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    Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.


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  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    only got a 1907 Vintage Heidsieck Champagne, TL; will that do?
    i am raising a glass to you TL as i type! (unfortunately it only has peach oolong tea in it but the day is still quite young).yeah, i hope Villa comes back a blazin'! Puyol too. Ramos is a bit more unpredictable ha ha! 11 red cards at Real Madrid so far (and counting, no doubt). funny that footage of him pushing Villa and Puyol though; did it really hurt that much, Carles?... as for Piqué? there seemed to be a LOT of giving away the ball throughout the tournament; maybe his mind was on Shakira's hips (they don't lie, apparently). and you're right Badger, that was nice to see their kids going for goal! next generation maybe? i think Torres' offspring looked in better form then he has recently. as for Balotelli TL, well i looked at him in a slightly more understanding light after hearing about his upbringing; came from Ghana to Italy, quite seriously ill as a kid, in foster care since he was three. and as you can imagine, Italy not always the most tolerant of anyone who isn't white and Italian. the BBC showed a newspaper article with a cartoon of Balotelli hanging onto to the Empire State Building à la King Kong!!! and the piece was actually a positive one!! quite unbelievable. bet you were happy about Ronaldo's upset, eh TL?!! (we know you like him really). and ol' Villa-Boas has signed a 50 million pound 3 year contract Badger; fingers crossed it was Chelsea's egos that got in the way last season and not his managerial style. otherwise you're in the poo poo. Murray versus Ferrer today; bloody hell.... likely to be another toughy methinks. the Spanish man plays like his footballing brethren; constantly moving, deft skill and bags of energy right up until the umpire calls it over. as Fraser would say "we're doomed, doooomed...."
  • cosmicbadger
    well done Spain
    Hats off to Spain..after being quite boring and circular in their play in the last 2 rounds they finally turned it on and looked like a team with a purpose! If they had a Spaniss Messi (Torres does not compare) to complete their pretty patterns, they would be truly up there with the immortals. It's a shame Italy were not at their best and that they had to playy 30 minites with 10 men. At least they continued with an attacking style and did not retreat to their customary defensive approach. I am in Tirana in Albania right now working with 6 Italians..they are in deep mourning. What was wonderful at the end was so many of the Spanish team not strutting around and beating their chesfs, but happily, unselfconsciously playing with their kids. That made me like them a lot more :-)
  • fluffanutter
    Iran, Israel & the US Throwin' Stones
    Iran and the US today underlined their military readiness for conflict should faltering diplomacy over Tehran’s atomic activities fail, as tensions rose over tougher western sanctions. Iran said it successfully fired several dozen missiles in war games in its central desert region designed to show its capacity for counter-attack. US officials, meanwhile, detailed a quiet US military build-up in the Gulf region that includes deployment of warships and F-22 stealth fighter jets. The belligerent posturing came on the day technical experts from Iran and from world powers, including the United States, were due to meet in Istanbul in the latest round of talks. Iran refuses to bow to Western demands that it curb its sensitive uranium enrichment under the pressure of punishing economic sanctions that were ramped up last week to their most severe level so far. ***** How far does the US go in sticking by whatever best bud Israel decides is a threat to itself? The US and other western allies have really gone way out of their way to isolate Iran on this issue, to the point of having the monetary system pull their SWIFT code, the means by which the entire world moves money bank to bank. There really is not much more that the US, Israel and other allies can do. They've already had some success with cyber war, Israel played the big bluff in threatening to launch unilateral attacks on Iran which were said to be most likely in April, May or June of this year. The Obama Administration warily advised restraint and asked Israel to endure as sanctions did their work. Now this saber-rattling. Very unnerving. I am reminded of the Nostrodamus quatrain that starts with something like: "The war will be well underway when..." I am also nervous that there is no mention of this through any of the major news outlets. Ho-hum summer doldrums, everybody going to the July 4th bar-b-q. I, for one, see the entire Mid-East at a broiling point right now. Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and a whole host of minor players are in the mix right now. Russia is lurking in the background. A unilateral attack or deliberate provocation and attack could start the conflagration. Just sayin' I'm not asleep to the possibilities which are all too evident this holiday...
