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  • 1stshow70878

    I only have two autographs I can think of.
    Both sports related.
    Carl Mecklenburg - ex-Bronco lineman. Came to where I worked for a tour of the Scott fly rod factory and signed with a bible verse that currently evades me.
    Justin Leonard - pro golfer and all around good guy. Helped him with a ski tune and rentals for his folks at Telluride. Have a great story about talking him into getting his bindings checked with my, " I met Phil Mickelson when he was on a patrol toboggan with a broken leg at Snowbowl - Flagstaff, AZ" story. Justin is somewhat short but skied the biggest size Rossi Bandits they made (then likely a 193 cm).
    Never bothered to get any stars' sigs as they come to Telluride NOT to be noticed, unlike Aspen. Only famous music one I can think of would have been Alicia Keys who I didn't know from Eve anyway.

  • icecrmcnkd

    4/5 of the David Grisman Quintet, 10-17-97.
    Grisman, Eakle, Craven, Coria.

    They played Nightingale Concert Hall, University of NV, Reno as part of the Performing Arts Series where people buy season tickets and see a variety of music over the year. There were a lot of older people dressed nice and then 20-40 people in tie-dye. There was a single taper with a DAT deck (the printed program says “the use of photography and recording equipment is strictly prohibited”).
    The printed program has a brief bio about each musician (also says that a family season ticket is $75 for one adult and one student under 17; not a bad deal if you want to expose your kid to a variety of different non-rock music).

    I got the autographs on the printed program.

    I was looking at my Festival Express DVD this week and decided that I will watch it this weekend some time.

    I stopped loaning out my CD’s in the late 90’s when I realized that my friend would just set the CD’s on the table rather than back in the jewel case. A couple CD’s came back with sticky residue on them, and he wondered why they skipped.

  • hendrixfreak
    RIP Ian Tyson

    Read his obit and learned much I didn't know. He seems like the rare person who has their brush with Pop fame, yet regrouped, returned to who he truly is, and from a down-home perspective then created a new musical persona and put out music of real substance over the majority of his life, while keeping a ranch running. (The days are 6am to 6pm -- no good for an HF slug.) I think that's more rare than one might think.

    Marye, way to go with the Festival Express DVD. Kids these days, they don't know #@$%&!

    Maybe you just started a "Whose autograph did you get" thread. I go to see Charlie Musselwhite years ago (many times, but in this particular instance) my buddy and I wait in line to get my CD of his first album signed. One of Charlie's endearing (and profitable) schticks is to stay after the show and sell and sign CDs til the last person straggles out. We tell Charlie that we're learning to play blues. "It's never too late," he said, charitably. (We probably looked like stoned, middle-aged wreckage...)

    So after mine is signed, I walk over to his guitarist, Kid Anderson, who played a Gretsch 6120, because I happened to own one. We talked strings, action, etc. Then I asked if he records his own CDs. "Why ... yes," he responds, and reaches into his guitar case with one eye on the boss's signing table. Charlie wasn't watching, so the Kid sells me a CD from the stage while Charlie is banking coin at the card table. A cherished memory... Kid Anderson now runs and owns Greaseland in San Jose, where a lot of blues people (Charlie, Elvin Bishop) record.

  • That Mike
    Neither A Borrower Nor A Lender Be

    Marye - I love the Ian Tyson story.

    VGuy - I had an album by Spirit that was like your Festival Express DVD - I ended up buying three (vinyl) copies of it over time, as friends kept borrowing/liberating it, and I could never remember who had it.

  • Vguy72
    The Festival Express DVD....

    ....I passed that one around to a few of my friends. Going to look and see if it was returned.
    Library Vguy here stamping check outs.
    Gimme a minute.

  • marye
    Ian Tyson
    At the Festival Express screening I'm sure I embarrassed my pals going "Holy crap, it's Ian Tyson!" Some years later, he was playing the Freight and Salvage in what may have been his last tour here but maybe not. I got some CDs and after he had signed those I asked him if he'd sign my Festival Express DVD. He looked startled. His band, a bunch of young Canadian dudes named Gordon, were mystified. "It was another time," he told them, as he signed it. I dunno how many copies of Festival Express are out there signed by Ian Tyson, but it was definitely a moment.
  • That Mike
    Ian Tyson

    Sorry to hear Ian Tyson has passed at 89. Ian, along with ex-wife Sylvia, and their band (Great Speckled Bird), were aboard the infamous Festival Express, and we all know what happened aboard those rails all those years ago!. What a ride for the ages.

