaps tomorrow. Lets just say it is not the Frankenstein release it was made out to be.. but not a goldilocks either . It was exactly as I expected it to be.. December 79 at it's finest.. love it or leave it. The reality is, the Betty Boards from this period have been plucked and every show cannot be 2/26/77 or 1/2/70. Expect releases to come from these years from time to time.. it's the way things are going to be for some time to come.. and in hindsight, 2019 was a very good year (with one left to go).

With all the bad hype about Althea, for example, I found Garcia's finger picking extraordinary.. Purposeful tones and great, subtle dexterity and clarity of notes.. even if he was high and the song was played a little slow. Vocals aside his picking was true to form. What a great song, perhaps because of the clean, finger picking style he used. Have we lost the ability to find the diamond in the rough? It was as we should have expected.. a decent release and every now and then we will get a 79 show. As it should be.

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6 years 10 months

Just this second, finished my 3rd listen.....1st thought after reading recent posts....right on Jimbo and also JWild.....Can’t really add anything to that except for the 3rd disc is worth the price of admission alone. I mean seriously if you can’t get into Lost Sailor>SOC>WharfRat>Truckin as its played here then I guess you just can’t get into it, but man....dude......it’s pretty fuckin good! And then the bonus material for 12/4....The prophet is good and I’m a sucker for all Franklins, but that jam......dude?

Edit: can’t find my damn blue Sox?

2nd Edit: I do hope all the heads over the pond get a copy quickly without additional hassle...sound like a clusterfuck...But I think most will enjoy once resolved

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by CaseyJanes


I have heard from reliable sources that upon finishing your fourth listen, Rhino will send you by post, duty and shipping free, a hot pink, extra small Jennifer Lopez 2019 tour t-shirt.

Wear it wisely.
(I feel this might be a ploy to keep deadheads from getting elected into public office, it just takes one selfie and it's over)


Edit: It took some time, but this is the shirt Rhino sent me. Again, size = small, color = quite pink. Classic, especially if you knew me, I am 6'4



On the bright side, at least it didn't cost me $90 cash due upon delivery. Then.. because I am cheap, I would have felt obligated to wear it. In public. Several times. Until I felt I got my monies worth. Perhaps there is a god.

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....until my 3rd listen. (On the tape I got back in 1990.)
All Good Things In All Good Time.
-Capt Trips.
Being picky must be a downer.
These are the Days Between....

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Member for

6 years 10 months

Damn it Jim...I hope your right on the 4th listen part...I can’t possibly afford the additional $30 on top of this recent box, but I have to have this shirt for the Suds and Buds party at Sixtus’s new crib in Sudbury, with the new Dead End Sign, and the box that rocks...starting my 4th listen now!

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16 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


In a nutshell that's my point. The perfect world endpoint of free trade is there won't be special papers to sign tariffs to pay etc. So yes Rhino possibly/probably filled out the wrong form, that form is there because we (the world) have many foolish impediments to trade that raises costs and slows the economy

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by snafu


If you make it to chez sixtus.. I will come too.

snafu, I think if you filled out the wrong paperwork here (in the US) for just a domestic transit.. they would screw the receiver also and ask for a ridiculous amount for COD. The difference is these packages are sent (almost) half way around the world, through many countries, possibly different carriers (not sure) and god knows what else.. dropping things from country to country simply costs more, even with open boarders and free trade. There are legitimate reasons to prevent a couple kilos of Fentanyl slipping from country to country.. and god forbid a joint or mushroom cap, but ….

For the record, I am a free trade person all the way, don't let my liberal stripes fool you. But I think this is just a case of someone fucking up some paperwork really badly, and less to do with nefarious geopolitics and global shipping over-regulation. Countries have different laws, and parcel is more than a small part of that. As per usual just my opinion and I reserve the right to be fall flat on my face, absolutely, smack daddy wrong. Certainly, no hard feelings meant.

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Member for

6 years 10 months

Well sounds like we better get going on logistics...Sixtus, What’s your new address? Oh wait, maybe we should decide on a guest list first? We know that Jim and I will be there....I’m sure Mrs Jim and Mrs Casey might want to come as well. How many rooms do you have? I’m sure there will be many others who are interested after this post. Good thing you are buying this new house, as you are going to need the extra space for this little shin dig you got goin on....i can’t wait! Went ahead and bought the J-lo T-shirt that Jim suggested. What else can I bring?


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10 years

Just noticed that Luxembourg will be the first country in the EU to legalize cannabis for recreational use.

Started the day listening to the second half of the 3rd cd of 6/7/77 from Winterland. Starting with Morning Dew. I don't know if its me listening with more focus, but the final 4 songs of this set sound much better played than all the songs preceding them. Great Dew, this one. The actual sound is good too. Bodes well for the next two shows.

I tend to overlook this June 77 box. By the time I have worked my way through all the April/ May 77 releases, we are in September, and its time to go to Englishtown.

Hoping for a small package of something good today. That won't cost £73-92.

