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    We're feelin' Philly 4/26/83 and its '80s highs. See what we're on about when you pick up DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 39: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 4/26/83, the final show of a three-week tour, played at the venue that the Dead played more than Madison Square Garden (there's your daily dose of Dead trivia). This one fires on all cylinders, with extremely well-played, high-energy tight sets featuring newbies "West L.A. Fadeway," "My Brother Esau," rarities like Brent's tune "Maybe You Know," precise medleys "Help>Slip>Franklin's," an inspired new pairing "Throwing Stones>Not Fade Away," and the Dave's Picks debut of "Shakedown Street."  And before you come down, we've got a prime slice of bonus material from the previous Spectrum show 4/25/83 and an extra dollop of '83 from the War Memorial Auditorium, Rochester, NY 4/15/83 (featuring the Bobby rarity "Little Star").

    Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 39: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 4/26/83 was recorded by Dan Healy and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    *2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Oroborous

    It is puzzling that so few sixties have come out?
    Yes their very repetitive, but look at this box, obviously that doesn’t stop em...
    And yes many are short,
    And there probably not as many good recordings,
    but I’ll bet there’s still enough quality there to do something?
    Been way too long fo sho!

  • hendrixfreak
    Thanks gents

    Icecreamed I appreciate your logic. I'd agree that ABCDs will continue to come out, interspersed with what's in the Vault. Clearly, for this St Louis box, that one ABCD reel enabled the entire box. Frankly, the list of returned Bettys is rather stunning. I'm still panting for every release and that's 50+ years after hearing AB and Skull & Roses for the first time. (Actually, I borrowed Live-Dead from a friend when it came out -- I was only 12 and couldn't make sense out of the opening to Dark Star, so I took it off the stereo and returned the LP unheard!!) And I'll leap at any '80s shows that are hot, after all, I did attend my share. Agreed, cassettes of hot shows beat multi-tracks of lacklustre performances.

    Here's a curveball: whatever happened to the tape stash that Mtn Grl turned over? Those were Jer's tapes and Dave did release that killer April '70 acoustic show with the Pigpen set. But I haven't heard anymore about them, nor ever seen a list. (That probably doesn't exist outside Dave's files.) Then there are the tapes that the roadie's ex turned in, which helped create the Fox Theater/FW 69-70 release (DaP 6) and an undisclosed source of returned tapes that enabled Thelma 12-69 (DaP 9). There's a bunch we simply don't know about. And primal stuff, too. I'd think they still have a fair amount of '69 suitable for release. (DaP 40???)

    Though thinking about the Vault holdings can drive me a little crazy, I'm kinda glad that Dave doesn't release a list. It keeps the surprise factor going and my earlier posts about the Vault -- how many excellent shows remain unreleased -- run to the optimistic side because Dave has many aces up his sleeve and, as I surmised earlier, he's looking for commercial patterns that could lead to a box and one-offs that work for the DaP series. I must say, while I really don't want his job, it's gotta be mighty fun. A couple tokes and a tour of the Vault would probably leave me quite worn out.

    As to preservation, it's not clear to me what the process or pace is. I did get the impression from Dave's description of his DaP process that he selects a show, and THEN it gets digitized and a technical once-over to see if will stand up to release quality. I'd love to hear Dave talk about his process, which shouldn't reveal anything he doesn't want to reveal.

    Meanwhile, it's been established that the OSF still has reels of GD. I asked them to keep an eye out for 9-19-72, which is in the Vault, but missing a reel. Fingers crossed, that was my first show. I did sponsor a reel myself of 1973 NRPS. OSF told me that they had opened a box marked NRPS, only to find it empty -- disaster! Yet it seems they've recovered quite a few reels somehow (mislabeled, misplaced?) since then because, obviously, they did that early NRPS box and, presumably, more NRPS releases to come in the future. Johnny Cash at the Avalon is coming out soon! They must have feelers out to innumerable artists for permission to release and they've been careful to go outside the San Francisco bands to broaden our palate. I'm, grateful.

