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  • 1stshow70878

    I love the drama queens. Somebody barely touches them and they go down in a heap looking for the penalty. And when they don't get one the histrionics are laughable. True in other sports too but just more noticeable in soccer. But the US player did get the hardest knee to the crotch I've ever seen. Down for the count. I'm a Messi fan. Dude is unstoppable. Generally would rather watch hockey than futbol or football.
    By the way, where is the Jam of the Week?
    Today's music recommendation: The Golden Gate Quartet doing the spiritual Go Where I Send Thee. Great harmonies!

  • daverock
    Voodoo Soup

    It's not well regarded, but I played this posthumous Hendrix album earlier in the week, and it really hangs together well. Those instrumentals are out of this world. It does seem ridiculous, adding and subtracting instruments decades after the originals were cut - but the end result is pretty good.

    I'd buy a 66-70 box set in a heart beat. If I could work out how you do it - looks a bit trickier these days.

    With the World Cup, as with anything else, I always back the underdog. The more big teams get knocked out the better. As Chuck Berry said - "Such a sight to see/Somebody steal the show". I'm not too keen on the way some of them act after they score a goal, either. That bloke called Grealish qualifies as the most irritating so far.
    All best experienced with the commentary turned down and the music turned up.

  • Oroborous

    PF, I’m sorry at your misfortune, but that is too damn funny!
    Think I would have gone somewhere else to keep sleeping and just left it lol.
    Why is it women blame us for these unfortunate anomalies?

    68 Box: hey don’t get me wrong, I’m in anytime, I just wonder if outside of the freak zone bubble we live in, if your average casual fan would be? I agree about all that power etc, in fact, funny story: back when we were basically kids and we’d go to parties, we always got stuck outside by the keg with the heavy metalers. Generally they didn’t dig the dead, but we all knew each other and got along, and both factions appreciated some of the similarities in say culture, and both were proud of our outsider status, and hey, at least we weren’t preppy jocks lol.
    So if we put say, Blues for Allah on, they’d give us shit, BUT, if Anthem ( or they really liked first album!) or some primal Dead was snuck in, they’d often dig it. The first time we played Anthem they couldn’t believe it was the Dead!
    They were like “who’s this, it’s cool?” After we’d tell ‘em who it was, being proud metalers they’d have to feign righteous indignation lol.
    I just wonder out my ass if the repetition and less professional elements would resonate with yer weekend fringe fan?
    Guess part might depend on box size, and part on number of boxes?
    But from inside the freak bubble, I’m sure we’d all like to find out!
    I mean many of “us” would gobble that shit up faster than HST with a fresh tab of acid, but “them”, and you have to consider them, because I don’t think there’s that many of “us”, so that’s the only reason I pondered the idea…

    I still would prefer one big muscular Primal 66 through 70 beast! It would be a good way to put out some of the really early stuff that might be hard to market on its own? Tid bits etc, bits and pieces, short shows, big jams, partials. You could lump all kinds of cool shit together that on their own might not have the clout.
    But in a historical presentation, taking the best stuff from different years, and perhaps weighted more on the back end years, think about it? Say a disc or 2 of 66-67, you could use one disc shows from 68, say three or four shows, throw in a run of 69 from say the Ark, or Avalon, a couple late 69, possibly with some acoustic, and finish it off with similar from 1970!
    Sure it’d be big and expensive, but for the old tops here, besides a killer primal set, maybe they feel they have enough other stuff already and aren’t interested at all in later years? So well then think of it as one last blast of R &R, one final big score of scores! If it’s possibly your last one, why not go big!
    Just a thought…?

    PF, glad you found your way home, and glad your gonna stick around awhile!

    Oh yeah…and what ABOUT Gainesville, tap, tap, tap…

  • proudfoot
    F'd up bed frame blues

    I woke up dis mo'nin'...

    Got up to..."go down the hall" 530 am.