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15 years 5 months

In reply to by marye


Could this be the cause of our DP31 delivery problems…


From this article: "In an effort to streamline operations, the majors and the largest independent distributors moved their services to a company called Direct Shot"

Subsequent reports of delays, missing shipments, incorrect invoicing, no system in place for rectifying the mistakes, etc.

Some observations...

1. The dead.net store has a message saying they are in the process of moving their warehouse and that there may be some delays.
2. Direct Shot are based in Franklin, Indiana.
3. DP31 was shipped from Franklin, Indiana rather than the usual Louisville, Kentucky.

Seems the Doc is finally making it just exactly perfect as DP31 number 12615 just arrived on my desk at work here in the UK with all fees paid.

Sent from Warner Music Group, 2001 Commerce Pkwy, Franklin, IN, 46131-8811 (or if you prefer Direct Shot Distribution, 2001 Commerce Pkwy, Franklin, IN, 46131-8811).

Only had half an address on the package - my name and my employers name with no city or postcode - so surprised it made it here at all!

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5 years 1 month

Still waiting for mine, and have a new message from UPS re-stating outstanding import payment. I can't understand how some UK deliveries have gone through & other not??

Also have a blood-curdling message from UPS US saying the Woodstock box set is being returned to sender because of a lack of invoice.

To Mary E or anyone in charge of Dead.net.

What will happen about getting their money back to the subscribers who paid UPS the £73.92 they demanded when they came knocking on their door. I paid it on 1st August.

I have replyed to Dr Rhino's email that was sent on 31st July with the order number & tracking number but haven't received an answer yet.


Bill, UPS had tried to deliver mine twice over a week ago but would not leave it as the fees were outstanding. Their tracking seems to be less than useful as my delivery still had the outstanding UKP73.92 charge on it when I checked an hour before it was delivered today with all fees paid. Best advice would seem to be to ignore the invoice demand as suggested by Marye.

Seems that Direct Shot is about as competent as those yahoos in Crozet.
Anyone remember the fiascos that came with shipping from Crozet?

Good move Rhino/WMG with outsourcing your responsibilities. That’s how you get quality workmanship.
Kind of like manufacturing your CDs in Mexico to take advantage of lower labor costs and free trade. What could possibly go wrong?

At least it’s not as bad as getting your API’s from CRO’s in Asia and then having the FDA ban the sale of your drug because it contains toxic impurities.

On the bright side (of the road), at least WMG hasn’t so far burned down the Vault like Universal Music did to theirs.

Just out of interest did your tracking change to out for delivery or still show it was in the warehouse? Just wondering if it’s pointless for me to carry on checking the tracking

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15 years 5 months

In reply to by dtuck90


Tracking showed the package in the UPS Dundee warehouse for the last week. At 10:30 this morning it was still saying there was the fee to pay despite being scanned at 5:57 when the status changed from "Exception" to "In Transit".

08/08/2019 11:33 Aberdeen, United Kingdom Delivered
08/08/2019 5:57 Dundee, United Kingdom Destination Scan
07/08/2019 13:16 Dundee, United Kingdom This package is being held for a future delivery date. / Delivery will be rescheduled.
07/08/2019 13:16 Dundee, United Kingdom This package is being held for a future delivery date. / Delivery will be rescheduled.
07/08/2019 5:59 Dundee, United Kingdom Your package will be held at a warehouse until it is released by the clearance agency.
06/08/2019 6:03 Dundee, United Kingdom Your package will be held at a warehouse until it is released by the clearance agency.
05/08/2019 5:50 Dundee, United Kingdom Your package will be held at a warehouse until it is released by the clearance agency.
02/08/2019 5:59 Dundee, United Kingdom Your package will be held at a warehouse until it is released by the clearance agency.
01/08/2019 12:23 Dundee, United Kingdom The receiver doesn't accept C.O.D.s and refused the delivery. / We'll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery.
01/08/2019 5:36 Dundee, United Kingdom Destination Scan
31/07/2019 11:19 Dundee, United Kingdom The receiver doesn't accept C.O.D.s and refused the delivery.
31/07/2019 8:26 Dundee, United Kingdom Destination Scan
31/07/2019 8:03 Dundee, United Kingdom Arrival Scan

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11 years 10 months

that shade of pink really brings out the steely grey of his eyes. Women seldom notice because of his incredible height, but when given the chance to use a step stool they swoon. Could also be the Dudley Doright wrist watch.

KCJ...too funny - party logistics are indeed in order! We can start a lottery system after the VIP list is compiled.

You ask where we'll end up: it's on the west end of Sudbury down Rte 20, sort of across from where the Wayside Inn is, but cross Rte 20 and up the hill back in there.

