- Post reply Log in to post comments780 repliesmaryeJoined:Also DVDs, CDs, MP3s... Post requests and offers here. Please note that while trading, vining, etc. are welcome here, trading, vining, and other unauthorized copying and distribution of commercial releases, including those of the Grateful Dead, is not. Thank you.
- Deadhead EdJoined:Cassette Tapes Giveaway
I am looking for a home in the local Dead Community to give away some more of my cassette tape collection. I gave away the bulk of my collection ( ~550 tapes ) and saved about 150 of the very best for myself.
Now (03/14/22) having gone thru the above remaining tapes, I am giving away about 60 tapes, along with a tape rack. Looking for someone within driving range ( ~50 miles with gas prices ) of Providence, RI. 100 miles if you want to meet me half way.
Excel List of these tapes can be sent by email for your review if you wish
Also DVDs, CDs, MP3s... Post requests and offers here.
Please note that while trading, vining, etc. are welcome here, trading, vining, and other unauthorized copying and distribution of commercial releases, including those of the Grateful Dead, is not. Thank you.
I cannot speak to the quality of the recording, but that Ratdog show is up at the archive here-http://www.archive.org/details/ratdog2003-08-23.flac16
Soundboard avail for DL at Archive as well....
Many thanks guys you've made an old deadhead very happy and I can now pass these on to my compadres from that night.
Were regular seats sold behind the soundboard if there wasnt a tapers section there or was it left open thanks!
I've decided to simplify my life further and I need to find a good home for my tapes. Mostly Grateful Dead, all kinds of gems - collected back in the early 90's.
Lots of stuff - I have about 450-500 hours of Dead, plus probably 50-80 hours of Phish and a few other oddballs... any interest?
No cost at all other than shipping - but given the physical size of these 400 tapes, picking them up from my house in B.C. would probably be easiest?? Hmm, perhaps we could figure out another plan.
Please email me at davecox37@gmail.com -
i've got boxes and display cases full of quality bootleg tapes to trade for some quality cds, dvd's or to pass on to anyone that wants to listen to audiotapes. some of my favorite shows are Madison, wi 2.15.73 (phils bass solo into eyes is stamped in my mind as one of the best) and boston garden 9.26.91 second set ( a real mindbender very fluid and special)
I'm searching for a full concert recording of Bickershaw on behalf of a group of UK deadheads who were working at the festival.
Any links please? I'll happily pay the shipping if it's in CD or tape form, my email address is gren.nation@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance.
OK, I am offering a MASSIVE hard drive burn for 1 (one) lucky head just in time for the holidays. What I am offering is a library of music that you will enjoy forever. I have over 350gb of high quality soundboards (and MANY other treats, believe me!) and video that I will burn to your blank external drive. The audio is mp3 at high bit rates from 128k to 320k. Yes, it is 'lossy' format, so picky audiophiles and FLACjunkies need not apply. All tracks are ID'd and ready for your iTunes or other digital library. A 500gb portable external is recommended for this high volume B&P. I have done this in past years for a few members. Ask members; redgrenadine, Brewster Boy or Long Rifle about the quality of my library or my trustworthiness in getting your materials back to you in a timely manner. The ideal candidate would be someone who does not have alot of stuff who is ready to explore and discover the music, and willing to share it with others freely. This collection includes Grateful Dead, Garcia stuff, Furthur, The Dead, Phil & Friends, etc... Just PM me and introduce yourself, I'll let it go for a few days and post the result here. Happy Holidays...
I'm downsizing everything in life, and I'm getting rid of all my DAT's. I have about 100 Dead, 20 Phish, some JGB, Allman Brothers, Springsteen, McCartney, etc...
I would like to find a good home for them.
Please hit me up if interested. If you have anything for trade, that would be great too
Have a nice day!
Would love to throw my name in there , if its not too late ...?
I had a cd of a show with a version of shakedown street i am trying to find. The piano music sounds classical. HELP ME! :)
I had a cd of a show with a version of shakedown street i am trying to find. The piano music sounds classical. HELP ME! :) keightydid@hotmail.com
Hey Now,I am trying to find a home for some of my tapes. I know everyone has been on the digital side for many years including myself. I have also been matering and xfering to CD. I have a lot of early 90 tapes up for grabs. Probably about 300 or so. Most are sbds and a lot are AUD masters. I really hate to throw these in the local landfill. If anyone wants them they are yours!
Shipping in large flate rate boxes for $20 ea. A box holds about 60 tapes. The other option is I am heading to Phili shows and Hampton if anyone wants them, I can bring them with me and drop off so there is no cost to you. Let me know!
Let the music flow....
