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  • c_c
    Kiss and Jerry
    Garcia, was in fact a kind of Kiss fan. Known to hang backstage, friends with Ace Freehley, matter of fact, Jerry tought Ace to play new leads, and brushed him up on the pentatonic (sic) scales... after Garcia saw Kiss in the mid-70s, he said he wanted to be on the "Ace side" of the stage, hence the switch with Phil round about that time.
  • Moye
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    OHHH YEAH!!!
    First off, GRATEFULTWINZ!! Good for you. Second, the worst thing then KISS is KISS fans. I worked with a fan for 4 years, we never clicked. Third, I got my tickets to Philly for myself, kottonmouthjeff and our other 2 freinds. And with that note I say to myself, Philly, get ready!!! Peace- Moye
  • Zimmy2008
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    Sooo Exited
    Just recieved email notification, our last set of tickets is shipping. YAHOOOOOOOO.... see you all in Albany, Buffalo, and two night in Philly.
  • cactuswax
    Jack Straw
    Yup, all in one fell swoop as they say, though I've never really figured out exactly what that means, nor who "they" are....
  • GratefulTwinz
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    I know something you dont know.....
    Just had to tell my little story of poetic justice... I work with this guy who all in all is a pretty cool guy but he's a bit of a "know it all" and he never stops talking and rarely lets you get a word in. Anyway he's alway's throwing little jabs at me about being a Deadhead and just tries to get under my skin( I usually just grin and give him that "I know something you dont know" look.) Here's an example: Me and this other guy were talking one day about when Jerry went into a diebetic coma and had to re-learn playing guitar,He butts in and says: "How come he did'nt learn how to play it right?" This is coming from a guy who thinks KISS is the greatest band ever!(What a clown!)(Who listens to clowns)(LOL) Anyway-Last week I was talking to my friend at work about the upcoming Dead shows and how expensive tickets were and how I could'nt go because I had to spend my ticket money on a lawyer to get custody of my step-kids who are in an unhappy home, and again he butts in with "How the hell can all those SCUMBAGS afford 100-200 dollar tickets?" This really burned me,I must admit- So I half-jokingly said-"HEY-Dont call my FAMILY scumbags!" So he say's "If They were really your family somebody would give you a ticket!! Well GUESS WHAT??? That was last friday and over the weekend is when I got miracled by someone on these pages!!!!! IN YOUR FACE, MOFO!!!!! Needless to say I walked into work monday with a huge shit-eatin' grin on my face and when he seen me he goes"What are YOU so happy about??" heeheehee :-)(-:
  • mrmojorisen
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    i need the pizza toppings
    i need the pizza toppings for the charlotsville show, I cant wait to shake my bones
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Cactuswax -
    Wow ... all your tix in one package? I was wondering if I was going to be getting multiple packages... "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
  • cactuswax
    the trip begins to come into focus...
    Wooo! It's a good Dead day - got the Hartford discs in the post, started spinning disc one immediately as I'm opening my other mail.... "what the hell is this thing?" I'm saying to myself as I pull open the weird white bubble-wrapped package that also showed up, "feels pretty light..." AHA!!! My tix to Chicago, Denver, Shoreline! Beyond geeked, I am....
  • deaddan1969
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    On a lighter note - check out the new video released on the dead site of the taxi tour
  • deaddan1969
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    Sorry if I stir up some old posts in this message
    I have been reading today some of the older messages and I have to say I am sick! I cannot believe the shit I’m hearing. Everyone can have their opinion so I will have mine. The bitching and moaning over ticket prices? Sure the dead have most always been one of the more reasonable priced tickets but instead of crying about it and crapping on the band maybe think to yourself for one moment……they have done so much over the years for so little that just maybe there is a good reason. Ya I was surprised by the price but instead of throwing an ungrateful pile of shit in their face I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe there is a reason they did what they did and it may just be none of our business. Oh and by the way when you buy that $50 to $75 ticket to most other bands remember you’re probably going to see a 2 hour concert not a 4 hour show. For the people bashing on GDTS TOO you don’t have a clue. I over the years have ordered more tickets from them than anywhere else and was NEVER let down. GDTS TOO has worked hard to offer us all something…. An alternative to Ticket-Bastard!! Now I have to here you cry about their inability to offer you instant gratification well go fuck yourself. To the person or persons who said in their post (referring to it being ok for individuals planning on going to the concerts just to party in the lot) “Phil if you really did write that then I'm sorry, I love you but shut the fuck up and just play good music.....leave the outside to us.....we can handle it.” Well I disagree it is absolutely the bands responsibility to be concerned with the lot and what goes on in it. It has been proven that that people cannot handle it. Do you remember the 90’s? Well I do and it sure the fuck was not like the 80’s. I still have my Deer Creek ticket to a show that never happened due to fuckheads in the lot! Now I have no problem with someone on tour that didn’t have a ticket for a show along the way I can understand that but if you don’t have a ticket and you ‘re going just for the party DON’T your just fucking it up for everyone!!!! Finally for everyone out there with that groovy positive attitude hope to see ya in Chicago, Denver and California
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The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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probably the Going Furthur topic would be your best bet.