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    Who's ready to boogie with a little Brent-era Grateful Dead from the Gateway to the West? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 47 features the complete unreleased show from Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO, 12/9/79 and you're going to need stamina because this one is high energy from start to finish.

    By the time December 1979 rolled around, Brent Mydland had fully cemented his place in the Grateful Dead canon with his twinkling keys, harmonic tenor, and songwriting skills. No more is that evident than at this show boasting 25 songs including soon-to-be classics from GO TO HEAVEN like "Alabama Getaway," "Don't Ease Me In," "Lost Sailor," and the Brent-penned "Easy To Love You." It's also packed with whirling takes on fan-favorites like "Brown-Eyed Women," "Shakedown Street," and "Terrapin Station." And you've never heard a 2nd set quite like this with eight songs before "Drums" including an improvised "Jam" launching from the end of "Saint Of Circumstance." It doesn't stop there though, with a blazing finale of "Bertha>Good Lovin'" and perhaps one of the best versions of "Don't Ease Me In" the band ever did play. We've rounded out Disc Three with an extra nugget from '79.

    Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, this release was recorded by Dan Healy and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering. Grab a copy while you can.


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  • JimInMD

    I'm with Oro on the snow, no bueno.. it's a terrible drug that ruined many a life of the people I grew up with. It seemed my high school friends that didn't go to college all got 'high paying' jobs (for our age) in contruction, landscaping, cable companies, UPS, whatever.. and all started doing blow... and all experienced serious problems. Going to school, we couldn't afford it that much. A friend in 87 or so turned me on to the idea that the stuff was no good.. stay away.. Danger Will Robinson. And pretty quickly I heeded his advice.

    As to Chucks comments.. well said. I saw a few shows where I walked away wondering what could have been or what happened. One was that last show at RFK in 86. Well.. they got much better after that, then they got worse but still had their moments.

    In the end we got what we got.. if I have one regret it's that I wish I would have gone to a few more shows. In hindsight, I probably went to as many as I could afford. A very positive experience on my life, I am grateful for that.. and grateful that I got to meet many of you here, and for those I have not met yet.. I at least get to read about your excellent stories, views on life and takes on music and all good things.

    Oh, I really liked that interview with Whiz on recording Europe 72 and the most excellent 5/26/72, which they played on SiriusXM last night at 9. Serendipitous it comes up on these threads today. I will listen to it in its entirety very soon...

    Be well people.. rock on. or as Mr. Burns said after his first dead show:

  • Gary Farseer

    My memory fails as to his direct relationship. He was a technical type within the Organization. Now where placed I am not sure. Under Bear directly, maybe under Betty. In the documentary, he talks about the very last show of E72 and maybe some other things. He was the last tech in the recording truck, that is, recording switching tapes etc. This last show was pulling him in, blowing his mind. When Morning Dew came, he left and locked up the recording truck and went to go watch. He gives a deeply passionate discussion of that Morning Dew, that it was so incredibly emotive. That Jerry was crying, he began crying and was absolutely blown away with that version. He never went back to the truck and felt fortunate the remaining tape was able to record the whole show. That is my understanding, and from memory 4-5 years old, and my memory is not that great. May have to go back and watch Long Strange Trip, think it is still on Amazon. Might need to re-listen to that show as I became overwhelmed by the last years offerings and didn't make it through the whole E72 box this year. But can renew the listen as I am still digesting HCS and #47, and a lot of other stuff also. I also went thru the From the Vault 1-2.

    Here is a direct write up over at rick turner. Anyone want reference website, DM me or look up Grateful Dead's Wiz.

    May 12, 2020
    Dennis “Wiz” Leonard’s Notes on Europe ’72

    Here are my old friend, Dennis “Wiz” Leonard’s tech notes on the recording of the Grateful Dead’s great live album, “Europe ’72”. Most of my blog is my own writing, but I asked Wiz if I could share this, and he graciously said, “yes”. This is the clearest explanation of how Alembic did live recordings that I’ve ever seen. Wiz now works at Skywalker Sound…he went way big league!

