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  • c_c
    cool beans, tibet dude.
    you will always be the "tibet dude" to me, brother. YOU, are the perfect example of why I love deadheads. thankx for the understanding. In my own little way, I've been giving this Tibet thang A LOT of thought... so for getting into a "discussion" sake, let's start with a little history... bear with me now, I ain't never had too much "good" formal education, I learned the lessons of life on the road and my 1/2 a semester of college was spent on tour. and so some of the exact dates and shit might be off... Tibet was sometimes a separate, independant nation and sometimes a conquered vassal state throughout the time period 1500 years ago and before... that means, like from the start of time, as far as I can know. for most of the earliest times of known human history ("why the fuck is it HIStory and not HERstory" grumbles my old lady) to the early 1700s or so, I gotta say 1700 hundreds, cause i confuse myself if I say yhe 16th century, or is it the 15th?? fuck it, the 1700's the Mongols usually controlled Tibet. Who remembers the classic line in Bill and Ted's EXCELLENT adventure? excuse me Mrs. Old lady, but when did the Mongols rule China?? (I digress) but anyways, there were revolutions, uprisings, invasions, insurrections, general mayhem, assassinations, all of the usual historical misbehavior like everywhere else in the world during those thousand years or so. because of this earliest history, (that we know) one could change the argument to ask is Tibet independent, or part of Mongolia? I talked to some cool folks from Mongolia who have that kind of thinking. so, in like 1705, the Mongols, with the blessings of the Chinese imperial dynasty, invaded Tibet and took it over, deposing the Dalai Llama from back then. as life and HERstory are IRONIC and totally fucked up, another Mongol group then kicked them other Mongols out and took the place over again, and the first group of Mongols asked the Chinese emperor for help kicking out the new dudes who were also Mongols. Meanwhile, nobody really gives a shit about the tibetans. From like 1723 to 1727 (I cheated, I looked that one up) there was civil war in Tibet, and then the Qing emperor installed governors (read: dictators) in Lhaasa. Round this time, seems to me to be when the original disagreement over whether Tibet is a province or not began. this is not a new issue at all, and it only gets more fucked up. Some say that they were provincial governors, some say that they were ambassadors, some might say military dictators... Regardless, there WAS a Chinese military presence there "keeping order". fear of more Mongols, trying to start a buffer, whatever the justifications might have been, Tibet, was under control by an outside power, but, shit, they had been that way already. remember the Mongols. ever since the middle of the 1750s , the folks that replaced the council of ministers has his powers that were, were described differently by the Chinese and the Tibetans. So the disagreement between them about that has been going on for a long, long time... Most folks these days don't know that In 1788 the Nepalese invaded and took over Lhasa, and the Tibetans THEMSELVES asked the Chinese to help kick them rabble rousers out, which the Qing emperor did. Quing, then for the next 100 - 125 years, China basically defined the government and the selection process for officials to politically administer Tibet. who is doing the math?? what year are we up to now?? did that make it a province? A chinese vassal state? Or still an independent nation? I dunno, opinions vary. don't matter, it happened. and now, of course, the imperialistic powers (read dead WHITE people) just had to get involved. What was going on at the end of the 1800's?? well, England had just gotten their ass kicked out of OUR colonies, and they might have been looking round for new folks to tax and not represent, maybe they just liked the Tibet weather? or was it for ALL of the tea in China?? ahhh, who was controlling Singaporte, Hong Kong, etc etc. not to mention those really, bad bad, Opium Wars and the harshness of the Brits in those days. (sorry Badger) So like in 1904, the British invaded Tibet, occupied Lhasa, drove out the Dalia Llama, and made it part of the British empire. (this wasn't no fucking British music invasion with "beatles" this was a "beating" invasion with Brittish soldiers shotting people and hitting them on the head and what the fuck was that thing called, oh yeah, bayonets. After widespread hue and cry, they penned a treaty (which some believe to have been largely propaganda) to permit Tibet to remain autonomous, but nominally under British control. In 1905 the Brits "let" the Dalai Llama return. In the meantime, the Qing emperor in China was pretty alarmed and could not sit still, since China certainly considered Tibet, if not a province, then a very closely allied vassal state. so they invaded back, and kicked out the Brits, over the period of 1908 - 1911. (I looked that one up, too) Lots of stuff happened real, real quickly after that, starting with a treaty between Mongolia and Tibet which was disputed and ending with a British effort to divide Tibet into an autonomous 'Inner Tibet' and an outer province under the rule of China. Folks, keep in mind that the Chinese revolution is still long off, and Mao himself was just a boy. The Chinese government later totally disagreed with this original 'treaty' , since it slyly, ever so slyly, switched a bunch of land to British-controlled India, which pissed them Chinese rulers, and probably the Tibetans in the area, off no end. The Brits actually published books that clearly stated that the treaty was never officially "ratified", but in 1938 they recalled all copies and republished the books, now claiming that the treaties were valid. what's that thang about the winners writing history. oops, sorry, HERstory. What is that shit about the winners (re)writing history? Anyways, China was real busy with problems of their own from 1915 - 1945, like the rise of the RED Communists, overthrow of government, exile on Main Street of the Last Emporer, exporting only bad Chinese recipes, invasion by the Japanese with millions and millions of casualties, the rape of Nanking, etc. The Chinese around this time always said during this period that Tibet was their province, but