Interesting fact about the Wayside Inn: It's the oldest continuously operating Inn in the USA.
Another interesting fact: Henry Ford once owned it, after the turn of the century, he tried to create a dam and aquifer system to supply running water to the Inn by damming off a stream on the hill near our destination house; apparently the dam is like 30 feet tall and randomly in the middle of the forest up there. I saw it on Google maps a few weeks ago when I was checking out the new property from satellite view and was like, that's weird, 'Dam' is randomly labeled in the middle of the forest in our side yard? Did a little research and found that historical nugget.

The house will be quite large enough for hosting fun times....we were bursting at the seams in our current place so the additional space to Blast Dead will be welcome.

KCJ - where are you located? I also saw takimoto (sp?) drives through those parts regularly as well...


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15 years

In reply to by IanM


As I said the other day. My tracking changed to in transit at least 36 hours before the CD was delivered. The tracking showed £73.92 to pay up to the van turning up outside the house and delivering it with no charge. A few minutes later tracking showed it as delivered.

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17 years 2 months

So, UPS attempted delivery for the first time today. Tried to pressurise my 21 year old daughter into paying the so-called 'freight charges', and told her that on their return tomorrow that if it is not paid, that they will return the package to the sender. So, she has been instructed to advise the UPS thieves to get sending it back... .

What's peculiar here, given my reading of comments posted, is that some folks are still being asked to pay a charge, whilst others have had a delivery with no charge being made. I hope this doesn't mean that Dr Rhino is resolving this on a case-by-case basis, in which event it would suggest that you need to communicate the issue with 'him' first. I have, but others may not and still be expecting their case to be resolved.

Of course, I've had no proper reply to the three e-mails I've sent, and the silence as they say is deafening, so who knows.... .

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9 years

In reply to by Colin Gould


Update regarding your Dave’s Picks Volume 31 shipment:

We apologize for the tardiness of this email.

We have made numerous attempts to confirm (or refute) with UPS that your delivery fee has been paid.

Today, UPS advised that they are in the process of releasing your shipment and it should be delivered soon. You will not have to pay any delivery fees. However, at this time they still have not provided an estimated date of delivery.

To ensure you get your copy, we are also having a quantity of replacement stock shipped to the Rhino office within the next 2 weeks.

If your shipment has not been successfully delivered by this time, we will personally ship you a numbered copy of Dave’s Picks Volume 31, via DHL.

We are very sorry for the delay, inconvenience, and runaround associated with this shipment.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Dr. Rhino

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14 years 9 months

Well, as a UK resident who has heard nothing at all & had no communication from UPS or Royal Mail to date (it was RM that delivered my pals copy a few days ago, sans additional charges) I would like to thank Dr Rhino - and Marye also, for the reassurance that everybody should eventually receive their copy. I guess at the back of my mind, and I suspect many others too, has been the "Sold Out" notification against DP31 on the web site.

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17 years 3 months

Everything is not OK. Check the Giants box board.

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15 years

In reply to by simonrob


Ouch. Wishing you well.

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Member for

7 years 1 month

Anyone else notice the poor transition from AUD source back into SBD source during Fire? Hilariously enough, the line Jerry's singing as Dave's transitions back to soundboard is "takes all you got just to stay on the [beat]"...and they didn't. Difficult for me to count out while listening, but I think it totally skips two beats

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6 years 10 months

I’m in KC metro area on the Kansas side but very close to the MO state line. City is Overland Park, and no, believe it or not I’ve never seen a tornado....(everyone hears KS and they immediately think Wizard of Oz). I’m 42, a 76tus like you I believe? My first kinda dead show was a Furhur Fest at Sandstone circa 1997 or maybe 1998. Memory is fuzzy. I liked the Dead back then, but just the studio basics...Skeletons from the Closet, Europe 72, American Beauty, etc. Funny thing is, I had no idea what Furthur was back then. I went with a bunch of “out of circle” buddies who were all dead heads and hippy types. I was more of the jock type, clean cut, with good grades and such. Hard to believe if ya know me now. Fuck....what happened?.....I digress...back to the concert. I thought I was just attending a music/concert festival and had no idea there was a connection to the Grateful Dead until the music started to play....i do have 2 distinct memories from that day. One, the Furthur bus was there at the show in the parking lot. I had not ideas what it was, but my buddy did and this was the first time I ever heard the term Merry Pranksters...” the Merry what? who the hell are they”?!?! The 2nd thing I remember is coming into contact with a gentleman walking the concourse between the lawn and the seats. He was in full costume and his face painted like some kind of weird clown or mime. I remember being in total awe of this person, as my friend and I stopped to gawk at him while he danced his strange spinning dance. I remember my friend warning me not to take anything from him for fear of getting dosed. We were already dosed but looking back I wish I would have ignored his advice. Anyhow, I wouldn’t think about this man again until just a few months ago when I received my copy of DeadHead Stories. I think the man that I ran into might have been none other than Joseph McCord, otherwise known as Merlin. I can’t be sure and have thought about trying to message him to see if he remembers being at that show, but I doubt he would remember, probably having 100s of shows under his belt. I lost my way with the GD shortly after that, and didn’t attend another show until this past summer....a lot of missed time, but glad I finally made it!

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