    Dennis Wiz Leonard Europe ’72 Technical Liner Notes By Dennis Leonard
    “Less is more!” This was the motto of Alembic and many of the sound artists in the S.F. Bay Area’s growing community of folks trying to advance the state of the art in both “live” and “recorded” sound for rock ’n’ roll. One can hardly mention this philosophy to recording without touching on the Alembic PA system and its unique qualities.
    The new paradigm for live sound: the Alembic PA. In 1964 The Beatles played at Shea Stadium using a circular array of Vox Grenadier Column speakers, a box quite similar to the Shure Vocal Master Column. This approach to sound for a stadium was doomed even if all the girls did not scream. Fast-forward to ’67-70 and things were not much better.
    The Alembic PA was the first really hi-fi approach to a live system. It had direct radiator low-frequency elements rather than horn-loaded boxes, which were the standard. It was an electronically crossed-over three-way system using McIntosh MC-75, MC-275, and MC-3500 vacuum-tube amplifiers and Ampex MX-10 vacuum-tube mixers as the front-of- house console. It eventually evolved into the famous Wall of Sound. This was a philosophic approach, brainchild of The Bear, put together by some of the most talented engineers in the Bay Area, and the same philosophy was applied to the task of recording bands.
    Alembic Recording did not have a truck to pull up to a venue. We had gear, and we often built a studio at the venue in a room somewhere backstage. Sometimes we would haul the gear to the gig in a rental truck, then unpack and build the studio for the gig in the truck, take it apart when we were done, and take it back home.
    Recording Europe ’72 was a monumental task, and we came up with a great solution to building a truck which we could fly airfreight to and from Europe. A video-production company was letting go of a pair of cargo containers built for them to ship a portable video-production remote unit by airfreight. This was perfect—when set back-to-back, these two rode in the top of a 747 airfreighter. Each container was built around a reinforced floor, the sides and top latched on and off.
    We moved all of the components of our Ampex MM1000 16-track into a video chassis that put all 16 sets of AG-440 electronics down below the transport which was then on a 45 degree angle. This was not only more robust, but it was also going to allow us to run 14-inch reels. This took place in an all-night marathon. When we started, Ron Wickersham was not sure all of the original cabling would work. We were lucky it did! At around 5 am, the new machine was rolling; no cables needed to be cut or spliced from the original wiring loom!

    Another obstacle was that the capstan speed in an MM1000 was derived from line frequency. Ours was a 60-Hz machine and we were going to 50-Hz land. Ron came up with a solution which would also solve another problem down the road: He built a precision 60-Hz crystal oscillator; we drove a McIntosh 275 vacuum-tube amplifier and picked off a tap on the output transformer, which would give us 120 volts with enough current to run the capstan motor at our precise 60 Hz/15ips, also now immune to line-frequency fluctuation. The other problem arose when we tried to get Ampex to give us their 207 tape on 14-inch reels. Ampex 207 had a thinner backing; instead of the traditional 30 minutes one got out of a 10.5-inch roll, 207 would give us 45 minutes, so a 14-inch reel was going to run 90 minutes—very desirable when recording a band with long sets, like the Dead. Ampex would not build the reels; we had to do those ourselves. Remember, we were running the recorder’s capstan on an oscillator, so for building the reels we hooked up a variable-frequency oscillator. We would ramp the machine up to 60ips to pack the tape. Each of the 14-inch reels had a splice in it. Ron and Sue Wickersham and I spent a few nights at Alembic having a 14-inch- reel-building party.
    The recording rig was quite simple: “less is more.” We recorded the Dead quite often, so a lot of what we did for Europe ’72 had been tested and proven.
    We built the rig at Alembic. One of the newly procured containers had the 16-track and an outboard equipment rack, the other . . . a custom built cabinet which was our tape library, and this cabinet also had our monitor console, Revox two-track, cassette machine, and Orban reverb units mounted on top of it. A carpenter met us at Heathrow airfreight in London. When the gear arrived, we took the sides and tops off of the two containers (which were left there in storage for the tour) and had them forklifted into our rental truck for the tour. The container floors were about ten inches high, so after the two were in the truck, the carpenter secured them and built us a filler floor so that the recording truck would not have a split- level floor.
    We wired the truck up and hung drapes and the 4310 JBL monitors, as well as many other things at the first show venue, Wembley Arena.
    The flow of the rig, starting inside the venue, consisted of the following:
    Two nine-pair snakes plugged into a custom Alembic split. AC from the stage ran to the truck with the two nine-pairs. Once inside the truck, the AC power was conditioned in an automatic, motor-driven variac made by General Radio. This was to, hopefully, prevent severe voltage fluctuation. The split plugged into the rack, which held a patch bay and minimal gear. We had a couple of Ampex MX-10 tube mixers and some limiters. The limiters, by the way, were used only on vocals for our monitor mix; we did not want to do anything to the vocals on the 16-track record master.

