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  • krs10
    Thank you Phil!
    Okay, I just want to say how beautiful it is to see this group of ageing venturers reliving parts of their past, making it new, and sharing that creativity and zest for life with the rest of us. Phil, you are certainly holding not just the low end, but the vision - your archival sense and perspective on this great catalogue of music which we call the Dead make this ambitious retrospective tour happen. You are not just dusting off old relics, you've been oiling and winding them and keeping them tuned for years in your own projects, taking responsibility for their survival. And we have been privileged to hear them anew in a fun, successful ensemble. Thank you, Phil! You are a trooper. A psychedelic music pioneer - we can't thank you enough. Keep initiating, keep singing, and keep smiling. See you at ROTHBURY! With much LOVE, Kirsten
    For Joelsd...
    You were in the movie, "Ghostbusters" weren't you? Well never mind that, just stay in touch so we can get that sample of brain tissue you promised us, at some point in time. Oh and if you're serious about giving up playing guitar because of politics (of any kind... for any reason), I would consider that the biggest mistake you've made (yet) in your life. (pic from "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees." - Erwin Schrödinger
  • starsleeper
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    whatever makes you happy
    Dude, you've been playing bass for 25 years and are gonna quit? Don't do it man ! It's about the music man. Just cause the Dead don't sit around and pick their noses when they're not playing it's not the end of the world. Do Obama and Tipper make you that mad? Take a chill pill bro and mellow out. Good luck and God bless.
  • JoelSD
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    Mr Phil Lesh – I have
    Mr Phil Lesh – I have never written you before, and in all certainly never will do so again. I began listening to the Grateful Dead in 1984, immediately fell in love with the live performance (who couldn’t?), took up the bass, and was a passionate follower of the band and a devotee on the bass ever since. I am quite sure you will not care about what follows, but I am writing it anyway. Given how much of my soul and my life I have poured into it, it would be absurd to expect otherwise. You have communicated much to me over our lives, I know you are as set in your ways as I, certainly this is a one-way message that will irritate you before you get much further. So to speak. As of tonight, I have decided, the last 25 years of my life have been nothing short of a colossal mistake. As deeply as I have loved that band and the music, I am so utterly disappointed and discouraged at your turning the Grateful Dead into an organ of Statism and tyranny, indeed, proudly so, that I am seriously questioning my entire history of life choices right now. Although there are a variety of issues I have had with how you have treated certain things over the years, I have always tried to err on the side of cutting slack and forgiveness . Everyone makes mistakes, after all, certainly me as much as anyone. Why expect perfection from mere mortals, particularly those who obviously have had so much amazing good to give? But this is no trifling matter. And although I have always known many in the band (with supposedly an exception of Garcia, although obviously you would know the actuality there far better than I) to be Leftists, I would never, up until a few months ago, have been able to imagine the sheer degre to which they would allow themselves, and the band’s name, and by extension the Deadheads themselves, to become nakedly utilized for the expansions of government power, regulation, control of the economy, law-making, hypocrisy, and use of power as advanced by modern-day Statist Democrats. To say that this willful conversion from what used to be a tolerant, freedom-loving phenomenon into what it is shocks me is an understatement. That my own personal tendency toward Libertarianism came from such nurturing is, at the moment, a cause of great sadness and insecurity on my behalf. But that is not your problem, I know, it is mine. All of this is, of course, my problem, not yours. There is no sharing of disappointment, of letdown, of years wasted, in the egalitarian manner held in such sacred regard by your ideology. This is, of course, personal. And deeply so. When various friends of mine began throwing out entire tape and CD collections of yours last fall, when “the Dead” threw themselves full-force into an election campaign between two horrendous, appalling candidates…well…let’s just say that the temptation was resisted. I mean, heck, everyone I knew – other than me – felt that this was a moment of great choice, a decision to be regarded for generations, and such. So while I found your behavior to be consistent with the recently annoying (and to my eyes juvenile) behavior recently displayed in completely unrelated ways, I didn’t exactly throw my DVDs on the fire. Nor, of course, my bass guitar, an expensive, hand-crafted beauty, which people of all stripes had raved about over the years because it was completely self-evident at what a masterpiece it (not it’s player) was. When the jokes about what a bunch of tools the Deadheads had become, I certainly didn’t resist, because after fiascoes of seeming con-artistry such as the Terrapin Station Project, I wasn’t prepared to argue. Years since Jerry died went by. Bob Weir increasingly turned into a neo-Jerry (only aesthetically, of course), which was/is stranger than any Mind Left Body jam. But then there is the last several weeks. Playing at the inaugural political ball for a bunch of tyrannical statists. Hosting the founder of the PMRC, Tipper Gore, as a drummer. Meeting with the Obam Administration itself, for goodness sake. It is too much. I have made a huge mistake with my life. I am pathetic. When jokes about people saying if they had known this about you guys back in the 80’s and 90’s, they would have become lawyers or corporate middle managers by now came out, I laugh now, sure, but I also cry. I thought you guys believed in freedom enough to not become part of the machinery of tyranny. I was obviously greatly mistaken. Just this night, I have joined the increasing numbers of your ex-fans who have discarded every single item of your music and references to you…except of course for my hand-signed Jerry photo. I am quitting the bass guitar, to sell to some non-Deadhead, and throwing away huge parts of my spiritual existence. And I regret everything – everything – that has ever happened in my life that involved the Grateful Dead, with the singular exception of watching Jerry Garcia smile at me during Estimated Prophet. I know you do not care, I suppose I should not either. It was my mistake to have done so for so long. Goodbye, Joel
  • chief sunrise
    phil lesh
    thanx phil 4 showing us all how it's done! peace chief sunrise
  • jlbnyc
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    Phil photos I took a bunch at the ABB show last night with Bob and Phil
  • BobbaLee
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    To my Hero!
    PhilI want to thank you for all of the amazing work and dedication you put into being the best bass player in the world. And this is from somebody (who in his day) watched Jaco 3-4 times a week. at the Lions Den in North Miami and the Brothers 2 lounge in Fort Lauderdale. Not only that but your book was very articulate you never cease to amaze me. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
  • marye
    slightly belated
    but hey, extended birthdays are okay...HBD!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    God Bless Phil
    You're the man Phil! Happy Birthday! "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
  • MarkintheDark
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    Happy Birthday
    You're almost seventy, man, don't you think it's about time you got a real job? Cheers, MarkintheDark ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 9 months
Phil's topic.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

