• 8,062 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • wilfredtjones

    You know it's on Dave's radar as he has played some of it on 30 Days in past years. Good show and one of my first tapes. Keep the stories coming! :-)

  • Oroborous

    So after basically staying up for 2 days at SPAC, we finally pack it up and hit the road the next day. I believe it was a rainy, gloomy day most of the day. But that didn’t stop our idiot patrol from basically racIng at high speed through the fine but conservative state of Pennsytuckey, where they were one of the last to let go of the 55 mph laws, and back then there usually wasn’t much tolerance. So 2 cars of totally raging nutknicks, with probably enough cargo to keep us detained for decades, thought it’d be a good idea to race at speeds up to 90!, Idiots!.....yes, one car had a radar detector, but in those days smart cops would wait for some nut traveling high speed and click it on when they had ya dead nuts.
    Luckily, all was well and it was one more “miracle” as we earnestly pursued our quest for “too much of everything is just enough”, aaaa, never considered back then maybe Bob was being sarcastic? Lol
    So we roll on into Chocolate town late and all beat up. I’m guessing we grabbed some kind of drive through, but not sure and as we were hardcore vegetarian then, perhaps we thought we’d grab something there? It’s all such a blur, I do recall the lot we were in had no or little Shakedown action going on. That still wasn’t in full flight anyway, and don’t recall much there, so maybe we drank our supper? I know I scored some Carlsberg Elephant beer, and believe I may have finished it, though that is a tall order even under good conditions so perhaps not. I’m sure I put in dent in it at least! So, that and the last of one z of veggies, though the tricky part was it was mostly just powder and scraps and so no normal produce to properly gage etc, which would turn out to be a tactical error...
    So it’s late, we’re tired, but tweaked, perhaps no dinner, and of course it’s horrible out. Dark, rainy, and cold is usually not how you want to do your Dead. Eventually we get in perfect time, slip right in front of the SB and try to make the best of the situation. Well I had a shirt, a black baseball jacket, and the electric Buffalo Hyde, but even still it was damp and cold at first. Eventually, when things started to take hold and we started boogieing, we began to warm up a bit.
    Meanwhile, the set list is awesome, but the conditions, which necessitated all the stage and PA speakers being covered in plastic (there was no stage lid) thereby severely effecting the audio. It’s was such a weird show that way, loved the little “stadium” and the nice audiophile stereo set up, with surrounds, great set list, mostly good playing, yes JGs vocals are a little ruff in the first set, but you have to cut some slack as it was terrible, I mean depending on the wind/rain they were getting rained on playing electrical instruments! Weird indeed, but like so many times in adverse conditions our heroes seemed to rise to the challenge. Thus the playing was perhaps more relaxed, steady and together and not forced like the previous night. Really, besides JGs vocal issues in the first, its a top notch show!
    The second set really starts to take it higher with stellar versions of Music Never Stopped, Terrapin, Miracle and one of the best Dews I’ve ever seen! I think I saw about 14 or 15 Dews and when I think about Dews I’ve seen, this one is the one I always think of first! Rocking Stones/NFA with a spirited Day Job. I liked Day Job, but by now it was getting a tad old, and was a disappointment for this show considering how high it was at that point. A She Belongs or Baby Blue would of been a perfect Cherry on top, but perhaps that’s being greedy?
    Now since the weather was such a factor, we must discuss that and how it influenced this show. The second set starts out with their “signing in the rain” as Bob says, and it’s a good’n! Next they slowly slid into an unusual sounding Tom Thumbs which I had never heard yet, and wasn’t even sure at first what it was, but hey, it was Phil so that’s all I needed to know! Good but perhaps truncated Estimated, followed by an awesome Terrapin. So as the set started to progress, so did the weather until (I think?) around Estimated it really started to clear up and they started pulling the plastic tarps down. It was almost like you could immediately hear it get better after each one was removed. Eventually by about Terrapin, they tarps we’re gone, the moon and stars were out, and Healy started increasing the volume and tweaking the mix. I remember we were goading him to turn it up, and man eventually he sure did!
    As the night wore on it began to warm up a bit too. But as you’ve heard this scenario, or been there yourself, many times I didn’t feel quite high enough so what the hell, one more time with the powder veggie crumbles just before drums......hee-hee....you know, “I’m not feeling it?” and then...Dooah!
    So the problem with those baseball jackets is they don’t really breath and the electric Buffalo Hyde was thick plastic. We didn’t have all the nice technical outer gear we have now, or at least WE didn’t. I could barely afford the free plastic one from the old mans work.
    Well a perfect storm mounted; little or no food, Elephants, veggies etc, no sleep, excess everything and underlying exhaustion, with me starting to overheat due to the above and dancing with that plastic shell on. Things were going unbelievable well, and partly influenced by the very recent passing of my Grandfather, during Dew, things peaked musically, the sound, the night, the stars, emotionally etc etc until I had one of the most powerful musical/emotional/psychedelic peak experiences of my life. Perhaps my all time GD moment, it was that powerful. But what goes up must come down and just like that the radiator blew and that last handful of shroom dust fully kicked in and somewhere in Throwing Stones, right during ashes, ashes all fall down, well.....I say i didn’t really fall down, it was more like an immediate realization that if I don’t sit down rapidly, I’m going down! LOL, so one way or another, depending on who you believe, I end up down in the soft, cool mud until near the end of the song, but I swear just as I tried to get up I knew it wasn’t going to happen, so right on que again I go back down. My friends to this day always bring up my perfectly coreographed “Dance moves” above all else that happened on this tour..35 years later and it’s still “ashes, ashes, Pedro falls down” !
    That would of all been well and good except things were very strange and weren’t wearing off, and I was barely functioning. I never would of found the car etc If not for my homies. Honestly all I remember is them pulling into a Wendy’s or something, but I just sat in the car with my face literally stuck to the window and crackled! Zzzzttttt. I really thought I had finally fried some essential circuits and thought this time I really did it. At some point I snapped out enough to find some kids in another car staring at me with a look of concern if not fear. Luckily, the boys finished up and came out and got us outta there. Somewhere near the state line we finally grabbed a motel as we all had had more than enough rain and adversity. Plus the next day was off and the drive short. I remember they propped me up in bed and I just sat and crackled and worried. Eventually I slept and though I felt better the next day, I didn’t feel normal and don’t recall much except when we got to Merriweather and found a good spot just over the creek, right next to the path, in some trees, on the way to the big parking lots to the right of the venue. But now it was nice and I was feeling more normal so not so freaked out. I also remember going to a nearby sorta plaza with an upscale liquor store where I scored my first sixer of EKU 28 ever which was awesome!
    So now we’ve moved beyond the insanity of TOGA, the adversity and majesty of Hershey, and ready for perhaps the best overall show of the tour on 6/30/85....

