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  • grateful daddy
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    Last night the news, NJ 12 which reports mostly on the southern part of NJ, was reporting on a principal or vice principal who was arrested for dealing drugs in school. At least thats what I thought they said, or perhaps it was stealing. Good God, where do they find these people.
  • iknowurider
    Pilled out VP
    Well, that sounds worse than it did this morning. It's IS Strange how things unfold..... That is a great line stellablue, thanks :-)
  • GratefulGigi
    Default Avatar
    OK maybe the parents & kids should know..
    since he was arrested for allegedly stealing prescription medications that belonged to students. What a Vice Principal! What a world we live in!!
  • TigerLilly
    Bizarre and nasty
    If you ask me. As you said perfectly-Gigi, a person is innocent until proven guilty. Also such a "crime" is not exactly something that needs to cause such a hooplah as calling all of the parents, or telling the students. Is creating a huge deal, where may be none.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • grateful daddy
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    That is a little bizarre, to say the least. My kids schools have had this system in place for over a year now. It's used to contact parents in the event of an emergency, early closing, and snow days or unannounced closings. So far it seems to work ok. But anouncements like that, you know its gonna get stranger, so lets get on with the show, lets go.; )
  • iknowurider
    Emergency .....
    Gossip, you calld Gigi, I think that's a waste. An alert for TRUE emergencies sounds like a pretty good idea, but this is more like a party line kind of thing. Why even say anything to the kids? This school yr will be over way before the guy goes to trial, or whatever they plan to do with him. Who knows what's going on with the VP, but I'm sending some Positive Beams his way, he must feel really Low about now. Maybe Positive is not the right word...
  • GratefulGigi
    Default Avatar
    Heres something strange....
    My daughters High School just got this system to make calls to everyone in the school system when there is an school closing early or something like that anyway this morning I just got the first call from the school, telling us that our Vice principal was arrested for a controlled substaince without a perscription!! OMG is that what the calls are for.. gossip! I thought a person was innocent until proven guilty...they also said that they are telling all the kids in school today. What are they kidding me!! What do you think?? Is that a good idea??
  • Hal R
    It's Phil Time
    Have a Grate one Gr8fulTed, this is one hot band. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
    I wish I were (going to be) there but I'm on the other coast... have a grate time and be sure to post some pics along with a report. I'm excited that the summer touring season is underway! Take care! "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
  • Gr8fulTed
    24 hours to Phil and Friends
    ain't got time to take no fast train...Looking forward to Phil's band tomorrow and Friday at the Fillmore. Anyone in deadnetland gonna be there ? I'll have some photos to post afterward. Gosh, I think he might do Mustang Sally in honor of Wilson Pickett!!
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17 years 1 month
an open space.
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17 years 1 month

that's REALLY weird. I have no idea. But the comment is restored.
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17 years 1 month

"That's just because you think they make you look sexy" "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 1 month

Me And Tiger Lilly Busted out of Barcelona riding on a train Feeling nearly faded as her dress Tiger Lilly ate some paella just before the rain Farted all the way to Fi-guer-es Well I took my old cassette from my dirty sack Playin' slow while Lilly sang the blues Stinky farts keeping time Holding Lilly's spirit in mine We finallly sang near every song that we knew The Board's just another place to think about The Scene The Board can cheer you up -- if you know what I mean The internet is easy Lord, when there ain't no tour The Board is good enough for me Good enough for me and Tiger Lilly With the kind, grateful folks; rapin' here is fun Lilly shared the secrets of my soul Standing right beside me Lord in everything I done Lilly's spirit kept me from the cold Nowhere never on this Board, I'll let her slip her away Looking for memories I hope we'll find And I'll trade all my straight friends for a single head To be sharing Lilly's spirit, oh so KIND The Board's just another place to think about The Scene The Board can cheer you up -- if you know what I mean The Internet is easy Lord, when there ain't no tour The Board is good enough for me Good enough for me and Tiger Lilly
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17 years 1 month

those ever popular Tiger Lilly Pulitzer Sweat Pants - Que Fi fi!!! "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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16 years 8 months

a nice lyrical compositon and TL should be proud...enjoyed it stay safe and feel good! >><<<< :>
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17 years

great work eoJCC. Kross Kristifferson will be proud of you! btw had a brief PM from TL yesterday (about vining issues). She's still out there...just
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17 years