    Bronk! A corner of the bed frame pops loose.

    "No sleep for you!"

    Wife flips out (and a lovely morning to you too, my beloved), I half-awake analyze the situation, spend next 45 minutes fixing things. Soundtrack: Megadeth Rust in Peace.

    Life is strange, gentlemen. Very, very strange.

  • PT Barnum
    hey now

    after a trip lost in space I have stumbled my way back to this site. It was a weird trip that would not allow communications with fellow intrepid travelers or home base. Upon my arrival I learn of Christine's untimely death. She had been part of Fleetwood Mac since 1970, was there when Danny Kerwain was in the band, after Peter Green left she was there, she was there when the great guitarist Bob Welch was in the band and she was there when Lindsey and Stevie joined the group. Never a scene stealer, she allowed Lindsey and Stevie to thrive and grow with the band. Always humble her writings were just "little ditties" that she penned that almost always became hits. Never outspoken but always humble she was the epitome of classic rock female musicians. I miss her already.
    I was lucky enough to witness the Mac a couple of times, once in 71 and once again in 74 and then the last time when they all got back together after that long hiatus in 97? She had an awesome stage presence and held her own alongside these great musicians mentioned above. I was never much of a fan of Stevie Nicks, fun to look at back in the day but their music became homogenized in my opinion when they joined. Although I did enjoy the Buckingham/Nicks lp when it came out.
    Daverock, not being a fan of the Mac try the lp Mystery to Me or Bare Trees or Future Games or Heroes or hard to Find. All pre-Lindsey and Stevie. Also, their lps with Peter Green would be right up your alley. Bob Welch passed away a while back, I always thought it was a mistake to fire Bob from the Mac, but I was wrong, they made it big time after he left.
    Jimi turns 80, wow, where has the time gone? I have always wondered what he would be playing and producing now, if he had hung around. Electric Ladyland is still played here, also Cry of Love, an underrated lp, and of course the psychedelic Axis-Bold as Love is a Masterpiece. As later posthumously released music was available, I think he would have gone to experimental blues or jazz aka Miles with a guitar.
    A great anniversary came and went without much mention here, 11-29-80, the Grateful Dead live at Alligator Alley Gym in Gainesville, Fl. The first Shakedown>Franklins tower. A great show that hopefully the soundboard will be found one day.
    Will a box of grate 68 Dead sell? I say yes and put me on the "Buy" side of that vote. Perhaps a poll to see if there is interest?
    Glad you are on the mend HF, sucks not to be well. I mentioned the Petty box a while back, looks great and I will try to pick it up, cost may be prohibitive. Speaking of Petty, Stevie was indoctrinated into the Heartbreakers and played with them a couple of times, she seem a good fit for that band, she can rock, just not my cup of tea.
    Vascular doctor says no operation needed at this time, but we will be watching and waiting as aneurysms don't heal themselves. Dr said that some people have them all their lives and don't even know they have one, found mine when they were doing an ultrasound of my liver.
    Looks like I'll be around for a few more _________(fill in the blank) we never know so live baby, live.

  • Mr. Ones

    Good band, but not my topic.
    These last few days of posts are my favorite type. Friendly, encouraging, supportive and like……family!!
    I had a cd of the Betty Nelson Raspberry Farm show 20 years ago. Went to play it 2 weeks ago and-disc rot. Arrggghhhh! Would LOVE to see it released.
    My feeling, we have folks who prefer early, primal Dead. We have folks who prefer post ‘77 Dead, and most are probably up for anything. I would be shocked if a ‘68 box didn’t sell out super fast. And if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, well, not much is loved by all (see past discussions). Should not be a big deal.
    I DO agree that the older lot of us (yes, that’s me too) would like to see more early, primal Dead before we leave this beautiful planet.

    Regarding World Cup-there’s only 3 countries that I’ve ever rooted for: US, England, Holland.