    Man, I never tire of this stuff.

    And Icecreamed, the new box is pretty sweet. The setlists are mindblowing. You're gonna love it, I'm sure. I'm gonna stretch it out into the early winter just so I savor every skull fuck.

    Edit: P.S. Yeah, the demographic angle (Giants box sell-out) is a strong one. I suspect that each era has its fans. I didn't see any '60s shows, but I'm on 'em like white on rice. I caught one '91 and two '92 shows after leaving the GD concert scene in '87, and I'd love to have those properly restored. And I caught shows in every year, 1980-1987, which of course I'd love to hear again. Think of it this way: if you were 25 in 1985, you're ~61 now. Still rockin'. I kinda doubt that, except for Billy the Kid, that any of us did catch '60s shows, but we're hot for 'em. Crazy good stuff.

  • Oroborous
    Cone kid DL

    maybe that’s it Conekid, save up the working capital from profits now so they can afford to fix up and digitize, then add a DL series, but one that not only works, but excels. Ya know, something the Dead used to be known for: cutting edge, leading technology...

  • Oroborous
    As far as as digitization

    now that Plangent can be used on cassettes, wouldn’t they want to wait on digitization?
    I agree that they should get digital back up ASAP for everything, starting with the best sounding good shows as ICCK suggests, but it seems like they wait to cover the production costs until they have the years submoney in hand?

    Remember this was one of the big riffs that happened between band members: some wanted to “sell out” to some corporation who would have the financial resources to digitize the whole collection, so you could get any show ala carte, but Phil was like “I’m not turning on the TV and hear Truckin’ during a Chevy commercial” not an exact quote, but he wasn’t about just selling out, he wanted to maintain control and do it their way, well maintaining the respect the music deserved. Or remember the whole Terrapin Station debacle, where Mickey said there’d be a kiosk, so you could put your order in at arrival, and pick up your shows after you toured the museum etc,
    So there has been talk at least of trying to make the vault more accessible. But now that Rhino has bought at least some level of control, I don’t think their in a hurry to do any of that, which sucks.

    Now if there was any forethought, Rhino et el would of been reinvesting some of the profits from all these years of windfalls to build up enough scratch so if/when the Beatty well etc runs dry, they have the cash to fix up the better cassettes, properly!, and then start pushing them out en masse? Not sure if it’s true, but a reasonable theory, that they could be marketing to the “older” crowd currently, assuming that more of the 80/90s market is younger and thus will be around longer. That seems limiting to me, but what do I know?
    Personally, I’m in the All The Years combined camp: let’s get all the multitracks from any year out first, or say one box of multi’s a year at premium rate, so they can milk it along, combined with say DaP series of Beatty’s and predominantly older stuff, (perhaps with some “normal” boxes mixed in), and also offer a no frills 80/90s outlet for everyone else to enjoy, you could call it Pedro’s Picks as I’m available ; )
    Sure they might not sell as much of any particular individual format/series, but cumulatively they could be selling more total! And no offense, but their doing this to make money!

  • icecrmcnkd
    Giants Box is a grate one

    Multi-track and a BluRay.
    We need more video!

    80/90’s multi-tracks should all be released.
    And the 2-track DAT Masters if they sound good and the performance doesn’t have any major meltdowns.

    As for the 80’s cassettes, if they sound good and the band is on, then release them. Especially since Plangent can now do cassettes. I would support and 80’s cassette download series, but not until Rhino figures out how to run a download service.

  • Oroborous
    ABCD/80s etc

    They needed to get returns on their investments.
    I believe I read there is a NDA?

