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  • slo lettuce
    methyl crackotine...
    Breaking Bad is but one more (absolutely exemplary) story of the human condition. Love of family, love of life, facing one's own mortality and the complete and utter corruption of all of that love Clearly knowing right from wrong (legally and, more importantly, morally); knowingly producing one of the most addictive substances known ('if I don't do it, someone else will' rationale) and the acceptance of and willingness to be deadly violent in order to keep the machine running that "pays the bills". Love, corruption, ego and greed......Vince Gilligan has outdone everyone else with this series. Period! The show is more addictive, imho, that the 99% pure blue meth that Walt churns out. It's a combination of crystal meth, crack and nicotine. If you have not seen this series yet, you need to.
  • Anna rRxia
    Breaking Bad Peaks With Emmy
    Breaking Bad took the "Best Dramatic Series" Emmy last evening during the penultimate 60th episode showing live on AMC. One more show to go! Some people call this the best TV show ever. Is it a reflection of out times and American culture? A high school teacher with broken dreams and lost potential develops cancer and builds a drug empire by being the best meth cook ever, eventually accumulating 80 million dollars, to take care of his family after his imminent death. But he kills so many through circumstance in the meantime his family doesn't want anything to do with him or the money. You're either bad or you're good, there ain't no grey angels.
  • wilfredtjones
    Dollar bills y'all... other words, follow the dollar. It'll lead you to the primary perpetuators of the sisyphean struggle. I saw that documentary as well (I actually prefer his "Why We Fight"; an engaging documentary on an equally tough topic). $1 tln spent logically leads to someone is getting paid in the status quo! The 'good news' is our corporate overlords have begun to see greater profit potentials in weed being legal. I just wonder how the private prison lobby is going to react, and for whom they will be taking out the long knives next. In the meantime, chief on!! (as they say, "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em")
  • slo lettuce
    The House I Live In...
    an outstanding documentary from filmmaker Eugene Jarecki from 2012 regarding this country's war on poor people and minorities, aka, the war on drugs. Far too much to review for my meager writing abilities but lets just say, it's extremely honest, accurate and informative. "jury nullification" is the name given to the procedure whereby a juror, completely legally, disregards the judge's instructions and votes with his/her conscience and can thereby throw an entire case. It is one method, recommended here, to help change the terribly unjust drug laws and sentencing guidelines used to fuel the highly profitable prison business. The documentary opens with this: "Since 1971, the War on Drugs has cost over $1 trillion and has resulted in more than 45 million arrests. During that time, illegal drug use has remained unchanged." Judges, lawyers, police, prison guards, prisoners, psychologists and historians all weigh in on this ludicrous system. Be a good citizen and smoke some herb before you watch this :)
  • Anna rRxia
    Can't wait for another season of "Archer"
    Hope the show hasn't been canceled from the FX Network.
  • Anna rRxia
    I can't believe I haven't commented on this TV show yet! Daniel Tosh is a 30-something comedienne with his own TV program and production company called "Black Heart Productions" (with his own almost fictional Black Lab called "Ubu" (Sit Ubu, Sit!) The name of the production company, by the way, mirrors his brand of post 2000, i-phone video, quick hook-up generation now cutting it's teeth on 50 Shades Of Gray. The Dark Humor is what mostly sets it apart and is more than a bit scary in it's reflection of reality. "Sit, Ubu, sit! She said seductively as she rolled down the dark nylons...
  • Anna rRxia
    Breaking Bad, Last Season
    I've been touting this show since the third episode of season one, six years ago. It has proven to have wide popular acclaim and has racked up a slew of Emmies. After this weeks episode (Season 5.2; #10) the confrontation between Walter White and his DEA brother-in-law reaches white-hot as the DEA agent wants Skyler to testify against her husband. Meanwhile, Walt's erstwhile partner has angst about the huge stacks of cash he has made and has been arrested for distributing wads of cash from his car like a newspaper boy. I do enjoy the real pathos going on here. The writing is speaking to true, raw human emotion. The story is reaching a logical conclusion. But, much like a good work of fiction, there is sure to be surprising twists at the end. Can't wait for the last six episodes and then maybe canceling my subscription to cable. I don't think I'll find another TV show that will ever beat this one, imho.
  • Randall Lard
    made in sheffield
    Shaun Bloodworth Stave final cut -

    STAVE final cut from shaun bloodworth on Vimeo.

