• 8,166 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • Oroborous
    Gratefulhan & 10/9/76

    Han, glad your digging 85. It’s so cool to find stuff you dig that you weren’t familiar with!
    Actually, I can’t take credit for the Greeks as I believe GOGD and/BTK brought those up?...I think?
    I know I was pushing for the summer tour proper, but whomever took us to the Greek I’m glad I listened!
    6/18/83: my friends told me all about how cool the place was and what a great show, and especially about that S/F.
    I’m still kicking myself for not going: had a ride, tix were easy etc, Doooaaahhh! We more than made up for it the next year!

    10/9/76: awesome! Only heard this first show sorta once and haven’t made it to the second night yet as I just picked DP 33 from real gone a couple months ago. So glad to dig in and wow, really dug the second set especially. Prolly my favorite thing about 76 is how well they segwayed in and out of the songs, especially with the bigger band. Usually the bigger the band, the clunkier and harder to turn on a dime like that. Smells like rehearsal to me? 7/18/76 possibly being the best example of this?
    It’s funny as 10/9 still got some of the laid back 76 air to it, but as with other shows as the year progressed, the transition to a more 77 urgency is noticeable. Of course I’m betting a little R&R good natured rivalry and a giant stadium full of SF nuts might of had something to do with it also? Definitely need to get more familiar with this Dick (sorry, couldn’t help it 😏). In fact I need to get right with this one or the ole senator from the great state of Vegas will subpoena me and bring me in front of the Dead ethics board.
    Ok, mañana 10/10/76!
    Anyone know what the SS is or who the guest is?

  • Oroborous
    Tough Crowd?

    I thought that shit was hilarious, but maybe you had to be there?
    I figured the likes of Casey Janes and Hendrixfreak would find humor?
    Of course they probably don’t hang here...

  • Gratefulhan

    OROBOROUS I took your advice and I started with 6/14 @ the Greek Theatre. What a great show! I didn't look at the setlist, I just hit play. I was really suprised and happy with the Keep on Growing cover. Lots of great stuff in this show: The Let it Grow > Deal set 1 closer rocked. Then a Morning Dew to open the 2nd set? I didn't think they did that kind of thing in 80s. I even thoroughly enjoyed Bobby rocking the Smokestack Lightning. Plus the Comes a Time was sweet and according to the fan reaction on the tape and Deadbase- it hadn't been played in 5 years. So good....

    Food for thought for the Pick of the Day: I am sticking with my 1985 time travel experiment, but I came across a post on FB talking about the Scarlet > Fire from 6/18/83. I sampled it, sounds good. This show might slip into the rotation for me, but not yet.

  • The Good Ole G…
    1990 & 1982

    OROBOROUS I see why Summer '90 holds a special place in your head, heart. Even without the spicy psychedelic romping in the forests by the beach the music and trip to the west coast would've been a winner, but it sounds like you had a winner winner chicken dinner!
    Good Times.
    Dug the shows and really hadn't spent much time with summer '90 previously, enjoyed the ride, nice block of shows. I wanna check out those Eugene '90 shows that follow, soon...

    I'm thinking DEADVIKES might be on to something. I liked the first night & third night best, but the middle night got released, would love to sit down with Dave & the team and hear all about the thought process.

    VGUY - Can't do 10/10/82 without first listening to 10/9... a fine set of shows for sure!
    '82 Frost tapes were cherished in our early tape trading days.

    Fun stuff.

    You can tell this Day On The Green is gonna be a fun one, the band sounds ready and is delivering from the get go.

    Gonna be a good day of listening!

  • The Good Ole G…
    Day On The Green

    set your WABAC machine to 1976-10-09 & 10-10 - DiP V33 and the pilot tells us within 13 minutes we'll be headed to the terminal gate

  • JimInMD
    Took a couple days off

    I had to palate cleanse. Listened to four Phil shows from 07 & 08 while refinishing my 100 year old wooden front door. Made what was a very unpleasant but much needed task almost enjoyable. Lots of aged and neglected delicate details to sand around. Phil didn't sing in too many of these (no need to comment on his vocal range). It was super rewarding. One of the shows started with a Cumberland, reminiscent of a recent feature Dave's Picks 16. Some ripping moments. Jackie Greene, Larry Campbell, Barry Sless, Warren Haynes, it was a multi-instrumentalist buffet and man.. to hear some well played pedal steel mixed in with fiddles, steel guitars, fenders and gibsons oh my, then the custom thing-a-magigies. Goodness, a guitar fest.

