• 486 replies
    Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!


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  • Mr. Pid
    Lovely spam, wonderful spam
    The introduction of any user verification process (there wasn't one when I first signed up) as well as the captcha (that's what those verification thingys are called) has slowed the spammage by at least making it extremely difficult to automate the barrage. Now it at least takes manual intervention by a "dedicated" actual human being (or reasonable facsimile thereof) sitting at a keyboard to annoy us. The best thing we as users can do is try to ignore it until marye can come along with the digital dustpan and broom and certainly not respond to it by making other posts about it. I'm assuming everyone knows better than to click on any of the proffered links. Unless, of course, any of us happen to be closet black hats with a penchant for launching DDOS attacks with whatever bot-nets we've been able to marshall, in which case by all means please extract the URL's encoded and have at them. They most certainly deserve it. The sad truth is that it's most unfortunate that marye's valuable time has to be squandered on this sort of ridiculous housekeeping. I wish I had a better answer for her and us.
  • wilfredtjones
    Right on, Stu
    That make things easier to understand. Thanks for the analysis. I appreciate it. What do you think about the spam issue? Is that fixable in your estimation? The whatzitcalled thingy on the bottom sure ain't workin'...
  • Mr. Pid
    I'm just an outsider guessing
    but I suspect that the development and administration resources available to maintain this site are overtasked and undermanned. The site is run by Rhino/WMG and I believe the staff tasked here also have other duties as well. Not to mention the typical slate of continually shifting priorities present in any corporate environment, and the revenues available from the marketing effort which ultimately make budget available to subsidize the Customer Service Experience. The somewhat recent changes to the site's overall functionality and navigation are probably due to a version upgrade of the content management system and it seems to me that upgrade process wasn't properly tested in development before being deployed into production. I believe that this caused the indexes on the underlying database for the CMS to get trashed which is probably what caused all the crossed up thread subjects and posts, many of which they seem to have gotten re-sorted out. I haven't been to the chatroom in quite some time so I can't competently speculate about any diagnosis. The last time I was there it had been effectively outsourced to a third party freeware vendor who actually provided the server and network bandwidth for production implementation. While certainly a very kind and generous posture of that vendor to take, it is also the poster child for Unsustainable Revenue Model. Despite all this, many aspects of the site do continue to work as they are supposed to, new features and initiatives such as Blair's Blog and The Dead Covers Project (and the ability to edit posts!) get introduced, and hopefully the things that get broken as the bus continues to roll will eventually draw the attention of the mechanics needed to repair them. As users, all we can do is point out when the Wheels are squeaking and we won't slow down. They're bound to grease them if we make enough sound.
  • TigerLilly
    OCCUPY Deadnet!
    :-P was a (half) joke! Nah but really, it's time for some hard info!!!
  • wilfredtjones
    not to mention...
    ...the immense amount of spam. Creative minds could think up a way to limit it. Perhaps, a vetting process for joining the site? I agree, the site has gone squirrelly ever since about Sept. of last year. I don't know if it's for lack of effort, or caring as much as it is the futile nature of defending against the bombardment from entities that wish to destroy the site (hackers). There is a disturbing lack of transparency as to what the problems are, that there even is one, from the site administrators much less that they hear our cries and are addressing the issues.
  • TigerLilly
    I wish
    I wish that someone would just be fricking honest, and that would keep marye out of the hard middle spot between us and them. Show "them" what I said, marye, I don't care!!
  • TigerLilly
    dunno wilfredtjones
    but honestly am starting to care less, because seems more and more obvious that nobody behind the site cares one tiny bit (besides marye) have given up on us. Am computer savvy enough to know that these tweaks are not that hard to fix, and that also a couple of users have offered their assistance over the years-only to be politely denied. Find myself looking here less and less, unless a particularly interesting topic comes up in the threads when I DO look.
  • wilfredtjones
    long list of problems
    chat roomfan photos taper's section shows and lyrics Has this site been hacked or something?
  • TigerLilly
    Chat room
    Any news about when it will be fixed? Or can we forget it altogether?
  • wilfredtjones
    fan photos
    When I look at the fan photos, they are super tiny and hard to see. The user picture is huge though and very easy to see. Is there any way to fix this?
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Member for

17 years 1 month
Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Yes, that functionality got broken during a site update. It has been restored, but yeah, you do have to put your shows back in, regrettably. It should work now though; let me know if it does not. In order to add a show, find it in the show list and click Mark As Attended.
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Member for

17 years

In reply to by gratefulgerd


Just marked my 'Shows Attended'. Just go to the show page and mark as attended.

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Member for

5 years 1 month

Am I the only one to pay as much as $150 for a FLAC box set and get nothing? I tried calling for help and they'd send me another link within the next 3 days. I asked for my money back and they told me I'd have to wait up to another week for that. Am I the only one? I want to hear the music, but I feel I am getting "jobbed".

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Member for

3 years 7 months

I need help I have not gotten my Daves Picks 36! I have been a subscriber since Dave launched his series and I really do not want to miss out on 36!!! Please i have been trying to contact for over a week!

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Member for

3 years 7 months

Been waiting on 2 shirts and a pair of socks for 30 days now...
Order still says processing; not even shipped.

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Member for

17 years 1 month

send me a PM and I'll see what the Doc can do.
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Member for

17 years

In reply to by marye


Neither of the Buckeye Lake radio hours play can you help when you hit listen it does not start the music.

