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    Thanks and 3FTV
    Thanks for helping to get the word to the powers that be for the download series. Maybe that will encourage some new additions there as well. Theres a few I still need to get. Now that I have had a chance to listen to this release in full, and especially because I'm pretty busy with pther things this summer, I can say that it's a nice sounding release from a popularly traded run of shows. I like hearing the songs as they progressed into real staples in later shows. This is one I'll listen to on occasion but not nearly as often as 1-2 FTVs, Dozin' At The Nick, Nightfall Of Diamonds, Terrapin Limited, Truckin' Up To Buffalo, VFTV I-IV or the vast majority of Dicks Picks and Downloads. Being somewhat of a completionist I'll by them all (except f-ing up and not getting the 10 disc Fillmore box and not having the extra $400+ dollars on hand to get it on EBAY - still bummed about that - maybe someday it'll be reissued in it's entirety).
  • marye
    nicely put, badg...
    hoping to have official news for you all soon!
  • cosmicbadger
    thanks for the hopeful news on the downloads. I am sure everyone appreciates your efforts. As for why people have chosen to sound off in these forums...well isn't it the point that they can share their feelings here and find that many others feel the same way. If that has has created a snowball effect and accelerated changes then this site has proved its worth........and the flipside of having had to deal with all this crap is that you get to make a lot of people very happy!!!
  • Deadicated
    Thanks for Billy's drum solo on disc 2 of 3FTV ... it was awesome! "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
  • marye
    We'll keep you posted! Honest! Of course then it'll be "The download server's overloaded!" But we will get by!
  • neo_levo
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    thanks for the good news -
    thanks for the good news - sorry to come off sounding so... er un-Grateful. to many hard core GD music collectors (u know the ones who have > 5 terabytes of lossless files archived on HD with SBD, schoeps, beyers, naks, akgs from multiple shows), this move smacked of the ongoing downward spiral of bitrate/sound quality that is permeating the music "industry". the GD have always embraced improvements in sound and on the leading edge using HDCD encoding and DVD-A releases and it was disheartening to have the lossless files yanked and then seeing that the only option is lossy AAC. seemed like more of the same. i've got a couple of hundred bucks itching to blow on some GD downloads and i don't even own an ipod.
  • marye
    Good news re downloads!
    Friends and neighbors, while it would be premature to say that your prayers and entreaties have been answered, it's certainly safe to say that they've inspired urgent prioritization and help is on the way. In response to this morning's batch of pleas, the word from our pals at the Store is, essentially, this: 1. The Download Series will return to the Store real soon now. 2. It was never the intention for it to go away; it just sort of slipped down the list due to the bazillion other issues involved in launching the new site. 3. Thanks to your many comments, there is now no doubt in anyone's mind that this is an urgently desired offering, and it's risen to the top of the priority sort. We will have more definite news shortly, but we thought you'd like to know this now!
  • marye
    Izzie and I are passing this stuff to the Store folks religiously. After all, this whole grand experiment has to be economically sustainable or it won't last, which would be a drag, and it's likeliest to be economically sustainable if there's a good supply of what people want to buy. Hardly the day passes that one or the other of us is not forwarding more posts or emails in support of the notion that people want the downloads back and they want 'em lossless. That said, a couple of things: 1. Izzie's right that it does no harm to make these same points to the store directly. 2. At a certain level, given the transitions involved, it's a flippin' miracle that six weeks from rollout things are working as well as they are. Recognizing this point does not detract from the point that things are not as they should be, and I think it's safe to say everyone involved is working on it, at least within my virtual field of vision. Everyone I've talked with at Rhino has a strong interest in making this work right, and I think there's a growing realization that substantive issues of this sort matter more than bells and whistles right now. So, we feel your pain, but please realize that Terrapin was not built in a day. (And no, this is not an announcement about the Terrapin Station project, which as far as I know is still on indefinite hiatus.)
  • neo_levo
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    i didn't have any fun
    i didn't have any fun venting here and i'm still pissed that i can't PURCHASE something that was available a few weeks back. what point is there to even having a store anymore if the official GD website doesn't have everything that is available. just seems weird - at a time when there are THOUSANDS of free gd downloads, people are CLAMMERING to purchase recordings and yet, they are taken down. bass-ackwards. thanks rhino and itunes for further eroding deadheads ability to enjoy their beloved band.
  • izzie
    I am going to have to not read this topic in the morning anymore. It just pisses me off. I get yelled at often enough at my dayjob for things that are beyond my control.... Look, we're frustrated too, okay? But there is nothing we can do for you, with regard to the store, that really, you can't do for yourselves. Here is the email address, yet again, for the store people. I know that's not as fun as letting off steam here, but if you want to blast the people in charge, there's your sign. They may not provide you the immediate gratification that MaryE and I seem to provide in this outlet, but at least you'll be heard. And creating a record of discontent where it matters makes more sense to me than just venting over here. Thanks for listening. izzie
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17 years 1 month
Discuss here! (And if the show of your dreams isn't out yet, post your request here:
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17 years