    Visiting my parents tomorrow for the first time post covid, my did is in my mid 80's and had surgery yesterday. Outside only exercising caution and much distance.. both parents are old and have a serious list of chronic conditions. These are strange times we live in.. but the point, I doubt if I will get through a pick of the day tomorrow either. Did I say the best of the best Maryland crab cakes and cold beer?

    Anyway.. great vibes here and some terrific picks. Hats off to the team effort and great tunes. What's in store today?

    Edit: Palate cleanse with Phil and Friends. Got a request to send some Old and in the Way last night.. another great palate cleanser. If anyone remembers that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, I am pretty sure you can do it with the Grateful Dead to almost any piece of music (at least music sung using in English).

  • DeadVikes
    Good to See you Vguy

    Good to see you Vguy.
    Where the hell is Bob t? I alway get nervous when the regulars are missing, like FourWinds.

    Otis! Wait till Otis sees us, he loves us!

  • Vguy72
    I'm still on 10.10.82....

    ....here's a little secret. Its a keeper.
    Dicks 33 is very, very, veeeery high on my list. I know it well. It blows sweet nothings in my ears every three months or so.

  • DeadVikes

    This is a solid show Oroborous! Might be better than 6/16/90?? Well maybe not, but damn good. Highlights for me Shakedown Street, Birdsong, Eyes and Stella Blue are really good. Your favorite finish, Throwing Stones, Lovelight. Great encore with the Weight.
    Thanks Man!

    Relisten is working great for me, appreciate the tip. Yes, I am late to the party.

    On to 10/9/76 tomorrow, good old Dick's #33.

    Be well folks!