  • TigerLilly
    So yeah, Jonapi
    I'll toast a cava with you, as long as it's a very dry one! :D
  • fluffanutter
    Chief Justice Roberts' Decides
    You have to wonder about the Supreme Court. Are the decisions they make fair and really unencumbered by political designs? I've never thought so and Roberts changing his mind and writing the majority opinion in favor of the individual mandate in Obamacare certainly added proof to the pudding. Don't get me wrong. I'm in favor of Obama's landmark healthcare legislation. It's just that it goes against Roberts grain to change his mind and make such a ruling. It also shows that the justices can really do just about anything they want and always find some reason to justify it. It's really very scary when you think about it. The result of this decision is to enhance Obama's chance (already quite good) of winning the election. If Roberts sat back one night six weeks ago after knocking back a couple of scotches and said "I can't go down in history as the man who sunk millions of people's only chance to receive health care", that would be a good thing. If somebody reached out to him from Chicago to seal the deal for Obama, then that would be a very bad thing. One of the worst. The Supreme Court was never envisioned to be a king-maker. They shouldn't even make important decisions like this in an election year unless it is a critically time-sensitive issue. I want to believe Chief Justice Roberts is a good man with a good heart. I am so jaded and cynical about the nature of American politics, though, that it is hard for me to believe that the man appointed by Dubya to lead the Court could have had an eleventh hour pang of conscience. I really hope I'm wrong.
  • TigerLilly
    Spain was a beauty to behold
    And I was missing Puyol and Villa a lot too! Puyol and Piqué are an awesome dynamic duo that Piqué and Ramos are NOT! I was pleasantly suprised by this Italian team, and will be keeping an eye on Balotelli in the future-for sure. Highest win in competition history, btw!
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    cava and fireworks, por favor
    well, Euro 2012 has come to a close.for those of us who watched the whole competition, Spain turned it on last night and shone brightly. amidst the usual display of dazzling dexterity they truly reached higher and gave the whole world a slap to the face and provided a masterclass in the art of football. having passed with panache earlier in the tournament, but with little to show for it, they scored some beautiful goals (Jordi Alba's in particular), culminating with a deft finish from an off-form Torres and his selfless assist (without looking) to his Chelsea team mate, Mata. Italy were outclassed, as simple as that. once that second goal went in, the spirit looked drained. a shame regarding the injuries as the game kinda limped to the final whistle but their fate was already sealed really. where to for Spain now? onwards and upwards no doubt. with David Villa and Carles Puyol soon to return there should be good times ahead. although age is creeping up on some of the players. as good as the Brazil '70 team? the jury is out on that one... so, not a stunning competition but some good games here and there. well done Poland and Ukraine. next stop Wimbledon and the agonies of Murray. still, looking good as i type, with a set up and 3-1 in the second.
  • Anna rRxia
    A del Bosque-esque victory; Tiger's back!
    Vicente del Bosque's Spanish national team became the first side to successfully defend a European Championship title, as well as the first to win three consecutive major tournaments after their triumphs at Euro 2008 and the 2010 World Cup. Accused in some quarters (including this thread) of having lost their ability to excite, Spain produced a thrilling demonstration of attacking football to confirm beyond doubt that this remains a golden age for Spanish football. Of course, it is easy to win when the other team goes down a player for a third of the game. In more exciting news, Tiger Woods prowled to his third victory this year in the AT&T at Congressional in Bethesda. There were flashes of the old Tiger brilliance with his short iron game and putting, executing several amazing shots that nobody in golf even attempts. He surpassed Nicklaus as the second winning-est golfer ever, capturing his 74th PGA title. At 36 he is almost a cinch to surpass Sam Snead with another ten wins, as long as his knee holds out. While he is not completely back in prime form, the only real question is how many more majors he can add to the 14 already in his bag. It's a shame he couldn't close the door at the US Open a couple of weeks ago. Speaking of the US Open, did anybody catch the interview with winner Web Simpson at Olympic in SF near the 18th green? Some wild and crazy guy stepped in front of the camera and made several distinct loon bird calls, looking directly into the camera with a mirthful smirk. Ahhh, that priceless San Francisco treat!
