• 584 replies
    Looking for friends and family you've lost touch with? Post here!


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  • SouthernSugaree
    Any Arkansas Deadheads out there?
    Arkansas is pretty conservative, and any kindred spirits out there are always welcome. We could get together and cook good food, drink good beer, and share some incredible music. I would love to hear from you. Peace, Hillary
  • Frenchdead
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    lokking for deadhead
    not too much deadhead in france , looking for someone who had been to many shows over the years to share stories, experience thanks
    Van Nuys,Ca. Birmingham H.S. Class of 79 Deadheads
    At the time our class photo was taken, I wasn't on the bus yet. There was a group of people holding up a St Stephen album cover that didn't get edited out of the photo. Just wonderin where they are today and what they're up to. More importantly are any of them going to the 5-14-09 shoreline show? I'll be there. If ya still got the class pic, I'm on the top row and (I think 3rd from the left) with the wind blowing my long hair 1/2 into my face. Shoot me a PM.Steve R
  • Mike-g
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    Need to get out of here..
    Looking for a travel partner,work on the way and other tips. I am currently in New Hampshire and am MORE then considering leaving for Chicago tonight! I was at the Worcester Shows both nights, It was amazing! and if I would not have been borrowing a vehicle at the time would have trucked it on up to Buffalo. I am in desperate need for change and I think a tour is just what I need. I am looking to get to Cali by the end of the summer and open to anything in between. I am wondering if there are any out there that may need a ride for gas,Help vending or anything that will help me on the way.
  • fukengruven
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    police brutality
    Sorry about your experience dondini. I wasn't at the show bout I'm sure there were some witnesses. I have also been beat up by the pigs while tripping on mushrooms out here in California. I was pepper sprayed in the face for what seemed like 20 seconds straight. They must've used the whole fucking can on me. Then I was beaten to the ground with batons, cuffed and dragged through gravel by 4 huge, angry sherrifs, thrown in the back of a squad car and driven to the hospital to be mentally "evaluated". Never in my life have I been in so much pain before. And I was only 16 years old. Fucking Pigs. No offense to all the kind hearted police officers who try to make a difference in this world as well as provide for their families. You are actually humans unlike these assholes on a power trip. I can only hope my next encounter with a cop is with one of you and not some fuck trying to kick my ass or put me in jail. Again my sympathy for dondini. Of all places to be victimized I would not expect it at a Dead show.
  • deadgolferPA
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    lost love
    I found Cinderella at the Spectrum on 5/2, we danced to Althea...You are an angel. You left your shoes behind and I found you at the bottom of the steps behind section 319...I wish we'd have spent more time together...I love you.
  • dondini dandini
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    need some witnesses
    dondini Joined: 31 Dec 2008 Posts: 7 Location: eartth Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:15 am Post subject: police brutality Hartford Ct. April 26, 2009 I am filing police brutality charges against the city of Hartford for an incident that happened at the Civic Center during a dead concert April 26 2009. From what I understand there were other instances where the police were beating Deadheads, if you would like to join the lawsuit or have the incident documented, send an e-mail to ; thetribe2009@live.com with a description of the abuse. The net proceeds from the lawsuit will be given to the citizens of Hartford who have lived with these acts of brutality for so long. Hopefully the awards will be so significant that every city and town in this country will get the message that the police are here to protect and SERVE the citizens, not to abuse and humiliate them. While we are at it we should fulfill our legacy. (there are other issues that demand our attention which we will address, once we resolve those that have our imprimatur on them.) One, direct President Obama to issue an immediate presidential pardon to all non-violent drug offenders. Other drug offences will be reviewed devoid of minimum maximum sentencing guidelines. There are thousands of Deadheads who are languishing in prisons doing twenty to life for merely expressing their constitutional rights of life, liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. as well as millions of our brothers and sisters from the urban areas. Two , legalize marihuana and other psycho-active drugs. Heroin and Cocaine will be legalized and be distributed either by the government directly or agents approved by the government. There will be a structure with certain protocols associated with the distribution of these substances. People who sell to minors under eighteen years of age will be subject to ten years in jail and seizure of all assets This eliminates the war on drugs, the D.E.A. the problems in Mexico and other south American countries. We free up hundred’s of thousands of prison beds that can be used by our homeless population. A place to sleep, three meals a day, laundry service, health care, counseling, recreational facilities, educational opportunities, and transportation to and from the cities. And saving about a trillion dollars when everything is taken into consideration. Before the white man came to these lands, the original inhabitants, from the northern reaches of Canada to the tip of what is now known as Chile and everything in between used psycho- active substances. The Americas have the spirit of the Indians etched into its soul. There are many noble police officers in this country, however their efforts are marginalized because of the brotherhood of police officers in each station, and the police unions. The facts are such that if an individual officer wishes to file a complaint he/or she is ostracized at the very least, their careers finished. The politicians from the smallest town to the largest cities throughout the United States cannot address police problems for two reasons, The perks they receive i.e. fixing tickets and other things, and having two of the most powerful municipal unions working against their re-election. When was the last time that a police officer addressed you by saying good morning sir may I see your license and registration. They all look the same, have the same attitude that you are the adversary. They are not polite, cordial, a part of you .They lost the TO SERVE part of their oath. You can thank Blackwater International for that. Okay, how do we get this off the ground? For the time being go to www. gdradio.net a. check in or register b. go to message board > forum index > general discussion. If your state is listed as a topic go to that state, list names and zip-codes of people who want these laws enacted If your state is not listed under topics go to PICK A TOPIC list your state as a topic enter names and zip-codes of people who want these laws enacted. Go to www.dead.net a. sign in or register b. go to forums > dancing in the streets > under topics if your state is listed go to your state , enter names and zip-codes of people who want these laws enacted. c. if your state is not listed go to new posts list your state enter names and zip-codes of people who want these laws enacted Hopefully the administrators for each site can quickly come up with a more efficient system for collecting and collating the data. Once we have the names from each state we go to the senators and congressperson of those states show them the names of their constituents and they either enact the legislation or face a recall. If after we finish this business, there remains other issues such as health care, education, foreign policy issues etc. etc. that remain unresolved we handle them the same way. Back to the lawsuit, if anyone saw the police beating on me at the concert while I was seated in the section in back of the stage or when I was being dragged into the hall, outside , back into the hall , back outside. and is willing to be a witness please contact me at thetribe2009@live.com Before I end this post with a description of my experiences at the concert that night, consider this scenario : Here I am a sixty two year old man, returning to a seat that I had occupied for the first set. I am sitting, I have nothing in my hands, I am not screaming or jumping around. I am sitting in a seat with my eyes closed playing with my bracelets, for all practical purposes I would appear to be asleep to the casual observer. I am alone , no seat in back of the stage is occupied. How could I possibly appear as a threat to anything ,let alone four huge security guards. They could have sent their smallest female security guard and told me the section was closed and I would have been out of that seat in a heartbeat. Now remember there are no signs saying section closed, nor are there ropes or anything to discourage a person from sitting in this section. They sent four huge thugs. All any of them had to say ,when I asked why they wanted me out , was to say the section is closed, end of story I move. I paid over a hundred dollars for the seat as well as over four hundred