    Tyson’s band had a few great players go through it in their day, including ND Smart (Gram Parsons), Buddy Cage (NRPS), Amos Garrett (who played on Garcia’s 2nd solo record, and was a favourite of Jimmy Page), and Ben Keith (Neil Young).

    May the Four Strong Winds carry you home, Ian.

  • billy the kiddd
    Gary/ December 29th Dead Shows

    Gary, your so right, not many 12/29 Dead shows. Gary I hope you have a great New Year, your a friend and a cool cat.

  • Gary Farseer

    Not sure of official stats, but most know a December 29th show was very rare, I think.

    12/29/87, off night, friends and I walked to the mid-point of the golden gate bridge and stared at Alcatraz and surrounding areas thinking about the escape. All while freezing our asses off. Wasn't that cold, probably mid 50's, but the ferocious win made the wind chill I am sure, near freezing. We had no idea how long it would take us when we left, but from my old memory, I am sure we were out there at least 2 hours. Great time to remember, would never attempt again.


  • Gary Farseer

    Bought first vinyl since 1986 this year. Dave's #1 and then Little Feat "Waiting on Columbus" autographed by 3 remaining who played on the original i.e. Bill, Kenny, and Sam. Researching there history before they played here shows a long winding road of create, break-up, reform. It was a fun night, at one point I got up from my seat and walked down to where the second row of seats are. Kenny Gradney saw me and started laughing and gesturing to Bill Payne. As I have written before, when my hair and beard are the right length, I look like Jerry. While at Govt Mule, I was told 5 times I look like Jerry. So any way, when I walked down, my hair and beard were perfect. So did he laugh at me or with me? Not sure, but I was wearing an R. Crumb "Keep on Truckin" shirt. They were playing "Willin." I think they got a kick out of that. I am almost 60, but we were babies compared to the other audience members. I am sure the average age was approaching 70. Some had to be wheeled in and looked frail - go guys, hell yeah.

    Have not listened to either or any other of my extensive collection since 1987 or so. I still have my old turntable but have not hooked it up.

    I am sure many follow to some degree Jack White and his move to Nashville, and buying an old press plant there.

    Simon glad to bump into you again. Hope all well there for you and yours. Hope a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you, yours, and all here as well.

    BTW - was 6th time seeing Feats, not bad when you consider their broken history.

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Yes - I received my shipping notice last Friday (21st)

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For the shipping feedback!

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9 years 10 months

Please report to the PM Centre.

Hi Ones,
I can understand that urge to escape today's madness in this forum. But, like you, I also enjoy hearing the insights from folks here, no matter the topic. And how far we've come! Remember Garcia's "Lame 80s" as he called it?

It was the 1980s, the money decade. Charitable causes and activism, often tied to the values of the 60s were considered quaint and out-dated by my aspiring "Alex Keaton type" fellow business majors at our college. I decided to enter a college essay contest, "The United States and Peace in Central America". My essay wasn't perfect, but in my 20 year old mind, it was fairly good. A few weeks later, I received a letter instructing me to pick up my award at the registrar's office. It was a $20 check (for second prize). But then they told me the bad news - they had cancelled the awards ceremony. It turns out that nobody else even bothered to enter. A professor later said "You're 20 years too late". But amidst those huge crowds at the shows, I had met many kind people, and I knew in my heart that it was just a matter of time. I replied, "Trust me, you'll be seeing more of us very soon". I then placed the "Back by Popular Demand" peace sign sticker on my bumper, and never looked back. Until now, that is.