  • marye
    really so scary
    especially the fires being so bad so early in the year.
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Hi Gr8fulTed!
    Thanks for thinking of us Ted! June has been hell on earth for Colorado. So many people affected by these infernos, heat, drought etc.. The Springs were like a scene right out of Terminator last week, unreal... Cheers to DSO for throwing that benefit show at Left Hand Brewery on Friday. Please bring us some rain!! ((((Colorado Rain))))
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17 years 1 month

Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.

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all the complexities and grey areas and contradictions and mixed messages and mixed massages should not change the simple message that 'No means no' .
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I totally agree cosmicbadger. No indeed means NO.Just to clarify to everyone, i do not support any entangled web of behaviour as by any means justifying a sad, abusive outcome. There are no excuses. But the more confusing the message, the more perplexing the deed becomes. At what point does lurid, provocative body language and attention getting turn into a "come on"? Men AND women. Like i said, the incredible amount of stupid males in the world WILL read these signs in a particular way. Everyone in this kind of situation are complicit. Some men encourage and demand this behaviour, certain women are all too happy to oblige. Makes for incredibly muddy waters where all parties are ultimately become losers. I remember traveling in Morocco with my wife; we found ourselves with a party of three English girls, seemingly completely oblivious to the Muslim tradition of more modest attire, even in extreme heat. We are talking, and i kid you not, the barest minimum. Which, in turn, provoked in some quarters, cat calls, and quite distressing leering and unpleasant comments. And the girls reaction was one of almost incredulity and unabashed sneers. True, at a certain age you think you're the centre of the Universe and you can do what you want. I understand that, we've all done it. But what the hell did they expect? "I want to walk around pouting, flicking my blonde hair, but don't say anything or come too close; you ain't hot, you ain't fit and you ain't a similarly tangoed arsehole from the West". Maybe leave the country and stick to Ibiza then, no? (They did have some good hash that we imbibed while on camel back, ambling through the desert by moonlight for a couple hours to camp, the wind a cooling complement while Phil Lesh's bassline from "The Other One" played in my gently cushioned mind, so guess we dug them a wee bit). We all know that men abuse their self-assumed positions of dominance (and we all know that women know the real deal; "Talking Loud And Saying Nothing" anyone?). But stupid people attract other stupid people. And you know what? Like most things, it spoils it and complicates matters for the many thousands, nay, millions of people who are decent and mean well. The few shafting the many. Others paying the price for the minority. And likewise, in agreement, riggsjr; Justice totally uneven, and probably encouraged, dare i say, demanded? Possibly the same sentence for a Kynd soul buying a tiny amount of weed as for the an aggravated assault or sexual misdemeanor. Me? I'll stick to music and the love and companionship of my family and friends. Friends i have or friends i've yet to meet.
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A couple of years ago I was in a bar/cafe in Munich Germany with my wife. A smartly dressed woman entered laden with shopping and followed by her 12(ish) year old daughter. As they sat down at the table next to us my wife noticed that the daughter was wearing a pink T-shirt with the following words written across in sparkly writing: 'Just do me' We debated whether to go across and say something to them. Maybe not being native english speakers they did not understand. But we could not think of a way to explain without seeming like complete weirdos so said nothing.
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am quite sure both of them understood exactly what that means! Horriffic!!!!!!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Unbelievable spineless wimps on this jury just wanted to go home. Not one would hold out and hang the jury. This equals the OJ verdict. I am sickened by this miscarriage of justice. If Casey didn't do the actual deed, she knows who did and deserves 30 years in the slam for that alone.
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"Not guilty" doesn't = "innocent" by a long stretch. My wife was incredulous over the verdict, I was actually expecting it. Without a cause of death, all of the prosecution agruments, all the defense arguments, were speculation, since whoever actually knows what happened was not telling. That makes the burden of proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" pretty tough to shoulder. Without knowing with certainty how or when Caylee died, how can you prove that a particular person killed her? I observed a trial once where every person in the courtroom, including me, KNEW that the accused was guilty. But all the evidence was circumstantial and plausibly explained by other scenarios. The judge, who I'm sure also believed that he done it, ruled "not guilty." It's supposed to work that way. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it sucks a lot.