  • Oroborous
    Misty Midi madness, The Heep, and more 85

    Foggy tales from the Heep!
    Wow, digging the 17th. I only really remember any show specifics from the 16th, mostly because of the unusual set list. Of course I’ve watched the video numerous times so I’m sure that plays into it...both great shows, actually the 16th lost just a touch of its status for me this time? Not quite as razor sharp as I recall, but that’s nit picking compared to spring tour? Fun set list though, and the China Cat starts to really soar, then they sort a miss a gear on the Segway, but it’s subtle. We Can Run was ruff, but after that the rest is good, and of course the whole Terrapin through the weird fest is awesome, that’s the shizzle this boy is looking for. Yeah, some good 90s electronic mind eraser! Nice ease back to reality and scoop up your fragile ego off the lawn with China Doll, and dance her home with the Mags. Always dig a sweet Baby Blue.
    Definitely picked a good time to come outta electric “retirement”!
    17th is pretty solid all around, Brent slips a tad during Far From Me but they pull it out ok, Picasso Moon is the only thing I recall sounding like it wasn’t happening, and I was looking forward to more jam/weirdness, especially when they broke out the PITB where they did. That’s often a good launch pad for deep space 9, but not much of a jam comparatively, and then into an Eyes of all things? Good weirdness outta D/S, with the rest sorta status quo for the times.
    All in all perhaps best trip ever. 85 was more nuts, stay up for days and rage etc, this trip I was like 28, with new 20 year old “Loose Lucy” “GF” , doing electric things not done in years, first time to SF/promised land, Oh and 2 awesome Warfield JGB shows in the middle of the six Dead shows to boot! Of course I got stuck paying for it for a while, long story, but it was totally worth it all. So summer 85 was a gas, but June 90 was a dream, a summer loving in the spring, fall, and winter, in the ocean, camping at half moon bay, hotels, pools, camping at Santa Cruz, and perhaps best of all, at dawn still feeling it as the sun came up and we were camped out in a Red Wood Forest State Park of some kind up by La Honda, whoa, that was some cool shit. Like having to drive AROUND huge trees where the road was literally built to go around rather than cut them down, so cool. So, we get there in the middle of the night, and you can tell the trees are there, but man at dawn when you could start to see to the tops.......still blows me away, THAT, I’ll always remember!
    Perhaps best sunrise ever! So yeah, let’s just say we didn’t just get some,...well, let’s just say old Pig woulda been proud!
    Ok, 2 quick related stories then I promise I’ll not pontificate on these ever again.
    So back to, think last night of Cal Ex, as we’re sharing a room with like 4 or 5 other dudes, the happy rolling couple is feeling like folks often do under the conditions, but not possessing the modesty or lack of decorum to just get animal in the crowded, shared room, so eventually after much rolling and tumblin’ on the bed Etc, and after already getting kicked outta the pool several times over the 3 days, the bathroom seems like it’s going to have to work, remember, “the situation is the boss”, so that’s what happens...so we’re having a grand ole time and being relatively stealth....I think?, and everything’s all hunky dory until the sink counter that she’s perched on comes off the wall and crashes to the floor!!....Oooppss!
    Well so much for stealth and now everyone’s freaked out about the damage so of course I do what anyone who’s ever been involved with R&R on the road, especially if ever for a living, and I get up and get all cleaned up and make sure I get to the office early while all the upstanding folks and traveling families are checking out etc, and so I proceed to complain in a loud enough voice to draw interest, but not loud enough to raise concern (object is to use the natives for benefit, power in numbers etc, not to scare, never want to scare the natives, unless on purpose of course), so your boy proceeds to ask for the manager and register a complaint about “what kind of unsafe place is this? etc, with both he and I realizing that all the guests in the looby are now totally listening, so I proceed to politely but firmly replay how just as I was leaning over to shave that one little tuff spot, and while leaning on said counter to do so, it suddenly, and terrifyingly jumps from the wall, but how luckily, tragedy was narrowly averted, only by my quick cat like reflexes, and how I only ended up with this little abrasion on my neck! (which of course conveniently for the situation happened during the previous evenings extra curricular frolicking in question.)
    Yes sir HST and Cassidy both woulda been proud, especially when the manager apologized profusely and gave us a nice discount off the tab! Of course you could tell he was kinda wondering and started to mumble something about how could that actually happen etc, but we didn’t stick around for all that, I immediately turned, found the cutest little tyke and proceeded to lay on the “boy you folks sure must be proud“, and “what a well behaved cute little guy” etc as we’re literally backing out the door.....give me three steps mister for sure! Tru dat, all of it, I don’t care if you believe me or not as:
    1) I was there, and
    2) I have several witnesses!
    I believe the statue of limitations on hotel rooms is up after 30 years?
    The other story is that last early morning red wood sunshine daydream. So as we’re in the woods and thinking we’re all alone, so in other words we’re back at it again...hey, sun dresses and Guatemalan shorts come off pretty easy, so just as the suns coming up and we’re still riding the last electric waves, and the trees are magnificent, and the birds are starting to chirp, and the river is signing, and we’re actually living a real life sun shine daydream........along comes a park ranger up from the river pumping station! Oooopppss, hee-hee, well the poor gal seemed more embarrassed by it then we were, and of course as we’re literally rolling down the hill like a couple of squirrels in heat as I look over and wave and give er the biggest morning greeting and smile and act like absolutely nothing is wrong, LOL. Well she couldn’t get outta there fast enough, and hell, it’s California in a big state park, so I’m guessing it wasn’t the first or last time she saw some tweaked out hippies getting weird and naked! 😎
    Ok, I’ve rambled on enough, but GOGD did ask for it, or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Lol
    Thanks for indulging my little trip down memory lane, hopefully y’all had some fun and heard some good tunes you might not of ever heard otherwise? These have always seemed to fall between the 90 spring, summer tour cracks....
    Now Onward, through the fog! Forward, never straight...mañana sounds like we’re going Dicks 33, Awesome, see ya then!

    SPRING 85: used to know more but haven’t gone there in forever...know 4/7/85, my favorite Easter Sunday ever, is well worth a listen. Prime 85, yes Jer has a “tour cold” by then, but so what, sometimes I thing it adds to the affect. Dirty but dangerous!
    Wilfred: yes the weirdness! It didn’t start up in 85, but they did bring it back in a big way..

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17 years 9 months
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.

Shoot, I don't have that one OB.

I know Jim is still without access to the archive.

You saw some great shows in some hot years.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Is tomorrow ok?

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Member for

9 years 5 months

In reply to by JimInMD


That was a rippin' full speed ahead show. Personally not familiar with fall '82 despite the Alpine '82 shows being foundational in my shows-attended timeline. Will say I never cared for Brent chiming in on Little Red Rooster but always thought that was a late-period thing but here it was in '82. Great Althea > Let it Grow to finish Set I. Pre-drumz Set II is a very much only that era "we've got some new songs and we want to play them" thing. With a driving Ship of Fools in there :) "Ashes to ashes" outro with Bob and Jerry on vocals. Post space awesome. Beautiful longer Wheel intro. Other One! Wharf Rat!! In the end Brent so fired up he's vocally comping a jam in JBG (IIRC). Cherry on top is a beautiful Baby Blue encore.

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9 years 4 months

In reply to by bluecrow


7-17-89 anniversary.
I just started Down Hill From Here.

My second show……
(didn’t know I was supposed to go all 3 nights)

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Hey rockers!!!