My point is, people actually care about issues today (and sometimes they even agree). And the Dead phenomenon helped to leave something special behind that transcends the music and permeates much of today's culture. A reminder of our common humanity. Without taking a position on most issues, the band helped to provide a gathering space for like-minded souls to connect with each other prior to the rise of the internet. My first peace sticker was actually purchased at a Dead show at a time when you couldn't find one in a store. And today, I carry both hope, and very profound sadness about how far we still have to go. Nobody should have to watch the news, and unexpectedly find themselves reduced to tears. But that is the world we live in. Finally, thank you to everyone here for sharing your unique perspectives. I look forward to when we don't feel the need to discuss those hard truths...perhaps in a few more lifetimes.

Thanks for the kind words. I am sorry I caused you offence in the past. I can promise you it wasn't intentional - if it ever happens again, do drop me a PM or say so on the board-I am sure it could be cleared up in a jiffy.
Maybe I should say, I come from a background where people voiced there disagreements with each other quite forcibly. My family were like that, and at work we had team meetings almost every day where people were usually at loggerheads with each other. Assertiveness bordering on aggression. It's no excuse,to justify current bad behaviour on past experiences - especially when you are in your 60s - but it can help to understand it sometimes - and help us to try and do better in the future.

I agree with what you say about arguing - whether it's about The Dead or the weather - its an ugly thing to be engaged in or witness. But to discuss things with people you respect, but who have differing views - I have always loved that. There's nothing worse than being with people who only like you if you say things they agree with. Well...there is...but you know what I mean.

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10 years 5 months

In reply to by daverock


There are some prickly people on this site who do not take kindly to a personal view, opinion and get to take it as a personal insult. Sometimes this goes on for sometime. Rather tiresome to read & it makes you forget what the difference of opinion was about to begin with. I suppose a good argument is better than being ignored.
Being shouted at & expletives used are not clever or helpful in posts.

I can remember having a minor disagreement with someone locally a few years ago, and he came round to my house and we soon made up. As he was going he said, "There aren't many people I wouldn't want to fall out with, and you're not one of them." And he wondered why his wife didn't understand him!

The thing with being ignored is that the person being ignored isn't always aware that it's happening, so it can affect the one doing it more than the one they are doing it to. It's a very sneaky way of behaving, though. I used to go out with someone who did it . Sometimes it wasn't such a bad thing, I'll say that much.

I liked what Hendrixfreak said in a different context a few days ago-to remember that there are real people here behind the icons. I'm not talking down to people saying that - I need to remember it as much as anyone.

Must admit, with a few divergent threads going, it's a little hard to follow the music right now. Thanks to all who participate in civil fashion, the way we treat each other here is so very important, we are a community. All for lively discussion on music and culture, have avoided politics here as a bit too radioactive, a trigger for too much right now. What Vguy said, while watching sports, turn off the audio, turn up the music. With a dvr spooling up content, easy enough to stop and rewind if there's something of interest. Possible to watch almost any game in thirty minutes by avoiding ads and useless coverage. Set record, do something else/useful for an hour, come back and play catch up with FF to real time finish as plans allow. Did sign up for 2023 DaP, no problem, impossible to not do so. More 1977 is fine by me, there's not a lot left so run it out. Found that the discount code shared on a thread a while back still worked for 10% off, astounding. Sorry to not point this out sooner but we don't want Rhino WMG to go bankrupt yet. Did receive shipping notice for 44, tracking number is not recognized, means nothing anyway until it arrives, 80s and 90s not my prime interest, happy to have them but no sweat. Looking forward to the new Zappa releases, passed on Erie box too$, 2CD '75 on order and the Waka/Wazoo box due in December. Happy Halloween to all, play some Frank while 44 transits, he loved spooky weirdness.

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11 years 10 months

The new Jack Reacher book is out!!!

Somebody is getting a good ass kicking!

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by Dennis

Permalink code you say??

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17 years 3 months

1stshow mentioned Dave talking about two upcoming 50th anniversary releases for 2023. Could one be Bear’s Choice, the long awaited History of the Grateful Dead vol.2?

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by frankparry


The greatest invention of all time: twice the tv in half the time and no political commercials 😀

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by Oroborous


That’ sounds pretty wild too Jeff!
Thanks for posting that.
Sounds like they had 6 track with the horns isolated already on 2 of the tracks so only had to apply SW (auto tune) to the horns? Still pretty damn cool. Think of all the early seventies shows where one or all are horribly outta tune. Same with the vocals. Using both technologies you might be able to fix levels AND the tuning issues!