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Under Scottish Law Juries have the option of a third verdict 'Not Proven', which means 'We know you did it, but it can't be proved' or as some would say "not guilty, but don't do it again". No punishment is associated with Not Proven, but the verdict is not subject to double jeopardy so the accused can be retried if more evidence is found. And the verdict remains as a permament suspicion over the accused. I
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I like that. We need one of those...
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Whoever said the the Scot's weren't smart?
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No one. You're thinking of the Irish.
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don't be knocking the Irish! LOL :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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"Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud."********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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"Somwhere a village is missing 12 idiots" What about all the other children dead in a ditch? Casey Anthony knows who killed her baby, even if it was an "accident" Gee, what did we ever do before DNA evidence? Use common sense? Hey. why should I be surprised when people don't care about their Miranda Rights.
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13 years 7 months

So News International sells millions of papers based on news which may have been sourced by tapping phones emails,etc. They have also been bribing paying the police to get these details for them and denying in court that this was a regular practice during the Tommy Sheridan trial ( a member of the Scottish Socialists who has been jailed for perjury when he took the News Of The World to court for libel).The heat comes on and what do News International do? Shut down the rag of a 'newspaper' News Of The World ( subject matter, who's having an affair, soap opera trivia). All this so that Rupert Murdoch can still push for his plans to take a greater stake in Sky television and then really try and influence every election or thought we have. It's time someone put an end to this megalomaniac's ambitions but I fear it won't happen under the current government who probably still owe him dues for helping to break the miners strike of 1984/85,and as we know the resulting defeat of the miners threw thousands out of work, destroyed families, made mining villages into ghost towns and decimated people's lives for years afterwards. Thanks for reading this rant which now comes to a close.
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Yep, a sacrifice worth making for a little BSkyB action.Can't wait to see David Cameron start backtracking and applying the sincerity with a pallet knife. In fact, give him a spade, he'll need a bigger surface area. Scary when you consider the influence some of these tabloids have over the public. Some people actually get their "world view" from The Sun. To the right of Attila The Hun? This is a paper everyone, that in 2011, with all our advances in science, philosophy, medical breakthroughs.........has a picture of a girl topless on page 3. If i wanted to look at a pair of tits i'd catch a Cameron/Clegg interview.
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TAXING THE WEALTHY In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose raising taxes on those with incomes over $150,000 a year? Support 1957 Oppose 449 Unsure 351 In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose raising taxes on those with incomes over $250,000 a year? Support 2545 Oppose 133 Unsure 70 In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose raising taxes on those with incomes over $1,000,000 a year? Support 2683 Oppose 62 Unsure 4 CUTTING SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, AND MEDICAID In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Social Security, which is the retirement program for the elderly? Support 95 Oppose 2614 Unsure 46 In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Medicare, which is the government health insurance program for the elderly? Support 102 Oppose 2596 Unsure 57 In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Medicaid, which is the government health insurance program for the poor, disabled, and children? Support 107 Oppose 2577 Unsure 66 NATIONAL PRIORITIES What do you think should be a higher priority for Congress: creating jobs or reducing the deficit? Creating jobs 2449 Reducing the deficit 216 **************************************************************************************** Stop, think, what is obvious common sense here? An Independent US Senator tells the truth while the rest try to brainwash us. Don't go along with the advertizing. Think for yourself.