Pick Of The Day: Roosevelt Stadium, July 18, 1972

Outdoors, Summer time, Grateful Dead. Sounds great. For all you weather history buffs, 78-90 degrees, light winds, no rain. Perfect weather for a mammoth Dead show!!

And mammoth it was, a three set stomper!

Solid 14 song first set, that saw the return of Bird Song---in a much more jammy form---after an absence of almost a year, a nice China Rider, cowboy songs, and other sundry rock-n-rollers.

Set two kicks in with a 14 minute gallop through Playing In The Band and features a Truckin’/Dark Star/Comes A Time that even Keithfan would approve of. In fact, I think Jerry was channeling his inner pterodactyl during that Star!!

The somewhat Jerrycentric third set features a very-new-at-the-time Half Step transitioning smoothly into a soulful Sing Me Back Home, followed by a typical 1972, lilting yet rocking Not Fade Away suite.

The Saturday Night encore is missing from the esteemed Mr Miller’s 2006 remaster.

Will it ever make Official Release? I have my doubts. The sound isn’t quite as crispy as some other 72s, and there’s a few audience patches. Even so, worth a listen…………..

Rock on,

Oppression does not make for hearts as big as all outdoors……

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9 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I’m going to open an Oberon after typing this.

Yes, all 3 nights of Alpine 89 on Blu-ray and CD.

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Member for

13 years 7 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Holy crap, what a great second show (run). I wish I was there. I caught 87 and 88 but circumstances beyond my control prevented me from seeing 89 and by 90.. tail between my legs, I had to rejoin the human race. When I started working in 1990, people still wore suits and ties to work and they had just yanked cigarettes and ashtrays from offices. The Chainsmokers will still quite pissed off about that. Remember those days?

Oro.. what a divine pick 11/8/69 was. When I heard that one tossed out, I tried like hell to fit some fungal shenanigans into the mix, but I could not pull that one off this week. Holy cow what a great show. No wonder Dick held it in such high regards. My memories (I don't hit this one often) were a great show but the recording lacked. On this listen, I thought the recording sounded remarkably good. The first set was much better than what my grey matter tried to tell me, that jam towards then of Schoolgirl for instance, just kept on giving. Pigpen, 13 years of age? It's getting harder and harder to forgive you man, but we love you.

Easy Wind, .. the China Rider was great, especially for the era - they were dialed in and gave us a great, early transition jam. High Time, even the Good Lovin was great and that one is not always on my greatest jam vehicle list. It's got a Cumberland. But the goodies were in the last 90+ minutes of the show. The Dark Star sequence (Dark Star/The Other One/Dark Star/Uncle John's Band Jam/Dark Star/St. Stephen/The Eleven/Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)/Feedback/And We Bid You Goodnight) is one for the ages. There must have been something in the water (or coffee pot).

In fact, this paired up with Alpine 89 are two very high water marks in my humble opinion and to have them come up in the same thread at the same time is powerful juju.

Wowwow stuff

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Enjoyed 7/18/72 Doc, great show. Agree the recording is not pristine but still good.

How about a pristine 72 recording. 7/21/72 from Seattle? I believe this was from the Download Series #10. Let me know if there is any interest in this one.

Keep that Oberon flowing Conekid, I don't think it will be around too much longer this summer.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I was going to propose a 2 for Tuesday: 9/18/87 & 4/25/77 from Boxilla?
In fact, I already started 😇
Their both short…
But let me see if I have 7/21/72, I don’t think I have that one?

EDIT: nope, don’t have it. I’ll stream it mañana.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


9/18/87 check
4/25/77 check
7/21/72 check

Sorry Conekid, no Alpine. That’s probably good as I don’t want to watch that one too much, burn it out.

After the solid status quo 7/18/72 (though that DS was fine!), the magnificence of 11/8/69 (see Jim’s synopsis), and listening more to new jazz, lately, went big today!

I had heard the 87 Boxilla once I think, so it was nice to get reacquainted. Seemed to build as it progressed. With a fun GL>Bamba>GL, Bamba sung by JG in Espanol no less! Forgot how they made GL fresh again paring with Bamba etc.

4/25/77 I had not heard yet. Another that seemed to build with sweet Terrapin Playin etc. Not your usual 77 Playin?

Then back to 72 with a looonnnggg show! Can’t recall anything really jumping out one way or another, so yet another “status quo” show. Oh, cool attempt at what might be the first of WRS Prelude. DB lists 11/19, but this is at least an attempt lol. Summer 72 kinda uncharted for me, so nice to check some out. But next time I think it’ll have to be just one show lol.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


the beer store I go to recently got a stack of 12-packs, 2 per cardboard tray, that were canned on 6/19. I bought 4 cases so far and am going to get more before it’s gone. Store it in my basement so it doesn’t get too warm. I’ll keep buying and maintaining the stash of 4-5 cases until it’s gone. I can usually make it to Oct/Nov until I have to switch to something else.