Will the package deals for the Dicks Picks series be available again? Such as 1-36 for $650 and the 6 cd deals? Also are there any plans to make the Mother Mccree CD available again?
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17 years 1 month

brewer, not sure what you're seeing, but I'm seeing DP36 as the first item in Live Music. If you're still having trouble, get back to us, but I'm seeing all the Picks there. brewer and mitheral, your requests for package deals and Mother McCree have been passed on and as soon as we have any news we'll get back to youse!
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17 years

Any updates about the packages deals? They were available on the previous site's store but didn't seem to make the transfer to the new one... In addition to the Mother Mccree, a repress of the 1st Old & in the Way CD would be great if possible as well.
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17 years 1 month

please make requests in the requests topic so they get seen! I think the relevant topic here is Box Sets...
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17 years

thank goodness for .irc since, or whatever it is now, can't keep their shit together and pulled all the download series (and all the info pertaining to them) at least i can download everyone ever released . . .free no less (the way it should be)!!
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17 years 1 month

not sure what pulled download series you're referring to; the download series that was formerly available remains available in the Store here. If you mean something else, please clarify. Thanks!
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17 years

Finally Released last Tuesday... Track Listing: Santana -Incident At Neshabur -Soul Sacrifice Grateful Dead -Hard To Handle -China Cat Sunflower > -I Know You Rider Jefferson Airplane -The Ballad of You And Me And Pooneil -Eskimo Blue Day All Star jam with members of all 3 bands
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Will reviews (of catalog items) posted to the old site reappear on the new site? For instance, I don't see any reviews for the Live from the Cow Palace set. I also find that some items in the catalog lack contents info (lists of tunes). Would that be from all the rigmarole involved in getting the new site up, or...?
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17 years 1 month

dunno, will ask!
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17 years

Is there any news of anything new coming out? Seems like the cobwebs are growing on the vaults lately. Up until a couple of years ago they were releasing a minimum of 5 or 6 CDs/DVDs a year. I'm beginning to lose interest because of the lack of output or even news of pending releases.
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17 years

When did 3FTV come out? Wasn't it the end of July? Should be by the end of October if their planning on four per year. But who said anything about four per year! It'd be nice. What would be cool is if the eventually forthcoming release had DP37 on it! That would surely improve everyone's mood a tad. "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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16 years 9 months

Echoing Spacebrother's comments, I too have been disappointed in the dearth of official GD releases over the last 2 years. Since DP 36, which was released in 2005 I think, we have had only 2 releases, the Fillmore '69 boxed set and 3FTV. While the boxed set is GREAT, I don't quite understand while a second edition hasn't been made available, or even why it had to be a limited edition to begin with. As for 3FTV, quick run throughs of what would eventually become great tunes don't appeal to me. What shows would I like to see? Wow, I don't know, just about anything from 1969 or 1972-1978, and any fine show from the Brent era. It is easier to say what shows I don't want. I know this is going to be extremely unpopular, but I think the Europe '72 shows are extremely OVERRATED. And even if the shows aren't overrated, what with the original Europe '72, Hundred Year Hall and Steppin' Out, isn't that tour already well represented? Of course, I would like to see more fall '72 shows, and we all know that tour has been well represented (9/17,21,27), so what do I know? I'm also not into the post-Brent releases.
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17 years

