The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.
- Your Stories Of Healing With The Dead
The feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE. Your Stories Of Healing With The DeadThe feature film The Music Never Stopped is based on the true story of an estranged father and son reconnecting through the power of music, particularly the music of the Dead. How has the music of the Dead helped to heal you? Is there a specific song that has given you inspiration when you needed it? A memory of the Dead that has greatly enriched your life? Submit your personal tale of "gratefulness" in the comments of this page and not only we will pass along your anecdotes to the band, but you may just win a copy of The Music Never Stopped soundtrack and a t-shirt from the film. 10 winners will be selected at random.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. (excluding Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam), 18 and older (or 19 and older for residents of AL and NE) at time of entry. Void where prohibited. To enter: Visit between 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on March 21, 2011 and 12:00pm PST on April 1, 2011 and follow online instructions to submit entry. Limit one (1) entry per person/address/email address. Subject to Official Rules available HERE.26736
- macenulty13 years 11 months agoBrokedown PalaceI went to my first show with my best friend bart back in 1977. In the yeas since, Bart and I went to many shows together. Often times we were joined by others, but every show I saw, I was with Bart. He passed away suddenly on 10/17/2005 The following summer, Bobby and Ratdog came to St Louis, and in that show came one of the most powerful moments of my life. The story is here:…
- ehbraun13 years 11 months agohealingEver get a horrible song stuck in your head? Something like "if you like pina coladas"? (sorry)When that happens to me, I always sing Uncle John's Band. Nothing can compete, and horrible song? Gone! Aaaah.
- mamaplanet13 years 11 months agoHealing w/the DeadI grew up in a family that was very big on silence and mental and physical abuse. For the longest time I thought that was how families were; how they were supposed to be.Then, I heard "Touch of Grey" on the radio. I don't remember how old I was @ the time; I was very young. The only reason I remember it at all was for the chorus. I didn't know who the band was that sang the song. Heck, I didn't even know the name of the song but for years the words 'I will get by, I will survive' got me through numerous bad times. I was introduced to the Grateful Dead by a friend's older brother when I was 12 years old. He played tape after tape after tape. I was enraptured. I remember thinking @ the time that I thought that this band knew me. Knew my family. The song Hard Time was my life. I resolved to find tickets and go to a show. Three years later I was finally allowed to go to my first show. And I just fell in love. With everything. The people on the lot, the electricity of the show, the way I just closed my eyes and danced as I had never danced before. I finally felt loved for the first time, by people who I had never even met. My mind was blown away. I never realized before that first show how someone could love and be loved by someone you just met. I just kept dancing and crying and smiling so hard that my face hurt by the time the show ended. There are so many songs that have helped me throughout the years. Even to this day, when I listen to my old tapes or cd's, there is a song to help me through my day. Eventually, after I left home to find the family I had always wanted as a child but hadn't found until I learned of Grateful Dead tour, I came back to my blood family. I took my father to his first show in '94 and while he didn't get it as much as I had, we bonded over his 2 favorite songs: Brokedown Palace and Ripple. The Grateful Dead family that I have now, the experiences I had along the way, and the compassion and love that I learned will never be forgotten. The Grateful Dead gave me so much - more than I ever thought I'd ever have in my life. If not for them, I would never have met my son's father. Unfortunately my son never was able to see the Grateful Dead live, since he was conceived four years after Jerry's death. Even so, he still loves the music as much as both his father and I did and we take him to see Phil, Bobby, and Furthur whenever they come around. I wish I could have met Jerry before his passing to thank him for all the beauty that he supplied for my once miserable life. I love every one of the members of the Dead and I'd like to thank them for the hope that they instilled in a once little girl who is now a grown woman. Without the Grateful Dead, I know I would not know the happiness I have in my life today. Even in the roughest of times, I know all I need to do is turn on the radio, close my eyes and dance my bootie off to the sound of the boys. Thank you for the love, the memories, and the family that I have in my life this day. I will never forget any of the life lessons I learned from the best musicians in the world. The Grateful Dead got me through some of the roughest patches in my life and they are now getting me through my sobriety. To Phil, Bobby, Mickey, and Bobby - You are in my heart, thoughts, and prayers every day. Thank you for everything. I love you all. Janet