• 207 replies
    Are you the only All Blacks fan who wears a Dead shirt to every match? Are you having trouble finding people to trade with in Tonga? Find neighbors here!


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  • kennyw
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    Other affiliations ...
    OK we may all be Melburnites, we may all be DHs of one sort or another - but I bet there are other affilations around here, too Myself, I am rapt that ... *The Storm are headed for another (hopefully victorious) NRL Grand Final, while the crowd for this Sunday's game is already up above 30,000. *The New Zealanders are winning in the silly but mildly diverting Twenty20, while the arrogant Australians are losing. *The All Blacks are headed for a union World Cup, while some of the minnows - most notably Georgia (of all places) - have acquitted themselves pretty well. Meanwhile, the Wallabies are doing OK but their scrum doesn't look like it'll stand up to the sort of scrutiny headed their way. *The Matildas are going great guns in the women's World Cup, playing Canada tonight. I'm am less enthused about ... *Melbourne Victory - geeez, four games and four draws. Oh dear - bit of a wobbly start there, boys, especially after the glories of the 6-0 Grand Final. Bennie and I went the Mariners game last Sunday, and he was stoked when dad bought him a Victory T-shirt. (I get by with one of my natty GD numbers). So what's your poison? Given the number of Melburnites hereabouts, I suspect there's prolly a fair bit of support for the lesser football code - Collingwood, Geelong, Kangaroos anyone? :)
  • kennyw
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    Very interesting, very typical ...
    The reposnses to this thread would seem to infer that Melbourne is THE hotbed of Grateful Deadiness in Australia. Yet if you look at the Google map, there's been more visitors from Sydney.
  • ironman88
    Was I being too cryptic?
    No one wants to take me up on the offer made in my last posting?
  • Blue Orpheus
    Oh, by the way, I think
    Oh, by the way, I think Melbourne's I Spit On Your Gravy did some Dead covers years ago when I saw them at a pub. "Ripple" comes to mind.
  • Blue Orpheus
    My surname is O'Connor too.
    My surname is O'Connor too. Wonder if we're distantly related... in a typical Dead-related synchronicity ;) Mark
  • hamburGER_au
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    another DeadHead in Melbourne
    Hi there good to know there are other people who appreciate the Dead's great music - it would be great to meet up sometime who people who don't say "are they some sort of heavy metal band?" or "huh?" i have been listening to the band sice 1969/70 via some school friends (including Frank Gambale's brother, Nuncio) bringing in "Live Dead". The band helped me thru some scary moments. However i never got to see them live - which i've come to terms with now but really pissed me off for a few years. I've got some acid trip soundtracks and interviews with Garcia and the Dead on video and audio amongst some music videos if anyone wants them. Is there any band in melbourne that plays Dead or Garcia (?bluegrass even) music?? anyhow keep me in touch with any planned get together - i have a few email addresses eg gerry.oconnor@bchs.org.au and gerry.oconnor@pvch.org.au cheers - Gerry O'Connor {8>{)}
  • kennyw
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    Hey Blue, stay tuned ....
    Looks like we might get something happening in a few months time. In the meantime, there's the Storm and the Victory to cheer for and the AFL to ignore!
  • Blue Orpheus
    25 year old Deadhead from
    25 year old Deadhead from Melbourne. Would love to meet up with some fellow fans. Mark
  • ironman88
    Get yer fix here
    Being, sometimes, the last one on the list to receive them from a small GD orientated trading group that I am part of, I have a bunch of data DVDs piled up in my study looking for a new lease of life. All files are in either shn or flac format. I would be happy to pass these on to fellow deadheads of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Your only committment being to similarly pass them on once you've converted them into audio format. Please be assured - none of this material is officially available. PM me if interested.
  • gratefultiger
    Well it sure is great to
    Well it sure is great to know there really are some deadheads in melbourne i'v e a dear friend who is also on the bus but u don't meet too many can't get my daughter enthused not yet!but who knows,i love the dead because they took risks & hung around for so long just like me! I sure do miss a band that really jams. Cheers Chas
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Are you the only All Blacks fan who wears a Dead shirt to every match? Are you having trouble finding people to trade with in Tonga? Find neighbors here!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I wanted to let you all know that we are hosting a special show on Deadvids.com on Wednesday, November 17th, 2010, from 9:00-11:30pm/ET called My First Grateful Dead Show: International Edition. Each month, Deadvids.com hosts a new series called My First Grateful Dead Show. I host the show and each month a member guest hosts with me and we listen to their very first Grateful Dead show that they attended, and I interview them with 20 questions. During the interview, others that are present can ask additional questions of the guest host. We've been doing this show since late July 2010, and it's been catching on as people get to understand what it's about. We've found it really interesting and inspiring to hear each person's unique journey into this community and how it has impacted their lives. So far, it's always been an American/US-based deadhead that is my guest host, but next month we will have our first "international" guest host - a deadhead from overseas. I can't tell you who, or what show (we try to keep those under wraps until show time), but I would like to invite all of you, US-based and those living outside the US, to please join us! FYI, our guest host will have to be up into the wee hours of their morning to do this show, so perhaps you guys overseas can make a party of it and get together and listen/participate in the discussion that evening, make an all-nighter of it... If you cannot make it, we post an archive on Deadvids.com of all the past shows so folks can see whose show it was and the link to archive.org for that show. You are all most welcome! Please stop by the Deadvids chat room to fully participate in the interview discussion. For more information, please check out info on the next show here: http://gdvodcast.ning.com/events/my-first-grateful-dead-show-5 And info on past show archives here: http://gdvodcast.ning.com/forum/topics/my-first-grateful-dead-show-1 Hope to see you all on November 17th! Tell your friends... ;)
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Count me in for another Melb Deadhead. Never saw them live, got into the GD round 91 when I was in year 8. Bought the Grateful Dead Movie for $10 in a video store which used to be Bourke St. Had a few good GD conversations withe the guys from Greville and also Basement Discs.Bumped into another deadhead at Flaming Lips last year. He was wearing a Steal your face and I had the Stealie converse on. My friend leads a alt country band called Low Rent, which has a bit of Dead influence, some Grisman-esk mandolin in a few songs too. I've been trying to get him to cover Mississippi Half-Step live.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey Now...Just a reminder that www.deadvids.com is hosting another My First Grateful Dead Show this Wednesday evening from 9:00-11:30pm/ET. This will be our first in the series to showcase one of our "international" Deadheads so it's gonna be a really special show. Please do join us in the Deadvids chat room (http://deadvids.com/dv) to participate in the interview. We're bound to cover just a little more ground! Peace...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Melbourne Deadheads, what's up? I am now working in Melbourne, wondering if the get togethers are still happening?
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Yep, that's right....I'm a trueblue Deadhead stuck in the E.U. for work....as soon as my contract expires, I'm coming back to OZ where the Dead are respected and appreciated unlike here in the ruddy EU:):):)!!!"ONCE A DEADHEAD ALWAYS A DEADHEAD":):):)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hi Russ,we haven't got together for months but everyone is still in circulation,must get together after the Melb Cup!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Any rugby loving Kiwi Deadheads out there? Congratulations to the All Blacks. You deserved it, but I am glad it wasn't as easy as you thought it would be. Allez les Bleus!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