were never strong enough to invade and take it over again. too busy fighting the Japanese, Manchuquo, and all that was on their agenda. What else was going on between 1914 - 1945?? what else happened, raise your hands please, don't call out in class. Yes, you get a gold star, 2 world wars. Wasn't it the Chinese who invented gunpowder? and they had it used against them by the Brits. gotta keep them high tech secrets secret... oh yeah, I remember, it was western folks who usually get the idears of how to use a technology not for shooting off fireworks, but for shooting people.... (I digress again) meanwhile, the Briish have always supported Tibet being an independent nation based on the 1914 treaty of Simla, but cynical suits claim that has more to do with them illegally seizing Chinese territory for the British empire than any concerns for the Tibetan people.... so, for the past 70 years or so, China has never stopped claiming that Tibet was part of China, and Tibet has always claimed it is an independent nation, independent not only from China, but from Mongolia and the British Empire... China has always been totally paranoid about protecting the inner kingdom from external barbarians. Who built the Grate Wall?? (who got laid on the Grate wWall??!!) In more recent years, since Mao and his crew took over, did the Chinese get more fucking paranoid?? Where is my little red book? they had border skirmishes with the USSR which were never completely or accurately reported by either side; (for the youngins, all of those countries like "Wherethefuckisitstan" were under the Soviet, red rules. Another, modern example was when China atempted to deal an "uppity" Vietnam a border lesson, when Vietnam seemed to be gloating too much about their victory against the good ol'e US of A. -- but China actually ended up taking heavy losses on that one. The Chinese also had a brief war with India (look up these dates yourself, folks, I'm getting sleepy) the war with India was about who owned the highest real estate. All during history, wars have been won according to who owned the high ground. (not who was "high" on the ground) Can't get any higher than Tibet, folks. The Chinese army moved into Tibet without a great deal of world protest in 1950. Shortly thereafter, the Dali Lama went into exile and Tibet has asserted their independance. The question is: but what, these daze are the Tibetans really trying to be independant for?? Devout Tibetans believe their Dalai Lama to be a living, enlightened, vessel of God, or more accurately that Buddha (Hal R, please help me here) himself, chose the incarnation of one of their youth by touching his spirit. Tibetan elders perform rituals until it is beyond a doubt that the proposed child is enlightened and is indeed the Dalai llama. So it is Buddha, who chooses the Dalai llama, BUT (big BUT) not too long ago, as I heard, in what some Chinese scholors consider a brilliant (read: crafty) move, while others consider it to have been totally fucked up and totally fucking stupid, the Chinese attempted to become involved in the dalii lama selection process, explaining that "their" candidate would be chosen as the next Dalai llama based on education, test scores (loud sheesh!!) and of course, his willingness to embrace Mother China. You do not hear too much abouth that kind of totally fucked up shit on frigging CNN. So, what is going on now is not a fucking lame ass protest about democracy, as our good ol'e boy GW would have you believe. it is indeed, in my most humble of Humbolt opinions, a protest that seeking religious freedom from China. So here we are today, and the fact is, China owns Tibet, militarily. Is it the continued paranoia of Maoism that makes it so unbearable for the Chinese government to allow a religious sect to live in their midst? -- (who are the gorrillas??) even when the very leader of the religious sect, has called for only civil disobedience and non-violence lest he quit his post-- though I did see some VDO of robe clad monks kicking shit around, so they, even tehy are not above not following the Dalai Lllama it seems. OR, as I am cynical enough to believe, that VDO was set up and 'fake monks" were in it. A whole bunch of monks, who finally got contact with some 'western' media have claimed they were confined and had nothing to do with and certainly did not support any violence... China could get brownie points from the UN and other countries, if they just let the Dalai lama back into Tibet without punishment or prison of any kind and they would really win world favor, if they allowed the Tibetans to simply be able practice their two thousand years + of Buddhism without having a Chinese implant who did well on fucking tests be declared the next incarnation of the Buddha. (that may have only been a governemnet idea, and it certainly never happened since the current Dali llama is still alive... Sage leaders in China realize that this shit going on in Tibet and the neighboring areas with lots of Tibetan folks might spark more internal revolt all over China for greater freedoms, including and especially religious freedoms... Canceling or boycotting the Olympics would send world peace back into the Cold War era, regarding foreign relations with China. When was it, in 1976 that we didn't go to the olympics because of the Soviet Union. China has greater problems ahead as well regarding religious freedom and violence. Not to mingle issues here agian, but those cock suckers in Al Qaeda has been reported to have established a "beach head" with the millions and millions of Chinese Muslims (and those folks are also pretty bummed out and angry about their own lack of religious freedom) so the whole thang is a fucking pandora's box or jack in the box or whatever, it's an accident waiting to happen. OK, there is a test on Monday. I had one more thing in mind that I wanted to say, which I have totally spaced on... but anyway, HERstory is a fucked up thang, and she does, unfortunately, repeat herself. now where did I put that god damn lighter??!! ( -; love and peace.
  • stuman
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    Hey there Granfalloon ,,no appology needed, now you know,, this site can be a bit confusing sometimes ... it took me a while to figure it out and i am still learning , too don`t feel bad ... but yes one topic in one forum not all over the place, please,,, like i said now you know ,, .... I to would like to see a free tibet and my sympathy for the folks over there,,, they need their peace,, like everyone else ... good luck with your mission !! take care ... peace ....