    Today, obviously pulling hard for US. If our side loses today, I’ll be for England, then the Dutch.
    After that, I really don’t have a rooting interest, although Japan look disciplined, and fun.

    So, WC starts in less than an hour. After that, it’s music, music, music. Because…

  • daverock
    1968 etc

    Dennis - thanks for the heads up about that Hawkwind album. A recent live recording featuring a selection of new tracks peppered with tracks from the 70's. Looks good. Not sure about the idea of covering Tom Jones "It's Not Unusual", but I guess if you have been touring for over 50 years and are over 80, you can sing what you damn well like.

    Oro - I seemed to miss out on Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac, too. I did get an album by John Mayall, called "Hard Road" that featured him, which was pretty good. I saw him live once, too, about 23 years ago at a blues festival. It felt a bit sad, though.

    I'm a bit surprised people here think 1968 would be hard sell. Maybe it's just a case of - because I like it every once else should too. But of all the various eras and styles of playing - the shows from this year really blow out the fuses like never again. You don't need to know a thing about them to recognise the power. Maybe shows from this year would appeal more to non Deadheads than Deadheads. I think yer average Hawkwind fan, should there be such a beast, would prefer "Anthem" to anything else in the Dead's back catalogue.
    1966 to the first half of 1967 - now that I can imagine being less popular. Interesting, for sure, and historically important..but still formative to my ears.

  • JimInMD

    I get the feeling not all the shows that circulate are in the vault. Just a feeling.. but I think we would have seen at least another release or two from this year. The last 68 release was 2015, and before that 2009, before that 2001.

    That's Bananas.

  • proudfoot
    Billy the Kidd strikes again

    If Dave ever retires...BTK needs to be his successor.

  • Oroborous
    Miscellaneous ramblings

    MR PC, glad you didn’t go quitting on us, we need the entertainment (and twisted wisdom ; )
    Glad to see your mind is still moving fast even if your heart needed to slow down lol. JK of course…rest up and be well soon amigo!
    Yassss, puzzling the apparent resistance to 68?
    I agree that an all 68 might not sell so well overall, but I think a primal box of 67-70 would!
    There’d be enough variety in there to attract fence sitters, and it would be a great historical showcase of the rapid transition that took place over those years.

    SMALL BOXES: their ok, I’m just worried if Dave is on the 20 year plan he alludes too, that we need more shows while we can get em, not less! So if small boxes, then perhaps do 2 a year, or 1 big, 1 small…just my two centavos…

    Four Winds blow CM…
    Saw the Mac in 78 when they still sorta ruled the world. Bob Welch, Pablo Cruise, Foreigner and F.M. as the headliner.
    Only went just to go, wasn’t really a fan, but the Mac ended up really surprising my 15 year old melon!
    Will always have a sharp memory of SN and LB playing You Can Go Your Own Way like they ment it more than anything in the world, very intense! Just glaring at each other the whole song! LB, with no pick, was playing his White Les Paul so hard he broke multiple strings!
    By then you could just tell something was up between them even back then as a clueless kid with no internet.
    One of my top R&R moments from my personal history. Think I liked Christine better than Stevie though?

    FUTBALL: I tightened up the homeboys on the job site with a tv the other day so they could watch Mexico during their lunch break. Now I don’t speak espanol, but man those boys were getting into it like any NFL fans I’ve ever seen. Good game from the bit I watched. Don’t get how they won the game but still were out though?

    DAVEROCK: that was too funny about the English team lol.
    I’m surprised you never got into early Mac with Peter Green et el as they were English, late sixties/early seventies and more blues oriented, or right up your alley?

    KUVO, good news there 1st show, only wish they still broadcast up here on FM…used to be my default in the car.

    Howdy DMCVT, yeah dug that Raspberry farm show at POTD via Docs recommendation! Good sheet Mon, more, more, more por favor!
    Happy Friday ladies and germs, hope the white ribbon of death doesn’t shut down before I get home tonight.
    Now that there’s so many people here and many not experienced in mountain winter driving, it seems like the highway shuts down every time it snows, ugghhhh.