    Theory: using say just four years of DaP only with 20k subs at $100 per sub = $2Mil per year (not including extra ala carte $, boxes, aprons, hatchets etc)
    So that’s 8 million in four years just for DaPs...
    So my theory is that after production costs and corporate profit etc, it’s taken a few years to pay some or all of that investment off, thereby loosening things up a bit. I’m sure you’ll see ABCD reels being used more then less until their either mostly gone, or the shows aren’t up to par. Hey, a well recorded lousy show is still a lousy show...
    As for 80s shows, I’ve said it all along: have 2 series!
    I think you snobs would be surprised how well a series dedicated to 80s and 90s “cover band” shows would sell.
    I think there’s a huge army of silent heads just waiting...GIANTS box anyone? Sold out way quicker then 78, 76, PNW or the current one!

  • icecrmcnkd
    HF, speculation

    My speculation regarding the rate of ABCD releases is based on the speculation I read on these boards. I have no additional knowledge.

    Regarding the STL Box, in the seaside chat Dave explains how this Box came to be. I don’t recall the details but I think it was something like most of the shows had been selected for release at some time, and he wanted to do another regional Box, and this one came together at this time, although another Box could have also come.

    I think that digitization of all the analog recordings (presumably starting with the best sound quality) is a constant process because getting digital copies stored in multiple locations is an insurance policy to keep the releases and revenue coming well into the future.
    You don’t want to pull a Universal Music and lose everything in a fire.
    So, I think that the library of digitized shows is constantly increasing and that Dave has an ever growing selection to choose from, and then he picks a show that appeals to him at the time. In seaside chats in the past he has said how he has more than one show in mind for an upcoming release, and then makes a decision for whatever reason.

    Regarding 80-85 cassettes, we basically know what sounds good because you can get copies from the torrents. There are a lot of people who do want shows from those years released, but also a lot of people who will not buy them. The Rhino business plan may be to generate as much revenue as possible from the pre-Brent years while the people who only like those years are still alive and spending money.

    This has all been speculated on in the past on these boards, and I’m just respeculating.

    The USPS app says that my Box is out for delivery…..

  • hendrixfreak
    The Vault conversation, part XXIV...

    So, Icecreamed, I'm curious why you say that Dave has to deal "first" with returned Bettys? I have openly speculated here that the initial plethora of ABCD-related releases in years just passed might reflect some arrangement with the gents who are ABCD to get the material out more or less immediately. Do you have any argument or evidence that that's true? Being sincere here, not snarky.

    I say this because I note that only one reel in the St Louis box is from ABCD. I don't know how many reels per show were used, but is it safe to say more than 20 reels for 20 CDs' worth of music? So the St Louis box benefited from one returned reel but is by far mostly composed of reels they had in the Vault. Neither DaP 39 or 38 were from the ABCD stash.

    So I'm genuinely wondering: if there is/was a deal with ABCD to get out those returned Bettys, did the initial slew of ABCD shows (spring '77, Red Rocks, etc.) in the past 2-3 (3-4?) years satisfy that agreement and now Dave is free to intersperse Vault shows with returned Bettys? That scenario seems kinda likely, in that I can imagine an ABCD deal as described above but not one that would shackle Dave for any length of time from freely choosing shows after an initial burst of ABCD releases.

    I guess we can only speculate, as a confidentiality agreement probably exists.

    As for speculation that we're being softened up to accept '80s shows on cassette -- a world of difference from a Betty, I think many would agree -- that is ... disturbing, to a degree. I'd probably keep subscribing even then, because as in this year, when Dave did '87 and '83 shows, he also gave us 9-73 and 4-78. The '73 shows are a must-hear, must-have for me. So I'd suck up a few '80s cassette shows to get what to me is the really good stuff. My storage situation reflects my personal approach: I've got prime shelf space in my office for '66 thru '75 GD. '76 thru '90s shows are in a tall oak bookshelf in the basement (along with 3/4s of my Jimi, all my Dylan, and other top artists, so no disrespect, just space issues).

    Blah, blah, blah! My guess is that the ABCD agreement has passed its initial phase and we're now in potpourri territory. Yes, "potpourri territory"... mmm, need more coffee...