    Sonar 2012 -

    Shaun Bloodworth - Sonar 12 from Electronic Supper Club on Vimeo. The track is an edit of Internal Collapse by The Black Dog The track is from the album Tranklements, due for release on May 20th 2013.
  • slo lettuce
    couldn't agree more...
    about Breaking Bad. Saw all of Sopranos on dvd; this series eats that one for lunch. I have only been able to watch this through Netflix and just finished the last two episodes of the first half of season 5. The "behind the scenes" sections on each dvd with Vince Gilligan and the actors is priceless. Really gets into his thinking and creativity, how the scenes were done -like Gustavo's demise - 19 takes - and even some bloopers. Vince was also on Charlie Rose a short time ago for the entire hour discussing the series. It's already been said about the last 8 episodes that "if you can't watch the series as it happens, you're going to have to take the spoilers like a man because there's no way you're not going to be able to NOT hear or read about it". I'm already cheating and reading a really detailed recap on Mondays after each new episode. Can't help it!! Gotta know! And I'm still gonna watch it on Netflix when it becomes available on dvd.
  • Randall Lard
    Bass ~ Waldorf
    Stefan Betke 'A good master can only be as good as the mix, but a master becomes better with understanding the purpose and ideas behind the music.' Artist, producer and mastering engineer based in Berlin. Founder of ~scape and Pole labels and Scape Mastering Studio.
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17 years 9 months
...and there's nothing on? Say it ain't so!
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17 years 8 months

Great that you mentioned him-I like those too, marye! Do you read the books too? Lynley and Barbara are quite different in the books than on screen, but still like the films quite alot. Is one series where we are not horribly behind you in the States. I have also been enjoying Boston Legal-cracks me up. There is a German version (actors, etc. not a dubbed U.S. series) of The Office that is really funny. Have to admit that my fave lately is Gilmore Girls, and am waiting impatiently for the last season to start here.Top of my list though, of all time I think, was Northern Exposure.
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17 years 9 months

William Shatner, a true force of nature. I'm not sure what KIND of force of nature, but... DENNY ÇRAIN! I'm very behind on the Glimore Girls because you need cable here to get the station they're on, and I can't bring myself to spend the money because when I did have cable I still couldn't find anything to watch. As for the Inspector, yeah, the books and the TV are very different; the author actually had something on her Web site about it at some point. I get the sense that the BBC made her the offer she couldn't refuse, or something, to do their own version. Not sure what I think of the re-cast Helen, however. I'll give it a chance, though; the casting is pretty darn wonderful on this.
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17 years 8 months

but before I saw any of the films, and had only read some of the books, had always imagined Lynley as having mousy colored hair, and not as dark as the movie version. The t.v. Barbara is a good character, but is by no means dumpy and frumpy enough. Don't think she would run around w/holes in her tights, or tennis shoes and a skirt.:-) Now I am curious about Elizabeth George's website, and will look it up. Know that the German t.v. guide lists the new Lynley films as being "based on" George's novels, and having nothing to do with her other than that. Agree that the jury is still out on the new Helen. We can come back to discuss it in a few weeks. Oops, will have to see if they show them in Spain. And it seems like William Shatner must be having a ball playing Danny Crane. Is such a loveable asshole. Like James Spader's court scenes very much too.
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17 years 9 months

and let's just say I've been worshipping at the shrine of Rene Auberjonois since he was at A.C.T. in the '60s, though (declasse though it may be for a guy who started out doing Moliere plays) my favorite remains his Deep Space Nine role. Odo rules. Agree that TV Barbara is not nearly frumpy enough, and I say this as a world-class frump!
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17 years 8 months