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In reply to by proudfoot


That would put a stop to the practice pretty quickly.
Of course, not everybody’s going to boycott, so it won’t work.
But, you can still go to the event and wait until it starts and you might get a cheaper ticket.
Kind of like buying a paper ticket from a scalper after the show has started, but you’re doing it digitally.

Of course, even at face value the price is probably ridiculously high.

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Like if Jerry were still alive

I wonder how much they would charge

The TS juggernaut must be otter-pocket happy over this publicity

....if you really, really, REALLY like a band/artist and wanna stick it to the man, go to the venue anyway, make sure your phone is charged and has 5G, and buy tix at showtime. You might miss a song, but you're a damn fan man!
Those bastard resellers will shed tix at face or less faster than a husky sheds fur in summer and they will take the loss. 🖕
And apparently, there are millions of Swiftys. Amazing.

I never purchased them when they were initially released. The GD store was cleaning out inventory many years ago and I bought a bunch of them. Austin 71, Denver 73, Louisville 74, the Fillmore 70 and a few others. They are actually fantastic releases. Much better than I ever expected.

Pete Rose is not the most likable person, but he certainly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. My sense is that they won’t admit him until after he passes away. Which is a shame.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by Angry Jack Straw


....I remember that AJS. Got Dicks 26-30 for approx $120 back in the day.
#27 is the only officially released Welnick only that I know of. Which reminds me....12.16.92 on tap.
It's got a Shakedown.

Started off a little slow and the packaging was subpar albeit made from fully recycled, non-bleached brown paper bags. There are a few that sound a little thin, a few that sound a little fuzzy, a few where the master reels got played a few times too many and a few that sound fantastic. I think it was during this series that Jeffrey Norman found his stride. It was around this time we last time we saw Blair Jackson grace the liner notes and the artwork was mostly decent if you could see it through the fog of the brown paper. It was almost a great series.. "missed it by that much."

......but there are a few stellar classics that reached super stardom mixed in. The best has to be Valentines day 1968. Holy smoking crater of my mind I like to blow away batman. If your brain isn't splattered all over the inside of your skull, add in the bonus disc and strap in for an additional ride around the solar system, brain = cosmic debris, check. FE May 1970, Louisville '74, Big Rock Pow Wow anyone.. goosebump shit, wowwow stuff. Some of the bonus discs were more than memorable also. Man, sometimes we don't realize just how good we have it.

Now where were we.. there's got to be a 1968 banana box in here somewhere, shine that light over here Lemieux.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....JiminMD sent me a burnt copy of that in the mail when we first started communicating because I wasn't paying much attention to the releases at that time in the past.
Thanks Jim! It's still on my GD shelves.
Putting it in now. For first few tunes at least. No setlist written down, so playing it by ear.
Edit. An acoustic Friend Of The Devil is a grate start. 👍

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10 years 6 months

Dig 'em. October 1977 may have been the biggest miss, but there a couple tunes worth the price if admission (The Music Never Stops, Let It Grow). It's also nice to have the last Help/Slip/Franklin of the Godchaux era, though I don't feel it's a great performance. This one may still be available.

Jimmy, you're right on queue with the Feb '68 show. Between some misprints on the dates I read about with the bonus tracks and disc, I believe we have all of the Eagles Aud show from 1/27 as well. Probably the biggest bang for the buck, considering the lacka good1968 recordings.

Same with 1974. Jerry comes through more prominently than pretty much all of the '74 two-tracks. One of my favorite Morning Dews on there.

1978 is great just because there's do little from the Shakedown era.