    EDIT: Otis, congrats on the stereo. All that matters is if your happy with it. After all the specs and hyperbole etc, no matter how big, small, expensive etc, in the end, that’s all that counts!

  • Thats_Otis
    @ Bob T and Pick for Monday

    Nice rec for the TDIGDH 6/28/76 show! I'd never heard that one before, and it is pretty sweet. The "Happiness is Drumming" is certainly a highlight!

    I have been out of the loop for a bit - trying to deal with some personal stuff on my end, and I just kind of lost track of things around these parts. I hope to be able to participate more going forward.

    To that end, how about a pick for tomorrow, Monday 6/29? I am thinking Dave's 31 - 12/3/79 Uptown. I feel like this pick got a short shrift on the DaP page, but I remember being very happy with it, though I haven't given it a proper listen since it first came out. What do you all think?

    One positive thing that I have accomplished since I've been away has been the set up of my first component stereo system. I don't know if it compares to all of your "big boy" systems, but it certainly feels BIG in my little row home! Looking forward to playing it LOUD tomorrow when the wife goes to work.


  • Oroborous
    Voodoo senile, slight return. 6/27/85, and why 85 Dead is like

    Bode Miller...

    First, GOGD, I did not mean to single you out, over generalizations, which become stereotypes, which become truth etc, really bum me out. So it was more of a trigger to that, not you personally. I know you were just repeating this line.
    Actually, as I’ve dug in deeper, there are probably a significant number of shows where he often doesn’t sound so good, but to over generalize that “his voice was shot”, as in never more, to me, imho, that completely devalues and discounts all the amazing, great sounding stuff he was still able to do. 87,88,89,90,91anyone? Micro view versus macro perhaps?

    SECOND: I must humbly recant my tale of dancin in the rain. As we were diligently experiencing TOGA last night. Too things became apparent. First, perhaps JG was a tad “caffeinated” at the start of both sets. Listening close on a real system, (not the big boy, but the living room system which ain’t no slouch!), he seems a tad to fast and/or their not fully entrained. One could argue not fully so until Women Are?...so probably something to do with him totally skipping the Key Rain Storm, and Jailhouse versus, of Bertha, lol.
    Thus, while I wasn’t deceitful, I was not accurate. Sure enough, when Holmes and Watson ripped a spleef and fired up Bertha from SPAC 6/24/84, and bingo, ding, ding, ding, ding! Right venue, wrong year! 😂 Ooops, my apologies to the dear reader...but hey, it’s a fun interesting new tid bit, and it did rain, I think, lol.
    While doing this research I was listening just on the iPad and interestingly he doesn’t sound as bad? Also, I’ve been going with the HS matrixes, especially shows where I want to hear those crowd big moments. Generally they’ve been pretty good, but researching, I used a CM transfer and man, definitely a big difference. Perhaps number one being the speed/time of the Miller seemed better and more natural?
    Subjective I know, just that it’s interesting how every variable can effect perceptions.
    6/27/85: so this beast is still as much of a rocket sled ride as I’ve thought, but it’s perhaps a tad more unpolished then I would of said in the past. But that’s being picky, and you know I prefer danger dead to safe, so as at this moment, Hell in a bucket is scorching, I stick by this show for that, the cool set list, and the fact that eventually, say around Women Are on out, that part of the show stands with its lofty summer 85 neighbors. Probably have to give 6/24& perhaps 6/25? a slight advantage overall, but man I haven’t been to many shows that had the vibe, fun, and overall madness of this puppy.

