@Deadvikes...re Terrapin
I remember being a bit confused by it so I just listened to the music play...it's not like they were known for song introductions or such...another issue with that show is that we took people with us who had never been and we felt like tour guides or something...driving out to the Swing from the Eastside (about 60 miles or so) always seemed to take forever and then it seemed like a ten minute drive back....oh and Proudfoot, kudos for the El Monte Legion Stadium mention a couple of months back (I was snooping around)...there was an Easy Wind that I thought Phil was going to blow the back wall out of the building...and thanks for all the welcome back mentions...
The '69 Fillmore West Box
If I could only have one set of music from the GD it would be this box set...about 6 or 7 years ago I walked into a record store in Phoenix and saw a used copy for $95 and scooped it up...Joj Joy Joy...and just this past week a kind member here shared a copy of the bonus disc with me....Yip!!! I am a freak for The Eleven...that and Good Morning Little School Girl...have a fine weekend all...anyon catch the Dickie Betts Memorial Concert that streamed for free tonight via Nugs & YouTube? pretty good stuff
3/1/69 Fillmore West. "The Great High Hope"
That's how Bill Graham introduces the Band before the start of the 2nd set, what a cool introduction! This show is a 10 out of 10 , more like 11 out of 10, what a knockout of a show! . This show and 5/2/70 are #1 and #2 for greatest Grateful Dead shows of all time!
March 1969..
Frank Sinatra recorded "A Man Alone" - I used to hate this album, but as I grow into "The Autum of My Years", I now find this one to be the perfect "late-night" album.. BW from Copenhagen
RIP Buster Piondexter
aka David Johansen of New York Dolls.
For all you punks out there.
David Johansen RIP
That's sad to see. The New York Dolls were very important in England, rejuvenating rock n' roll for the punk rock tsunami to come.
Careful with that axe, Eugene
Remastered Pink Floyd at Pompeii coming to theaters and CD/LP/DVD/Bluray this spring.
I’m watching the version from Obfusc/ation.
Again q mark
Is that scumbag from dee cee infiltrating this site
It's March, let's get the ball rolling ...
with an announcement of the BfA 50th, with some outtakes and alternates, supported by the Bob Fried Memorial Boogie performance by the GD from June . It's short but sweet.
Y'all probably get tired of my stories, but in the fall of 1975 a friend who'd made it to Calif returned to our town with a large reel-to-reel, very nice aud of that show (probably 2nd gen) and we scurried about to find a proper machine to play it on, then daisy-chained 2-3 cassette decks to get a few 3rd gen tapes to spread around. I can't remember a dang thing about the war of 1812 but I clearly recall puffing down on "Thai" sticks that night. (Probably Hawaiin or good Cali spleef wrapped around a bamboo skewer, but who really knew?)
Fast forward to a handful of years back when I believe I read that Betty's soundboard of the show had made it back to the vault.
This is short show, less than an hour and a half, but the playing fairly leaps from the speakers. One of the best Crazy Fingers. Help on the Way before they settled on the lyrics. Just a very fun show, even with the BfA weirdness delivered with a straight face in the second set. (Okay, no straight faces in that crowd.)
Then let's see what they've cooked up for the box.
Looking for the positive among the ashes...
HF, returned reels list says
1975 – 5 REELS
• 06-17-75 SF CA, 5 x 7” REELS Nagra 1/2trk 15ips Complete
Bring it on Hendrixfreak. Would love to see it. Blues for Allah, always has been one of my favorites. Such a unique release. Used to have a huge Blues for Allah tapestry.
And what will be in the big box this year. Hope we find something out soon.
Finally, hopefully they will do a MUATM again this year.
HF, the day I get tired of your stories....
....would be a very sad day indeed.
Fasting currently. Colonoscopy tomorrow. Fun times!
Er, Vguy said 'colonoscopy'....
Well, there I was on the slab, having been put to sleep for the old probe-ola, when I opened my eyes and started watching the screen, along with the doctor and nurse. Amazing! A camera is heading down this long, pink corridor, seemingly with a headlamp or something. Dark curves ahead and like ribbing on the walls. Totally sci-fi!
The doctor turns around, sees me watching, and says "Hey! you're not supposed to be awake!" I mumbled something, something akin to "But this is fascinating..." And he reaches over and turns a knob and I'm out.