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3 years 11 months

For it is written that when Heads taketh up Tongues against Heads, then shall the Sun be Black as a sackcloth of hair and the Moon become as Blood and the Stars of Heaven fall unto the Earth, and the Great Day of Wrath is come, and who shall stand?

In other words, man, if even Deadheads can’t get along, we are so so fucked.

I’m-a stay outta the politics, even though I have some pretty strong opinions on some of the subjects that have been broached. For one thing, people are just not persuadable anymore. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think. Facts and logic don’t count for much these days, and there is zero (0) chance that anything I could post would change even one (1) mind out there.

So, whatever. Do what ye will. I hope you listen with an open mind to all sides, and listen to your BEST self when you vote, and make compassionate choices. And if we really can’t even talk to each other anymore, let alone run a democracy, well, at least we had some good times (didn’t we?) before the whole shithouse went up in flames.

And at least we can (mostly) agree that Dave’s going strong. Loved all three releases this year so far, and fully expecting ‘90 show on 44 to be at least good as the one on 40, so resubscribing is a no brainer for me. Basically, $100 for 14 discs of well-chosen Dead in SOTA sound? What’s not to like?

No shipping notice on 43 yet, which is no surprise. I usually get a notice right around the release date, and then it takes about one (agonizingly long) week for the package to travel the approximately 300 miles it needs to go to reach my humble abode. As long as it comes before Thanksgiving, I’m good.

Last five:
Michael Brecker: Michael Brecker
Grant Green: Matador
TTB: Best of the Beacon
Little Feat: Last Record Album
Ray Charles: Genius + Soul

....coming out in December. Girlfriend/Now wife and I went to those. A couple of the best Phish shows I attended, but 1998 was a peak year for them, sooooo.

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17 years 3 months

I concur with your post a few pages back. 100%. Has to be said often. I've purged acquaintances, former friends and even family for pushing the lying scamming ripoff racism of "that guy" who refuses to go under oath because he's obviously guilty of too many things to list here.

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14 years 9 months

First, let me apologize to any and all who were here to witness my decline into the deep end of hysterics. I especially apologize to you Stranger, sorry for losing it on you, no one deserves that. Also, to all of you who commented on the topic, thank you for all, negative and positive. A lively discussion that I let get the better of me.
Got some news yesterday that threw me for a loop and I should have just stayed in bed, but I didn't and now I regret it. I have received pm but I will not address it, there just isn't anything else to discuss about the topic. Thank you and so long.

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Member for

8 years 11 months

Last 5:

2/28/81 Uptown Theatre Chicago, IL
1/18/70 Springers Inn, Portland (DL Series V. 2)
9/21/82 MSG
5/20/90 Hilo Civic Auditorium JGB (GLive V10)
10/28/77 Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall Kansas City

Be kind all! And go Ducks! (Respect for Autzen)

On board for Daves 2023 in SoCal…..

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11 years 5 months

In reply to by SPACEBROTHER


OK, at the risk of blowing things up and bankrupting Rhino/WMG (ruthlessly cynical as ever...) here goes: a month or so ago, early in the thread on the new MSG box a discount code was posted. It's still there. I ordered DaP2023 yesterday morning and used it to save 10%. It worked which means announcing it here will start the clock ticking presumably, it will be extinguished... Hey, it wasn't all that long ago when I was buying much music directly from, individual shows from Europe 72, RTs, later editions of DPs, et al. Two, three times year, stuff went on sale, like around July 4th etc. Now it seems there's an over abundance of lifestyle accessories... times sure have changed, must be i turned into a curmudgeon. So find a cudgel and bludgeon the curmudgeon. Just remember to vote, please! Discount code as follows: CC22WMG10. Last three: Hot Tuna Burgers, such a classic if a bit dated. Bill Frisell Intercontinentals. DaP #21.

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10 years

Those Brecker Brothers albums.
Where are those?
Oh yeah, tapes.
I was too cheap to buy them at the time.
Glad I just got a solid restored deck recently.
Cheers, and thanks Crow.

