The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.
- Your Stories Of Healing With The Dead
The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE. Your Stories Of Healing With The DeadThe feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.26736
- BlonDEblu-IIIs…13 years 11 months agoThank Youkaren compton I am a San Franciso born and bred, spent my youth in the Haight and Golden Gate Park and was proud to display my Grateful Dead poster. In 1982 I moved to Chicago where I lived for 18 years but the west coast was in my blood. I did see the Dead in Chicago and they were as amazing as I knew they would be...the music was in my soul. Ten years ago I was lucky enough to transfer my job to California. I was let go from my job in 2006 after 25 years. I was feeling bummed about that. On Dec 7 2009 at 2:30 in the afternoon I had a near fatal car car went into a ravine on a mountain road. I hit a rock and flipped into a tree, landing in the backseat. The jaws of life cut me out. I awoke in ICU but did not remember much about the accident. I had broken my back in three places, my sternum, ribs and head. One month in recovery and returned home in a body cast. 7 months later I had major knee surgery, another month in recovery before returning home. 2 months after that I thought I was well enough to take a bus to Clear Lake to visit my friend and tripped and shattered my femur, I had a 3 hour ambulance ride back and surgery with 10 pins put in my thigh and another month in recovery. I am still trying to heal...after 5 months. I had not really been on facebook but decided to give it a go....there are so many wonderful deadheads with great bios that love music, peace, unconditional love and kindness towards others....all the things that I seek. Now my healing was going in a stronger directions...all those that understand how GRATE the music funk is disappearing and each day has become better. THIS moment now is the real moment of healing to be able to thank you for the music that you have brought to us all and how it soothes the soul and brings us together. For those who need healing, I am here for you and so is the MUSIC.
- Didi Magee13 years 11 months agoMy 3-yr old son died- the music carried me through that darknessIn 1988, my 2nd son fell in the pool, was rescued and kept alive for 18 days on a ventilator. When they pulled the ventilator out, it was clear he would not survive. The ICU was full that night with all sorts of very sick kids. I know what a deathly waxy pallor looks like and I know now what a death rattle sounds like. He basically choked to death over three hours in my arms as I played all my favorite Dead Songs to drown out the horrible sounds I knew were as disturbing to the other children as they were for me. I had to put him on the bed finally, he was dead weight. When ESTIMATED PROPHET came on, "like an angel standing in a shaft of light, rising up to paradise, I know I'm going to shine" was playing when he took his last breath. I felt his energy leave shining bright and knew he now was that angel. My heart was comforted.
- ezeitner13 years 11 months agoA new heart to hear the musicOn the first day of spring '08, I welcomed to the world my son, Greyson. Around 2 months he presented an enlarged heart while being x-rayed for pneumonia. It would be the first time he showed systems of what would later be diagnosed as Barth Syndrome (a rare genetic cardio/metabolic disorder). The doctors at Omaha Children's hospital stabilized him for a month for his first trip to St. Louis to be evaluated for a heart transplant. Greyson responded to meds so well there St. Louis Children's hospital sent us home. We went home with an attitude of gratitude but we knew that someday...someday...Now mind you, the music of the Grateful Dead takes on new appreciations for me in all stages of my life... now this. So be it. I remember telling my wife, Katrina,"but do you know how many beautiful people we are gonna meet on this journey?" So the healing begins and I wish I had the words to describe how much music and the Grateful Dead has helped and continues to help every aspect of my family life. I started singing to Greyson early. I began with the Beatles "Black Bird" by printing out the lyrics in the hospital's resource center. It seemed to helped me more than it was doing anything for him; now that I look back on it. I always looked forward to a time when no nurses were around. :) Also, I found a really good radio show on Saturday nights in St. Louis called "Deader than Ever". It became my time to just stop for a moment and listen to the music in the parking lot of a Ronald McDonald house. It helped. It just did. Greyson's heart was good for about 14 months and then we found out his pumper was going into failure. He flew to St. Louis for another visit but this time to await the greatest gift,of a life saving heart. Four days later, he got his donor's gift. Now for a long stay to heal from a constellation of issues that had developed. Clots caused a below the knee amputation of his left leg. Greyson took it all and recovered nicely! This is when my favorite song to sing was Brent's "I Will Take You Home." During this visit, I found some group called the Schwag. I talked to some guy in the band with really long dreadies, told him it was great to hear some live music but here's the heavy reason I am here, can you play Shakedown Street? He obliged me in the next set and I danced danced danced! I had no idea who I had just talked to. :) As well, I didn't know I was really starting my healing process. Now I had a band and a radio show. Very cool. This month, on the first day of Spring, Greyson turned 3. He is doing so well with his new heart and tie dyed prosethetic left leg that says "Smile, Mon!" I think the next songs for walks are gonna be "Wheel" and "Eyes." So to make a short story long, this is how the Grateful Dead helped and continue to facilitate healing for me from this huge experience of life. I always try to catch the Jerry Pranxsters in Lincoln, NE or Omaha to get a little live music. I still listen most Saturday nights to KDHX "Deader Than Ever" in St. Louis. I can see Greyson and I connecting, together, listening to some great music and singing lyrics I once sang to him. Gratitude. Indeed. A truly Grateful Dad, Eric Zeitner