I am looking to obtain copies of three Grateful Dead shows and one Jerry Garcia Band show, and would like to ask for anyones assistance who would be able to aid in this quest. I am looking for, in particular, the GD shows from 9/21/73, 6/28/92 and 7/1/92 and the JGB show from 11/22/91. Thanks.
I have all those shows:
9/21/73 sbd.miller
6/28/92 dsbd.miller
7/1/92 nak300.baker-keo.sirmick
JGB 11/22/91 fob-schoeps
If you can deal with flac and or shn format I will put these on a DVD for you and send them off. Sorry but I don't have the bandwith to burn wav files onto CD-R's.
Let me know either here or PM me.
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
I'm thinking Baldwin grand piano and Bruce Hornsby, K8, for your inquiry seeking a Shakedown with a classical touch. Vince Welnick also plays on the electric Hammond Xb2.Check the LMA (archive.org) for versions from Berlin, 10/19/90, thru 3/20/92, Hamilton, Ontario.
FYI: I've read lately where Bruce now plays a Steinway...
9/22/91 - Boston Garden has a Shakedown opener where Bruce plays some classical sounding phrases during the intro. There is a great soundboard circulating - PM me if you need a copy.
Was wondering if anyone had a good copy of either one or both of these shows? I have good tapes and CD's from the audience, but really would love to get a copy from the Soundboard. I really love these shows, and this was the first time i saw them when i was a kid.Please contact me if you can help.
Thanks a bunch
Hi Everyone,Does anyone have the following cd's???????
I'm looking to fill in some gaps and these would certainly help as they are not at archieve.
The tour dates were;
* April 7, 1972, Wembley Empire Pool, Wembley
* April 8, 1972, Wembley Empire Pool, Wembley
* April 11, 1972, Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle
* April 14, 1972, Tivolis Koncertsal, Copenhagen
* April 16, 1972, Aarhus University, Aarhus
* April 17, 1972, Tivolis Koncertsal, Copenhagen
* April 21, 1972, Beat Club, Bremen
* April 24, 1972, Rheinhalle, Dusseldorf
* April 26, 1972, Jahrhundert Halle, Frankfurt
* April 29, 1972, Musikhalle, Hamburg
* May 3, 1972, Olympia Theatre, Paris
* May 4, 1972, Olympia Theatre, Paris
* May 7, 1972, Bickershaw Festival, Wigan
* May 10, 1972, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
* May 11, 1972, Rotterdam Civic Hall, Rotterdam
* May 13, 1972, Lille Fairgrounds, Lille
* May 16, 1972, Theatre Hall, Luxembourg
* May 18, 1972, Kongressaal - Deutsches Museum, Munich
* May 23, 1972, Strand Lyceum, London
* May 24, 1972, Strand Lyceum, London
* May 25, 1972, Strand Lyceum, London
* May 26, 1972, Strand Lyceum, London
Thanks so much
You might want to check out the new Euro '72 complete box set. A bit pricey, but I'm anticipating the package and sound quality will be worth it.
I got the soundboard off the web before the site was closed down. Can we trade this stuff without goons (lawyers) coming after us????
I'd guess we could as long as the shows/tracks are not commercially available. For example, I think that April 26, 1972, Jahrhundert Halle, Frankfurt is sold on this site and should not be traded. 4/8/72 is the show they got Cumberland Blues for Europe 72. That track cannot be traded with the show. Once you get the show, you can stick it on your copy in sequence.
Hi, I'm a huge Zappa/Phish head who would like to get into the Dead. Right now I can't afford to get a new external hard drive since my old one died. Would anyone be willing to burn a few flac/sn DVDs for me? Send me a message if you're willing to. :)
Eternally grateful,
I have an extra code to order the box set. Is anyone interested? It expires tomorrow at noon (Feb, 24th, 12:00am, pst). peace,
Looking for the SB set I to Boston 6/28/74, not the DP Part.
for those just joining us, yes, tape trading is allowed here. No, tape trading of copied commercial releases, including those out of print, is not allowed here. Hence, coming on here and asking people to copy the Fillmore 69 box set and send you the music is not okay and jeopardizes the tape trading scene. Thank you.
ME the mod
My deepest apologies to the board for my mistake in asking for the music of the Fillmore West box set. I didn't realize this I am sorry.
you didn't know! Long story, but there's kind of a line to walk here, and quite a thriving trading/vining scene that's evolved because of a good sense of boundaries, and the peaceful life for us... Thanks!
I am looking to get copies of these shows if anyone can help out. Thanks very much! Corey
Hey everyoneWas wondering if anyone had that show?
I would have to see what tapes and i mean tapes i got to trade.
Let me know
I don't trade tapes anymore, but I wrote myself a plugin for Winamp that streams Dead shows from archive.org's collection of audience recordings. I wanted something that would let me listen to new shows while I work at my desk. I love it, so I figured I'd share it.
