- Post reply Log in to post comments643 repliesmaryeJoined:Since the original topic now has hundreds of introductions and is getting a bit hard to navigate, this seems as good a time as any to launch a new one. The original is here, should you wish to catch up on the who's who since this opened up in May. If you haven't introduced yourself yet, please do! And if you already have, but have something new to tell us about you and your life, speak up! (A bit of housekeeping business so we don't have to repost everything we posted before--izzie and I are the moderators here, and for our more extensive intros see the original topic.) Thanks and welcome!
- Rustyczny AtomosJoined:Hi there, I am from Poland,…
Hi there, I am from Poland, and I am simply obsessed by the music of the Grateful Dead. Yeah, my country isn't well known for being recognizable with people listening of the GD music, but anyway, here I am. Good to be a part of the community finally. Cheers, Pawel (Paul)
- gratefully_deceasedJoined:Helloooo!
My name is Allison…Helloooo!
My name is Allison! I’m a 25 year old human from New England and I absolutely love love love the Dead!
I am really partial to 80s Dead but of course I love it all - I really appreciate the family aspect of the community and the extreme love and passion I’ve felt from so many other Heads… it’s so moving to know that no matter when the bus comes by there’s always a seat for someone new.I hope you all have a wonderful day and if anyone wants to connect please shoot me a message!
- derzellJoined:Many Thanks!!
Dave and Marye, thanks for welcoming me aboard. I can truly say that in this crazy world, I feel like I have found my "forever home" here. I moved from a big town to a little one for work and can't say there are many like-minded folk in this land of sparse population, so it is really comforting knowing I have my buddies right here :)
As for as the puppy, thanks for the concern and kind words Dave. Lymphoma is kinda scary in dogs I've found out. But my little fur ball is started up on prednisone and has his puppy energy back!! Just one of those things where he's gonna keep rocking until he can't and more than likely he will lay down for a nap and just drift away. Which when you think about it, I know that I would definitely want to go that way if I had a choice.
I will need to check out that thread! Any others I should look into? I am eager to join the party! I do love storytelling and digging into music theory!
Much love to you both and thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!
- derzellJoined:Thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.
I understand this thread is half-dead, but I need to let you guys know how much you (yes, you) mean to me. How's everyone doing? I'm Alex and this is not my first post (oops!). But I am so happy to be here. I am in the midst of losing my dog who is the light of my world and the DeadHead family has made me feel at peace. I know this is my introduction but I already have so much thanks to give!! I have been a DeadHead for the better part of my life, living adjacent to the middle of nowhere. So I have always been the black sheep of the friend group listening to this hippie drone music. I called in to Tales from the Golden Road right before Tucker's (my dog) diagnosis with Lymphoma, nervous as all get out about my first Dead & Co show for my birthday here in a few weeks, and as soon as I was connected with Dave and Gary, all anxiety melted away, it didn't matter how many listeners I was on the air with, I truly felt like I was just shooting the shit with some old friends. I felt at home. And now more than ever, I need a little home. And each and every one of you make me feel at home in this strange world. As I make my entrance, I already am feeling beyond welcomed.. So thank you. A lot.