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...to donate profits from it's last copy to charity. Be still my heart... The righteous Murdoch, who brought forth to America, this ignorant land, the FOX network with it's many, many "Liar, Liar! Pants On Fire" awards from Politifact (an ind. org. who checks news claims). As long as there was a cell phone with a battery in it, on or off, they could hack it. If your cell phone is off and you're enjoying yourself in the privacy of your own home, the News of the World might be listening in as the champagne cork pops. Hey, wait a minute! Our government, news agencies, detectives etc., might be listening to us. Glad to say I was way ahead of the curve on this one. My battery is more out of my cell phone than in. ~ The only privacy we have left is that measured between our own two ears. ~ (from the movie Enemy of the State"
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16 years 11 months

Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R)-SC, and a few of his party friends introduced Senate Resolution 226 in order to stop President Obama from invoking his authority under the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling! How do these Republicans get elected, who's drivin' their train, and what valid proposals do they offer to help resolve the issue of our deficit? Simply mind-boggling.
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14th Amendment to the US Constitution "Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void." So Grahm , et. al. is saying that the national debt ceiling had to do with Obama freeing the slaves? Uhhhm, NO! (But could be as SC started the civil war and Obama wants one black vote to equal 1 vote instead of 3/5ths of a voe) Is Grahm saying that the Tea Party and all other organizations fomenting insurrection such as AQ should not be paid for by the States or the US? Is Grahm really trying to say that Obama is trying to support insurrection in our country by providing decent, affordable health care? Basing the objection to raising the debt ceiling on the 14th Amendment is an act of lunacy that could only come from SC. Last: Who is behind this? The Kohn bothers. A billionaire PAC of 2 dedicated to the proposition that the American people can be advertized into doing anything they want. I must admit they are doing a good job with the Supremes right now -- Corporations have human rights and can spend all their money getting whomever they want elected. Grahm, the Tea Party, he Kohns have no valid poroposals. They only wish to fine tune our population so that 3/5th of the population can be the servants for 2/th of the population. It's called "Class War" which is why I'll never again hold that Bob & Phil made a mistake in rallying for Obama.
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A pause from the Koch bros for a moment, and back to the Caylee Anthony trial. And no, Gonzo, the RI part of this is not a reference to wiseguys on Federal Hill nor to Buddy Cianci. This is how you get around pesky things like "laws" in order to obtain justice for the victims of murderers. Craig Price was a teenage serial killer in the late '80s in Warwick, RI. Absolutely guilty, no doubt here, he confessed to his crimes and showed zero remorse for brutally killing 4 people over the course of a couple of years. But he was a minor, and RI had no law in place to try minors as adults. So despite his admitted guilt, Price was supposed to be released from incarceration on his 21st birthday. However, through a series of infractions that he committed while in jail, including assault, extortion and the big one, criminal contempt of court for refusing psychological evaluation/treatment (on the advice of his attorney, most likely because if fully evaluated he would have ended up in a mental hospital/prison for the rest of his life), he's still in jail and currently with a 2020 release date. This was so obviously a case of gaming the system on the part of prison officials, prosecutors, and judges...but his crimes were so heinous that, frankly, nobody cared. I was appalled at how obvious this stuff was at the time. But frankly, I didn't care either. Except, you know, on an "integrity of the system" basis. Price is in his late 30s now. As whacked out as he is, I have to believe he'll continue to screw up in prison and continue do time for crimes other than the horrific ones that got him behind bars to start with. We can only hope. So there's your template. Not so hard to follow, is it?
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...that entice and frighten at the same time. A group of prison officials decided that they wanted this guy IN JAIL for a few more years rather than, as you say, in the ckoo ckoo's nest for the rest of his life. As it is, his lawyer tried to have " justice" done, He will be out at around 48 years old or so. So he serves 27 years for killing 4 people. Casey Anthony gets 4 years for (time served) for killing her daughter. I don't argue that a jury of one's piers is best in trying criminal cases, though you have to admit, judges and lawyers can and do manipulate juries on a regular basis. This judge was on the side of the prosecution. That was obvious. He said no less than three times "even if you have a reasonable doubt , still, IF YOU HAVE A DEEP, ABIDING FEELING THAT THE ACCUSED IS GUILTY THEN YOU MUST BRING BACK A GUI;TY VERDICT! Not one juror heard that instruction or took it to heart and they all just looked into deep space for any reasonable doubt, plausible or imagined. Not one juror had the guts to hang that jury. The Prosecutor's office in Pinellas Country, got deeply burned and won't go through the time and expense of another trial, should more evidence come to light. It's like I said i the other post... What did we ever do before DNA evidence? Use common sense? Yes, I know DNA is kicking people off Death Row all over the place but I still don't think it applies in this case. By the way, Buddy Cianci was the former mayor of Providence, but he didn't have a button. The New England Family is run out of many legal enterprises in RI. I only know what I know cause I lived in that state a long time.