Oh Joe-have not been so touched in a LONG time! Is one of my all-time fave songs (Janice version) and have been wallowing in her brilliant Pearl album lately, as a matter of fact. She can express bewildered pain, while wanting to be happy and fine, like nobody else out there, I think. You rock Joe, as does this forum, as do all our friends here!!!!! Kind and clever and funny and compassionate-is special. Know this even more now. Had an electronic "missadventure" with a MSN messenger address that I pasted wrong, thought was my sister; which turned out to be some pervert in Perth. Was writing to my "sister" last Sunday, wondering why she was so monosyllabic, when out of nowhere were foul and disgusting images on my screen. I said "Sabrina, what the hell are you doing?" to which came back "I am not Sabrina, I am Steve in Perth, do you know where that is?" I freaked out and blocked him. Point of the anecdote, there are some scary freaks out there that we can stumble across, but here is safe. Joe-as an expression of my appreciation, if you send me an e mail address in a p.m., I will send you an attachment that is a parody of a Zappa song that I wrote a couple of years ago. Is about Bush, and am rather proud of it, if I do say so myself. :-) But enough about that, before I start to sound too much like ....... Thanks Joe! ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years

Had posted about 10 minutes ago, and seems to have vanished.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

17 years

can you perhaps dig it up somewhere? Would be hard to repeat.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

17 years 1 month

some of the cool kids in class are here now: Who's online There are currently 6 users and 58 guests online. Online users cosmicbadger eojCC Deadicated TigerLilly yamadog Sunshine-daydre... by the by, folks, what might help the posts from vanishing is to 'preview comment' them first, then post it. that works for me.
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17 years 1 month

was in the Spam basket, TL. It's back now!
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17 years

damn! was long, which I would have realized had I previewed, as has been suggested. Was just kinda' swept away!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 1 month

thanks, TL. be careful out there.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

and there was my old lady worried you'd be offended by the paella farting thang. personally, I will break my arm patting myself on the back about the faded 'dress' and 'Figueres' rhyme. love and peace.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Hey everyone. been away for a while on a whatcha macalit the thing writers go on when they write. anyway the site was blocked by my parent's spy programs or it was my school's. so what did I miss? anything important?
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17 years 1 month

kid, if you only knew... if you only knew what you have been missing. please read back, and you will catch up. We will have a test on Thursday to make sure you have done your reviewing properly. peace.
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17 years

Are not so delicate as to be offended by such things as bodily functions, but sweet of your wife to be concerned. I am used to much worse from friends-so NO PROBLEMO!!!!!!!!!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

17 years

so glad that eoJJoe was able to tempt you out of your sad place with his flatulent ode! I'm off to Turkmnistan tomorrow early for 2 weeks work on an environmental idea what to expect..its a very mysterious place spanning the northern borders of Afghanistan and Iran (!) , but they have just started allowing the internet there so will try to send a bulletin. Of course I will be taking plenty of GOGD on the iPod (Just got a tasty copy of 5/16/72 Luxembourg).
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17 years 1 month

safe travels, badger, when you travel to Whereverthefuckitisistan. peace.
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17 years 1 month

k have the same lumbar thing you do, plus the same or worse in my neck. sitting is a bitch and i do it for a living. for me, heat works the best. along w/some meddies of course(easy now!!) if you can get the wife to give you a nice rub down now and again, that too should help. hope ya feel better soon. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 1 month

k have the same lumbar thing you do, plus the same or worse in my neck. sitting is a bitch and i do it for a living. for me, heat works the best. along w/some meddies of course(easy now!!) if you can get the wife to give you a nice rub down now and again, that too should help. hope ya feel better soon. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 1 month

k have the same lumbar thing you do, plus the same or worse in my neck. sitting is a bitch and i do it for a living. for me, heat works the best. along w/some meddies of course(easy now!!) if you can get the wife to give you a nice rub down now and again, that too should help. hope ya feel better soon. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 1 month

i have the same lumbar thing you do, plus the same or worse in my neck. sitting is a bitch and i do it for a living. for me, heat works the best. along w/some meddies of course(easy now!!) if you can get the wife to give you a nice rub down now and again, that too should help. hope ya feel better soon. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years