    One of the big “less is more” philosophic bits of Alembic magic was the use of transformers in the input section of the MM1000. Ampex offered modules which plugged into an octal socket on the back of each 440 record amplifier. We used these sockets for the transformers, which would allow us to take microphone level right into the tape recorder, totally passive—no electronic noise added and no record console electronics to fail.
    The MM1000 fed a very small, 16-track Alembic monitoring console built by Ron. Janet Furman was our technical engineer and not only fixed things, but also set up the 16-track to the custom equalization we were using with the thinner-backed Ampex 207 tape. We could monitor, solo, and build a two-track mix on this. We recorded to a Revox B77 and a Sony cassette machine, and we also had some pretty simple spring reverbs for our two-track mixes.
    Shows seemed to generally fit on two 14-inch reels and a ten-inch reel or two. Tape changes were quite interesting: We did not have a lot of room and had practiced this quite a bit, and it took three of us to do this at high speed. In an effort to not run out of tape during a performance, we had an indicator-light system of communication. Under Jerry’s monitor wedge there were three small lamps mounted on a piece of wood. The lights could be lit from the truck. A green, yellow, and red light: Green = we are rolling and in record; yellow = if you can wind it down and stop, we need to change tape; red (if, in fact, the band did stop for us) = changing tape, not in record.
    This, of course, did not fit in with the way the Grateful Dead worked. There were not going to be any rules. Early in the tour, I tried a “yellow,” asking for a possible wind-down of the jam so that we could change tape. Even though this had been an idea we had discussed Stateside, Jerry was having no part of it! As I switched on the yellow light, I looked at Garcia on our 13-inch B&W TV monitor. He looked up at the camera, knowing I was watching, and simply smiled and nodded no in a very friendly way. Don’t fuck with the music!
    We did some tape changes while the band was playing. We really did not want to interfere with the flow of the music.
    I was in the truck for the tour, parked in front of the Ampex 16-track. Since we had no record console in the path to tape, the 16-track itself was actually the only place to make any level adjustments, so with our custom MM1000, all 16 of the AG440 record amplifiers were clustered together in two stacks of eight, easy to keep an eye on. Betty Cantor did our live two-track mix in the truck; she was around eight feet away. The band really had no set lists in those days, so as the show went down, I would write one on each of the tape boxes. Bob Matthews was at front of house. We would chat on our intercom after songs, and he, Betty, and I would decide how many stars to give a song: Three stars meant it was a really good performance! The star system was used when we got back home in order to focus on candidates for the Europe ’72 album.
    Twenty-two shows in two months (57 days) is a vacation tour. The current tour-booking standard is to average 4.5 shows a week, and the Grateful Dead Europe ’72 tour was booked at around 2.5 shows per week. It does not get much better! Although it was an amazing time, with many days off, we took recording this tour very seriously and there was no relaxation on a show day at all.
    It was a high time for everyone. The music was just amazing and for me not seeing any of it except on a small B&W TV was OK. I did, however, get inside on the last night. Due to circumstance, I was alone in the truck. We had, only minutes before, put a fresh 14-inch reel up and had 1.5 hours before the next tape change. A microphone onstage needed attention and I had to go inside. I did this with a bit of trepidation; I really did not want to simply leave the truck, but no one else was available and the mic needed to be fixed. The band was in a spacey jam and was very unlikely to produce levels which would be a problem on tape.
    I locked the truck, went inside, and quickly fixed the bad mic, which was just a bit loose on its stand. As I went for the stairs to leave, the band dropped into “Morning Dew,” which has always been a favorite tune of mine. I decided to stay. Dynamically, the levels in the truck—which was now “running itself”—were going to be fine, and I had to stay! I parked myself behind Jerry’s rig for the song, a time I will absolutely never forget.
    Fast-forward to Alembic Studios, 60 Brady Street, San Francisco. The band is choosing the final songs for the album. I am walking down the hall towards the control room. Jerry bursts out, very animated as he catches me, “Hey, Wiz. Guess what? ‘Morning Dew’ from the Lyceum is for sure going on the album.” (Big smile from Jerry.) He says, very emphatically, “And no one was in the truck!” (Bigger smile.) The Grateful Dead’s music was built on taking chances, embracing the unknown, letting serendipity have its hand. So the fact that, while no one was in the truck, a true pearl was recorded was not unusual at all! It was just an affirmation that we were letting the muse guide us in an invisible and mysterious way.
    The tour was a truly magical time. It changed my life forever! If I were to be marooned on an island with only one piece of music I could ever listen to, “Morning Dew” from Europe ’72 would be it. Jerry’s solo says it all!