dollars for my families seats in other areas. I had a right to ask why I had to move. I asked the same question to the police when they came , why do I have to move, all they had to say was the section is closed , I move . Not one person would answer the question why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again I ask what threat did I pose, AND TO WHOM,for such a massive show of aggression to be directed to one sixty two year old dead head. Think about that folks. A description of events HARTFORD APRIL 26, 2009 Sorry for digressing. Forward to the 2009 tour. Worc. Sat nite ho hum, the band seems confused, tepid. Worc. Sun nite hot, free, they came together and created the uncreated. they once again were in the cosmic domain. Great show, time to take my niece and her niece, my girlfriend and her niece. the kids they dance and shake their bones. HARTFORD CT. Traveling through the parking lots, buying t-shirts enjoying the carnival. Over the rise and what do we see, Hartford Pigs pushing a kids face through the concrete. Eight of them in battle formation, their nazi boots eager to stomp waving their dicks in their hands ready to bust open any head that comes their way. The kids crying at the cruelty they never seen, everybody watching not doing a thing, my blood boils, after forty years the same shit different time, the only difference is that forty years ago the pigs would be running after everybody because everybody would be throwing whatever they could at the motherfuckers. This time complete docility , so I start yelling pigs leave the kid alone, one pig turns his head to see who would dare to question their authority. one more time “hey motherfucker, that’s right that’s you ,you fat piece of shit” he looks like a mad bull turning this way and that, this time he zero’s in on me the kids are looking right at him, I grab the kids and start pointing to the balloons in back of him he turns to look at what I am pointing at, and we walk away. I should have trusted my vibes and not gone to the show, whenever there are fucking pigs around guess who gets to pay the price. but I figured I got the kids and my girlfriend screaming her lungs out at me ,and my niece reminding me of what always happens between me and the police, so I let it go and drop them off at the restaurant while I cruise the lots looking for mushrooms.( the cops in worc. were really great they were part of the show ,it made my heart sing to see peace between us all.) Been looking for an hour no shroomes, imagine how I felt. forty years ago we were smuggling tons of herb, and thousands from Jamaica. We brought the seeds to Jamaica to improve the stock. I took spores from Jamaica translated a French book and my friends spent months trying to grow them. They finally succeeded we were the guys with the dehydrated mushrooms in the vacuum sealed plastic bags with the directions in the bag. We even gave the dead fresh picked huge ones at a concert in R I. Needless to say today the sacred shroomes are in the hands of rip offs and redheaded venders that use them to play their power games. One motherfucker had me waiting for an hour ,he has them he doesn’t have them he can’t find them whatever , I finally told him to go fuck himself ,I think he wanted to suck my dick. So I headed back to the girls ripshit that these idiots were now controlling these sacred things. As I came to a gate this guy appeared in front of me and humbly with respect asked if I wanted chocolate mushrooms, He made my day , thank you sir wherever you are, they were all you claimed and then some, thus my faith in this generation was restored. THE CONCERT Got in and I went to my usual perch in back of the stage, this time things were different there was a black veil covering the rear of the stage and all the seats were empty. In worc. I sat back there and it was pretty crowded, it didn’t make sense to me ,but no ropes or signs that said you can’t sit here. So I was in heaven Since I keep my eyes closed during a show made no difference to me if a veil was up as long as the sound was good. Besides I was tired, a sixty two year old hippie isn’t like a twenty year old, I was just getting off, the band was about to start I was happy where I was. The girls wanted to have none of this, they wanted to be as close to the stage as possible especially the young nieces they wanted to see Bobby. That old goat was grayer than I was and still the fourteen and fifteen year olds fell in love with him. So who was I to break a girls heart, they had my girlfriend and older niece ,who had her own crush on Bobby when she was a kid, to hang out with. Five minutes after they left the lights went down and they came out steaming. They were at max .velocity the first song, so you knew this was going to be heaven or close enough to pretend. And sure