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Man, OB, you really are an overachiever with getting in those three shows yesterday. The 87 30 Trips show is always a good one to listen to, it is fun. Audio quality is decent. The 77 30 Trips show is good but has never really struck me as great, but that is what makes this all so interesting. You never knew what you would get.
7/21/72 from the Download Series was one that surprised how good it was the first time I listened to it. Sound quality is really good and performance is outstanding. Sugaree, BTW, Cumberland to start. I like these early versions of Stella Blue. You get Bob with the first WRS prelude after Casey Jones that he stops a few minutes into it. Solid second set, He's Gone Truckin, big Other One. Great show.

I still wish they would release all these download series shows on CD as well as the RT Download shows from 11/5 and 11/6/79. They are already mastered and ready to go. Why not? More music.

Hey Conekid, sounds like you are well stocked for a while. You should try Bell's Octoberfest this year, another fine Bell's Beer they put out in August and September.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

to note that we just launched Grateful Dead on Discord for still more discussion and gathering, so come on down and join in: discord.gg/gratefuldead
Thanks and now back to the pick of the day...
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Hey rockers!!!

Pick of the day: Paramount Theater, Seattle July 21, 1972

LOL somebody beat me to the punch yesterday, but since I write these years in advance, here we are & here we go......

It was to be expected that there would be an energy dip after the white-hot brilliance of the Europe 72 tour……………

Here is a nice little show that one never hears about, most was officially released as part of the download series back in February of 2006. Has it really been that long????

OK, not classic by any stretch of the imagination, but it ain’t chopped liver either. If you were jonesing for some Dead, this would ease the pain. Plus, the official release included some choice filler from the following evening----Garcia channeling his inner Hank, Bobby going all jammy, plus nice versions of Bird Song, Morning Dew, Uncle John’s Band, and Saturday Night.

Lord, if it has to be mellow, let it be like this…………….

Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution…..

Rock on,

I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me.........

While we wait for other picks, I went with Maples Pavilion today, 2/9/73. Not a new show but there is a 2020 Miller out there and it sounds outstanding. Such a good show and you get the first Eyes!
Maybe Dave will release this one next year? Who knows, it would be great.
Get it out!

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Brent’s last.
Wow, 32 years ago.

I went to the 21st and 22nd (my 3rd and 4th) shows, but hadn’t bought a ticket for the 23rd because it was a Monday and I had to work. Of course, and I’ve told this story before, just like others had done before me I called in sick from a pay phone at a rest area. No way was I going to get home in time.

I have this show on DVD, think I will dig it out and give it a spin tonight and offer a beer toast to Brent.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


strikes me as a nice alignment between TDIGDH and POTDWD.

for some reason i've never really listened to this run, despite the fact that I grew up a Chicago (area) guy and the midwest and midwest shows are near and dear to my heart always. Plus the band was on in those days - saw 2 great shows less than a month earlier at Autzen.

maybe in part the sadness of Brent, and maybe in part that it's not Alpine which was the real "home' summer venue for us back in the 80s.

relatively new Healy/Pearson Ultramatrix. they closed Set I with a Trucking > Nobodys Jam > Smokestack??!! damn.

(yikes - it was 10th anniversary of Keith's death)

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by bluecrow


They played 7-21-90 on Shakedown Stream, so we know they have the video.

7-18,19-90 got the DaP treatment, 7-21,22,23-90 should get the Box treatment.

Really enjoyed the 7/23 show. lots of goodness. really interesting Set I suite of songs. crushing terrapin. really fine mi-fu transition space > watchtower.

just cued up 7/21. missed the shakedown streams so new to me. Jerry bringing it on Jack-a Roe!

Just a Little Light is Brent's best song by far IMO

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by bluecrow


I know, deep subject!

Sorry DV I skipped the 2/9/73 since I’d heard it not too long ago.
I know I’m in the minority, but I think there are other 73 shows I’d rather see out before that one.
It’s a good but sorta flows weird, yes the Eyes is perhaps one of the best first versions of perhaps any song,
Yes they do seven new songs, and again, I like it, just look at some of what else hasn’t been released from 73 yet. So it’s not that I don’t think this show is good, it’s just has really stiff competition, at least in mho.