  • icecrmcnkd
    The Vault

    GD renewed the 10-year contract with Rhino a couple of years ago and will probably renew for a third term when that time comes.
    So, Greek, Frost, Ventura, and others will probably get sifted through for release.
    But, Dave has the returned reels to deal with first.
    I think that the 80’s DaP’s we have received so far were selected so that the ‘better’ 80’s shows can be used later when there are few pre-Brent shows remaining.

  • hendrixfreak
    Don't be too grumpy...

    I think the Vault has quite a few iconic shows tucked away, as well as tons of shows we attended and haven't heard squat from.

    I'm not a natural optimist, but remember that Dave thinks the DaP series will go for 20 years. That's 100 shows, counting bonus disc. Plus he's putting out another 7-8 shows per year in a box. Another decade of boxes is another 80 shows.

    All I'm saying is that, to accomplish that, Dave has to have a long-term plan, not just plucking the occasional show out of the Vault for release. I have no actual knowledge of his m.o., but it would seem to me he's got to come up with box themes that'll fly tape-wise and business-wise. So he may very well have Frost, Greek, Shoreline, Red Rocks (that's my personal desire) shows staying intact, under the radar, to enable future boxes.

    Notice I didn't say something like, "Have patience..." because I want that Rocks box NOW!!

    Just sayin', there's hope.

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3 years 10 months

We're feelin' Philly 4/26/83 and its '80s highs. See what we're on about when you pick up DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 39: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 4/26/83, the final show of a three-week tour, played at the venue that the Dead played more than Madison Square Garden (there's your daily dose of Dead trivia). This one fires on all cylinders, with extremely well-played, high-energy tight sets featuring newbies "West L.A. Fadeway," "My Brother Esau," rarities like Brent's tune "Maybe You Know," precise medleys "Help>Slip>Franklin's," an inspired new pairing "Throwing Stones>Not Fade Away," and the Dave's Picks debut of "Shakedown Street."  And before you come down, we've got a prime slice of bonus material from the previous Spectrum show 4/25/83 and an extra dollop of '83 from the War Memorial Auditorium, Rochester, NY 4/15/83 (featuring the Bobby rarity "Little Star").

Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 39: THE SPECTRUM, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 4/26/83 was recorded by Dan Healy and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

*2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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14 years 4 months

In reply to by Sixtus_


A truly great Phish show complete with 30 min Lawn Boy and 34 min Crosseyed...wonderful stuff

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by Sixtus_


I think I'll skip straight to the scheduled Dark Star-St Stephen whatever, if that's alright. With a bit of King Crimson thrown in on the side.

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4 years

In reply to by proudfoot


My wife called me a nerd, although I knew it would be appreciated elsewhere. Day off, second run through, finding a lot of things to love on this release. What will DaP40 bring? This is my first subscription, money well spent. It's fun to look forward to mail.

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15 years 5 months

I see the NYA have announced the release of December 4th 1970 Carnegie Hall double CD on October 1st. So 2 good releases that day.

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Member for

16 years 5 months

I too will skip right ahead to the darkstar, thanks Daverock, you said what we all wanted to say. Was just listening to Satisfaction and Charlie Watts is going to be greatly missed on this US tour. It's like Led Zeppelin with out Bonzo. Get well soon Charlie

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10 years 4 months

The Lee Morgan box set is in, cannot wait to give this a listen during the weekend.

DaP 39, #58/25000, sits and sits, waiting to be played. Not sure what to make of that. Dead fatigue?

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10 years 10 months

So, I'm a little high and am watching various dead videos late last night and came across 3-3-87. An energetic, well played show, even with the typical 87 cautiousness. Especially the 1/2 step and the Quinn opener. The second set brings a St. of Circumstance. Again, well played until the closing section where they repeatedly sing:

Sure don't know what I'm going for
But I'm gonna go for it for sure.

The first run through goes fine, then Jerry gets out of sync and starts singing the opposite line as Weir. They do this 3 or 4 times, with Jerry glancing over at Bob with bemusement. I'm thinking there are three possibilities:

1) Jerry's genuinely lost about where they are in the song.
2) Jerry thinks he's right and it's Bob who went off track.
3) Jerry knows he's wrong but keeps going just to fuck with Bob.