    Oh… One more anecdote, I got back to SF after a quick trip to Vermont to get my dog Zach… Got back to Alembic in time to meet the gear, we were now at 60 Brady street… Big M (Bob Matthews) grabs me and says, “Hey remember we had to fast wind some tapes off, so I want you to play the tour, the whole tour, so all the reels are playback packed at “Tails out” the control room is yours” So I said, “hey I’ll just live here till it’s done, ok?” Big smile from Big M… What a drag, I had to play the whole tour, update thoughts (Star System) on quality and I put another pair of 4310’s in the back of the control room and played the room miss through them… (Surround sound) sat and did a live mix for I am not sure how long, I would play and sleep, sleep and play… But it was pretty constant… Stop every show to clean the heads….. Then I moved up to Fairfax and really slept..
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  • Gary Farseer

    I have been dabbling in Goose's pool this year. Definitely very enjoyable stuff!

  • Gary Farseer

    In the mid 80's we a had massive gak parties. Some lasting several days and going thru massive amounts of cocaine. My last dalliance was summer 1986, sort of lines up with other events of 1986. I was born with a heart condition, thought I should stop as the heart palpitations might lead to an arrhythmia. Just before that, Crack started to come out. Remember being in a friend's friends house that had turned into a Crack lab. Man were they a factory. Started to change my views about Coke. Trying to put puzzle together on 86. Only time I smoked crack was in Manhattan, August 86. My brother and I had just left the Blue Note watching Dizzy Gillespie. We were already high on white lightning (name for blotter - and yes there is that deeper connection to Bear and The Human Be-In). We were walking the streets around 2am and we come across a cat hanging out on the front of a brownstone. He was smoking and we started talking. We ended up buying bag of pot from him. He also pulled out another joint and fired it up and then passed to us. After smoking it he told us it was laced with crack. There was only one other time that I was that high and that is the show I wrote yesterday saying I would write about it next year on anniversary of show. We were so incredibly high, that at 3am on a packed subway, New Yorkers were freaking out watching us. It was a ball. I have posted about that night a couple of times here with a lot more detail. So somewhere summer/fall 86 was my last ride. Not sure of timing, remember the party but not the time. Know it was shorty after NYC August 86, but then when was the crack house event...timing of Jerry getting sick. It is all a big blur now. But dang, that feeling of doing two quarter gram lines up each nostril was absolutely amazing. That is, a buddy of mine took a gram divided into four lines and each took two.

    Hmmm, I do remember an ear nose and throat doctor soaking my throat with cocaine before she sent a camera up my nose and down my throat. That was 2004, so I guess that counts too.

    Everything has its purpose but all things in moderation. Guess that is why I never crossed the line and became an addict to anything.

  • Sixtus_
    Goose at the Boston Pavilion

    ...headed to Goose the next two nights at the seaside pavilion in Boston; looks iffy with thunder expected for most of this afternoon/evening, but tomorrow looks good. Will be the start of their Fall tour here before they head to Europe in November for the first time. I've been on this ride for the past 18 months or so, and I have to admit it's been amazing so far with no limits in sight. Each show is literally the best show you've seen, until the next one. Where have we heard that one before?? They are on a true roll. For any who may be skeptical, this is a full-hearted prompt to go and dip that toe into the waters to see what its all about. A lot of stuff on The Tube with a U, and Bandcamp has all of their shows and albums to listen for free (it's all also on Nugs).

    Also saw that Phish announced their first festival in many years, holding a spot for next summer already.
    In Delaware of all places!
    Hey Garth, we're in Delaware....

    Be Well People!

  • Gary Farseer

    check DM.

  • Oroborous
    Toot toot totsie

    No Bueno!

    It was around, luckily we were too poor for that. (It was expensive then)
    Occasionally, maybe for special occasions, or weddings or NYE etc, but fortunately only rarely.
    If you’ve never, don’t bother.

  • Oroborous

    My understanding is the Fillmore 71 tapes were chopped up to use for Skull Fuck and other things.
    Supposedly that’s why they did Ladies and Gentlemen: to use the best of what was available…

  • daverock
    When your day is done..

    Cocaine never appeared in my orbit when I was young, so I never took it either. I'm sure if it had appeared during my teens I would have had a dabble - I believed in living adventurously. I suppose I could have had a go later in life, but I never felt it was worth it, all things considered. I am not sure what the characteristics of a coke inspired jam would be.

    I would watch a biopic of Jerry if it was on the telly. But I would have very, very low expectations.

  • sheik yerbones
    multitracks recordings

    Recently listening to Three from the vault, St Louis 71, and Europe 72, I am just asking about the multitracks recordings if there is anything about Fillmore East 71 (a full show 27 or 29) or the final run at winterland in 74 (full show) - St louis is a good show but the sound is not as shining as the others. I return to the capitol 71 shows, they are so good, great shows as a quintet.

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Who's ready to boogie with a little Brent-era Grateful Dead from the Gateway to the West? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 47 features the complete unreleased show from Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO, 12/9/79 and you're going to need stamina because this one is high energy from start to finish.