  • granfallooon
    spams and scams
    i got hit with the ghana scam too. how dumb do they think we are that we'll actually fall for that?! anyway, i'm the "tibet dude" and wanted to apologize for gumming up the works. i was just trying to help out and got a bit carried away. thanks for the advice CCj, i'm still learning my way around the forums and haven't yet figured out how everything works. "Unusual travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God" ... ... the Books of Bokonon
  • c_c
    of course
    of course I was never one to sit still (or follow my own advice) ... so I tried to reply back to the ghana scam spammer; and... isn't it interesting that nelly does 'not' accept private messages. 'nuff said. watch out people. love and peace
  • c_c
    I KNOW you are a fucink spam scammer!
    thanks, iknowyourider; the warning should be more clear for our family. by the by, did EVERYONE get that spam, from the Ghana scam artist? those kind of bullshit things pop up all over, maybe to the 'un-enlightened' they may fall for it. I think a warning somewhere would be appropriate, and a simple, 'use the block this user' would be the advice. EVERYONE knows, right? NEVER NEVER NEVER reply or give ANY personal information over the net. no bank account numbers no birth dates, no social security numbers. never reply to web sites that even resemble your bank's website. NEVER NEVER NEVER, please. do not fall for there tricks. no bank ever asks for that shit online. I have met (unfortunately) some of these scammers in person, and they realy think people are so fucking stupid that sure, here is my personal information, and I am sure the bank in Nigeria (or Ghana, or France, or LA, or wherever) will send me millions of dollars that we can share. scammer assholes, take a look at my fucking passport, you see that my birthday is NOT fucking YESTERDAY!!! ************************************* not to mingle things here, and the tibet dude is NOT the same as the scam artists who sent that bullshit private message, and I certainly respect the Tibet thing and feel for those people, and would love to see a free tibet like everyone else... so, hows about a 'Save Tibet' topic, then that dude who posts his stuff can do so there, for me, on crappy net connections, it is a bit frustrating to have to waste time (and money) sorting through those again and again in each and every thread I try to catch up on. and then, people who wish to 'engage in a discussion' about Tibet will know where to go. naturally, tibet dude, please continue to post that stuff here in this thread since this is an open space, but please, not all over the board, it makes the message annoying to me, rather than feel sympathy or empathy or motivate me to actually 'do' something to 'help' it bums me out. pretty please with sugar on top. hmmm, coming up with a new idear for a game show: 'Name that Spam!!' love and peace. joe
  • iknowurider
    Watch out Dead family
    There's Scammer's running rampant in these parts. Never seen anything like it. PEACE
  • c_c
    damn internet
    damn internet, got logged in, and bumped off before the post could show up... so, I gotta do this fast, this time. I ran into a Korean deadhead dude in my recent travels, and we were talkin, shooting the shit... his English is a little shakey, and my Korean language skills are only good for ordering beer. (ok, I DO have priorities) long story short, he reaches into his back pack, and pulls out a tattered, coffee stained, printed copy of an interview with Garcia, and he had filled the margins in with Hungul trying to translate it / understand it. (he had a bag full of dead related mag issues, and stuff like that) I read through most of the interview, and low and behold, whose name is at the end, copyright by Mary E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, my question is, dear marye, where is the audio tape of that interview, and may I please? pretty please with sugar on top, get a copy?? or, is it possible for you to upload it onto some server of audio files so EVERYONE can enjoy it? like archive dot org?? pretty please with sugar on top!!! next week in Bangers the net should be more steady. I would love to 'hear' Jerry in that interview. if I tell you I am going deaf, (true, but who isn't after dancing in front of the WALL on numerous tours?) would it motivate you to put it on the net sooner? love and peace.
  • IslandMyk
    Significant others...
    When I first met my girlfriend (well, she wasn't my girlfriend yet, but you get the idea), she inquired about the SYF sticker on the back of my car. I told her what it represented and her response was something akin to "Oh. That's nice." Her preferred music at the time ran toward Eminem and Metallica, both of which represent areas of music which, as much as I've tried, I just don't get. Fast-forward to today, when we're at home in the evening and have Sirius radio on. From the corner of my eye, I have seen her quietly rocking out to Sugar Magnolia on more than one occasion, told me that Jerry's rendition of Lazy River Road is beautiful, and can identify the Dead from anything else playing. All this to say, if your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, partner, paramour or concubine doesn't dig the music, just give them a little time. Everyone comes around sooner or later. Mike "Goodbye, Mama and Papa, Goodbye, Jack and Jill The grass ain't greener, the wine ain't sweeter, Either side of the hill"
  • TigerLilly
    Hey Joe
    Had just been wondering where you'd gotten too. Grate to see you again!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • c_c
    thanks folks
    thanks folks. looks like next week I will be heading back to the big bad city of Bangkok to sort some thangs out and hustle up some more cash from ex-pat yuppie suits. incidentally, marye, there are 3 seasons. getting HOT! and GRTUD, you want your 'rug' back??!! I thought you gave up wearing that rag of a toupee long ago. (yuk yuk yuk) ( -: Happy Easter to all!! love and peace.
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17 years 4 months
an open space.
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17 years 3 months