Granted, like I said, I was high so I went with number 3. Couldn't stop cracking up about it.

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11 years

What a waste of ... everything. No Charlie, no Stones. It's that simple. And if you read about their early history, that's actually, factually true.

That's the final straw for me! Fake Rolling Stones! Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm actually serious. No Brian Jones? No problem. No Ian Stewart? Regrettable, but you can't raise the dead. No Charlie Watts?? Inconceivable!!!!!!!

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10 years 6 months

wilfredtjones - thank you for answering my question regarding the 4/25 bonus material on Disc2 in place of the balance of the 4/26 show. I thought that might be the case but figured the reason had be something far more mysterious.

Fortunately Dave was able to replace the 'Space' segment with ... 'Space'! Go figure! Although I must admit that I'm not a fan of starting a disc with 'Space' as the first track on the disc. More often then not I only have time to listen to one disc per night and sometimes 'Space' is difficult to embrace cold, with no prior songs to get myself into the flow of the show.

And Vguy, I totally agree! Philly DOES deliver!

I particularly like this version of 'The Wheel'. Meaty, big and bold sounding.

I'm only through my second listen but I can see myself playing this release more often than other releases.

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11 years

Just rambling til they send me the upcoming 1971-73 GD box set...

BUT next year the Stones release their first album of original material in 17 years. What a waste! Jagger-Richards haven't written a decent song in 45 years, and I say that as a fan of the band. Why not stick with recording ancient blues staples and killing it, as they did a few years back?

(And how the hell is Steve Jordan going to channel Charlie Watts' inimitable small kit style??)

Okay, rant over.

45 years ago yesterday ( 1976-yes, 45 years ago ! ) I saw The Stones at Knebworth Festival. Hot Tuna were on earlier in the day, too. Unfortunately I was too wrecked and too far away to make sense of anything. There is a great recording of Lyrnrd Skynyrd's set from the afternoon now available on cd/blu ray. Its the only recording I have ever had by them - but its pretty good Southern style rock a boogie, with a spine tingling Freebird, dedicated to Duane Allman, to end the set.
Very strange watching a crystal clear film of an event you attended so long ago, in such a different state of mind.

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16 years 5 months

Daverock, I was at the First show of the 1978 tour in June and this was my first look at the Stones live. not a big fan of Ronnie Wood but went anyway and glad I did. The tickets had The Great Stoned Out Wrestling Champions as the headlining act which was a bit weird, but learned later that they had used pseudonyms in the past. Had great seats and they did a lot of debuts of songs from Some Girls, which was their new lp at the time. Don't remember much, except it was their 16th year together and they were pulling out a lot of Chuck Berry tunes, including Sweet little Sixteen. Doubt you will ever hear that song done by them again.
A band called The Henry Paul Band opened the show. A member of the Outlaws if I recall. 19th Nervous Breakdown was the first song I danced with a girl to, can't remember but I think it was the swim, or the boogaloo or maybe the twist, it was 1966 I think.
They have weathered a lot, First Brian, then Mick then Bill all left and they still just kept on truckin, but without Charlie, the actual backbone of the band, I just don't see how one person will be able to replace him..

I never saw them in 1978, Sam, but I have heard a few live recordings, and they were a lot sharper then than in 1976, when I saw them at Knebworth. Keith had dropped smack from his 5 a day, and punk had reared its ugly head between 1976 and 1978. The Stones seemed spurred into action, dropping their wasted glam rock appearance - they looked like drag queens at Knebworth - and going at it like tigers. Much leaner and more energetic. The studio albums of the time reflect this too - "Black and Blue" sounds very tired compared to "Some Girls" . They were still hyped up when I saw them in 1981. Too much at times - slow down that man !

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11 years

Has anyone considered or discussed the possibility of a 50th of Bobby's "Ace" LP, rec'd in Jan-March '72 and released in May? We know this is basically the GD on Bob's project, so Lemieux could certainly decide (with Bob's permission) to consider it a GD 50th project, or not.