By the time December 1979 rolled around, Brent Mydland had fully cemented his place in the Grateful Dead canon with his twinkling keys, harmonic tenor, and songwriting skills. No more is that evident than at this show boasting 25 songs including soon-to-be classics from GO TO HEAVEN like "Alabama Getaway," "Don't Ease Me In," "Lost Sailor," and the Brent-penned "Easy To Love You." It's also packed with whirling takes on fan-favorites like "Brown-Eyed Women," "Shakedown Street," and "Terrapin Station." And you've never heard a 2nd set quite like this with eight songs before "Drums" including an improvised "Jam" launching from the end of "Saint Of Circumstance." It doesn't stop there though, with a blazing finale of "Bertha>Good Lovin'" and perhaps one of the best versions of "Don't Ease Me In" the band ever did play. We've rounded out Disc Three with an extra nugget from '79.

Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, this release was recorded by Dan Healy and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering. Grab a copy while you can.

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10 years 8 months

In 11/20/71. When I first saw this rumor a couple hours ago here, I looked up the setlist hoping it had a Dark Star. Nope, almost the same setlist from Albuquerque. Which, I loved DaP 26 11/17/71 and 12/14/71. I'd be surprised if this is better, and if it's not, then I'd have rather had something from earlier in 1971, before Keith. April or something from summer, as those August shows on DiP 35 are smoking. But also admit to wishing that crap about 48 rhyming led to a release from 1968. This is also another missed opportunity for 8/4/76 to come out of the Vault. If there's a grayed-out silver lining, I hope Bill Walton again submits the liner notes. He'd be happier, as his team went undefeated that year, as opposed to the crushing defeats to come in the season following the 1973 show, which I think he brought up in those liners. Love Walton and his thirst for life. Wish I had that attitude about this release, just nonplussed about it.

46 was by far the Pick of the Year, and among the best in the series, IMO. That was a tentpole show I didn't know I needed to know. I like it better than the Baltimore (9/17?) DiP and Waterbury (9/24?) from 30 Trips. Wonderful companion to 9/21/72 DiP 36 (which didn't really need a companion with that excellent filler from Folsom Field). Off to pick up my replacements for HCS, minus d1 of 5/13, which they ran out of replacements for... But well under the 8 weeks they told me it could take, so that's good.

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3 years 11 months

Boy howdy and hot damn but didn't Billy Strings do a show in Sacto last night. Three and a half hours of music, with no break.

(At what would've been the set break, he just walked to the front of the stage, said he felt like picking, and asked the fans for requests. He wound up doing ten songs, completely off the cuff, mostly bone-basic roots stuff like John Henry and Beaumont Rag. All great!)

Man, that cat can play some guitar. And his band really jams: they took numbers like Turmoil and Tinfoil and turned them into 20 minute improvisations that went from traditional blue grass breakdowns to the surface of Jupiter. And beyond. Some of it sounded, I shit you not, like EDM.

He also seems like a very humble guy, somebody who just loves the music so much he would literally play all night if they'd let him. Kind of reminds me of another blue grass-inspired guitarist we used to know.

One of the best shows I've see in years. (Disclaimer: I was high AF, but I'm pretty sure it would've actually still been really good regardless.) Sky's the limit for this guy. Check him out if you haven't already. Like all musicians worth talking about, he's way better live.

But not a raging doozy

Oh well. Maybe because I am in one of those "anything but GD" phases, I am hohum about this new one. I don't wanna whine....

41 years of consuming mass quantities of GD....have I hit my limit? Or are there still diamonds in the mine?

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17 years 2 months

In reply to by proudfoot


....I've been there. Just one thin mint.
Last Five.
The Who - My Generation
TOOL - 10,000 Days
GD - Wake Of The Flood 50th
The Cult - Sonic Temple
Blue Oyster Cult - On Your Feet Or On Your Knees.
The Who ended. Went to you toob. This guy Keith is eating the best of everything at this place called Pike Place in Seattle.
I need to go to Seattle now. Yum.

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11 years 11 months

In reply to by adedhed68


but I love 71.

I have spent a fair amount of time recently watching videos of people listening to the Grateful Dead for the first time. Pretty cool stuff as most of them are younger. It brings me back to the time when I first heard the band. I give a lot of credit to Jamel. Good job, young man.

This band was a gift to mankind.

Thumbs up for mentioning Donovan. One of the real greats - sadly overlooked. Amazing that he recorded Sunshine Superman as early as 1965.
Blue Oyster Cult too - I played "Spectres" the other night. I'd forgotten how good it is. I like all there albums up to "Fire of Unknown Origin",but if you were only going to get one, "On Your Feet..." would be that one.