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


....and his stupid family. Just being transparent here. Ain't no time to hate has its limits. The Woodward Tapes were just released. Holy shit my friends. Rant over.

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Are you familiar with Steps Ahead Magnetic?
Great fusion like album from 80s.
Scorching guitar opening track Trains!

Hope your recuperating well old top!

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10 years 3 months

Everybody has a bad day sometimes. Thanks for owning it PT Barnum. I agree with what JimInMD said someplace about folks around here being kinda like "brothers from another mother." I for one hope your "so long" wasn't permanent. You're part of this fam damily. Onward.

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2 years 10 months

9/19 & 20/70 Fillmore East, 10/12 & 13/68, Avalon Ballroom, 1968 Tour of the Great Northwest, ( tapes could be in Owsleys box). 1970 Fillmore West shows acoustic & electric ( tapes could be in Owsleys box), and last but not least 2/17/79 & 4/22/79.

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13 years 10 months

Hey now DMCVT, thanks for the discount code, worked perfectly! Took me 5 tries to get my subscription ordered as a guest. Saved me 10 bucks on an already great deal.

Billy yes of course, I was at the October 1978 run. The obvious advantage of growing up in the bay area. I swear, we must have rubbed shoulders a few times! Wish I remembered more of it. I know I had a great time and heard some awesome music.

Vguy I agree with your rants, I also enjoy this space being relatively free of politics. I could do without sports, too, but obviously that's a fun thing to chat about. This space is wonderful, inciteful, and I have a whole shelf of books to read because of everyone's interesting conversations. Thanks, all.

Alright folks let's chill out.

As you were.

... hope others avail themselves of that code for any other purchases, as it seems to work for most anything. Thought to try it on a whim, not expecting it to still work. And I have been very close to political comment, scary close as I stand with Vguy. Maybe we should have a discrete, meaning deadicated thread for politics... even satire might be risky... was hoping the orangebaby dirigible seen over London came across the pond for the last campaign with a justly stained diaper... but, better stop right there.

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In reply to by dmcvt


....and I bet you do, check out pushrainbows on Instagram. Incredible stuff.
Last 5
Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World
White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
Wier/Wolf Bros/Wolfpack - Seattle 10.23.22
Depeche Mode - Violator
GOGD - MSG 9.21.82

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by proudfoot


....yup. We are. We're family. I stay in contact with a few of you more personally in fact. Even met a few in person with no regrets and consider you friends. Planning on heading to the NE next year to meet more of you. I remember posting years ago that if i could, I would go back in time and purchase several rows of seats at a GD show and fly you all in so we could dance. Music is the glue here, and the best band in the land is the superglue.
I just had to get stuff off my chest the other day. I almost deleted the original post, but said to myself, "Nope Vguy. You posted it. You own it. Some eyes will roll. Others will widen. Others will smile. Let the chips fall where they may." Thanks for understanding. I love this site, and I love this country. Even though some may think I'm not "patriotic enough." Whatever that means. Disappointed for sure that so many of my fellow Americans decided to hitch their wagon to that guy. Ugh.
I'm not a fan of politics at all, but when push comes to shove, I just couldn't ignore the elephant in the room anymore so I vented here of all places. No PM from Marye, so I guess I'm good to go.
Rock on. Stay cool. Play Dead.
Edit. Push Comes To Shove. Another song I really like and sad that they shelved it in '89. Time to walk the dogs and check out the cool Halloween decorations in my neighborhood then come back home and pick a good scary movie. Thinking Evil Dead. Classic.
Any horror movie Heads out there?

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10 years 1 month

So I turned 65 at the beginning of the month and my son gave me a subscription to Spotify. Wow! Talk about having your eyes opened! What does one do with 1,000s of CDs which suddenly became redundant!

I any event, the last 5 songs added to my 1st playlist:

1. Down at the Rock and Roll Club - Richard Hell and the Voidoids
2. Sonic Reducer - Dead Boys
3. Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
4. Rockwrok - Ultravox!
5. Ball of Confusion - Love and Rockets

Reliving the punk years of 2nd year University tonight. Like a kid in a candy store ...

That's a tall order, BTK. A few of those are on my list too. Fortunately, that list has been whittled down over the years. I have gotten most of the shows I was hoping would one day get released.