Dave could couple it with the short 3-5-72 show (if they have both reels in the vault) or a late '71 or fall '72.

I know I'd enjoy it, but whether that's a real possibility must have crossed Dave's mind by now.


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3 years 6 months

You and Phil really put out some great music.

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10 years 3 months

Sorry, I'm a set list geek, but another 5 is 2/8/86- 2/14/86. Funny enough, no Shakedown or Cumberland here either.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

50 years ago today………..

August 23, 1971
Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Illinois

Set 1: Big Railroad Blues-Playing In The Band-Mr. Charlie-Sugaree-El Paso-Next Time You See Me-Bertha-Me and Bobby McGee-Cumberland Blues-Big Boss Man-Loser-Promised Land -China Cat Sunflower>I Know You Rider-Casey Jones

Set 2: Truckin'-Bird Song-Cryptical Envelopment>drums>The Other One>Me and My Uncle>The Other One>Cryptical Envelopment reprise>Wharf Rat-Deal-Brokedown Palace-Sugar Magnolia-Not Fade Away>Goin’ Down The Road Feelin’ Bad>Not Fade Away>Johnny B. Goode

Deadicated to bkinva, ochs27, Born Cross Eyed in 1956, Gonzopolis, frosted, ummmmm..., PearlyBaker'sMan, Ziffle, jaydoublu, pc245, d-rock, rrussell8, nestamon, dan0,Kjohnduff1, and seabird17, because music, when soft voices die vibrates in the memory……

The second show in a row that opened with Big Railroad Blues, and the third show in a row with an Other One. Was there something in the water???

No windy city blues here. The Dead work it well. A nice, long, substantial show, absolutely worth a listen……

Rock on!!!

And then when I went to Chicago, that's when I had these outer space experiences and went to the other planets…..

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17 years

Has anybody got this pick in germany yet? mine's stucking since 8/5 somewhere in san bernadino or so. really frustrating. sorry. looking forward to the "fox-box" nevertheless.

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16 years 5 months

what a song, RIP Don Everly, the songs of my early youth, knew every word to this one, the first members of the RARHOF.

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17 years 9 months

How long did it take you to find that, or was it top of mind? Check in to see the MSG runs from the 90's. I wonder how much redundancy there was in their respective set lists.

BTW, I was just thinking about starting a disc 3 with filler and what kind of options that could open...

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11 years

a superbly reasoned response to my question on "Ace." ("Prolly not???" But why not, proudfoot??)

I guess cuz the artist is Bob Weir, not "Grateful Dead."

Well, if that's the case (proudfoot cannot be wrong), the HEY BOBBY, ANY OUTTAKES FROM THAT MONSTER STUDIO "PLAYING IN THE BAND"?

I'll say this: I refuse -- REFUSE! -- to wait til 2023 for a 50th Wake of the Flood. Load that one up with outtakes, please, and top it off with Watkins Glen soundcheck, thank you very much. Don't wait too long or I'll stomp my feet and hold my breath!!

It would be well worth marking with a 50th Anniversary release in my opinion. Not just for the fact that the band all played on it, but also for the fact that most of the songs on it became cornerstones in the Dead's repertoire ever after. Similarly, Jerry's first - an amazing album.
I am not the first to point out the Dead had enough great songs to have made several superb studio albums filling the gap between American Beauty and Wake of the Flood. That's including all the music on these two solo albums plus the new songs on Skull and Roses and Europe 72.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by daverock


They are cornerstones of their repertoire. Hopefully they have some unreleased stuff in their quivers.

Besides.. it's not like them to look the other way and commemorate anniversaries by not releasing something...

Not usually thought of as a classic GD album

I would welcome a redo....

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Agree.. except for PITB.

Honorable mention for Cassady, LLR and BTW. But PITB is a GD classic.