If you have the latest version of Winamp, you can download my plugin here. http://www.winamp.com/plugin/deadhead/222488
If you don't have the latest version of Winamp, you can download it free here. http://www.winamp.com/
Enjoy. And if you end up using it, let me know what you think.
Hi, I've got about 3-400 shows on tape that I'd like to unload. No trades necessary as I'm not a fan of the Dead. I just would prefer to not throw this huge pile in the trash so I'm hoping someone would like to come and pick these up--FREE. I can provide a list of the shows if you're interested. I'm in the Buffalo, NY area, FYI. Anyone interested?
Hey folks,
Just wanted to say that if people are looking to give away there tapes I certainly would be interested in the J-cards. I'm part of the younger generation of Deadheads and I thought it would be neat to collect the artwork on the backs of them. I only have about 5 or so, but from the ones I have they're pretty cool. I plan on collecting a whole bunch and then making a collage out of all of them possibly. I see them as a art form!
Best wishes to all,
Pretty much like these found here:
Hello All,I am an artist and deadhead working in Los Angeles (I know, kind of a brutal environment). I collect deadhead documentaries, and Dead audiocassettes. I have been hesitant to join the dead.net community and to post (I guess out of some form of weird intimidation), but the project I am working on needs some help, and I think this internet community can aid in its health. The project I am speaking of is a long term one. I am trying to collect every Grateful Dead show recorded on tape/audiocassette. It's a monumental aim, but I think it can be accomplished. For more precise information please look at the blog I have started that documents the progress of the project: www.deadtapecollector.tumblr.com
Although I started this in the Fall of 2010 - it has taken me a while to get everything in order to prepare for the mammoth task. It is all in preparation for a well documented, and well taken care of preserve of information, imagery and sound thru physical object. Tapes are becoming harder and harder to find, and as a cultural object I feel should be preserved in some respective form or another.
I am looking for any generous souls who would like to donate their tape, or tapes to this collection. It could be your worst recorded tape/s, or the best - quality is not important. What is essential is that it comes from you, a fan, and that it is charged with individual soul. I notice that there are others that have asked for substantial amounts of tapes in the past few months on this thread, I apologize for the echo. I am willing to pay for shipping, or if you are in California, to meet you and pick it up from you. I might also have something to trade, it will probably not be a tape though. I am more than happy to discuss and talk with you. You can contact me here, or from the email address on the website : deadtapecollector@gmail.com.
THANKS for reading, and hope you are feeling and being 100%
Hi Everyone:
Glad to be here but sad occasion.
I've traveled to the White Mountains of eastern Arizona for over a decade; now they're burned to the ground. I'm contemplating a multi-media presentation with my photographs and would like to have a Morning (Mourning) Dew to go with.
Who'd like to point me to the mellowest, most soulful, transcendent performance of that song?
I'm pretty much a '70 - '74 kind of guy but my favorite show so far is 1976-07-18. I have 1974-10-18.
If y'all could give me some suggestions, I could track-down the recordings.
Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
Headyversion.com has a list of outstanding Mornin' Dews and some details. My personal favorite is the one from the Grateful Dead movie...
Ain't nobody messin' with you but you
Headyversion.com has a list of outstanding Mornin' Dews and some details. My personal favorite is the one from the Grateful Dead movie...
Ain't nobody messin' with you but you
Hello Everybody! I have a cd copy of the show on 3-16-94 and there is annoying static in a couple parts of this BEST EVER? version of So Many Roads. I have a bad feeling it was a technical glitch at the show and will be on all recordings.? Does anyone know if there is a cleaner version that I might be able to get? It is a very sentimental version to me...I had this cd and song on when I learned my grandfather passed away. Any help would be GRATEFULY Appreciated! Cheers, Craig D
anyone got any collections they dont want no more im interested ALOT. also some things i really want is older 60s shows(are any acid tests out ther just wondering) also are we aloud to trade the 09 dead shows with warren cuz i NEED! the chicago ones cuz i was there. and acoustic shows are another passion i have(especaily a cassette of the new orleans show were phils amp takes a shit and jerry and bobby take turns playing acoustics)thanks
It's been a while since I've had a look at the download page, so I figured I'd take a peek, and was friggin' AMAZED to see 1500 folks have downloaded my Winamp plugin.
For those who don't remember, this is a piece of software that lets Winamp play random Dead shows from the archive, one after another. I wrote it for myself to listen to the Dead while I work, and submitted it to Winamp in case anyone else was interested. No way in hell I would have thought 1500 people would download it. I seriously didn't think Winamp still had that many users!
Anyway, if you're interested in checking it out, you can find it here:
when i get home (goofing off at work now) i am going to download this