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Last week, I think it was, I listed my "Top - 3-non-Dark-Star-Daves".. Albuquerque was one of them - it is THAT good.. Hopefully 48 will be as hot.. It can fit on 2 cds, I think - so maybe we will get the Felt Forum Dark Star.. ? Bw to all, from not so sunny Copenhagen.

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by Danehead


From what I recall of hearing it when I did all the 71s in order in 2021, this show is above average for 71, but not RJ.
Another missed opportunity for top shelvers like:
11/7/71 DS
12/5/71 DS
12/15/71 DS
Or even perhaps 12/2 or 12/4…

EDIT: 10/26 should have been 10/29

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10 years

In reply to by Oroborous


Oro- any of those first three 1971 shows from November and December that you,list with DS, would have made a great release. There might be a risk with 11/20 that it satisfies few people -obviously not the ones that want 80'-90's shows - and maybe not even ones who want more Keith era shows. Some seem happy enough though, so who knows?

They must be saving 1968, primal 1969 -ie from the first 5 months, and 1970 for the beginning of next year.

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16 years 3 months

Hey rockers!!!

Only time for a short response..............

11/20/71 is a decent, solid, good show. No classic, but not junk either. Personally I would be happy with its release, but I have a big biased toward 1971. One thing working in its favor is the fact that really high quality copies are not commonly circulating, fair-to-middling FMs are pretty much what's out there.

As many others have said, there are many other better 71s, but TPTB don't always release what we think is "best". I'm still waiting for a release of full soundboard 12/5/71---one of the great Holy Grails of a very fine year. 12/1 would also be an interesting release, especially if they could find the "missing soundboard" of the first set.

Have really been in serious lurker mode recently due to health issues with myself and my wife, but I still check in occasionally.............

Rock on!!

Music comes from a place we don't know......
P.S. Been digging the newly released 11/1/1973...............

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It's the best, the food is outta control. Sushi, chowder, salmon, all incredible. For out of towners, I take them to Matt's at the Market. When I'm down there by myself, there is a hole-in-the-wall named Oriental Mart. They won a James Beard for authenticity or something, been there like 30 years. Top it all off with a beer at Old Stove Brewing you got a day! Only bummer is the city started allowing cruise ships to dock at the pier (2014ish) where Pike is, and man do they crowd the place up. It's always been crowded, but now it's insane, at least until cruise ship season ends, which I think was Oct 1. Moved here from MD 26 years ago and loved it from day one, I also enjoy rain though, so.....

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In reply to by itsburnsy


Hey Doc wishing you and the Mrs a speedy recovery!
I’m glad you got another official 71!

Love Seattle, our last real vaca, in 2013.
As well as many wonderful sights, a Beer Mecca!. TOO kept giving me grief as I constantly wanted to check out brewpubs. Her: “I didn’t come here to watch you drink!” Lol, ok luv, point taken lol.
Pike place was mobbed, we did have a fine Bfast at some place there overlooking the water?

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16 years 3 months


10/26/71 was released long ago, it was in the digital download series. Second set a bit "short" but has some great playing. The October Detroit show with the Dark Star would be a good release----Latvala himself rated that Star very very highly. New Years 71 is the typical loose, fun New Years show, with some very fine moments.

Interesting that several Fall/Winter 71 shows have been released, but except for the FE mini-box nothing from April has popped up. Perhaps a box set one of these years? I would recommend second Music Hall, Pittsburgh, Bucknell (ethereal and we know it's in the vault), Cortland, Providence (delightfully crunchy), and Bangor (one of my little guilty pleasures and such fun). A Manhattan Center mini-box would also be nice.

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus............

Rock on,

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.........

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Member for

7 years 8 months

It was actually the announcement in late 2016 (that Dave's Volume 22 would be 12/7/71 Felt Forum) that finally got me to become a Dave's Picks subscriber.

But I'm still waiting for 12/5/71. I can cite several shows that basically changed my life... 8/27/72, 2/9/73 and 5/26/73. But if we go back to '71, this second night of four at the Felt Forum is my pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow. Please please please Dr. Lemieux, let this one see the light of day. The FM has sustained me all these years, but...

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Member for

17 years 3 months

In reply to by Obeah


Yeah OBEAH, part of 12/5 was one of my first tapes. We actually learned to Play I washed My Hands in my first real band off that tape lol

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Member for

5 years 6 months

If fall 71 is the pick, bring it on! It's kinda funny this date has been "leaked" as DP #48, as i've been spending some time with the fall 71 releases the last week or so. The 11/15/71 Road Trips release is a favorite, Absouloutly amazing stuff! A very Jerry show indeed!