Well, this is a true story and you said you like my stories!!!! Yeeeeehhhhhiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
Actually, and I'm sure you'll agree, the old probe-ola has gotten quite easy to do. Not like the bad old days. Good luck on the results, Vguy. I hope this lightens the mood. No one really wants the probe-ola. But it's critical for preventive health. (There! From scatological humor to a public health message in one paragraph...)
Here's to news from Dave L. soon..............
And now, I must be on my way....... Q#$%QET&(^UI(Y!!!!!
Axis to all (oh, wait..), HF
Real men don't get sedated.
I get a routine colonoscopy every five years and never get sedated. The monitor is always placed in front of me so I can see what's going on up there. When the endoscope gets to the awkward bend the nurse forcefully pushes against me to reduce the pain but it doesn't last long. Luckily up until now the doctor has never inserted the thing so far that we can see the back of my teeth. Once its over and I've had the free sandwich and coffee I can drive home straight away, something you can't do after sedation.
Good luck, Vguy! Enjoy.
To quote the great Homer Simpson
Ummmm propofol
Last time I had mine…after, when it’s almost over…and your starting to come back to in the recovery room etc…and the nurses bring snacks and check on you….well, last time, being a very busy place, they need to get you going as soon as reasonably possible, so as she was politely trying to get me going and asked how I was, I Cheshire grinned moaned with pleasure, and said “I haven’t felt this good in forty years, can I please just stay awhile” to which she sorta laughed, sorta got this weird look lol
Worst part for me is eating so little for four days…the rest ain’t so bad
We are psychedelic
I can remember the first time I had some sort of internal investigative procedure about 15 years ago. I was amazed looking at the screen to see how psychedelic my inner self is. Swirling colours and patterns like a light show from the Fillmore West in the late 60's. Maybe this was the real reason acid was so popular - it mimics what is already there.
Speaking of psychedelic - 2/14/68 - that Road Trips release never grows old. Improvisational rock that owes nothing to jazz and all to balls to the wall rock, rhythm and blues. More rooted in The Yardbirds than Miles Davis to my ears.
"Keep On Rockin' In The Free World"
From the Neil Young Archive website: "Neil Young and the Chrome Hearts will open the upcoming Love Earth Tour of Europe in UKRAINE with a Free Concert for all! We are currently in talks and will make the announcement of details here at NYA. Keep on Rockin’ in the FREE WORLD."
Rescheduled for next Monday....
....got a call from the office four hours prior to taking my first dose of the prep.
Then I proceeded to order a pizza.
Playing some Neil Young today....
....you will never regret being kind.
That message should be posted in the Oval Office instead of a mugshot. (Yes. It's true).
well, I sure as shit didn't vote for him
gotta go over to the proper board, methinks
We Are Everywhere
I remember a young girl saying that to me in front of Kaiser/Oakland Coliseum.
This morning had financial press on and they were discussing issues with the Sphere/MSG Management. They have some financial problems. David says he hasn't been to the Sphere to which Sara said, yeah I am going. David: do you know who you plan on seeing? Sara: Dead and Company. David starts moving his hands to mimic seats down low versus up high and says you need to be high. To which Carl said: It is always good to be. They all started laughing calling their show a cable show with a stock picker. (Meaning not as restrictive as OTA broadcasters.) Guessing Sara in mid 30's.
But I LIKE driving under sedation, izat so wrong??
Of course, I'm on a back road with leftovers from dental surgery, so not the heavy stuff. Wash it down with a PBR and spark one up and hey! How'd that coyote get in the cab of my truck??
Excellent, er, move, Vguy. Pizza cures everything. It all sounds like an inside job. (Sorry...)
So Neil Young is going to play in Ukraine? Next stop: liberate America!
3/3/68 Haight St.
57 years ago the Dead did a free show on Haight St. Part of the show was recorded. They setup on flatbed trucks and ran their cords inside the Straight Theatre to get power. Very cool!
Best Fat Tuesday Show
Is it '86, '88, '90' or '95?
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
After removing the glue
Store the CD’s in sleeves, don’t put back in the cardboard holders.
I think that the 91% some people used came from a pharmacy.