My two cents, I could be wrong. Garcia has Deal, Bird Song, Loser, To Lay Me Down, Sugaree.. well, perhaps it surpasses Ace, but Ace has PITB which counts for sometihng.

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7 years 10 months

Is there anyone who has red hair or beard? I bought some black beard wax and received red instead. This is a small can of red beardgains pro-hold pristine moustache wax which is unopened. I will send it to you for nothing. My facial hair is getting gray, so I want to use anything to make me look younger. Ha.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by carlo13


....and I treat it with beard oil, not wax. I would post a linq to the ones I like, however....
Mountaineer Brand Lime & Sage is my current go to.
Because I love limes. And sage. And spirit.

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11 years 6 months

In reply to by Vguy72


Go to U-tube. Punch in Roland Kirk '63 and '67...I dare ya.
Hang for a while.
It's f'n fantastic.

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10 years 3 months

2/14/86 was my tenth show, so I've been aware of this run ( 2/8-2/14/86). The wonderful fanzine Golden Road created by Blair Jackson and Regan McMahon is one way I've learned about this run of shows and all things dead. First subscribed in 85' and still have all editions. Magazine started in '83, bought all the back issues.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

50 years ago today…..

August 24, 1971
Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Illinois

Set 1: Uncle John's Band-Sugaree-Playing In The Band-Mr. Charlie-Loser-El Paso-It Hurts Me Too-Cumberland Blues-Empty Pages-Beat It On Down The Line-Brown-Eyed Women-Me And My Uncle-Casey Jones

Set 2: St. Stephen>Not Fade Away>Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad>Not Fade Away-Sing Me Back Home-Truckin'-Big Railroad Blues-Me And Bobby McGee-Brokedown Palace-Big Boss Man-Sugar Magnolia-Good Lovin’

Deadicated to peakshead, prafter, The Winner, joegs, guit30, rich-raysmarinemoorhead, Lil Brian, SpanishJam, willis550, BigDeadFan, Duece, MiracleMan1982, Morning Sun, TheeAmazingAce333, stopbath, Willysin4wd, and Amy from New York, because memory that yearns to join the centre, a limb remembering the body from which it has been severed, like those bamboo thighs of the god…..

On their only (OK, two show) Midwest stop in the summer of 71, the Dead mix things up nicely. Unusual Uncle John’s show opener, the first versions of Empty Pages and Brown Eyed Women, and the weirdly inverted set two opening sequence of St Stephan/NFA suite followed by several individual songs to close out the set.

In the windy city, the wind blew strange……………..

Rock on!!!

One comfort we have - Cincinnati sounds worse……..

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3 years 6 months

What a great tune, it was great to see the Dead pull it back through the keyhole for the acoustic shows in 1980. I also liked when Garcia & Grisman played it durring their acoustic sets, having Grismans mandolin on there was great. I think the greatest version of Ripple ever, was the version recorded on American Beauty, it has no equal.

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DL mentions in the skull & roses seaside chat that in ADDITION to the 4-Dave Picks this year & the Skull & Roses 40th release, there would 3 ADDITIONAL releases. Well, so far we've had the St Louis 1971-1973 Box Set. So what might the other two releases be in addition to Dave Pick #40?????????????

Let's first cover what shows have been released in 2021 & the year of those shows:
3 full shows from 1971 = (Skull & Roses including bonus disc, two full shows from St Louis box)
2 full shows from 1972 = (St Louis box)
3 full shows from 1973 = (Dave Pick #38, St Louis box)
1 full show from 1978 = (Dave Pick #37)
1 full show with filler from 1983 = (Dave Pick #39)

With that said, we can see that 2021 has been VERY heavy on the early 1970s period(certainly not surprising). TPTB have also covered 1978, we all know that the first two picks of each year are typically 1977 & 1974 (facts don't lie). TPTB also did that giant 1976 box last year......so my guess is we are done with the 1970s for 2021(seems logical & fair), except for possibly 1979 as Dave Pick #40. What would the other two releases in addition to Dave Pick #40 possibly be?????? My guesses:

1) Dave Pick #40 = 10/14/80
2) two show multi-track release from 1989 - POSSIBLY the long awaited Alpine Valley '89 shows
3) possibly some sort of release from the Warfield/RCMH 1980 shows (this was allegedly rumored earlier this year in some sort of fashion)
BRING SOME NEWS ALREADY!!! IT's SEPTEMBER ALREADY....where's the hint guy, BoZo????