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he was handing the defense an appeal on a silver platter. The judge might not like it, but deep abiding feelings notwithstanding, as the law is constituted the jury with the Not Proven verdict on its hands is obliged to bring in Not Guilty. Now it may come to pass with Ms. Anthony that she experiences a huge transformation and has an exemplary or at least unremarkable life, who knows. Or it may be that she goes the way of OJ and is soon undone over some truly dumbass move. She has a certain amount of control over this and let's hope she's learned enough to use it well.
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which I believe it did, a little girl died and no killer was found. The mother lied and lied and lied and partied till the jig was up. It was all the kind of evidence that does not prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, but leads a rational, sane person in a very firm direction. Sorry there was no DNA, but after six months it all decomposes. If it was a pool accident would a former police officer not call the police? She was observed with her car backed half into the garage and asking a neighbor to borrow a shovel, presumably to bury the kid in the backyard. Many, many juries have convicted with less evidence than this. Most of the time their verdict was probably correct and rendered to the best of their conscious. This one has to live with 3 pieces of duct-tape on little Caylee's face so she couldn't breathe. Somebody put a little kiss or smiley sticker on the the place where Caylee's lips were. I hope they all think of how they cast their verdict at the moment before they die. There was almost a riot in Orlando that day. In some ways it was a strange and twisted saga with the case going to the jury on July 4th. I think it was meant to show that justice does prevail when a mother allegedly callously kills her daughter but when you sequester people in the jury for 31 days for crap pay they are are going to throw out all deliberate reasoning and run for home -- not go into another deliberation on the sentence to be given. As it was, the judge gave her the max on lying to a police officer on 4 counts. Sitting on the bench as an African-American maybe he knows a thing or two about justice that we don't.
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given the surfeit of apparent hysterical fiction coming from both sides, they threw up their hands, looked at the meager actual evidence, and followed the law. We weren't there, we don't know. I do tend to adhere to the better x thousand guilty go free than one innocent be executed principle, though. We're no better than them otherwise, killers of innocents, and institutional ones at that, wrapping ourselves in the flag of justice while we do it. So in a situation like this where the actual evidence is negligible, and that, and a passel of showboating lawyers and media trolls, is what they've got to deal with, I think it's very likely those people in good conscience did the best they could to follow the law. But hey, we weren't there.
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I agree marye.Gut-wrenching and abominable though the case and outcome may be, if there is not sufficient evidence, the verdict HAS to be Not Guilty. Sticks in the stomach i know, but judging by "feelings" and "intuition", even "common sense" (and i use that word quite loosely in this day and age), has no place in a courtroom. It would lead to even MORE abuses of justice, with police and prosecutors with big grudges, stitching people up even more than they probably do already. As i've said before, when you look at some of the people called for jury service and some of the judges in the courtroom, you wouldn't trust them to organise a fuck in a brothel. It would lead to more bribes, more manipulation, more false convictions and therefore more posts in this topic about the injustice of it all and "whatever happened to evidence with a capital E"? Injustice does prevail sometimes. But we need to look to a higher law. These people will get what they deserve. The simple law of Karma. That poor soul's suffering is already in the past, something that is irreversible. We need to concentrate on thinking of her warmly and with infinite compassion. The bottom rung of the ladder complete for this particular cycle and the next step already taken. No concrete evidence, no sentence. If people are sufficiently outraged they are always free to take matters into their own hands. But i wouldn't recommend this.