Happy Birthday Phil. Loved the b- day show, came out from CO to celebrate. Saw the Broomfield shows too, Great run fellas. Bobby looks great,John K looks solid. The whole band is hitting on all cylinders. I gotta agree with Jackstraw, to much Chris Robinson was overkill! Would of prefered to hear more of JK. "I wanna thank yooooou for a real goooooood time"
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Member for

17 years 2 months

thank you, phil....for not insisting on acting your age.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

What would Jerry do? Certainly not raise money for a socialist bent on making us all dependent on "uncle scam". JG knew the GD existed because of our freedoms. Now he's gone and things have changed and I for one am saddened by it. All those years and now this stance? What a bummer.
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16 years 6 months

The Grateful Dead never got involved in politics and that was a good thing. Each member may have voiced their own opinions over the years but as a collective unit they were independent. As a whole they believed in freedom of expression and doing what they thought was right for them and their fans. Jerry's philosophy was to not lead the straight life and just live, he had his political views but did not believe in using the band as a vehicle in expressing them. If the Other Ones feel the need to use their names as a bandwagon to express views that is their bag and one that I can ignore like when Phil speaks about the donor thing at every single show. Phil is adamant about the donor thing and that is ok, because it is a great cause, but not at every show. He should set up donor booths and do specific shows just for that. When Jerry died the well dried up a lot, but the boys still go out and give us music which I thank them for doing so. Phil plays bass very well in that off beat way that he does, but he sings like he is tone deaf. I heard a recent version of Money that Furthur played I loved the beginning and the chorus was great and then Phil sand the lead, I had to turn it off, he totally ruined what was a great song. In the Grateful Dead days I only enjoyed two songs that he sang, Box Of Rain and Tom Thumb Blues. I still enjoy the music and will not stop listening because of their use of their names to bandwagon politics. The dude who decided to quit playing his own music because of this needs to ask himself why he likes playing music and if he does not anymore then he should quit.
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17 years 9 months