Also didn’t hit the Brentskis this time, though I’ve seen the first and last and they were good. Hard to believe how soon he’d be gone : (

But I did hit: 7/25/82 and found it started feeling a little flat, but as is often the case built up nicely.
Not perhaps a top shelf 82, but still enjoyable.

12/12/92: being a 92 I didn’t expect too much, but this one really surprised me!
I actually listened to some of it twice. This I would call 92 top shelf, though I’ve not covered much ground there yet.
If ya like 92, you’ll want to check this one out! Hell check it out anyway!

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Hey no worries OB. Yes, 73, a year of riches with so much to offer. Maples remains high on my list and this relatively new Miller is A+.. Anyway, Tinley Park, I think Bob t was at these shows and makes an appearance in the video, pretty cool. I couldn't find a good version of 7/23 on the tube.
7/25/82, Tempe, AZ. I will have to check this out tomorrow.

I needed some 71 the other day and cracked out 11/15/71, RT3. 2. Looking forward to #43 maybe by the first week in August.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Looks like HippieChick gotta new gig!
EDIT: Ooops. looks like Mary got rid of her lol.

Im sure DV Maples will see the light of day as you and pretty much everyone wants it, and yes that Miller did sound pretty dern good.
Though they usually don’t do anniversary stuff, you’d think they’d hit us up with a bunch of 73 next year: Box, Dave’s, perhaps a separate release and WOTF 50th…

Not sure if I’ll get hear anything today but will put it up if I do.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Have this going now OB. I love shows that start with Half Step-Franklins, even with a few flubs from Jerry. Went with the Jim Vita audience and it sounds pretty good so far. Nice pick👍

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Member for

17 years 6 months

I suddenly had the urge to plunge into the PNW Box and listen to 5/17/74.
Listening to China > Rider right now. Top notch ‘74

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by adedhed68


Played a couple of shows from it this month.

So, I bought a Cambridge Audio AXC35 CD player recently to go with my AXR100 receiver and WOW! A significant improvement in sound quality of my GD CD’s compared to my 10-year-old Onkyo 6-disc changer.
I like the 6-disc changer because you can load it up and press play, but the better sound quality is worth it to have to change CD’s (still not as bad as vinyl).

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by adedhed68


Hey Dedhed68, yes, my baby gives me the finance blues, great show. Just hit this one not too long ago but great shows always deserve another listen.

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Member for

13 years 7 months

In reply to by adedhed68


That China Rider from Vancouver contains one of my favorite moments from any GD show ever played. The sequence where the different parts come together at the conclusion of the jam between the two songs is beautiful and the crescendo at the end explodes as the two songs become one. I suspect when they finished this they all looked at each other for just a second and wondered to themselves, 'what did we just do and how the hell did we pull it off." It is the Grateful Dead at their very best. The one two days later in Portland is no slouch either.

wowwow stuff

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17 years 8 months

Ranks as one of the finer late era shows IMHO. Still looking for a board tape, but the AUD does suffice. Try it w/o looking at the set list before. Fun! :-)

P.S. A week before my first show...

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9 years 4 months

In reply to by wilfredtjones


I was at 6-27,28-95 and they were a good time.
Also no SBD for those shows, last I checked. Not even a monitor mix.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


“…the weathers fine”

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


The SOTM is no slouch either ('ol Jer nails it) Nice first set. Rain inspired 2nd set. Phil nailing Box of Rain. Thinking this might have been sweet as the '95 30 Trips representative. :-)

P.S. Buses are appropriate...but how about VW buses?

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by wilfredtjones


Looking at 8/10/82, Iowa City for today. There are a couple of options, a audience transfer from Miller and a Healy SBD.
Let me know if this peaks anyone's interest.

Edit-I went with the Healy and it is sounding great so far.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Not sure if I’ll get this in today as my current work situation has me somewhat tuneless : (
And we all know the situation is the boss!
No dead all week (“the horror”) so perhaps I’ll just listen on the device?
Little bit of somethin better than all of nothin!
Thanks guys for keeping the train on the tracks!

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Well DV I was able to MacGyver some shit together and thus was able to enjoy yet another solid show from 1982.
Perhaps a tad inconsistent here or there, but hey, that’s GD. Nice Stranger FOTD opening. (Sometimes those early Strangers are a tad strange). Sweet On the Road Again>BIODTL and great Cassidy! Energetic second set with full song list etc equals another example of why 82 could be for you!

But, forward, never straight, to perhaps some fine warm up for Dave’s 43, from 11/7/69.
I’ve never heard this one but if it’s half as good as it’s 11/8 neighbor it should be a delight.
All the big songs on a Miller SB, who’s with me!