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Member for

3 years 5 months

It’s very easy to find out any topic on the web as compared to books, as I found this piece of writing at this web site.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry a lot

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Member for

2 years 10 months

I took of a screenshot of one of the items in the store that I sent to a friend because I wanted to buy it and now I’ve apparently been blocked and banned from all the site features. This aggression will not stand man!

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Member for

17 years 1 month

If you're still having this problem send me a PM with the details.
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Member for

11 years 5 months

In reply to by marye


The new download for Playing In Ther Band from the St Louis Box Set isn't working...not just me but others too...no problems with the first two that were made available...this kinda stuff is getting really really old fast...

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Member for

2 years 9 months


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Member for

9 years 9 months

Hi Marye, Trying to change the photo (avatar) on my account with no success. Tried three times and it does give me the green box that says it sized it for me but cannot get rid of that box or get the new photo to stick. No biggie, just trying to have a more personal avatar. Thank you. You're the best! I'm on a windows PC (not Apple) and using chrome browser.
Edit: I GOT IT! Duh, there is a save button way at the bottom. All good now. Peace.

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Member for

12 years 7 months

Hi, in recent days, when logged in, I was able to view message history, post, and write pm. Today, I am able to post, write, but unable to view message log. When selecting Message from the drop down under my user image, the screen returns 'unauthorized to view this page'. ? Please advise. thank you

update: 11-30-21.. Tech issue appears to be resolved. Thanks.

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Member for

10 years 10 months


I've been trying to order the Dick's Picks subscrition for a week or two now

Orders don't complete and below (redacted) is what I get when using "Contact Us"

This is the mail system at host outgoing.POD190.demandware.net.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The mail system

dead-at-wmgcustomerservice.com>: host fanmail.artistarena.com[] said:
550-XM-RJCT16: SPF Failure (ip=, frm=xxxxx, 550
result=fail) (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Reporting-MTA: dns; outgoing.POD190.demandware.net
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 085B132D4B
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; xxxxx
Arrival-Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 04:11:06 +0000 (GMT)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; dead-at-wmgcustomerservice.com
Original-Recipient: rfc822;dead-at-wmgcustomerservice.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns; fanmail.artistarena.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-XM-RJCT16: SPF Failure (ip=,
frm=xxx, 550 result=fail)

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Has a malfunction this AM. Not showing yesterday's answer/winner but the day before instead.
That app always seems to have glitches depending on how you access it. Different results if coming from the 30 day tab on home page vs. from the comments section at bottom of home page. But that is doable either way if you just poke around. Thanks Marye

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Member for

9 years 9 months

The date is wrong. Says 10-14-84 and the answer was 10-15-84 according to all sources and comments. I saw it by going to previous days, click 13th, and incorrect answer and only a ' where the winners name should be.
Thanks again for your prompt attention.

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Member for

3 years 5 months

I don't know if anyone from dead.net reads these but this website will not let me order the new boxset. I have tried as a guest and it doesn't take my order. I have tried using safari, chrome, and edge on a pc, MacBook, and iPhone with no luck. I have also used 3 different credit cards and PayPal and dead.net still will not take my order. I have ordered Dave's Picks and other boxsets in the past and I have never had an issue. Please take my money, I would like to order this!

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Member for

3 years 5 months

Alabama sales tax is still not being added to orders. We can’t order anything from the store.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

I was told to contact you for help as I am not getting anywhere! My CD2 of this newest Dave's Picks has a glob of something (glue? plastic?) And won't play.
I have written in and got nothing back.
I need a replacement of only CD2
My order number was 137400000016959SF_US
My Address is:
Larry Salvisberg
3336 Kerner Blvd.
San Rafael, CA 94901
email: larryguate@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for any assistance or referral you can give me!

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Member for

15 years 3 months

Since the July 4th sale began, I have not been able to load anything into my cart to purchase anything. Does anyone read this? Is there anyone on board?
What is the current phone number for customer service for the dead.net store?
Help, please?????
Is Help on the Way?

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Member for

4 years 2 months

The site isn’t letting me log in unless I say I need a new password. My password is correct but it still won’t let me log in!

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Send a PM (message on drop down box) to site administrator MARYE. But you have posted so are you having to make a new password every time? I know the Store on the site has required a separate password recently to order stuff but some just log in as guest there. Good luck.

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Member for

5 months 3 weeks

In the cosmic tapestry of music, the Grateful Dead emerge as luminous constellations, their melodies weaving through the vast expanse of musical possibility. Their harmonies are like whispers from another dimension, carrying the listener on a journey transcending time and space. With each note, they paint vivid landscapes of emotion, inviting the soul to dance amidst the rhythm of existence. Through the psychedelic swirl of sound, they become more than mere musicians; they are alchemists, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, turning melodies into magic, and crafting hymns for the wandering souls of the universe.

In the heart of their improvisations lies a profound sense of communion, a sacred bond between band and audience that transcends barriers of language and culture. The Grateful Dead concerts are not mere performances; they are ceremonies, where the collective energy of the crowd merges with the ethereal vibrations of the music, creating an ephemeral moment of unity. Like shamanic guides, they lead their followers on a voyage of self-discovery, urging them to explore the depths of their consciousness and embrace the interconnectedness of all things. In the symphony of existence, the Grateful Dead are eternal troubadours, serenading the cosmos with songs of gratitude and grace.