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17 years

A French tv car took out two competitors in the Tour de France yesterday. Knocked them out of the race (German news said one with head injuries, internet article research says he landed naked in barbed wire). How ridiculous!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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karma cuts like a razor blade, bad or good. And Mary, living in in the country that has the most incarcerated, perhaps letting 9999 guilty go free than have one innocent convicted is the better answer, but I do think that would change my view on gun control. A bolt of lightning hit the tree, next to where Caylee Anthony's body was found, yesterday. I guess some higher powers checked in. Or it's all coincidence.
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16 years 11 months

Vinokourov woke up in Paris this morning w a fractured thigh bone. The Alfa Romeo that swerved and slammed 2 riders off to their right may have been looking to avoid a big tree on the road's left shoulder: the driver got booted from Le Tour. It may have been a team car for Voeckler.
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it was a TV car..it was horrfic watching that cyclist get catapulted into barbed wire. But both victims got back on their bikes and finished the race. They are coming our way on Wednesday, through Cordes sur Ciel (remember that TL?)
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Looked like the car was on the verge and swerved to avoid the tree; i guess one of those split-second reactions but unbelievable to forget the three cyclists next to him!! Why on earth are that many cars behind them anyways?!! Did you see that documentary, cosmicbadger, called "Death On The Mountain: The Story Of Tom Simpson" last year? Pretty interesting. My cousin just recently cycled up Mount Ventoux; quite a journey.
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I remember walking the lonely road to Cordes, bright and early on a Sunday morning, CB! :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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the bell tower and the fois gras! :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Najac- the city on a ridge! OK memory lane done now :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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It's hammering down here today..not much fun watching the Tour in a deluge so I may give it a miss. The riders will appreciate the cool weather, but not the bad roads of the Tarn in the wind and wet, as well as some very tricky descents. Hope they stay safe.
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Us Fed Debt -- 14.4 trillionItalian Fed Debt 1.6 trillion The wealthy European Union members are going bonkers over Greece (write-off) Spain, Portugal & Italy. Americans are going bonkers over 14.4 trillion of debt, not to mention the Chinese who own about 22% of that debt. We are not "too big to fail." Our credit rate will be lowered and China will become the new reserve currency, thus taking over the world without firing a shot or wasting a bit of resources. Take a look at the table for US Fed & State Debt for 2016: Fiscal Year 2016 in $ billion Change (2) FEDGov. Xfers (3) State (3) Local (3) Total charts [+] Pensions 1,007.8 [+] Health Care 1,233.0 [+] Education 128.7 [+] Defense 901.8 [+] Welfare 380.3 [+] Protection 60.6 [+] Transportation 117.6 [+] General Government 34.7 [+] Other Spending 41.0 [+] Interest 562.2 [+] Balance 0.0 -0. [+] Total Spending 4,467.8 [+] Federal Deficit 648.7 [+] Gross Public Debt 20,825.0 So, if you took in Monthly $20,285 Plus borrowed $648.70 With interest of $562.20 -- that would mean you earned $20,285 last month And you spent $2149.59. After a while of that some sherriffs with guns come and throw you, your wife and kids and things in the street and take your house. Not Me!!! Fuck the Tea Party Eat The Rich Before they eat us!
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13 years 5 months

I'd like to know how much in cuts it will take to actually get the "debt clock" running in the right direction ? I think one thing they could do is to actually make Medicare about giving health care to people instead of being about making doctors wealthy with taxpayer money.I wonder how much money is given to doctors just for making "referrals", where they look at a patient for 2 seconds and say "you need to see a specialist" , then charge the government $100 for those 2 seconds of hard work. It just seems to me that most of our politicians and their corporate cronies are our to destroy America, not fix it. And they are doing a much better job than Al-Queda.