But I kinda always liked his name! ;-) Very French cool, and VERY familiar! And we can't talk about Boston Legal without mentioning Candice Bergen, who kicks ass! I haven't liked Tom Sellick so much since I saw "In and Out". Whoops-wrong thread for that comment perhaps? Frumps rule! My daughter and I both revel in wearing bizarre and unstylish clothing combinations, in favor of comfort and practicalilty.
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17 years 9 months

I actually like Tom Selleck, no doubt because I missed the movie in question but am a serious Magnum-head. I was once at a gathering of my nerd pals and somehow the subject came up of how funny it would be to have a sitcom of Magnum and his now-teenage daughter. Wait, someone said, Magnum had a daughter? And half a dozen people who had never said word one about Magnum before immediately fell all over themselves to tell the tragic tale of Magnum, Michelle, and little Lily. It was one of those moments... Only saw Selleck in person once, at some Apple do in the '80s or '90s. He is REALLY TALL. Also, pretty easy on the eyes.
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17 years 8 months

then go to the movie thread, and I will tell you about "in and out". Talk about a hoot!
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17 years 9 months

adding it to my Netflix queue...
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17 years 8 months

I hope I'm not the only one here to have caught The Family Guy's season premier last night! Very funny parody of Star Wars, among other cultural tidbits, from mustard to Chevy Chase. OK, it's has been done before but I found it much funnier than expected. Peter as Han, Stuey as Darth Vader and Cleveland as R2D2 was a brilliant way to dumb down one of America's most loved sci-fi movies of all time. Bravo! I'm Uncle Sam; That's who I am...
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17 years 9 months

(or, What I watched last night.) Loved 'em all. Unfortunately it is just about impossible to discuss Ugly Betty without a dozen spoilers (and, to a lesser extent, Grey's Anatomy as well, at least as regards Izzy's unexpected medical adventure). And I've gotta say, whoever's responsible (and I think Salma Hayek has a lot to do with it), Ugly Betty has me completely hooked, despite being, in essence, a parody of the soap opera genre for which I've never had the slightest use. I mean, lame as it is, I care a lot about Hilda and Santos. I root for Clare. I love Justin. Etc. And now that Without a Trace, which I've always loved, is back on Thursdays, it's a great TV night at my house. I do regularly marvel at how Anthony LaPaglia manages to lose his Australian accent without a trace...
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17 years 8 months

I dig that one too marye. There are some really engrossing and more unusual stories in that one. Seems that we have that in common, eh? A liking for mysteries, based on the Lynley discussion from earlier, and now this. Didn't know that Anthony La Paglia is australian, but then I only know his German dubbed voice anyhow. Is he as good as Hugh Laurie losing his Brit. accent for Dr. House? ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months

so can't comment on that, but I sure do like LaPaglia. Just looked him up on IMDB (great resource!) and he sure is Australian. Also has some other interesting credits I should check out. Yes, I do love mysteries. Books too, but only certain authors, and then i get mad because I'm done with the new book and have to wait another year for the next one.
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17 years 8 months

I am shocked I have not seen anyone mention My Name Is Earl (grant it I got tired and stopped so I apologize to anyone who mentioned it first, the bees will get me soon).... one of the funniest, cleverest, well written comedies I have seen in a long time! Life lessons simply put, "Do good things, good things happen. Do bad things, bad things happen." if u have not caught this i highly recommend it!!!
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17 years 9 months

how about LIFE, did anyone check it out last week. i think it's on tonight(wednesday) on NBC. great way to live life-staying in the moment. it looks like t.v. is finally getting watchable again. i was soooo sick of "REALITY" shows that were in no way like any reality that i know of. let's learn from EARL and the dude on LIFE. karma and zen are the way to go brothers and sisters!!!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 8 months

I am a HUGE family guy lover/watcher!!!. have all the seasons on dvd. really liked the star wars parody. man, i must have seen that in the theater about 8 times when i was a kid. tried telling my 14 year old that we used to do that back in the 70's prior to the advent of the videotape/dvd, etc. in mho, fam guy is the best comedy on tv these days nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