EDIT: yep, 11/7/69 is muy bien! Totally teased…
Last 2 discs before bed from Rotterdam 72 ain’t too shabby either ; )

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Nice work on getting this one in OB. I agree this another great 82 show. There is something about these China Riders in 82 that really move it. As you said good first set, I really liked the Stagger Lee, Miracle, Bertha to close the first set. And want a second set. That China Rider to open, Lost Sailor, SOC, Eyes, great stuff. Cool Iko Iko out of drums/space into Truckin with a great finish and a two song encore. Definitely worth a listen for those that have not heard it.
Will get 11/7/69 going later today OB. Thanks. No #43 here yet.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I squeezed this one in yesterday also. A nice little show indeed. The recording was pretty clean for the era, at higher volumes it did sound a little thin, the cassette master blues.. I like the setlists of some of these 82 shows also. Another new show for me.

Speaking of new shows, 11/7/69 fills another void.. off I go, should make a good ending to the weekend.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


No pick and no 43 in the PO Box : ( so palate cleanse with 6/20/92…

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Nice show. Sound quality was decent for 69. Thanks OB.

92, you say, okay, I will give it a go later. Just finishing 10/16/89. Haven't listened to this show in a while. Still delivers and a great release from something like 20 years ago. Need to listen to this one more often.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


11/7/69, phew, getting me itchin for 43!

10/16/89: I’ve always thought this was one of the best releases they put out but it seems to get no love?
Whatevs, to each the ur own. I love the song list, the audio, and the playing, all top shelf!
When o when will we get more fall 89 multitrack goodness?

6/20/92: another nice 92 surprise! Still think 6/8 and 6/22 are the ones to beat, but this tour is perhaps underrated!
Check it out, it’s a fun show. Sorry to plow ahead, just trying to get my fix in where/when I can since little to no tunes at work currently : (

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I always liked this release, and so you pulled me down the rabbit hole before I finished 11/7/69. First world problems.

Funny.. to me, there's two separate Playin' > UJB > Whatever Sammy's , pre-hiatus and post-hiatus. Like fraternal twins, I do not love one more than the other, there are similarities but are very different and wonderful in their own way. The pre-hiatus shows have the trippier, unpredictable on the edge of magic drive and the post hiatus often have a harder driving, freight train powerhouse feel.

This one starts with the famous Dark Star and weaves the entire second set into a PITB>UJB Sandwich. It is a little tighter and faster than many with some innovative midi. A really fun second set plus a tight first set (exception maybe Half Step?).

Anyway, I remember that laser disc effort So Far where they attempted UJB>PITB>Terrapin. They went for it and to me they just never got the spicy mustard, more of a warm mayo that was left out in the sun too long.. It was recorded in I think late '85 and they just were not on the same page. There are a bunch in 89 that achieved liftoff, this one is interesting. I was reading the reviews on the Archive and one poster commented they were "a band on a mission" that night. It might not be the best of the year, but I always thought was a solid effort.

Coincidentally, I grabbed a random waterproof ipod off the shelf for a day on the river this morning and hit play in the warmup rapids.. I never know what's on these devices, they have no screen so it's a great mystery. It picked up about halfway through the Morning Dew from 10/12/84 Augusta. After the song ended, I rewound and started the sequence over beginning with Don't Need Love>False Start PITB>Let's do UJB Instead>Drums>Space>PITB>UJB Reprise>Morning Dew. This one had the Spicy Mustard.

That's all I got.. as you were.

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I enjoyed this show and was surprised how much. I probably need to listen to more 92. Sound quality of the recording is A+ to my ears. Cold Rain and Snow, Wang Dang Doodle, FOTD and Maggie's Farm were highlights of the first set. Enjoyed the second set Corrina, Crazy Fingers Playing, UJB. Vince with Baba O'Reilly.
Thanks for the nudge to this show OB.
Still no #43 for me, however I received a shipping notice last night from this site.

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4 years 6 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


NOD is a happy show.

PITB -> UJB...check out 5/21/82.

92: I had cassettes of 2/24/92 which has a good setlist, but the cassettes are elsewhere now. C'est la vie.

6/20/92 has the great Space into CASEY JONES (HOOONK HOOONK!!!)

which they follow up with...Throwin' Stones. sigh.

6/28/92 is pretty good, as I recall from the cassettes.

Someday I'll mine the 92 seam of GD

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Hey rockers!