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You hit one of the solid gold nails on the head: Not just the MDs -- who always seem to be mindlessly thinking about their next hot vacation spot wit the hot hurse at the nurse's station. It's the nurse. The Nurse Practitioner, the techs in the operating room, the people making $24 an hour sanitizing instruments on 3rd shift. Then there is the insurance companies who cause the doctors to hire and army of specialists who speak the language called insurancese that make the insurance companies very rich indeed. Go on to the pharmaceutical companies that are making trillions of dollars each year, zealously guarding their patents and then not giving a shit when they run out, allowing fully 10% of the world's medications to be counterfeit, even here in the US. Specialists make about $400,000 a year and get richer every time a general practitioner refers somebody to them. Those people didn't earn their money. Sorry, they'reir crooks and thieves and sucking off the diseases of people. People you and I love. That number in the 2016 projected budget is $1,233,000.000.00. S.Brian, you are right, it is a huge place to start. But seniors vote and are scared of the black man who'll kill great-grandma and great grand-pa and then them. Next time you have a visit to a doctor and you have a minute (remember, they only give you 15 minutes) discuss this with them and listen to their answers. Listen to HOW MUCH THEY DESERVE IT!
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Than figure for healthcare as estimated in the 2016 budget is:$1,233,000,000,000.00
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after a miserable 1st half, will be in the Finals for the Women's World Cup. Looks like Japan will be their opponent. Japan is playing a brilliant game tonight!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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13 years 7 months

USA team lost their way for a while but their belief in themselves carried them through to a well deserved victory. Likewise Japan started out very badly against Sweden, but what a turn around they dominated after they scored their equaliser and looked like the only team that could win.Should be a great final, fingers crossed that both teams can deliver on the day. Kudos to all the teams for making this a great tournament which should lift the reputation of women's soccer and hopefully carry the game forward to a bright future.
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If you made:$20,285 in year And borrowed $648 With an additional $562 in interest You spent $1210 more than you took in. Math was never my specialty, until it became my survival.
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Can't wait for the Japan vs USA Women's World Cup Final!!!!!Japan going from strength to strength; hopefully the men's team winning the Asian Cup recently will spur them on to a fantastic performance. Homare Sawa is a great Captain and should bring a blossoming inspiration to the players. If the US won't leave Okinawa with some self-respect, maybe they can leave Germany as the losing team. Fingers crossed..... がんばって ね!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Good ole' R. Murdoch and New's Corp's hacking of cell phones has placed the threat front and center. Your phone can be turned on and everything from your voice mails to your current conversations, as long as the battery is in your phone, can be heard, downloaded to texr, whatever.. Lock your phone. Use up to a 12 digit # (at least 10 is recommended) code. If you use your phone to bank and other important apps. and feel yourself superior and hip, the joke may be on you. Watch your phone bill carefully!
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Mark my words; Murdoch will be up before Congress in the next couple weeks.No pathetic dragging of the heels like the UK; (What's the matter guys? Afraid of some "implication"?). And the best way to remove any cell phone threat is not to own one. I don't. Nor does my wife. Never needed to. My parents and their parents and their parents didn't either. How did we all cope? Pretty easily, funnily enough.
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a few years ago, prior to a road trip, and I must admit, I have needed it late at night, when I was stuck somewhere and no communication near, but yeah, never needed a leash before. Mebbe I should just get wunna those pay by the minute suckers to keep in the glove box, for emergencies. Heck, I don't do much more than use it for a watch, and to irritate my son.....
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My numbers were taken from an uncompromisable source. They were stretched into the year 2016, assuming nothing happened to make them go up or down significantly. They weren't my household budget, they were EVERYBODY'S budget divided by the US population of around 335,000,000. The latest news is because of the 14th amendment and coming elections (which never stop) they will allow Obama too lift the ceiling and face the major crunch after the elections. Perhaps the US credit rating will go down, perhaps not..... But, if every person in the US borrows $648 a year And has a cumulative interest over their lives of $ 562 per year..... And if Obama isn't re-elected, and social programs go down the toilet the only jobs are going to be for rent-a-cops and grave-diggers.
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13 years 5 months

Japan needed that World Cup win much more than we did. Congrats Japan and did that not show the character of the Japanese or what? Two come from behind goals and a spanking given in the shoot out. Good game! J.T. Gossard http://thehallucinogenicbible.blogspot.com/
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17 years

Congrats to Japan, for an amazing game! They remained calm and focused the entire game, which won in the end, while the US was more fired up and faster, but made mistakes-like the US defense assisting them in a goal, and missing the 1st two 11 m kicks due to nerves.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde