• 7,962 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • uncle_tripel

    thnx for the reminder, it did get alot of airtime back in the mid-90's {it hits many of fav tunes + black muddy river}, THNX again, just pulled the DL>CD's out of the treasure chest, and it's gonna be tomorrow's LISTENING Party!
    everyone enjoy your WEEKEND!

  • icecrmcnkd

    Yes, my first, and the best concert I had seen in my life up to that point. I was sold, where’s the bus, I’m getting on.

    And the laid back atmosphere of Ann Arbor. The cops didn’t even come into the parking lot. I was amazed at what I saw going down on Shakedown Street.

    So glad I went. My life changed for the better.

  • Oroborous
    Speaking of Transitions

    Maybe not 74 China Rider good, but the one from 4/8/89 ain’t no slouch 😀

  • Oroborous
    Spring 89

    Though I did not relisten to a few shows previously heard, I did rehash several, and some shows multiple times. I started at 2/5 and went in order, finishing with the excellent 5/27 show.

    Overall this is a very good, consistent period, though still not as fully gelled as the awesome summer and fall periods. I think this can be attributed to it being yet another transitional period. With the newer songs from the previous year still percolating , as well as several new tunes getting hashed out, (interesting during any era) combined with tech changes and evolving personal roles, it is an interesting period.
    One that I hadn’t previously really looked at, and now glad I finally did!

    I think generally, the earlier shows of the year are perhaps more consistent than is historically sometimes the case,( but historically similar) in perhaps being a teeny bit subdued, comparatively.
    Their all good, enjoyable shows, didn’t hear a dude in the bunch, but hey, they can’t all be top shelf. So I found a nice progression through the spring that really started to gel and peak during the spring tour proper. I hopefully, Iprovide a nice jumping off point for anyone interested in what ever tour I’m stumbling through.

    3/28/89: vguy suggested this on POTD awhile back and I liked it as much now as I did then. In fact, it’s in my top picks. A fine show but perhaps just a pace or two off the leaders?
    So much of this can be subjective, and though I try to critically listen to all the shows, over time etc, it’s really hard to pick a “best” etc.
    So I try to do the leg work for folks who may have a cursory interest about a tour, but not the time or sanity to waste going through the whole thing lol.
    So hopefully, I provide a nice jumping off point for anyone interested in what ever tour I’m stumbling through.

    I was at the Pittsburgh shows and we felt they continued the promising progression since the big 86 collapse, but though we liked the shows, I recall thinking good but…
    years later, with the DL release, I was grateful to get an attended show, but still had some dissonance, perhaps another right city street, but wrong house?
    This time around I was really scratching my pointy head at first, but long short, feel the first show kind lacks, except for the fun post drums sequence etc.
    The next night however, I felt was a tad above the tour status quo and in the running for a top pick? (But still think perhaps they missed the mark slightly, maybe it was about the tapes? But again, this can all be so subjective).
    More importantly, this show or perhaps end of first night can really be seen as point of demarcation from earlier, to the hieght of this period!

    4/5&6/89: I think 4/5 is most definitely a tour tops and recommended.
    4/6, Conekids first show I believe, is good, but another perhaps just below that top dog line? Another good tour status quo show on the sixth, but not quite the lightning of the fifth?

    4/8/89: though we were at this one also, and really enjoyed it, my memory was of a good but ?…And I had a tape of the first and a couple songs from the second, but hadn’t heard the whole show until a few years ago. It perked my interest but I didn’t get back to it until now, and wow, really glad I did! Have a story for this one but I’ll do that later…yeah it’s in my top picks and maybe not THE show but there’s just something about this show, the vibe? The flow, The set list (mostly), and like the whole tour Brent is strong, and because if it’s uniqueness I think this might be my favorite Blow Away of the tour? Vocal harmonies too which were generally really strong over this period!
    Well, you can check it out if you please.
    I highly recommend a listen and it’s on my top list.

    4/9/89: another great show. Fun stuff and more consistent tour status quo, but as throughout the tour you get the occasional vocal flub or miscue, especially with some of the new material. I found this show another, good, but just a step off the pace…

    4/11, 12, 13/89: more overall more of the same, in a good way, though the second night seemed a bit of a creeper and the first night (a fine previous DV pick) seemed the strongest of the three, and yet another close but….

    4/15/89: same here as several. Good but…not…quite…? I really liked this show and it’s on my second string list.

    4/16&17/89 were good, but perhaps on the tour downside or just past the peak section of this period? Very subtle and the kind of thing I think you can only really get if you do whole tours.

    IRVINE: more of the same but perhaps a bit looser and thus a bit less tight?
    Again, subtle feels and paying attention to misses etc. Perhaps just a touch of California laid back no worries sun fun, as they do sound like their having fun, actually that’s a prevalent vibe through: they were having fun again, getting new momentum etc.
    Perhaps a lab opportunity too as they continue to prominently roll out the new stuff for good or sometimes for ill, and definitely here for the Cali crowd.

    FROST: boy Frost shows sure seem to both inspire but with some of that laissez-faire Cali home vibe. And these are no different. They open with a good Jack and proceed with a fun set list, though Just a Little Light is still a work in progress. Solid second set which I had a tape of, with cool PITB and yet another cool drums into space, that was stepped up all tour and with the midi addition has become more “other” less trad drums, which I’ve always really dug!
    But finally hearing 5/7 I’d have to say I liked that one more, though there were some obvious whoopsies lol. Bird Song was sweet and has been throughout the tour.
    One of the spring highlights for me, but I’m sure not others lol is the midi space fest as they really go to town having a ball with the new toys! Really, the whole sequence from He’s Gone through Black Pete is some of the best stuff I heard so far this year!
    Another good show, on my second string list just because of the slop factor, comparatively speaking…

    Which brings us to show completely off my radar 5/27/89
    This was perhaps the biggest surprise of this trip.
    And unlike many of these larger multi group bene shows that sometimes get played safe etc, this one has great energy and illustrates how things have progressed nicely over the course of the year during this interesting transitional period, just before and leading up to what I and some consider one of the best stretches in their thirty year history: summer 89 through summer 90!

    So, top picks in no real order (whichever I listened to last was best ala Jim ; )
    4/8, 4/5, 4/3, 3/28 and 5/27, with second string 4/9, 4/11, 4/15 and 5/7…
    That may be a lot, but that’s because if how overall comparative this stretch is, thus not only one or two that really jump out.
    I think if you have any infinity for this era you’ll at least enjoy any of these picks, find them a good jumping off point, and hey, sometimes you might even get shown the light ; )

    Well, it was fun, but glad it’s over as to really dig in you have to keep at it and by the end I was doing like a weeks of two a days, and 3 DHBs at the end. Actually, more DHBs as I’m rehashing some of my top picks in playoff round lol. Hey, sorry, getting hockey fever lol.

    Prolly cleanse this WE with more 74, then perhaps a week of 69, maybe a bunch of April 69, then a little more May 79 and/or pickup 84 again…

  • daverock

    If I was to give someone a very brief indication of why I liked The Dead, to someone who had never heard them, I would chose a version of China-Rider. For me, one from between 1972-1974. As the first one I heard was on the old "Europe 72" album, that would be a likely contender.

  • JimInMD

    Like that exact moment they drifted from China Cat into I Know You Rider

    Regardless of the year, words cannot describe.

    (did the really make it through HeyNow?)

  • Oroborous
    Speaking of 89

    Been marching through spring 89 (everything I’ve not heard up to 5/27/89)
    Just a few shows left then I’ll report back…

  • icecrmcnkd
    Speaking of 89

    For those who torrent, summer 89 and fall 89 are at etree as single torrents.
    Summer 91 was there too.
    Was there last weekend and grabbed them in case they are upgraded from what I already have.

  • bluecrow
    Box o Rain

    Encore got tucked after Set 1 to save space if you were burning to disc, like you would sometimes see in the cassette days. That can fool ya. DaP 49 did it for the 2nd Frost show. The most recent Miller transfer of the Healy/Pierson Ultramatrix has it in correct order. Haven't quite got there yet. Just hit drums and need to break for another task.

  • Oroborous
    The Other One

    Says thanks for the well wishes.
    She’s fine, perhaps hurt her pride most, just a little sore is all.
    Think Jim got beat up worse by the Hey Know Police! ; )
    Sounds like the bastards turned it up to 11.

    Box O Rain was the encore fyi…

    I’ll try more later, when I’m done shoveling for the fourth time in 3 days…

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17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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13 years

In reply to by proudfoot


Fargin Ash holes.

It just so happens I am watching one of the better vigilante movies of all time. Coincidence?

I hate theft. I also hate littering. Oh, and I hate fargin ash holes. But enough about hate..

She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes.. The MaryE theme song. Happy MaryE Day. Apparently April is acid month too, so there's that.

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17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


8.21.69 Aqua Theatre. Seattle.
Is that a flute I hear in Minglewood and China Cat? Very interesting.
Casey Jones
Easy Wind
Morning Dew >
High Time
Mama Tried >
Me And My Uncle
New Minglewood Blues* >
China Cat Sunflower* >
Doin' That Rag
Big Boss Man
Sittin' On Top Of The World
Cryptical Envelopment >
Drums >
The Other One >
Dark Star >
Cosmic Charlie
* w/ Gary Larkey on flute....did some research.

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17 years

Seattle . Checking it.

Almost a year since Bolo started this Pick of the day. I may have listened to more GD in that time frame than any time in my 67 years. Onward !

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8 years 6 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


Aho Strider

I think I mighta listened to more GD this year than ever before too.
And that's saying something.

Feels like a good thing :)

Fun to know that there's other cool peeps out there doing this too.

Enjoy rockin' the tunes with you all.

8/21/69 is fun > then I had to time travel back to February '66 for some Garage Dead.
Justa walking the Dog.

Happy Friday!

The Green Lake Aqua Theater (or what's left of it) is about a mile away from my place.

I was way too young, and too far away, to have attended. Believe me, seeing the GD there in 1969 (or any year) would have been mindblowing.

One time I did go sit there and listen to that show on my walkman (cassette).


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17 years

Love the early versions of Casey Jones and Easy Wind. China Cat with a flute player? Algo falta.
4/4/71 tomorrow, from the comfort of my easy chair.
I can enjoy the music and remember the sardine effect. Maybe Manhattan Center was like running the gauntlet

Easy Rider / Easy Wind / easy chair .

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7 years 8 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


Looking at 3/26/87, first leg of Dave's Picks #36, in honer of Jim finally getting his copy.

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17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Ok DV, I was gonna request 6/22/92, my hundredth show, but ya beat me to it lol.
Perhaps we do that 87, and go 90s for extra credit since I’m guessing many will want to do 50th 4/4/71 mañana?

- 3/26/87
- 6/22/92


Anyone? Sound like a plan?

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3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD




Later today will be 3 26 87 for JiminMD's celebration

Did you tip the tortoise?

Sounds good to me guys. I will check out the 92 show later. I finished set 1. So good. I just love desolation row. Bird Song! Come on. To me the 3/26 show is better than 3/27. Maybe the sound, maybe the performance. 100th show OB! Sweet. I will check it out. That is a lot of mileage. Shit, we all miss those days.

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8 years 9 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Very cool pick. First show after Woodstock(?) Very early Working Mans and Bob Cowboy songs - all of that surprised me. Up front - Casey Jones, Easy Wind, Morning Dew (Mickey on the shimmering gong?!), and High Time!!!! Casey Jones, Easy Wind, High Time are super early sweet versions. I think Pig is hoopin' and hollerin' at times!!

Flute - you guys (VGuy, Strider) are too polite: "very interesting," "algo falta." The flute playing is brutal. Barely made it through New Minglewood and I bailed from China Cat one minute in.

Ca. early '90s lived about 2 miles from Green Lake (Greenwood). Can't imagine dead playing Aqua Theatre. GD show was last rock concert at the venue. Couldn't find any Dead photos, but photos of the Zeppelin playing months earlier are crazy cool and show the interesting stage setting. Per concert poster New Riders opened.

Dead seem aware of a curfew in the precise and very fine show closer sequence of Cryptical > Other One> Cryptical > Dark Star > Cosmic Charlie. Love the last second "post-production" trippy tape speed up in final seconds of Cosmic Charlie.

Senator Oro - 6/16/74 Playing - very glad you dialed that one in. back in the vehicle cassette days that song/tape always got me where I needed to be. Trucking > Nobodys jam > Wharf Rat, Going down The Road to finish Set III (which I picked up a little later) is a fantastic ride.

one of these days maybe 7/18/72??!!