"Come and join the party everyday" I'm sitting here in Auckland, waiting for another one to show up, then freak out while listening to it, download it and finally sit back with a smile on my face. There's the magic of the Dead for ya! I get to these diamonds usually at nightfall after all my work is done for the day. Then another day rolls by. Transitive, some might say. By the way, where are the JAFA Deadheads? The only one's I've met were at the John Mayall show last year, and they were Bulgarians - Go figure... Also noticed Wannadance from Wanaka - there's another :-)
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Member for

14 years 1 month

Deadhead living in Australia checking in.....Check.
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Member for

14 years 1 month

Melbourne Deadhead just wants to say how great that above release is and if you haven't already, grab it! It's my favourite 90's release and beautifully presented.
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Member for

15 years 1 month

Hi there, just managed to get my account working after a mere 2 years of trying. So - finally, I'm in. I'm looking to connect with Heads in NZ.... hope there are some. Let me know if you're interested. Please send me a PM. Cheers Tom
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Just to help prove that we are everywhere, I am now living in the Solomon Islands.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

what brings you there?
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Member for

14 years 3 months

Been down here in SA for nearly 4 years now. Where are the Other Ones? Would be nice to make some new friends.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hey Chilly,I have been in Oz for 27 years (Sydney) Nice to know there are more of us out there.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Hi, ya'll. 27 years old and live in Camden. Any deadheads around here?
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I've tried to post this here a few times but for some reason I was never allowed to set up an account, finally it seems to work. I am the deadhead who accosted a guy at womad a few years back and declared there were five of us in adelaide. At one time there were about 10 of us and there have been more who have drifted in and out of the group over the years . There were a number of core panic and deadheads at the uni but they have all returned to the US . Well now we are down to about 3 who meet regularly as one of us buggered off overseas -he was much younger than the rest of us ,now he in his 30s living in London running trebuchet magazine ,out of those of us who are left two are old poms who are bickershaw veterans , the other a native aussie of the same vintage . there is another guy who we see occasionally who is in his 40s who was a tour head in the 90s , way cool guy -and another who isn't bothered about meeting up for some reason so he doesn't count. there are several ozzie heads who live in brisbane, melbourne and sydney who are all on the sugarmegs.org mailing list . join that and you will get some vine action as well as flac downloads on occasions if you are in adelaide get in touch and we can see if we can plug you into our listening and viewing sessions . although most of are old farts we have good beer and sound systems and we love the dead and much more music both old and new that moves our souls
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Member for