enough it was in outer space by the third song. With my eyes closed I could see every note, my bracelets were playing themselves and for the first set I was grinning from ear to ear. At break I went to have a cigarette and play with the deadheads I was in exceptional cosmic form perfect balance and dancing through the stream. Just admiring the beauty all around me. When the lights started to flicker I decided to see how the kids were doing sure enough they were close to the front and their eyes were dazzling and nothing but smile smile smile. I decided to let them be and went back to my perch behind the stage. Looking foreword to time travel the second set. I finished off the shroomes and eternally grateful to the candy man I met. I hadn’t felt this tribal in a long long time. The cosmic tribe was here again ,I cried tears of joy my heart was bursting. As I got comfortable I saw this guy with a flash light just walking back and forth in back of the stage he looked bored as shit, there was not a soul around him. Just as I was closing my eyes and playing my bracelets I thought he was shining his light on me, I didn’t pay any attention I was traveling in between the notes this was going to be hot and the shroomes were taking me to never never land. Just as I was going into the jam with the boys I sensed a presence on both sides of me, I opened my eyes and there were three security guards on my right and one big mother on my left. It took me awhile to tune into what they were saying because I was with every note, then I heard the big guy on my left shouting “Hey you, you have to move “well I was a little discombobulated doing a phase change, but I could feel this guys aggression and it put me in tribal mode I was suddenly BIG WIND, and when your in tribal mode there is no fucking around, you don’t fuck with anything , but if anything fucks with you it becomes very primitive its do or die. So I still had my sunglasses on and I turned to the big motherfucker and said excuse me what did you say, “he said get out of the fucking seat” so I said who the fuck are you, He says “ I’m security that’s who now get the fuck out of the seat” so I said “I don’t give a fuck who you are get out of my fucking face” I could see his muscles tense up and he says “ Your going to find out who the fuck I am real quick” I could see his confidence building as his buddies started to come closer , but I was also in a vulnerable position because I was sitting down so I got up And said to him “listen motherfucker get out of my face and take these assholes with you, get your fucking supervisor over here and have him tell me why the fuck I have to move. That was it ,he looked like he had a feeling of satisfaction on his face he started to make his move, now I’m sixty two years old I’m not about to let this guy near me, his body language told me that he thought it was just a forgone conclusion that he was to have his way with me ,he had no clue that he was about to lay dead on the floor, I started to prepare my hand to go through his nose into his eyeballs and through his brain, just one very quick fatal move that he did not even comprehend, he was getting ready to do to me what he did many times before, grab me and then start his shit .I was just about ready to let it fly when this other person came and told him to leave. He didn’t want to do it, he looked at me as if he was about to move anyway, and this lady screamed at him to back away, this guy was crushed he was so into trying to kill me. As he backed off I tried to see where the juice was coming from and I saw the other guys looking down in the stage ‘s direction ,so that was where it was coming from, I tried to see who it was but they merged into the shadows. They left I was no longer thinking about the music, I’ve been in many life threatening situations before to know that this was the real thing. But I was unprepared for it here, especially since it came from the stage area. then my mind started to go into real tribal mode and I remembered that when I was in the smoking area and I was walking around I came close to this guard and he reacted like he saw a ghost he was Spanish , then I remembered that same reaction when I was in Aruba the guards were Columbian and they had this same kind of voodoo reaction it was like I was the devil or something. But in aruba I learned that anybody could start a security company, and this security had a bunch of bad ass motherfuckers .I knew that they were bad ass motherfuckers because two guys tried to kill me in aruba, and the next time I arrived these same two guys were working security at the airport. At the fucking airport!!! That’s when I learned about security companies being real dangerious threats .Never expected to see it at a grateful concert. So as I was digesting this new turn