    So why is 85 Dead like Bode Miller? He often was criticized for his erratic style, or lack thereof, his nonconformity, often disregard for the rules, including parting then basically going 80 MPH down an insane pitch, that was usually hosed down to make it more icy, and thus faster! So just like this era of Dead, sometimes he’d DQ, sometimes he’d slack off, sometimes it was ugly, but when he brought it, that mofo brought it!! and when he was able to be one with the force, it was fucking breathtaking! Scary, but breathtaking. No matter what, if he was racing there was an energy, an excitement, that larger than life vibe......that, to me, is 85 Dead.
    FINALLY: Ladies and Germs, May I present the Electric Buffalo Hyde! as christened by my degenerate cohort due to my resemblance of the great beast of the prairies back in the day, and this baby used to be so bright people would ask if there were batteries. But Alas, like youth itself it’s faded dramatically, and is old and bartered. It definitely gave it’s all to R&R. So many Dead shows, festivals, camping, parties, you name it! Also, it will be a part of an unfortunate situation at the next night, where I lost my shit in Hershey! So until then....

  • bob t
    only time played anniversary show 6/28/76 Chicago Auditorium

    If you are too busy to listen to whole show, listen to Happiness is Drumming from set II, if you have never heard or listened to listen you will be pleasantly surprised!!! There is a Charlie Miller soundboard on Internet Archive!!!! bob t

  • The Good Ole G…
    Good Times Great Oldies

    Sounds like the ole SPAC '85 show will get some play today.

    Always a fun revisit. Vguy & Keithfan that was you guys?! That's funny.

    I guess I always thought this was an indoor show because of the balcony stuff and didn't know about the rain storm.

    Tell us more.

    And just for the record if I happen to say Jerry's voice is shot, what I mean to say is I love Jerry's voice, even though it's a little shot here. ;)

    I agree, it always sounds great to me.

    Enjoy party people!

  • Oroborous
    Not a drop

    We were out on the lawn so actually there were many drops, I mean it was already raining hard, and right when he sang that line, biblical!, but it just added to the madness and was one of my favorite concert/rain moments ever! I believe that’s right when folks crashed security on those balcony ramp ways and turned it into a free for all? Yeah, that was the shit, such energy all around, but that rain just took it to another level. Luckily I had my electric buffalo Hyde on! .....it was a psychedelic neon yellow long rain coat with
    WORK SAFELY (from pops work) printed on back, and a Dancin skeleton sticker underneath that I added. Still have it! I should take a pic and post...fond it moving last year.

  • Oroborous
    Summer 85, and why I’m not prepared for class

    Deadheadbrewer: yeah, I’m with you, I can’t keep up with these rascals! Pant-pant 😉
    Haven’t done Riverbend, Nassau or Dane. Prolly give Nassau a spin this WE. Dane I’ve tried to stay away from cause ya gotta believe their going to give us that one someday! Bastards better! and I’d prefer it on virginal ears!
    hey, by the way, how you guys coming on that tunnel under the vault?
    So I listen to Riverbend 6/24/85 sort regularly so no biggie there except in the sense of comparing shows. Except It’s cool to go in order to see the subtle changes and how things progress. Like 6/25/85, definitely have felt a ascending arc since the first night in Alpine. Funny thing is I don’t think I’ve heard the second set of this one before? Had a tape of the first all along, but I think it was a tad too crisp so didn’t get as much love as the shows around it. Plus I think maybe I harbored some subliminal resentment for the show because of our decision to skip it to go to Toga early like we did in 84, which was awesome. Obviously if it made us skip a show that close to home, but Doooaahhh. So not sure how it’s the shows fault. LOL, but I think somehow I’ve had some weird thing about this show that has kept me away? Sorry, ramblings of a deranged lunatic!
    Anywho, finally gave this bad boy a spin yesterday, though had to do it in 2 sessions as life just keeps buttin’ in like a 3 year old when mom and dad are trying to get down! Man what a show. The only really noticeable hiccup I recall was JG at the start of Jimmy, and Bob missed a vocal, really a great set, better than I remember, though I always liked it, just the tape was lesser then the others...
    Second set was hot too, though perhaps they lost just a little near the end? Or maybe that was me as it was late, and by that time on a Friday this ole cowboy is usually not feeling much pain! I recall a couple little blemishes, but so what, you name any show, anyone, and I can find stuff wrong. And sorry, but I’m kinda over hearing about how terrible JGs voice is. Yes, sometimes it’s ruff, but sometimes I think the gravelly age worn voice ADDs to the affect of the songs, which is perhaps what he did best. And frankly, I’ll take the gravel voice singing in tune over a lot of that 1970 stuff we’re between the guitars and the vocals something is ALWAYS out of tune. That’s torturous for a musician.
    Now I’m not trying to diss anyone’s favorite Dead etc, just stating an opinion that people perhaps overdo it with the voice comments. My favorite is when people say “I can’t listen to anything after 77”....ok, we’ll that’s cool as it’s your choice and all, but I’d say really you just have made up your mind you don’t want to like anything after that, and you probably haven’t heard enough and with the right kind of ears. Seriously, I challenge anyone to pick a “perfect” “best of “ show and if I have time I will find the cracks!
    But that’s missing the point which is ITS ALL GOOD! and every era has something positive that the others don’t have. It’s all ways been yin yang folks, there is no such thing as a perfect show, except in our minds eye, which is quite A ok.
    Ok, rant over, I’m obviously biased about my beloved 85!
    Which brings us back to TOOOOOOOGGGGAAAAA!! Yo Butch, back in your seat, there’s 50 thousand people waiting for you to get back in your seat! Madness, the whole scene there was just surreal fucking madness, but in a good way.
    I’m actually going to try and call my old house/band mates at the time as we all went. 2 I think went to blossom, and Pittsburgh. That one too, like WTF basically could of stopped by on the ride home from Merriweather, idiots! Lol, actually, I’m not sure I could have done another show. I may have caused permanent damage at Hershey, and thank god for that day off that I can’t recall much about, and I did take it a tad easier after, but not much. We ate so many veggies on that run that nobody would believe it. But I know what I came with and what was left after so.....looking back, it’s all kinda scary, we’re lucky we never had any real casualties of any sort. Few close calls, but nothing major, phewwww.
    So going to call the lads, and fire up Toga tonight as We have to do a Zoom wedding this afternoon. We were supposed to be out at the Promised land for said wedding and a actual vacation, first since Seattle in ?? 2012!
    Think Homer Simpson “oohhhh, Ssstttooooopid Covid”
    Speaking of living via the net, was that not a fine show on Shakedown last night! Didn’t have the fire like the night before, but a fine well played outing, thanks so much to Dave and Co. for giving us this nice diversion. It’s getting to b3 a regular weekly thing, and gasp, the Mrs has actually been joining me and digging it! .....as long as I give her a good foot massage (usually during drums). She really digs the trippy graphics and colors which is even funnier as she’s never partaken except booze back in da day, it’s like giving a kid castor oil just getting her to have a beer, lol. So yeah, this Friday thing has been like the “ONE” in our music! Right on! and please keep em coming!
    Ok, gotta try and call the guys and reminisce before the wedding. Then.....drum rolls please..........TOOooooGa!

