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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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  • Totem
    Today's Countdown brought to you by....
    Unicorns and Dolphins! Don't worry about how long it is to the shows, we'll get there eventually if we just stop and just smell the cow patties. Peace and Love and Harmony and My Little Ponies. (actually the new My Little Ponies rocks! I watch it with my 4-year old everyday). P.S. The above is just a box of satirical humor. Believe it if you need it, if you don't just pass on sending a PM. P.S.S. Love will see you through, but laughter will get you here! P.S.S.S What would Jerry say?
  • geomeister
    Blended Baby Blue Bugs Blood Blotches, Chapter 4
    As it rained, the windshield wipers made a merry mess of our late friends, the Blue Bugs, and we rolled down the highways with the Blue Meanies on one side and Sargent Peppers on the other...tunes blasting out and we are all singing along...guess what? The rain washed off the bugs, the windshield cleared, the rain stopped, the skies parted and a rainbow appeared on the horizon. We had made it safely through yet another moment in time, magical as it was... The Moral my friends? If you are traveling down life's highways and something starts bugging you, and it gets thick, and you can't see through the haze, much like our Blended Baby Blue Bugs Blood Blotches did to us, just slow down, let it rain, continue on the journey and embrace it with song. Let the spirit of the adventure be greater than the blending of the blotches. Let the rain wash down and clear you thoughts as it cleared our windshield... Let that rain represent the love of friends and family; the raining down of good thoughts, prayers, chants and best wishes. Let the music wrap you like the arms of a lost friend or lover, and be soothed. For soon you will be through the swarm, you will see clearly once again with a rainbow in front, a majestic sunset painting the sky and peaceful breezes of a pleasant evening around you. Peace, best wishes to all...look! A Butterfly! g
  • Totem
    @Occam's Razor and Alternative Endings
    I though the moral of the story was going to be avoid the bugs if you can, and if you can't, make sure you have extra windshield wiper fluid on the dus. You don't have Love Bugs where you live do you? lol! Watch out for those unicorns in the road! Put down the coffee and pass me one those Genny Screamers.....Vroooom.
  • Klangstone
    "Blended Baby Blue Bugs Blood Blotches"
    Great story NEOGEO. You are a great storyteller! Happy Friday peeps! It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright Sunshiney Day... Expecting 105 degrees today here in paradise. Shine those sails and patch those rails, the circus is coming to town...
  • geomeister
    "Da Bugs" Epilogue
    ...never did get busted in that bus, and Brad and I haven't seen each other in decades...perhaps you have a like story, a happenstance you might relate too...perhaps you've driven the bus, ridden the bus, built the bus, or maybe almost got hit by da bus, This Dus has a cool and creative Briver, and He never seems to be concerned if you take the wheel. What brives us actually is you, and you, and me, and thou, and we are all in this together. The Blue Meanies may be TM, the bugs may be the flurry of emotions. We all have our ups and downs, and we all need a break once in awhile or a hug or a good word. You deserve a break as much as our friend smiling right over there with the whipped cream on his chin. Have another, Rich... And have a good day...
  • tfonts
    Nothin' left to do....
    but smile, Smile, SMILE !!!
  • geomeister
    "Da Bugs", Chapter 3
    It was about sunset just before twilight but after the hot sun had made it's trip across the southern sky, and we were rounding a curve not unlike that one rjrrrjrjrrr took at 80 plus where we all held on and sang Ripple together... Brad and I suddenly found ourselves in the swarm of a cloud of bugs, and they hit our windshield like so many spattering raindrops. Were we high? Hah! What do you think...two college kids in a cool vdub bus racing through the countryside on summer's eve? We slowed a bit and hit the windshield wipers a bit and that made a real mess of things. The bugs were blue. Blue Bugs..."They looked like little Baby Bugs", he said; I said Baby Blue Bugs" and that's what started it all: "Look at all the Baby Blue Bug Blotches" "Look, we're covered with Blended Baby Blue Bug Blotches" It started to rain, the windshield wipers were swishing back and forth, soon we had a windshield covered with what we termed forever and ever: "Blended Baby Blue Bugs Blood Blotches" Did we ever get a kick out of that. We sang that phrase every chance we got, as more bugs and rain and sloppy blue who-knows-what covered things, and a cloud of some type of smoke enveloped the bus. Singing, laughing and cutting up....all over a bunch of bugs...and that is the moral to this story friends...
  • geomeister
    "The Bugs", Chapter 2
    Turn down the music you over there...hi Rgrrrgrrr...may I continue? Great to see you here...this little snack has your name on it. Extra whipped cream on top and don't ask for a cherry cause we gave them to the squirrels cause they're cute. My story continues... "Let's paint da Bus!" he said...cool, i said..Rok Bagget was an artist, we could do a wrap around montage all running together, what will be the display. My Brother Steve pitched in to pencil out a design and away we went: "Let's be Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band" Cool. With the Sun rising in front, large as life band members on one side, the big long glove chasing Blue Meanies on the other side, and rainbows and butterflies on the back. We'll use the bright acrylics and do it up right. It'll be perfect for going back and forth to the University of Alabama down in Tuscaloosa. Better put a Jesus Saves bumper sticker on the back, just for insurance from being stopped by The Man. So we spent a creative weekend painting up Da Bus and had many an adventure traveling through the south in it. The story continues one spring weekend as we were making yet another journey from home to college in the righteously cool bus...
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    @who died?
    feels like a freaking funeral around here... It's just dead space thank you all from my heart for all the well wishes...you are all family... Grab some coffee...it's like this place goes to pot without a briver... If we don't get this jalopy movin soon, you all will be late for the shows! Sarge crank up the old juke box to 11...Puppers choice.... Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove. Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing, gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting. Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way, watch your honey drip, can't keep away. ....you are such a dog! Lazarus out....
  • geomeister
    Story time as we bounce along...."The Bugs", Chapter 1
    Good morning all. Rgrggrrr is taking a much needed break, the engine needs to cool, and the twins in back are getting restless. Before Rgrggrrr stepped off, he said I could tell you guys a story...well, he didn't say no, and matter of fact I didn't ask, but if I did, and he said yes, I could, but since i didn't and he didn't, he didn't actually say no, so that gives me a green light tell one anyway...This is entitled "The Bugs", so grab one of those croissants and the Java Joe and let's enjoy a bit of time together. Back in the Day as they say, in Northern Alabama, we had a grand time being newly minted hippies in a wild underground scene, running around trying to be cool and hip and bohemian all at the same time. It was the late 60's and early 70's, rock and roll was here to stay, Everything was happening allatonce. Long hair cropped up, tie-dye was being worn, and in the South, George Wallace and Lester Maddox were at odds with the new wave of more progressive thought. There were fabled stories of happenings out west and up north, little head-shops sprouting up here and there, it was scandalous and downright frightening to think about lighting up a dube in public. We were one false step away from a wrong turn and the law.Conservative society clashed with liberal youth, and the waning years of an unpopular war was still very real and present in everyone's mind. This Alabama boy was trying to sort it all out and hop on board the right bus...which way to turn, what to see, where to land; it was a time of turmoil, experimentation, joy and wonder for all of us who were coming of age at that time. In 1970 or so that bus took the shape of a brand spanking new Volkswagen camper bus, complete with a cool pop-up which belonged to my long haired red-head friend Brad. Just the vehicle we needed at the perfect time and place. In my family's driveway in Huntsville, in a nice middle class American subdivision, our story begins. I was 18 or 19 at the time, and Brad and I had a plan....
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Member for

17 years 3 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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Member for

10 years 3 months

What an amazing, transcendent summer celebration. "Thank You!" to the entire band for getting out there once again and making the magic! And thanks to everyone who was there along the way (or streaming from afar) for sharing the vibe and spreading the kindness with all of us. Maybe another tour after the dust settles? . . . Hope so! Onward! . . . still miss Jerry.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

It was two years ago today that we all met up in Chicago for the FTW pic a nic, a lot has transpired since then. I would like to wish all th Daydreamers a Happy Independence Day and to once again thank Tony for brainstorming the idea. Without his hard work and vision it never would have been possible. I have made a number of good friends from that experience who have proven invaluable to me. We have toured together, vacationed together and grow together. Thanks to all who have contributed here, made me think, made me laugh and helped me change as a person. You know who you are. Life goes by oh so quickly, let's not waste a minute of it. Carpe Diem... https://youtu.be/_Mnw9uiYggU
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Member for

9 years 8 months

"Here's to You, and You, and You"! Happy 2nd birthday. more inna bit, stay tuned. geoit's theterribletwosyaaaymeister
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Amazing how the time does fly, huh?? And actually, it's even longer than that given all the pre-FTW planning, logistics, ticket heartburn and spreadsheets we went through. Spreadsheets? OMG, what was I thinking...lol. I could never find the time now to do that over again - seems to be the planets and orbits aligned just right, forming that time vacancy to execute on a plan - and that we did SD'ers!! I have zero intel to confirm this, but I have a really good gut feeling that D&C are not done. I think the music will continue for at least one more tour - who knows, maybe more. Maybe they'll even play in this little state called FLORIDA one day...lol. My only regret, with three consecutive summers of the music, is not taking either of my kids to a show. Many of you have shared the experience with your kids - that is so, so awesome and without question, the #1 item on my bucket-list. Peace, love and HAPPY 4th to all!!
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Member for

9 years 3 months

Happy Independence Day to all the lovely Daydreamers everywhere! Glad to have met you all at the Pic a Nic a whole two years ago...and what a fine day it was...the sun was shining and the breeze was blowin', smiling faces all around. I don't think any of us could have imagined that day what a tight band would come out of the remaining crew of Dead members after FTW. I am Grateful Indeed. Here's to many more years of friendship and fun times with fine tunes...
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Heard an interview with Bob from backstage after 7/1/17, he was quite pleased with the tour and proud of the bands maturity. With that said, he does not want this to become stale, Oteil has a gig he's getting ready to embark on, Chimenti is going on tour with Kimock, Bob is going back to the range and play Cowboy for a few months, Lil John is getting his inner rock idol dream fulfilled and Mickey has a new LP and band with a fall tour. I am sure this Mayer n Sons gig is not over, but we have to be patient and thankful for the musical gifts they have brought us. Regarding kids, back in the day I took both of my girls to Dead shows, got Scotty on board with Ratdog in 2010 and he and his girl have been in search of the grail ever since. Dead shows are very inclusive and family friendly always have been. Take your boys Tony if you can, the bond that this music brings to us can not be broken. Have a blessed fourth and may Gob be with us all ;-)
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Member for