of events a cop comes and sits down beside, and he says you have to leave, now here I was the first set just fine playing my bracelets no one bothering me and I’m not bothering anybody because there’s no one to bother I am completely alone. So what the fuck changed, it all came back to that security guard in the smoking area, and his fear, what the fuck was he afraid of . then I remembered that he actually left and the security guard at the bottom of the stairs saw the whole thing, so now what the fuck is this cop doing. He was a little cop, and he’s telling me to get the fuck up and I said excuse me officer but can you tell me why I have to move, and he says because I told you to. So I said what the fuck does that mean, he said if you don’t leave I will hand cuff you, so I said if you want to handcuff me then you better be sure you can do it or else your going over the rail, again something seemed familiar about this scenario, a small guy gives you shit then five buddies join the mix so sooner did I think this that five more cops show up this time a sergeant with his whole crew, he says come on get the fuck out of that seat, the little cops laughing he says I told you so, so I said to the sarrgent excuse me sir but can you tell me why I have to move, he says because they want you out ,I said who wants me out, he says enough of this shit get him out .So five cops proceed to beat me with their clubs, they have my arms around the back of my neck putting the cuffs on ,once they have the cuffs on they really get nasty the sergeant shouts stop trying to resist stop trying to resist as they start really wailing with the clubs and the sergeant pushing my face into the concrete stair, I started laughing at the sergeant and said you dirty motherfucker I’m not trying to resist I’m fucking handcuffed, but look at the camera the whole thing is being recorded you fucking asshole suddenly he comes out of the frenzy pulls me up and starts looking for the camera ,I said look at the camera you motherfucking pig the whole thing was recorded. He says stop trying to resist now ,then he tells the other cops to get me out of there, all nicey nicey. I drove this sergeant crazy ,I told him what a corrupt mfucking pig he was in the hallway he starts going crazy again so I say’s look around you all these people are witnesses, he starts his stop resisting shit again and I said you motherfucking piece of shit how the fuck can I resist asshole I’m fucking handcuffed you idiot. now this guy is totally insane he wants to crack my skull, so he drags me out in the rain and starts his shit again ,stop trying to escape ,stop trying to escape as he is kneeing me in the balls I said look around you you motherfucking piece of shit , see all these people watching you he looks around ,I said they saw you kneeing me in the balls you fucking idiot, he pulls me back inside the arena ,he’s like a fucking rat with no place to go ,he didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Well that’s Hartford I spent the night in jail on 35000 bail charged with all kinds of shit. So the lesson for the dead is you had a motherfucking dangerous security company right on your door step, with the Hartford police dept in the fucking bag with them . WHEN LIFE LOOKS LIKE EASY STREET THERE IS DANGER AT YOUR DOOR Couldn’t think of a better bunch of guys to take a fucking beating for your welcome frank t _________________ from all of us to all of you
  • DireWolfStudios
    Joe Brunser!!!
    Anybody remember a guy who used to trip his brains out at the Fillmore E, Manhatten Center and Capital in Portchester who used to call himself Joe Brunser? I wonder what happened to that dude!
  • Darkshire
    looking for a date
    So I have an extra ticket for Chicago 5/5, and I'm flying solo. My first Dead show (I confess to being new on the bus). I am looking for someone to give this said ticket to (call it Steph's stimulus plan), and receive payment hopefully in the form of some sort of passionate makeout session. hmm... suppose I should give my qualifications eh? Nice sweet petite 30's woman, good kisser, Cubs fan, seeks same. If I don't find anyone here, I'm sure I'll find someone in parking lot to bestow a good deed upon, so no tru worries. But if I could get kissed well, that would be great. :)
  • humbleone
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    billy hartford
    Hey I was just at the Hartford show 4/26/09.I met this guy from Amherst MA..his name is Billy.you helped me get water for my friend and we clicked in the hallway,had an amazing kiss then I got dragged away!Where are you and how to we get in contact...your eyes are amazing and your soul even more.somebody anybody help me out here-Meredith(shiatsu practitioner)
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Member for