  • JimInMD
    Not a drop on me...

    but there are black clouds building on the horizon here. Looks like a thunderous day on the river is in store for me. Got my waterproof device loaded with 6/27/85, thanks to the gentle steering of the GOGD.

  • Oroborous

    Ran into a rainstorm, indeed!

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Member for

17 years 3 months
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Good call for today!! Just got done biking. Trees here in Rhode Island are looking like the cover of Dick's Pick that has the Landover and Syracuse September 76 shows!! We'll see summer come again.... Feel ambitious also am going to put on the LSU birthday show after from 77... enjoy the weekend everyone Bob t

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


Though Donna Summer does have many fine tunes, I’m specifically referring to I Feel Love.
Smoke a fatty, or perhaps just as the trip is starting to take hold, sit dead center with a good system and crank THAT song.....it’s a stoners delight I tell ya, Healy would be proud of all that auto panning goodness, lol......seriously, this tune is sixteen seventies stoned in your room with your black light and posters groovy cool!

Polished Jim, that’s the word. The Hampton shows from my POV are better, say as a concert going DH freak, but as a finished, professionally produced product for market, I think Nightfalls is better. The song list, the flow, tightness,(perhaps their playing more to the recording so a tad safer?), and yes, as good as Hampton sounds, it’s yet another one that frustratingly just doesn’t come through on tape and do the shows justice. We’ve touched on this before about similar feelings with 10/14/83, and 3/27/88 for starters. 10/16 does seem to breath better and is perhaps mastered better? Again, this is probably splitting hairs as all four 89 fall releases sound good, just not the same...
So big 10/16/89 tonight, need to wait for proper conditions to manifest and align with the flux capacitor etc. Maybe I’ll go for that 84 show, or sometime this WE I’ll have to spin some of that awesome Acoustic Warfield stuff from last year. Still have some killer 74 someone generously sent me to rip and crank, need to find that Dico 78 Dead that was the impetus for this ramble, and probably will start the Spectrum 89 shows to keep on the path....
Speaking of, spent a couple rotations with 10/15/89 yesterday whilst continuing my Swiss madness in the basement. Another perfectly good 89 show, but it didn’t move me as much as 10/14, which is funny cause that one had to grow on me a bit. Some of it is probably just set lists, but 10/14 seemed to build up nicely overall. 10/15 has some notable tunes for the time; Standing on the Moon, Just a Little Light, Crazy Fingers, Victum, Stella, Box oRain, and even a Far From Me! Like I say, good show, just didn’t flow for me? Probably just me....
GOLLUM, you still along for this ride? What say you old chap? And I think Jim needs to fire up the Deer and head back to fall 73 as we appear to have lost ole Bluecorn chasing some minx in the parking lot after the Syracuse show???

Jim, I’m still laughing hours later after going to 36 and then rereading your hilarious but unfortunately accurate description of said stench. Oh if only Jim Lehey was still around to critique and categorize the Winds of Shit that only seem to strengthen with time throughout 2020!

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


Chortled my coffee on that one. Too funny.

Living in Appalachia.., four miles from the WV border.. well, I can say is I run into Mr. Lahey (or a guy just like him) all the time at the corner beer store.

Q: What does a tornado and a redneck divorce have in common?
A: In the end.. someone is going to lose a trailer.

I need to check out 10/14/89 Oroborous, so many great shows, so little time, or maybe too much time.

Finished up this wonderful show of 10/16/89. Sound quality is A+ and I have to say for a 2001 release, unbelievably good.