Still scratching my head on why there's no 1972 Road Trips.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


Burnt meaning an original, paid for authentic CD that was unfortunately involved in and damaged twice by fire. First a barn fire started when one of my homemade tube amps from my big boy barn system was struck by lightning and caught fire. Don't fret as the disc, although damaged, was rescued and refurbished.. I do miss my barn though. Then while driving my vespa cross country in the winter to catch those rocking Further New Years shows.. the engine instantaneously combusted while crossing a snow crusted mountain pass in the Rockies. My first instinct was fortunately to hit the eject button on the stock CD player. Alas, although the disc ejected moments before the engine explosion, my prized bonus CD still suffered serious burns from secondary flames before I was able to safely put it in it's 'protective' sleeve. It probably would have survived if they used a different sleeve material, recycled brown paper bags are not very flame retardant, in fact as I learned in the subsequent moments it's actually quite flammable. Luckily, I had a spare and gifted VGuy my burnt copy which after some scrubbing with dawn dish detergent somehow still played amazingly well. Twice burnt but plays grate, what are the Vegas odds?

I'm sure this kind of thing has happened to many of you many times over the years. More common than one would think.

As you were.

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11 years 10 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Jim, your avatar well bolstered by that story... witness the DANGER sign... and now I know what the round things are on the left, souvenir tires from the vespa incident. Who else has stacks of old electrical equipment cobbled together for a time machine? They can re issue or license for re issue all the RTs they want, why not the bonus discs and for that matter, the individual Europe 72 shows, please and thanks, if any WMG Rhinos reading.

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


Ah, yes.

7 31 71 and bonus disc (part of "Summer '71")
So many others

I avoid looking at and memorizing set lists as much as possible for cosmic surprises

Hey y'all
Tomorrow is 11/19/22. Which glorious GD show happened 50 prior???

One of my two "stop effing around Dave and release these!!!" shows.

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Member for

10 years 8 months

Yup, you clarified awrighty! No burnt CD's around here, but several on my desk just got sprayed with morning coffee. You packed a fat novel into that single-paragraph clarification. Haaaaaa!!! Nothing to do but smile, smile, smile. . . Onward.

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by KeithFan2112


So much great music there and hard to pick a favorite but I really like 1.4 from Egypt with Love, that Got My Mojo Working! Really good. 3.3 is a classic and 4.2 from 88 is a great change of pace.

I could be wrong Jim, but I believe Blair also wrote the liner notes for Dave's Picks 1-3 and than seemed to leave the Grateful Dead world. Not sure why. Always enjoyed reading his stuff.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


11/17/73: I’m not sure why this one hasn’t hit me yet? Now don’t get me wrong, it’s fall 73 and I like it very much, but of the few listens I’ve had…? Obviously needs more love and attention!
Great show but look at Deadbase at all it’s lofty neighbors!
I think it’s just that tour is so solid overall that it has stiff competition in the foggy crags of what’s left of my mind.
And that RT 12/6/73 disc is probably my single favorite live disc released with that monster Scary Moons Dark Star etc, phew, big medicine!

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Member for

10 years 4 months

Nice to see RT get a critical re-evaluation here. I have most of the releases, and even repurchased one at a used shop just to get the bonus disc paired with it (the store owner would only sell as a set, and he knew he had an addict on his hands). Standouts to me were “Egypt” (Vol 1 No 4), and the November ‘73 “Denver”.

Earlier this week, there was a lot of talk about the TicketBastard fiasco with Taylor Swift and the Swifties! A great article in my news feed today worth reading about the fans going after TicketBastard, entitled “Radicalize The Swifties”, from Slate (?) magazine. One line I liked: “But the company has never shaken a beehive quite like the Swifties. Swift’s fanbase is as rabid as they are loyal to the megastar…”
What I found most telling is that Swift, herself, has been somewhat quiet about this, and perhaps she stands to score big on this. But do you bite the hand that feeds you??