17 years 4 months
Looking for friends and family you've lost touch with? Post here!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

In reply to by gr8fulgal77


Searching for that young woman who I miracled into the show back in the 90's. Not much going on here just another late night thinking about the project ahead of me! Yawn. Where did all those people go? Well, I must be getting older. Time for some ZZZZZ's.

Yeah, I might have to make a internet show of photos the way things are going these days.

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Member for

3 years 5 months

Hello! I’m the daughter of Perry Green. She passed when I was 5 so I’m trying to dig through her history in hopes of learning more about her. I’d assume she traveled throughout California shows in the late 70s- early 80s. She was beautiful, kind and had a great laugh :)

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Member for

2 years 8 months

I’m the angel you thought you’d never find. This is the real thing, and we no longer have to pretend. Let’s start again.

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Member for

5 years 7 months

Looking for old friend deadhead who I picked up hitchhiking north 101 from San Rafael Ca.Headed with dog to sisters place in Oregon from AZ.Stayed at my place in Petaluma for a few days then continued to make it by Christmas to Oregon.Came by on way home.probably mid 90s.Had fire in place AZ while gone,can’t remember his name 5’7,slim,longhair,60s now.worked with L.Skynerd dead to the core.seajay260@yahoo.com.Carl p.s.he had a lot of D.Head friends.fair thee well

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Member for

11 years 2 months

Looking for Dave and Janice. Dave had green eye & blue eye, did acid daily & studied astrophysics. Janice an earthy hippie. Paul from McPherson

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Member for

2 years 5 months

We connected after I left FL. I posted a " missed connection" on CL and a friend told you about it. Since then, you have disappeared; someone told you to "break ties with your past" Well, I disagree! ( for what that's worth.) I told you I think of you when I see Orion in the Eastern Sky. He rises in the winter when we met at the " Warf" where Crazy Fingers would play on Thursdays. I hope you or a friend sees this and asks you to reach out. I sure miss you.

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Member for

3 years 6 months

My lovely wife Sue worked for Emily K in Santa Barbara around 1980, and she had a coworker named Karen Mariott, who was from Ventura, Ca. We became friends with Karen and husband Bill, who lived in Ventura. I last saw Bill in Ojai in 1985.
They went to shows with the Beanie Copter Crew, in CalTrans orange.
Karen used to bake goodies for Harry Popick, who mixed stage monitors
We lost track of them many years ago, and hope to reconnect..
Bob H

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Member for

8 years 6 months

I'm looking for anyone who was on the bus that day we rolled over. I miss You kids.

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Member for

2 years 3 months

Tracy where are you? I don't know how I lost you and i miss you so much. Thank you for saving my life. I hope you are ok. I'm in California and want to see your beautiful smile.

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Member for

2 years 2 months

Hi! I am trying to find Marcus, the shakedown street vendor artist who creates the soft black Tshirts screen printing a white pirate stealie with swords on the front. I would like to support this artist by purchasing 4 shirts from him as I did not have the money while at the last two shows - in NY and in PA. Thank you so much!!!

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Member for

1 year 11 months

Looking for an old friend from the early 80s's. His name was Skip, and attended many shows in that period, selling shirts and other things he made. He also had a store selling his dead shirts and other similar items in Queens, NY in 1983, when i knew him. Any one know who i am talking about and any idea if he is still with him and how to contact him?

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Member for

17 years

It's been 30 years now since we last hitchhiked across across the land from sea to sea to sea over mountains across endless plains through National parks and forests through a desert or two north south east west whichever way the flip of a lucky quarter directed us to go . It's been 15 years or so since we last kicked around a hackysack somewhere near Dayton Ohio . You met and married your wife there and had started a family . We lost contact after that day . Never thought that as I drove away it would be the last time we would see or talk to each other. I tried to get in touch with you through Willie a couple years ago only to find that he had passed away ( my condolences he was a good friend and brother ) . I know this is a long shot since you have no presence anywhere on the net that I can find which is not a surprise considering where and how you were living and I assume still are . If by chance you should come across this message just know that your legend lives forever in memories with kind smiles . Peace be the journey and blessed be thy thumb . Hope you are well and that we will meet again if not in this lifetime then in the next .

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Member for

2 years 8 months

It just makes me a bit sad that so many people are looking for folks that made an indelible impression on them. Do they find each other and reunite? Could they use this site to do that? I want to see a success story! Please! Here Comes Sunshine…!