I still will give the slight nod to the Hampton shows, but all three are top notch.

If you don't have NFOD, do yourself a favor and get a copy, they are still cheap on the secondary market.

I guess the Eyes have it based on the sell out speed of Dave's 36.

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8 years 11 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Listened to 10-16-89 in the car this week, started Tuesday and since my commute is usually about 20 min each way it took until Thursday to finish the show. Yeah, I didn’t get to listen to it uninterrupted but I have listened to that show many times since getting it when it was released. At that time I was disappointed that they didn’t release 10-9-89, since I already had that on cassette. Of course, when they did release Hampton I was disappointed that I paid $60 for a release that didn’t sound better than the CD-R copies I had.
Anyway, 10-16 sounds better than Hampton but Hampton has the aura going for it. Both worthy listens in my book.
Of note, after listening on 10/9 I jumped to 3-15-90 for comparison and that made Hampton seem like training camp, performance and sound quality wise.
I didn’t make it to Hampton but my friend did and he said that there were tickets taped to the outside doors of the venue and he just grabbed one and walked in. They didn’t tear the ticket as he entered so it is still whole like the one in Oroborous’ picture.

So, I’m ahead of schedule again for an anniversary listen because I’ve got 10-19-73 playing.
Then I come here and Oro mentions Fall ‘73.....

And Jim mentions stink bombs.....

That board is actually entertaining.

Great show. I can't say any of the three we are comparing are better than any of the others. Perhaps we are splitting hairs. I am a bit biased, but that aside NFOD has a better mix.

What are we listening to tomorrow? I am going to hit DaP 35 again tonight before I probably put it down for a while. Wouldn't mind setting the wayback.. well, way back.

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13 years 10 months

hey Oro! I'm still here. I'm trying to keep up with you guys but dragging ass again. I missed 10/14/80 but will catch up to it soon. I'm still focused on the 4 released Oct '89 shows. It IS hard to pick a fave they are all so good. Hampton has the best sound for my ears. Phil's bass sounds so rich, I can just imagine it rumbling the walls of the Hampton coliseum. I'll say I prefer all of these shows to Spring 90, for the reasons we've talked about. The band sounds less polished and the jams looser and more psychedelic. I have a sneaking suspicion my favorite might wind up being 10/26, with that mind bending 45 minute Dark Star- Space. I'm still getting acquainted with it!

Ain't it grand that we have all 3 Fall '89 Dark Stars in great sound quality and they are all inspired!

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by Gollum


....ill spell it out because acronyms are for the lazy. FFS.
The next skull on your necklace is mine.

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by JimInMD


10/15/84 ✔️
4/24/78 ✔️
10/16/77 (part of ) ✔️
10/16/89 ✔️
RT 2.3 Bonus 😉 ✔️
My ears are bleeding.....but in a good way!

Yeah I’d say we’re all on the same page with 10/16 “versus” Hampton.
10/16 great show, but didn’t move me as much as Hampton either night.

Manana: I think I’m going to work in those Warfield acoustic shows from last year, start early on Philly 89, and see what pops up here...

GOLLUM: glad your ok, last we saw ya you were at some rest area on the Jersey pike, “what exit“ I’m not sure...

....that reminds me. We need to start a bracket system for shows. Ala sports.
Just a random thought.
I hope I didn't start something I cant finish.

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In reply to by Vguy72



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9 years

In reply to by Oroborous


yep Oro, i was with my sweet mountain wildflower, far from the maddening crowds (and the DaP 36 thread.) now back in my cave in the hills. lately been diving in to the Grateful Deadcasts on Workingmans and American Beauty. I'm into that style of deep history and every episode is chock full of cool and crazy stuff. still haven't downloaded the Angel's Share for either but maybe after work today. mention here of that 1st set closing sequence for 10/14/80 piqued my interest. Jed > Let It Grow > Wheel > Music??!! that is simply amazing!!
My friend's ex (who wasn't a head like him) phoned him (he had moved to AZ) after 10/16/89 to let him know that she heard a Dark Star and that it started to snow in the Meadowlands when they were playing it.
One of the reigning champions in my corner is 10/19/73 - that'll get a deep listen later this weekend. have to put in some work hours today first.
have a great weekend everybody.

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Are The Grateful Dead Mainstream in 1989?
We’ll see, if this record does really well… - Jerry 10/13/89

Dug into some supplemental stuff while digging the Nightfall of Diamonds and there’s some pretty interesting things to check out.

As you all probably know 10/16 is the last night of the Dead’s five night run at Meadowlands, the longest run of the year, with one day off on 10/13/89.

But 10/13 was not a day of rest for Jerry.
1. Jerry does an interview for CBS This Morning with Mark McEwen in a NYC Hotel Room. He graciously sits through and thoughtfully answers questions he must’ve had to answer 100s of times over the years, nothing really new or revealing here, but it’s fun to watch & listen to Jerry. The interviewer is total cheese (sorry Mark). Jerry seems a little miffed that the Album hadn’t been released already, and says “It’s pretty good.”