well Dstache, to fair them there was Cow Palace too.. I liked that m0stly, but it sounded a bit flat and sterile to my (admittedly way past their best) ears Anyway since the Tapers Section has adopted such a new upbeat, music-focused peace and love type vibe where can an inveterate whiner like me hang out these days? Really it is truly disappointing that the 'Official Announcements' forum here is such an empty, space right now, gathering dust over the past 3 months. This site (esp the request list forum) is full of good ideas. Has the organisation nothing to say to us? No feedback? Not even a teeny weeny thank you.............maybe just a little light....a tiny tease.....please...someone... ....Hello ....Hellooooooooooo
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16 years 9 months

Correct, Cosmicbadger, forgot about the '76 New Year's Eve show. Let me also add that Rockin' on the Rhein is another Europe '72. I actually listened to most of that show this weekend and it is a fine show.
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17 years

Does anyone know where the covers and trays for the Download series went?? Thanks
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16 years 10 months

Whatever happened to this release? I first saw it at Best Buy, and I know I'd seen it on the site prior to the transition, but since then it seems to have vanished from the face of the Earth. I can't even seem to track down a copy on eBay.
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17 years 1 month

I will pass your inquiries to the Store folks and see what I can find out. Thanks!
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17 years

Hey anybody else catch the drop outs in the China Cat and Rider on the Bonus Disc ?Or is my copy defective. And on the Night At The Family Dog DVD release, In the All-Star Jam Jerry, Jorma, Carlos - Lead Guitar Paul, Bob - Rhythm, Jack - Bass, Michael S. - Drums Michael C. - Percussion, But who is the Third Drummer, It's not Mickey or Bill or Spencer. Who is this mystery drummer, possibly a fourth act on the bill ? Thanks for the time. The Sky Was Yellow And The Sun Was Blue People Stopping Strangers Just To Shake Their Hand.
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There is also "Hundred Year Hall" Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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16 years 9 months

I mentioned Hundred Year Hall in my 9/26/07 rant above, Bob. I was saying that the Dead should NOT officially release any more Europe '72 because that tour was so well-represented. And then I go and receive your Europe '72 Eurovine (see the Vines forum for those not in the know) as well as relisten to some of the official releases, and ... I don't know anymore. Yeah, it is a well-represented tour, and it deserves to be.
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16 years 8 months

I was rather new to downloads back when these came out and made the mistake of buying and downloading the higher quality of MP3's before the old store closed and saved the artwork as well. Unfortunately, I had to wipe my computer and lost it all. I' going back and buying them all in FLAC but now it looks like the artwork is missing. Any chance that they'll put it back up?
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17 years

thye Paris shows are worthy of release, as are the Dutch and Danish shows, well most of the tour really.......... But.............. i prefer the autumn(Fall) 72 tour. perhaps there should be a 72 box set :-))))))))) Bob Happy New Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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16 years 9 months

While Europe '72 is nice, I agree that the Fall is even BETTER. They've already officially released 3 shows from it, 9/17, 9/21 & 9/27. I have a nice copy of 9/28, another fine show and a not so nice copy of 9/24 (GREAT Dark Star, don't even notice quality of recording isn't that great). Oroboros says he has a better copy of 9/24. I would like to add another show or two and create a nice Cream Filling # 2 vine.
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17 years

I love washington show from 30th and it gets better, the Oct/Nov shows are Awesome Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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16 years 9 months

The 9/30 Wash DC show isn't even in the Compendium, had to look on Deadlists. How is the sound quality? Compendium doesn't list many Oct shows with quality SBDs. I have a few Nov shows that were part of that big batch I acquired a while back. Hven't listened to one of them. I know my 11/17 Wichita isn't very good, even the Compendium lists an A SBD and mine sure isn't it.
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16 years 9 months