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16 years 7 months

Hey everyone, happy Easter to those that celebrate. So i was making a 400 mile round trip drive last night and 9 o'clock est show on Sirius was 10/1/77 from Portland. I have neglected for some reason... But the transition from Eyes>Dancing..... wow forgot how much cow bell!! Enjoy the day everyone. Bob

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3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


I have on cassette
Sounds really good

Lots of positive energy

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17 years

It’s an amazing show. I read my deadbase 50 about Manhattan Center. Many counterfeit tickets were were in the mix. (All three nights) plus a roof entry door was breached and several dozen people got in from (on high) the second night.
I feel bad for anyone who took acid in advance before seeing how packed it was. I seem to remember my friend Theresa being squeezed and lifted off the floor and slowly being moved. I kind of remember the band members looking concerned but calm. I went the 4th and 5th. Looking at my old notes I must have spent the first set of the 4th on the floor near the stage . The balcony was the only place with any kind of room to dance so I spent the second set up there. I believe it was similar the 5th, packed on the floor, the front lobby was packed like a wild party. But again the cavernous balcony had elbow room. After the intensity of being near the stage , packed against 8 strangers and my head melting the balcony seemed like flying into clear skies after heavy turbulence in a thunderstorm. I really enjoyed listening to 4/4/71 today. Morning Dew is stellar , Easy Wind is killer(tempo!) Truckin’ is unique,(pigpen organ!)Good Lovin had me up and dancing. The drum solo is extremely hot. Jazz influence. Also notice in photographs from Manhattan Center Jerry playing the “peanut” guitar made by luthier Rick Turner who worked for Alembic for a few years. Very historic Grateful Dead concerts.
Happy birthday Muddy Waters. Happy Easter.

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17 years

April 1971 stands with the best month of any in Grateful Dead history.

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8 years 6 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


April '71 def sounds like fun ;)

Strider, way cool memories. Dug reading that. Do you remember talking to Theresa about her experience?

I'd agree with April '71 being a top month.
There's so many top months in years, what a band.

Keep the stories coming my friend.
And 4/5 is getting a spin today on it's anniversary.

I keep hearing about Acid Month.
What's that all about?
Am I supposed to be taking Acid this month?
I mean bicycle day, I get that... but the whole month?

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3 years 11 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I read that in reference to April 71 in Relix a long time ago.

paraphrase: "Acid Month, when the GD played New York City eight times (Manhattan Center and Fillmore East)"

I bet there was a lot of Acid in NY in April in '71 with the GD in town at the beginning and the end.
So yeah... that makes sense.

LMK if any of you all know the Relix that might be in.

Get your Daily Dose!

4/5/71 down the hatch. Forgot this was the Marmaduke yodel version of Bobby McGee :)

Sweet stuff.

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9 years 10 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I'm guessing this is more of a reference to the fact that there may have been a lot of acid about, being taken by people, than to the actual music being played. Which sounds more rootsy than psychedelic to me.

Yes, great times all.

Should we do Dick's 18 to celebrate one year?

In honor of Bolo's first pick.

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17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


....because the setlist looks interesting. Frost 5.11.86, but I'm game for anything.

Gimme Some Lovin' >
Dancin' In The Street
Never Trust A Woman
Iko Iko
My Brother Esau
It Must Have Been The Roses
Cassidy >
Might As Well
Samson & Delilah >
Crazy Fingers >
He's Gone >
Smokestack Lightning >
Drums >
Space >
The Other One >
Comes A Time >
Around & Around >
Not Fade Away
I Need A Miracle >
U.S. Blues

86 has some good energy

calling it up right now


It's Been!

What a crazy year. Totally psychedelic and trippy.

Happy One Year Anniversary to the POTD crew, players, contributors and followers.

Good tunes all year long.

Sounds like I'm hearing calls for 5/11/86 & DiP V18

Wonder what this year is going to be like?

working from home

really enjoying being in the place that takes much of my earnings (mortgage...) You just know that some poor schmuck in history has been named Mort Gage.

lots of GD listening while working

extremely grateful (pun intended) that I haven't lost family members to Covidshite

forward, brothers and occasional sister. forward.

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17 years

In reply to by proudfoot


Hi, Mort Gage here...why you talkin bout me?

I’m actually about to fire up 4/6/71. I’ve been trying to limp along through as much of 71 and more specifically now, April. But I accidentally swallowed some kind of little piece of paper that fell outta an old record album? Aaaannnndddddd eeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrr ssssssssiiiiiinnnnnnncccccccccceeeeeeee tttthhhhhhhiiiinnnggggssssss hhhaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn wwwweeeeeeiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrddddddddd???????????????????