one basic scam, there are many variations, on the manufacturers of 'real' goods works like this, POLO or somebody contracts a sweat shop in SEA or China to make 1,000,000 shirts. they get paid for that. Polo gets their 1,000,000 shirts. Ralph Lauren or his heirs sit around and count their money. meanwhile, in reality, 2,000,000 shirts are made and the extra million go into the black market. plenty more hustles and scams where that came from. peace.
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16 years 11 months

somehow it is true life is like that go to one store they want 20.00dollar .walk awayeehmm cheap!!!go into next they want6.00.i buy it fake real supporting another country.i really dont give a shit ihave to live they have to live.this went on befor i was born it will go on after im dead unless our earth dies before me.ahh, just reminded me THINK GREEN.please,all of a sunden we care about the earth.we are all taking part in destroying oneway or another.if it survives for the next 7 generations.i'll amaze me.we have always had toxic pollutions,the price/fight over fucken oops oil no ones goona be able to drive .so why all this talk?im confused...heed help..professional and otherwise.hee,hee.oh and if we all do our part we"ll save the earth?i think not i am not more powerful than mother earth.and i have a great respect but ive polluted her.with lots of man made how do we reshape this?im getting way tierd.......oh my forgive my b' attitude
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17 years 3 months

Good words heathaafeathaa! By the way I think that if you are the only user online (like me now) you should be granted special powerw There are currently 1 user and 30 guests online. Online users * cosmicbadger yeeehah All online users
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16 years 11 months