A Jazz reissue out I’m intrigued to hear, and wondered if anyone has heard it before (apparently, it was ultra rare): “Secret Sauce” by Eric Ghost. The album came out in 1975, and this guy is credited as being the guy that “invented” blotter acid, after spending time in Morocco, while stationed in the military in the 60s. He subsequently spent time in federal prison, and dropped out of site, and now the album is being reissued. Not sure if it is good or not, just found the background interesting, and wondered if anyone has ever heard it?

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12 years 5 months

In reply to by dmcvt


Individual E72 shows were on sale forever. Nobody purchased them. I suspect that is why decided to have an inventory sale.

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Member for

12 years 4 months

Pointed out the new Dylan bootleg,,,, bastard!!!

300 bucks before first cup of coffee put down!

Then rhino had Thick as a Brick LP on SALE! (came with the "newspaper",,, my copy doesn't have)

(listening to cd version now!)

watch the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ continue to roll in.

and keep stroking caressing fluffing an ego that is its own galaxy by now.

"oh the publicity...yesss....just like that....oooohhhhhh yeeesssssssss!!!! THE DOOOOOLLLLAAAARRRRSSSSSS!!!! ALL OVER ME!!!!"

sorry...a little Covid dementia there...

still testing positive. How much longer???

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11 years 10 months

In reply to by Angry Jack Straw


Did pick off a bunch back in the days when they were $20-25 here, and foolishly stopped after deciding about half the trunk was enough. Would happily back fill a few more, my appreciation for that tour has only grown over the intervening. No reason why they could not allow reissues of singles shows imho. Or downloads.

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Member for

10 years 4 months

Sorry Dennis, but I’m helping you build what I already think is a very bad ass music collection!! (I bought the Dylan box set, too, but on CD). However, to stay in your wife’s good books, I won’t tell you that Blue Note, Rhino, and our very own have a huge blockbuster sale going on. Huge.

PF - There seems to be some trifecta of Covid, Flu, and RVS (I had to look that one up) going around. Take care of your health, shake that viral death germ!

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by That Mike


I’m with you: missed out on the E72 box for various reasons…
Started to slowly purchase ala carte, mostly for the big Dark Star shows.
Wish I would have caught the “AJS sale”…
Then they went away. I was hoping they’d do a reissue for the big 50th but I guess that might have cut into their vinyl sales? Though I do have most of the shows, several ala carte, several from the good folks here in Deadland (thanks again to those kind folks), it would have been nice for collection purchases to have all official releases.
I know first world problems for sure. At least I have ALL those magnificent monster Dark Stars!!
Reminds me, need to hear more of those!
Happy Friday folks, stay warm, be safe. To my peeps back on the balmy west coast of NY, hope you have those snowblowers ready!

Howdy Mike! You guys getting in on the lake effect action up there in Canadaland?
I think Dennis should be giving you a finders fee for all the “help” you give him with his awesome collection lol

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Her corporation could do a GDTS type thing to sell tickets to mortals instead of using the Ticketmaster iron sausage approach.

Or maybe that's another statement from Covid dementia. more TS comments from me.

7/4/84 plays away

roll away the dew
roll away the dew
roll away the dew

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10 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Oro - Nope, pretty well snow free here! They are moving the Bills game to Detroit, though. But I really like your idea about the finders fee, Oro! I think if I ever meet Dennis’ wife, I’ll have to introduce myself as “Oro”, because I suspect she is pretty pissed at That Mike prick for enabling Dennis to abuse the credit card! ;)

Still no sign of 44 north of the 49th.

I did the exact same thing. Bought the individual highlight shows, 4/8, 5/26, etc. It got to be expensive after a while so I just decided to sucked it up and purchase the all music only version as a Christmas present to myself.

To be honest, it is nice to have all of them, but in reality, I only occasionally listen to entire shows anymore. When I do, it is the same choices, 4/14, 5/3, etc. I did play the 5/11 Dark Star while attempting to watch the Packer Titans game last night.

Is is just me or is the video quality on Amazon Prime football games just awful?

There are some really cool photos of the snowstorm in Buffalo. A literal wall of snow just south of the city. I would post them, but you know . . .

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by That Mike


That’s ok Mikey, like Nixon I’ll take the responsibility, but not the blame! Just hope Mrs Dennis isn’t an overly angry type…with weapons!

Yeah AJS, that video quality is unacceptable! Especially since your forced to go there.
We pay for the greedy DTV NFL package but can’t chose what feed to watch, while the ridiculously cheap NHL package usually does, go figure.

Just checked out some WNY vids, my old home has 3’ already with possibly 2’ more coming. Got me a little teared up and homesick.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

Good God the man has suffered enough, let him in you jerks, and while you're at do something about the cheating 'Stros.
I really liked the RT series, but I think I was the only one. If El Paso hits my speakers I fast forward, same with about half of Bobbies other songs, I'm here for the Jerry. For a while there was a bonus disc with every release, that rocked. Louisville 74, Valentines 68, Austin 71, Pow Wow 69, and of course 5.15.70. I think that was the first time they offered a subscription too, maybe towards the end. Most were excellent, just not full shows which most here didn't want, too bad, they were/still are terrific

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Don't forget the one you salvaged for me after your Porche caught fire. I told you not to rush ahead and buy a new one until we pulled the CD player out. It's amazing what these things can survive.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

Carlo so sorry to hear about your dog passing. It's so hard to let a pet who is a member of the family go. We had to lose our cat a couple years ago and it was rough. We waited two years before recently getting a new kitten. You have to give it time to grieve.

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Member for

3 years 7 months

Reading through some other threads, looks like delayed shipping is a common problem. But this is the first time my subscription delivery has been this late. Tell me to be more patient or something. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! I emailed customer service to inquire and was politely told that it could take 10 days to process once I got the shipping notification, which was on 10/27 (way more than 10 days ago now). UPS and USPS both still say currently waiting on package so I'm at a loss. Is this normal? Will it ever arrive? The daily mailbox disappointment is a first world problem that is surprisingly depressing.

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Member for

3 years 3 months

#1 5/15/70, #2. 2/14/68, also like the big Rock Pow Wow from May 1969.

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by billy the kiddd


Seeing a certain ruthless blowhard take over a company and everyone leaves.

I really hope the little blue bird crashes and burns. That would be soooooo sweet.


Schadenfreude ist ein Freund

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Member for

7 years 7 months

Big ups to Jim, Mike(you know, THAT one), AJS, Stoltzie and others, for the reminders about Road Trips. Jim helped me by providing the only disc in the series I was unable to obtain, the Cal Expo ‘93 Bonus Disc, and it is great!!
So, I dug into my bonus disc from June ‘74(Louisville etc.), and holy frijoles, I did not remember just how mind blowing that disc is. A mighty fine Greatest Story(not my fave at all), a fine Dew( aren’t they all fine??). But after a rollicking Truckin’, the 13 minute Jam(mind blowingly fantastic) into a sweet Wharf Rat. My God, just let me die now, I’ve gone to Heaven!!
So what to follow that with?? Why, the first subscription bonus disc, and the awesomeness of a 43 1/2 minute Dark Star.
Calgon take me awayyyy……

....damn. You are old Mr. Ones lol.
It's not margarine. It's Parkay! Hey. They both suck.
Going up to cold country soon. Northern Nevada. Realized I didn't have a decent coat/jacket because Vegas. Went with a Kuhl. Always nervous ordering shirts/jackets online because i have a long torso and arms and legs.
But this fits nice. Any of you frigid temp heads familiar with that brand?
Buffalo getting hammered with what some call lightningsnow. It's a mix. Of lightning. And snow.
So many new meteorological terms I've heard in the past decade or so. Don't tell me the climate ain't changing. Zip it.