So going there first, then I’ll probably lean towards that 5/11/86. Kinda into or wanna get into some 86 this year.
My way of dealing with Anniversary stuff is I go by 5 year groups. So this year having a 1 for 2021, my anniversary years end in a 1 or 6, so this years anniversaries are 66, 71, 76, 81, 86, and 91. Since that’s a lot of years, I’ve been concentrating on 71 since I’m not too familiar, yet. 81 cause it seems we’ve all been digging 81...and 86, the forgotten year; mostly cause I can’t remember the shows I was at, but also because I sorta wrote it off and forgot that there are lots of good shows that year.
Next criteria is shows I was at and/or official releases, then...........Wild West baby, like perhaps 5/11?
Oh, I am itching to hear DP 18, especially after how much I dug DaP 37, (biggest pleasant surprise in years!),
yet another tour I need to “discover”, but unfortunately Realgone hasn’t re-dropped it yet, and thanks but no thanks about files,( long convoluted nonsense on my part that you don’t wanna hear) but hey, it’s not like I don’t have enough other stuff in the mean time lol.
So far enjoyed, but not high on the Minglewood scale for the first couple nights of Acid month, really looking forward to 4/6 today. Hope to have better listening session than the last couple....
So heeeeyyyyyy Oooooo! Hay! (SNAP)

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13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


yes.. he's trouble, but his French Cousin, Forte Closeur takes the cake.

Enjoying the hell out of the Manhattan Center. Just finished 4/5.. I am sure I will start 4/6 but likely won't finish it until tomorrow. It takes half my time just to keep those two prementioned characters from showing up uninvited, which can crush the nicest of buzzes.

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15 years 9 months

for tomorrow? 30 years ago tomorrow was the first show of a three night run in Orlando. Great shows

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8 years 6 months

In reply to by JimInMD


It's got a cumberland.

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17 years

So awesome. I don’t believe I’ve listened to all three Manhattan Center shows in a row before. And on the 50th anniversaries. They sounded so tight.
420 on the west coast.

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7 years 8 months

In reply to by Vguy72


I had to go back to the first page of this thread and check it out. Great stuff. I have loved the focused listens. It takes a lot of commitment to get through some of these shows. So much to learn and so many great shows. A few clunkers along the way, but not many.
Thanks to the great people on this site that have shared so much fantastic music with me. You know who you are and my collection is getting ridiculous, but I still want more. And I have tried to pay it forward with other members here as well.

Now, if we could just get that 1980 box announcement and we get a 1973 show soon!

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16 years 7 months

If you're a Dead Enthusiast, and I'm pretty sure there's several hereabouts, this new should bring a bit of sadness. Rick Harris -- the guy who ran the Thoughts on the Dead blog thing, an irreverent look at an irreverent band, and general thoughts, often mocking, on music, life, and the world, plus poetry, short stories, rants and other curios -- has passed on, at the young age of 46. Spare a thought for a guy who loved the Dead in his own way, and take some time to stroll through his garden of irreverence.


Chugging along...
4/6/71✔️Definitely liked this the best of the three. Though the song list/set lists did contribute to my overall enjoyment, it was as much about the vibe or feel of this show? The playing of the music. I hate to use relaxed because that sounds like too mellow? It sounded like not as much coke and/or booze going on...now I’m not suggesting that that was actually the case, just that that’s what it sounded like...steady, firm, solid, but not manic, yet still able to rock it in overdrive when appropriate I.e., JBG, Casey J, Truckin!
All three shows were good, but imho I thought this one was the standout. Perhaps not full Minglewood but close enough for hourse shoes and hand grenades!

5/11/86✔️Enjoyed this show also, another interesting song/set list, with mostly good performance. Perhaps suffered from the west coast mellow thing? Or was it the tape? Good show, just felt a little...?
Lol, I guess you could say the same thing about this show “sounded like no coke and/or booze” lol.
Hey, I’m just trying to find the right words to convey a feeling so don’t murder me ; )
Anywho, time today for another double header!
4/7/71 up first then ????
91 Orlando???

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3 years 11 months

In reply to by Oroborous


then later will do more of 5/13/73

5/13/73: it will be a glorious day when the ultra-crisp soundboard of that show emerges