i say its the late night half brain dead.yah when i signed out last night ther were quit a few gust.and just you and i .its partly cause its my only time w/out being interupted.and it actually relaxes me befor going to bed.but on the spelling note i cant spell when im wide awake or half a sleep.hee ,hee. oh my daughter thanks you for the link,she turned her freinds onto it.and get this her teacher."shes now in full debate w/what they learned in school on some of that..oh my.. i love it!!! peace
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All Recent posts Members Who's onlineThere are currently 9 users and 233 guests online. Online users DeadicatedBozo BusCC JoeMarshungdclayphilphreekdstacheGreg MacfarlanemoosilaukeAll online users 9 users?? I've been clean for 23 years. ( -;
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16 years 11 months

YUP,SPECIAL SPELLING POWERS would help.HOW ABOUT POSTING POWERS WHEN you post somthing andyou re read it and you kick yourself in the ass...wishing you didnt post it..or how boutretreving them from cyber soace cause ya really wrote somthing good and it gets lost .then you try like heck to write it ove cant remembe.on my part.ha ha.okay badger so you dont get them tonight well neither do i ,9 people on 91guest.thats pretty going to sleep early.and ccjoe 23yrs clean is great!!!im working on 6.this post kills me look at how it is written oh my..golden slumbers is calling me. peace
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17 years 3 months

I was the only user for a short time tonight, My special power would be to have the key to the vault and open it for everyone. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 3 months

Yes I am the only USER (ha ha CCJoe) here again. My special power is to swap everyone's user name around and then try and guess who is who from how and what they write. How about it about some anarchic fun?
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17 years 3 months

please listen more carefully, I said granted SPECIAL powers not Stephanie Powers.
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17 years 3 months

Heathaafeathaa. Glad to hear your daughter is having fun with her new wisdom! Its so great when they get all excited about stuff. Thanks for reminding me, was a long time ago. My son is 25 now.
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17 years 3 months

I'd prefer Stefanie Powers! 9 out of 10 mad scientists agree. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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17 years 3 months