9 years 7 months

see my message above mate about adelaide heads.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Hey... i'm an American who has been in Melbourne for the past four years. Are there really deadheads around here? I've yet to meet one. I just returned from the last show in Chicago, which was so beautiful!!! It left me feeling both inspired and a bit sad. Are there any dead cover bands in Australia... or anything of the sort? Peace be with you.
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Member for

14 years 3 months

I'm american as well and have been in Adelaide nearly 7 years now. I've run across a handful of Deadheads here and there. Not to long ago I bought a copy of Hofheinz from a girl in Melbourne who's boyfriend was an American Deadhead. That wasn't you was it? Can't say I've come across any cover bands. Mr Shark I sent you a pm. Would love to meet up for a pint.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

in Brisbane , i know of three who get together-they watched Fare thee well as a group , in NSW there are another three , two of whom i have met at womadelaide . we had five watching the saturday show and two of us got together for the final one- dancing all the way through ! in melbourne theres Tascam Tim and Paisley Skies - we met with Paisley when we went over the see govt mule last year , there are heads around , but you need to search. i have a list of people on my website , but its pretty old and outdated as people now don't trade like they used to, i still get heads form new heads every now and again and i put them in touch with others in their town if i can anyway heres the list http://www.ukrockfestivals.com/AUSSIEDEADHEADS.htm on my main page - www.ukrockfestivals.com/index.html there is a contact email , best to get in touch that way , meanwhile i will send a group email to all those addys on that list and see who is still active and i'll update it . chilly , i'd love to meet up ,i'll PM you when i have finished this general post . as for dead cover bands, i've never come across any over here , as they never toured they have no profile . if we can't get more than 20 people to go see widespread ( i was at the gov for their 98 tour - about 25 people there :-) then theres no chance for any dead cover bands , sad but true , in fact the fare thee well shows would have been the most publicity they ever had over here in the press apart from Jerry's death
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hi All! I have lived here for 2 years and am yet to meet 1 Aussie deadhead! I have a Stealie on my backpack which i bring to the city every day and haven't heard one thing about it. wild. nfa----> joe g
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Member for

9 years 9 months

we got some heads here in Austria, usually there are five or six inmost every crowd of a rock concert ort Festival here around and i do think there would be enough to fill a bigger hall if.....Bobby and or Phil would make it over here once again - yet i don`t think they`ll do.... sad think cause we got lot`s of older legends and bands to Play Audstria every year
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Based on how cool and groovy most Aussies are I would think the Dead would fit right on in over here! Maybe RatDog will make a triumphant return starting with a week of shows in Sydney! That would be a dream come true for me! You never though, I was lucking enough to see RD play 3 shows in Italy!
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Member for

9 years 6 months

if you are in adelaide get in touch and we can see if we can plug you into our listening and viewing sessions .
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Good morning rockers!!!! As many of you may or may not know, I am a bit of a “1971 Dead fanatic”. I have taken on a slightly ambitious project, documenting all 1971 Dead shows, the end result of which I hope will combine numerous “facts/factoids” about shows with recollections of folks who actually attended Dead shows in 1971. In order to accomplish this, I need the help of the Dead fan community. ALL contributions will be properly and specifically credited. If you attended ANY shows in 1971 and have ANY recollections to share, PLEASE consider participating. Please PM me for details. While of course I’m happy to hear from anybody who attended “classic 71 shows” such as Port Chester, Fillmore East, Harding Theater, Felt Forum, etc., I’m particularly interested in hearing from folks who may have attended lesser known, “out of the way” shows, such as: 1/21/71 Davis 1/22/71 Lane Community College 3/5/71 Oakland 4/14/71 Bucknell 4/18/71 Cortland 6/21/71 Chateau d’Herouville 8/4/71 Terminal Island 10/19/71 Northrop Auditorium 11/11/71 Atlanta 11/17/71 Albuquerque In addition, if ANYBODY out there has “paper ephemera” related to 1971 shows, Please consider participating. I’m looking especially for: Newspaper/print media articles Show posters/handbills Ticket stubs Photographs Thanks in advance to all who participate and contribute! Rock on, Doc Gillespie
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Listen to live GD, from 1970 and 1971 and 1972. Until the final days with Pigpen.
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Lane Community College must certainly have been an experience. Oregon was lovely time of my life, in the early 1980's
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Is there an active, underground GD scene in Auckland or NZ for that matter. Can't seem to find (m)any around; I sometimes pass some by at local markets, titirangi village etc; and have some broad conversations but nothing in the way of a 'fandom'. I'm sure you exist and if you do...ping away!!! Lets start a 'GD appreciation society' in NZ
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Member for