I gave the 2015 bonus disc from 3/27& 3/21/72 a spin today on my walk. This is some absoultely primo stuff. If you haven't broken this one out in a while, do so! ASAP

Rock on, gang

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Member for

17 years 2 months

In reply to by jonathan918@GD


....is that Phish's show tonight in Nashville is officially their 2000'th.
Shazam I say!!
Oh. And trump looks fucked. As is the circus that is the GOP.
Get that reality show crap out of the country. It's embarrassing.
Never liked reality shows from the start.
Shazam I say! Squared!!

Husker Du zen arcade
Black Sabbath first album
Motorhead overnight sensation
Motorhead bomber
Motorhead ace of spades

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Member for

15 years 3 months

If it really is going to be 11/20/71, I recall it was broadcast live on FM radio. I was a senior in high school living in the LA area at the time and just getting into the Dead (Dark Star on Live Dead did it - with some help from the orange). My friends and I were at a house for a typical party (beer, weed and in search of the allusive females). The concert was on the radio and we were not really listening to it but we all kind of enjoyed it.

Turns out a friend of mine had his reel to reel going and caught the Truckin-TOO-Ramble on Rose part. We listened to this a lot and thought it was fantastic. I guess most (if not all) the concerts on that tour were broadcast live so I expect some other releases down the road (Dave's 79?).

This should be a fun companion piece to Dave's 46...both in LA a little less than a year apart. Same lineup. Someone else here mentioned they thought 46 was the highlight of the year and I would not challenge that.

Thanks Dave and all the Powers that be for the incredible releases. What other musical institution does this kind of thing? History at our fingertips.

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Member for

10 years

In reply to by hb672


HB672 - you're not wrong there. An avalanche of Dead FM recordings - quite a few from 1971, have been released in Europe over the last 5 years or so. There was a bit of chit chat on here a few years ago about one of these - a box set of
7 Dead shows from 1971 referred to as the Yellow Box. To me, they are in the same bag as bootlegs - they are alright if you have everything officially released and want more on cd or vinyl, but they aren't up to the standard, sound wise, of Dave's Picks or anything released on here. I would replace any of one the shows in the Yellow Box if it was to be released as a Dave's Picks.

It's not just the Dead that have shows released in this grey area, of course. A heck of a lot of live Pink Floyd from 1970-1972 has also been released recently. Again FM recorded shows mainly. The same seems to apply - not the greatest sound quality, but interesting enough. Occasionally there are reviews on Amazon, where someone complains about the sound quality - which does suggest they think they are buying something the bands in question have approved. Which is clearly not the case.

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Member for

2 years 10 months

There is a great bootleg of 10/12/68 out there.

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Member for

10 years

In reply to by billy the kiddd


Yes, that's a cracker. It would be great if something like that could come out as a Dave's Picks. Never mind 3 cds of really well played shorter songs, with a bonus disc and merchandise. Just a single disc of pure gold.

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Member for

16 years 3 months

Morning, rockers!!!

The yellow box of 1971 FM broadcasts is a bootleg and should be avoided. Especially because very high quality copies of those shows freely circulate, and there's people willing to share. Hint hint..............

Two other 1971 Dead shows were widely bootlegged---the 12/5 Felt Forum show and the 7/2 Fillmore West show. Yes, I had those way back in the day..............

As far as the recent live Floyd releases, those are well circulated and pretty much all audience recorded shows, except for one very early 1972 partial show, which is a sub-par soundboard. Decent enough sound, and some of the earliest live Dark Side material out there. As a huge Floyd fan, these are interesting historical documents, but almost all have been around for quite some time. Not sure why the Floyd released all these, but I think it has to do with some quirky European copyright issues.

Off to the morgue, hafta take care of a double homicide.............

Music, the greatest good that mortals know and all of heaven we have hear below........

Rock on!

Music is the great equalizer.............

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Member for

1 year

The show I more than anyother would like to see released (my birthday..). Hey "Bluecrow" - what is JOTW.. ? BW..

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Member for

8 years 11 months

In reply to by Danehead


Jam Of The Week - on the home page under Features.

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Member for

4 years 1 month

In reply to by bluecrow


Beavis voice: "YES! YES!"

good taste, Danehead.

Gotta hear JOTW....

And applause for BTK as always and for Daverock for the quote of the day and for Bluecrow for directing me to JOTW

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Member for

4 years 1 month

In reply to by proudfoot


Doesnt include what I _want_ it to include, but no complaints.