I have to remember if my avatar here has the dial set to 6/10/73 or not?

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9 years 1 month

Thanks DMCVT, used the discount code on the 2023 (and may a wonderful year it be) Subscription and paid it back by buying more GD stuff.
Last 5 on vinyl working from home today-

Hudson- Dejonette, Grenadier, Medeski, Scofield
Deep Purple- Made in Japan
Bowie-Ziggy Stardust
Kenny Burrell- Midnight Blue (played over and over)
Rush- Permanent Waves Box set

DAP-#43 been enjoying that off and on.

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by Willysin4wd


I hit the first show from that release yesterday myself. Simply classic. 12/26 will fall in the days to come.

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....hell yeah man. Enjoy!
Agent Orange and Black Flag and The Cramps and The Subhumans and The Dead Milkmen and Husker Du and Sonic Youth and....
W.A.S.P and Armored Saint are playing here Friday. Tix are $40. Then Weir Saturday. Tix are $80. Double dip?
If any of you recognize those bands, I tip my cap.
House down the street has an awesome Nightmare Before Christmas setup.

Vguy - now you're talking my language! I've been watching a few horror films lately - 5 great ones are
Nosferatu ( 1922)
Black Sunday aka The Mask of Satan ( 1960)
The Blood on Satan's Claw ( 1971)
Suspiria (1977)
Eraserhead (1978)

Suspiria is one of the most psychedelic looking and sounding films I have ever seen. "Eraserhead"...possibly not one to trip to.

PT - thanks for your last post. I wish we all could be as honest as you. I hope your last sentence doesn't mean your thinking of dropping out though.

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Member for

2 years 10 months

38 years ago today (along with alot of other great folks who post on this forum) I was at the BCT for a great show and the start of a fun run of shows. I bought a real nice tye dye shirt at this show also a cool poster by Rick Griffin.

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13 years 2 months

In reply to by daverock


Saw that one in the Charles Theater in downtown Baltimore sometime in the early 80's. Perhaps the quirkiest movie I have ever seen. Quirky isn't the right word, downright strange. I enjoyed it though..

I recommend not tripping at this movie.

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2 years 10 months

My favorite scene in Eraserhead, is when Henry goes to eat at his girlfriends house. Henry tries to carve that chicken and the chicken starts doing weird stuff, and his girlfriends father is starring at Henry with a weird look on his face. That dinner scene is the best scene in the movie. As far as movies go , Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart are way better movies.

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14 years 9 months

did you catch the quote of the day? "There are three things I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin." Linus Van Pelt

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and positive vibes. I normally try and keep my emotions in check but certain things steam my oysters.

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11 years 8 months

In reply to by daverock


Thumbs up on "Black Sunday"...I was 10 years old when I saw it first...jacked me up for weeks...I saw it at an old movie theatre close to where my family had an upstairs foyer that led to the Men's & Women's rest rooms...after the movie ended I went upstairs to pee and had to stop dead in my a movie promo there was a coffin similar to the one in the movie set up in the foyer...I stood and stared, had to pee but I couldn't bring myself to walk past it to get to the men's room...Bravo Mario Bava!!!! P.S. this was the same theatre that at about the same time I saw the original "Little Shop Of Horrors"....killer cameo by Jack Nicholson in "Little Shop..." his 3rd screen appearance...

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11 years 8 months

In reply to by nappyrags


My go to Halloween movie is "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein"...

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11 years 10 months

The "Movies" channel has been tearing it up with these.

Caught a few minutes of "attack of the 50 foot woman". Good laughs.

Cop is shooting at a giant alien (probably 50 ft tall), shooting with a snub nose 32 cop gun,,,, no effect. They jump out of car and he starts shooting with "the shotgun",,, no effect. And I shit you not, reaches into his shirt and pulls out a hand grenade!!! FROM HIS SHIRT!!! (see, even in the 50's we were militarizing our police)

Alien then picks up the cop car (he was really pissed after the grenade) and throws it to the ground. Problem was he picked up a 57 Chrysler wagon and throws down a 49 woody!

Aliens with the ability to change car types,,,, the world should be worried!!


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