Jerry & the Bear walking in airport, on way to Santa Barbara music festival.
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Coming into Los Angeleees!
Bear to Jerry: "Just act natural, it's not like we are smuggling or anything."
we don't need no stinking badges!!
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
Unattributed photo of Jerry and Bear
C'mon Dead.Net folks - as I protested in a comment on the photo of Pigpen at Mickey's Ranch, you do not give attribution to me as the well-known photographer of this image (and copyright holder) - nor do ANY of the photos give credit to the photographers who made them possible. In addition, as I've tried to remind you, our deal from day one was that, in exchange for letting you post this/these photos on your site, you'd provide a link to my website,, on each photo you displayed. I'm very disappointed in how the photo archive here has gotten harder to navigate, impossible to search, and as stated, not even noting who took the photos.
Rosie McGee
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