2. Jerry and Bob appear on David Letterman and play Second That Emotion with Paul Schaffer and band. Odd song choice, last time played 4/29/71. They briefly mention a tour of Russia in May ’90 that obviously never happened. Dave asks “How long will you be there?” Answer “Until they let us out” - Jerry

There’s also a little 5 minute clip of the Today Show from possibly 10/13 or 14 with Bob & Jerry with Rona Elliot, typical of the time, focuses on the Dead Heads and why the Dead are still touring.

I believe the Foolish Heart Official Video had been released already, so I watched that too. Interesting.

And lastly and possibly most telling, Jerry makes an appearance on WNEW on 10/16 and answers questions from callers.
Fan Question - “You thinking of pulling Dark Star or Death Don’t or any of that out of your hat tonight?”
Answer - “Probably, those are kinda going into an active rotation.” - Jerry on WNEW 10/16/89

Fans hearing that, had to be pretty stoked about this final night of the run.

Anybody got a line on the full WNEW interview?
I could only find a short excerpt of the questions.
All the above is on YouTube if you want to check it out.

I dig this show, not sure I can make a worthwhile comparison to Hampton shows, other than they’re both hot and fun to listen too. But I think I like this set lists’ flow better. Dark Star opening the set seems to keep it light and peppy and then the Playing > UJB > Playing sequence is killer. Great Pre-drums sequence and the post drums return to Dark Star > Attics > Playing and WBYGN encore, I’ll take that any day over Dr. Mr. Fantasy > Throwing > Good Lovin’. Now if they’d only played Death Don’t out of space instead of I Will Take You Home > Miracle..

I had to check out Miami 10/25 Playing > UJB > Playing after hearing this. Good stuff there too. The Set list heads in the audience of 10/25 had to be holding their breath after that, hopefully they stuck around for the next night. 10/25 is real good. Thinkin’ I’ma gonna spend some time with it today

For you Tour heads any other stand outs you want to give a shout out for at the Meadowlands? I can’t remember any in particular, you all mentioned digging 10/15?

I agree with Gollum, it's pretty dope that they've officially released all 3 versions of the return of Dark Star from October. 30 Trips boxset sure was good for filling in some holes.
Just need the 12/31/89 Dark Star to complete the year officially. '81 & '84 Dark Stars should get that treatment as well IMO. But I guess the tapes are good for now. Speaking of '81, I knew that date was in the cosmos yesterday.. 10/16/81!! How could I not remember that connection.

I like this 1989 trip... pretty neat.
Bluecrow I’m with you on the Deadcast, check out the supplemental material, highly illuminating. Sounds like 10/19/73 is getting some play and icecremcnkd you are correct it is entertaining!
Good stuff you all.

Be Well and Enjoy Your Weekend.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


So far I’ve done every show through the 16th in order. Though their all good shows, the 14th is the one that I liked best so far (other than the 3 big dogs obviously). Really looking forward to Philly and then the 3 shows I’ve never heard.
Really curious about 10/25 as I had tickets and was originally going to Philly then Miami since we had such a good time at the 88 shows down there. But when Hampton popped up, especially as “the Warlocks” I knew I HAD to get there, which is a whole other 2 stories, one for each ticket lol. But I had been working less than a year at my job and just couldn’t swing all three. Looking back on the overall situation 31 years later I should of just gone....sigh...but given the choice, I’d still take Hampton!
So I did all three Dark Stars in a row last week and I like Hampton best. Jersey is tight, short and sweet, while Miami is a bit ruff until about ten minutes in, but as soon as the vocals are finished its like a hard left turn into amazing groovy psychedelic madness!
What’s on tap today? Bluecrow brought up 10/19/73, perhaps my favorite DPs and a top Dark Star for sure. Have to fit that in sometime soon, but when I can give it a sit good sit down. Need to finish paint & patch then straighten up the garage so want to hit some 8os acoustic, but I think y’all already went there....going to start the Philly run later as I’ve been trying to give some of these multiple plays, especially the shows I’m not familiar with. But need something short and sweet, perhaps some primal dead just to mix it up?

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


OB - 10/14 you say.. all right, loading it up on the phone for some exploration. Taper's Compendium mentioned that one as well, I think DV too, so it's confirmed.

I'd say 10/14/80 for you, make an acoustic set out of the SBD of first two tracks, 4 songs on Reckoning and 4 songs from Audience, or just do the audience tape. Unless you want the whole meal deal, which is good or did you already listen to it the other day? If that's the case dive into 10/9 & 10/10. Or yeah, primal is never a bad option.

Alright my friend. Miami 10/25 sounded pretty hot from what I heard yesterday, the 10/26 Dark Star is a dark monster. Hampton was historic, so you made the right pick between the two, but yeah you probably should've gone to see them all ;)

Who am I kidding, I didn't see any shows in 1989!
Found out they were playing Dark Star again right before the show on 10/22/90. Talking to this American head who said, yeah man they played Dark Star the other night in Berlin. What have I been missing I thought?!?! Ah pre-internet days... I kinda miss them, then again, what would I do without all my time?!?!

What a trip to think about!

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8 years 11 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


For those who do torrents the 1980 project folders were recently put up on etree.
There were a couple of 79 folders too.
That was last week, haven’t checked back to see what came this week.

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I have the project folders if anyone is interested...

Have we done Two From the Vault here yet?

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Come in JiminMD

That'd be a negative on TFTV, repeat that has not been listened to yet, over.