And NO TALKERS!!! :)))

Just be ready for an early withdrawal

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Member for

1 year

Just heard the 45 minutes or so of 1/21/71 - great, great sound, fun set-list - never heard Pig on harmonica on Truckin before.. And that all-time stage-remark by him.. Hope they have the full show - thanks Bluecrow..

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Member for

8 years 11 months

In reply to by Danehead


Danehead - from what I see, 2 of the sbd reels from this show have been circulating for awhile but not the one on JOTW. Notes regarding the earlier circulating reels state that Latvala couldn't find others from this show in the vault so maybe the JOTW is returned reel(s), possibly one of several for the show (fingers crossed). You can stream those early circulating bits on either relisten or the archive, plus there's an audience tape of whole show that to my ears sounds okay for the era (okay, at times a bit too "audiency.") Of note, show had last Cosmic Charlie until 1976. A lot of Pig harp playing on Trucking! And yeah PF, that's very much a harsh cut at the end. Sigh.

Decided to spin 11/17/71 ABQ in anticipation of the new DaP coming our way.

Enjoy the Fall weekend folks. It's sweet weather here in the Desert Southwest.

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Member for

16 years 3 months

Hey rockers!!!

Doers anybody know how to "capture" that 1/21/71 from JOTW? And what about the "other two reels" that somebody mentioned????

Sorry, I've been outta touch...............

Rock on,

The past is the beginning of the beginning and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn......

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Member for

9 years 11 months

The release that really turned me on to '71! Shines something raw and brilliant. Also my favorite artwork for the DaP releases. Especially that hologram version.

Lightnin' Hopkins, Live at the Rising Sun
Bob Dylan, Fallen Angels
Bob Dylan, Rough and Rowdy Ways
Bob Dylan, Love and Theft
Bob Dylan, Nashville Skyline

(getting ready to see our Bard next Saturday)

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Member for

17 years 2 months

In reply to by FiveBranch


....they have plateaus and clouds and green chilis for dayssss.
And a top five state flag to boot.
The Santa Fe shows will eventually be officially released. Mark my words.
Dave! Do it! It would be welcomed with open arms! Trust me.
Vguy72 drops the gavel. End of session.
I'll even put up a petition to be signed if that's what needs for it to happen.
Sign here please. Thank you. Here's your sticker.
Who's with me?

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Member for

10 years

I haven't met a NM show I didn't like.

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Member for

13 years 10 months

"Oracle Rising: the Re-issue of the "San Francisco Oracle"
"San Francisco Oracle" Publisher Allen Cohen was a psychedelic pioneer during the wild days of the 1960's Haight/Ashbury. In this DTV interview we are re-releasing this week, he describes the rainbow-colored newspaper of art, poems and insightful articles as "the Rosetta Stone of the forgotten civilization called the Hippies."

Find it at dreamswedreamed dot com.

A personal note: this is the last video we released from episode 17 of Dead Head TV. When Brent Mydland passed suddenly in July 1990, the DTV crew put aside several upcoming video projects to produce during several months a half-hour tribute to Brent, which would become episode 18, the last episode of Dead Head TV. Stay tuned, we will release the Brent Tribute very soon.

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Member for

13 years 10 months

We're currently in Lake Tahoe, California, and we're going to see Billy Strings tomorrow at the brand new Tahoe Blue Event Center, located barely past Stateline. I saw him last year at Frost, right before Hardly Strictly weekend. Great show, electric bluegrass with a touch of psychedelia. We have the ultimate nosebleed seats, all we could get, but Billy has a fine light show and projections so I think we'll be alright. I'm looking forward to checking out this brand new venue!

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Member for

13 years 10 months

Just finished my first listen to this release. Love the tiger artwork. Really strong release, Jerry sounds great. The bonus stuff from The Stone is an extra treat, a little looser with great jamming. Jerry's guitar tone is exquisite. KInd of surprising to see Jerry with two keybordists, Melvin on B3 and Jimmy Warren on Keys. Adds another dimension, I think. Time for me to listen to this again.

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Member for

11 years 10 months

Got Third Man's Vault 57 in yesterday. (all the Syd Barrett solo albums)

Very nice job on the packaging.

(also the shipping box was GREAT. Be very hard to damage in a box like that)

Come on. Why have there been no Greek releases? 10/20/68 not included.

9 11 81 BTK and Marye RAVE about this show
9 12 81 LOADED
9 13 81 yup
5 21 82 tasty
5 22 82 is playing as I write this
5 23 82 yowzah

And many more

Either not in vault (boo)
Saving for a box set (saving up for that in my wookie bank)
Or the honey badgers dont care.

I will go with the second option to win and the first to place.

The third option is unthinkable.

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Member for

8 years 10 months

In reply to by proudfoot






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