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12 years

I have been enjoying this release. Glad that we got a Shakedown in the Dave's Picks! Highlights for me on this one are all the bigger jams. As others have mentioned, the sound quality is great for the time period. I imagine that was a big factor in choosing this show.

I realized the other day that I had not heard any of the three picks for this year before getting them here. Its been a few years since that happened. Familiar with all the time periods but all new shows to me. I've enjoyed all three!

So far, the release of the year for me is the Paris 72 vinyl. Another show I had not heard before. Completely blown away by that one. Exceptionally good show and recording. Every song could be a definitive version type of show. Nice to digest it one LP at a time. Since I sprung for that one, I'm gonna hang back on the box set and get the two LP release there. Hard to keep up with all the good music here.

Grateful for all the great tunes. Turn it up ;-)

I am still laughing as I type this, it is Bolo, the hint guy.

But good luck with his hints. Haven't figured out one of his hints yet.

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by docmarty


Yes, one of the true greats. The foundation Stone for so many great records and concerts. Another anniversary for me today-having seen them this day 18 years ago at Twickenham. It cost a small fortune, as I bought my ticket off a scalper, but it was worth every penny. Any future concerts Mick and Keith play can only really be considered a tribute to The Rolling Stones. The greatest rhythm and blues band England ever produced.

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Member for

3 years 6 months

When I saw the Stones in 1994 Charlie started the show on stage alone , and the Stones came out and launched into Not Fade Away.. May the four winds blow you safely home.

in upstate NY this past week
Party outside
Live bluegrassy-type band
I heard Big River
A little later I Know You Rider
Then a little later BERTHA

Totally unexpected

I liked that

Also talked with a gent who was at Woodstock. He didnt hear the GD because they played at 3 am or something.

NY is _humid_, by the way.

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11 years

I'm pretty sure I have a copy of a friend's box set in which all Garcia solo studio got the outtake/alt take treatment. That leaves Bobby, as usual, out in the cold. With PitB, Cassidy, Greatest Story and Looks Like Rain, I'd say it's worthy.

RV3 is back and agitating for DaP 40. Okay, based on the data, it's clearly going to be two (2) 1969 shows. Can't wait.

Daverock, Robert Hunter deservedly lamented the lack of a studio record for those E72 gems. One of these days I'll make myself a road disc with the best versions from the E72 tour. Consolation is that each of those songs does have a definitive and magnificant live version to savor.

And, yes, the Stones are finished. Our beloved (the only Stone worthy of love) Charlie has moved on. So like the Stones to end as a band PRIOR to a tour. At least I'll never see 'em again. Caught 'em once in 1981 in Boulder and they killed it for more than two hours. I probably shouldn't have stayed up most of the night snorting blow and boinking my girlfriend before the show, but, hey, we were not lovable back then, just feral and full of it.

Coming up on 30 days til the new box lands. Gonna really take my time to savor these incoming shows.

A couple years ago I bought several Stones concert releases on BluRay.

Only saw them once, 1989 Pontiac Silverdome. 2000 Light Years From Home was trippy and the best part of the show to me, because I like it psychedelic. Fortunately, they play pretty much the same setlist every night and I have a pro shot video from a few nights before in Montreal. The last 1/3 of the show is smokin’ hot (comes after 2 or 3 Keith solo songs, he had a new album out, that are a little boring).

But for tonight, I want hi def video and good sound, so going with a bluray,
1972 “Ladies and Gentlemen”.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Does anyone have rockin the rhein to burn to cd? I will pay you for it and shipping too. I will pay pal it. Thanks guys.

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