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Member for

1 year 10 months

I met him in ninth grade, and I was the first person to talk to him
We attended some shows together and parted ways, and lost each other for 19 years
We recently reconnected because I had cancer
We have lost each other again
Maybe next lifetime we will be there pirate ship I will love you forever

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Member for

1 year 4 months

hi all! i'm a casting director looking for deadheads on shake street - if you are attending any of the following shows in these cities please email me: Los Angeles, Dallas, NYC, Boulder, Gorge, and San Francisco

specifically looking for these subcultures:



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Member for

1 year 4 months

Looking for a friend to attend the show with, preferably female (and cute too much to ask for?). I'm a fun guy :) 42

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Member for

10 years

Try the Tix Offered section.
Only us nerds look at this one.

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Member for

1 year 2 months

Looking for my tour buddy TAD from Illinois had a half wolf dog named shaman , I got locked up in Utah a back in 94 they released Tad after some months , hey bro miss the hell outve ya , I’m back on my grind if you or anyone sees this knows him please reach out

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Member for

1 year 6 months

In reply to by lleno65


Lenny, Lenny, Lenny!!!!! I know you!! I don't actually. I know of you because back somewhere between 95-98, I was in Santa Cruz when my friend Paul Rush rode his motorcycle all the way from Delaware to hopefully meet up with me. Unfortunately I had left to go back to PA three days before his arrival. We wrote many letters back and forth, and Paul wrote about you, and how you had helped him when he first got to Santa Cruz. I'm hoping you know of some way to reach him because somehow we lost touch and I've been looking for him for many many years. My name is Tarah Smith- aka Cordy. My email address is autodidact43@outlook.com

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Member for

1 year 6 months

In reply to by st.stevo


Saw you were looking for Loopy. ( Real name Rob). He is from Altoona, PA originally, so maybe he landed there???

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Member for

11 months 3 weeks

Hey now!

Anyone know how to find the person or people in charge of licensing for Dead-related stuff?

I'm trying to navigate through Rhino and the only licensing stuff I can find seems to be about music. What about gear?

Thanks in advance for any help or answers provided!


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Member for

9 months 2 weeks

looking for a long lost friend I used to go to shows with in the early 90s. Lost touch a long time ago but would love to connect. He was from Bergen County NJ at the time but no idea where he ended up. Any help would be awesome

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Member for

1 year 6 months

I wish I could add a photograph, but I'm looking for an old friend- Paul or PJ Rush. Last I knew, he was in Santa Cruz. We were very close and wrote back and forth for awhile but its been over 20 years since the last letter. If you are out there my old famm, send me a message!

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Member for

11 months

Just looking for some heads around Superior/Duluth area. On the bus since 1973 at the Met Center in Bloomington....

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Member for

3 years 11 months

Anyone know this lady Deadhead? She made these beautiful hand-painted parking lot shirts in 1980. I bought one. They were a limited edition of 100. I just wonder if she is still around. Thanks.

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Member for

6 months

Looking for Cindy Wright. Bay Area deadhead who used to work at BASS tickets and who was seeing the Dead since her first show at the closing of the Fillmore West in July 1971. She lived in Oakland or Alameda but was originally from Modesto or some other Central Valley time. Message me on twitter at @DrBeechwood if you have any info!

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Member for

3 months 2 weeks

Tobin and I attended July 10th 1987 Dylan/Dead show in Philly together and he got lost en route to the venue! We also went to the same high school, Bullis, in Potomac, MD circa 86-87. I'd love to run into him again and catch up.
I knew Domo from school too. Good times.
Is anybody else out there a dead head from Bullis HS in the late 80's? Did you attend our little Trips festival we had in Fall '86 at school during 'Recreation Day' or some such thing?

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Member for

2 years 4 months

I’m really wanting to hear some tales of the dead from any Cincinnati dead heads - I’m also looking a potential pen pal to discuss the dead, life, etc

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Member for

2 days 17 hours

I'm Joe. I live in the west of Ireland.

I am looking for a pen pal to write real pen and paper letters... share memories of the Grateful Dead, and stories about Ireland.

I write poetry and shun technology. I have no email... a friend Dave is posting on my behalf. I am 74 years old. Let me know if you would like me to write a real old snal mail ;-)