"That's where the fun is; Way Out!" The Dude Abides!
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17 years 3 months

I get Stefanie Powers! Yeah, baby! The Dude Abides!
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17 years 3 months

or was it Austin Powers you wanted?
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17 years 3 months

CB, I can't see your post but I'll check back later (for some reason none of the embeds are displaying at the moment). I'd actually love to shag Elizabeth Hurley rotten! I am absolutely in love with her since "Austin Powers..." and the movie, "Bedazzled". She was absolutely fabulous in those devil costumes! Too bad she turned out to be a Fembot. Bummer, man. I like to see girls of that... caliber!
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17 years 3 months

Thanks CB! CCJoe, those were too funny, as well. Scott, I want you to meet daddy's nemesis, Austin Powers.
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17 years 3 months

Yeah, baby!
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17 years 3 months

Stepford Wives anyone?? truth is stranger than fiction! how long do you reckon before there is a whole genre of porn starring these 'real' fembots? there is no limit to the depravity of human imagination... sheesh! ( -;
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17 years 4 months

Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later? I never forget a pussy... cat.
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17 years 3 months

can mean many things including1: a strong coarse tobacco that has been shredded 2: a matted tangle of hair or fiber; "the dog's woolly shag" 3: a fabric with long coarse nap; "he bought a shag rug" 4: British slang terms for ‘intimate relations’ (a la Austin Powers) 5: a lively dance step consisting of hopping on each foot in turn 6: A bird of the cormorant family 7 to chase after and retrieve (baseballs hit in batting practice) 8 a haircut, short in front and longer in back, with multiple layers cut so as to produce a stylishly unkempt look This provides endless opportunities for fun. Some years ago I was driving to the college where I was a lecturer, the morning after a big storm. On the way I noticed a large black bird sat about 30 yards from the road in a freshly ploughed (plowed?) field. I stopped to have a closer look and saw to my amazement that the bird was a shag (a large bird normally found at sea) that had obviously been blown inland by the storm and had landed, exhausted in the mud. I walked out into the field to rescue it. The shag was too tired to fly, but tried to run away from me. In chasing it around the field I soon became covered in in sticky clay mud. When I finally captured it (taking care to avoid its large sharp beak) I put it into a large cardboard box. I drove on, by now very late for my first class, parked, picked up the box and my bag and ran to the lecture room. The students were all waiting patiently as I rushed in, leaving a trail of muddy footprints, put the box with the bird in it on the desk, and gleefully announced: ‘Sorry I’m late everybody, I had to stop for a shag in a muddy field!’ There was a shocked silence and few nervous laughs and quizzical stares. I savoured the moment for as long as I could before opening the box, to reveal the gratefully rescued seabird! Note: Later I took the shag to a wildlife rescue centre where it was fed lots of fish and soon released back into the wild where it still lives today, telling its disbelieving buddies about the day it went to college.
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17 years 3 months

is it me or do the fembots mouths not match up with their words, just like the godzilla movies??? nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 2 months

I agree with you gypsy soul like a bad godzilla movie :)
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17 years 3 months

yeah, I do not think they got the timing 'just exactly perfect' one of those two robot Japanese babes says something to the effect of "please do not say or do anything that may be 'sexual harrassment' " the voices are really annoying, like the "put on" voices that Japanese department store elevator girls are forced to use. or the recorded announcements in department stores... trust me, they do NOT talk like that in real life. hey badger, did you smoke "fags" in the UK??
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17 years 4 months