70% (rubbing alcohol) might also work.
190 proof Everclear will work too.
Don’t use acetone, it will dissolve the plastic.
did someone say
colonoscopy? guess I'll share. I had my first 2 years ago, decades late on current recommended schedule. pretty much clean, much to my relief given my life of sin. very glad to have been knocked out. anyway, lying on the gurney in recovery room, just coming out of it and still very groggy, and the doc walks in. He was an older gent, a teaching prof at the univ. hospital. In a very serious voice, no kidding about it, he said - "That was extremely difficult. I almost ran out of scope." It turns out that I have what is known as a redundant colon - it is significantly longer than normal. Never heard of such a thing. That extra length means it can fold and twist in some not so good ways and cause serious lifelong digestive issues - fortunately mine ain't like that but still. My joke is that I could be extra full of "it". Given the extra level of difficulty, it confirmed my original instinct to travel to the top notch facility I used and not have it done at a local small town hospital. Quizzed my sibs - one other also has it. No idea on the parents. Afterwards the nurse joked with me that they prank new techs by asking them to get the scope extender (there is no such thing). Sounds like I almost need it though.
anyhoo - back to some music and the work at hand . . . .
Hate to Interrupt
Was wondering if anyone has dug into the Claypool Lennon Delirium. Is the album as wild as the partners would be? Anyone seen them live yet? Read the jams are trippy indeed...
HCS Box: Isopropyl and a Theory
My theory is that, in an effort to meet the shipping deadline, the HCS box's CDs were rushed into their cardboard folders before the glue had time to dry/set/cure. Some of my HCS CDs had glue on them, so I carefully removed the glue with 91% isopropyl on a lint-free cloth. Then I stored the originals in clear plastic jewel cases, and inserted blank CDs into the HCS box's cardboard folders and waited.
I forgot about them. After a few months I checked the blank CDs for glue, and they were clean – no glue residue. Apparently, the glue transferred to the CD's shortly after they were first inserted in the folders.
Just to make sure I reinserted the blank CDs into the box. When I checked them a month or so later, they still were glue-free, so I returned the (now ripped) original HCS CDs to the Box's folders. I checked on them again just now, and they're doing just fine.
That's just my theory, but it seemed to work for me. Bet whoever's in charge of manufacturing future boxes gives the glue time to fully cure. Onward.
Uncle Trippel
I've been on a JGB / Jerry&Merl terror recently also including some of what's on your list.
That 82 Capitol Theatre release also caught my attention. The After Midnight / Deal / Tangled up in Blue is a gasoline fire.
The old staples shined brightly too. Some of those ballads (like a road, etc.) are timeless classics.
Ok I got my Jerry Fix, back to the Good Old GD. I guess I should have put this on the what are you listening to now thread, following instructions was never my strong point.
Aaaaa sweet nostalgia
Mammeries of the leftover Constanza wedding glue ; )
Tap, Tap...
Is anyone in there?
Taper's needs refreshed, still on last week.
Maybe David is busy....hmm.
JGB hot memories
Rochester 83, Rhapsody in Red! 2nd half Scorching’ 🔥
Let me warn everyone....
do NOT skim the comments' headers on this forum. Don't do it! Why? you ask?
I just did... it began with mentions of "colonscopies" and "scope extenders," then it got worse with "removing the glue" and "isopropyl" ... man, my mind was bending! And then, a wholly incongruous reference to "JGB."
I'm thinking new and frightful procedures implemented by the successor to the KGB!! Whoa!!
Listen people.... I'm not easily upset, but I had to have a shot of Irish whiskey just to forget! I'll never sleep again...
Saw the JGB references and was thinking that's a relatively somewhat ignored topic with you guys that really needs to be discussed more. Anyway for a one off JGB fix go to Youtube and search Jerry Garcia Let's Spend The Night Together Philadelphia. I was at that show and may be a little biased but take a look and enjoy. An unbelievable early 90's Jerry.
I always got off on this cool collection: "A Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse" featuring David Johansen doing a truly weird heavy romantic sleaze tune called "Johnsonius."
[LP (1985) Copyright 1985 Giorno Poetry Systems Institute, Inc. Produced by Giorno Poetry Systems Records, 222 Bowery, New York, NY 10012;