Eyes on... and it appears to be a go.

What's your 20?
Do you copy?

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Member for

7 years 10 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Yes, let's do it. Another Pearson Healy masterpiece. I need to find my copy from 1993. Have not listened to this one in a while.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Sounds like a well rehearsed Grateful Dead on a mission here.. over.

Might need to include the Anthem Bonus Material from 8/23/68 as some extra credit.

Primal Sunday Morning.

two from the vault
aoxomoxoa bonus
10/19/73 knocking on the door with its amazing soft moon, mist, fog, spirit-filled fields of Dark Star > Mind Left Body > Morning Dew, Sugar Mag, Eyes > Stella Blue
and . . . .
thinking this morning that in the midst of anniversary for Winterland '74 shows - so spun that always sweet first disc of GD Movie Soundtrack 'cause its starts with exuberant and joyous US Blues from 10/18 and finishes with cherry Playing in the Band from 10/16.
and then ...
1st disc from that sweet little Warfield acoustic release
yesterday totally digging the latest Grateful Deadcast on Warfield '80
can't say enough about Deadcast deep dives into Workingmans and American Beauty - bringing even stronger appreciation to already sacred albums
typing this while listening to the listening party for Daves 36 yeefreakinghaw - Esau, Birdsong, Touch - arriving at the doorstep shortly

Ken Nordine before 8/21/93 Eugene - "you are the cinematographer"

here comes sunshine, here comes sunshine!!

I had to moooooovvvvveee,
Dooah, went from Hatrick plus on Friday to basically the bench yesterday, only got to listen to part of acoustic Warfield.
Did watch awesome documentary Marley on Bluray so great audio. Really interesting doc if you haven’t seen it.
But now I have to get going as I’m way behind. Prolly have to skip vault dos which blows cause I love that one and haven’t heard in a while. Ok, hup, hup off to it.....

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Bill Graham pulling the GD crew out on stage Winterland '74 = classic.

Nice call on the GD Movie Soundtrack. Possibly my favorite GD compilation.

Such a distinct sound to these shows.

Strider we need an October '74 at Winterland story to go along with these tunes.

Bonus Anthem / TFTV material on hold until after 4:20 ;)
8/24 is just plain great, I might give it another spin too.
And 10/19/73 tomorrow!

This GD Movie soundtrack is sounding amazing!

It's gonna be a good day.

Putting that on the docket for next Saturday.

Went to etree today and the 1981 and 1982 project folders are there.
Also a few more Millers, including a cassette master of 6-22-91 which says that tape flips were patched with the DAT SBD. Why not just put out the DAT SBD?

ICECRMCNKD: Yeah, that SBD > Cassette Master recorded by Pearson & Healy is dope, the SBD > Dat patch source has been circulating since like 2011, but this new source sounds better to me.

Maybe it's something to do with the Transfer equipment upgrades in the 9 years since that SBD > Dat source originated. I know Gans mentioned he'd just go in there and try and get as much as he could transferred and probably didn't have the super dope equipment.

Or maybe I just like the Analog gen sound, but again to me this new one sounds like an upgrade and I dig it!

Check em out and let's hear the feedback:
(NEW) SBD > Cassette - https://archive.org/details/gd1991-06-22.150648.sbd.pearson-healy.mille…
(OLD) SBD > Dat - https://archive.org/details/gd1991-06-22.sbd.gans.miller.112775.flac16

I vote Cassette Master.

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9 years

In reply to by JimInMD


back when they first released the Grateful Dead Movie on dvd they included as bonus material honest to god ~5" section from original copies of the film in a generic small postal envelope. which strikes me now as a completely crazy dead thing. I received a section (7 complete frames, 2 partials) that is a tight close-up sequence of Jerry's hand, emphasis on hand, playing the Wolf. years ago I studied the movie long and hard trying to figure out what song it was from and as far I can tell its from the jam out of Eyes (!!)
did any of you folks out there get a snip of the film, and if so, from where in the movie?

I’ll have to compare my copies sometime. Before this new one I know I had more than one copy on a HD and the CD-R copy in my living room is around 10 yeas old.

Stupid reCRAPTCHA thinks that a mailbox is a parking meter.

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd



Cool collector head bonus.

Take some pics. I wanna see.

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8 years 11 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I’ll try to figure out the scene I have next week when I watch the Movie.

Mine has pink/purple lighting and is a shot of the stage that shows part of the crowd, the front end of Keith’s piano, and several people on the stage. It looks like they are tuning up because Phil is facing his equipment and it looks like a crew member is doing something to a microphone. It’s hard to tell, I had to use a magnifying glass and a white paper background.

Note that these strips came from the film reels that were sent out to theaters when the movie was released. They’re not scraps from the cutting room floor.

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8 years 11 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


If you haven’t noticed it before, sometimes there is a SYF flag draped over Keith’s piano, and it gets rotated by 90 degrees.
I always wondered if they used that as a way to know which night the film was from.

On my film strip I can’t see enough of the piano to know if the SYF flag is there.

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Ended up playing family peacemaker today.. which involved extracting my teenage son from the grips of his foaming from the mouth mom before one of them killed the other.. decided to drop what I was doing and do some fly fishing upstream with the boy, basically get him out of the house pronto.. took the mountain bike, ebike for the kid, my mac daddy device and began the bike ride upstream to where the rapids start (really end as you come downstream). Low and behold.. no Two From the Vault loaded!! argh, thought I had that one with me.. by the time I realized this we were miles from home so no turning around.