Someone please give me some ideas on shows to listen to that are 'philled out'. I want to get philled up today. Yesterday, I was jamming to the bass solo from Dick's Picks 34.
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17 years 8 months

A very merry un-birthday Jill! oh and um yeah.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL! Enjoy your day! Every best wish I send your way, xo! A toast at almost high noon! To Phil, Clink! XO
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Member for

9 years 9 months

just want to say thank you for keeping the spirit alive and for still searching the sound.GO ON PHIL IT KEEPS YOU YOUNG
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Member for

3 years 5 months

Sad news today. The man had a great run and rocked out until the very end. I am proud to have seen him play many many times with Jerry and with so many other very talented musicians. Loved how he encouraged and enriched the new jam band scene by leveraging his fame and persona by playing with so many young new acts. He was dialed in for sure and took the same old songs to new peaks and levels every time he took the stage. I'll miss him. R.I.P. Phil

Can’t count the ways you made our days, or all the memories
But try as I may, Whatta ya say, cept thanks that can’t be measured!!

Took this photo on 4/8/85. I waited and waited and waited, for him to do something interesting, and he knew it, and had great fun teasing me as I patiently waited, and wham, at just “that” moment he turned and looked right at me accompanying one of those lovey bass bombs lol
Unfortunately, the lights changed at the moment also and my inexperience and slow film, it’s not a very good shot, but I’ll always treasure it as a beautiful personal moment among many I was so fortunate to have because of the Dead and especially Phil! May the four winds blow you safely home!
I’m going back to San Anselmo, I do believe I’ve had enough…

Been on the bus for 44 yrs, Phil has moved to the cosmic bus now, but wanted to throw a bit of gratitude out to the cosmos for being able to see him & hear his wonderful contributions to this music that accompanies our lives. Rock on Phil!

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17 years 8 months

So long, Phil. Please tell Jerry and Keith I said, "Hi!". Crosby too.
And thanks for everything. Wow barely begins to describe.
Anthem of the Sun on full bass tonight. Wow!

Dark Star>St. Stephen>The Eleven>Death Don't Have No Mercy on Two from the Vault is hard to beat Phil.
Best New Potato Caboose I've found.

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17 years 9 months

To me he was the reason the Grateful Dead had a Mystical and Magical feeling at their concerts and their music. He was my favorite band member Saw him on his Birthday this year and shook his hand in 2006

LOVE you Phil

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Member for

17 years 9 months

In reply to by Chuck


Phil's bass thundering through the Wall of Sound pushed the very air out of my lungs that afternoon so I had to get on the bus. It has been quite a ride, thanks so much Phil!!!

"It was as if the music was being sung by gigantic dragons on the timescale of plate tectonics,” he wrote. “Each note seemed to take days to develop, every overtone sang its own song, each drumbeat generated a new heaven and a new earth."
- Phil Lesh

"It's all a dream we dreamed
One afternoon, long ago" - Robert Hunter

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Member for

5 years 11 months

So long, Phil, thanks for the tunes.

Thanks for everything

Reddy Kilowatt rides at dawn!!!!

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Member for

16 years 8 months

In honor of Phil Lesh, on my morning commute I cranked LIVE/DEAD to 11. In one release our hero's brilliance is on full display...............

Sometimes the bottom, sometimes on top, bobbing and weaving, leading here, following there, daring, innovative, fierce bass playing that was never matched, that challenged us all to pay attention to his stunning musicality............

Sadly, sometimes only in death do our heroes get their due respect. Rest assured, my friend, the music will be forever treasured, the spirit will live on!!

Rock on,

Six proud walkers on the jingle bell rainbow......

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Member for

14 years 4 months

I'm playing Box of Rain on my guitar and looking out my window through splintered sunlight because of my tears ...
So long Phil.