I mean, c'mon. And I don't know which is worse, the survivor-themed ones or the romance-themed ones, except the latter seem extra degrading to all concerned.
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17 years 8 months

i saw a few bits and pieces of this show. reminds me of an old twilight zone or star trek. kids ruling the world!!! i heard there was some controversy about this one and it could have been just hype for ratings, idk, but it's cool. it's like their own little commune. nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 8 months

I pay because its worth it. Sopranos may be over and the movies aren't that great but there is still pretty good documentaries you won't see elsewhere and the series are great. Entourage Big Love Real Time with Bill Mahar I also like the edgy series on FX like Always sunny in philadelphia Dirt Nip/Tuck Rescue me
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17 years 9 months

I decided against watching it (in part because of the trailer about killing the chicken, and in part because I did not want to get sucked in...), but I agree the concept is real intriguing. On my guilty pleasures list is Extreme Makeover Home Edition. There is so much NOT to like about it (is Ty Pennington the most annoying human on the planet or WHAT? and, even though I'm not exactly religious, I was kinda raised on not taking the lord's name in vain, and the makeover recipients from ages 5 up feeling obliged to scream "Oh My God!" over every appliance and light fixture, clearly with at least tacit encouragement from the producers, bugs the hell out of me...), and yet, so much sweetness comes through anyway, so many really touching stories, etc.
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17 years 8 months

seems to me that i saw an episode guide for space ghost that listed bob weir as a guest on one show. i'll have to try to find it again. > Posted: July 2, 2007 - 11:04am > TOONS! > yeah... cartoons... > some o' my faves (some no longer in syndication...)- > 1) space ghost coast to coast....
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17 years 8 months

you hit that on the head marye. he is soo annoying. why not build a home for someone who has none at all!! not that most of the families are deserving, but i think they go a little overboard at times. maybe the dude living in a van down by the river could use a small joint to call home, eh? nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 8 months

I love BIG LOVE. Six Feet Under,was also good.
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17 years 8 months

I really wanted to be a writer, as a kid, but the only thing I used paper for in "High" school was rollin' dubies. My dad said, "hey I don't think you're name is Bill Shakespeare so pick up those tools and get to work!" Later I quit and spent some time in a van, down by the river but that sucked really bad. Now I spend my time here writing stuff for free and working in my original trade, to survive (even though it's killing me). That's reality TV that no one would want to see. I probably wouldn't want to watch myself 'cause the TV reception is bad when you're livin' in a van down by the river. Too funny, gypsysoul ;-) The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

i have a buddy who spent some time in Utah(in a cave up in the hills), and we would talk on the phone for hours. he used to blow me away with his rendition of farley with that bit. he moved back here a few years ago and would stop by now and then. to see him do the bit in person was too much. "you're going be eating a steady diet of government cheese livin' in a van down by the river!!!" nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 8 months

... a woman's ass CCJoe but I've got to admit, I'm stumped, on this particular sample. Any help? Clue(s)? C'mom Joe... The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

well, allow me to say, that I reckon' the lady in yellow enjoyed 'shaking' said ass and made a decent living out of doing so, as well as giggling (sic) her rather large rack. got it?? she can also play the guitar, though it was dificult to shake her ass and play at the same time, since she was usually seated when playing said guitar and while not shaking, certainly wiggleing said ass. ( -; Chico, don't be discouraged... keep guessing!
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17 years 8 months

I'll go with my first guess as: Who is Dolly Parton? The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

nope, not Dolly... nice try, but no. please try again!
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17 years 8 months

That's my guess. Can't seem to watch the video, but from the pic of her ass I have to go with Charo, If that's her name.
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17 years 8 months

I wanted it to be Dolly! I love Dolly, oh well. 2nd Guess: Emmylou Harris The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

well, goodbye, Dolly, say goodbye, Dolly... it is Charo. it was not a vid clip, just a picture. here is a Charo music video:
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17 years 9 months

people may make fun, but she had talent!! she was, at least, an original who created a schtick and did pretty well with that over a number of years. ( -;
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17 years 8 months

shit shit mary, I am kind of embarrassed that I know this; but the mexican place she and her husband ran was sold or closed. I think the restaurant actually changed hands after she got her full time gig for a while at the Hilton Hawaiian Village back in the 90's. She moved back to La La land (Hollywood area) after that from what I heard. and we never got to her restaurant, either. ( -;
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17 years 9 months