Also had my waterproof device with me and since we were wading anyway, used that in case I slipped and fell in. It's an unlabled IPod shuffle.. I have several, so what will play is always a pleasant surprise and takes a little guesswork. They are essentially river tunes.

It took me until Bobby set a cluster of tarantulas loose on the crowded folks in the front row to figure out the show for sure.. but I knew it was 73, it was an excellent recording and I had a strong hunch it was 4/2 Boston.. and yes.. it has pleasant Bobby McGee out of space so there's that.

My favorite Bobby cover might just be Desolation Row. Haven't given that much thought but that song comes to mind.

Beautiful fall day.. got a few bites but no keepers, most importantly everyone is safe and sound.. egos restored, blood pressure down, power tools away.. knives carefully stored.. hair unclenched from the grips of the others hands.. I'm calling it a win.

So I am doing Two From the Vault tomorrow. My day was shot before it even got started. At least I got to test out some new flies and found a new absolutely gorgeous deep hole to fish next year...

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11 years 7 months

In reply to by JimInMD


...Cowboy Bob...especially on El Paso...

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8 years 8 months

In reply to by nappyrags


Me & Bobby McGee is a good one for sure.

If I had to pick an all time favorite Bob Cover it'd be Me And My Uncle, probably for nostalgic reasons.
1st GD Album I had was WALSTIB and I remember vividly playing LP 3 and going from the worlds of St. Stephen, Jack Straw to Me & My Uncle. And within those 3 songs I'd traveled to more places than my 15 year old pointed head could've dreamed up on my own. I guess riding the plains that day with Bob's Character & his Uncle made a profound impression on me. Too bad... he taught me so well that I grabbed that gold and left his dead ass there by the side of the road.

Doesn't get much better than that!

Fun to think / muse about.

And wow Wee wow wow... That GD Movie Soundtrack is awesome!
Hadn't listened to that in forever, speaking of forever... Tomorrow is Forever, I dig Jerry & Donna's version.
Jerry was a big Dolly Parton fan!
That He's Gone > Caution Jam > Truckin' is sick!!
And both PITB on that there gem are top notch.

And yeah TFTV continues to be awesome.

So it sounds like 10/19/73 today?
Looks like we dusted this puppy off about 5 months ago on 5/23/20 so yes.. it's due for it's Anniversary Trip!

PS - BlueCrow you all are peaking my interest in checking out that August '87 Telluride run through Utah, I don't think I've spent much time with those tapes. Sounds like you dig 'em? Might have to make some room for those this week. Spent a lot of time in Calaveras County with Carlos, but not so much in the Majestic Mountains.

This release kills it. Disc 4 is super hot. Probably one of the best UJB I have ever heard. The energy is so high. The He's Gone, into a Truckin tease, to Caution, then weaving back into Truckin, Black Peter! Some of the best performances I have ever heard.
And of course this is 74 Multi Track. I listen to this release quite a bit. That disc 4 is great for work outs.
As others have mentioned put the whole run out with video as a box set, it would be mind blowing. Dave has indicated they have even more video for future releases. It is time.

DV - Definitely agree on the GD Movie Soundtrack. Kills it!
Made for a great listen yesterday. Could probably stay there all week.

Not sure how that got so buried in my collection... oh yeah, they keep releasing stuff every other month and there's upgrades and new stuff all the time!!

I've said it before, but if there's one good thing about the current times we live in, it's that it's the Golden Age of Collecting The Dead.

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Member for

8 years 11 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I split mine up by date, so it’s 10-19% today. Sounds mighty fine.
(I did 10-19-73 on Friday and then redid Dark Star to end on Saturday for good measure).

Winterland in October....
Got to get the From Egypt With Love anniversary in too.
It’s not a bad predicament to be in.

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9 years

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


GOGD - somewhere in my vault is a cassette of Set II from the Park City show. Might just have been my favorite tape from '87. Super big rich sound and a great set of music. Not sure of the source, not even sure if it's been uploaded, but I think possibly one of the FOB sources, not the ultramatrix.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Okay, how does 5/6/81, Dick's picks #13 strike you all?

The hidden bonus tracks on disc 2 are wild.

Everybody hang loose.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


POD first "official" pick from 1981. I'm hip, DL been playing some May '81 on Taper's Section recently.

1st night of three nights at Nassau with the off night Tom Snyder show appearance on 5/7/81.
Saw an interview with Jerry in '81 and he was talking about Snyder and appearing on the show. It's rich.

BlueCrow: Park City 8/20/87 you say? Best of '87, back in the day huh?
Alright, I'm gonna get that playing this week, maybe we can make that a pick this week or like tomorrow?

Good stuff!

Playing the Snyder '81 as we speak to give me a little '81 acoustic palette cleanse. Plus acoustic Dead at 6:20am is good ;)

EDIT: For any stat geeks out there keeping track, 9/10/81 was floated on 5/19/20 but I think the "official" pick was 5/19/77 that day.

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by Slow Dog Noodle


Still on 10/19. Just getting to the DS now.