While shagging some fly balls at my college athletic facility years ago, I witnessed as a shag was struck by a baseball and nearly killed. My teammates and I picked the creature up and carried it to the vehicle of our captain, who was also an instructor at the school. As the bird lay dazed on the shag carpet of the college lecturer's panel van's floor (shaggin' wagon) we attempted to calm our nerves by smoking some freshly rolled shag. Within a few moments, the shag began to reclaim it's faculties and attempted to stand but due to the lingering shock, it began to shag around hysterically, which caught the attention of a stray shaggy dog passing nearby. The dog bolted towards the bird unbeknownst to most of our group with the exception of a rather shy lad named Karl, who sported a '70's style shag haircut. I hadn't noticed the impending tragedy due to my attention being distracted by the attractive beauty of a collegian, named Vanessa Kensington. God she was beautiful! I'm sure she could shag like a minx! As I drifted off in the blissful lust of an afternoon daydream, my reality was shattered by the sound of high pitched human screams, deep bestial groans and the sound of clawing against the enamored sheet metal of the van's floor and walls. Wow, I was shagging Vanessa rotten! Dreams do come true! I've often wondered how that fucking bird got away from that mangy dog. Oh, well. All's well that end's well... All right guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism.
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17 years 3 months

cosmicbadger and GRTUD Well you are certainly keeping me amused. If I say it doesn't take much for that to happen don't be insulted. These synapses never had a problem with boredom. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 3 months

maybe you should move to Carolina, Professor Devotion: SHAGGING'S A CAROLINA DUTY AND PLEASURE Published: September 10, 1989 To the Editor: Roy Attaway writes (''Shagging,'' Op-Ed, Aug. 18): ''Last April, I was in Columbia and was informed by the chamber of commerce - facetiously? - that the shag is now the state dance of South Carolina.'' For the record, the General Assembly of South Carolina designated the shag the official dance of South Carolina by Act 329 of 1984. The 1989 South Carolina legislative manual states: ''The shag, one of the great developments of terpsichorean culture and native to this state, is performed to music known as rhythm and blues.'' We Charlestonians have mixed emotions, as we (with a little help from Myrtle Beach) invented not only the shag but also another dance of some small renown - the Charleston. I read Roy Attaway's article on Sunday morning in Hilton Head, where the preceding night the South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association had its annual convention dance. A large number of trial lawyers and half the state's judiciary spent Saturday evening confirming the wisdom of the General Assembly by doing the shag! ROBERT N. ROSEN Charleston, S.C., Aug. 21, 1989 The writer is the author of ''A Short History of Charleston.' This kind of stuff never fails to have us simple minded Brits rolling around on the floor in hysterics
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17 years 3 months

Sitting in Mangrove Valley chasing lightbeamsEverything wanders from baby to Z Baby, baby, pretty, young on Tuesday Old like a rum drinking demon at tea Baby, baby, tell me what's the matter Why, why tell me, what's your why now? Tell me why will you never come home? Tell me what's your reason if you got a good one Everywhere I go The people all know Everyone's doin' that shag Take my line go fishing for a Tuesday Maybe take my supper, eat it down by the sea Gave my baby twenty, forty good reasons Couldn't find any better ones in the morning at three Rain gonna come but the rain gonna go, you know Stepping off sharply from the rank and file Awful cold and dark like a dungeon Maybe get a little bit darker 'fore the day Hipsters, tripsters, real cool chicks, sir, everyone's doin' that shag You needn't gild the lily, offer jewels to the sunset No one is watching or standing in your shoes Wash your lonely feet in the river in the morning Everything promised is delivered to you Don't neglect to pick up what your share is All the winter birds are winging home now Hey Love, go and look around you Nothing out there you haven't seen before now But you can wade in the water and never get wet if you keep on doin' that shag One eyed jacks and the deuces are wild The aces are crawling up and down your sleeve Come back here, Baby Louise, and tell me the name of the game that you play Is it all fall down? Is it all go under? Is it all fall down, down, down Is it all go under? Everywhere I go the people all know everybody's doin' that shag Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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17 years 3 months

It is one thing to indulge in tasteless, testosterone-driven, innuendo-laden, low-brow word play It is QUITE ANOTHER to adulterate the sacred words of Mr Hunter Apologise now or Santa Claus will not be passing YOUR way this year
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17 years 2 months