Gypsy Soul had the Sunshine Daydream syndrome! Multiple posts. :-)********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Thanks, Izzie and Marye for all of your amazing work in this forum! I'm really not sure where to post this question, so here goes: Izzie, or anybody, do you know of any plans in the Dead organization to change the way Grateful Dead apparel and other products are made? Everything I look at seems to be made in China. I wanted to buy a Grateful Dead shirt the other day, but could not justify it… does anyone else find it odd that official Grateful Dead products seem to be made with no concern for social impact? I can invest in socially responsible mutual funds, but I can’t buy a Fair-Trade, sustainably produced T-Shirt from my favorite band? I'd love to hear what others think... Chris
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17 years 1 month

lilly, I thought gypsy soul was just making sure the message got through my thick head! ( -:
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17 years 1 month

it seemed like my post wasn't going thru right, so natch i just kept hittin' ENTER!!!! hey, it was monday after all!!! claney, i haven't looked lately, but are the LIQUID BLUE brand shirts made in china too???? you have a good and valid point and i'm glad you brought it to my attention. liquid blue do some nice shirts, but i never checked to see where they are made. haven't bought one in many years, since i do my own dyeing. nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 8 months

a test eh, Joe? Thank you you have made lucky number seven. I have seven tests on thursday. The cosmos are against me on thursdays. oh well. (sigh) :P
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17 years 1 month

yes, and on this test all answers must be submitted in the form of a question.
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17 years 1 month

The 12 Daze of Christmas On the first day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: a blotter hit of L-S -D On the second day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Third day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Fourth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Fifth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Sixth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Six hacks a sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Seventh day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Seven cheese-sandwiches a grilling Six hacks a sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Eighth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Eight busses a-running Seven cheese-sandwiches a-grilling Six hacks a-sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Ninth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Nine tie-dyes dyeing Eight busses a-running Seven cheese-sandwiches a-grilling Six hacks a-sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Tenth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Ten tapes playing Nine tie-dyes dyeing Eight busses a-running Seven cheese-sandwiches a-grilling Six hacks a-sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Elevnth day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Eleven buds for smoking Ten tapes playing Nine tie-dyes dyeing Eight busses a-running Seven cheese-sandwiches a-grilling Six hacks a-sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D On the Twelfh day of Christmas a deadhead gave to me: Twelve heads smiling Eleven buds for smoking Ten tapes playing Nine tie-dyes dyeing Eight busses a-running Seven cheese-sandwiches a-grilling Six hacks a-sacking FIVE MIRACLE TICKETS Four dancing hippies 3 Tofu Turkeys 2 veggie burritos and a blotter hit of L-S -D
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16 years 8 months

New name eh CC? Very nice.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

old name, kid. I got plenty of them, more aliases and appellations than I can remember. aka (also known as) is my middle name. just for fun, click on my profile and check out my 'full name' peace.
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17 years 1 month

If you think CCj is Latino you oughta see his wife's name! "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years

At least he seems to be on the way to recovery, better that the inverted backwards eoJCCthat we were dealing with. Or that he was dealing with. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 1 month

thanks, Hal, getting better, but still not quite myself. ( -; things should improve once I get to the tropics next month. deadicated, if you remember my old lady's name, please tell me. I totally spaced on it many years back, lucky she hasn't noticed I have forgotten, and answers to 'yo, dude' yuk yuk yuk peace.
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16 years 11 months

200g moong dal or red lentils1/4 teaspoon tumeric salt 900ml water 1 tsp cumin seeds 2-inch chunk of ginger, grated 1-2 green chillies, chopped (seeded if you prefer) 1-2 BIG handfuls chopped coriander/cilantro 3 tablespoons ghee/oil ****************** *Boil lentils with tumeric and salt. I find that for an authentic Indian flavour, some salt is essential, although I rarely use the huge amounts I find in recipe books. 1 tsp is about right for this. No salt is OK and quite edible but kind of bland. *Briskly whisk lentils when cooked so it all becomes a porridge. Alternatively, you could try whiskly brisking them. *Heat oil over mdeium high flame/heat. *When oil is sufficiently hot, fry cumin seeds for about 10 seconds. Then throw in the ginger and chillies; fry for another 30 seconds. *Enjoy the smells! *Fold the whole lot into the lentils and gently mix. *Throw in the coriander. *Serve *Eat ******** I often add chopped spuds or eggplant to make a heftier meal. I love eating out in Indian joints, but find the dal is ridiculously over-priced and too often too greasy and salty. Much more betterer to make it at home.
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17 years 1 month