8 years 9 months

Hello :) I'm in melbourne just wondering if there's any Aussie facebook groups or meet ups or ANYTHING? I wish there was a community here like over in the states.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

given that almost no one bothers with email anymore and Facebook has a lot of heads online i have created a closed group for Australian and new zealand heads who want to have a natter and perhaps get together , so far there are 12 of us in a few days, we need to drag in more people , then we can possibly organise some gigs where a bunch of us attend . we are posting up pix and links to bands playing and hope to keep it ticking over daily.So far we have members in Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane .you will need to look up the Bobo Bolinski who lives in Nagasaki ( yeh right ) send him a friend request and your'e in . BTW we have few rules if any , but no arguing about which Aussie rules teams are the best :-)
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Member for

8 years 2 months

Going on 4 years in Sydney now and I have met only a single head who has since returned stateside! This city needs a jam band, anybody want to help me fill the air? Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart! (~);-}
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8 years 1 month

Just got to Sydney about a week ago & came across this thread - sent a request to join the group. I'm living in Darlinghurst, a couple of blocks from Hyde Park - need to find some music & good vibes! I'm from the US - already booked a ticket back there for Delfest this year - but would love insights on where to find good music & kind folks in the area.
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Member for

7 years 6 months

Hi, Im wondering if this facebook group is still going on. Ive been in Melbourne for 12 years. Starving for live GD inspired music and am keen to connect. Peace
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Member for

7 years 6 months

I'm here. I'm an Aussie who lived in the US for 21 years.Been back in Melbourne for a while now. I'm so thirsty for some good live jamband music. do let me know if you come across any. Feel free to PM me
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Any aussie fans keen to sell their Winterland '69 box or Road Trip bonus discs?
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7 years 2 months

I met Liz in Guatemala in 1989. We became fast friends, and she visited me several times in Los Angeles. But we lost touch after I moved from my old place. I am hoping someone on this forum might know how to reach this incredible woman. She sold Guatemalan bracelets at Dead shows for at least a decade, and was known by so many on the tour. I saw footage of her in a Dead documentary awhile back. If anyone knows Lizzie, or how I might find her, please let me know. Her old friend Suzanne Ali in Los Angeles misses her!! Cheers! Suzanne Ali producersuzanne@gmail.com
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Member for

16 years 4 months

A couple of things... Ramblin Roses, Dave Evans From The Band Who Knew Too Much with Luke Plumb from Shooglenifty and a few other choice players, playing Dead/Band Cosmic Country.......Check em out Also the Racoon Club in Plenty Rd Preston, The owner Pricey always has tasty Dead on the House PA and theres a few DHs floating around the Bar, Tell em the Ice Creme Kid sent Ya!!!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

I might go to Australia next year. I'm not even sure if Sidney or Melbourne since I have never been there. I was wondering if any Heads out there on the island can shack me up for a week, maybe in March.My name is Joe. I am a US born male 58 years old. Thank you. My email is Mojocarma7@ yahoo.com
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Member for

5 years 7 months

Meet at the Movies in Australia acted as a great meeting place for people who don't know any other heads, our Australian Deadheads Facebook group grew its numbers by 15% in just a day after the movie as we talked to folks there and told them about our existence.

It would be better to have fewer theaters showing the shows in cities like Melbourne and Sydney as people arranged to meet at one place , at the Astor in Melbourne people arranged to meet there , where they had people dancing along, we were more sedate in Adelaide , there were about 20 people attending each viewing in Perth and Brisbane , have not had any reports from Sydney, as they don't seem to be as much of a community there,people are probably very spread out .

Lack of publicity was an issue , the local cinema in Adelaide did zip to publicize the event , if it can be done again we can try and spread the word on our Australian Deadhead Facebook group and get more to attend by handing out fliers and tacking up posters on bulletin boards.

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Member for

6 years

Hey All - After a crazy period, DEADSET is rocking again. Great gig Saturday at the Mullumbimby Markets (Mullumbimby NSW) with more to come. Based in Northern Rivers NSW Australia - We'd love to come and play for you. Weddings, parties, good vibin' house parties, celebrate being dances/ psychedelic Sundays .... anything. We jam. Please get in touch and follow us on our FB page https://www.facebook.com/Deadsetbandoz/ or visit us at www.deadsetband.com - and of course if you're headed up this way come check us out LIVE! Cause LIVE is the answer! Peace

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Member for

15 years 10 months

We’re about to move our family from North Carolina to Melbourne this summer. Hoping to find like minded folks ready to barbecue and listen to the Dead

I'm in Adelaide originally from Ohio/Colorado. Check out australiandeadheads facebook group if you haven't yet. Not many of us down under, but always a few lurking around.