The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.
- Your Stories Of Healing With The Dead
The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE. Your Stories Of Healing With The DeadThe feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.26736
- GratefulSpirit13 years 11 months agoThe Healing Power of The Grateful Dead Music!I hardly ever share this story......I guess it would be best to start at the beginning. Summer 1990---- A friend ours came over to ask if we could go down to Indy and pick up another friend of ours, Shannon. We said "sure", loaded the kids up and went the few hours south to Deercreek where he was. We got there the first day of a 3 day show! I always brought plenty of stuff for the kids, so we stayed. I had SO much FUN! I had 2 small children and was 8 months pregnant. Everybody was SO NICE to me! The music, the people, the smells...AND THERE WERE PEOPLE THAT THINK LIKE ME EXISTING ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!!! I wondered WHY I didn't know WHO the Grateful Dead were. They were playing ALL my favorite songs!! I would ask "who is that?" Grateful Dead. I liked it so much that the next year on Mother's Day, we were in line for tickets. I left the children with a babysitter for the first time. I was having a great time! The kid's dad was hating me. By the end of the show I was afraid to leave with him. I would have rather left with the police! He grabbed me by my hair and throat and started dragging me down the hill. Strangers/Hippies came to my rescue!! They calmed him down, and walked out with us. I wandered out before sunrise at the state park we were camped at, with 'Ripple' playing in my head. I was checking out the cloud above me that looked JUST LIKE a gigantic Steal Your Face made out of little steal your faces. Walked across the road towards a clearing and found a huge flat rock to sit on. I was enjoying the sunrise so much, I went to get my old man, so he could watch it with me and see the cloud. He was still awake, too! He accused me of being off "fooling around', giving jobs, because I was in such a good mood. We were together for a long time. He knew me better than that! I wished I hadn't left the children with a sitter so I could just run away with them and the dead right then!! May 1993 I had decided the children didn't need to see their dad beat me up anymore. I took him to stay with his friends in Detroit for awhile, to get his head together. He had been abusing Xanax and Phenobarbital while drinking since his back surgery and the abuse had escalated. He was suicidal and kept talking about running in front of a semi on the freeway by our trailer park. He ended up in the mental ward, and the kids and I went home to Indiana. I know that no body wants to hear this stuff....But you won't understand without it.... Before I knew it, I was fighting for my rights to raise my own children!!! Their Aunt and Dad had filed unfit parent charges against ME!! I had told him I didn't love him anymore. He had beaten the love right out of me. He had always told me that if I ever left him, he would hunt me down, kill me and live with the kids on the run. I didn't want the kids to have to live with him on the run, but I couldn't be grabbed by the throat or thrown across the living room anymore! I was being accused of abusing, neglecting and molesting my own children that I gave birth to and nursed at my bosom!! I found out that in family court it is your job to PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE They DON'T have to PROVE YOUR GUILT!! I was a basket case! I was lost and didn't know what to do! Being an abused spouse, I had no resources and no friends. I got a full-time job with benefits, a part-time job and a three bedroom apartment. Even met a wonderful, non-abusive, Harley-rindin' man that loved me enough to take the psych evaluation in order to be part of my children's lives. He passed it with flying colors. It was mine they didn't like... *sighs* ;p I could HEAR my children cry! I would know which one was crying, but not know WHY! Couldn't do anything about it because of the restraining order. They were living with their Aunt & Uncle and dad 20 miles away!!! You know that cartoon where they rub their finger on their lips and go "bhrbbrrhbrhhhhbrhbhhbrhb" by rubbing their finger real fast?? I think I was doing that for a few years.... My mother was fighting them for my kids, too. She had built a 5 bedroom house so me and my children an her mother could live in Texas with her. She was shot in the back of the neck by her boyfriend, and was paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of her life. The fact that she was trying to get custody hurt my case. My family all lives in Kansas, so couldn't help. My Father hates me and believed the welfare department. My poor babies were 2, 4 and 6 the last time they lived with me. They never got to see the apartment. My fiance' totaled his Harley and was almost killed. Court was set for Dec. 2 thru 5, 1997. Nov 25th, I believe, my birthday, we returned home from a day in Fort Wayne, IN trying to find a new attorney ( because, my attorney had told me the Saturday before that " I was incompetent and he didn't think I could care for my children" and I thought I deserved better representation!!) to find the note from the sheriff informing me that my rights had been terminated because they had a meeting in the judge's chambers and I wasn't there, so I wasn't co-operating. I tried to appeal but couldn't get an appellate attorney to even return a phone call. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed... Feb 1998. No chance of appeal. I cried all the time. I got 3 F's and a B the last semester I was in college. It was a group project that got the B. My poor group. I was an A student!! My fiance' and I broke up. They say that with head injuries 98% of couples don't make it....statistics. I was doubly broken hearted. Summer 1998 I had gotten tickets to Deercreek and Michigan summer shows. I took my best friend because I wanted her to see for herself WHY I loved it so. I had discovered that if I just LET GO and SHOOK MY BONES, I could shake all my troubles off of my shoulders onto the ground and DANCE them into OBLIVION!! I could make it through to the next year, just knowing I would get to do it again! It doesn't work without the family's collective consciousness. I would have been doing it all the time!! Met Angel, who needed a ride to California. I walked off of 3 jobs hopped in my little blue Toyota van, "George", I had gotten for 'adequate transportation' and jumped on tour. Angel was no angel and enjoyed flashing truck drivers for a thrill! ;p I was my fist time traveling across the country since I was a child. I have no regrets about going. I wish I would have brought my fiddle and my rainbow vacuum cleaner with me! I always bring my Bible traveling with me, in case I break down and need something to read, so I still have that! I didn't realize that if I left for 2 months I would lose everything I owned. It's only stuff, it's only stuff, it's only stuff I believe that if something is supposed to be yours it will come back to you. Some things, like the quilt my Great-Grandmother made, came back to me. The children's baby books are still MIA. It's only stuff, it's only stuff, it's only stuff... Angel showed me what she knew about surviving on the road. Rest areas that you could sell grilled cheeses and sodas. I took gas riders. By the time we made it to Saint Louis, which I believe was after Michigan, I had been put on "HUG PATROL". I was to make sure that every person I came in contact with had been hugged today. I have good hugs! I realized, from talking to youngsters on tour, that their home life had been so bad that they would rather travel homeless at the mercy of strangers than go back. They needed me saying "Good night, sweet dreams, I love you!" as much as I needed them to say it too!! Several teenagers let me know that no one had EVER told them that before in their life and they kinda liked it. ;p I started adopting family. With the radio rockin' and cassettes rollin' the highway streamed by. We made it to Vermont for the last Bread and Puppets. That was great! Too, bad two jerks had to ruin it!! She led me to my first Rainbow Family Gathering. Rainbow Family love is strong. Helped my soul. I've gotten to see sunsets in the painted deserts and sunrises over the Rockies. I dried my tears on the wind and just kept driving. I saw Father Sky dance with Mother Earth in the form of ONE thunder and lightning cloud sitting and flashing over one mountain in the desert. Clear sky day. "So many roads to ease your soul..." Hawks and Eagles often swoop towards my windshield to show me their wingspan and remind me that I travel with all of Creation. The Great Spirit has shown me wonderful sights to remind me that I am loved. It's hard to see driving when crying. "dry your eyes on the wind...." I let the wind dry my tears and the many roads ease my soul. heh heh...If you want to get bunches of Feds following you around the country, just slap a couple of Grateful Dead stickers on your van and drive around smiling!! I am one of the great pretenders. I can wear a smile through the trenches of sewage! Most of the times I was gnashing my teeth at them! They couldn't tell the difference and I was so MAD about having my children ripped away from me! I could tell which cars were theirs by the license plates. It's a conspiracy, I tell 'ya. I come from a long line of truck drivers. So I just kept driving. Dead show to Dead show. The music touching all the pieces of my fractal-ed heart and soul! Pain so deep it shredded my very foundation of existence...lots of tears to dry. The music played on. Stirring my spirit. My "Medicine Walk" reminded me that I am a 'wind-spirit'. The "Thunder Beings" are my true FAMILY. I remember now that clouds used to form faces that would circle above me and talk about me when I was little. I would rather have the clouds and trees talk about me than people ANY DAY!! I was shown that I am loved by the creations of My Father That Doth Arts in the Heavens! The music was there tying it all together like a big tie-dye tapestry! I hardly ever cry anymore. I let the Thunder, Wind, Rain and Lightning cry for me. It comforts my soul. There is no feeling on EARTH that compares to Lightning "running" on the ground alongside your vehicle! Hair raising experience that will get you all excited! Saw one make a FACE and LOOK at me one night while traveling between shows while driving on dark back roads in Ohio!!!!! Twilight zone do do do do do March 2011 I FOUND my children. They are adults. Their stories of all the screwed up