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17 years 3 months

Happy Halloween to you and happy hunting too! aaaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Werewolves of London aaaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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17 years 3 months

When I was in high school we had a new foreign exchange student from Australia, in class one day she asked another student if she could "borrow his rubber". She was asking for what we call an eraser but for us a rubber was a condom. She didn't even realize what she had said, poor girl, the whole class was in stitches. Then when someone told her what a rubber was and to watch the shocked look on her face as it registered, well the whole class was almost on the floor laughing. She was able to let it just fly off of her after her initial shock and made a quick entry into being a part of the school with this introduction that everyone heard about. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Adulterate - Shag... very funny: ) And you called me, "Low Brow"? That's no way to get "a head" in the world. Try not to get "a head" of yourself. Happy Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day (Day of the Dead) to everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and safe night of Trick or Treating. We had a beautiful and nearly half moon illuminating the local festivities which included some very scary ghouls and goblins demanding Tricks or Treats. My wife insisted I provide the later so I dressed up like a slightly deranged suburbanite and shelved my true prankster self for another year. She has promised that when the sacred night falls on a night I'm off from work, I can pursue the event with no restraint. Maybe I'll take off next year and get "a head" start. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

When I was in school, there was an older teacher that would always refer to rain boots as, "rubbers" and, being the sophisticated students to which badger has made reference (at least in my situation), we would howl with laughter. I still chuckle when I think about those times and your story brought back that memory for me. Thanks! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Its study right now and were supposed to be working and doing our homework, but i did it all and I didnt take my meds tonight. (ADD) I also have the giggles. everything is making me laugh. maybe the dining hall drugged the turkey that was for dinner.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

the rumor I heard was that Jerry wanted to be on the 'Ace Freehley' side of the stage and Phil, playing bass, should be on the Gene Simmons side since Jerry was a big KISS fan back in the 70's... believe it if you need it. yuk yuk yuk. ( - ;
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Member for

17 years 3 months

do not adjust your sets, for some reason I can not post in the false alarm thread. trying to put this here, now... peace.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

please make your guesses for Round 20 back in the real False Alarm thread, not here. Pretty please with sugar on top please post them in the other thread. I finally could post the vid there. I guess the original network resumed programming. thankx.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Hey now! I came across a sealed vinyl copy of Keith and Donna's album they made in 1975 which I frankly did not know existed. Can anyone shed some light as to the quality of the album as the asking price is pretty high. It looks like it would be a pretty good album, but how come the Dead have not released it on CD? Thanks in advance for the help on this one.. The Estimated Prophet
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Member for

17 years 3 months

these the tracks? River Deep, Mountain High (Barry / Greenwich / Spector) Sweet Baby (Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) Woman Make You (Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) When You Start To Move (Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) Showboat (lyrics: Brian Godchaux / music: Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) My Love For You (Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) Farewell Jack (lyrics: Brian Godchaux / music: Keith Godchaux / Donna Godchaux) Who Was John (Traditional) Every Song I Sing (Donna Godchaux / Keith Godchaux) jerry played guitar and did some backing or lead vocals as well, if memory serves... I used to have a tape of this, I liked it. how much is a sealed record worth?? who really can say.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Buy it, its surprisingly good, with a lot of Garcia in it too. For real completists it includes, according to Blair Jackson, Garcia's longest ever studio slide solo! (on the wonderful 'Every Song I Sing') Used to play it a lot, but my old vinyl copy is scratched to hell now; if you don't like it let me know and I might just buy it off you! Would be nice to see it re-released on CD, maybe bundled with some of the Keith and Donna Band with Garcia live material from '75 . You can download some shows in MP3 on
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17 years 3 months

the cool kids in school are online now!! Who's online There are currently 2 users and 64 guests online. Online users cosmicbadgerCC Joe
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17 years 3 months

Hey, what about me?