Pick Of The Day: Family Dog At The Great Highway, August 3 1969

Do I hear a violin? A saxophone? I think what I hear is loosely organized pandemonium……………or magic…………

If you’re a fan of deadweirdnesses, as I am, this one might be for you. The Hard To Handle opener doesn’t quite gel. On High Heeled Sneakers the band & guests channel their twisted stoner inner garage band. High Time and Mama Tried sound quasi-embyronic. The Dark Star is stand-alone, saxy, tasty, and for the time, not bad at all. What follows is a short Alligator, percussive interlude, a propulsive, saxy, violinesque Other One, and a very decent Caution (which gets very weird about half way through). The festivities are gently concluded with And We Bid You Goodnight……

Musically, for the Grateful Dead the Summer of 1969 was uneven, to say the least. Highs, lows, and everything in between. Miller’s remaster is actually pretty listenable. Dare to indulge!

Every weird thing about you is beautiful and makes life interesting.

Rock on,

The world is a crazy, beautiful, ugly complicated place, and it keeps moving on from crisis to strangeness to beauty to weirdness to tragedy…..

Hey, y'all. Where has the time gone!

I'll spare you my usual Joycean brevity today with just a couple of short remarks and a question.

Forensicdoceleven > That sounds right up my alley!

Oroborous > By chance, I've been listening to a lot of that Rotterdam '72 show lately too. Mega Dark Star, and just all around good stuff. Not sure why someone thought that the drum solo needed to be separated from Dark Star, though, and Dark Star split into two tracks. It sounds like Phil wants to play Bird Song toward the end, but gets denied. Then it seems like he's the one who first hints at Caution, and this time everyone agrees. Great stuff. There seem to be lots of teasing going on in various jams.

The 50th anniversary of Europe '72 has had me digging deeper into the Euro 72 tour. I've got One More Saturday Night on the brain! For some reason the Dusseldorf 4/24/72 rendition got me more excited than usual. Really tight, high energy, without going Hy Hy Hyyyy Hysterical.

I guess you guys mostly stream the SBDs, but does anyone who DLs AUDs have any recomendations for an ID Tag/Metadata editor?

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8 years 3 months

In reply to by rockthing


Good to hear from you Rockthing, it has been a while.

Any picks for today?

If nothing surfaces, I may have to pull up Dave's #8, 11/30/1980.

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4 years 6 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


DeadVikes > 11/30/80: Pretty sure I have not heard that, which makes it as good a choice as any.

I've never managed to snare any of the Dave's Picks and with inflation and ultra weak Yen the way it is, I'm less and less likely to have anything physical imported from halfway around the world.

I'm more than happy to have a dig through the Archive now that I've got a little time on my hands, but the closest I can come in 1980 with something in my actual collection is the Alaska Summer Solstice gig, which I listen to pretty regularly. Scratch that, I just discovered a 10/19/80 Stankiewicz data set that I've never unpacked.

I have 9/2/80 favorited for some reason, but I don't think I've actually listened to it. I mean, I've listend to Reckoning to death, but, perhaps, consequently have not sought out many of the shows from that run. Digging in to Europe 72 may change my mind on that matter.

I think this show is super well-known, but I'm a big fan of the 8/4/74... sorry, 8/6 Roosevelt Stadium gig. I have had a partial board on cassette from some sort of trade back in the day, but I think the Neil Merin audience reel is the way to go with a big outdoor Wall of Sound gig like that. Some of the conversations are pretty hilarious, but it also does a good job of showing how well the WoS cut through with clarity. Shnid 5914 fwiw... sbefail, but who's burning CDs?!

> RE: Family Dog At The Great Highway, August 3 1969

Thank you for that! That IS weird. They really were on the edge of adhesion, and quite frequently breaking free. The violin and sax timbres and harmonies really add something unusual, and completely foreign to the Dead's sound, but are amazingly on. They may be more on than Mickey! lol. The rhythm section really seems to come close to falling apart on a number of occasions when it's not "supposed" to be space or drums. It sounds like they're struggling to come to terms with the return to more trad material, having not yet figured out how to leave the all-out-madness approach of the progressive repertoire out of those numbers yet. Jerry croons on as if nothing is happening. lol. Fascinating listen, and one I hope to revisit soon. I just noticed that I have it on an old HD from my torrenting days, so that's gonna hafta get Metadata ID'ed up and on the ipod soon so I can get into it in the car. The Dead are the only thing that make a brutal commute "Bear"-able. As you say, brilliantly odd performance.

Rockthing - not being able to post happened to me last year for a bit. No reason why I couldn't, and no reason why I could again shortly after. So for you - just a blip, hopefully.