things they had to endure and the fact that they weren't raised by me and don't share my morals and values is too much to handle!! I NEED MORE GRATEFUL DEAD!!!!! I have a Grandson that will be 2 in August! I bought a house in Indiana so I can be close to him. I would rather be in sunny California, but ....He is so cute and smart! It hurts. It has been a very long and strange trip!! George had about 119,000 miles when I bought him. He has about 400,000 now. I drove other peoples vehicles around quit a bit as designated driver. ;p I took a break from tour to help take care of my Grandmothers for a few years. I would run away for a month every now and then to catch a few shows or a week for a festival...but, other than that I did every evening and night volunteering. My mother is dead and she would have done it. A year ago on my birthday, my last Grandmother went into a nursing home. I moved. I miss her. I ran over my Sirius radio antenna with my mower last spring and have been without practically since moving. Stupid reel mower wasn't cutting the grass and the antenna wire was so low on the ground..DOH!!. Still works in the cars! CD players don't work here. This computer's cd-rom drive is broken. The dinosaur computer plays CD's, but not while using it for anything else. it's a good thing I found a local radio station that plays the Grateful Dead daily! I am breaking out the cassettes and seeing if this old boombox that has been practically through this whole journey with me will eat them or play! heh heh...I just remembered something funny....;p I had gotten the kid's dad to buy me a Grateful Dead CD. I would turn it up and sing along and the kids and I would dance. I showed them how I liked to spin circles ( I can't dance?) they were naturals! :P One day their dad was so mad at me for GOD only knows what, that he HAMMERED my boom box and CD into little pieces. I came home from work to find the mess. Glad the kids weren't hurt, I cleaned it up. While gathering all the pieces I realized that although he THOUGHT my favorite CD was in the player, "Built to Last" was in it's case on the shelf!! Hehheh! Isn't the Great Spirit AWESOME??? Guess I'm still a 'basket case'! tee hee I carry around a basket of hand wrapped gems and minerals!! ;p They were buried in the earth for so long that they like to get out and see people and sunshine!! I am always glad when they find the person they want to go home with!! I trade for tickets! It's tough being a broke-dick hippie-chick!! Can I say that here?? ehhh, well, Fits A FAVORITE Song?? I am REALLY bad with names from an accident when I was 15.... MAY I PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM ALL AGAIN, BEFORE I HAVE TO PICK ONE????? Pigpen days.....perhaps?? "I Can't Come Down"?? I used to dance on his piano when I was little. He liked beer instead of milk on his cereal. We would play games. He would try to keep up with my toes, I would try to keep up with the music in my head... or Jerry's fingers. I REMEMBER you guys now!! Do you still have MY 'special drum case'?? NO WONDER THOSE SONGS SOUNDED SO FAMILIAR TO ME!!! But that's a different story.... THANK-YOU BOYS IN THE BAND!!! THANK-YOU FAMILY ACROSS THE LAND!! I love you all so much and cannot thank you enough! Until we rock and roll together again, Beep beep and beep beep, Bye! ;p Love Always and Forever from Yvonne Renee' Jordan *AKA* Grateful Spirit of The Winds Peace and LUV, Tofu and Carrots!! ;p
- Billywayne13 years 11 months agoHealing and the Dead.Hey folks. Ever since my older cousins turned me on to them many moons ago, the Dead have generally been the soundtrack to my life, through good and bad. About a year and a half ago, however, I was faced with a pretty frightening bout of depression following the death of my grandpa as well as a fairly debilitating anxiety disorder, both of which left me feeling numb and emotionless in a terrifying way that is hard to explain. Probably the lowest I felt around this time was when I looked up at the "Dead Set" poster I had hanging on the wall, and instead of the usual good memories of concerts being generated, I simply felt empty inside. Considering how much the GD had meant to me up to that point, this pretty much scared the hell out of me. Anyhow, depression and anxiety took me down to absolute rock bottom ... to the point where I often considered taking a long walk of a short cliff. So fast forward to Furthur playing at Lewiston, NY (07/08/10). For months I had had big problems coping with normal life, and would get anxious even going out for groceries. Nevertheless, I forced myself to NY to see this show. At first I wondered how I would feel, (this was my first show since all my issues), but as soon as the first notes of SOTOTW hit my ears and my feet started dancing, I knew that my "old self" wasn't lost for good, but was just hiding for a little while. By the time the guys got through "Man Smart...", I was choking back happy tears. To make a long story short, this much needed emotional boost wasn't the absolute end of my problems, but it was an absolutely vital part of my journey back to feeling better, which is where I am now.
- GratefulSpirit13 years 11 months agoOk....just seeing if this works....I just shared. Lost it...Hmmmm...wonder what I did wrong?? will re-post Take a min... ;p Peace and LUV, Tofu and Carrots!! ;p