Gypsy Soul Twenty 7, Xmas eve, with the full moon over town Gypsy Soul sang to Oroboros while wearing a big frown Do ya know she sang to him what do you make of that 'Cause Oroboros is a slick guy who ain't even a bit fat Oh joe, oh joe, tell me where is the bowl You ate all the cereal that was bought for Gypsy Soul Gypsy Soul is a mad woman, don't wanna eat no bread Joe go buy more Trix, and fill up the bowl deadicated, deadicated oh sweet deadicated D How the hell can I stop him, when he's twice as fat as me Well don't ask me Trix Are For Kids, I don't feel so fine Not only that, another thing, I GOT NO LYME Oh joe, deadic said, just give me one You ate all her cereal now she's gonna see you hung He waded to the market through Count Chocula's blood Stepped up to Gypsy Soul in the aisle, said give me a bowl full, love As Gypsy Soul lit a cigarette, she made some calls Blew the smoke in his face, dragged him out by the balls Oh joe, oh joe, we'll see you hang high You ate all my cer-e-al and now I've got to DYE She went a-walking down on Shakedown Street Three piece band on the corner played G - R - T - U - D But we ate some different cereal, what cereal could it be The cereal that woman ate was bought by Tiger Lilly The cereal that woman ate was bought by Tiger Lilly ( -; ** * * * * * 'dude, do the words quit while you are ahead mean anything to you' mutters cc joe's old lady
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17 years 1 month

maybe people know gypsysoul makes tie dyes, hence the reference to I've got to dye. but perhaps few people know one of her fav movies is Goodfellas, and she especially loves the line Jimmy Conway (Bobby DeNiro) said, 'I got no lyme!' maye and izzie, please substitute your names in the last 2 lines for your private versions and for the folks who were not mentioned, sorry, but do you realize how hard it is to rhyme something with 'cosmic badger' or 'hal R' ?? ' mom ' 'iknowurider' etc. etc. ( -;
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16 years 8 months

As long as you continue blessing us with your wordy nuggets we won't take offense.
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17 years 1 month

thanks.I think I was pushing the envelope a bit with gypsysoul's song... tough one to get everything to fit, not really 'just exactly perfect' a few beers later, it seemed OK ( -; the other thing, was, I think all of the folks mentioned in gypsysoul's song (except for tiger lilly) were all active participants in the wild, wild west days of the original forum; so we have all been together and through quite a bit back in those days... (not mentioning any specifics, though!!) ( -;
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17 years

cadger n.Synonyms: cadge, beg, bum1, mooch, panhandle1 These verbs mean to ask for or obtain by charity: cadged a meal; begging for change; bum a ride; mooching food; homeless people forced to panhandle. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 1 month

hal R rhymes with: bar par far car star mar tar jar ( -; unless, of course, you are from Baaahston. peace.
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16 years 11 months

CCj i love your poems :)
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17 years 1 month

... how about, "Dark Hal R"? "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 1 month

after this one - You can badger last dollah, ... "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 1 month

as I have numerous long, unpleasant plane rides coming up... I might just work on that Dark HalR but HEY! I'm sorry, BUT it is YOUR idea, amigo. I challenge you to do it! Lo siento, pero... ¡Que tengas suerte!
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Dark Hal R Hal R mashes Burning peels into ashes Tots of 'taters Chives and sour creme but it misses Butter lasting Melts into crevices of illusion Shall we try, you and I, potatoes from a can? With the famine or windfall of harvest Skin washers Eating them will make you fatter Arteries clogging To cholosterol levels rising Deadicated Procedes into farts in my eye Shall we try, you and I, potatoes from a can? With the famine or windfall of harvest ouch!! sorry Hal R.