For getting a bit off topic. I'll get us back on-Release More Fall '72!!! Please do not make it a compilation Road Trips unless what you are releasing is all that exists in the vault from those particular shows, or what is left out is atrocious.
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17 years 1 month

no worries. Happy new year!
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17 years

The St Louis, Cleveland and Cincinatti shows have amazing Dark Stars with a Phil Bass Solo, if my memory is working correctly. As far as i am aware all that is available is Dark Star>Sugar Mag, but that is well worth searching out. this could be an idea for another vine Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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now playing Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years

this from Spin CD's in the UK 27/01/2008 - Grateful Dead - 'Winterland 1973: The Complete.... 'Winterland 1973: The Complete Recordings' (9 CD) We've just seen this as a UK release on a Rhino schedule for May 5th. More news when we have it
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The following was posted on the Rock Revival Blog… MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2008 In May 2008 a 9-cd set will be released called Winterland 1973: The Complete Recordings. This captures the Dead in their hometown of San Francisco at one of the most fertile points in their career, they had perfected the art of the jam, could play country, and could tip you off the edge of the world into space with the notorious "Dark Star". These albums are of excellent remastered quality, check for more details on ordering. I don't know where they're getting their info from - just wish Rhino would make some kind of announcement so we can set off the fireworks.
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17 years

Over the past months several people have requested the the cover art and details be restored to the GD store download site but without any luck. These covers were all available on the old deadnet site and so they must exist somewhere. May I add my voice to those asking for these to be kindly may even encourage more people to buy the music.
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17 years

I've seen this as an alternate title to "One From The Vault" in bootleg form. I always knew it as "Make Believe Ballroom" but I'm wondering what this title means? Urubouros Deedni Mublasaron Backwards I see "noras ALBUM INDEED soruoburu" but I have no idea if I'm not so something there and this doesn't appear to be a foreign language I recognize. Anyone know where that title comes from?
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16 years 2 months

Excuse me but concerning RARE CUTS AND ODDITIES... HOW IN THE GODDAMN HELL IS A DEADHEAD SUPPOSED TO GET A COPY OF THIS ALBUM??!?! WELL?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?????!!!!!?!?!?!?! Damn, you people are assholes. Here we are supporting you yet you keep stuff from us because why? Because you're pricks, that's why? Yeah, I'd agree. How many fucking times did I fucking Mailorder? Over 200, that's how goddamn many. Now here this album is and I can't fucking get a copy. Why not? And what the hell are you going to do about it so that myself and others can enjoy the music here? Well?
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17 years

Thanks so much for restoring the download series, but please please please restore the cover art. Its really essential to the feel of the Download Series and an intergral part of the package. Thanks, ststfn
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17 years 1 month

You're not the first or the last to request this. I've passed requests along in the past, but it would not be a bad thing to click the fine Customer Service link and send the request along by that channel as well. Thanks!
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Member for

16 years 3 months

I'm trying to hunt this disk down too. I'm not sure how I missed the release but I did. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE re-release this disk! Or at least make it available for down load. Cash or trade for your extra!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Thanks for the glide link, CB: new nuggets from '71 will be tasty So many roads to ease my soul...Ease my soul!!
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17 years 1 month

it would be good to let customer service know you want it. It's out of print now and you're not the first to want it.
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17 years

Just an fyi,look's like this is available for download at the itunes store. Saw it on there yesterday. pk
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17 years

Is Dicks Picks 3 completely out of print? I asked customer service and they said it would be back in stock soon but that was a month or 2 ago...
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Just an fyi, The complete artwork for the Download Series is available on Dead Pie Shop. peace and have a grate day! pk
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Did anybody else see this? On the storefront for a few hours today, a small image with a dysfunctional hyperlink - 2 CDs and one DVD. Could it just have been my overheated imagination?
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17 years

Stuck in my brain all day at the studio, couldn't wait to get home and order and......poof! It was gone! I am sure it will be back and most definitly worth the wait!