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12 years 5 months

In reply to by Vguy72


Like you, I began purchasing single Europe 72 shows for $25 each. If I recall correctly some of the more popular shows like 5/26, were $30. Maybe that’s just because it was four discs. Anyway, had a 20% off sale around the holidays one year. So, I bought the whole tour for something like $350. I think that’s when I bought all of the road trip releases as well. Shortly thereafter everything was gone.

Still no DaP44 for me either. Both UPS and the USPS blame the other one. Maybe now they’ll blame the snow in Buffalo as the cause.

So, I spun the Austin 71 road trips disc. That NFA jam is something else.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by JimInMD


I appreciate your help. Enjoy the music!

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Member for

10 years 4 months

Went with this RT selection, did not disappoint! Scarlet>Fire is always sweet. I forgot how good this series was. I have 2 or 3 I didn’t get initially, that I’ll watch for in the market.

VGuy - not familiar with Kühl gear, but looked it up, nïce! Very nïce!

same done for Euro72 shows, shows with Dark Stars came first... but that left out too many TOOs... happy camper to have about half the trunk on the shelf. Just two inches of heavy wet snow here on the east coast of Vermont a couple days ago but its cold cold cold. Takin' off my sailin' shoes. That Neon Park album cover with cake on a swing is on display in the music library. Killington has been pumping out snow for a big competition, opened to the public as have many other ski mountains this weekend. Melt down in the valley, weather people showing how lake effect plume dumping feet in western NY stretches all the way over to VT border. Feel sorry for those folks too much too soon like winter. This weekend, will have to fondle the RT collection, truly some outstanding stuff there. That Hard to Handle on RT1.3 bonus disc (from 8.6.71) one of my BOATs, Jerry on fire.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


And thanks for the 11/17/73 nudge. Broke out much of that for beery night session.
Forgot how amazing that jam sequence is! The songs just melt into each other!
Too damn funny: how many times does one of us go “sheeoott, forgot how good that one is” lol
We are truly a spoiled bunch! But that doesn’t mean we don’t want 2 boxes a year and 5 Dave’s lol
Hup, hup, nothing to it but ta do it…

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Proper. Hamburg, our old home with over 6’ and more coming, Orchard Park, the next town over and where the Bills play, has 77” so far…almost makes me homesick…almost!

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Member for

10 years 4 months

Oro - I took the dog down to the lakefront park where I live, and I look across the lake towards the Western NY area, and cannot believe they may be getting buried under 4 feet of snow by the time this is over, an area I can see on the horizon, while I have a neighbour raking up leaves, absolutely no snow here. It is too weird! It is a Bermuda Triangle - Northern Edition.

Going to the Denver ‘73 RT next! I think Jim threw RT out there, so glad he did. A good series with some great highlights. Packaging? Well,…

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Member for

15 years 1 month

My spreadsheet comments read:
D1: Whoa
D2: A++/the best hour of Dead EVER?!
D3: Great, just great.
Great sounding show. Amazing.

I must've enjoyed it! :) When I'm turning people on to the GD, or when casual fans ask for a REALLY hot show, I often send them THIS one.

Be kind, rewind.

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Member for

7 years 7 months

VGUY, I knew somebody would catch that reference. Old, you’re damn right, and proud of it!! Just happy to wake up each day. I’m keeping the Road Trips rolling today. Now that some yard work is done, I’m taking Jim’s John Deere time machine back to Feb. ‘68!!
From there, who knows. I know one thing:

Music is the Best!!

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


....oh yeah. It's in the Road Trips.
Vol 4. No 4. Spectrum 4.6.82. Benjamin Franklin told me so.
It's a revival y'all!!
It's got a Shakedown and a Dew.
Let It Shine.
Nice John Deere reference Mr. Ones.
Jim only borrows it out for crypto. Oopsie.
I have weed and shrooms and some peanut butter flavored whiskey. Deal?
Hand me the keys. I'll even detail it.

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