9 years 8 months

...you can't un-see it. It's called the light. and it focused on a small patch of green in the Windy City 2 years ago. Two years, seems like only one fifth of a decade, a tenth score; only yesterday. Sometimes that light is all shining on you, sometimes you can hardly see. Sometimes that light's a bolt, sometimes it's at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it's a house, sometimes an inquisition. Sometimes it's a bulb that goes off. Sometimes it's just not heavy. May that light which helped us all get together 2 years ago continue to shine on you, light your path and chase away the darkness. May it provide warmth when you are cold, and direction when you are lost. And may it clearly mark the intersection whence our paths cross once again. Cause i ain't never had so much fun couch touring, jumping on ba dus, enjoying donuts, no duts and snot duds, reminiscing, sharing stories, enjoying Oteil, marveling at Checkers, nodding knowingly at Bobby, dancin' at drums, gasping at Jeff, planning adventures, being surprised and feeling like i belonged to something priceless practically never like this since we first left home. Who are the grateful daydreamers and why do they keep following me/us? Thanks Daydreamers. Happy Birthday indeed! Love and hugs from the Hills of North Texas and Happy Birthday to all of us, you, your family and the horse, camel, terrapin, pup, cat and/or psychedelic squirrel you rode in on or with.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Well said, as usual, Geo. Got the post-tour blues these last couple of days. But still so very grateful for the bond we've formed - and for this music and band. Two years has gone by SO FAST!! What an amazing time it was - and the last two summers, too! Thanks, rrrrrGrrrrr for the shares... Onward for sure! I know our paths are destined to cross again.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Looks like the game is afoot... https://www.deadandcompany.com/ which, for those who are click on link disadvantaged, is Feb 15-18, 2018 four shows in scenic Riviera Maya, Mexico. Which begs the question, why cant you starve at da beach?...because of all the sand-which-is-there.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

I will pass, 5 days, 4 grand per person? Excluding airfare...from here, for 2 people that's 10 grand.... Best wishes to all with lax work schedules and deep pockets... Plus consider Montezumas revenge...deal breaker....
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Member for

12 years 5 months

It seems a shame, but I am best to sit this one out.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

went to riv. maya years ago on vacation...beautiful place even without D&C, but gotta pass
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Al knows how the song goes, So, grab that lyrical bag of gold, and hightail it down to Mexico.... Cause it'll take a boatload of coin to pull off this one, friends. Note: No Uncles were hurt in the posting of this message.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I don't want to cause this thread to lose momentum, but it is now over 4K posts long, which is a bit unwieldy. I can start a new one, just give me a name for it... Thanks!
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Adiós mis amigos..... We will get by, we will survive, just gotta give the old bus a new name.... Sarge, c'mon we gotta go..... Stay tuned....
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Member for

9 years 8 months

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Please name the new thread, "Sunshine Daydreamers Keep on Truckin'" If you can include the last 3999 posts, that'd be swellll...just kidding, of course. But if you could include the last 17 (make that 20, see the above 3 hangers-on and ne'er do-wells) or so of the posts from #1, first above written going back to and including July 4th the Happy Anniversary one, that should give one and all some context, as that was the day 2 years ago, when we first met each other for real, where we broke bread and watermelons at the finest pizza pic-a-nic this side of the Rockies, and whence we collectively enjoyed a grand and magnificent band celebrating all good things. Thank Yew veddy much, Oh Kind One.
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13 years 7 months

you can call me Al for all I care...just don't call me late for dinner. What geomeister says is just fine by me. Sorry Al.... say high to your horse.... :-)
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Member for

16 years 5 months

We're very intrigued by the Playing in the Sand gig come February and will most likely pony-up. Spoke to a dude at CID today in Philly who's been at all the gigs there (D&C, DMB, etc...) and he said is simply knockout gorgeous and as intimate a live beach concert setting as you can imagine. Multiply that by three shows and "all-inclusive" amenities and the the money grab rolls-on... Anyone else contemplating?
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Certainly does sound intriguing...just a bit too pricey for me. Thanks, Marye, for the admin cleanup!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

For a real good site
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Member for

4 years 9 months

49 never married, optimistic, honest, and lighthearted female. No kids, std-free, pretty cute, I like to cook and eat. Never hard drugs, pescatarian, and animal lover. Toured 87 - 95 then, reggae fests, then bluegrass, then college. Currently interested in hiking wilderness areas or long trails, camping, biking, anything outdoors. No drainbows or drama. Also just looking for one great companion, I don’t believe in romance hooey. All good things in all good time.