Captain Stubing on the Love Boat?
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17 years 8 months

Now that you say that CC Joe, I think he probably did utter that line (at least once) but I was thinking of another lovable losser from TV land. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

Who was or is Charo? I remember her from The Tonight Show, as Johnny's guest numerous times and I think The Bong Show but I honestly never knew what she did to be famous, except for her physical attributes, which were negated by her annoying personality, imo. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

McGavin! I could have sworn he did... but since Charo also did a few guest spots on The Love Boat, I've had that show on my brain. image hosted by little know LaLa-Land Love Boat FACT: when Donny Osmond did his guest shot, he had a kissing scene with Loni Anderson; Donny KEPT flubbing his lines ON PURPOSE so he could keep kissing her. It IS true!
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17 years 9 months

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17 years 8 months

annoying, sure... the thing I respect about Charo, she never went into that ever dreaded Hollywood category of 'forgotten but not gone' one way or another, her schtick kept her fans paying cash to see her in Vegas or elsewhere.
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17 years 8 months

I never knew she was of any real substance (Yuk, yuk - picture me tapping invisible cigar). So you actually have, in your possession, a Charo CD or album? I could go to (if one still existed) a record store and purchase a Charo music conveyance of some type? Did she ever do Playboy? Were "they" real (your opinion will be accepted)? The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

Golden Road must be fucking around with his time resonator again. Damn you, Golden Road!!! (He hasn't been "right" since the Phil show, the other night). The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

(in your best Peter Griffin - Family Guy voice) Schtick is what I got as youngster when I was up late enough to catch Charo on The Tonight Show. Schtick is what Donny Osmond got when he had a kissing scene with Loni Anderson (I heard something about schtick and his sister but that's gross). Schtick is Angelina Jolie in that know the one about....well, OK, it's just her but you get my point. I mean, you don't get my point but the schtick gets the point. Never mind... The Dude Abides!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I shall not embarrass myself any further... no, I ain't got no Charo CDs or anything like that. real or fake? hmmm, good question, that requires further research. lucky I can scroll down / use the mouse with one hand. Playboy appearances, well, she was never in Penthouse, this much I KNOW. I will do some more 'ahem' research and let you know, but I do not think so. She was, however, married at age 15 to a 66 year old Spanish bandleader back in Spain, she later claimed it was only so she could get to the U.S. of A. There are disputes over her real age, adding more to the mystique and fascination of all that is 'Charo' crazy/dumb like a fox -- perhaps, she still made money. That's show Business, with a capital 'B'. yes, I am a pretty cynical fuck when you get in deep. love and peace.
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17 years 8 months

Well for once, GRTUD was correct. I was toying with my time resonator (sorry CC Joe about the posts getting all f'd up) and due to this interesting topic, I decided to go back to the 70's and did some of my own "research" on Charo. I went back to the late part of 1977 (my favorite year) when she and her very old man, Cugat were on the outs. She was vunerable and I scooped her up one night after her show at The Flamingo. There was a small crowd that night and I sent moon beams to her. We had drinks and strolled the strip until the wee hours. She was looking for someone to take her seriously and I found her guitar chops to be quite good - no kidding. She couldn't speak a lick of English though and I taught her more in a few hours than she had ever learned. That crap about Buddy Hacket is total bullshit! In the throws of love making, I also inspired the idea for an album she would put out years later, "Guitar Passion". She could play the guitar and "they're" definitely real, for sure. Probably why she attained fame, in the first place without doing Playboy or Hef, for that matter. Also she was quite a handful in the sack. I had to read books on the side just to keep up with her and I was only there a couple weeks, tops! I offered to take GRTUD with me or send him alone but NOOOO, he had to take his precious wife to the Phil & Friends show. What a wuss...although it did sound like I may have been the one to "miss out". Guess I'll have to rev up the time machine, one more time. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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17 years 9 months

really real?? hmmmmm.........